The biggest win in the casino. Betting on luck: the biggest winnings in the casino

The casino has gained fame as a place where people lose money, but despite this, there have been many cases of winning in the casino. In this article we will tell you about the most big wins at the casino.
The casino appeared back in 1638 in Venice. A lot of time has passed since the first casino until today. For such a gigantic history, it is not surprising that the casino received a lot of interesting facts, as well as a lot of lucky people who managed to hit the jackpot and win incredible money in the casino.

It is also interesting that with the advent of the Internet, casinos have only begun to gain momentum. Started appearing on the Internet great amount various casinos, but only a few could truly boast good reviews And fair play. So, for example, on a casino website you can win an incredible amount of money in just a couple of games.

The biggest win in a casino in Russia

There have been a lot of winnings throughout the casino's history, so it's worth breaking down the winnings into categories. So, Albert Begrakyan became the biggest lucky guy in Russia. An ordinary, unremarkable resident of St. Petersburg once won a prize of 100 million rubles. Below is a photo of Albert:

It seems that after such a win, life turns into a real paradise. So it was for Albert. Unfortunately, paradise lasted only a little, namely only two years. Many news magazines reported that Albert somehow managed to lose all 100 million rubles in just two years. So now he lives his old life

Biggest win in poker

Everyone knows that people win a lot in poker. large amounts, especially at various championships. So, in 2006, the next poker championship was held in Las Vegas. Among over 9,000 participants, the winner was Jimmy Gold, who won one of the largest poker wins in the history of mankind. That day he won 12 million dollars!

Biggest winnings at roulette

Roulette is one of the most famous games at the casino. It is known that millions of dollars are lost on it, but there are also cases when people make truly incredible winnings.
Oddly enough, all the big wins occurred in the same casino in Monte Carlo. Joseph Jaggers became the first to win big money in this casino. His “income” amounted to 325 thousand dollars, and if you consider that it was at the end of the 19th century, then this amount is truly incredible.

After this, just a few years later, Charles Wells breaks the bank in the same casino. This time the winnings were $1 million.
By the way, interesting fact, just a few months later, Charles broke the bank again at another casino. He was suspected of fraud, but they couldn’t dig up anything, so the money stayed with him. We can say that it’s absolutely possible to win at the casino, and looking at these dizzying sums, you even want to try it yourself. It is worth remembering that behind every such win there are a lot of losses. If this were not the case, then what would be the point of operating a casino? Just give money? No! Therefore, remember that you can play in a casino, because it is a great form of entertainment, but it is also worth remembering that you should not perceive the casino as real way get rich or like a real job.
That's all

Everyone who starts playing in a casino, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a real gaming room or online game, dreams of disrupting the most big jackpot- Jackpot. But the way the gaming business works is that this most tempting jackpot is not so easy to come by. Regular winnings in the casino - yes, and quite often, but becoming a millionaire overnight is the lot of the lucky few. But who said that you won’t be the lucky one? Everyone’s chances are absolutely equal, and here you need to call on Fortune for help, perhaps she will turn her attention to a person who desperately needs money. Well, while you are trying to turn Lady Luck’s gaze on yourself, we will tell you about those people who were able to win big in gaming clubs - real and virtual.

Winnings at real casinos

In first place with a jackpot of $40 million (!) was an ordinary programmer living in the capital gambling- Los Angeles. And, as often happens, he had no goal of winning a big jackpot. Just during halftime of a basketball game, he dropped into the casino “for a minute” to “kill time.” And he placed a bet of less than $100, apparently hoping for “make or break.” It turned out that he is a “master”. Now, for a quarter of a century, he will receive $1.5 million annually - these are the state rules. This is the largest, fastest and most unexpected win in an American casino. This story happened not so long ago - in 2003.

Second place goes to ordinary girl Cynthia Jay, who worked as a regular waitress in 2000. After her shift, she decided to stop by the casino for a while to take her mind off things. She had only 27 dollars of money on her, and you couldn’t spend much money on that. Having chosen a slot machine, the girl started the game and after just a few games she became the owner of 35 million dollars. The ubiquitous journalists immediately calculated that in order to earn that amount of money, Cynthia would have to work without weekends and holidays for 1165 years!

Third place can be given to a pensioner who decided to celebrate her 74th birthday in a big way. Considering that gatherings with old people were boring and uninteresting, she went to Las Vegas. Having stayed at the luxurious Baileys Hotel, the old woman went to the casino located on the ground floor, sat down at the first slot machine she came across and on the first try (!) won a fantastic win - 22.6 million dollars. And here there is an element of mysticism - game slot, who gave a gorgeous gift to the old lady for her birthday - the same one that enriched Cynthia.

Well, in fourth place we put the Australian, multimedia tycoon, Kerry Parker. His $20 million winnings came not from slots, but from card game baccarat. He beat one of the most reputable casinos in Las Vegas - MGM Grand. True, he also went down in history as the man who lost 28 million in blackjack - well, he couldn’t stop in time!

These are stories that actually happened in real gambling establishments. What about online casinos? Are there people who managed to win in a virtual game?

Winnings at online casinos

The online casino industry is only gaining momentum every year. This is also facilitated by laws adopted in many countries banning gambling - where else can you get your dose of adrenaline and make money? Every day the number of players visiting virtual gaming clubs, only growing. And as they increase, the jackpot also grows – large cash winnings, which can go to anyone, regardless of country of residence, religion, gender and account balance. And all people dream and believe that they will get it right now. And some people succeed.

The Millionaires Club slot machine brought the average worker $8 million in 2007, and the Mega Moolah slot machine for two years in a row - 2009 and 2010 - made players happy with the amount of $6 million. At the same time, the lucky ones who beat the gambling establishment made very small bets, no more than two bucks.

In 2013, in the authoritative online club William Hill hit the jackpot via the casino client on a smartphone. This winning is considered the largest among those received through mobile applications. Young man who bet just £6 on Cop and Robber slot managed to withdraw £866,000 English money. This is in Europe and America.

Is it possible to win in Russia? Why not. The amount, unfortunately, was expressed not in millions, but in thousands, but this is also very pleasant - 25 thousand dollars, as they say, are not lying around on the road. This win was made on European roulette in an online casino with bets of $100 on red and $200 on zero. For obvious reasons, the name of the winner is not disclosed - all casinos are very careful about confidentiality.

This summer, the Vulcan online casino hit a $2,000,000 jackpot! This gift was given to the player by the slot Crazy Monkey. Here it must be said that games in online casinos are safer than in real ones, since the existing anonymity guarantees that the winner remains unknown, and, therefore, the likelihood that he will be robbed, kidnapped or even worse is minimized.

It is a pity, of course, that cases of receiving big win not as much as we would like. But they exist, and therefore there is always a chance to become a millionaire in just a few minutes. Play in the casino, win, break the bank - let a bright streak of success and wealth come in your life!

In the 21st century, you can meet more than one lucky person who could boast of a big win in the casino. Of course, some managed to win more, some less, but it’s hard to argue with the fact that making a profit already evokes positive emotions. There is a rating of those who managed to get the biggest sums in the casino.

London resident Ashley Revell decided in 2004, at the age of 32, to show everyone what he was capable of. So, he withdrew all his savings, taking a table to play roulette at the casino at the Plaza Hotel, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. He planned to play several games there, preparing for the turning point in his life and bet his entire capital of $135 thousand on the red sector. In front of a huge crowd of ordinary onlookers and members of their family, who froze for several moments with fear and hope, the ball began to rotate against the movement of the roulette wheel. After he began to slow down and stop, Revell remained hopeful that the red would come up, which he had chosen after asking fans at home about which color he should bet on. Luckily for him, the ball stopped at sector 7 red, and Ashley managed to double her fortune.

In 2003, a programmer from Los Angeles successfully visited Las Vegas. The guy played exclusively online gambling. He decided to enjoy watching a basketball game in the popular gambling capital known throughout the world. During a break in the match, he stopped by a local casino to play the Megabucks machine. With a bet of less than a hundred dollars, he hit the jackpot of $40 million. This is one of the largest winnings in the history of any casino. According to state law, the winnings will be paid over 25 years, each year the player will receive one and a half million dollars.

Another lucky winner on Megabucks machines was American Elmer Sherwin, who also managed to win $5 million in Las Vegas in 1989. He spent all his money on travel. It’s hard to believe, but almost 16 years later, on the same machine, he managed to win again, but now 21 million dollars. In 1992, he essentially managed to earn a huge inheritance for his family. As they say, luck smiles twice.

Winnings on the Internet

Particular attention should be paid to online records, so that those players who are used to playing without leaving home can understand what enormous sums they can win. A record-breaking jackpot was registered at online casinos in 2007. The jackpot was won on The Millionaires Club slot machine. An ordinary blacksmith managed to win $8 million. Another interesting video slot, Mega Moolah, was conquered twice in 2009 and 2010. The players managed to win 5.5 and 6.5 million dollars, respectively. The most interesting thing is that each of them spent only a couple of dollars on this game. And quite recently, a winning at roulette was registered, and specifically in Russia. Having bet only 100 dollars on red and 200 on zero, the man decided to try his luck, already having a good amount of winnings, on the sector from 1 to 10. After the ball stopped on sector 6, the player managed to win 25 thousand dollars. For luck to smile, you must continue to play. Well, for those who are not used to taking risks or are simply newbies, many online casinos offer

But there are lucky ones who are incredibly lucky. We will tell you about them.

Record millions

So, in 2003, a 25-year-old programmer from Los Angeles successfully dropped into Las Vegas. A guy who had previously played only in online casinos decided to watch a basketball match in the much-hyped mecca of the gambling business.

During a break in the match, I looked into the Excalibur casino, where I decided to play on the Megabucks slot machine. By betting less than $100, he hit the jackpot of $39.7 million. This is one of the most big wins in a casino in history.

By law, the casino must pay out winnings within 25 years. Therefore, every year a young American receives $1.5 million from Excalibur. Not bad, right?!

Double jackpot

The Megabucks slot machine has become lucky for another American, twice. In 1989, Elmer Sherwin, also in Vegas at the Mirage Hotel casino, won $4.6 million, which he spent on travel.

At that time the lucky man was 76 years old. But the old man turned out to be very gambling and did not stop looking into the casino. And 16 years later, on the same machine, but at the Cannery Casino, financial luck again smiled on the now 92-year-old Sherwin in the form of a win of $21 million.


Unlucky lucky man

The famous Australian player Kerry Parker won $20 million in baccarat at the MGM Grand casino (Las Vegas) in 1997.

True, Parker did not last long among the super lucky ones. Two years later, but already in London, he became one of the biggest losers, losing $28 million in blackjack. This is how it happens. You shouldn't always try your luck, as she is a capricious lady.

Marathon Reward

The most significant amount won in poker was recorded on annual championship, which took place in the same Las Vegas in 2004. Great luck smiled on the Swedish player Martin Deknif. That lucky poker marathon for the Swede made him $2.728 million richer.

The casino system is so well thought out that any player
can lose his entire fortune in just one evening
in the hope of winning back at least a small part of the money already lost.
Not everyone is lucky in this cruel and thoughtful business,
but sometimes there are lucky people who are able to win
millions of dollars in famous casinos and gambling halls.
Next you will find out amazing stories incredible winnings at the casino.

MGM Grand (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Winnings: $20 million to $40 million

One evening, Australian billionaire Kerry Parker
(first place in the ranking of the country's richest people at the time of death in 2005,
fortune $6.5 billion), while in Las Vegas, decided to stop at a casino and, out of curiosity, play baccarat and blackjack.
That evening he won between $20 million and $40 million (the exact figure is unknown, as there were several winnings).
Kerry began to waste money already in the casino - for example,
The tips of the waitress and head waiter serving him amounted to $1 million.
Interestingly, in 1999, Kerry Parker ended up in London and lost about $28 million in a casino there.

Excalibur (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Winnings: $39.7 million

In March 2003, a twenty-five-year-old engineer from Los Angeles came to Vegas not for fun, but
and to root for your loved one basketball team. Time left until the match
several hours, and he decided to while away them at the famous Excalibur casino.
The young man sat down at the slot machines and away he went.
Throwing the tokens one after another, he spent a total of $100,
when suddenly the word “jackpot” lit up on the screen and the music started playing.
The winnings amounted to a phenomenal amount of $39,713,982.25,
which is comparable to the average profit of the entire casino per month.
The winner wished to keep his name a secret and so on forever
and remained in the memory of the regulars of the establishment as a “young engineer.”
In addition, he asked that the casino not give him all the winnings at once,
and each year transferred approximately $1.5 million to his account.

Mirage (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Winnings: $21 million and $4.6 million

Winning a million dollars in Las Vegas is an incredible and fantastic event.
But there are people who experienced this incident twice.
World War II veteran Elmer Sherwin was 76 years old when he took home the $4.6 million jackpot.
This happened ten hours after the Mirage casino opened.
Elmer spent the money on trip around the world.
Even after that happy occasion he continued to visit
casino with enviable regularity - twice a week.
Why give up a business in which luck smiles on you?!
Sixteen years passed - and again the jackpot in the same casino, this time - $21 million.
Most The veteran no longer spent his second winnings on himself,
and for charity: he helped those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Fremont (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Winnings: $8.9 million

"You need money? Ask, and it will be given to you,” said the 71-year-old
Hawaii resident Amy Nishimura. Amy came to Las Vegas on vacation.
One gaming machine somehow she immediately liked it. The woman felt
that the machine seems to be alive. She approached him and began to talk.
She began to explain why she needed money and asked for luck to visit her right now.
Next, Amy lowered the token and began to play.
It should be noted that she had less than $100 in her wallet:
luck would have to hurry up if she wanted to catch her at the casino.
And after three hours of persistent play, the machine gave out the “jackpot”...

Palace Station (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Winnings: $680,000 and over $27 million

Persistence and work will grind everything down. Once upon a time slot machine
Wheel of Fortune gave a 60-year-old woman $680,000.
But the money didn’t turn the lady’s head: instead of spending it left and right,
the woman continued to visit the casino regularly.
She, one might say, invested all the money she won in her play activity.
And she made the right decision: after some time, the investments brought her super profits -
in Megabucks (one of the types slot machines) she hit the jackpot!

Gold Coast (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Winnings: $12 million

In 1996, postal worker John Tippin came to Las Vegas to conduct
vacation and set a world record for winnings in Megabucks - $12 million.
Since then, a streak of luxury limousines and beautiful women.
But it turns out that sudden money is not only luck, but also a test.
In 2001, John published the book I Did It! My Life After Megabucks"
(“I did it! My life after Megabucks”), where he told
how he went from being a jetsetter to being a loser and an alcoholic.
"Those who think a big jackpot will solve all their problems are mistaken," warns Mr Tippin.
The book is an interesting read, in principle discouraging a trip to Las Vegas, but, however,
eight pages of illustrations beautiful life have the opposite effect on the reader.

Fifty London Casino (London)
Winnings: $1.6 million

Another confirmation of the proverb “Money to money.”
English billionaire, owner of the Newcastle United team
Mike Ashley visited the most famous casino London - Fifty.
Since Ashley is a very busy person and values ​​her time,
he decided to spend no more than 15 minutes playing with roulette.
Being an extraordinary person and loving attention,
Ashley decided to do something memorable.
He declared publicly that he bet money only once, on one specific number - on 17!
In his case, luck did not take much convincing:
Mike Ashley won outright. After Ashley's money was paid,
he thanked the casino workers and modestly left.

Betsson Casino (online casino)
Winning: €900,000

After a hard time working day A Swede named Peter played in the online casino Betsson Casino.
He was especially amused " Arabian nights"with horses and "Aladdin's lamps" on the screen.
Peter had been playing for several hours when suddenly the message “Congratulations! You won!
The prize was €900,000. When asked where he planned to spend the money, P
The iter replied: “Firstly, I will pay off the loan for the house, and secondly, I will travel the world.”

Mountaineer Casino Racetrack and Resort (Chester, West Virginia)
Winnings: $3.7 million

On June 7, 2006, Beverly Whitten probably thought that her
life is approaching sunset: on this day she retired after 38 years
teaching activities. But almost a week later, on June 15,
Beverly realized that life was just beginning!
She hit the jackpot in the amount of $3,718,311! She played for two hours
into a slot machine called “Golden Chambers” - and won.
Whitten couldn't figure out where to spend so much money,
therefore, she asked the casino to pay her winnings in installments - for example, $1945 per month.