Men's tight jeans. How to choose a skinny jeans style. What to wear with skinny jeans

Skinny jeans today are chosen by representatives different generations. They are preferred by respectable men, teenagers, and pretentious fashionistas. However, when choosing such models of jeans, you should be careful, because they will not only emphasize the advantages of the figure, but also point out the shortcomings. Therefore, very tapered jeans (Slim/Skinny), which tightly fit the legs, should be worn by those who have slim figure and proportional physique.

Classic blue denim pants are a dress that always looks good. The secret to the popularity of these iconic trousers seems to lie primarily in their universal application. Men's jeans from the very beginning were characterized by a rather rare style and high-quality fabrics. It's no surprise that these pants quickly rose to the top of popularity and remain there today. Men's jeans are straight trousers, muted colors and made from natural fabrics.

Lovers of classic elegance and more will surely appreciate these trousers!

The benefits of classic denim trousers don't need to be introduced to anyone. Men's jeans are not only stylish, but also fit well with most styles. The fashions and colors of denim pants today are countless, so there is something for everyone. We will find trousers in various designs and sizes that are highly functional and durable. However, when choosing jeans, you should pay attention to the type of silhouette.

Those who are not confident in their own slimness, but cannot refuse their favorite tapered models, should pay attention to the boot cut style. These jeans fit tightly around the hips and have long legs that slightly cover the shoes.

How to choose a skinny jeans style

For those who wish to purchase skinny jeans for summer, you should pay attention to models with slots, which can have a wide variety of colors - from white to orange. Classic blue jeans also remain relevant. When choosing models for summer that have a narrowed style, you should avoid products with numerous decorative elements and bright appliques, they have already lost their relevance. Convenience and elegance are in fashion today.

Especially important elements The factors that determine the size of jeans are: leg width and height. Classic jeans are pants, but next to them you can also find comfortable jeans or a slim fit. If we are concerned about jeans that fit perfectly into the shape of our legs, then we can choose pants made from a mixture of stretch marks. It is also worth considering the condition - an element that depends on where the belt will appear. Still on top to the natural hip line, but next to them you can also contact mid- and low-status models.

For winter, you can choose insulated skinny jeans made of fleece, made of dark-colored fabric, which go well with both sports jackets and classic-cut jackets.

If your figure is not athletic, it is better to opt for looser-fitting jeans or choose figure-fitting models with a low waistline.

To feel comfortable in denim jeans, it is also important to know your pant width. Largest quantity Men's trousers are suitable with classic straight trousers. However, designers also offer us jeans with legs that taper down and trousers that extend from the knees. Much easier to choose thin men, but it's good to know that the right dress can optically reduce your entire figure. Therefore the choice men's jeans should be determined not only fashion trend, but also your expectations and needs.

To feel comfortable in denim jeans, it is also important to know your pant width. The greatest number of men are suitable for trousers with classic straight trousers. However, designers also offer us jeans with legs that taper down and trousers that extend from the knees. It's much easier to choose thin men, but it's good to know that the right dress can optically reduce your entire figure. Therefore, the choice of men's jeans should be determined not only by the fashion trend, but also by your expectations and needs.

Today at men's fashion originality and extravagance are clearly visible. Many collections of famous fashion brands feature skinny jeans in the grunge style: frayed and torn, with fringes and slits, artificially aged. Despite the popularity of such models, you should choose them with caution, since they are not suitable for everyone, and it is quite difficult to combine such jeans with other clothes.

This season, skinny jeans with cuffs are very popular, allowing you to show off stylish high boots or fashionable socks with patterns. This style of jeans is suitable for long-legged men with a thin build.

When choosing skinny jeans should be addressed Special attention to their fit at the waistline. Jeans should not squeeze the body, but at the same time they should not be too loose. Only in this case will they fit perfectly on the figure.

TO Once upon a time in Russia, jeans were considered a great luxury, and their owners, like Volga drivers, stood out from the crowd and were included in the “chosen” class. Now it’s hard to imagine anyone’s wardrobe without jeans. Although there are only one, they are definitely there, and they play the role of a savior in the notorious situation of “nothing to wear.” Most people have several jeans in their wardrobe: dark and light, straight and tapered, for everyday wear and for special occasions.

D For men, jeans are a special piece of clothing. Some people can't live without them because they think jeans are suitable for all occasions. Well, there is some truth in this.

M We intend to show you what to combine jeans with so that you look not only stylish, but also unique.

What to wear with blue jeans

WITH Blue jeans are always in fashion, and we think that they should be worn, first of all, with casual clothes.

T Dark blue jeans go well with pullovers and cardigans dark colors, especially if you wear a light checkered or blue shirt underneath. Of course, dark blue jeans, like any other, look simple but stylish with a regular white T-shirt. Many people think that it’s not comme il faut to wear a denim shirt with jeans, they say, there’s too much jeans. We want to dispel this myth by saying that the so-called “denim look,” if it is in one tone, looks very stylish.

WITH light blue jeans can be combined with a sweatshirt and a T-shirt, knitted sweater or also with a pullover and a light shirt. Of course, speaking of outerwear, light blue jeans should be worn with a leather jacket or sports jacket.

E if you want to look not too strict in your clothes classic style, then this image can be diluted with jeans, giving the look a “street” look. With blue jeans of any shade, you can wear a white or blue shirt and a jacket on top. It is important here that the accessories (tie, belt or something else) are the same shade as the shoes.

What to wear with black jeans

M We can safely say that black jeans can be worn with clothes of any style, be it classic, casual or sportswear.

H black jeans look great with denim shirts(both dark blue and light blue). They also go well with bright pullovers and bright plaid shirts.

ABOUT We want to pay special attention to white T-shirts. Due to the contrast of these things, you can create a chic image. For example, you can wear white sneakers and black leather jacket or a white hat with brown boots.

IN classic look, as we noted above, black jeans also have a place. They match the coat and classic shoes or loafers.

What to wear with skinny jeans

Z renowned designers have made it clear that this season they are leaning more towards wide trousers. But despite this, some of them preferred narrower models. It seems to us that skinny jeans will always be relevant, since on their basis you can build original and varied looks for any “outing”, be it a trip to buy bread or a first date.

Z skinny jeans for men are an absolute must casual style. Of course, they are also the fall 2015-2016 trend - ripped pipe jeans, which can be worn with plaid shirts, like skaters, with pullovers and sweatshirts. T They also look great with sweatshirts, denim jackets and a coat.

What shoes to wear with jeans

TO As we said, jeans are a unique thing that can be combined with almost all clothes. Shoes are no exception.

IN When choosing shoes, you should be guided by the style and purpose of your outfit.

E If you want to fit harmoniously into street fashion, then classic shoes (pumps, loafers, deserts) should be worn with jackets and shirts, and casual comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers, sneakers) should be worn with T-shirts, plaid shirts and sweatshirts.

ABOUT however, if you want to stand out from the crowd, then don't be afraid to experiment! With a seemingly classic top, wear ankle boots, Nike sneakers, sneakers or just white sneakers.

We hope that our advice was useful to you, and we sincerely wish you to always be different and original 😉