Retrograde Mars. Difficulties for people with retrograde Mars in the horoscope

Every 22 months, Mars changes direction and is in a retrograde phase for approximately 80 days. Unlike the inner planets, the outer planets are retrograde when they are in opposition to the Sun. More precisely, the retrograde phase of Mars begins when the Sun (in the horoscope) is to the right of Mars at approximately 135 - 140 degrees, and ends when the Sun is to the left of Mars at the same distance.
During this period, all processes slow down, activity decreases, and there may not be enough strength and energy to achieve your goals. Attempts to force events or increase pressure do not produce results or worsen the situation. If you don't stop, something akin to a broken spring or a steam boiler explosion may happen. Even things that seem to have started successfully are slowed down, various obstacles arise that prevent you from getting on with your main business. Problems can grow like a snowball, forcing a person to do something other than what he intended. All this irritates a person, he begins to rush around, look for a way out, or in frustration gives up what he started, loses interest in the matter. Libido often drops, apathy appears, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, old grievances are remembered, which, in turn, often gives rise to quarrels. Enemies or competitors may become more active. In days retrograde Mars Care should be taken when handling equipment, weapons, and moving mechanisms. Breakdowns and equipment failures occur more often. If equipment was assembled or repaired during the period of Mars retrograde, hidden defects are often revealed later, arising due to the negligence or negligence of the performers. At this time, it is not recommended to travel, as traffic may be delayed for various reasons and the likelihood of road accidents, which are accompanied by injuries, blood loss, and the need for surgical intervention, increases. These days, people are required to have composure, endurance and patience; any aggression can turn against the one who sends it. Lawsuits and battles that are started during Mars retrograde will be lost.
As in the case of retrograde Mercury, retrograde Mars provides an opportunity to return to unfinished, once abandoned matters, the approach to which will now be different.
Retrograde Mars has a stronger effect on people who have a strong Mars status in their natal chart, are located near the Ascendant or Meridian, or in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn. And also for those for whom Mars is Rex aspectarius.

starting a new business, a new project, a new business, long-term enterprises;
take a job or change it;
go on a trip;
hold competitions;
buy or repair a car, any machinery or household appliances;
start repairs or construction.

to part with what has become obsolete, outdated;
finish and complete previously started tasks;
return to old ideas and projects, consider them from other positions.

e. In general, retrograde is introversion. When a person directs his anger, anger, energy inside himself. As many people as I know like this, they have absolutely no conflicts. On the contrary, these people are very peaceful creatures. They don’t like quarrels, scandals, or shouting. Such a child cannot be raised with a belt or shouting, because he will become very withdrawn into himself. After all, he directs everything inside himself.

In astrology, retrograde is definitely a defeat for the planet. In transit, this is also a bad sign. In a horary chart, this may indicate a long search if the question was asked about a thing. And during transits, a retrograde planet forces us to dive deeper into the retrograde planet. But in my study of natal astrology, I realized that retro-phase damage is an interesting feature. I'll tell you about her.

Retrograde is somewhat similar to the action of the planet of frames - Saturn. But, if under stress, a person tries to do something and everything goes through one place, then with retro it’s different. A person can become so confined to himself that he doesn’t even try to do something.

He can do something, but it will never be for show. According to my observations, these people doubt themselves.

I have a friend who works in the police. Her parents knew nothing about her decision, they only knew that their daughter was involved in sports. And now she works as a policeman, often goes to make arrests, and uses weapons if necessary.

Retrograde Mars in a woman

And this is an interesting feature of such Mars. A person with a retrograde fire planet may choose a profession that involves physical activity. If Mars is in , then the profession may have a strong masculine flavor. A long time ago I had a consultation with a woman who worked in a plumbing store. And these weren't accessories.

It is clear that the profession will not always involve physical activity. There are many different factors to evaluate in a profession. Many people with this condition suffer greatly in childhood, especially boys. Because such a kid will not fight. He is afraid that he will not win and will show aggression. Often these problems carry over into adulthood. But there is one good thing here for, as they like to say, elaboration. This is a sport. Especially if Mars is also.

If a person has a problem with expressing aggression, then physical activity will help. And the interesting thing is that a person with such Mars in may well succeed as an athlete. Such a person will have enough patience, he will be able to train and follow the regime. If only he gets around to it.

Mars retrograde is more painful for a man than for a woman. After all, Mars is a planet of masculine nature. It is difficult for such a person to court a woman and show his charisma. Therefore, they have to work on self-confidence. The good news is that they usually succeed.

Periods of Mars in retrograde motion.

Mars can be in a retro phase once every two years.

  • in 2016 - April 24 - June 27.
  • in 2017 - no

Retrograde Mars in transits and solar

Why do I say it will get there? Because the owner of retrograde Mars in the solar chart may think that this is all pointless. By the way, in the solarium, retrograde Mars indicates a similar mood throughout the year. This year it is contraindicated to open your own business, your own business, or create something new.

The same influence is typical when we have retrograde Mars in transit. Car and large machinery breakdowns often occur on retrograde Mars. My father, for example, regularly breaks down on retro-Mars. By the way, I noticed another important feature that is inherent in many personal retrograde planets in transit. We want to do things for which the planet in retrograde motion is responsible. For example, amazing ideas pop into our heads. The unfortunate thing is that it will not be possible to implement them in this period of time as desired.

You can find out the features of your personal horoscope

Astrologer Polina Sergeevna

Mars is a planet that gives people fearlessness, determination, courage, strength, speed of action, and determination. Mars influences our success, work, achievements. Mars gives energy, strength, zeal, passion and initiative.

What is retrograde motion of a planet?

This is its movement backward in relation to the Earth. This effect occurs not because the planet changes its direction, but because of the difference in the speed of movement with the Earth. That is, from the Earth it will appear that Mars is moving backward, since the Earth will in some sense overtake it.

What happens during Mars retrograde?

During this period, it will be difficult to act actively, achieve something, take initiative, be energetic and move forward boldly. During the retrograde period of this planet, all our strength and energy is directed more inward. This creates a slowdown in our lives, making it impossible or quite difficult to start something, to be active, to act energetically.

From June 26, as many as 5 planets will be retrograde: Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars. This means that the progress of all matters and projects will slow down significantly. And from July 26 to August 19, Mercury will also be retrograde. In addition, we will have 3 important Eclipses this summer.

The influence of retrograde Mars will be most significant for Aries, Scorpios, Aquarius and Capricorn. The rest of the Zodiac Signs will also see changes in their lives.

It will be quite a tense period in which they may return old unresolved problems, delays, dead ends, conflicts may occur.

What should you not do during Mars retrograde?

  1. You should not take the initiative, start new businesses, register a company, or organize anything.
  2. It is not recommended to perform operations, use weapons, be exposed to risk and danger, or organize competitions.
  3. You should not buy movable property, household appliances, tools, etc.
  4. You cannot enter into arguments, debates, or file a lawsuit.
  5. It is not recommended to change jobs, start construction, repairs, or go on any long trips.
  6. It is unfavorable to take risks.
  7. Not the best time to start courtship or have your first sexual experience.

How to easily survive the period of Mars retrograde?

  1. It is important to slow down and not take the initiative. During this period, you should be more reasonable, calmer and more attentive.
  2. You should control your anger and negative feelings, as they can arise due to many problems and difficulties.
  3. You should avoid conflicts and quarrels in every possible way, as they can be quite acute and long-lasting.
  4. It will be especially difficult for proactive and active people, so they should be the most focused and restrained.
  5. It is very important to monitor your health, avoid heavy loads and dangerous sports, and be careful, since injuries, accidents, and nervous breakdowns often occur during the retro-Mars period. You should take care of both your body and your psyche, don’t rush anywhere, don’t take on too many obligations, and don’t overexert yourself.

What does the retro-Mars period give us?

  1. During this period, it will be possible to return to postponed matters, try again to launch small short-term projects that previously failed, slow down and take care of things already started.
  2. Retro Mars will draw our attention to the past; people from the past, old proposals, tempting ideas may return. It is important to make a final decision on whether to return to something only when Mars becomes direct. Now there will be a big risk of being deceived.
  3. It is very favorable to put things in order in old affairs, to deal with projects that have already begun, to slowly but surely move towards long-chosen goals, to finish all things, to close open questions.
  4. You can practice calm sports: walking, swimming, yoga. You should find harmony and inner peace, calm down and slow down your rhythm, accept this passive period as an important part of the path.
  5. It is recommended to rest more, do everything slowly, avoid heavy stress on the body and mind, use your energy rationally, do not strain yourself, and be in the “now” moment.
  6. You need to learn to wait, analyze, look for inspiration, be in harmony, feel inner peace and most importantly - trust your life.

We have already talked about the period of Mercury retrograde.

Let me remind you what planetary retrograde is.

Retrograde- retrograde motion, in which planets appear to move backward in relation to other planets observed from Earth and occupying different positions in the zodiac. Retrograde is considered a weakness of planets.

Effect of retrograde

The influence of a planet does not change in the case of its retrograde, but the individual response to its influence becomes different - namely, the way of expressing its special qualities and characteristics is not as good as when it moves directly. It is believed that the influence of favorable planets is weakened during their retrograde movement, since this movement is in contradiction and disharmony with the general movement in the Zodiac. In addition, the influence of malefic planets in retrograde motion increases.

  • Mars is retrograde for 80 days and stationary for about 2-3 days before and after retrograde.
  • Mars is known as the "evil" planet. "Evil" is a substitute word to describe planetary vibrations. all planets are good in themselves, but human reactions to their influences may be different.
  • Mars rules energy, strength, action, muscular effort, aggression, enterprise, initiative, contentment, desire, feelings, courage.
  • Mars rules the head, face and muscles. It denotes strength and activity.
  • Mars also rules will, work, conquest and desire, construction and destruction.
  • Mars provides access to physical and sexual energies. He controls the physical body, health and energy directed outward. Shows violence and destructiveness.
  • The sphere of activity ruled by Mars is production, construction, military affairs. Represents agents, contractors, construction services.
  • Mars affects mainly changes in physical conditions. His job is to energize that side. Nature, which currently seems dark and unexplored to us. His work on a person is to encourage action, so that as a result he can acquire the necessary knowledge.
  • Mars goes retrograde once every two years and two months, which makes its retro period quite an important event because Mars goes retrograde less often than other planets. At this time, we begin to master new levels of past experience, less dependent on any outside interference.

The influence of the retrograde period of Mars

In a psychological sense, this means that we get the opportunity to free ourselves from the flow of social influences and stereotypes, from the habitual reactions that control our lives, and reconsider the principles of our activity and methods of action. At this time, our approach to conflict resolution, our hostility, anger, self-confidence, risk-taking, ways of exercising will and physical activity require rethinking and new approaches. In sports and military affairs at this time, defensive tactics bring success. During the retrograde period, Mars enters into opposition with the Sun - this is the phase of the symbolic full moon in the Sun-Mars cycle, the exact aspect will be April 8, 2014. The Sun - “consciousness, individuality” and Mars - “activity, dynamics”, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This gives us the opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of personal implementation must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective. Situations that arise during the retro-Mars period reveal unresolved conflicts, unconstructive reactions, accumulated irritation and dead-end approaches in our desire to succeed or, on the contrary, in our inability to do anything. The energy field of the sign of Libra, in which Mars will be until July 26, forces you to look for supporters and make contacts in order to realize what you want. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to our relationships with other people. At this time, we depend more on the environment, on the ability to coordinate our actions and negotiate, than on personal initiative and activity. Emerging situations force us to take indirect actions, to search for intermediaries, to coordinate decisions, to act together or through someone. We have to balance on a fine line between what is desirable and what is possible and remember that a compromise is an agreement in which neither party gets 100%, but both make mutual concessions. During the period of Mars retrograde, people from the past can make themselves known in our lives: rivals, competitors, those who stimulated our activity and did not let us relax. This time gives us the opportunity to once again try to achieve goals that previously turned out to be inaccessible. However, on retrograde Mars, you should not invest great effort in achieving what you would like to see lasting. Our actions at this time do not have a solid foundation, and the same applies to their results. This period will be marked by changes in partnerships, in relationships, including international relations. In April and May, disagreement will appear, which will contribute to the release of discontent that had previously accumulated, and aggressiveness, when natures, accustomed to solving problems with pressure, will not be given what they want. Therefore, in the destructive version, transformation will give way to destruction. This prolonged stay of Mars in Libra can have an important impact on the area of ​​our relationships. The Jupiter-Pluto-Uranus tau square is associated with the theme of political and plutocratic power and economic processes. This is an indicator of a political and economic crisis and a requirement for reform, this is a time when destructive processes, abuses, thoughtlessness and connivance in politics and economics reach their peak and result in protests and revolutionary movements in society, and in the economic sphere in serious problems, in the form of collapses of individual companies, banks, instability on currency and stock exchanges. This urgent need and need to free ourselves from oppression and dictatorship triggers processes of change that are accompanied by radicalism and sharp confrontations. This is a time of polarization and severe conflicts, including military ones. New forms of mental and information terrorism may emerge. Since there is a fierce struggle both for power and against power, and the cardinality of energies does not contribute to the flexibility of positions. The participation of Mars in these planetary “showdowns” during the “eclipse season” makes this time a period of fierce struggle and poses a severe need to solve key problems. After the retrograde movement of Mars ends, we unconsciously choose new tactics of action, find new, perhaps more effective ways to implement our plans, sometimes these changes are so large-scale that the need and need for life changes arises.

Features of activity during the retro-Mars period or what not to do

The retrograde of Mars is associated with an aggravation of internal tension on the one hand, and a decrease in our energy, on the other. The natural flow of energy at this time is directed towards revision and rethinking, towards internal activity, and not towards external goals and results. Trying to make a breakthrough in business or implement some kind of blitz projects at this time means sailing against the tide on a poorly managed ship. That is why new projects launched during this period, designed for the future, will not bring the expected result. At this time, things require additional efforts in order to simply maintain the status quo, and there is simply not enough energy for new ventures and the struggle for a place in the sun. Things slow down at this time, the implementation of new ideas leads to difficulties in execution and disruption of plans. Now the ability to slow down and refine what has already been started will bring O greater return than the desire to step on the gas and act ahead. After all, not only our personal approaches and reactions are changing and revised; similar processes are taking place in parallel in the economy, in legislation, and in public priorities. Overall entrepreneurial activity is declining as a result of objective preconditions and unstable conditions. Starting a new business at this time is like building a castle on the sand. Moreover, astrological practice has shown an interesting pattern: those who, during the retrograde period of Mars, start wars, show aggression or take active actions, such as organizing personal squabbles, filing a lawsuit, initiating confrontation, find themselves a loser, even if their cause " right and holy." This is a period of obstacles and restrictions in free initiative, new endeavors, personal growth, clamps and limitations of will. Don’t swim against the current, move by inertia, don’t show excessive initiative - there will be a reaction to any action, so don’t get ahead of events, don’t break the law, avoid conflicts, especially legal proceedings, control your emotions. Energy should be directed not outward, but inward. This period has a bad effect on sports and military affairs. Conflicts with security forces are dangerous for the side that initiated the conflict. The one who shoots first will lose.

Mars retrograde period March 1 - May 20, 2014 What is not recommended to do:

  • Start a new business project, or any campaign that requires active action and pressure.
  • Register a company.
  • Perform elective surgeries.
  • Buy mechanisms: cars, means of production, household appliances, tools, etc.
  • Start construction or renovation.
  • Organize sports competitions or corporate sports championships.
  • File a lawsuit, initiate a confrontation.
  • Initiate disputes, discussions, debates.
  • Send your car for repairs or maintenance without a good reason.
  • Change your place of work.
  • Go on long business trips.
  • Use firearms and bladed weapons.
  • Start courtship.
  • Have first sexual intercourse.

What you can do:

  • Putting things in order in old affairs, finishing up and tightening up “tails”, solving current problems.
  • Resume previously abandoned sports activities: wushu, qigong (for the soul).
  • Do yoga, meditation.
  • Rest more, take more breaks from work.

Some of the material was developed by Elena Zimovets.

Happy Feng Shui to you!