Shakespeare biography in English. Literary evening for high school students in English “William Shakespeare”

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early years
William Shakespeare was English poet, playwright and actor. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a successful artisan. William was the third child in the family. In total, his parents had eight children. William Shakespeare attended Stratford Grammar School.
In 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a local landowner. At that time, Shakespeare was 18 years old, and Anne was 8 years older than him. In 1583, Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susan. In 1585, the couple had twins - son Hamnet and daughter Judith. Unfortunately, Hamnet, the only son of William Shakespeare, died at the age of 11.
Life in London
Shakespeare later moved to London. He lived and worked in this city for many years. During this time, Shakespeare wrote most of his works and became a successful playwright. His troupe was one of the best in London.
In 1599, a theater was built on the south bank of the Thames. It was called "Globe". Shakespeare's troupe performed in this theater. Work in the theater made Shakespeare a wealthy man. He was not only a playwright, he also took part in theatrical performances.
Last years
A few years before his death, Shakespeare moved to Stratford. He died on April 23, 1616. Some research suggests that Shakespeare was ill towards the end of his life.
Shakespeare's works
Among his works are such masterpieces of world literature as “Romeo and Juliet”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Hamlet” and many others. In addition, Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
The influence of William Shakespeare's work is enormous: from theater and literature to modern cinema, Western philosophy and the English language in general.

Studying at school the boy actually did not have any free time. But he spent his rare spare hours walking in the forest or watching the river Avon.

Those days there were not a lot of theaters in towns and actors and actresses had to travel moving from one place to another with the ir shows. Sometimes they visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them playing. He got fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor.

Most famous of his plays are Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. They are still popular and you can watch his .plays in almost any country of the world. He produced thirty seven plays at all. He had connections with the best English theaters for about 25 years.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest and most famous writers in human history. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, small town in the center of England. His father wanted his son to be educated person, and William was sent to the local high school.

While studying at school, the boy actually had no free time. But if he had a free minute, he walked through the forest or looked at the Avon River.

In those days there were no cities large quantity theaters, and actors and actresses had to travel, moving with their performances from one place to another. Sometimes they came to Stratford-upon-Avon. William enjoyed watching them play. He fell in love with this profession and decided to become an actor.

He went to London and became an actor there. During this time he also began writing plays. Shakespeare was both an actor and a playwright. In his works he reflected the life events of his contemporaries. His plays were staged in many theaters and translated into foreign languages. This made Shakespeare very famous.

The most famous of his plays are Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. They are still popular and you can see them in almost every country in the world. In total, Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays. He collaborated with the best English theaters almost 25 years.

William Shakespeare also wrote many poems, including unsurpassed sonnets. Many songs have been written based on his poems. It is still the most published and famous writer worldwide. We don't know much about his life. We can only guess what kind of person he was by analyzing the legends and few documents of that time.

Shakespeare died in 1616, but millions of people today still admire his plays.

translation just in case.

Studying at school the boy actually did not have any free time. But he spent his rare spare hours walking in the forest or watching the river Avon.

Those days there were not a lot of theaters in towns and actors and actresses had to travel moving from one place to another with their shows. Sometimes they visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them playing. He got fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor.

Most famous of his plays are Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. They are still popular and you can watch his .plays in almost any country of the world. He produced thirty seven plays at all. He had connections with the best English theaters for about 25 years.

William Shakespeare (2)

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest and most famous writers in human history. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a small town in the center of England. His father wanted his son to be an educated man, and William was sent to the local high school.

While studying at school, the boy actually had no free time. But if he had a free minute, he walked through the forest or looked at the Avon River.

In those days there were not many theaters in the cities, and actors and actresses had to travel, moving their performances from one place to another. Sometimes they came to Stratford-upon-Avon. William enjoyed watching them play. He fell in love with this profession and decided to become an actor.

He went to London and became an actor there. During this time he also began writing plays. Shakespeare was both an actor and a playwright. In his works he reflected the life events of his contemporaries. His plays were staged in many theaters and translated into foreign languages. This made Shakespeare very famous.

The most famous of his plays are Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. They are still popular and you can see them in almost every country in the world. In total, Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays. He has collaborated with the best English theaters for almost 25 years.

William Shakespeare also wrote many poems, including unsurpassed sonnets. Many songs have been written based on his poems. He is still the most published and famous writer in the entire world. We don't know much about his life. We can only guess what kind of person he was by analyzing the legends and few documents of that time.

Shakespeare died in 1616, but millions of people today still admire his plays.

Like other boys of middle-class families, William attended a grammar school in Stratford where he got a good education and also learned Latin.

When William was 18 he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children, first Susanna and then twins, a son named Hamnet and a daughter named Judith. Hamnet died when he was 11.

We don"t really know what William did during the following years but in 1592 he went to London to work as a writer and actor. It was a difficult job and only the best found work in London.

The Globe was a huge amphitheater without a roof. The seats were curved around a stage that was built on many levels.

Plays always started at 2 o"clock in the afternoon. People who didn"t have the money to buy a seat were allowed to stand in the front of the stage. All kinds of people came to see the shows– housewives, children, noblemen and even visitors from other countries. The company also presented special plays for kings and queens.

Tragedies are played that show the downfall of a main character. His most famous tragedies are Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth.

Comedies are funny plays that have a happy ending most of the time. A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor are among the most popular.

Historical plays are dramas about the lives of some of England's most powerful kings like Henry IV or Richard II.

At that time the people of England did not know that their country's greatest poet and playwright had died. They thought of him only as a popular actor and writer.

Like other boys of middle-class families, William attended a grammar school in Stratford where he got a good education and also learned Latin.

When William was 18 he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children, first Susanna and then twins, a son named Hamnet and a daughter named Judith. Hamnet died when he was 11.

We don’t really know what William did during the following years but in 1592 he went to London to work as a writer and actor. It was a difficult job and only the best found work in London.

The Globe was a huge amphitheater without a roof. The seats were curved around a stage that was built on many levels.

Plays always started at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. People who didn't have the money to buy a seat were allowed to stand in the front of the stage. All kinds of people came to see the shows – housewives, children, noblemen and even visitors from other countries. The company also presented special plays for kings and queens.

– Tragedies are plays that show the downfall of a main character. His most famous tragedies are Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth.

– Comedies are funny plays that have a happy ending most of the time. A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor are among the most popular.

– Historical plays are dramas about the lives of some of England’s most powerful kings like Henry IV or Richard II.

At that time the people of England did not know that their country’s greatest poet and playwright had died. They thought of him only as a popular actor and writer.

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