Beautiful dawn. Poznyakov Nikolay Ivanovich - beautiful dawn

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Today Orthodox Church remembers how the evil Herodias killed the great prophet John of God Forerunner. As the Holy Gospel tells us, Herod, the king of Judea, took as his wife the wife of his brother Philip, Herodias, with whom Salome was. John the Baptist denounced Herod for this illegal cohabitation. The evil Herodias harbored a grudge against the prophet of God and, wanting to destroy him, influenced Herod to imprison the Forerunner. And then the opportunity presented itself for Herodias to destroy the man of God.

The king was having a feast, the daughter of Herodias, Salome, entered and danced in front of the guests. Herod really liked this dance of Salome, and he, drunk, vowed to give her everything she asked for, even half the kingdom. Salome consulted with her mother, and she taught her to ask for the head of John the Baptist. This request saddened the king, but for the sake of his oath he fulfilled it. John was beheaded by the sword. Herodias did her evil deed.

The evil Herodias still lives in the heart of every woman - it is Satan, who attracts a woman to what is not given to her by God - to rule over her husband.

Even virtuous women have a tendency to rule, but they try to fight this vice. Those who do not have husbands also want to rule either over their families or over their neighbors. This satanic rule of a woman over her husband has caused many atrocities on earth. Everything is filled with this Sacred History and in general the whole history of the earth.

Thus, the evil Jezebel constantly persecuted and persecuted the holy prophet of God Elijah for the truth. Ahab was a good king, but his wife Jezebel had such an influence on him that she turned him away from the true God, and he turned away the entire people and led them into idolatry. Jezebel persuaded him to destroy Naboth because he did not want to sell his vineyard, and she did her evil deed. Naboth was stoned.

Samson loved his wife, and she loved him, but she herself betrayed him to death.

“It is better to live with an asp, the most evil snake, than with an evil wife,” says the Russian proverb; and another Russian proverb: “Where the wife cannot cope, Satan is sent there.” So evil treacherous wives have for the most part influence over vicious husbands, like Herodias over Herod, because he was a lover of money, a fornicator, and a drunkard. They take advantage of their husbands' weakness and keep them under their thumb.

The desire of a woman to rule the state is madness. Catherine the Great, the wisest of all queens, when the military situation became difficult, even gave up. The great Russian commander Suvorov came to her, turned on his heel, crowed the rooster and said: “A chicken is not a bird and a woman is not a person.” You women should not be offended by this, because a woman is not the whole, but a part of the whole. The part cannot be the main one. For example, eyes remain eyes, hands remain arms, legs remain legs. These parts and other parts of the body cannot be the head. The woman is a part, not the head; the head is the husband.

The Gospel says that the Lord fed five thousand people in the desert - except for wives and children (Matthew 14:21). A wife must know why she was created, know her purpose. She is her husband’s assistant and must raise her children in the fear of God. Those Christian wives who understand this purpose are good mothers, sisters, and wives. And blessed are those who recognize this and do not strive for what is not given to them by God - to be the head of their husband.

If a husband has such shortcomings as drunkenness, the wife should forgive her husband for this weakness, because she herself is not without weaknesses. Whatever the husband is, he is the head of the house, he is the owner.

The Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Corinthians that a wife should remain silent in the temple of God, that is, she should not teach in the temple of God; She must remain silent at home, since the head is the husband, and ask him what is not clear.

Let's see what befell Herod, Herodias and Salome after such an atrocity. They suffered a heavy punishment from God. The Roman emperor sent them into exile, where they spent their lives in poverty and dishonor. And Herodias’ daughter Salome was walking along the river, the ice broke, she danced under the ice with her feet, and her head was cut off by an ice floe. This severed head was brought to her mother, Herodias, and Herod.

The head of our Christian society are priests who lead their wives and children into the Kingdom of God, constantly teaching that one must go to the Kingdom of God through humility. But among our Christian wives there are many evil Herodias who do not accept these teachings of the priests, but themselves want to teach them. But whatever the priest, he is a servant of God, invested with authority from above.

I receive whole stacks of letters from evil women Christian women who want to lecture us, priests, and even threaten: if you don’t do it the way I want, then I’ll go complain higher. At first I read these letters, and then I began to recognize them by their handwriting and, knowing that there was nothing smart in them, but only dirt and stupidity, without reading them, I began to throw them into the stove. All these Herodias are standing here in the temple!

Each monastery has its own charter, which must be obeyed. But women, both visitors and locals, want to introduce their own rules. In the mornings we have a fraternal prayer service, which can only be attended by all the brethren. And we, priests, out of Christian love, allow strangers to attend this prayer service. But how do these strangers behave? Before the brethren, they rush to venerate even the miraculous image of the Lady and the relics of the Venerable Martyr Cornelius, they walk on salt, lick the entire iconostasis in the Assumption Church, they walk where no one except the priest should set foot. The brethren also sometimes disturb the order, and the order should be like this: first the head of the monastery should venerate the miraculous image, then the brethren, and then the parishioners. We sometimes act rudely, restraining disorderly people, but this does not help much, and they do not like us for it.

Christian wives! For you to be saved, you must only listen Orthodox priests, and not themselves or someone on the side, especially people in black robes, who often teach others without correcting themselves. If there is something you don’t understand, come and ask in the simplicity of your soul: why are you rude or something else, and we will explain.

So, let us humble ourselves, cut off all pride, the desire to rule, and then, with God's help, we will be saved. Amen.

Archimandrite Alipy (Voronov)

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We return to the metro, go to the "Kitay Gorod" station, exit to Solyansky Lane, go up the hill along the lane and around the turn we will see the thick walls of the St. John the Baptist (Ivanovsky) Convent, address Maly Ivanovsky Lane, 2, "Kitay-Gorod" metro station . It turns out there was a river called Rachka, now it’s in the pipes. The monastery is very beautiful inside, after restoration, it’s straight out of St. Petersburg and the baked goods in the monastery are delicious, a miraculous icon that heals headaches with a hoop, there aren’t many people, it’s worth a visit, you’ll find yourself right in a fairy tale, in ancient Moscow.
Ioanno-Predtechensky convent located on the “Ivanovskaya Hill”, which gave its name. This is the name of the hill in the upper reaches of the Rachka River, which is an edge up to 150 meters high, facing the Moscow River. John the Baptist Monastery is considered one of the oldest in Moscow. Initially it was male and existed since the beginning of the 15th century on the other bank of the Moscow River - in Zamoskvorechye, in the area of ​​​​Pyatnitskaya Street. The first news about the Moscow Ivanovo Monastery is contained in chronicles under 1415 when describing the miracle that accompanied the birth of Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark. In the 1530s, after the birth of Vasily III's heir, the future Tsar Ioann Vasilyevich the Terrible, the monastery was moved to Kulishki. Here, in a new location, maintaining its dedication to John the Baptist, the monastery became a women's monastery.
Here, under Tsars Mikhail Feodorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, on August 29, on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, the Tsar’s celebratory appearances took place. The blessed schema-nun Martha labored in the monastery. In the world - the maiden Daria. Schema-nun Martha, revered during her lifetime as a spiritual elder, was glorified after her death as a locally revered saint, known for her special help to women in labor, prisoners, and as a prayer book for the House of Romanov. St. John the Baptist Monastery served as a place of imprisonment for women of the royal family. In the first half of the 17th century, the following were imprisoned here: Tsarina Marya Petrovna - the wife of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, Pelageya Mikhailovna - the second wife of Ivan the Terrible's eldest son, Tsarevich Ivan.
The complex of the Ivanovo Monastery includes: the Cathedral of the Beheading of John the Baptist, with the chapels of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas (1861, architect M. D. Bykovsky), the western building of cells (1760-1830, architect M. D. Bykovsky), hospital building (eastern) (1860s, architect M. D. Bykovsky), house church of St. Elizabeth the Wonderworker, Abbess of Constantinople at the hospital building (1879, architect M. D. Bykovsky; restored in 1995. ), the northern building of the cells (1860s, architect M.D. Bykovsky), a fence with two bell towers and the portal of the Holy Gates between (1860s, architect M.D. Bykovsky).

During the reign of Catherine the Great, in 1785, the nun Dosifeya (Princess Augusta Tarakanova) entered the monastery by Imperial decree. ex-daughter Empress Elizaveta Petrovna from a secret marriage with Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky. By order of Empress Catherine, the princess was brought from Italy by cunning and imprisoned in the Ivanovo Monastery, where it was ordered to keep her secret, not allowing anyone near her. The place of her imprisonment was two cramped low rooms of cells with windows into the courtyard. Her time was filled with prayer, handicrafts and reading spiritual books. The money she earned for her handicrafts, sold through the cell attendant, she immediately distributed to the poor through the cell attendant.” With the death of Catherine II, the seclusion of the nun Dosithea became less strict. She was not released anywhere, but she received permission to host. The people learned about the pious life, and began to go to the old woman; noble people also visited her. The recluse Dosithea, having spent 25 years in the Ivanovo Monastery, died at the age of 64 in 1808, and was buried with great honors in the Novospassky Monastery near the bell tower.
Since 1768, the landowner Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova, known as Saltychikha, was kept in a crypt under the cathedral church, and then in a special dungeon under a strong guard in the Ivanovo Monastery. After the fire of 1812, it was decided to abolish the Ivanovo Monastery.
The monastery was restored in 1859. The founder of the Ivanovo Monastery was the wealthy widow of Colonel Elizaveta Alekseevna Makarova-Zubacheva. In February 1859, Metropolitan Philaret was presented with a project for a renewed complex of buildings of the Ivanovo Monastery. This project was commissioned from the famous Moscow architect of that time, Mikhail Dorimedontovich Bykovsky (1801-1885), who in 1861-1878. rebuilt the Ivanovo Monastery in the spirit of Italian Renaissance architecture. On September 3, 1860, the ceremonial laying of the Cathedral of the Beheading of John the Baptist with the hospital church of Elizabeth the Wonderworker was completed. Started Russian-Turkish war, and the city authorities turned to M.A. Mazurina with a request to provide already finished buildings for the hospital, which opened here on June 7, 1877. After the nuns moved into the monastery, a hospital began to operate in the monastery, intended for monastics of all women's monasteries in Moscow.
After the revolution, the Ivanovsky Monastery was one of the first in Moscow to be closed. In 1995, a small community of ten sisters was formed in the monastery. The minor consecration and first service in the Elizabeth Church took place on April 28, 1995, Friday of Bright Week. On August 11, 2000, by decision of the Synod, held on the eve of the glorification of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, the St. John the Baptist Convent was reopened. In the summer of 2001, on the occasion of the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Cathedral Church of John was completely freed from the archives that occupied it and handed over to the believers. On November 9, 2002, a cross was installed on the dome of the cathedral.
The main shrine of the monastery, the ancient, miraculous image of John the Baptist, has now been returned to its place historical place in the cathedral, and in the monastery chapel there is his venerable list, to which the hoop is attached. Both icons contain particles of the holy relics of John the Baptist. The iconostasis and the local temple image of John the Baptist were painted in the 1550-1560s. This approximate dating based on the style of icon painting, architecture and other sources is combined with historical legend about the founders of the monastery, according to which it was founded either by the Grand Duke John III, who carried out large-scale stone construction in Moscow, or by the mother of John IV the Terrible Grand Duchess Elena Glinskaya, or the Terrible himself, who was born and celebrated his namesake day on the day of the Beheading of St. Prophet John. In the 17th century, the first kings from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, diligently visited the monastery on a temple holiday.
On the icon, the Holy Prophet John the Baptist is depicted in full height the full height of the icon. The image is written on a board in dark brown and green colors. John the Baptist stands bare feet on the ground straight and looking sternly and intently forward. The hair on the icon of the Prophet is long, light brown, descending in wavy tufts over the shoulders, and a short beard, spreading out in curling strands. At his feet in the lower right corner is depicted a branchy, spreading green tree, at the roots of which an ax is thrown through a branching trunk. Right hand The Forerunner was raised to the Persians and stopped in a blessing gesture; the left one is lowered - holds a bowl dish with a truncated head of St. The Prophet and an unfolded scroll with the words of the sermon of repentance: “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is drawing near. The ax is already at the root.” At the top of the icon is the inscription: on the left - “Agios John”; on the right - "Forerunner"
Attached to the icon case of the Prophet on the right on a metal chain is a copper hoop the size of a person’s head, the size of the head of John the Baptist, which is easily put on the head. On the hoop there is a half-erased but legible inscription - a short prayer to St. John the Baptist: "Holy Great Forerunner and Baptist John of the Savior, pray to God for us." It can be said with certainty that this hoop has been known since II half of the 19th century century. Two documentary evidence from the beginning of the 20th century have been preserved that the hoop was in the chapel of the St. John the Baptist Monastery and was attached to the icon of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist and was revered as a shrine. There is evidence of the healing of seriously ill people with the help of this hoop.