The best tattoos are black and white. Sketches of black tattoos

Today, many girls, wanting to decorate their body and please themselves, resort to tattoos. Prejudice in society is gradually weakening, and being black is no longer considered indecent. When choosing a design and style, many are guided not only by the meaning of the tattoo, but also by its aesthetics, fashion trends. Lately More and more often you can find black tattoos on girls - both small inscriptions and images, and entire works of art that have special meaning. There are many styles of such tattoos, each of which is interesting and original in its own way. In the article we will look in more detail at what styles and types of black tattoos for girls there are and what their features are.

Black tattoos: what are they?

Black tattoos for girls are very popular today. Girls, as a rule, prefer gentle, light and graceful sketches for tattoos that carry deep meaning. With the exception of traditional images of animals, flowers, and insects, there are several styles of black tattoos that are popular among girls.

It is advisable to get black tattoos done in a salon - this reduces the risk of getting infections. When selecting sketches of black tattoos, it is also better to contact a professional who will show albums with photos of his works or select an original style, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments: for example, some images in a certain stylization are used in a criminal environment. Choosing hieroglyphs, runes and magic symbols it is important to know their exact meaning, because such images can affect future life and fate.

There are medical contraindications to tattooing that should be taken into account to avoid serious problems with health. You cannot tattoo black paint on faces:

  • with a low pain threshold;
  • with mental disorders;
  • those suffering from cardiovascular and skin diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.
  • It is also worth refusing the procedure during critical days, with elevated temperatures, colds, alcohol and drug intoxication.

Summing up Black Tattoo

Video: How to make a black tattoo

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Black tattoo - a special lifestyle and worldview

The existence of black tattoo designs proves that the classics will always be popular. When the first body designs appeared, bright ink did not yet exist. In this regard, all tattoos were performed only in black shades.

Over time black tattoo designs became more and more popular. If initially they had the character of a totem, then later they developed into a kind of body decoration.

Sketches of black tattoos: drawing with meaning

Although many people like different tattoos bright colors, this is not to downplay the abundance of black tattoos. All existing drawings of the world are painted in dark colors. All possible images are found:

  • animals;
  • geometric shapes;
  • colors;
  • birds;
  • insects;
  • human muscles;
  • and many others.

Black tattoos are great for men. Through such a drawing you can express your character, mood or life credo. Great option applying a black tattoo will be done in a biomechanical style.

Such drawings not only attract attention, but also make you lose the line between fiction and reality. The image accurately depicts the human body in cross-section, and its individual parts are replaced with metal ones. Perhaps such drawings will become prophetic.

Women are not inferior in their love for black tattoos. Among the fair half of the world, various inscriptions made in black are popular. Most often these are phrases foreign language. Latin is usually used English language and, of course, hieroglyphs.

If the love for inscriptions is mutual for both women and men, then the predilection for drawing images of insects in black can be safely attributed to purely female. Not only the usual butterflies and dragonflies are popular, but also cute ones ladybugs, bees.

Black tattoos – conservatism that attracts

Black flowers look especially gothic. For example, roses are considered mourning symbols, while black lotuses mean immortality and life. Choosing black for a tattoo is always unusual.

The latest fashion trends indicate the priority of bright colors. Few people want to paint an orchid without its pink or red petals, and how can one convey cherry blossoms if the black color absorbs the shades?

But no other color can convey the completeness of the entire picture of the world. Sketches of tattoos in black color are filled deep meaning, behind them lies not only conservatism, but also a love for the sensual reflection of the surrounding world.

As a rule, tattoo lovers are divided into two camps and distinguish for themselves, respectively, two types of tattoos: colored or. The very roots of the tattoo (in the ethnic sense) are saturated mainly with black ink. Actively developing in a traditional environment over many centuries, they have grown into something more than just a tribal tattoo. Currently, they have become widely known as the style or neo-tribal tattoo, which is gaining more and more popularity today. Well friends, welcome to the monochrome kingdom...

Some may accept blackwork tattoos for extremeness or lack of aesthetic taste, but the choice of true connoisseurs of blackwork deserves great respect for their courage! Blackwork also shows its impressive size, more than completely filled with black paint; its complex geometric and symmetrical patterns inherited from Polynesian tattoos, as well as unsurpassed graphic art. Blackwork is focused on design, mainly, and not on meaning or. From minimalist to extremely complex, blackwork tattoos are varied. However, you can always add white ink to soften the black outline. Blackwork is also great for . Eat great amount Even specialized tattoo parlors are good at this style, so take the time to find a reputable artist if you want to go black...

Well, does anyone have a desire to paint themselves black?:D Let's now explore in more detail the possibilities of blackwork on this selection of black covering the body from 1% to 90%...