How to place winning bets in Stoloto. How to win a large sum in the lottery: secrets, tricks, nuances


My name is Ivan Melnikov! I am a graduate of the National Technical University “KhPI”, Faculty of Engineering and Physics, specialty “Applied Mathematics”, a happy family man and just a fan of games of chance. Since childhood, I have been interested in lotteries. I have always wondered by what laws certain balls fall out. Since I was 10 years old, I have been recording lottery results and then analyzing the data.


Ivan Melnikov.

  1. Mathematical odds of winning

    • Simple calculation with factorials

The most common lotteries in the world are games of luck such as “5 out of 36” and “6 out of 45”. Let's calculate the chance of winning the lottery using probability theory.

An example of calculating the possibility of receiving a jackpot in the “5 out of 36” lottery:

It is necessary to divide the number of free cells by the number of possible combinations. That is, the first digit can be selected from 36, the second from 35, the third from 34, and so on.

Therefore, here is the formula:

Number of possible combinations in a “5 out of 36” lottery = (36*35*34*33*32) / (1*2*3*4*5) = 376,992

The chance of winning is 1 in almost 400,000.

Let's do the same for a lottery like 6 in 45.

Number of possible combinations = “6 out of 45” = (45*44*43*42*41*40) / (1*2*3*4*5*6) = 9,774,072.

Accordingly, the chance of winning is almost 1 in 10 million.

  • A little about probability theory

According to a long-known theory, each ball in each subsequent search has an absolutely equal chance of falling out compared to the others.

But not everything is so simple, even according to probability theory. Let's take a closer look at the example of tossing a coin. The first time we got heads, then the next time the probability of getting tails is much higher. If heads come up again, then next time we expect tails with even greater probability.

With the balls coming out of the lottery machines, it's about the same story, but a little more complicated and with a more significant number of variables. If one ball is drawn 3 times and the other is drawn 10 times, then the probability of the first ball being drawn will be higher than that of the second. It is worth noting that this law is diligently violated by the organizers of some lotteries, which change lottery machines from time to time. A new sequence appears in each new lottery machine.

Some organizers also use a separate lottery machine for each ball. Thus, it is necessary to calculate the probability of each ball falling out in each individual lottery machine. On the one hand, this makes the task a little easier, on the other hand, it complicates it.

But this is just a theory of probability, which, as it turns out, doesn’t really work. Let's see what secrets there are, based on dry science and statistical data accumulated over decades.

  1. Why doesn't probability theory work?

    • Less than ideal conditions

The first thing worth talking about is the calibration of lottery machines. None of the lottery machines are perfectly calibrated.

The second caveat is that the diameters of lottery balls are also not the same. Even differences of the slightest fraction of millimeters play a role in the frequency of a particular ball falling out.

The third detail is the different weight of the balls. Again, the difference may not seem significant at all, but it also affects the statistics, and significantly.

  • Sum of winning numbers

If we look at the statistics of winning numbers in a “6 out of 45” lottery, we will notice an interesting fact: the sum of the numbers that players bet on ranges between 126 and 167.

The sum of the winning lottery numbers for “5 out of 36” is a slightly different story. Here the winning numbers add up to 83-106.

  • Even or odd?

What numbers do you think are most often found on winning tickets? Even? Odd? I can tell you with complete confidence that in the “6 out of 45” lotteries these numbers are equally divided.

But what about “5 out of 36”? After all, you need to choose only 5 balls; there cannot be an equal number of even and odd balls. So here it is. Having analyzed the results of lotteries of this type over the last four decades, I can say that slightly, but still more often, odd numbers appear in winning combinations. Especially those that contain the number 6 or 9. For example, 19, 29, 39, 69 and so on.

  • Popular groups of numbers

For a lottery of the “6 to 45” type, we conditionally divide the numbers into 2 groups - from 1 to 22 and from 23 to 45. It should be noted that in winning tickets the ratio of numbers belonging to the group is 2 to 4. That is, either the ticket will contain 2 numbers from the group from 1 to 22 and 4 numbers from the group from 23 to 45 or vice versa (4 numbers from the first group and 2 from the second).

I came to a similar conclusion when analyzing the statistics of lotteries like “5 out of 36”. Only in this case the groups are split up a little differently. Let's designate the first group that includes the numbers from 1 to 17, and the second the one that contains the remaining numbers from 18 to 35. The ratio of numbers from the first group to the second in winning combinations in 48% of cases is 3 to 2, and in 52 % of cases – on the contrary, 2 to 3.

  • Is it worth betting on numbers from past draws?

It has been proven that in 86% of cases, a new drawing repeats a number that has already appeared in previous drawings. Therefore, you just need to follow the draws of the lottery you are interested in.

  • Consecutive numbers. To choose or not to choose?

The chance that 3 consecutive numbers will appear at once is very low, less than 0.09%. And if you want to bet on 5 or 6 consecutive numbers at once, there is practically no chance. Therefore, choose different numbers.

  • Numbers with a single step: win or lose?

You should not bet on numbers that appear in the same sequence. For example, you definitely don’t need to choose step 2 and place a bet with this step. 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 are definitely a losing combination.

  • More than one ticket: yes or no?

It’s better to play once every 10 weeks with 10 tickets than once a week with one. And also play in groups. You can win a big cash prize and split it between several people.

  1. World lottery statistics

    • Mega millions

One of the most popular lotteries in the world was carried out according to the following principle: you need to choose 5 numbers out of 56, as well as 1 out of 46 for the so-called golden ball.

For 5 matched balls and 1 correctly named golden ball, the lucky winner receives the jackpot.

The remaining dependencies are shown in the table:

Statistics of dropped regular balls for the entire duration of the above lottery draws.

Statistics of golden balls drawn throughout the Mega Millions drawings.

The most frequently drawn combinations in the lottery are shown in the table below:

  • Powerball lottery where more than a dozen lucky people have managed to hit the jackpot. You must select 7 main game numbers and two Powerballs.

  1. Winners' stories

    • Lucky compatriots

Evgeny Sidorov from Moscow received 35 million in 2009, before that Nadezhda Mekhametzyanova from Ufa hit the jackpot of 30 million. “Russian Lotto” sent another 29.5 million to Omsk to the winner, who did not want to identify himself. In general, winning jackpots is a good habit of Russian people

  • 390 million US dollars in one hand

In the lottery we already talked about, Mega Millions, a lucky winner who wished to remain anonymous won $390 million. And this is far from a rare case. In the same lottery in 2011, two people managed to hit the jackpot, which at that time consisted of an amount of 380 million. The cash prize was divided into two parts and awarded to people who guessed the winning numbers.

A pensioner from South Carolina decided to participate in the Powerball lottery and won 260 million, which he decided to spend on the education of his children, and also bought a house, several cars for the family, and then went traveling.

  1. conclusions

So, here is a summary of the most effective rules, following which you are sure to win:

  1. The sum of all the numbers you bet on on a lottery ticket must be calculated using the following formula:

Amount = ((1 + n)/2)*z + 2 +/- 12%

n – maximum bet number, for example, 36 in a “5 out of 36” lottery

z – the number of balls you bet on, for example 5 for the “5 out of 36” lottery

That is, for “5 out of 36” the amount will be like this:

((1+36)/2)*5 + 2 +/-12% = 18,5*5+2 +/-12% = 94,5 +/-12%

In this case, from 94.5 + 12% to 94.5 – 12%, that is, from 83 to 106.

  1. Bet equally on even and odd numbers.
  2. Divide all the numbers into two large groups in half. The ratio of the number of numbers on a winning ticket is 1 to 2 or 2 to 1.
  3. Follow the statistics and bet on the numbers that came out in previous draws.
  4. Don't bet on numbers with one step.
  5. It’s better to play less often, but buy several tickets at once, and also get together with friends and relatives.

In general, be brave! Follow my rules, place bets, analyze statistics and win!

It's not a problem to calculate the probability. For example, for 5 out of 36, the probability that one number from our 5 will fall out will be 5/36. The probability that the second digit from the remaining four will fall out of the remaining 35 is 4/35, etc. By multiplying all the numbers, we get the total probability.

5 out of 36 1/376992
6 out of 45 1/8145060
7 of 49 1/85900584

Let's now try to evaluate what is best to play. Let’s say we take and buy back 1 percent of the total circulation, what will happen?

As we see, in 6 out of 36 we are allowed to multiply our costs by 31 times (with the same probability of winning). At the same time, we need to spend almost 15 times more money than in 5 out of 36. So it turns out that the 5 will be better than all the others.

How to increase your probability of winning?

There are a huge number of game tactics. The most popular of them are the following:

  • Frequency principle. The idea is that you need to bet on those balls that fall out the least. A simple analysis shows that such balls will have a better chance of being drawn than others.
  • Time principle. The idea is that you need to bet on those balls that have not dropped out for a long time.
  • Mixed - part of the balls is taken according to the frequency principle and part according to the time principle.

You can see ball drop statistics here:

Now let's talk about those who actually conduct such lotteries. The trick is that the founders know who bet on what. Therefore, when conducting, they “try” so that those balls on which people place do not fall out. This means that all the methods described above play a cruel joke on the players. Everyone knows about such methods and, of course, uses them, so combinations built on similar principles are found quite often.

Therefore, some especially gifted people use the opposite principles. Those. on the contrary, they avoid using these methods or use them altogether, on the contrary, the most frequency balls. All this plays exactly the same role! Those. people bet a lot on such balls and therefore such balls become “forbidden” again among the organizers.

The situation is complicated by the fact that many people keep track of the frequency and time of balls falling out, and if such balls do not fall out at all, a conversation will arise about the unevenness of the balls falling out.

I think that the organizers do not really worry about the loss of this or that combination (since it is technically quite difficult to organize). Most likely, they have 2-3 rigged balls in the lottery machine (and these are the balls on which people bet the least in this drawing) and the rest are chosen completely randomly. This needs to be done so that the frequency graphs of ball drops are at least slightly leveled. Accordingly, we can say that the best combination will be the one in which there will be 2-3 balls from high-frequency and most probable balls and 2-3 from the middle ones, but which no one will bet.

Who doesn’t hope for a miracle that one day he will be lucky and incredibly rich by winning several million in the lottery? That is why thousands of people buy Stoloto tickets every day, sometimes spending half their salary on it, or even all of it. Hope for luck and a lucky ticket are a good thing. However, where there is fraud, it is a priori impossible to win. At least a large amount. And with small winnings, Stoloto has also been cheating too often lately, deceiving its participants even with such money as 120-180 rubles. As they say, take care of the world and take care of yourself. Don't believe me? But in vain...

The whole truth about Stoloto

Stoloto is the official state organizer of lotteries in the Russian Federation. It runs 16 different lotteries, among which the most popular are Gosloto, Sportloto and Russian Lotto. Tickets can be purchased both online on the website and at various points of sale. It is a monopolist of lotteries in Russia.

The most favorite game of most players is Gosloto, when you have to guess several numbers from a number of possible ones. For example, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 6 out of 49. On the ticket, the participant indicates his “lucky numbers”, and later a drawing is held, during which the drum randomly throws out balls with numbers. The more matches, the greater the winnings. The jackpots are absolutely crazy - 8-80 million rubles!

But if you look for reviews about the Stoloto lottery, you will see that most of them are negative. And not because people were simply unlucky to win and their hopes of becoming millionaires were dashed, but because the organizers are constantly caught in fraud. They cheat here even with small amounts, let alone large ones!

Evidence of Stoloto's deception

Won millions? And a fig for you!

Occasionally, Stoloto pleases with the message that so-and-so won a jackpot or just a big prize of a couple of million rubles. The news spreads instantly. Hope flares up in the hearts of lottery participants that since someone has won such a huge amount, it means they will certainly be lucky. You just have to keep buying tickets and hope for a miracle. And here again the crowds are running for tickets.

Yeah... maybe sometimes someone managed to accidentally become one of these lucky ones, but apart from the sum with several zeros on the screen, they never saw anything else. Scandals have broken out more than once with those who won millions in Stoloto, but were left with nothing.

Story 1.

In November 2016, a resident of Transbaikalia won 6 million rubles in Stoloto. But when he tried to pick them up, he was told that there was a technical glitch, an error had occurred, so his ticket was declared non-winning. What 6 million?!

Story 2.

Pensioner Nina Koryagina from Dzerzhinsk was “broken off” even more by Stoloto. A woman won 54 million rubles on New Year's Eve 2017 in Russian Lotto. The lottery organizers confirmed her winnings and promised that they would contact her later about issuing the money. However, no one else wanted to deal with the winner - the phone was either constantly busy or unavailable for months. Interesting, isn't it?

Yes, you always want to believe that someday you will be able to win the lottery and solve all your financial problems. However, if the lottery is dishonest, cheats and does everything to prevent people from winning or receiving minimal amounts, then the probability of a big win tends to zero. I hope the above evidence of fraud will make you think about whether it’s real to win at Stoloto or whether it’s all a scam. Are you ready to give your money to scammers for the sake of an illusory hope that simply is not destined to come true? But some people get so excited that they spend their entire salary and even take out loans to buy packs of tickets.

Why do people play lotto? They want to make quick money this way. In many lotteries, the amount of the main prize will provide money for the winner for the rest of his life, and maybe it will remain for his children. Almost every person wants to become financially independent. That's why people play number lotteries. You can win the lottery by crossing out the same numbers from draw to draw. And wait until your combination of numbers matches the winning one. Or you can play according to the recommendations below.

Lottery Statistics

Keep statistics on the numbers of the lottery you play. Summarize data in tables and graphs.

Lottery analysis

Analyze the results of past draws. There is no need to buy special lottery analysis programs for this. The standard Excel program from Microsoft Office is suitable for this. By entering the appropriate formulas, you can obtain various analysis results. Try different combinations and formulas:

  • sum of numbers
  • average value
  • number of even and odd
  • drop percentage

Apply various analyzes such as:

  • Numerology
  • Movement of the planets of the solar system
  • Lunar cycle
  • Dates of birth or just events
  • Fibonacci levels
  • ... (anything, as long as it’s useful)

and you will soon notice that there is a pattern.


There is no need to immediately invest money in the next lotto draw. Based on your reasoning, make a forecast for the next circulation and see what happens. Although it will be very disappointing if in the next draw you get a “five” or “six”.

Game according to the system

The system is the inclusion of more numbers for playing lotto than those drawn in the draw.

There are two versions of systems - complete and incomplete.

The complete system includes all possible combinations. It is easy to create such a system. Let me give you this example: You need a complete system to play the 6 out of 45 lottery with 9 numbers (1, 4, 11, 20, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42). In the site menu you select 6 of... In chapter Complete lotto systems. In the form, select numbers 1, 4, 11, 20, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42, click on the button Create a system and you will have a complete system for playing lotto 6 out of 45 for 9 numbers. The number of combinations in the resulting system can be found on the page Number of combinations in lotto, where you need to enter 6 in the Lotto field, and 9 in the Number of Numbers field. You will receive the answer: 84 combinations. Such systems provide a 100% guarantee of winning the lottery: if 6 numbers match, you will guess a “six”, if 5 numbers match, you will guess several “fives”, four numbers - several fours, three numbers - several “threes”, two - several “twos” ".

Incomplete lotto systems are designed to capture a specific winning combination. They have fewer combinations and increase the chance of winning the main prize. Let me give you an example of an incomplete lotto system for the same combination of numbers: Open Lotto system 6 out of 45 for 9 numbers from 12 combinations, in the form we enter our numbers 1, 4, 11, 20, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42, click on the “Create system” button and get 12 combinations. But the resulting system does not guarantee 100% winning if 6 numbers match, but only 3 fives 6 fours and 3 threes or 1 six 9 fours and 2 threes.

There is another difference in the examples given: 7 times less money will be spent on an incomplete system than on a complete one. This is a very significant nuance.

You yourself need to decide which system to play.

Minimizing risks

The lottery is not a free game. A ticket or combination must be purchased. Remember this. And always invest your free money, and not the money you need to live on, so as not to regret it. When pity appears, you will lose them. Always calculate your costs and possible profits.

To win you have to play

I remembered an old joke: One man was a believer all his life, observed all religious customs and always added during prayer: “Oh God, help me win the lottery.” The time of death of this man is approaching and his angel asks God: “God, you see that this man revered you all his life, observed all the rituals and customs. Why didn’t you give him the opportunity to win the lottery. He always asked you about this ". And God answered: “I would gladly give him the opportunity to win the lottery if he played the lotto at least once, because he has never done this in his life.”

Most modern lotteries are structured as follows: participants in the drawing must choose several numbers, the coincidence of which with those drawn on the lottery drum ensures a win. At the same time, the more participants choose a certain game combination, the smaller the size of each person’s winnings will be if it falls out.

The probability of winning is inversely proportional to the number of balls in the lottery machine– the more balls, the less chance of winning. And this is where lottery organizers reduce their risks: the larger the jackpot amount (that is, the pool of money that has not been previously won), the better lottery tickets are sold, and the more balls are used in each drawing, which significantly reduces the chances that the jackpot will be won .

As a result, the jackpot in popular lotteries often reaches several hundred million dollars. However, there are several options to improve your chances of winning.

Play constantly

Despite the fact that, according to statistics, the largest sums are won by chance, for example, by buying a ticket at a gas station or receiving it in change at a supermarket (this practice is widespread in the USA), in order to increase your chances, you need to play constantly, purchasing tickets at least once every week. It is not without reason that they say that luck is a constant readiness to take advantage of your chance.

An example can be given to support the above: Poor British plumber Paul Goldie bought lottery tickets for a long time, but never won large sums. One Christmas day he forgot to buy a ticket, but remembered in time and returned for it. The ticket turned out to be a winner - the plumber's family budget was replenished with a “modest” amount of 7.2 million pounds.

Try something new

Even if, for one reason or another, you prefer a particular lottery to others, do not refuse to try something new and buy tickets for other lotteries. In the end, a draw is always a matter of luck, and, alas, it is impossible to know for sure when and how you will be lucky.

American Katie Scruggs constantly played her favorite Mega Millions lotto and ignored others. One day, after sitting in a small cafe and getting ready to leave, she asked to sell her a ticket. The cashier made a mistake and gave the girl a ticket for another popular lottery - Powerball. Katie, without looking, put the ticket in her purse and left. Thanks to this cashier's mistake, she was enriched by $25 million.

Use a strategy

Luck is luck, but the right strategy also brings results. At the same time, it is important to remember that you won’t be able to beat the lottery drum, but it’s easy to beat the other participants in the drawing. Each of the lottery participants is interested in being in as small a company as possible if they win (which will increase the amount won), and this is easier to achieve than it seems.

There are a number of behavioral patterns of players, knowledge of which will allow you to increase the size of your winnings even with the same (but how else?) probability of guessing the winning numbers.

Choose your numbers wisely

Statistics show that numbers in the range from one to 30 are chosen five times more often than numbers in the range from 31 to 49. Moreover, the majority of participants choose numbers from one to 17 much more often than numbers from 38 to 49. The reason for this is that many people, counting on blind luck, choose some significant dates.

For obvious reasons, these numbers lie in the range up to 31, and by betting on numbers from the last two dozen, the size of the winnings in the event of the corresponding ball falling out on the lottery machine can be significantly increased.

Bet on adjacent numbers

According to statistics, among the winning combinations there are very often those where adjacent numbers win. The fact is that almost everyone who thinks about how to win the lottery comes to the erroneous conclusion that the probability of vertically or horizontally adjacent numbers appearing is very small. Therefore, numbers are crossed out either according to some logic (dates, phone numbers, etc.) or randomly.

In fact, the probability of winning is the same for all numbers - fortune is responsible for the numbers falling out. But the chances of winning the jackpot can be significantly increased by choosing numbers that no one chooses.

Choosing a lottery in Russia

There are countless different lotteries in Russia, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is best to choose large and well-known lotteries, such as:

  • Gosloto;
  • Sportsloto;
  • "Housing Lottery";
  • "Golden Key";
  • Rapido.

It is also worth paying attention to Russian lotto, the secrets of which few people manage to reveal, so the jackpot there is always quite large. But it’s better to avoid instant lotteries – the probability of winning in them is noticeably lower.

On average, a Russian lottery ticket for 5-7 numbers will cost 20-100 rubles. However, many lotto games allow you to select additional numbers for an additional fee. Please note that the surcharge increases significantly every few rooms. For example, by choosing the basic 5 numbers, you will pay 20 rubles, for the 6th and 7th – 180 rubles each, for the 8th – 630 rubles, for the 9th – 1680 rubles. and so on.

You can buy tickets and take part in the game on the website


Foreign lotteries can bring good winnings, especially since the jackpots there are no match for Russian ones: The record jackpot was $648 million. This amount was divided in half by only two winners. One of them, a simple truck driver from California named Steve Tran, bought the winning ticket at a small supermarket at a gas station, paying about 10 dollars for it.

The most popular foreign lotteries:

  • Mega Millions;
  • Super Lotto Plus;
  • Euro Millions;
  • Powerball;
  • UK Lotto.

You can buy tickets for these lotto games through their official websites., or on the websites of their partners (you can find links to them on the official websites of these lotteries). You can find out how to win the lotto here - the rules of the game are described in great detail. Ticket price is 7-30 dollars.

Beware of scammers

It’s better to avoid playing on the Internet – fraud is widespread in this area, so you can not only lose money for “participating” in the draw, but also lose all your funds by giving your bank card details to the criminals.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say with certainty which lotteries win more often than others, but we hope that our tips will help you increase your game performance. May he be with you!