Those who don't take risks are bad. What does the expression “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” mean?

Everyone famous saying“He who does not take risks, does not drink champagne” will be revealed to the reader in the article: it will reveal its meaning, reveal its “brothers” and “sisters”, show itself in action and prove that it was invented for a reason. That is, we will discuss what the above phrase means, and also give new expressions that are similar in meaning and meaning.

Proverbs and sayings

Surely many have heard a variety of apt expressions from their relatives, friends or just acquaintances. When asked who said it, the most common answer is that or a saying. What is it and where did these concepts come from?

A proverb is a saying invented by people (in most cases there is simply no single author) and containing a certain meaning that needs to be conveyed to the listener. It's like a quote, to be more precise modern language, the only difference is that, firstly, the proverb does not have a specific person who expressed his thought, and secondly, it has a deeper subtext, which, among other things, is conveyed multiple times, but meaningfully.

A proverb is roughly the same thing as a proverb, except that sometimes it is more vague and abstract.

The proverb “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” has firmly entered our lives. It is used almost everywhere, because it fits really many things due to its meaning and deep meaning. It can be used both in complex, confusing situations, and with little thought. In general, she will be “on topic” in any case when it comes to any choice. Most often, if you have to decide on one step or another.


So, now we will take a closer look at the expression “He who does not take risks, does not drink champagne.” The meaning of the saying is this: in order to receive a reward (“champagne”), in order to win, in order to achieve something in life, you need to take risks, otherwise someone else will take the prize (the contents of the glass will be drunk).

Let's look at it with an example. And literally. The situation is like this...

A man has been sitting in captivity for three days without food or water. If you can survive without the first for several weeks, then without drinking people can live only about three days. One fine day, the steel door that blocked the path to freedom opens, inviting a man to go free. But not everything is so simple: as soon as the man approached the treasured exit, he saw that he was standing over a deep ditch. On the opposite side there is a barrel, next to it there is a table and a glass. And between that side and the place where the person is, there is only a thin cobblestone board, along which you need to walk to get to the opposite bank.

There is champagne in that barrel. If a person reaches his goal, taking risks own life, - will get drunk and survive. If he doesn’t even try, he will die of dehydration. So it turns out that those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne. Quite literally.

In general, people drink champagne when a solemn, bright event takes place. From this it follows that only risk takers enjoy this drink: bold, daring, courageous individuals. That is why in the proverb it is champagne that is used, and not wine or water.

The value of risk in our lives

Of course, such a serious choice is presented quite rarely, and even more so it doesn’t often depend on champagne. human life. But the point is nonetheless clear.

Taking risks is extremely important. If you are afraid to do something, you may miss your unique chance, since fate rarely repeats its generous offers. Yes, risk often borders on recklessness, but sometimes being decisive can be very useful. With stupidity it’s more difficult, but still, let’s say a person can figure out not to go into the dragon’s mouth for the sake of a couple of gold coins (a fantastic theoretical example). Because this is not a risk - and nothing good will come of such an undertaking.

The expression “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” is known to almost everyone. However, few people know other similar phrases on the same topic.

Below are the most famous and widespread proverbs and sayings about risk:

  • Risk is a noble deed (from the same category: risk is an honorable deed).

People who know how to show courage have always been considered noble. And determination equals risk. So it turns out that by showing courage, you show your best side.

  • Without risk, life is bland.

This is especially true for those who love extreme sports, adrenaline and other dangers of life. However, if you think about it, it affects everyone.

Indeed, if there is outrage and chaos on the street, it would be cowardice to sit at home. You need to be brave and decisive.

  • Until you risk your life, you will not win victory over the enemy.

From the same opera as the previous saying. To win, you need to take risks, whether you want it or not.

  • He who does not take risks does not win.

Again the meaning is the same as in the previous two. True, it concerns the war less. An example is the game of chess: you need to take risks in order to move the piece. Yes, after taking an action you can lose, but you can also win.

  • He who risks nothing gains nothing.

For something to appear, you need to show some kind of determination. If you don't risk anything (which means you don't do anything), there will be no reward. There will be nothing, strictly speaking.

  • He who does not take risks loses a lot.

The meaning is the same as the previous saying.

  • There is no business without risk.

Any, absolutely any business is a risk, even an ordinary trip to the store. It's just that few people think about it.

The phraseology “he who does not take risks, does not drink champagne” can be perceived as a direct relationship between a risky enterprise and the consumption of alcoholic beverages, in in this case– champagne.

One of the explanations

One explanation for the expression links it to casino gambling. Allegedly, in some gambling establishments, the losing player who played “big”, that is, took risks, was entitled to a bonus from the establishment in the form of a bottle of champagne. The explanation is quite logical, if at least somewhere in the literature there was a reflection of this custom. However, neither Pushkin, nor Dostoevsky, nor anyone else writers of the 19th century centuries dealing with the topic gambling, there is not a word about such a practice. Even if such a custom existed somewhere, it was atypical and could hardly give rise to.

Champagne as a symbol of victory

It is clear that in this expression we are talking about risk and reward for it. But why exactly? And here it’s probably worth tracing the history of this drink. There is a lot of information about the creation of champagne, so it is advisable to simply follow its path to conquering the market.

How true French work, champagne first came to the table of the French aristocracy and personally of King Louis XIV. Limited production volumes made champagne an exclusive drink of Versailles, and the main toast was “To the King!” Gradually, champagne, along with this saying, migrated to the battlefields, in which the French nobility took Active participation. Champagne was actively consumed in honor of the next victory of the Sun King, and became closely associated with victories.

The fashion for everything French logically transferred to the consumption of champagne. Since this drink was even less accessible in Russia, it was drunk only on exceptional occasions and only by a select public.

Thus, champagne became a symbol of victory. Drinking it means celebrating victory.

Risk is a noble cause

To win, you need to take risks - perhaps this is the most logical explanation of the meaning of the expression “he who does not take risks, does not drink champagne.”

By the way, a phrase is attributed to Napoleon that debunks the exclusive meaning of the drink: “In victory you deserve champagne, in defeat you need it.” That is, champagne, like any alcoholic drink, can be used both for celebration and as a comforting remedy.

"He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne." A painfully familiar phrase, isn’t it?

Risk, as a noble cause, is present all the time in our lives. People take risks almost every day, because you never know where you will fall, and what will happen to you when you leave the entrance of your house in the morning. And for some people the risk is simply contraindicated: in the most normal situation they manage to get stuck in a ridiculous story... As for me, remembering the old good saying, which I cited as an example at the beginning, I always take risks and hope for a positive outcome of events. Indeed, we succeed in a lot. Sometimes it is useful to take a risk, because sometimes the risk saves someone’s life: animals, people, given that in life we ​​risk at every step: health, money, finances and, in general, destinies.

For a long time it was believed that all people are initially divided into two categories: those who are ready to take risks, and those who would prefer not to take them in an unforeseen situation. However, American psychologists have refuted this theory. Scientists from the University of Michigan have found that in fact, people take risks and give up not because of their inclinations, but because of circumstances. The researchers themselves do not consider their discovery a sensation: in their opinion, people are too complex beings to unconditionally classify them into one category or another.

Many professions are initially associated with great risk - military personnel, pilots, firefighters, astronauts take it... Distinctive feature such a risk - a clear motivation for actions. One of my friends, a military doctor who works in military training grounds on the border, constantly risks his life to save people. His risk rests on moral principles and a sense of duty.

Sometimes people risk their lives out of a desire to experience thrills - race car drivers, mountain climbers, stuntmen. In addition, risk-seekers can enjoy surfing, roller skating, skateboarding... There are so many dangerous sports and just entertainment that it’s impossible to list them all. Some people need risk like doping - it injects adrenaline into the blood. In this case, we can talk about risk as proof of the ability to survive.

As my friend says, there was always enough risk in his life. “When I was at school, or rather in the second grade, I was crossing the road and was almost run over by a bus. This moment was deeply etched in my memory. Throughout 11 years of study, there were eternal parties, girls, not without fights, of course. Then the university years and again risk... Each time there was more and more risk in my life. And every time, committing some next reckless act, I thought that this time everything would definitely go smoothly. But it turned out that I was naive... Every time after what I did, I realized how wrong I was,” said Farid.

Indeed, everything in our life is a risk. Why cross the road in front of a bus heading towards you? To come home a minute earlier? Or don't come...

Although, my friend doesn’t regret it one bit when he takes risks and puts his life at risk. According to him, everything that happens to him - rash actions - made him who he is today.

“I know that whatever I do is a risk, a little less, a little more - but a risk... And you know, I want to take risks. I want to enjoy the life that I lead and build myself, and not the one that is imposed on me society. Yes, maybe nothing good will come of it, and the thought “again a rake” will visit me in Once again. But this would be a conscious mistake, a conscious risk,” the friend concluded.

By the way, people who feel a great need for risk are often called adventurers. But these are not only adventure lovers - they are pioneers in all areas of activity. Without them, new lands would not have been discovered, human capabilities would not have been explored, etc.

Many of us take risks and, not getting the desired result, begin to spread rot on fate and luck, which does not smile on them. As for me, it’s so stupid to look for reasons for luck or bad luck in own destiny. In fact, it is not the capricious nature of fortune that makes us get into trouble or, conversely, avoid unpleasant situations. As psychologists say, it’s about the ability to adapt to circumstances and change decisions. This is what makes an adventurer different from ordinary person that knows how to notice all the details of the situation and instantly draws the right conclusions: what to say, what to keep silent about, where to turn, what to hint at.

But if your most innocent actions end in failure, if you get tired of the frequent change of scenery in life, do not like to deviate from your planned plan and prefer to wait an hour for the usual bus instead of taking a new road, then risk is not your element.

If you think about it, our whole life, in some way, is full of risks.

Whenever you are involved in something where it is not clear what the outcome will be, you are taking on some risk. You take risks when you ride in a car. You take risks even when you simply cross the road. And maybe these are not very big risks, but they are there.

As one artist friend says, creative nature, friends, take risks and don’t be afraid of anything! You can and should take risks. Great success there is no risk!

“Everything will be fine, no matter what happens, meet any obstacle with a smile on your face. And when it’s hard, smile even harder. And let everything bad simply not withstand your onslaught and break from your resistance,” he insists.

Why do some people succeed in the most crazy ventures, while others fall out of the blue and get into unpleasant situations?

Risk is a noble thing, someone wise said many years ago. In those days, nobility was valued above life, and therefore risk was a sign of good manners. Came new era, and adventures have not gone out of fashion. “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” is a familiar phrase, isn’t it? For some people, adventurism is simply contraindicated: in the most ordinary situation, they manage to get stuck in a ridiculous story, and if they have to take risks, then all the bumps fall on the head of such an “adventurer”, safely bypassing the rest of his comrades in the venture...

The price of adrenaline

Galya, a cheerful and lively girl, was very fond of adventures, but somehow it turned out that even in childhood, all of Galina’s pranks and undertakings turned against her. When she was seven years old, she and a yard company set out at night to clear out a neighbor’s garden. Everything went well, but Galya was the only one who left evidence at the crime scene: a large piece of fabric with white polka dots, torn from the hem of her dress. Gelya was identified, and she got a great deal from her parents and the owner of the garden. When Gala was sixteen, she and her friends decided to go to the hairdresser to radically change their appearance. And then she was unlucky: the paint color she had chosen came into conflict with the natural color of her hair, and Galya left the salon with blue-ash hair. Now Galya is changing jobs for the third time in six months: if she breaks the instructions even once, both her colleagues and her superiors will instantly find out about it. But Galya never shone with her ability to get out.

However, there are also directly opposite personalities. Even the strangest adventures are successful for them, and in the end they always get what they want: a storm of adrenaline and personal gain. The same Galya had a friend from a distant Ural town. They met back in the pioneer camp and since then communicated first through letters and then through the Internet. But somehow it didn’t work out to visit each other - it was too expensive. And then one day Lera came up with a “brilliant move” - she hinted to her fleeting Internet acquaintance that she had not been in Moscow for a long time. The next day Lera received a postal order: money for a round-trip ticket and a good amount of pocket money. Another girl in her place would have thought a hundred times: why did a stranger suddenly decide to give her a gift? Is there any blackmail behind this? indecent proposal? But Lera didn’t think for a minute. She calmly bought a ticket, flew to the capital to visit Galya, squandered the money tastefully (while not promising her friend anything) and a week later, satisfied, returned to her native land.

Fortune is not to blame!

You shouldn’t look for reasons for good or bad luck in your own destiny! In fact, it is not the capricious nature of fortune that makes us get into trouble or, conversely, avoid unpleasant situations. It's about subconscious mobility, the ability to adapt to circumstances and change decisions. An adventurer differs from an ordinary person in that he is able to notice all the details of the situation and instantly draws the right conclusions: what to say, what to keep silent about, where to turn, what to hint at... People who love to take risks have a flexible mind and developed imagination and never “get stuck” on one option for their own actions. But many of us are baffled even by a change in the bus schedule, and we think for a long time: how can we get to work now?

A born adventurer will calculate a dozen alternative options in seconds and choose the most suitable one.

If you have the qualities listed above, then your risk will most likely be justified and rewarded at the end of the journey with the promised champagne, exciting memories, and a wonderful experience.

Champagne by the fireplace

But if your most innocent undertakings end in failure for no apparent reason, if you get tired of the frequent changes in life’s scenery, don’t like to deviate from your plan and prefer to wait an hour for the usual bus instead of taking a new road, then risk is not your element . At the right moment, you may simply not have time to get your bearings and risk again getting a bump on one of the sensitive places of your pride. So is it worth throwing yourself into the pool headfirst without knowing how to swim to the surface? You might as well drink your champagne in a warm living room by the fireplace. Why is this alternative worse than others?

There is a use for everyone!

Some companies have already realized that they need employees of all types, both energetic people bursting with new ideas and those who love to do their current work. Some move the project forward, others save it from mistakes. The same applies to your personal life. Don't you like to take risks? So that's great! There must be a person in the family who plays the role of “anchor”.