There is courage in the work and the dawns here are quiet. Essay “Poetry of feat and heroism in story B”

// The image of Evgenia Komelkova in Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...”

Among the beautiful female images In the story of Boris Vasiliev, the image of Evgenia Komelkova especially stands out.

Zhenya was a bright sun that warmed the heroes even in difficult times of war. She was only 19 years old - the prime of youth, when you still want to live and love, when so much has not yet been said and done! The author points out that she is the daughter of an officer, and perhaps this influenced her character. Despite her almost childish appearance, Evgenia was a strong, courageous person.

At the beginning of the war, Komelkova experienced a tragedy - her whole family was shot before her eyes. However, hardly anyone could have guessed this, looking at the mischievous girl radiating with a cheerful light. Yes, she suffered, but she did not show it to others, she did not upset her with her misfortune. There was so much courage in her soul, which she covered with a beautiful smile. And only not many could understand this. So, for example, the wise Rita insightfully says about her: “Beautiful, beautiful ones are rarely happy.”

The author especially notes the appearance of his heroine. She was very beautiful: red beautiful hair, green eyes, high growth, White skin. It was dangerous to fall in love with her eyes. Proud Beautiful face will defeat even the enemy.

Why does Vasiliev go so deep into describing the heroine’s appearance? He shows that such a woman could shine on stage, surprise with her beauty and charisma. But she has to destroy her beauty in the war.

Thanks to her appearance and innate artistry, Zhenya creates an amazing scene for the enemy: she plays carefree, splashing in the water. And he does it so believably that the enemies think that there are soldiers somewhere nearby. In fact, Zhenya was very scared, in her huge beautiful eyes There was a childish fear, but it was not visible. But before, Zhenya was not afraid of anything. She loved to ride horses and was not afraid to sit in ambush with her father, hunting wild boars. Along with men, the girl rode a motorcycle and sang with a guitar. It was easy for her to have light affairs with men. But her attitude towards Colonel Luzhin was different. He became a support for her. After the execution of her family, she went to the front, and he was the one who supported her. Many people condemned Zhenya for his love for Luzhin, because he had a family. The girl understood this, but could not stop.

When Komelkova arrived under the command of Fedot Vaskov, she attracted admiring glances from other girls. Even they noted her beauty. They called her a mermaid, admired her transparent skin, exclaimed that they could only make sculptures from her. Even the “mossy stump” noted her beauty, but he just couldn’t express it.

Zhenya shows heroism, trying to deflect the blow from the girls to himself in a moment of danger. But when he receives a bullet, he cannot believe that he is dying. It's so stupid when you're only nineteen years old. Even now she looks beautiful, which even the Germans who were shooting notice, looking at her proud, beautiful face.

(381 words) Man is a multifaceted creature. It rarely contains only positive or only negative sides. More and more halftones smooth transitions from one state of mind to another. Some character traits appear only in extreme situations and serve as excellent indicators of true personality traits. These traits can easily be called courage and cowardice. IN difficult situation a person is capable of either decisively taking matters into his own hands and going ahead, or running away with his tail between his legs, leaving behind only a question mark.

A similar opposition is described by L.N. Tolstoy in his work “War and Peace”. Here the courage of individual heroes closely borders on heroism. Tushin, setting an example for his soldiers, himself stands at the gun with complete readiness to give his life for native Fatherland, and Prince Bolkonsky supports the morale of his comrades, proudly carrying the banner forward and suppressing the enemy morally. On the other side are characters such as Zherkov and Dolokhov. The first experiences terrible fear when carrying out Bagration's order and is cowardly in the face of danger, like a boy, and Dolokhov, having killed the Frenchman, expects indispensable praise, as if he had accomplished an outstanding feat. But the whole point is that such feats were performed by soldiers every minute, and they, caring for their Motherland with all their souls, did not seek recognition. This was their courage, which manifested itself in extreme situation, when it was most difficult to fight the fear for your life.

About true heroes in his story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” also told by B.L. Vasiliev. The heroism of Sergeant Major Vaskov and his girls under his charge is truly amazing. These desperate people were heading towards certain death and were fully aware of their actions, but they didn’t even think about retreating or saving their own skins: “Don’t give the Germans a single scrap... No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on...”. They were driven forward by patriotism and holy faith in victory. And for the sake of such a great goal, without regret they are ready to give up the most precious thing they had. In a situation where even men sometimes left their combat posts, Vasiliev’s heroines showed true courage and did not retreat. Their valor has been tested by mortal risk, so no one can doubt its authenticity.

Ultimately, true courage is a trait that manifests itself in circumstances that represent real danger for life. If a person is capable of a feat, obscurity and fear of death will not stop him. A coward, in any case, will shirk responsibility and find a more comfortable place for himself, where nothing will disturb him, even if this means betraying what is smart, bright, eternal and going over to the side of the enemy.

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“Not all soldiers will meet the victorious day, Not all will come to holiday parade. Soldiers are mortal. Feats are immortal. The courage of soldiers never dies." B. Serman “The Poetry of Feat and Heroism” is the basis of Boris Vasiliev’s entire story “And the dawns here are quiet...” Probably, it is precisely thanks to this poetry that reader interest in the story has not faded to this day. Until now, we are watching with unflagging attention the movements of Sergeant Major Vaskov’s small detachment, we almost physically feel the danger, we sigh with relief when we manage to avoid it, we rejoice at the courage of the girls and, together with Vaskov, we grieve their death. No one could have known that, having received the task of going and capturing two German intelligence officers, a small detachment of six people would stumble upon sixteen fascist soldiers. The forces are incomparable, but neither the foreman nor the five girls even think about retreating. They don’t choose. All five young anti-aircraft gunners are destined to die in this forest. And not everyone will suffer a heroic death. But in the story everything is measured with the same measure. As they said during the war, there is one life and one death. And all the girls can equally be called true heroines of war. The writer presented us with five completely different characters. Rita Osyanina, strong-willed and gentle, rich in spiritual beauty. She is the most courageous, fearless, she is a mother. Zhenya Komelkova is cheerful, funny, beautiful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, desperate and tired of the war, of pain and love, long and painful, for a married man. Sonya Gurevich is the embodiment of an excellent student and a poetic nature - a “beautiful stranger”, who came out of a volume of poems by A. Blok. Lisa Brichkina... “Oh, Lisa-Lizaveta, you should study!” I would like to study, I would like to see Big city with its theaters and concert halls, its libraries and art galleries... The war got in the way. You won’t find your happiness, you won’t listen to lectures: Galya, who never grew up, a funny and childishly clumsy orphanage girl, didn’t have time to see everything she dreamed of. Notes, escape from orphanage and also dreams... to become new love Orlova. At first glance, what could the responsible, strict Rita Osyanina, the insecure dreamer Galya Chetvertak, the throwing Sonya Gurvich, the silent Liza Brichkina and the mischievous, daring beauty Zhenya Komelkova have in common? But, oddly enough, not even a shadow of misunderstanding arises between them. This is due in no small part to the fact that they were brought together by exceptional circumstances. It’s not for nothing that Fedot Evgrafych will later call himself the girls’ brother, and it’s not for nothing that he will take care of the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina. There is also in these six, despite the difference in age, upbringing, education, a unity of attitude towards life, people, war, devotion to the Motherland and readiness to give their lives for it. The six of them need to hold their positions at all costs, as if “all of Russia came together” behind them. And they keep it. Galya Chetvertak dies stupidly, but we do not blame her. Maybe she was too weak and insecure, but a woman shouldn’t be at war at all. But Galya still tried to the best of her ability: she carried a heavy load of things, walked on the icy ground in only a birch bark jacket. Even though she did not accomplish a feat, she did not enter into direct combat with the enemy, but she did not retreat, stubbornly moving forward and following the orders of the sergeant major. The death of Sonya Gurvich seems to be an accident, but it is associated with self-sacrifice. After all, when she ran towards her death, she was led by a natural spiritual movement to please the kind and caring elder - to bring the left pouch. Lisa Brichkina also sacrifices herself. Her death is terrible and painful. She may not have fallen on the battlefield, but at the same time she died in the performance of her duty, hurrying to quickly cross the swamp and bring help. In the end, the two bravest and most persistent girls remained with the foreman - Rita Osyanina and Zhenka Komelkova. Zhenya, saving the foreman, killed a German soldier by smashing his head with the butt of a rifle. She fearlessly bathes in front of her enemies, portraying a simple village girl. And she takes the enemies with her into the forest, away from the wounded Rita Osyanina. Rita was wounded by shrapnel while she was shooting back at her enemies. This was not the first shootout where the girls showed themselves. Alas, the forces were unequal, and Rita and Zhenya were destined to die a painful death: one was wounded in the stomach and put a bullet in her forehead, the other was finished off at point-blank range by the Germans. Sergeant Major Vaskov also faced severe trials. He was destined to bury all his fighters, overcome grief, wounds and inhuman fatigue, and in the last frenzied battle, cruelly take revenge on his enemies, and then, until the end of his days, carry the heaviness in his soul because he did not save the girls. Each of the girls paid her “personal bill” to the invaders. Rita Osyanina’s husband died on the second day of the war, Zhenya’s whole family was shot before her eyes, Sonya Gurvich’s parents died. This “personal account” of each is linked to the account of the entire country. After all, how many women and children remained widows and orphans. Therefore, while taking revenge on the Germans for themselves, the girls also took revenge for the entire country, for all its inhabitants. The heroines of the story, young girls, were born for love and motherhood, but instead they picked up rifles and took up an unwomanly task - war. Even this already constitutes considerable heroism, because they all voluntarily went to the front. The origins of their heroism are in love for the Motherland. This is where the path to achievement begins. True poetry of feat and heroism requires simplicity, naturalness, and realism. This is exactly the story of B. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet...” This is a pure and bright work about how, in exceptional circumstances, a person devoted to the Motherland and ready to sacrifice himself becomes a hero.

On February 27 at our school on the eve of the 70th anniversary Great Victory the premiere of the play “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” took place. Being present at auditorium, I was literally transported back in time, plunged headlong into the events of wartime. I experienced everything with the characters: happiness, pain, joy and fear. Everything was so realistic that I almost cried. Amazing! I would like to note the good acting, wonderful costumes and scenery and excellent work by the director. The death scenes were superbly played. young girls who defended their homeland at the cost of their lives.

Gavrilova Valentina, student 9 "A"

If we, the audience, were to give a rating for the play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, I would give it a “5+”. The production made a huge impression on me. Excellent production, truly brilliant acting, costumes and props, the era itself - everything made a huge impression on me. Thank you, Olga Viktorovna, for such a performance on the eve of a big holiday - Victory Day.

Panova Yulia, 10th grade.

Boris Vasiliev, the author of the story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, said: “If a person feels pain, he is alive, and if a person feels the pain of another person, he is a Man.” All the spectators in the hall were so worried about Zhenka, Rita, Lisa, Galka, Sonya, they felt such pain when they died that tears appeared in the eyes of many, both children and adults. And this means that we are all Humans! Thanks to everyone who helped me feel human again with my wonderful game!

S.V. Chabrikova, teacher of Russian language and literature.

No words!!! The whole performance is in one breath! It was as if we had been in a real war and forgot that our classmates were on stage. What great fellows you are!

Kalinina Liza, 10th grade.

Performance school theater This is my first time seeing Pygmalion. The play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” performed by students from my school is simply a wonderful work of a talented team led by O.V. Loban. The images of the young female anti-aircraft gunners were portrayed so authentically that many in the audience were moved to tears by their death.

Klimkina Olga, 10th grade.

In the theater I was amazed by the performance of all the actors. But I would like to say about the performance of the “author” - Alexey Pribe, without whom the performance on stage would not be complete, and for someone who has not read this story, not everything would be clear from what is happening on stage. Alexey is great: he learned this large volume material. With his calm, quiet, measured voice, he helped us see what was happening off stage.

Konkin Dmitry, 10kl

The feat that five young female anti-aircraft gunners accomplished left no one indifferent in school hall. A huge responsibility fell on the fragile shoulders of the very young defenders of the Motherland - not to let the Germans through to the railway bridge. Showing heroism and courage, they fulfilled their duty. I really liked the production where I was present great game actors, professional special effects, props and costumes that convey the breath of that era. It becomes clear that the country in which girls fight with such hatred for the enemy and love for the Motherland will never be defeated.

Medvedeva Anastasia, 10th grade.

Of all the productions of the Pygmalion school theater, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is the most intense. Each of those present in the hall could not shake the feeling that we were in the thick of things. Both the female anti-aircraft gunners and the experienced warrior Vaskov left no one indifferent. At some moments it was difficult to hold back the tears coming to my eyes. The acting team correctly and completely conveyed the content of B.L.’s story. Vasilyeva.

Shaposhnikova Ksenia, 11th grade.

In different life situations people act differently. Some are ready to take decisive action, while others become afraid. True essence a person only manifests himself when he is faced with problems and dangers. One demonstrates courage of character, the other in a similar situation seems like a coward. But this does not mean at all that brave man is not afraid of anything.

Everyone has their own fears. It is much more important to overcome them. Not everyone can boldly face danger and fight their fears.

They say women have no place in war. But the girls-heroines of Boris Vasiliev’s immortal story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” cross out this belief. Undoubtedly, the death of each of them was terrible, but not one of them allowed herself to chicken out, hide, or go away for a minute. The girls were not afraid to take on an unequal battle, knowing in advance that they were unlikely to survive. There was no place for cowardice in this story - after all, not everyone can find in themselves such courage, such courage as these girls. It is important that they cannot be compared with each other: neither the desperate Zhenya with Galya, who lost her head from fear or the careless Sonya, nor Lisa, who died in a hurry to convey new information about the Germans, with Rita, who died in agony - each showed unparalleled courage in the name of victory for your country.

The state in which you live undoubtedly influences your destiny.

And if the heroines of Boris Vasiliev gave their lives for their country, then the residents One State, described in E. Zamyatin’s dystopian novel “We,” were in the grip of totalitarianism. In the first case, the reader is struck by the courage of the heroes, in the second we are surprised by the heroes’ fear of going against the state. But at the same time, it shows heroes who go against the laws and rules: this is D-503, and i-330, and o-90, which, knowing that execution awaits her, still decides to give birth to a child. The characters change noticeably over the course of the novel. These are the people who make history.

There have been many examples in history brave people. But a person who is courageous in one situation may behave differently in other conditions and may not be able to cope with fear. True courage manifests itself when we try to impress someone, to appear brave in the eyes of others. Courage is the ability to control yourself, soberly assess the situation and turn a blind eye to your fears, because, as Bernard Shaw said, “to be a slave to fear is the worst kind of slavery.”

Updated: 2018-08-29

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