Virtuosos vocal studio. Reviews of virtuoso music schools

My wife has long wanted to sign up for vocals, and I have wanted to learn to play the guitar. Our choice settled on this school. Probably because it's close to home. So the teachers there are competent, they know their job. Good base on directions. I noticed the effect after the first lessons. We have been at this school for 4 months now and have no complaints. And what complaints can there be if teachers respond to any question and help you master the tools. Indeed, virtuosos of their craft. Glad we chose these guys.

I was alone at school in a lesson with teacher Valentina Pridvorova, and my impression was negative. The classes took place in a small, cramped room with low ceilings. I asked in advance for classes in another room, but they treated this with disdain, saying why I couldn’t practice here and that I needed to get used to rehearsing even in basements. They called me capricious. But I don’t feel comfortable practicing in such conditions; after being in this room I felt sick. Yes, and my grandmother said that it was too small...

Since our child great desire play a musical instrument, and I really like the melodies of the violin, we decided to enroll in courses at the “Virtuosi” music school. I called in advance and found out the cost of services. In our case, we took advantage of courses that consist of 24 lessons, held 2 times a week. I would like to note right away that the teacher Tatyana Vladimirovna Molchanova, a rather friendly person, has excellent skills musical instrument, easily finds common...

Since childhood I dreamed of playing the guitar, but it all ended only with strumming in the yard with friends. Several years ago I came to a regular music school (No. 35, the one on Kozhuvskaya), but studied for only a month and quit. Somehow it didn't work out. And I had already forgotten about my dream, but I accidentally found out about private school"Virtuosi" and decided to try again. I've been doing it for a year now. Thanks to my teacher, I believed in myself and my strengths, I realized that approaching students is 80% of success. Now I understand what real...

If you are reading these lines, it means you want to receive music training. After all, music is a multifaceted language of emotions and an indispensable key to human soul. Have you always dreamed of playing chords with ease or captivating people with the sounds of your voice? musical notation and smoothly move your fingers across the keys? Then you have come to the right address!
The private music school “Virtuosi” is perfect for all those who want to become a musician, regardless of age and level of training. After all, music training depends only on your perseverance and desire, and our teachers will help with the rest.

The principle of our work:

  • individual approach to each student
  • use of the most effective methods teaching music, both classical and modern
  • organization of a personal lesson schedule for each student
  • the opportunity to study in a studio, at the student’s or teacher’s home
  • only the best music teachers

Our private music school offers music training for children and adults, your age and musical training doesn't matter. The course of lessons is selected individually, after a free test of your musical abilities.
Our school offers a flexible payment system for music lessons and the best prices! You can also purchase tools from us at a discount, and we will be happy to help you choose.
We care about our students, so we regularly organize concerts and demonstrations, and also cooperate with recording studios and the media.

Come learn music for children and adults and choose courses for yourself and your children at the most attractive prices only from the best teachers in Moscow!

My wife has long wanted to sign up for vocals, and I have wanted to learn to play the guitar. Our choice settled on this school. Probably because it's close to home. So the teachers there are competent, they know their job. Good base on directions. I noticed the effect after the first lessons. We have been at this school for 4 months now and have no complaints. And what complaints can there be if teachers respond to any question and help you master the tools. Indeed, virtuosos of their craft. Glad we chose these guys.

I was alone at school in a lesson with teacher Valentina Pridvorova, and my impression was negative. The classes took place in a small, cramped room with low ceilings. I asked in advance for classes in another room, but they treated this with disdain, saying why I couldn’t practice here and that I needed to get used to rehearsing even in basements. They called me capricious. But I don’t feel comfortable practicing in such conditions; after being in this room I felt sick. Yes, and my grandmother said that it was too small...

Since our child has a great desire to play a musical instrument, and I really like the melodies of the violin, we decided to enroll in courses at the Virtuosi music school. I called in advance and found out the cost of services. In our case, we took advantage of courses that consist of 24 lessons, held 2 times a week. I would like to note right away that the teacher Tatyana Vladimirovna Molchanova is a rather friendly person, she herself has excellent skills in a musical instrument, she easily finds a common...

Since childhood I dreamed of playing the guitar, but it all ended only with strumming in the yard with friends. Several years ago I came to a regular music school (No. 35, the one on Kozhuvskaya), but studied for only a month and quit. Somehow it didn't work out. And I had already forgotten about my dream, but by chance I found out about the private school “Virtuosi”, and decided to try again. I've been doing it for a year now. Thanks to my teacher, I believed in myself and my strengths, I realized that approaching students is 80% of success. Now I understand what real...