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Today we'll talk about where and how to earn dollars. Judging by the questions received, in view of the very strong and even stronger , many are now seriously thinking about the possibilities of converting their income into hard currency: dollars or euros. But at the same time, people do not know where to earn dollars; some of them believe that in the conditions of Russia or Ukraine this is generally something unrealistic.

However, this is a big misconception: there are opportunities for earning money in foreign currency, you just need to know them, study them, try them, and it is likely that soon you will completely switch to earning money in dollars or euros, which means that no devaluation will be scary for you.

At a time of worsening financial crisis, which we are all now witnessing, people who receive income in hard currency are much less susceptible to its harmful influence than those who earn rubles or hryvnia. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to join precisely such people, and look for opportunities to earn dollars or euros.

Today I will tell you about the most common options for earning money in foreign currency, and you can see which one is best for you. In the article I will provide links to other publications in which certain methods of earning money are described in more detail, so follow them to find out the details. So, where to make dollars.

Method 1. Earn dollars on traditional work abroad. Probably the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is traditional. You can go to work in another country and earn dollars or euros.

For example, dollars can be earned primarily in the USA, but not only: there are some other countries where the main currency is the dollar, for example, Panama, Ecuador, El Salvador. In addition, certain companies pay for their work in dollars, as a global currency, regardless of what country they are located in (for example, crewing companies pay seafarers in dollars, etc.). As for euros, you can earn them by going to work in one of the countries of the European Union, which is also quite popular now.

The most popular areas of activity for migrant workers are construction, Agriculture, shipping, light and food industry, catering, household.

Working abroad is fraught with many nuances, especially if we're talking about about illegal earnings, which are now very popular. In any case, it certainly cannot be called the easy way earn dollars. You will need to fully dedicate your labor and time, move (even temporarily) to another country, in many cases you will have to act as a “cheap work force" However, this method of earning in foreign currency uses great amount of people. For example, the number of labor migrants from Ukraine is estimated at 4.5-5 million people, and 3/4 of them work abroad illegally.

Working abroad, you can earn an average of 1000-10000 dollars per month. But, of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, and therefore we will consider other ways to earn dollars.

Method 2. Earn dollars by working remotely for foreign companies.– is also a very common phenomenon nowadays. Moreover, in this case it is not necessary to be a freelancer, performing work for different customers: you can enter into a contract with a foreign company and work exclusively for it.

This option is suitable for representatives of certain professions: first of all, IT specialists, web developers, web designers, translators, etc. For example, I personally knew a person who worked remotely as a financial director for a large European company while in Ukraine. This is beneficial for foreign companies, since the labor of our specialists is paid much cheaper than the labor of similar quality specialists from European countries or the United States. And our people also benefit, since they can earn much more from such work than working for domestic companies.

Therefore, if you are thinking about where to earn dollars, be sure to consider this option. Of course, for this you need to know English well and be a professional in your field. You can search for remote work vacancies abroad on foreign employment portals and freelance exchanges.

In this way, you can earn 500-1000 dollars a month or more, depending on how you manage to get a job.

Method 3. Earn dollars on the Internet. There are a huge variety of options here. Now I’m talking specifically about active earnings - that is, earning money through your labor and time, which does not require investments, or when investments are not fundamental.

Firstly, this is freelancing. The same, and not only foreign, but also domestic, for which payments are made in dollars. The difference is that you can earn more on foreign freelance exchanges, but the competition there is higher, and there are certain difficulties (the same knowledge of the language, for example). Domestic ones are simpler and more accessible in this regard.

In addition, an experienced freelancer can look for clients without going through the exchanges, for example, on specialized forums or through his own website, setting the price for his work in dollars.

Emma Kairova

translator, editor

Excursions around Moscow

While traveling around Europe, my friend and I went on many excursions. Having returned to Moscow and having studied the market, we came to the conclusion that quality excursions around Moscow are English language very little, but the demand exists. Having first worked as guides and understood the market, we organized the WalkswithFolks company, which provides walking tours around Moscow.

Earnings greatly depend on the season. The cost of an excursion per person is approximately 100–115 dollars: the price includes fees for visiting museums and attractions, as well as guide services - you can get about 50 dollars per person. Considering that from January to March the number of tourists to Moscow from English speaking countries is greatly reduced, it is impossible to count on guaranteed income.

Western tourists explore international travel platforms - Tripadvisor, Lonely Planet etc. We try to be placed on well-known English-language resources and, thanks to reviews, rise higher in the ratings. In the future, we are considering the possibility of directly contacting foreign tour operators.

Offshore programming

I've been programming all my life. For many years he was the chief programmer and then the IT director of the first and largest freelance exchange on the RuNet. A couple of years ago I decided to leave the project (along with the entire top management due to a change in shareholders), and since then they began to approach me as a freelancer. The most interesting offers for me were from foreign companies: interesting not only financially, but also in content. Leaving Russia was not part of my plans, so I started working remotely from here. From that moment on, I began to receive payment primarily in dollars. On average, it was about 5–7 thousand dollars a month. Everything depended only on my desire and ability to take on new projects.

Working with Western customers is incredibly interesting: it’s new way communication - both corporate and interpersonal. This is where, perhaps, the difficulties began: I realized that my knowledge of the language was not enough to quickly and effectively communicate with foreign colleagues on tasks. I'm normal speaking level English, which was enough to communicate abroad and read different professional literature. But I still spent a lot of time and nerves on translation, on selecting suitable expressions, etc.

It may be old-fashioned, but I am one of those people who pays a lot of attention to order and law. My friends jokingly call me “pence” (“pensioner”). It is important for me that my work and my income are completely legal, taxed correctly, etc. This is my principled position as a professional and citizen. After talking with my fellow freelancers, I realized that they have similar problems: their professionalism is much higher than their language skills, and they want to have a legal income to rely on - even when applying for a mortgage. Most of us are 25-35 year olds, so the mortgage issue is not theoretical.

This is what my friends and I decided to do new project, who helps freelancers work with foreign clients: he finds them, undertakes all negotiations and discussions in English, and formalizes the fee. I don’t know what we will succeed, our ambitions, again, may sound pretentious, but I want to convey to the whole world: these mythical guys who win all the world programming competitions are not mythical. We have them, and you can and should work comfortably with them. Now high demand for programming for mobile devices. But web specialists also have no shortage of orders. average salary a good programmer costs about $50–90 per hour. It all depends on the scope of the tasks and the customer.

Renting property on Airbnb

We realized that we wanted and were ready to receive guests from all over the world after we stayed for four days in couchsurfing mode wonderful family in the center of Zurich. Many Russians are pleased with everything that they observe in Europe, but few of them are ready to think and behave like Europeans... Therefore, not everyone reacts calmly when you tell them that you are ready to let strangers into your newly built house. Although, in fact, so many people (both acquaintances and strangers) pass through our house that my husband and I can no longer imagine life without Airbnb guests!

How to make housing in demand? First, make it unique and amazing. That is, don’t get tired of dreaming and looking for reliable developers to make your dreams come true. Building a quality home for permanent residence is a big expense, and from the very beginning I was determined to cover it with the help of the house itself. That’s why we have this unusual, eco-friendly, spherical shape. I blog on Instagram (@nata_king) and share with my readers the vast experience that I have accumulated during the construction and operation of our domed house. Through the same blog I promote the topic of renting a room (or even a whole house). The conversion is excellent, the loyalty of the audience (more than 4 thousand subscribers) makes itself felt.

Renting a room here costs $30 per day, and usually occupied up to 15 days a month - that's $450. Also, at least twice a month the whole house is rented from us. Excluding additional services(nutrition, entertainment and others organizational issues) house rental costs $180 per day. That's another $360. In total we have approximately $810 per month. Considering that this is not the main source of income for our family, and I’m still on maternity leave and don’t like leaving my home, I see the situation as more than positive.

At the same time, we have to spend money on food for guests (included in the price when renting a room), washing bed linen, towels and cleaning. Surprisingly, so far absolutely all of our guests were from Russia (most often from St. Petersburg). Although initially we thought that the Airbnb topic would be more in demand among foreigners, that’s why I filled out the profile of our house on this resource in English. This, by the way, scares people even more who don’t understand how one can take such a test. new house, and even Russians? But, thank God and good karma, only cool kids end up in our house. I can’t even single out anyone in particular, but all our guests have at least one quality in common - they do not drink or smoke (this condition is indicated in the ad on Airbnb). These two actions are unacceptable in our house, so we are not worried about its integrity and safety.

How to earn 1 dollar on the Internet?

You are sitting at home at your computer, all serious, puzzled with only one thought: how to earn 1 dollar? Mmm, this is a serious question)). Okay, from the positive to the point...

If such a thought has nevertheless occurred to you, then let’s try to think about how you want to earn this 1 dollar. Usually, when people need such a tiny amount (it’s hard to even call it an amount) of money, then in such cases, they want to earn this dollar quickly and without stress, in other words, the person thinks like this: give me a dollar and quickly.

Such a desire is caused due to the fact that:
1) the person has never encountered making money on the Internet;
2) I came across money, but came across only scams like those that answer the question “how to earn 1 million dollars”;
3) just by chance, out of nothing to do, I entered the query “how to earn 1 dollar.”

Is it possible to earn 1 dollar a day?

In any case, I will tell you how you can really earn 1 dollar a day, to be more precise, not even in a day, but much less. In numbers, this is somewhere: 10 minutes to read this article, 5 minutes to comprehend, 5 minutes to register in a project that gives you that same dollar, and from 20 to 100 minutes to earn money. For some, these numbers mean excruciating for a long time waiting, but I'll tell you one little secret– no one will give you even 1 dollar faster anywhere.

Methods make quick money 1 dollar

So, let's begin!

The most in a fast way Earning quite naturally is winning. But, in in this case There is also a risk, since before you make money, you still need to invest something from your own pocket. This method is applicable, for example, to bookmakers or poker rooms. But in order to make the right winning bet in a bookmaker's office, you need to understand at least a little about sports. And in order to quickly win 1 buck in poker, you must at least be able to play at least one of its varieties. Therefore, although this method has a place, we will not recommend it to you.

The advantages of such earnings: speed of winning, speed of withdrawal of any amount, many bonuses.
Disadvantages: you need to enter a minimum amount into the project (that is, you need to top up your balance), the possibility of losing.

Pros of making money: speed (it will take 20-60 minutes to write), reliability (you will get paid anyway if you write the article as it should). Cons: you need to overcome laziness and start writing, minimum amount for withdrawal of funds depends on the project.

The third way leading to earning one dollar is to register on the Wmmail mailer. You will be given a task for the project (more precisely, you will choose it for yourself in the Tasks section) and start doing it. To earn your coveted 1 dollar, you will need to complete from 1 to 10 simple tasks. If you decide to choose this method, I highly recommend reading the article - with its help it will be easier for you to navigate this project and learn about other ways to make money on it. Well, if you urgently need money and don’t have time for it, then click the button below and start making money on this site.

Pros: very reliable mailer (the project has been operating since 2004 and pays consistently), a large number of different tasks, responsive administration, minimum payment of $0.1. Cons: I didn't see any.

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