Map of the Philippine Islands. Philippines map in Russian

The Republic of the Philippines is a state in Southeast Asia. This country has a rich and interesting history. Moreover, today the Philippines is a popular tourist destination. Thousands of travelers from all over the world come here every year. In this publication we will talk about what the Republic of the Philippines is (the subtleties of tourism, destinations and attractions, history, photos).

Philippine Islands

The Republic of the Philippines consists of islands. There are more than 7,000 of them in total. All are included in the Malay Archipelago. The state is washed on three sides by the Philippine, Celebes and South China seas.

  • Luzon is the largest island on which the Republic of the Philippines is located. The capital (city of Manila) of the state is located in its southern part. In addition, the most populated Philippine city, Quezon, is located on the island of Luzon.
  • Mindanao is a popular tourist destination. The island is located in the south of the Philippine state. Its coastline is heavily indented. Mindanao is home to a variety of bays and peninsulas.
  • Samar is a large island in the central region of the Philippine archipelago. The majority of its population is Visayas.
  • Negros is a mountainous island located in the central regions of the Philippines. It is washed by 3 seas: Visayan, Sibuyan and Sulu.
  • Palawan is a large island in the western Philippine archipelago. The province of the same name is located on its territory.
  • The bulk of the indigenous population of the archipelago are Aeta-Australoid tribes. Today, this group of peoples live in the eastern parts of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines.
  • The first European to enter the lands of the archipelago was Ferdinand Magellan. The great discoverer died in an internecine war in the Philippine Islands in 1521.
  • During the Middle Ages, the kingdom of Tondo was formed on the island of Luzon.
  • The islands of the Manila archipelago were named the Philippines in honor of Philip II, King of Spain.
  • In the middle of the 18th century, these territories were subject to English colonization.
  • At the end of the 19th century, the Philippines came under the control of the United States under the Treaty of Paris.
  • Emilio Aguinaldo is a prominent politician. Led the Philippine War of Independence. The first president of the state.
  • During World War II, the territory of the archipelago was occupied by Japanese troops. In 1945, the lands were liberated by American troops.
  • The Philippines gained complete independence from the United States only after the end of World War II. At this time, the country was led by Manuel Rojas.

Philippine Republic today

The current political and economic situation of the Republic of the Philippines is unstable. On the one hand, the country has a fairly developed agriculture, the products of which make up the majority of exports. In addition, the state is open to foreign investors. But, on the other hand, the Philippine Islands have poorly developed infrastructure and heavy industry. By its type, the country belongs to the group of agrarian-industrial ones.

The political situation in the country is also not stable. The state is periodically shaken by uprisings of Trotskyists and Maoists. In addition, there is the problem of Muslim separatism.

Republic of the Philippines: how to get there

The Philippines is considered a lost state among the seas and oceans. The state is located on thousands of islands. It is often very difficult to explain to an ordinary person, especially a child, where the Republic of the Philippines is located. The state is located in the vast Pacific Ocean in the southeastern part of Asia. The Philippines neighbors countries such as Indonesia and Taiwan.

So, how to get to the islands of the Malay Archipelago?

The only way to get to the amazing Philippines is by plane. There are flights here from Kyiv, Moscow and Minsk. However, the cheapest services are provided by European and Korean airlines.

There are several international airports located on the territory of the state. The largest of them are located in Manila (the capital of the country), Davao, and Cebu.

Tourism in the Philippines

Tourism is a fairly developed sector in the Philippine economy. Thousands of travelers from all over the world come here every year. Most of them are visitors from Japan, the USA and South Korea.

Let's look at the popular types of tourism in the Republic of the Philippines.

  • Beach holidays are what hundreds of travelers come here for every year. Particularly popular areas are Boracay Island (located in the central part of the archipelago) and the coast of La Union (on the island of Luzon).
  • Ecotourism. The Republic of the Philippines has many parks and reserves. Today, various tours and programs are held here that are aimed at attracting travelers from all over the world.
  • Recreational diving. This is especially developed in bays such as Subic Bay and Coron.
  • Mountain climbing. The Philippines has excellent conditions for active recreation. The country's territory is predominantly mountainous, so thousands of tourists come here just to climb to the highest points of the islands.
  • Kiteboarding.
  • Parasailing.

Republic of the Philippines attractions

There are many interesting places in the country that are worthy of the attention of tourists. The landscapes and nature of the Philippine islands amaze with their beauty. In addition, there are historical places and monuments worth seeing, interesting museums, parks, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular attractions in the Philippines.

Boracay Island

This island is rightfully considered the most popular tourist center in the Philippines. The resort infrastructure is well developed here.

White Beach is the main beach of Boracay. It is ranked among the best holiday destinations in the world. Warm water, fine white sand, and a wide variety of restaurants and nightlife along the coast are what attract travelers from all over the world. In addition, the island has excellent conditions for kiteboarding and windsurfing.

There are many interesting natural attractions here. Willie's Stone is the most recognizable and popular object on the island. It is a volcanic formation of an unusual shape.

Volcano Mayon

This amazing volcano is located on the largest island of the archipelago. Mayon is rightfully considered the most beautiful volcano in the world. What is surprising is that it has a perfectly regular conical shape, which is a rare phenomenon in nature. Mayon, together with the surrounding areas, is part of the national reserve. It is important to note that the volcano is still active.

Chocolate Mountains

The Republic of the Philippines, photos of the natural beauty of which are presented below, is famous for its amazing mountains. This is a land of peaks strewn with greenery and touching the clouds. Here you can endlessly admire the beauty of the surrounding nature.

However, the most amazing and unique mountains are located on the island of Bohol. They were called "chocolate hills". In spring and autumn, the mountain tops are covered with greenery. During the dry season in summer, the grass dries out and the hills look like chocolate truffles.

Puerto Princesa National Park

The national park is located on the island of Palawan, not far from its capital. This place is considered one of the 7 wonders of nature. The main attraction of the park is the underground Puerto Princesa River. It flows towards the South China Sea. The uniqueness of this river is that on its way it passes through cave labyrinths.

Every year hundreds of tourists come to the island of Palawan to see this natural wonder with their own eyes. In the National Park you can book a river excursion. In addition, all tourists have a unique opportunity to go on an unusual journey through the jungle of the island. On the way from the city of Puerto Princesa to Sabang, you can see all the features of this area.

The national park on the island of Palawan is the most interesting attraction in the Philippines. It is located on the Saint Paul mountain range. During the excursion, every tourist will be able to climb one of the peaks of Palawan, independently explore the mysterious Lion Gate and Daylight Hole caves, or simply admire the amazing local flora and fauna.

El Nido Nature Reserve

Puerto Princesa National Park is not the only attraction in Palawan. In its northwestern part is the El Nido Nature Reserve. This is a unique ecosystem with unusual flora and fauna, as well as amazing geological formations. This reserve is rightfully considered the pearl of the Republic of the Philippines. The protected area includes 45 islands. Most of El Nido's territory is maritime.

The reserve is considered unique, since its flora and fauna in its species diversity is close to that of the island of Borneo, and not the rest of the Philippine archipelago.

Tourism in El Nido began to develop relatively recently, but its scale today is almost as large as the famous Thai island of Phi Phi.

Village of Din Ivid

Din Iwid is an amazingly beautiful village located on the island of Borocay. Here tourists can not only relax on the beautiful sandy beach, but also get to know the locals better.

3 things to do in Din Ivid:

  • stroll through the streets of the village;
  • talk to local residents;
  • try Filipino cuisine.

Tarsier Research Center

Another unique and interesting attraction of the Republic of the Philippines is the Tarsier Research Center. It is located on the island of Bohol, in the central part of the archipelago. Here you can look at tarsiers - cute animals with huge eyes. On the island of Bohol they live in natural conditions. Here the animals do whatever they want. They can even leave the protected area. The administration of the Tarsier Research Center monitors the number of primates, feeds and treats these cute animals.

Only a small part of its territory is open to visitors to the reserve. However, here you can see these amazing primates and even take pictures with them.

Manila Bay

The Republic of the Philippines, whose attractions will not leave any traveler indifferent, is famous not only for its beautiful beaches and natural reserves, but also for its harbors. Manila Bay is located on the western coast. This is one of the most beautiful natural harbors in all of Southeast Asia. At the entrance to Manila Bay is the unusual island of Corregidor.

Today this harbor is of great economic importance to the Republic of the Philippines.

Taal Volcano

Not far from the capital of the Republic of the Philippines is Taal. It is considered one of the smallest active volcanoes in the world. Today, despite the danger of this place, Taal is a popular tourist site. From its top there is a beautiful view of the nearby islands and lakes.

Kawasan Falls

In the dense tropical forest on the island of Cebu, the amazingly beautiful three-stage Kawasan Falls is located. The water here is crystal clear, in some places it takes on an unusual turquoise color. This place will definitely appeal to lovers of exotic and extreme holidays. Before seeing the beautiful Kawasan Falls, tourists will have to make their way through the wild jungle. Here everyone can fully enjoy the world of wild nature. The burning sun, humid air, tall ferns and huge palm trees - all this will leave an unforgettable impression.

Other interesting sights of the Philippines

  • Philippine butterfly farm on Panglao Island. Here you can see the most unique and beautiful breeds of butterflies.
  • Magellan's Cross. This monument was placed on the island of Cebu by a Spanish-Portuguese expedition in the first half of the 16th century on the orders of Ferdinand Magellan.
  • Taoist temple in Cebu. The building was erected in the mid-20th century at the request of the Chinese diaspora in the Philippine Islands. The temple is located on one of the peaks of the capital of the island of Cebu. The building is an amazingly beautiful example of traditional Chinese architecture. A long staircase of 81 steps leads to the temple.
  • The Basilica del Santo Nino is the oldest Catholic shrine on the islands of the Philippine archipelago. It was built in the 16th century in the city of Cebu.
  • Fort San Pedro in Cebu is a former military defense complex. It was erected at the beginning of the 16th century by order of the Spanish conquistador Legazpi.

The Philippine Islands are an archipelago of volcanic origin. The territory is a mountainous terrain. Huge underwater ridges protrude above the surface of the ocean, forming land. There are many islands on the world map. Despite the presence of a large number of active volcanoes, the Philippines is a resort area with a safe holiday.

The Philippine Islands on the world map are located in the Pacific Ocean. Located in its western part, they cover an area of ​​1800 square meters from north to south. km, and from west to east - about 1100 km. In their northern part is the island of Taiwan, and in the south is Indonesia.

There are more than 7 thousand islands in the archipelago. Many of them are small and not even given names. The area of ​​the Philippines covers 300 thousand square meters. km. The total length of the coast is 36,290 km. On the southern side is the Sulawesi Sea. To the northwest is the South China Sea, and to the northeast is the Philippine Sea.

The islands of Luzon and Mindanao are the largest. They make up 2/3 of the entire landmass, together occupying 200 thousand square meters. km. Samar, Panay, Leyte, Cebu are somewhat smaller. But the smallest ones, of which there are several thousand, have an area of ​​less than 2.6 km.

History of the Philippines

The discovery of the Philippines by Europeans dates back to 1551. It was accomplished by Ferdinand Magellan. Since the expedition was organized by the Spaniards, the traveler declared this territory Spanish property. The tribes inhabiting the island were constantly at odds with each other. Having taken part in one of the skirmishes, siding with the leader Sabu, Magellan was killed.

In 1553, the island was visited by the Spaniard Rai Lopez de Villalobos, who gave the place the name Philippines. In 1565, the Spanish expedition of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi began occupying the islands. And by 1571, the entire territory, except the Sulu Archipelago, became Spanish.

This continued until the 19th century. When the American War of Liberation broke out, the Philippines supported it. Through joint efforts the Spaniards were defeated. The country became independent. However, the American government did not want to give up Philippine territory. Having concluded a deal with Spain, it bought the Philippines from them.

The Filipinos' desire for independence has borne fruit. America recognized this. As a result, in 1935, Manuel Quesson became president. In 1942, Japan invaded and seized power in the country. It was only in 1946, with the help of America, that the Philippines finally became a completely independent power.

Features of the Philippine Islands

The Philippine Islands on the world map are an area where many mountain ranges are located. If their average height is 1800 m, then the highest points are: Apo - 2954 m and Pulog - 2934 m. There are also active volcanoes that periodically show their activity.

The last eruptions were observed in 1991 and 1993. Thanks to the presence of 18 volcanoes that can resume their activity at any time, the Philippines is included in the “Ring of Fire”. Their formation took place several tens of millions of years ago, when tectonic plates were moving towards Asia or Australia.

The Cordillera stretches in the northern part of the island of Luzon. Here are the rice terraces, which are called the eighth wonder of the world. The fields were created manually more than 2 thousand years ago. They are located on the slopes of the mountains and stretch to a height of up to 1.5 thousand meters. The developed irrigation system allows them to be watered with rainwater.

The Philippines ranks 12th in the world in terms of population. The number of people living here is 103 million. If we take the density indicator, it reaches 338 people/sq. km.

95% of the population are Austronesian peoples:

  1. Visayas. Numbering 32 million.
  2. Tagalogs. They live in the central part. The number is 22 million.
  3. Iloki. Third largest nation. Their main place of residence is the northern part of the island of Luzon.
  4. Cebuanos. Their settlement is located in the south of the country.

Mixed groups make up 5%. Among them, mestizo stands out. Negritos are a separate group. It was formed from the first representatives that appeared in the Philippines many years ago.

The country has 2 official languages:

  1. English. Appeared when the territory was a colony of America.
  2. Philippine.

Many other languages ​​are spoken on the island. This happens because the Philippines was a colonial power for a long time. Here you can hear conversations in Spanish, Chinese or Arabic.


The Philippine Islands on the world map are located in an area close to the equator. Even in winter the weather is warm. However, sometimes it rains and even typhoons occur.

A characteristic feature of the Philippines is the presence of 3 seasons, information about which is indicated in the table:

Season Characteristic Temperature and percentage humidity
From December to February The northeast monsoon brings dryness and relative cold. There is no precipitation.
From March to May Heat period. Occasionally there are rains, which are replaced by sun
  • During the day +34°;
  • At night +25°;
  • Water temperature +28°;
  • Humidity – 80%.
From June to November Refers to the rainy season. Showers are observed daily. Due to the high humidity, the heat is very difficult to bear
  • During the day + 32°;
  • Humidity 100%.

Typhoons are a real disaster for the Philippines. They last from 2 to 5 days, causing serious damage to residents.

Not only property suffers, sometimes a typhoon also claims human lives. In some cases, after passing through the island, it goes into the ocean. At times it turns towards the central part of the archipelago.

Based on the amount of precipitation, the territory is divided into 4 zones indicated in the table:

Zone location Rain time
The island of Mindanao is the eastern part and the islands of Samar and Luzon are the northeastern territories. It rains all year round and occasionally there are typhoons.
The islands of Luzon, Palawan, Negros and Mindoro, their western sides. From June to November is the rainy season.
The islands of Luzon, Bohol and Leyte are their eastern part. The central territory of the island of Mindanao and the islands located in the southwestern part Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the season.
The islands of Negros, Panaya, Cebu, Mindoro, their eastern sides and the west of the island of Mindanao It rains from May to October.

The table shows weather changes by month:

Month Characteristic
March It is a transition month towards rainy weather. This is especially true for the eastern part. Average temperature +34°
April The rains are ending and the heat is setting in.
May Hot month. Water temperature +30°.
June Humidity is 100%. It rains continuously. The temperature rises even in the shade to +35°
July Rains begin throughout the archipelago. There is so much water that entire villages are being flooded.
August The rainy season continues. Typhoons happen
September The rains are subsiding.
October Off-season period. Rarely falling rains alternate with sunny weather
November Water temperature +30°. There are few rainy days
December Refers to the cold month. The temperature is 27-29°. Little rain, no typhoons
January The coldest month. It rains for no more than 15-30 minutes. Temperature +25°
February The weather is good.


On the world map, the Philippine Islands are located in a zone where the heat gives way to heavy rains. Therefore, it is necessary to take with you clothes made of natural fabric, a hat and glasses to protect your eyes from the sun. For cool weather, you should have jeans, a light jacket and sneakers in your wardrobe.

Since the island has a lot of vegetation, you should take mosquito repellent with you. They will be especially needed during the rainy season. All documents and money are placed in a plastic bag so that they do not get wet during bad weather.

During free time, there is music and bars throughout the area. Filipinos love to sing and dance. They will be happy to keep anyone company. There are casinos and gaming halls for gambling tourists.

In addition, there are other entertainment:

Sights of the Philippines

While in the Philippines, you should definitely visit the local attractions. Each of the islands has its own unique features. Some are distinguished by their unique nature, others by their beautiful beaches or expanses of water where surfing competitions take place. There are small areas of land with a large concentration of volcanoes.

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills are located on the island of Bohol. Externally, they have a cone-shaped shape. Their number is more than 1500 pieces. The area they occupy is 50 square meters. km. Their height ranges from 30 to 120 m. At different times of the year, the surface changes color. It can be brown or green. That's why this name came about.

The reasons for their appearance are not fully understood, but it is clear that they are not the creation of human hands.

Scientists are developing 3 most likely versions:

  1. Volcanic origin.
  2. The formations originated in ancient times, when the land was under water.
  3. Coral deposits that have risen up due to soil erosion.

Puerto Princesa Underground River

Flows through the island of Palawan. Its length is 8 km. This is the longest underground river in the world. She enters a cave, the dome of which is 65 m high and 140 m wide.

One of the main attractions of the Philippine Islands is the underground Puerto Princesa River on the island of Palawan.

Tourists are allowed to travel by boat no more than 2 km. It is prohibited to continue driving further for safety reasons. For 2 km there is enough air, since the cave has openings in some places.

Mount Apo (volcano)

The crater of the country's highest point is 500 m. There is a lake here. Despite the fact that the volcano is potentially active, the mountain attracts the attention of rock climbers and mountaineers. There is a park here with an area of ​​55 thousand hectares.

There are 3 types of forests on its territory:

  • tropical;
  • mid-mountain forest;
  • alpine forest.

A distinctive feature of the territories is the presence of a large number of bird species. Among them, the world's largest Philippine eagle stands out.

Fort Santiago (Manila)

Located in the city of Intramuros. The walls of the structure were reconstructed in 1980, after the destruction received as a result of World War II. They rise to a height of 6.7 m. Their thickness is 2.4 m.

At one time, the fortress was built by Raja Suleiman. This was the local Muslim ruler. In 1570 it was conquered by the Spaniards, who converted it into a fort. Currently it is a museum. It contains a cell where Jose Rizal, who was a famous Filipino figure, was kept for a long time.

Magellan's Tomb and Lapu-Lapu Monument

The monuments are located on Mactan Island. They are located next to each other. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the leader of the Lapu-lapu tribe at one time killed Magellan. However, the local population pays tribute to both individuals. Magellan - for being the discoverer of the place, and Lapu-lapu - for the fact that he fought against the colonization of the islands.

Here in the 16th century a park was created where both relics were installed.

Tours to the Philippines

Holidays in the Philippines are provided by a number of tour operators. These places attract lovers of active recreation. Here you can not only relax on the beach, but also visit natural bays, play golf or wander around exotic places.

Biblio Globus

This operator selects a program in accordance with desires and budget.

The following tours are offered:

Place Stay time Price of a trip for two in rubles
Cebu Island 12 nights 128941
Luzon Island 12 nights 219017


The tour operator provides travel packages to the islands:

The company has been operating since 2005. Offices are located in a number of cities with a single database of tours:

Despite the numerous number of resorts, the Philippine Islands constantly attract tourists. On the world map they are located in such a way that conditions allow the development of not only plant life, but also the unique animal world inhabiting water spaces.

Those who want to visit the resort islands not only enjoy a beach holiday, but also actively spend time enjoying the nature of the territory.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Philippine Islands

Heaven on Earth: Philippine Islands:

In the Pacific Ocean east of Indonesia between Taiwan and Malaysia is a large complex of islands - the Philippines. In the north of the island it is washed by the Bashi Strait, in the south by the Balabak and Alis Straits. In the west, the waters of the Pacific Ocean are diluted with the South China Sea, in the east there are clear ocean expanses. The islands are numerous (the number reaches 7100) and are divided into three main groups. Northern, with the central island of Luzon. Central Visayan (main group, includes 6,000 islands). Southern Mindanao. All islands are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire and are of volcanic origin.

Philippines on the world map

The capital of the Philippines is Manila with a population of over one and a half million people. It is second in size to the large Philippine city of Quezon City; its population has crossed the 2.5 million mark. 138 settlements have city status. Of these, 38 are independent administrative units along with the provinces. Of which there are 80 in the Philippines. The most populous islands are Luzon, Mindanao, Samar, Negros, Mindoro, Panay, Palawan. If you would like to go on an excursion to the Philippines with a guide, then feel free to contact the “CEBU PRESTIGE TOURS AND TRAVEL” website.

The climate zone prevailing in the Philippines is tropical, with monsoon influence. When moving south it changes to subequatorial. Philippine seasonality depends on the Pacific winds. Summer characterized by storms, high humidity and heat due to the southern monsoons. Winter is not uniform. On the northern shores of Luzon, Samar and Leyte, the abundant rainfall brought by the Northeast Monsoon is almost completely drained, leaving the rest of the islands drier. The heat lasts from March to May, then gives way to rain from June to September and dry coolness is present from October to February.

Map of the Philippines in Russian

Water resources
The river flows of the island rivers of the Philippines are of short length. The longest is Mindanao, only 550 km. Some of the larger ones include Cagayan, Chico, Abra, Pampanya, Bicol and Agusan. The underground Puerto Princesa River, which runs through the caves of the island of Palawan, fascinates tourists. It is considered one of the wonders of the world. There are also lakes in the Philippines. The largest of them are Laguna de Bai, Taal, Lanao and Bulual.

Nature and sights
The Philippines is famous for its beaches and volcanoes. The most attractive unique places can be considered: Chocolate Hills on the island of Bohol, Mayon Volcano, Taal Volcano (the smallest volcano on the planet), Tubbataha Reef. Many waterfalls, mountain peaks, and coral reefs fill the Philippines with beautiful views and unforgettable exoticism. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

brief information

The Philippines is considered a special country in Asia. Indeed, even the dishes there are not as spicy as in other Asian countries. In addition, the Philippines was greatly influenced by European colonists. Therefore, the Philippines, which consists of many islands, can be considered an amazing Asian country with beautiful nature, waterfalls, ancient attractions and snow-white beaches.

Geography of the Philippines

The island nation of the Philippines is located in the western Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia. To the north across the strait is Taiwan, to the west across the South China Sea is Vietnam, and to the south lie the islands of Indonesia. The total area of ​​this country is 299,764 square meters. km

The Philippines consists of more than 7,100 islands, the largest of which are Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Most of the Philippine Islands are covered with dense forests. The largest local peak is Mount Apo, whose height reaches 2,954 meters, located on the island of Mindanao. Earthquakes often occur in the Philippine Islands, but they are not felt because... too weak.

The longest river in the Philippines is the Cagayan River, which is 505 km long. Cagayan, flows through the northern part of the island of Luzon.


Manila is the capital of the Philippines. More than 1.8 million people now live in this city.

Official language of the Philippines

The Philippines has three official languages: Pilipino, which belongs to the Austronesian language family, English and Spanish.


More than 90% of the Philippines population is Christian (mostly Catholic), while the remaining 10% are Muslim.

Government of the Philippines

According to the current Constitution, the Philippines is a presidential republic. Its head is the President, elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years.

The bicameral parliament in the Philippines is called Congress, it consists of the Senate (24 senators, elected for 6 years) and the House of Representatives (240 deputies, elected for 3 years).

Administratively, the Philippines is divided into 17 regions and 80 provinces.

Climate and weather

The climate is tropical, hot and humid. The hottest months are from March to May. The rainy season begins in June and lasts until the end of October (typhoons are possible during this time). The coldest month is February (average air temperature +21C), and the hottest month is May (+36C).

The best time to visit the Philippines is from November to April. At this time there is very little precipitation, and the air and sea are very warm.

Sea in the Philippines

The Philippines is washed by the Philippine Sea, which is part of the Pacific Ocean. The total length of the coast of all the Philippine islands is 36,289 km. Thus, the Philippine sea coast is the longest in the world.

The diving season in the Philippines runs from early November to late May. The peak diving season is from March to May.

Rivers and lakes

There are more than 45 rivers in the Philippines. The longest of them is Cagayan, its length reaches 505 km. Cagayan, flows through the northern part of the island of Luzon.

Philippine culture

Spanish and American colonial customs had a great influence on the culture of the Philippines. It was thanks to the Spaniards that the tradition of fiesta and carnivals took root in the Philippines.

Every January, Manila hosts the largest festival in the Philippines - the Day of the Black Nazarene. On this day (which is January 9), several hundred thousand people take to the streets of Manila.

Tourists in the Philippines will be interested in seeing the Mango Festival, Aurora Festival, Ati-Atiha Festival, Pineapple Festival, Lantern Festival and many others.

All Philippine festivals are accompanied by colorful music, dance and theatrical performances. Most of the participants in these festivals take part in traditional national costumes.


Philippine cuisine has been influenced by Chinese, Malay, Spanish and even American culinary traditions. Philippine cuisine is not as well known to Europeans as, for example, Vietnamese, Thai or Chinese dishes. Philippine cuisine differs from other Asian cuisines in that it is not as spicy. Although, of course, Filipinos also like to add spices to their dishes.

Spices (garlic, onion, ginger) are needed by Filipinos to add flavor to their dishes. As in other Asian countries, the staple food in the Philippines is rice, as well as fish and seafood.

  1. Adobo – stew (chicken or pork) with garlic in soy sauce;
  2. Pansit – rice noodles with chicken, pork or shrimp along with vegetables;
  3. Tinola – chicken soup with ginger;
  4. Sinigang – spicy soup with pork, chicken, fish or shrimp;
  5. Lengua – fried beef tongue in savory sauce;
  6. Calamares – fried shrimp/squid;
  7. Kare-kare – beef stewed over low heat;
  8. Bopis – spicy pork tripe.

Traditional soft drinks in the Philippines - “Sago"t Gulaman” - a sweet drink made from lemon balm, coconut juice, a sweet drink “Taho”.

Sights of the Philippines

There are some very interesting sights to see in the Philippines. Thus, on the island of Mindanao in the city of Davao there is a unique Apo National Park and a large orchid farm. On the same island, tourists can visit the medieval Spanish port of Pilar and several other natural parks. On Sulu Island you can visit local villages built right on the water.

On the island of Cebu there is a very old Spanish fort, built in the mid-16th century, as well as several medieval churches.

Some attractions of the Philippines are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - the city of Vigan, the Puerto Princesa Underground River, the rice terraces in the Philippine Cordillera, the St. Augustine Church in Manila, the Miag-ao Church on Iloilo Island, the Paoya Church, the Santa Maria Church, Tubbataha Reefs National Park.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in the Philippines are Quezson City, Caloocan, Davao, Cebu, Zamboanga, Antipolo and the capital, Manila.

The Philippines is known throughout the world for its fantastic sandy beaches. The infrastructure on most beaches is well developed, offering excellent opportunities for active recreation, including diving. By the way, some of the Philippine diving centers meet all international standards.

Top 10 best beaches in the Philippines:

  1. Boracay Island. The length of the beach on this island reaches 5 km, the sand is white and fine. Considered one of the best beaches in the world.
  2. Pagudpud. There can be strong winds here, making Pagudpud a great surfing spot. Compared to Boracay, Pagudpud is considered more secluded and quiet.
  3. Mactan Island. This island not only has beautiful beaches, but also a fun nightlife. Suitable for tourists who want to do more than just sunbathe on snow-white beaches.
  4. Panglao Island. Do you love diving? Then Panglao Island is just for you. A quiet, secluded island surrounded by coral reefs.
  5. Camiguin. This beach is considered the “Garden of Eden”. The beach is located near a beautiful waterfall, as well as hot and cold springs.
  6. Dakak. This is a private beach, its length reaches 750 m. On the beach there are waterfalls and sources of spring water.
  7. Honda Bay Islands. These islands are located in the southwestern province of Palawan. Considered an excellent place for diving.
  8. El Nido. This island is located in the province of Palawan. El Nido is a quiet, secluded place with snow-white beaches.
  9. Pearl Farm. The resort is located in the south of the country near the city of Davao. Considered one of the largest Philippine resorts.
  10. Siargao. This beach is considered another popular diving spot in the Philippines.


From the Philippines, tourists usually bring handicrafts, baskets, purses, wallets, rugs, local hand-embroidered clothing, sarongs, scarves, musical instruments (such as bamboo flutes), figurines, hammocks, traditional Filipino knives, hats, Filipino delicacies (mango, for example, is best wrapped in a napkin to keep the fruit fresh).

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-15:00

The shops:
Mon-Fri: 10:00-20:00
Shopping centers are open until 21:00 or 22:00.


Detailed map of the Philippines in Russian online. Satellite map of the Philippines with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. The Philippines on the world map is a huge island state that includes more than 7,000 islands and is washed by the waters of the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The capital of the Philippines is the city of Manila. The official languages ​​are Spanish, English and Tagalog.

Philippines - Wikipedia:

Population of the Philippines- 100,981,437 people. (2015)
Capital of the Philippines- Manila
Largest cities in the Philippines- Manila, Quezon City, Davao, Cebu
Philippines dialing code - 63
Internet domains of the Philippines- .ph

Climate of the Philippine Islands marine tropical and subequatorial with three seasons. In summer and early autumn, the average air temperature is +22...+32 C, in winter and spring it is much hotter - +35...+39 C. In general, the average annual temperature in the Philippine Islands is +25...+27. In mountainous regions, drops to sub-zero temperatures and even frosts sometimes occur.

In the Philippines many cities and small towns, each of which is unique and inimitable in its own way. Manila, for example, being a huge multimillion-dollar metropolis, contains many attractions and architectural structures of the colonial era. Those wishing to get to know the local culture, customs and traditions of the local population better should go to Batan Islands, which are distinguished by their cultural heritage and pristine nature.

Tourists can go on excursions to local villages and learn about the way of life of the people. Another remarkable city - Vivan, which has been called an architectural treasure trove with preserved 17th-century atmosphere and Spanish-style buildings.

Holidays in the Philippines- thanks to excellent weather conditions, natural resources, Philippines is a country with a fairly well-developed tourism infrastructure. The Philippines offers tourists a large number of resorts and various forms of tourist recreation: beach holidays on snow-white beaches, excursions, hiking, horseback riding and cycling, extreme sports, as well as surfing and diving.

What to see in the Philippines:

Manila Cathedral, Cebu Taoist Temple, Gilded Mosque, Lon Wa Buddhist Temple, Philippine Cultural Center, Davao Japanese Museum, Boracay Shell Museum, Cebu Magellan's Cross, Fort Santiago, Quezon National Park, Puerto Butterfly Garden -Princess, Isabela Nature Reserve on the island of Luzon, El Nido Nature Reserve - Taytay on the island of Palawan, Lake Balinsasayo on the island of Negros, Mount Alcon on the island of Mindoro, Aquarium in Manila, Loboc River on the island of Bohol, Cagban Beach on the island of Boracay.