Outdoor games for adults. Funny competitions for a fun company in nature

A birthday, a calendar holiday, a promotion, or just a warm and sunny weekend - all this can be a reason to get out into nature with a large and friendly company. But what to do in nature, when your hunger is satisfied, and all interesting topics are discussed, so as not to get bored? To do this, there are many different competitions in nature for a fun company. They are the ones who will help fill the resulting free time. In addition, well-chosen competitions will undoubtedly become the highlight of the holiday and will be remembered for a long time, leaving behind only positive emotions and impressions.

“Well-chosen” competitions mean that they will be appropriate to the age of the participants, as well as their relaxedness, degree of familiarity and the prevailing atmosphere. After all, competitions can also be different: intellectual and fun, neutral or balancing somewhere on the verge of “below the belt,” as well as those that require significant physical activity, etc. In general, the main thing is that everyone likes it and finds it interesting. Now we will offer you several options.


An unlimited number of people can take part in this competition - the more there are, the more fun it will be. Everyone needs to stand in a circle at arm's length from their neighbors and hold hands (it will turn out to be a kind of round dance). The presenter whispers the name of two animals into the ear of each participant and explains the rules of the game: when the presenter shouts out the name of the animal, the participant to whom the name of this animal was announced in his ear must quickly sit down, and the neighbors to the right and left at this time should try to prevent him from doing this .

Everything is done very quickly so that the participants do not have time to catch their breath. The trick of the game is that when naming animals to the players, the presenter shows only 50 percent ingenuity - in the first word, but in the second word he names a whale to everyone. So, for example, pairs of words such as hare - whale, bear - whale, mouse - whale, cat - whale, dog - whale, rabbit - whale, etc. can be whispered to the participants. A few minutes later, when everyone has already joined, the presenter suddenly calls the word “WHALE”, and as a result, the participants, who are trying to all sit down at once, inevitably end up on the floor, laughing at their own zeal. This competition is suitable for a company of any size and goes off with a bang.


When going outdoors in the warm season, some comrades may well have fins and a pair of binoculars in their arsenal. If this is the case, you can offer a competition for the title of best diver.

Volunteers are asked to pull on their fins and complete the task of covering a specified distance while looking through binoculars from the reverse side. Believe me, an unforgettable experience is guaranteed not only to the participants, but also to all spectators.

"Football" Football is a very exciting game, not only for guys, but also for girls, especially if you change the rules a little.

First you need to divide the participants into two teams and mark the gates, and then the events will be somewhat unusual. The players of each team are divided into pairs, and each of the pairs stands shoulder to shoulder with each other, and the right leg of one member of the pair is tied to the left leg of the other. The team's goal is the same as in regular football - to score the ball into the opponents' goal, but goalkeepers are no longer needed here, because scoring the ball will not be easy or even almost impossible. Thus, the wallowing of all participants on the ground and a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed.

"Knight Tournament"

Such a tournament in miniature is an example of an active competition for a cheerful and energetic company, in which, in addition to ladies, there are also several gentlemen. It will require an even number of men (minimum four). Participants are divided into two groups – cold and warm. The first is for those who like the cold that knightly armor and bladed weapons exude, and the second is for those who value the warmth of a loyal horse more dearly.

Dividing into groups, the knights do not yet imagine what surprise awaits them. Those who chose the warmth of horses will have to pretend to be horses, and those who chose the cold will have to become riders.

And then the queen of the tournament drops her handkerchief from her raised hand, and the tournament begins. The rider's job is to push his opponent off his horse. The one who fell to the ground lost, but the winner and his horse will receive a reward from the hands of the Beautiful Lady (a glass of wine, the first pieces of kebab, cake, etc.).


This competition does not require any special preparations or equipment, just a few pieces of cardboard. First you need to designate a certain area on the ground (not very large). Boundaries can be marked with pebbles, dry branches or bottles. This will be a swamp, which participants will have to cross as quickly as possible, stepping from hummock to hummock. The hummocks will be two pieces of cardboard in the hands of each player, which he will place in front of him and thus move, stepping on them, while trying not to fall into the “swamp”.

"Tell someone else" The company should be divided into women's and men's teams, which should be located in two lines opposite each other at a distance of about three meters.

The first member of the women's team holds the balloon between her legs, carries it to the line of the men's team and passes it to the first member without using her hands. He, in turn, also carries the ball back and passes it to the second member of the women’s team. This continues until all players have participated.

“Hit the balls!”

One team receives red balls, and the second - blue. The balls are tied with threads to the legs, one per participant. On command, you need to burst as many enemy balloons as possible without using your hands. The team that keeps at least one ball intact will win.


Two people take part in the game. A rope is tied to each person's waist, and an apple is tied to its end so that it dangles at approximately knee level. A glass is placed on the ground, into which the participant must hit the apple on command. The participant who does it faster wins.


All participants are divided into pairs, preferably a boy and a girl. Each couple is given 2 rolls of toilet paper. Team members begin to wrap this paper around their partners, leaving only the nose, mouth and eyes open. The couple that manages to do this the fastest and with the best quality will win.

"Volleyball with legs"

In this game, participants are divided into two teams. In the middle of the clearing, a rope is pulled at a level of a meter from the ground. The rules of the game are exactly the same as in volleyball, the only difference is that the participants play while sitting on the ground, and instead of a ball they take a balloon.

"Take away what's ready"

On the table you need to place glasses with an alcoholic drink that the participants like, and there should be one less glass than the participants. Participants, at the command of the leader, walk around the table, and at the next signal (clapping their hands, for example), they, ahead of their opponents, rush to the glasses and drink their contents. The participant who does not get a glass is eliminated. Then the extra glass is removed, the rest are filled with drink, and the competition continues again until one most successful participant remains.

“Let’s fill the glasses!”

Participants need to split into pairs - boy and girl. The man is given a bottle of drink (preferably it is a drink that will be easy to wash later), and the girl is given a glass. The man needs to hold the bottle with his feet, and the partner needs to hold the glass with her feet. Then the man needs to fill the glass without using his hands, and the girl needs to help him with this as much as possible. The winner will be the couple that completes the task most accurately and quickly, without spilling a single drop. To continue the competition, you need to drink a drink from glasses at speed.

"Tug of War"

Competitions for company in nature can also be diversified with sports competitions. For this game you will need a thick and long rope, in the center of which a mark will be placed. Then, on the ground at an equal distance from the mark, you need to draw lines on both sides. All participants need to be divided into two groups, which, at a signal, begin to pull the rope, each on their side, trying to pull it over themselves. The winner will be the team that pulls the marker over its line.

"Quest" You will need to prepare for such a game in advance, but the result will exceed all your expectations. You need to come up with several prizes and place them around the territory where the company will relax. To make it easier to find treasures, you need to hide notes with clues in a chain, and in completely unexpected places.

"Hot Cubes"

For this competition you will need two sets of multi-colored cubes, as well as long branches according to the number of participants. First you will need to draw a large circle and place the cubes in it. All players are divided into two groups, the task of each of which will be to push all the opponent’s cubes outside the circle, while preventing him from pushing his own. The team that can get rid of other people's cubes the fastest will win.

As you can see, competitions can be very diverse. It is important to simply think through the cultural program in advance so as not to come up with entertainment at the last moment. And then any fun will bring a lot of pleasure to all participants, making them look forward to the next opportunity to gather in the same place and with the same composition. Enjoy your fun and relaxation in nature!

June 14th, 2012 Natalya Zaitseva

It’s summer, it’s hot, it was +40 today, our apartments are like big ovens, and all the nearby bodies of water are our salvation (a cold shower also counts). But let's talk about relaxing on the shore. Most likely, this is the seashore, but the shores of lakes, rivers and reservoirs are also possible. Be that as it may, a classic of the outdoor recreation genre is a bucket of kebabs and a case of beer. We ate, shopped, drank, and so on in a circle. In general, recovery is in full swing.

I would like to make at least a little adjustments to this “healthy lifestyle”. You won’t believe it, but in the summer you can also play on the shore with friends, wives, and children. The main thing is to take the first step and stand up. After all, this is first of all sport, then excitement, and, of course, a pleasant time with your loved ones. In general, there are only advantages.

So don’t be lazy, buy some equipment and go to sea. I offer you my set of “outdoor games” entertainment.

Fun outdoor team games for adults

1. The very first thing that comes to mind is, of course, football and volleyball. But these sports require good, heavy balls (not light inflatable ones) so that they are not blown away by gusts of wind.

Football is played by dividing into approximately two equal teams and building two schematic goals made of sand (bricks, sticks).

Volleyball is simply played by standing in a circle.

2. Knockout. A childhood game, but why not? We called it “Big Ducks”. To play, you only need a medium-sized (heavy) ball. Draw a field (lake), 5 by 5 meters, maybe more if there are a lot of people, especially if these people are adults. Beyond the edges of the field (beyond the lake), two people (hunters) stand opposite each other. Their task is to kill all the ducks, that is, throw the ball and, accordingly, hit those in the field zone.

Ducks naturally have to flick around in every possible way, run and dodge “bullets”. Thus, from throw to throw, the ball passes from one hunter to the second. Eliminated ducks become mere observers of the field. The hunter who has the most ducks killed wins.

Variations on the theme are possible. For example, if a duck that is still alive catches a ball, it can return one of those already knocked out to the field, or leave this chance for itself as a second life.

3. On a calm bank of a river or lake, I can suggest playing badminton or leave the plate (frisbee). Both equipment, for amateurs, can be purchased inexpensively at any sports store.

4. War games. Well, how can you have fun without war games? The main thing is to arm yourself with two-liter plastic bottles (if you don’t have water pistols at all), and make a hole in the lids with a nail for a stream. Divide into two teams or play each for himself, the goal is to shoot (that is, pour on) everyone around.

5. Tug of war. This game will be fun for adult dads to play. Especially if the tug-of-war rope will sag over some puddle or stream. After all, how nice it is to drag your opponents into the water and splash them. To do this, participants are divided into two equal teams, and a small ribbon is hung on the center of the rope. If there is no puddle or stream, under the middle of the rope you need to draw some field over which you need to pull your opponents.

6. Fighting with shells. We selected 10 of what we thought were the strongest shells, and then held tournaments. Having placed the shells against each other, we pressed on them and tried to push through the opponent’s shell. The broken shell was replaced by a fellow one from the selected ten. And so on until the opponent has no shells left. This is a game for the lazy.

7. Orientation in the area or in search of treasure. To do this, someone will have to work hard and organize it all, but don’t work for nothing - demand a reward. First you need a “treasure”, which the organizer buries or hides somewhere around the game site. The following are the key points. At each point there is an indication of the next point in the form of some kind of encryption or riddle, the last point should indicate the place with the treasure.

8. Flags or capturing someone else's fortress. This is generally a very active and exciting game. It requires space and two medium-sized flags that will imitate your fortress. The action field is divided in half by one large, thick line. Two teams with an equal number of people play.

Each team is on its own field. At the edges (in the middle) of each of the two fields a flag is placed - a fortress. Each team has a task - to protect its flag and quickly knock down the flag of its neighbors. The game ends when you bring the enemy flag to your field.

The catch of the game is that when you are on the enemy field, you can be frozen, that is, a player from the other team must catch up and touch you, but you must stop in place.

A player on your team can also unfreeze you by touching you. The whole game is about running, especially on the enemy field. That is, the statement of the task: when the whistle starts the game, you must run through the enemy field with deceptive maneuvers, snatch the flag and run to your own. Opponents must not catch up with you and must not touch you, otherwise you will freeze, even with a flag.

If you stay on your field, you must protect your fortress from the enemy and freeze everyone who gets onto your field.

9. About cards, chess, twister and backgammon I’m generally silent, you yourself will guess to take them. The game, of course, relies on stripping. But if you want a really tough game, then dress up. =) The main thing is not to get heatstroke.

For example, give one team the “elephant” pose, and the second “deer family.” Everything that team members come up with counts. The main thing is to remember to limit the pose in time, for example, to one minute. And take photos for your health. =)

All games are very active and require a lot of energy, so don't get drunk and pass it on. =)

Games in the water

1. The very first game in the water is catch-up, also known as kvach or tag. The essence of the game is that a kvach is selected, who is also the driver. The kvach must catch up and touch (touch) one of the players who are running away. If a kvach catches up with someone and insults him, this player becomes the leader (kvach), and the previous kvach runs away with the rest.

The beauty of the game is that it is very difficult to run through the water, then you have to swim or dive unnoticed, away from people or towards them (this depends on whether you are a kvach or an ordinary player).

2. One of my favorite water games is pair wrestling. Girls (women) or relatively adult children crawl onto men’s necks (or the man simply dives under their feet). The task of the bottom player (man) is to stand firmly on his feet and firmly hold the legs of the person sitting on top (wife, child). The task of the person sitting on top is to throw the opponents (the same pair) into the water.

A very fun game, although it often ends in scratches and maybe even bruises. =)

3. Living springboard. This is when the strong part of the company (men) represent various kinds of springboards and towers, and women and children jump into the water from them. If there is one springboard (male), then divers jump from their shoulders. And if there are two or more husbands, then they put their hands together like a chair and throw the divers up.

4. Water volleyball. Played calmly with a light inflatable ball. Everything is like in regular volleyball, only the players are waist-deep or chest-deep in water. I want to say that under such conditions it is quite difficult to catch up with the ball.

Games on the seashore with children

1. A very relevant game “The sea is agitated once...”. The driver turns away from the company and says the words: “The sea is agitated once. The sea is worried two. The sea is worried three. Sea figure, freeze.” While the poem is being recited, the children move chaotically, pretending to be some kind of sea creature. When they say: “Sea figure, freeze,” the children freeze. The presenter approaches the children one by one and “turns them on”; the children, without words, try to show the figure that they came up with (i.e. fish, crab, shark, wave, etc., whoever has enough imagination for what) and the presenter must guess this figure. The next leader becomes the one who, in the general opinion, depicted the figure best, and the previous leader becomes the player.

The sea figure can be replaced with a celestial or forest one. A very good practice for developing a child’s knowledge of wild inhabitants of nature.

2. Game crocodile, aka cow, aka pantomime. I don’t know why this game has such sonorous names, but most often it is called that way.

The essence of the game is that first 2 people move away from the entire crowd. One of them will show the first pantomime, and the second must give him a guess as to what exactly to show. The hidden word must be a noun (train, snail, turtle, electricity, cactus, cowboy, computer, cat).

The person who made the wish sits down, the second one comes forward, as if on stage, and without words tries to explain and show the wished word.

The one who guessed the word takes the place of the one showing (mime), and the one who showed before guesses a new word for the newcomer and sits in the place of the spectator.

It is clear that the person who guessed the word does not take part in this round.

3. Do this, do that. A presenter is selected. Stands in front of the other participants, who stand in a checkerboard pattern. The presenter makes a movement and at the same time says a phrase, if he says “do So"- All participants must make exactly the same movement. If the presenter says the phrase “do this way"— participants should not move, but should remain in the previous position.

Have you planned to spend the weekend outdoors, but don’t know how to make your vacation fun? For a fun company, you can prepare various non-standard competitions. This is always received with joy - no matter whether you are relaxing with your family or with your employees, no one will refuse an interesting pastime. The main thing is to choose the right competitions. The selection of outdoor competitions for adults should be different - the program should include both calm competitions and active ones. That is, it is better to choose combined entertainment.

For example, a relay race. It can be made thematic with a different story. The first option is “Pour, drink, eat” - two teams of 3 people each participate. The necessary equipment is a table, a glass, a full bottle and a snack. The first participant must run to the table and pour a liquid or drink into a glass or glass (it does not have to be something alcoholic). The second one is to pour it into a glass and drink it. And the third is to run up and have a snack - it can be fruits or vegetables - in principle, everything that is usually available at a picnic.

Competition "Lastotrassa"- the distance must be covered in appropriate clothing - that is, in fins. You need to walk through it, looking through binoculars, which are turned in the opposite direction. This activity will not leave anyone indifferent - the spectators will be guaranteed to smile.

Game "Eye Gauge". Each team draws a circle (the diameter of which is approximately 50 cm). Participants take turns putting on a blindfold and standing in the center of the circle. The condition that must be fulfilled is to take 8 steps out of the circle and return to the place. All team members count their steps out loud. The next participant in turn begins the task only if the previous team member has completely completed the task. If he missed or stopped his step at the border, then the participant will have to go through this task again. The team with a better eye and the one that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Transfers"- This is a kind of relay race. The conditions are as follows: one participant transfers an item using non-standard methods. The main thing is not only to transfer the item to the last team member, but also to follow an important rule - if the transferred item falls to the ground, then the team loses. For example: pass the ball holding it under the chin; stick - holding between the legs; a book held in the armpits; on the index finger - a button.

Competition "Wet serve". The rules of the game are like volleyball. Two teams are divided into an equal number of participants. It is very convenient if there is a volleyball or tennis net. You need to fill the balloons with water in advance - there should be an odd number of them. Water balloons are gradually introduced into the game. Team members stand on both sides of the stretched net and begin to throw balls to the side of the “enemy” team. The main task of each team is to ensure that the “wet” serve does not occur on their territory. The game continues until the last ball, and the result is determined by counting wet spots on the sand. The game is ideal for summer holidays in hot weather.

"Drinking" Suitable for large groups. Teams are selected by 4-5 people. The team captain is given a berry, a vegetable (for example, melon or watermelon) and a tool. The task is whoever eats the product faster will win. But! Only the captain has the right to cut and distribute pieces of watermelon or melon, and he himself can only eat the last piece.

"Face painting". For this competition you will need the simplest gouache. Guests, dressed in swimsuits, are divided into pairs, and the “body art” session begins. Afterwards there is a fashion show with a demonstration of the masterpiece. The best creative work wins. Don't forget to have a photo shoot. Well, at the end of the competition - a fun swim.

This relay race can be carried out outdoors, when it is already warm. Since the relay is held outdoors, the competitions will be on the theme of nature. Team names, mottos and emblems can be associated with plants, birds and animals.

This is a family relay race. All participants must be divided into two teams so that there are equal numbers of parents and children.


Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty.

“He sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by.” (Owl)

"The brothers stood on stilts,
looking for food along the way.
Whether I'm running or walking,
They won’t get off their stilts.” (Herons)

“I grow from the earth, I clothe the whole world.” (Linen)

"White peas on a green stem." (Lily of the valley)

"It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter." (Forest)

"The beast is afraid of my branches,
the bird will not build nests in them.
My beauty and power are in the branches.
Tell me quickly, who am I?" (Deer)

"In a dense forest under the fir trees,
covered with leaves,
lies a ball of needles,
prickly and alive." (Hedgehog)

"An oak tree hid in a golden ball." (Acorn)

"Sisters stand in the meadows - golden eyes, white eyelashes." (Daisies)

For each riddle guessed, the team receives a point.

Getting ready for the hike

The team is given a backpack (it can be replaced with any bag), a set of dishes (cup, mug, spoon, flask) and matches. If there are many people in the team, then you can take two sets of dishes.

The team lines up, with a backpack in front of the first participant. There are dishes 15-20 steps away from both teams. Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in the backpack and touch the next player with his hand - “pass” the baton. Then the next participant runs.

Teams are given three points for speed and for neatly packing their backpack.


Two circles are drawn on the ground, in which the team players take turns standing (starting from the first pair). In front of them are signs with the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

The presenter calls the cardinal direction, both participants must simultaneously turn to the corresponding sign. As soon as one of the pair makes a mistake, a point is given to the team of the second participant, and the following players are called into the circle.

Swamp hummocks

Teams are given two newspapers (“bumps”), and participants again compete in pairs.

At the start, players stand on one newspaper and hold the second one in their hands. The earth acts as a "swamp". You need to run over the “bumps” without getting into the “swamp”. On command, players place a newspaper in front of them, move onto it, take the one they were standing on, place it in front of them, move, etc. A point is awarded to the team whose player reached the finish line faster without stepping on the ground (without falling into the “swamp”). If a player steps past the “bump,” the opposing team automatically gets a point.


Riddles (children guess, adults help in case of difficulty).

“What animal sleeps upside down all winter?” (Bat)

"Which mother's chicks don't know her?" (Cuckoos)

“Should a bear go into his den with skinny or fat?” (Fat, because fat keeps him warm throughout hibernation)

“Which animals can we say that they go out of their way? (About snakes)

"Where do crayfish spend the winter?" (In burrows near the shore)

"Does a tree grow in winter?" (No)

"Where is the sunflower looking?" (In the sun)

"Why can't you touch the eggs in a bird's nest?" (Because then the bird will abandon the nest)

“Which tree leaves turn red in autumn?” (Rowan, aspen, maple)

“Which birds have a “nursery”? (Penguins. The chicks cuddle together and keep warm. There are up to a thousand penguins in such creches.)

For each guessed riddle, the team gets a point.

Chef competition

Take water from a cup into a spoon, carry it to the next cup without spilling it, then return and “pass” the baton to the next participant. The receiver, before running, must come up with and name one animal or bird starting with a given letter, for example:

M (bear, robin, mouse, walrus, etc.) - to the first team.

To (mole, cuckoo, marten, goat, etc.) - to the second team.

Relay race

Jump to the finish line on one leg and come back. The person taking the baton must come up with and name one plant with a specific letter:

K (maple, nettle, bluebell, feather grass, burnet, clover, etc.)

L (lily of the valley, linden, onion, larch, chanterelle, lily, etc.)

The winning team receives five points, the losing team three points.

Merry tree

Ropes of equal length are tied to two trees with trunks approximately equal in thickness. Participants are called in pairs, one from each team. On command, both participants begin to run around the trees and wrap ropes around them. The team whose member is the first to “reel” gets a point.

Running in sacks

Speed ​​relay (can be replaced with jumping to the finish line with tied legs).

Participants jump to the finish line, come back, pass the bag to the next player, etc. The winning team gets three points, the losing team gets one point.

Knock down the pins

As skittles, you can use plastic bottles with a little water poured into them for stability.

Each team has 3-5 bottles in front of them. You can knock them down with a stick or bottles, or throw them once. Each team gets as many points as they knock down bottles.

Final competition

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty. Guess which tree the leaf came from. (Prepare the sheet in advance). Guess the plant from the description:

  • “The upper side of the leaves of this plant is cold, like a stepmother in a fairy tale, and the lower side is warm, like its own mother.” (Coltsfoot)
  • “Today the clearing is golden-yellow from these flowers, and tomorrow it will be white and fluffy.” (Dandelion)
  • "They crush him, beat him, soak him, cut him. What is this?" (Linen)
  • “Garlands of white bells hang between the wide leaves. And in the summer in their place there is a red poisonous berry” (Lily of the Valley)

For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

So, we have finished our journey, all that remains is to sum up the results and receive prizes.

Everyone was brave and persistent, and these are the main qualities for any athlete! What about mother laziness? She ran around, became flushed, and became prettier! So maybe we can go to the gym after all? Tomorrow, after work?

Comment on the article "Outdoor Relay Race"

Poem for a reading competition. Leisure, hobbies. Child from 10 to 13. Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, additional activities, leisure and hobbies.

Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and a poem for a recitation competition. Surely they searched and participated. Girl, 11-12 years old, any topic. What and how to tell children about spring...


Year after year it's the same thing...
SHE always comes to us...
But I can't seem to get used to it
To your apparitions, Spring...

Ripping off the dirty covers,
And putting things in order,
Spring always comes again
For the hateful Winter...

Winter grumbles, and yet it leaves,
Full of petty grievances...
Dotting the earth at the end
Pieces of old shit...

Spring laughs at the old woman,
And fertilizes flowers with it...
And a sunny rag, dry
Erases winter traces...

And every year it's the same
I watch the show forever...
Wonderful are your works, oh God,
I thank you for everything...


Spring passed
Along the edge
Through the spring
Blue dreams
And they glowed quietly
On the girl's face
A girl was walking
In a green skirt
Ringing with blue dew.
And, jealous
Red-haired girl
The earth sighed.
And for good reason
On this spring morning
Where the light legs are
Dandelions bloomed
As if
Golden freckles

After winter's deep slumber
Disorder on the globe.
There is so much work before the holiday -
We need to remember everything in spring!
And spring in an emerald scarf
Walks and wanders in gardens and forests
And little knots as a souvenir
Leaves on bare branches.
She needs to work day and night -
Repaint the forests and fields.
The earth needs to dress up for May,
To make the earth beautiful.
The sun needs to be cleaned until it shines -
It faded in the wind.
The winter curtain needs to be removed
And wash the blue window,
Spend the cold outside the gates,
Turn on the streams imperceptibly...
And this work will end -
And all the knots will be untied.

(V. Orlov)

Well, a classic, of course

Green Noise (excerpt)

Nikolay Nekrasov

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully disperses
Suddenly a riding wind:
The alder bushes will shake,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud: everything is green -
Both air and water!
The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Like drenched in milk,
There are cherry orchards,
They make a quiet noise;
Warmed by the warm sun,
Happy people making noise
pine forests,
And next to it there is new greenery
They babble a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch tree
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
The cheerful maple tree is noisy...
They make a new noise
In a new way, spring...
Goes and hums, Green Noise,
Green Noise, spring noise!

And one more thing, terribly funny from Yunna Moritz

The snowstorms are over,
The stools have arrived
Elephants sing on the branches,
– Hello, first day of spring!

Fashion has come out of the chest of drawers,
Fashion is one hundred and four years old,
On her head
Vegetable garden and a barrel of honey!

The shaft went to the dance
In a new saucepan hat.
Her gentleman was a broom,
He ate a dumpling out of a hat!

The cat got drunk on valerian
He started acting out because he was drunk,
And for meddling with mice,
He got it on the ears!

Once upon a time there lived a goat with my grandmother,
The wolf cooked it in a saucepan,
The goat came out looking great,
I devoured the wolf and cucumber!

The steamer is sailing in compote,
In the summer he lives with his aunt,
Paints eggs and fence,
Cucumber and tomato.

A buffet runs along the river,
It contains the Big Secret,
He's acting in films
Everyone will love it!

One more thing
Yunna Moritz

Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is this gentle ringing?
This is a snowdrop forest
Smiling through sleep!

Whose fluffy ray is this?
It tickles so much from behind the clouds,
Forcing the kids
Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness is this?
Makes you smile
A hare, a chicken, a cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around town!

And the poodle has a smile!
And there is a fish in the aquarium
Smiled from the water
Smiling bird!

So it turns out
What doesn't fit
On one page
An immense smile, -
How pleasant!
This is the length
That's how wide it is!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around the city!

Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova
Vesna Mayevna Chereshnikova!

New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Leisure, hobbies. Child from 10 to 13. New Year competitions for fifth graders. Help, give me ideas or links. Relay race in nature. where to buy small prizes for competitions for children?


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, leading blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone stretches out their hands to the driver, he shakes hands (one) and says: “Happy New Year!” The owner of the hand replies: “And you too!” You can change your voice. If the leader guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Home preparation required.
A hole the size of a child’s face is cut out on a sheet of thick paper (for drawing) in A3 format. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Doctor Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair and looks out the hole, like through a window. Everyone can see who he is, except himself. Using questions Is it living (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This competition has been going great for us for three years now. The drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the waist. They have one hand left free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: put a cap on a bottle, cut a circle out of a piece of paper

Yesterday my 5th grader had her New Year's Eve.
Among the competitions were:
1. Drawing the symbol of the year on the board blindfolded (2 people participate at the same time, the winner of the pair is determined by the class)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a poem.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to walk from one end of the classroom to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed, the foot is placed on it, then another sheet is placed, the second foot is placed on it, etc.
4. “Sticky”: body parts are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and must stick the written parts to the previous participant. It turns out to be a funny caterpillar)

How to celebrate a child's birthday in nature? We offer a fun program from our animators! It can be either just a game program from your favorite fairy-tale characters, or a sports competition using additional props...

Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and I’m trying to find my daughter (4th grade, almost 11 years old) a poem about winter for a reading competition. The teacher dismissed some of them as very childish or short.

The long-awaited summer has arrived. Finally, you can move not only from home to office, but also by deviating from the standard route and get your short happiness in nature. I am lucky to live in an accessible environment of forest and parkland with a lake. One evening, heading along the path to the lake, I noticed a very unusual picture that brought a healthy smile to my face. There are offices on the ground floor of the house closest to the forest. Near one of the offices, right on the sidewalk, there was a long table covered with a tablecloth. The table was bursting with treats: salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, sweets, wine. Around the table, people sat on chairs, stools, and lounge chairs, bending over their plates. Flowers in a bucket placed on the steps crowned the whole event. It was clear from everything that there was a celebration going on, perhaps the company was celebrating the birthday of one of its employees. “How nice it is,” I thought, “people are tired of spending a long time in a stuffy room, and they moved to nature along with tables and chairs. Their faces and posture said one thing - they were enjoying this sunny Friday afternoon.” It was the beginning of summer. These people, like pilgrims, were the first to break free, inviting us all by their example to plan for maximum stay in nature.

Organized holiday

The above example can be called an unorganized vacation. Of course, the guys did their best: they took the furniture outside and prepared salads, but still it was just a feast. We will talk about outdoor recreation, which involves not only food, but also entertainment. An organized vacation is a planned event that includes an extended program of activities. Nothing will brighten up outdoor recreation more than games and competition programs. Play is something that captivates a person from childhood. Outdoor games make your vacation more fun and unforgettable. Organized recreation is more accessible to large companies, which, when going out into nature, negotiate in advance with representatives of holiday agencies, who organize entertainment for them. If the company’s budget does not allow such a luxury, then the employees themselves come up with activities for themselves on vacation, trying to bring it closer to an organized one. MirSovetov, which promotes a healthy lifestyle, is ready to expand your horizons and replenish your knowledge with games that will be useful to you on any vacation, for any budget, status and age. And most importantly: they will make your vacation memorable for long working days.

Types of games

Summer holiday games can be divided into four types:
  1. Sport games.
  2. Entertaining games.
  3. Team games.
  4. Banquet games.

Sport games

This is the most common and famous type of entertainment on vacation. A soccer (volleyball) ball in the trunk of the car and badminton rackets will never hurt. While the kebabs are grilling, men can “drive in football", and women and children jump for the shuttlecock ( badminton).

To unite the whole team of vacationers, we recommend playing volleyball. The volleyball can be thrown over the net, but you can do without it. Then the participants stand in a circle and throw the ball to anyone standing opposite. The main thing is to hit the ball in time, not letting it fall to the ground.

If you are going on vacation where there is a body of water, you will also need a volleyball for playing in the water. It can be water volleyball And water polo.
Water polo is hand football. The group is divided into two teams. Each team must have its own identification mark: for example, a different color headband. At a signal from the self-proclaimed referee, the teams begin the game from the center of the pond. Goal: throw the ball into the opponent's goal. Gates can be symbolic, such as sticks placed in the ground on a shoreline or objects placed at the edge of a pool. The team that scores more goals into the goal wins.
It should be noted that water games are now becoming very popular, especially in Europe. Mass swimming in pools also gives rise to new games, such as frisbee, boomerang, water tennis, water balls:
  • frisbee- this is tossing a flying saucer or ring. You can play in pairs, standing opposite each other, or as a team in a circle. One player throws the plate to the other. The goal of the game is to catch the plate and prevent it from falling onto the water. This game may not have a winner;
  • boomerang– can be played by one to several people. You need to take turns throwing out a boomerang, which should return to the player. The one whose boomerang lands on the water the least number of times wins;
  • water tennis is a new generation of sports equipment designed for water. The essence of the game is the same as in table tennis, only here the ball bounces off the water, and not from the table;
  • water balls- this is a game similar to our “pancakes”, when you look for a flat, not heavy pebble on the shore and throw it parallel to the plane of the water. Such a stone flies far from the shore, bouncing off the surface of the water. And you need to have time to count how many “pancakes” you got, i.e. how many times did the pebble hit the water? You need to do the same with special balls.

If we're talking about popular water games, let's also mention beach (or shore) games that have European roots. This Frenchball(or bocce ball) petanque And bowls. All of these are similar games with metal or plastic balls. The rules of the game are similar to curling, but there are no brushes. Each team must roll their heavy metal balls as close as possible to a pre-installed small, distinctive ball, which in each game has its own name (and this is perhaps the only difference between these three games). Typically, each team has four players. With their balls they can aim and bounce the opponent's balls away from the central ball, which must remain untouchable. The game ends when all the balls are thrown out. The winner is the player or team whose balls are closest to the main ball.

Sports beach games in our country and abroad do not require special preparation, their rules are known to everyone, and they can be played both before and after the banquet, which is why they are so popular on summer holidays.

Entertainment games

These games are aimed at entertaining vacationers. They are distinctive in that their rules are unknown to most, which represents an element of surprise. And if there is a creative person in the team, he will not be lazy and will search in advance on the Internet for games that are not known to his employees. This same person most likely becomes the host when these games are played on vacation. MirSovetov has in its arsenal several original games that you can take note of.
If you go on vacation not only with your team, but also with members of their families, or with another little-known company, then the first game we advise you to play is “Getting Acquainted”. If you don’t get to know each other at the beginning of your vacation, you won’t have a good vacation.
Game "Dating". The rules are as follows: the whole group stands in a circle, including children (if present). The presenter is the first to say his name and make his distinctive movement, for example, raising his hands up. After his introduction, everyone standing in the circle repeats his name and action. Then, in a clockwise direction, the next guest says his name and makes his own movement, for example, putting his palm to his heart. Now everyone repeats two names and two movements, starting from the leader. It looks like this: everyone says “Nikolai” and raises their hands up, then “Anyuta” and puts their palm to their heart. Next, the third player calls his name. Everyone again repeats both the name and the movement, starting from the leader. And so, having reached the last participant in a circle, the whole team will not only remember the names that were repeated many times, but will also have a lot of fun, inventing and repeating different movements. The last circle must be pronounced at high speed; the presenter must warn the players about this in advance. The high tempo will set the mood for the final game.

If you come on vacation with a team you know well, then we suggest making the “Telegram” game first.
Game "Telegram". The presenter tells in a playful way that the players must send a telegram home to their relatives. To do this, he calls one “code” word, for example, “field”. All participants must come up with the text of the telegram using the letters of the word “field”. For example, someone might get the following text: “Very helpful. Better - the euro." The task is distributed at the beginning of the game, and telegrams will be collected later, depending on the overall scenario. It is prohibited to swap letters in the code word. At the table, during the first toast, the winner can be announced. This is the player whose telegram turns out to be the funniest. A fun start to the holiday is guaranteed.
After lunch you can play a very interesting game, which is especially suitable for children and also for mixed groups. It's called "Golden Gate".
Game "Golden Gate". You need to choose two people who don’t really like to move, these could be older people, for example. They stand opposite each other, take each other's wrists and raise their arms up. This is the gate. The remaining players stand in a “snake” position, pointing their faces at the back of the head of the one in front. The presenter stands at the beginning of the “snake” and begins to lead it, saying: “The Golden Gate sometimes lets you through. The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden, and the third time we will not let you through!” The snake passed through the gate several times while the saying was being read. At the last phrase, the “gate” should close (put your hands down), and one or two people from the “snake” will remain inside it. Those who "enter" the gate become the Golden Gate. They take the hands of the first two players to form a circle. The remaining participants again line up in a “snake” and walk, holding each other by the shoulders or waist towards the gate, passing and exiting through it. At the last phrase of the proverb, the “gate” closes again, leaving people inside. The game is repeated until the last player is left in the “gate”.

This game is very interesting with a lot of people. And especially if among the vacationers there are children with their parents.
Towards the evening, the musical game “Day-Night” for knowledge of songs will be good.
Game "Day-Night". This game is suitable for those vacationers who have a guitarist or accordionist on their team. Everyone sits around the fire. Players are divided into two teams, for example, men's and women's. The ladies start first. They sing any song that contains words for which antonyms can easily be invented. For example, the girls sang a verse of a song with the words “girls.” Then the men remember the song with the words “guys.” The following antonyms can be examples: day-night, summer-winter, blizzard-heat, white-black. One team starts singing, the other remembers a song with the opposite word. The team that can remember the most songs wins. But everything is provided.

Team games

These are all types of relay games designed to create a competitive atmosphere. Team games should also include the currently fashionable trainings Teambuilding (team formation) and Teamspirit (team spirit), designed to create a favorable environment in the work team. Such games have become an integral part of corporate offsite events.
Teambuilding And Timspirit– these are team-building trainings that include a set of scenario games, in which each person is given the opportunity to express themselves both in a team and individually.
Now it has become fashionable to carry out themed team games. For example, you come with your employees to an island purchased by your company (a camp site, a sanatorium, a river bank), and there you are met by a pirate costumed crew led by Captain Flint. Half of your team falls into the hands of pirates, and the rest become warriors who must free the hostages and find a pirate chest with stolen provisions for your entire team.

And the game begins, which includes many difficult tasks. This may include quest- this is the completion of certain tasks on the map, to which the following description can be attached: “Stand by a tall pine tree, move east five steps, turn north and walk another ten steps, find a hint near the juniper bush that will orient you further in the area "

When a treasure is found using a tricky map, new tests begin, for example, paintball is a paramilitary game in which there is an instructor whose duties include giving safety instructions and telling the rules of the game. In this game, unlike a quest, you will see your opponent and start a real war with him. Only the cartridges will be filled with paint, not gunpowder. The winner here is the team whose camouflage has fewer paint stains.
Then “fate” throws you into the jungle, where you need to make your way through improvised vines (ropes) stretched like a spider’s web on trunks, branches, stumps and pillars. The main thing is not to touch the rope with your body. Those who pass this test move on, the rest are taken captive to the ship. There they will have to solve the real mysteries of Captain Flint. I guessed it right - free! Questions could be:
  1. Where is the end of the world? Answer: where the shadow begins.
  2. Two fathers and two sons found three treasures, but each had one. Why? Answer: they were grandfather, father and son.

When the whole team reunited, they were holding a bottle with a note indicating where the chest was buried. But the found missing item is not so easy to obtain. You must first cross the log to the other side, and there the “pirate” will give you the chest if you guess what is in it by asking the “pirate” leading questions.
Instead of a “mysterious island”, your team may end up on a “submarine”, in the “distant past” or in the “future”, on a “hot air balloon”, and in a “dragon cave”. The scenery may change, but the games remain pretty much the same.
If you are planning to spend your vacation without involving specialists in organizing holidays, MirSovetov offers you a list of simpler team games:
  • long jump– two teams start jumping. The first players jump from the line, and all subsequent players from the place where the player in front landed. The team whose jumps make the longest path wins;
  • ball on a tray– players line up as in the previous game. The first players are given a tray and a tennis ball is placed on it. All other players hold a ball in their hands. The player must run to a certain mark and return back to the team, passing the tray with his ball to the next player. The second players place their balls on the tray and run to the mark with two balls on the tray. And so on until the last player. The point: you need to run so that the balls do not fall from the tray. The team that makes the least mistakes wins;
  • find the treasure– this game is similar to a quest, but here each team hides its treasure and draws up a description map for the enemy. The point: find the treasure on the map. The team that finds the treasure first wins;
  • throw a ring on the bottle– the presenter arranges the bottles in a row or like skittles. Each team in turn must throw three rings on their bottles. The team that completed the task more accurately wins. The ring can be made from wire or cut out of thick cardboard;
  • don't spill the water– each team lines up in a line parallel to the line of the other team. In the left hand of each player of each team is a glass of water, in the right hand of each player are empty cups. The point: at the leader’s signal, each team must pour water from its own glass into the opponent’s empty glass. At the same time, the opposite team does the same. The winner is the team that fills the opponent's glasses with water without spilling a single drop;
  • pantomime- each team prepares a theatrical pantomime, depicting the word or phrase that the presenter asked them. The opposing team must guess the word in pantomime. The one who guessed right wins.

If you add your own sack jumping and blind man's buff to our games, then your holiday will be filled with a healthy competitive spirit, ingenuity, creativity and good mood.

Banquet games

These are table games. There are situations when outdoor games are impossible or they need to be “diluted” with games at the holiday table. And then banquet games come to our aid.
Words– the presenter names the letter. You need to come up with a word that denotes a gastronomic item on the table. For example: starting with the letter “S” – salt. Goal: get ahead of the enemy. Whoever comes up with the word first becomes the leader.

Deaf phone– the presenter whispers a word into the ear of the person sitting next to him. He passes it to another, and so on until the end of the table. The last player says the word out loud. The presenter checks the correctness of the named word. If the word is returned incorrectly, the presenter begins to look for the “weak link”, starting from the person to whom he entrusted his word. The one who made a mistake becomes the leader.
Questions– the presenter asks comic questions prepared in advance. For example: “What should you do if, while parking at the office, you broke the headlight in your director’s car?” The point: come up with the most original and funny answers.

Toast song– each participant is given a poetic text, for example, congratulations to the birthday person. The text may be the same for everyone. During the entire feast, guests rise and sing their text (like a toast) to various music, prepared in advance and turned on by the host. There is no need to look for a winner here, but in the name of the result, you need to demand high-quality completion of the task.

The final

It is customary to end any organized holiday with a concert. MirSovetov offers you the idea of ​​the final game, namely a concert. But it won't be quite ordinary. In advance, within a month before the corporate vacation, specialists in dance, vocals, original genre and balancing act will come to your company. They will conduct master classes with those employees of your company who have talent and want to perform in these areas. The issue of costumes will also need to be decided in advance. And when the company comes on vacation, the magnificent final stage will be a concert held on its own, but its quality may not be inferior to the skill of the invited “stars”.

A sure way to get a good boost of cheerful mood for at least six months is the opportunity to spend a well-thought-out, organized vacation in the company of your friends. Your ingenuity, talent and agility will “reveal” a different side of you, and your colleagues will become even closer to you. And so that the friendship does not fade away, take a piece of paper, a pencil and slowly start sketching out a plan for the next event after the summer -