Human ashes after cremation. Stages of organizing the cremation of a deceased person

Caroline Hartz, an Australian mother of three, is 70 and looks great. The woman admits that 28 years ago she was literally addicted to sugar and sweets. “Most women over 50 believe that it is impossible to maintain their figure and weight. Even after 40, women who have children are sure that it is impossible to return to their previous figure.”

Caroline assures that anything is possible, you just have to really want it and work tirelessly. And, I must admit, her body is the best confirmation of her words.

“As we age, our metabolism slows down. This means taking control of your body, making healthy decisions and working on yourself a little more.”

“I think it’s very important to pay attention to what and how much you eat. Mindlessness always leads to excess weight. Enjoy every bite. This will help you avoid overeating."

Caroline Hartz has not eaten sugar for 28 years. She found an alternative - xylitol (Xylitol), polyhydric alcohol in the form of colorless crystals that dissolve in water. In terms of calorie content, xylitol is close to sugar, in terms of sweetness it is close to sucrose, but has no biological value.

According to Caroline Hartz, obesity in Australia has already reached epidemic levels and one of the reasons for this is sugar.

“I gave up sugar 28 years ago. At first it was very difficult, because I was obsessed with sweets and could not live without them. I am sure that it is thanks to the fact that I do not eat sugar that my health is in in perfect order and I’m not overweight.” The Australian does not call for completely giving up your favorite foods and drinks - everything should be in moderation.

Important role sleep also plays. Caroline Hartz tries to sleep at least eight hours a night to allow her body and mind to recover. The Australian also encourages meditation: “Every day before work I meditate for half an hour, it helps me a lot throughout the day. I have become calmer and more collected since I started meditating at age 65. It's never too late to start something."

Caroline Hartz advises women aged 20 and 30 to live life to the fullest. “Be happy, enjoy the successes of others and never worry about age. Don't listen to anyone, be yourself. Yes, life is far from ideal, come to terms with it.”

The 70-year-old Australian impresses with her excellent shape - you wouldn’t give her more than 45 years. The secret to the success of the woman, whom one would hesitate to call elderly, is that she has not eaten sugar for the last 28 years.

Carolyn Hartz, mother of three children, used to be literally addicted to sugar and sweets.

“I gave up sugar 28 years ago. At first it was very difficult, because I was obsessed with sweets and couldn’t live without them,” the heroine admits. “I am sure that it is thanks to the fact that I do not eat sugar that my health is in perfect order and I am not overweight.”

However, a strong desire to be healthy helped the woman reconsider her habits.

“As we age, our metabolism slows down. This means taking control of your body, making healthy decisions and working on yourself a little more,” says the Australian.

“Most women over 50 believe that it is impossible to maintain their figure and weight,” Hartz continues. “Even after 40, women who have children are sure that it is impossible to return to their previous figure.”

But Carolyn assures that anything is possible, you just have to really want it and work tirelessly. And, I must admit, the heroine’s body is the best confirmation of her words.

First of all, Hartz advises paying attention to what and how much you eat. “Mindlessness always leads to excess weight. Enjoy every bite. This will help you avoid overeating,” she explains.

As for sugar, the Australian found a replacement - xylitol, a polyhydric alcohol in the form of colorless crystals that dissolve in water. In terms of calorie content, xylitol is close to sugar, in terms of sweetness it is close to sucrose, but has no biological value.

Rest plays an important role in staying in shape, says Caroline. She tries to sleep at least eight hours a night to allow her body and mind to recover. The Australian also encourages meditating: “Every day before work I meditate for half an hour, it helps me a lot throughout the day. I have become calmer and more collected since I started meditating at age 65. It's never too late to start something."

Finally, Hartz recommends that women change their attitude towards life: “Be happy, enjoy the success of others and never worry about age. Don't listen to anyone, be yourself. Yes, life is far from ideal, come to terms with it.”

Australian Caroline Hartz is called the person who could deceive age. At 70, Carolyn has the figure of a thirty-year-old woman, her skin is toned and elastic, she is radiant in health and is happy to share the secrets of her beauty with the world.

According to Hartz, she was able to maintain this shape simply because she followed several simple rules. The main one is the absence of sugar in the diet. She has not used this product to which she was addicted for the past 28 years. long years. Carolyn was a real fan of sweets, but at some point she decided that health and figure were more important to her.

Carolyn told FEMALE magazine: “I’m an optimist. Even when I face serious challenges, I try to remain positive. I always remind myself that the glass is always half full.” A positive attitude and a nutritious diet allow Carolyn to stay in great shape.

Today, Hartz is a role model around the world. By personal example, she convinces many women that neither age nor having a child is an obstacle to staying young and slim. “Many women after 50 believe that fighting for beautiful figure At this age it's just pointless. There are also forty-year-old mothers who are sure that after giving birth it is impossible to return to the body they had before having children.”

Experts have found that a person’s brain activity is directly related to what language – native or foreign – he speaks. Details are reported by Cortex magazine.

Scientific work took place on the basis of several scientific institutes: University of Toronto, University of Madrid Nebria and Basque Center for Cognition. With the participation of 60 volunteers, experts found out how brain waves are synchronized in the context of different languages.

As part of the experiment, participants, divided into pairs, had to engage in conversation, using their native and foreign languages ​​alternately. During this time, scientists monitored their brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG).

It turned out that during the conversation on foreign language, the work of the brain changed, he was forced to constantly adapt in order to better understand the interlocutor.

The brains of people who are this moment spoke a foreign language, established completely different neural connections compared to a conversation in native language,” said study author Alejandro Perez.

The exact reasons for this restructuring are still unclear to scientists; it is believed that this is due to special joint attention strategies that help the brain encode and process information associated with each new language.

During a dialogue in their native language, both interlocutors pay close attention to the style and meaning of their communication, but when their conversation is in a foreign language, the main attention is focused on the pronunciation of individual words and sounds.

The information obtained allowed the authors to claim that the synchronicity of our brain is largely related to the language we speak with our interlocutors. According to the researchers themselves, these data will allow them in the future to learn to objectively evaluate the verbal communication of two people.

A team of scientists from the University of Basel found that the placebo effect can only occur when the curator of the experiment behaves friendly and attractive to the volunteers. All participants were shown several videos, after warning them that they had a relaxing effect and could improve their mood. But in the end, the video had the expected effect only if the curator of the experiment behaved politely and friendly with the subjects.

Each of the 421 volunteers, after watching the video, filled out a special questionnaire in which they talked about the change in their mood before and after the video. All volunteers were divided into several groups and, depending on this, the curators behaved with them differently. Volunteers in the control group were asked to simply watch the video.

When the video was accompanied by a preliminary psychological rationale, the subjects' mood noticeably improved, but only if the curator was friendly with them. But the video itself had no effect,” said study author Jens Gaaba.

The authors were able to prove that psychological reasoning in the process of placebo administration can only have an effect if it is presented in a calm and friendly atmosphere. These findings should be very useful for all other experiments and scientific works, which uses the placebo effect.

Anxiety. A healthy level of concern about your health is important because it will allow you to notice a particular disease early.

Meditation. No, it does not relax the brain at all, as many people think. During meditation, it is the front part of the brain that is activated, which is the more “thinking” part.

Gratitude. Every day, write down three things you are grateful for as the day goes by. Within three weeks you will notice a difference in your happiness levels.

Negative. It is important to try to get rid of any negativity and not believe in every stupid thing that comes into your head.

It is in your hands to rejuvenate and improve your brain and you will notice the first results after two months. And along with brain health, your life will become better, more interesting and more varied.

Meet this charming woman's name is Carolyn Hartz and she is 70 years old. It's incredibly hard to believe, but Carolyn has an explanation for her incredibly youthful appearance. As Carolyn herself says, in 1989 she was diagnosed with diabetes, since then she decided to give up sweets and for 28 years now the woman has not consumed sugar in any form. Since she is still a person, she also sometimes wants sweets, in such cases she uses the sweetener xylitol. The woman also claims that her young look she owes it not only to giving up sugar, but also to regular physical exercise. However, users are in no hurry to believe Carolyn’s stories and for this they have very reliable arguments.

"You have to watch what you put in your mouth - that's the first thing, and secondly, you have to move your legs too," is Caroline's motto.

Caroline owns the company Sweetlife, which produces a xylitol-based sugar substitute.

A woman claims that she managed to maintain her youth because she has not consumed sugar for 28 years.

And also exercises regularly

Anyway, Caroline looks fantastic.

Both in clothes and in a swimsuit

However, users are in no hurry to believe her stories, citing plastic surgery as the main reason for her youth:

"70.. however this face went through surgery, you can say with 100% certainty that it was good surgery. You just can't have boobs like that at 70, I'm sorry.. but it's not just from -for giving up sugar."

"No sugar... plus fake boobs, fake teeth and a facelift... To be fair, she looks great, but I don't buy that it's all just her diet!"

Others have put forward the theory that the whole point is that Caroline can afford expensive self-care:

"She looks great, but not because she doesn't eat sugar, but because she has the time and money to take expensive care of herself and her body. This is definitely good idea cut out the sugar as much as possible, but don't be fools, it's not a magic cure for aging and looking old."

"No sugar, wealth, living in a nice place on the beach and playing tennis every day. But you don't eat refined sugar, lady. And it's not about large quantities material advantages."

Some people think she's using her story to promote her own company.

"It's all nonsense. She demonizes sugar because she owns a sweetener company. If you learn more about xylitol, you'll realize that regular sugar is much safer. Xylitol is hydrogenated, that's all you need to know."

"Shhh.. don't tell anyone, but.. My secret is that if you own a company that sells sweetener. I've been through a lot plastic surgery, have a personal trainer and tell everyone you haven't eaten sugar in over 28 years. But shhh don't tell anyone at all. Then everyone will think that sugar is bad, they will buy my products, and I will be able to afford even more plastic surgery."

But this girl summed it up

"Oh my God, life is too short to waste it worrying about how you look! You only live once! Have fun, live your life, embrace your age, your body and your natural beauty! This woman is a role model! I want growing old with grace, self-acceptance and happiness. Not spending my days on surgery, photo shoots and preaching about how I don't eat sugar LET'S ALL EAT CAKE!

Well, what else can I add here? Amen!