What to consider when choosing courses to study English. How to learn a foreign language

Today we bring to your attention a translation of an article by the Irish polyglot, the author of a unique method of learning foreign languages, Benny Lewis.

In the post you will find answers to the following questions:

  • How to start speaking a foreign language today?
  • How to pass yourself off as a native speaker?
  • How to learn several foreign languages ​​in 2 years and become a polyglot?

The article contains a lot of tips on using various resources and free applications that will help you improve your language proficiency in the shortest possible time. If you have been looking for effective methods for memorizing new vocabulary and improving your communication skills in a foreign language for a long time, then this post is intended for you. ;)

Most people believe that everyone who succeeds in learning foreign languages ​​has a genetic predisposition to it. However, the example of Benny Lewis proves that this belief is just one of hundreds of excuses we resort to to justify our unsuccessful attempts to be considered a polyglot.

As Benny recalls, a few years ago he was absolutely hopeless in everything related to languages: at the age of 20 he could only speak English, was the worst in his German class, and after 6 months in Spain he could hardly muster the courage to to ask in Spanish where the bathroom is.

It was during this period in Lewis’s life that a certain moment of epiphany occurred, which radically changed his approach to learning languages: he not only succeeded in mastering Spanish, but also received a certificate from the Cervantes Institute (Instituto Cervantes), confirming his level of language proficiency at level C2 - perfect . Since then, Benny began to actively study other foreign languages, and at the moment he can easily communicate in more than 12.

As Benny Lewis himself says: “Since I became a polyglot - a person who speaks several languages ​​- my world has become much wider. I met interesting people and visited places that I had never even thought of before. For example, my knowledge of Mandarin allowed me to make new friends while traveling on the Chengdu-Shanghai train, talked politics with a desert dweller in Egyptian Arabic, and my knowledge of sign language gave me the opportunity to become familiar with the peculiarities of deaf culture.

I danced with the former President of Ireland Mary McAleese, and then spoke about it in Irish live on the radio, interviewed Peruvian textile manufacturers, talking to them in Quechua about the specifics of their work.... And in general, I spent a wonderful 10 years traveling the world."

In this post you will find many useful tips, the use of which will help you improve your level of foreign language proficiency in record time and, quite possibly, become a polyglot.

1. The first rule is to forget about how long and painfully you studied English at school and college. This, as a rule, negative experience can discourage you from learning foreign languages ​​for a long time, and also convince you that you do not have a predisposition for this.

2. Motivation. Maybe you want to sing songs in French, watch TV series in Spanish or read Paolo Coelho in the original. First of all, you should not only like the language, it should inspire you.

3. Get started. You don’t need to prepare for a long time, just start taking a small step every day - learn five new words, watch a tutorial. Don’t push yourself into limits and don’t set clear deadlines, because you won’t have to take tests or exams.

4. Start by studying words, do not overload yourself with grammar at first. Remember how children begin to talk: first they listen, then they begin to understand, that is, to associate a word with an object or action, then they begin to speak the first words, and only after that - to build a sentence. Do the same - first watch the video, listen to the recorded speech, do simple exercises to memorize words. When you acquire a significant vocabulary, then you can begin to build sentences and learn tenses.

5. Translate texts that interest you. The best ones are well-known songs, so you can memorize many words very quickly.

6. Many effective free training programs can be found on the Internet.

7. While you still cannot speak, correspond with native speakers. This way you can always use a translator or a dictionary to express your thoughts.

8. Once you can read and speak a little, look for opportunities to practice speaking. Even if there are no speaking clubs in your city, look for native speakers who live here and who need to learn Russian, post an ad on social networks that you are ready to give a free tour of the city for visiting foreigners. As a last resort, you can communicate via Skype.

9. Don't be afraid to speak with mistakes. Take people who speak English. They speak extremely simply, sometimes with mistakes, but very confidently, and everyone understands them. Language is a means of communication, so the main thing is to be understood. Do not use complex grammatical structures, simplify everything as much as possible. The mere fact that you speak Spanish, Portuguese or Japanese will be received with delight by residents of other countries.

10. Remember that there are no people who are completely incapable of learning languages, there are those who do not even try to learn them.

Video on the topic

It's no secret that knowledge of foreign languages ​​in our time is not a luxury, but a necessity. Thanks to your knowledge of languages, you can get a better job, communicate freely with foreigners, etc. It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on tutors - all you need is desire, and you can learn the language on your own.

You will need

  • 1. Books in a foreign language
  • 2. Patience
  • 3. Willpower


Take your study seriously. Surely before this you have taken up learning a foreign language more than once, but abandoned it halfway, because... you didn't have much of a plan. Remember that your independent language lessons must be planned, high-quality and daily.

Do not practice your language on public transport or other similar places. You will be required to be creative and intellectual, which should not be done just anywhere. Let the place where you study the language be secluded, quiet, so that no one bothers you to immerse yourself in learning another language for at least an hour every day.

Make the most of your language learning process. Don't try to memorize the rules of large grammars right away. It’s better to take an interesting book in a foreign language and read at least 5 pages every day. When reading, you need to concentrate and focus on the text. It's difficult, but necessary.

When reading a book or article in a foreign language, you don’t need to look up each one in the dictionary. Misunderstanding of many words, special vocabulary, etc. can only frustrate you. Don't get hung up on the fact that you don't understand something. You see

Many people dream of learning a foreign language, but not everyone has the time and money to attend courses. For this reason, the question of where to start in order to master the technique of speaking and writing at home becomes relevant. It's no secret that patience and perseverance are the best guides; they set the tone for the entire process and do not allow you to stop there. To properly approach the study, you must strictly follow the recommendations. Let's look at the important aspects in order and provide step-by-step instructions.

Step #1. Set goals

First of all, you need to set a specific goal. You must have a clear idea of ​​why you need to start learning a foreign language. Perhaps you are planning to visit a certain country or start traveling around the world, are going on an exchange tour, or are going on a business trip.

There are often cases when people start studying of their own free will as a hobby, and not out of necessity. It is important to identify this moment, because a person is suffocating without a goal. Such a move will make it possible to create a specific foreign language learning program tailored to specific needs. A goal is a great motivator that helps you move forward.

Daily training will provide additional support. It doesn’t matter if you came home tired from work or spent your nerves in a traffic jam. Practice is fundamental to successful language learning; it is inextricably linked to a specific goal. Practice self-discipline to improve your memory every day. An ideal assistant is a diary, in which you need to create a detailed schedule of classes.

Step #2. Love the subject matter

You won't be able to learn a foreign language if you don't get into this area. It is important not to force yourself to work on the program, but to do it for fun. Try to tune in to the wave in which the learning process will act as a hobby, without unnecessary nerves. You need to get the idea into your head: learning a language will help you reach a new level and improve your quality of life. This move will not allow you to shirk your daily activities.

The right attitude does not involve memorizing, but analyzing important aspects in order. For example, it is initially necessary to master grammar, punctuation, style, and the technique of forming words and complex sentences. When you understand the basic basics, feel free to start cramming. As for “blind learning”, without this it is impossible even to partially master the language. Understanding words alone is not enough; it is important to be able to pull what you need out of your head in time.

Step #3. Immerse yourself in language learning

You can often hear the phrase “A language must be learned in a natural environment,” and this expression is no coincidence. If, for example, you decide to learn English, it is better to carry out the procedure in America. In such an environment, everything improves: articulation, composing competent “conversational” sentences, the ability to memorize entire phrases.

For the most part, people do not have the opportunity to leave for the specific purpose of learning a language. There is only one option left - to create a natural environment for the curriculum at home. To do this correctly, you need to hang posters on the walls with inscriptions in an unfamiliar language; after memorizing, you need to replace one poster with another.

Of course, you won’t be able to achieve maximum results, but this method is worth considering as an additional incentive. Read textbooks adapted for Russian-speaking people, watch films in a foreign language, listen to audio books, chat with users of a specific country. Surround yourself with the material you are studying on all sides to make adaptation easier.

Step #4. Follow your daily plan

As in any other business, you need to start from the goal. Aim to learn 25-30 foreign words every day, with at least 7-10 of them being verbs.

Foreign language teachers unanimously insist that it is better to start studying in alphabetical order. For example, today we learned 5 words starting with the letter “A”, tomorrow - with “B” and so on. After that, go to the second circle. But usually this process is too long, so it is not necessary to make such a structured choice. You can write out the words in random order, the main thing is to focus on the verbs.

Cards will help you present information correctly. On one side write a Russian word, on the other - a foreign one. Look through the version in your native language and try to remember the translation, then test yourself by turning the sheet over. You can also download a special program on your smartphone that automatically covers a foreign transfer. You must enter the word yourself. This option is much better because it develops not only memory, but also written literacy.

Step #5. Copy the pronunciation

Listen to audio and video recordings in a foreign language, if possible, start communicating with a native speaker. Pay attention to the pronunciation technique, record the sounds in your head and try to repeat them. Over time, you will be able to catch the pronunciation trend and understand that one sound should be sharp, the other soft. It is necessary to pay attention to even the slightest features of pronunciation, and then try to try this technique on yourself.

This move will help you easily enter the field of linguistics, as well as adapt to the articulation techniques of your native and foreign languages. The undeniable benefit of this technique is the expansion of the vocabulary, as a result of which correct pronunciation will be developed at an arbitrary level. Soon you will stop obsessing over sounds; it will become a kind of norm.

Step #6. Immerse yourself in what you read

When you have mastered a certain number of words, start reading easy books in a foreign language. Do not set yourself the goal of translating the entire text. Go through it thoughtfully, try to grasp the essence at least partially. There is no need to look up the translation of every expression in the dictionary; you will waste a lot of time and not remember anything.

If you want to know how a word is translated, do not use an online translator. It’s better to spend your time, find a picture that will depict this or that object. Visualize the process.

After 2-3 similar manipulations, you will be able to identify the meaning of the word from the context, this will be the starting point - a guess, but you will understand the general meaning. In addition to the fact that you will develop inductive and associative thinking well, your visual memory will improve, as a result of which grammar and writing will be learned faster. It is important to understand that this technology is only suitable for people who have already learned the basics of a foreign language.

Step #7. Use a phrasebook

In every stationery store you can buy a phrase book in a certain language. As a rule, such literature includes not only words, but also entire sentences. It is enough to choose the simplest phrases and memorize them, gradually combining them with each other and composing a dialogue. Start with the usual forms of greeting and farewell, wishes, introductions, standard questions “How are you?” and answers to them.

If you are planning to visit a new country in the near future, the phrases “How to get to the street...” or “How much does juice cost?” will not be out of place. Adapt the acquired knowledge to specific needs, choose phrases for all occasions. An interesting fact is that working with a phrasebook is an exciting activity. Before you know it, you’ll have already begun to absorb the material like a sponge.

If possible, pronounce phrases/words out loud so that you are not embarrassed about pronunciation and can get used to unfamiliar speech. You should not be confused by the incorrect use of sounds; this is a matter of constant practice.

It is not difficult to learn a foreign language at home if you have basic knowledge of programming. First, decide on your goal, and then try to create a “natural environment” in your apartment. Learn 25 words a day, focus on verbs. Start communicating with the native speaker, memorize and interpret the method of pronunciation of sounds in your own way. Don’t try to keep up with everything at once, act gradually, use a phrasebook.

Video: how to learn any foreign language

Elena Devos

Journalist, writer, teacher of Russian, English and French. Author of the novel “Russian Lessons,” which talks about teaching Russian to foreigners in modern Paris.

1. Motivate yourself every day

There is no age limit for learning a language. The only thing a person of any age needs is motivation. It’s great if you have an interest in the language itself or, if you like, in a certain reality that is in this language (when you like films or books, songs or video games, an artist or writer, or just a young man or girl).

Let us recall that Ludwig Wittgenstein learned Russian in order to read Dostoevsky in the original (and in the process of studying, he added all the accents in the novel “Crime and Punishment”). And Leo Tolstoy also studied Hebrew because of the book: he became interested in how the Bible was actually written.

Sometimes there is no interest in a language, but you need to learn it: for work, for business trips, to live in another country. Take the time to jot down a list of what you generally like in life and connect these hobbies with language. Do the same thing you always liked, but now using your new - foreign - language.

2. Don't be afraid to experiment

There is also no ideal method of learning a language that suits everyone. A variety of methods, different language schools, and different theories flourish and compete, become fashionable and are forgotten. So far, none have defeated the others.

Try several tutorials before settling on one. For lessons with a tutor, take part in choosing a textbook. If you realized that you made a mistake (even if others are happy, but you are uncomfortable), change it. If there is no choice (at school, in group classes), and you don’t like the textbook, find another one and read it yourself - as a mandatory dessert for classes.

In general, try to personalize your approach to language as much as possible. Explore websites, YouTube channels, films that interest you. Look for like-minded people, exchange experiences, communicate: language, whatever one may say, is a social phenomenon.

3. Choose a teacher

The person with whom you study the language will have a huge impact on the effectiveness and result of your lessons. If you are uncomfortable with this person, he is unfair to you, you do not understand him - without any hesitation, look for another. Especially if we are talking about a tutor for children: the child’s opinion will be decisive here, even if you like the teacher for his rigor, responsibility and all sorts of other adult qualities.

Again, if there is no choice, and you don’t like the teacher, be sure to find a way to learn the language at the same time in an environment where you feel comfortable and comfortable. These could be Skype classes, private lessons, and so on. Do not believe the prejudice that the best teacher is a native speaker. On the contrary, sometimes grammatical subtleties and rules can be better explained to you by a person for whom, like you, this language was not native.

Be careful about lessons with close people (when the teacher is a parent, husband, wife, sister, and so on): nothing good comes out of them if the “professor” bluntly criticizes and ridicules the “student.”

All good teachers have one thing in common: they don’t scold you for off-topic questions (and don’t scold you at all) and if they don’t know something, they say so. And they come to the next lesson with an answer to your question. This is sacred.

4. Five minute rule

To learn and maintain a language, two conditions are needed:

  • you use it;
  • you do this regularly.

A person who devotes 30 minutes a day to studying will progress faster than someone who sits over a textbook for three hours every Saturday and does not open the textbook the rest of the time.

Moreover, just 5 minutes in the morning and evening can work wonders. Place your textbook next to your toothpaste. Brush your teeth - look at the rule, at the conjugation table. Use your smartphone to take a photo of the page with your homework or dictionary. If you're standing in line, look at your phone and check yourself. Before going to bed, write two or three phrases (if you do two or three exercises, then it’s absolutely wonderful). And so on. Little by little, but often is better than a lot and never.

5. Don't cram - learn

There is no need to cram the rules and names of cases - you just need to know how they work. But you must learn the correct phrases, words, sentences, language structures, its conjugations and declinations by heart.

Try not to cram, but to learn: to understand and use it in practice. Learn poems, sayings, lyrics. And not those that the teacher asked, but those that you yourself like. This will be an excellent lexical aid, and in general will have a beneficial effect on the ability to speak and think, including in your native language.

6. Correct the error immediately

The sooner you correct a mistake, the less time it will remain in your head. Therefore, when studying on your own, do not start with long tests where the correct answers are given only at the very end. They only suffer like this during exams.

Ideally, after an error, you should absorb the correct version immediately, that is, correct it with the help of a teacher, textbook, or language program. This is especially true for independent work: exercises and tests.

Everything should go according to the scheme “your option is the right option.” This method is very effective for several reasons: you reinforce the rule unless you have an error. And if there is a mistake, you see what it is, and your next step will be the right one.

Do not trust textbooks without keys (correct answers to exercises). At the same time, it is advisable to show your work to the teacher or native speakers from time to time. After all, even in high-quality textbooks there are typos and errors, unnatural expressions of the language.

7. Write more

Write and type in the language you are learning. Do not correct what you have written, it is better to cross it out and write the word again. When spellcheck shows you a misspelled word, take three seconds to type the word again - correctly.

The memory of correct spelling always remains at our fingertips.

8. Praise and encourage yourself

And one last thing. Whatever your teacher, whatever book you study from, whatever language you learn - praise yourself. For every task completed correctly, for taking the time today to open a book, for every success, even the smallest one. If you are unlucky with the teacher, praise him doubly. For perseverance and patience.

“A person needs to be complimented every 15 minutes,” said Carlson, and he was absolutely right. This is another type of motivation, only subconscious. Therefore, if you want to learn a language easily and joyfully, celebrate each of your achievements. Don't compare yourself to others. Compare only with yourself: how much you knew yesterday and how much you know today. And enjoy the difference.

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At school or university we studied foreign languages. However, few people remember even basic expressions, let alone speak fluent English or German.

The exception is graduates of the Faculty of InLanguage, and even then not all. Most people don't remember how to put sentences together. Once abroad, for example, on vacation, they reproduce individual words and try to communicate with gestures. And as a result, they still switch to their native language. At the same time, they believe that the louder they speak Russian, the better their interlocutor will understand them. Why is this happening? Is it really impossible to master even a basic level of a foreign language over the years of studying at school and college? After all, they taught grammar, translated texts, and completed tests. The fact is that a foreign language is one of the general education subjects that is not given due attention. Theoretical classes twice a week, the same type of tasks from the textbook and almost complete absence of spoken language. We are taught the minimum necessary to pass tests and exams. It turns out that we have an idea of ​​language, but cannot apply it in real life. However, there are situations when knowledge of the language is necessary. For example, an opportunity has arisen to study, work or go on a business trip abroad. So how do you learn a foreign language?

Don't know how to learn a foreign language? Look for incentive

If we recall our school years again, we can safely say that for most students a foreign language was a boring “obligation”. Some children themselves believed that they had no use for this knowledge; for others, their parents decided: “Why do you need this foreigner? After school you will go to the factory, like us.” So many schoolchildren simply had no incentive to learn the language. When we learn in the media that a certain person speaks five languages, we admire his talent and consider him a polyglot. Moreover, each of us is no less talented and is able to master at least one foreign language at a conversational level. Determine the right incentive for yourself and go towards the goal. For example, by learning a language, you can travel to different countries, make friends among foreigners, or apply for a new position. Learning a language is painstaking work that can be compared to putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Every day you piece together the overall picture of knowledge. If you want to achieve success, then you must enjoy this process. Learn a foreign language with pleasure. Throw away negative thoughts: “It’s too difficult,” “I won’t succeed.” Set yourself up for success and be confident in your abilities, then the question is: how to learn a foreign language, you won't be bothered anymore.

We talk more

When people don’t know how to learn a foreign language, they often turn to tutors, sign up for courses, waste time, pay money and do not achieve real results. Teaching, as a rule, is conducted according to a given program: maximum theory and minimum practice. Therefore, there is no need to talk about successful language acquisition. Even long-term study at a prestigious language school and obtaining a certificate does not mean that you are fluent in the language. Some people constantly cram grammar and study dictionaries. At the same time, they have a language barrier that prevents them from applying their knowledge in real life. Why is that? Yes, because in learning any language, practice is much more important than theory. The more you speak a foreign language, the faster you will understand its specifics. Draw an analogy with your native language. For example, the grammar of many languages ​​is similar to Russian: cases, declensions, conjugations, the presence of masculine, feminine and neuter gender. Gradually you will learn to form sentences, write, read and even think in another language. Try not only to memorize words, but also to introduce them into speech. A large vocabulary will allow you to communicate at a conversational level.

Simple Methods

So, to achieve success, focus on practice. It is advisable to find a native speaker. “Where can I get it?” you ask. The World Wide Web will help you. There are many foreigners on social networks, Skype, and forums who are learning Russian. Find friends on the Internet and combine business with pleasure: communication and language practice. In addition, foreigners can be found in bookstores near shelves with literature teaching the Russian language. Foreign guests often visit cafes and restaurants near hotels. Try to practice speaking regularly and don't be afraid to speak incorrectly. Native speakers respect foreigners learning their language, so they will be happy to help correct mistakes. The language barrier will disappear when you notice that a foreigner understands you. People who have a superficial knowledge of theory, but have extensive practice, always have a greater chance of mastering a foreign language.

Make it a habit to spend at least two hours every day studying the language. Learn the alphabet and some basic expressions. For example, “Good morning”, “Goodbye”, “Thank you”, etc. Write down new words or phrases in a notebook and repeat throughout the day until you remember them. Use every free minute to do this. For example, look at your notebook while waiting in line to see the doctor, during your lunch break, or while sitting in public transport. Learn a language if you want to master it perfectly. At the same time, focus on the words you need. For example, you are a doctor and you are learning a language for a future internship abroad. Then medical terms, names of diseases and medications are relevant to you. And the future traveler will find useful phrases about checking into a hotel and attractions. Try to learn the seasons, days of the week and numbers in a foreign language. Purchase a dictionary and phrasebook or use the electronic version. So, when you hear a new word or expression, you can quickly find out its meaning and use it in speech. Phrase books are good because they have thematic sections: airport, hotel, dating, food. After studying the topics, you can easily simulate a trip to the store or a visit to the doctor with a native speaker.

Create a language environment around yourself. Place stickers in your apartment with the names of surrounding objects: furniture, household appliances, dishes, clothes. Listen to songs in the language you are learning. Pay attention to the pronunciation, try to understand the content. Watch cartoons to remember simple dialogues. Gradually switch to TV series - this is a great way to master the conversational level. Try reading, preferably out loud. You can start with children's books, jokes or comics. Look up the meaning of new words in the dictionary. Try writing in the language you are learning. Let it be a couple of sentences about the weather or a few lines about yourself.

To really know a foreign language, you need to speak it. Don't focus on the grammar of the language you're learning. Focus on spoken language. After all, when we speak Russian, we don’t think about the rules. It is unlikely that any of us can explain all the grammatical nuances of our native language. We just speak it and automatically use the rules when communicating. It’s the same in a foreign language: in the process of speaking, you will master the features of grammar. The ideal option is to visit a country where the language you are studying is spoken. Communication with local residents, shopping in stores, visiting government institutions will allow you to completely immerse yourself in the language environment. You will be surprised how quickly your language skills will improve. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to travel abroad. At the same time, anyone can spend half an hour a day studying. And one more important point: the language must be used, otherwise it is forgotten. Therefore, communicate with foreigners, read books, watch films in the language you are learning non-stop, then you will succeed.