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Good afternoon everyone. In today’s short article we will discuss things that seem elementary at first glance - how increase the font in VK and adapt the site page to your monitor screen.

Why is this even necessary? If you have vision problems, you may find it uncomfortable to browse the site when the font is too small. Yes and simply - visual perception Every person is different, sometimes you want to use it without straining your eyesight. Let's find out how it's done.

How to change the VKontakte font

There are three ways to quickly increase the font in VK:

  • using a keyboard and mouse;
  • through one keyboard;
  • in the browser settings.

In general, this method is used not only on the VKontakte website, in this way you can change the size of any active window in the browser, and therefore on any website. Let's look at each of these methods.

How to Enlarge Font Using Keyboard and Mouse

This can be done by holding down the Ctrl key and rotating the mouse wheel. You will see that the size of the active window will change. Try to experiment and choose the option that is most convenient for you, when the text will be best read and you won’t have to strain your eyes. Not only the text changes, but also all elements - images, length and width of windows, etc.

In this case, a window with a scale will be displayed at the top of the screen. It is visible for 2-3 seconds, after which it disappears. Here you can also change the size of the active window by clicking on “+” and “-“, or return to “100%” by clicking the “Reset” button.

How to increase the font in VK using the keyboard

Imagine that your mouse is broken, and you need to configure it to make it convenient to view pages on a social network. This is done similarly to the first method - by holding down the Ctrl key and simultaneously pressing the “+” or “-“ keys.

It should be noted that together with the font, all other elements change - sizes, icons, fields, etc. In a word, the page scale simply increases. You can not only increase, but also decrease, if it is more convenient for you. When working with the keyboard, a scaling list also pops up, as in the first case.

How to change screen scale in browser settings

The third option is to configure your browser. Let's look at this using a browser example Google Chrome. Go to the browser control section (three dots in the upper right corner of the screen) and select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

Try to experiment and understand at what resolution it is most convenient for you to use the pages of the VKontakte website. And that's all for today.

The most common problem among social media users is random font changes. It can arise for various reasons, and few people know how to return the scale to its previous position. This article will describe in detail what needs to be done if the font in Contact has changed.

The font in "Contact" has become smaller. How to return?

In some cases, users may accidentally change the zoom in a split second. This is done by pressing the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse wheel forward or backward.

To change the font in Contact, you need to:

  1. Return to your page, hold down the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel away from you. As you scroll, the size of the letters will increase.
  2. The second way is to go to your page, press the Ctrl and zero key combination at the same time, then release. This way the font returns to the size that was originally set.

What to do when the font on other pages has not changed, but VKontakte has become small

There is no single answer to the question “Why did the font in Contact change?” In each situation, the reasons may be different, however, as well as the methods for solving this problem.

On the VKontakte website there is a “Settings” section, in which, in fact, you can change the size of the letters. This is done this way:

  1. In the left column of the site, select the “Settings” item, click on it, after which you will go to the “General” section.
  2. Scroll down the page and find the “Use font size” option. Put a tick next to it.
  3. Go to your page and evaluate how much the font has changed in Contact.

How to change font size depending on browser

If you access the Internet via Google Chrome, then you can change the size of the letters in this way:

  1. Enter your browser settings.
  2. Click on the “Advanced settings” button.
  3. Find the “Web Content” section and specify the scale and font size there.

Please note that changing the scale may result in some pages remaining the same as before. With this method of changing settings, the “VKontakte” font will be changed.

What to do if the font in the browser has changed Mozilla Firefox?

In this case, the user can set the default page scale. Mozilla Firefox has the ability to set a minimum font size.

In order to change the scale (which is guaranteed to increase the font on all pages), you need to:

  1. Enable panel display.
  2. Go to the “View” item.
  3. Next, a section will appear where you can zoom in.

In this way, only the text is enlarged, but the images remain the same.

To change the font, you need to go to the “Settings” section, select “Content”, then enter the “Advanced” menu and change the scale as you wish.

If the font in the Opera browser has become smaller, you can change it using the scale. To do this, click on the “Opera” button in the upper left corner. The seventh tab - “Scale” - is responsible for the font size on browser pages. It is recommended to set the parameters to 100 percent.

In the same way you can change the font in Internet Explorer, simply by clicking on the settings button and choosing a scale that is comfortable for viewing.

Small font in browsers is a problem for many users. Some people are used to looking at monitor screens that have a screen diagonal of 15-19 inches and a resolution of 1024x768. In such monitors, icons, fonts, and generally all content were displayed in an enlarged form. People may also have vision problems, so consider small font It’s difficult for them on modern widescreen monitors. Communicating in in social networks, for example, VKontakte, you need to constantly print your messages and read incoming ones. At this moment, I would like to provide the most comfortable conditions for the eyes, so the question arises - how to increase the font in contact? This can be done in three ways - by setting up the browser, setting the system font size or the overall screen resolution.

We will look at universal methods and, therefore, by changing the settings on your computer, other sites will also open in the desired version.

Setting the scale in browsers

You must initially understand that such a procedure enlarges not only the font, but also all other contents of the web page: pictures, menus, etc... Let's look at the 3 most popular browsers and their font settings. But you should also know that there is a universal way to increase zoom in browsers, but I will talk about it below.

In Google Chrome, increasing the font is very easy. You just need to go to the browser menu and increase (decrease) the scale in the corresponding line.

In Opera, this procedure is performed similarly. The scaling factor is 10%. You can also easily reduce the scale if necessary.

The Mozilla Firefox browser is no different from the browsers that we previously discussed with you, because everything is done in the same way.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to change the display scale of the web page content, and not the font settings. Changing the scale guarantees the result, but changing the fonts themselves can lead to disruption of the correct display of the page and therefore there is no need to waste time on this.

There are also keyboard shortcuts for enlarging fonts that work in all browsers. To increase, hold down the “Ctrl” key and press + (plus), to decrease in the same way, but with - (minus). Another way is to scroll the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key. It works not only in browsers, but throughout the entire Windows system.

Setting the system font size

If the options above do not suit you, and you want to learn other ways to increase the font size in a contact, then the information below is for you. The disadvantage of this method is that the fonts are enlarged not only in the browser, but throughout the system. If you look at the problem as a whole, then the user tends to increase the font in the browser due to an uncomfortable perception, so, most likely, discomfort is also felt when working in other programs. To fix this problem, right-click on your desktop and select “Personalize.”

In the window that opens, at the bottom left, select “Screen”.

Next, you need to select the optimal font size and click “Apply”. The system will need to log out of the current session and reload the settings. This process will take only a few seconds and the user will receive an increased font size in the system, browsers and any programs used. At the same time, the screen resolution does not change and the quality of the information displayed on the screen remains good.

Changing screen resolution

As the screen resolution increases, the font size in all displayed windows and programs increases. At the same time, the size of the displayed objects throughout the entire operating system, so this procedure is best performed by users with vision problems. It is necessary to correctly select the optimal screen resolution in order to maintain the proportions of the display of elements. Otherwise, they may be stretched horizontally or vertically.

I think these methods answered our question today: how to increase the font in a contact. In my opinion, the best option for this task is to change your browser settings.

Many users who have poor eyesight or simply by mistake “clicked something wrong” and changed the font size in the contact, they simply cannot use the site normally. For those who regularly wonder how to change the font in contact, here are some of the most simple ways solving the problem.

How to increase the font in contact?

To make the font in contact normal for perception, you first need to go to your page, and then immediately go to the “My Settings” item. If you went to the settings panel and at the same time decided to search, see how to do this in another article on our website. So, back to the font. The page with settings that opens needs to be scrolled to the very bottom: here you will see a window and the inscription next to it “ Use larger fonts" According to all the laws of logic, you need to check this box. That's it: problem solved. Now you can surf your favorite website with the same comfort and without straining your eyes trying to make out tiny inscriptions.

However, this method is not the easiest, because you can change the font in a contact by simply pressing a couple of buttons. These buttons are CTRL and “+”. Alternatively, instead of the “+” button, you can use the mouse wheel.

How to reduce the font in contact?

We have dealt with the increase in tiny letters. But how can you change the font in a contact if it suddenly becomes too large? After all, the buttons Use smaller fonts", as you may have already noticed, is not in the site settings. Here you need to use the already familiar method with buttons, only, accordingly, hold down “+”, but “-” at the same time as CTRL, or turn the mouse wheel in the other direction.

How to change the font in contact?

Are you happy with the font size, but don't like the style? Then you should try to change the font using your browser settings. Let's look at how to do this using the example of two popular browsers - Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

In Opera, go to the menu " General settings", go to "Web Pages" and choose the font style and color that you like. In Mozilla Firefox, go to next path: Tools – Settings – Content.