Grandmother wondered and said in two. What does the phrase “Grandma said in two” mean?

see Grandmother was wondering, but she said in two.

  • - last it is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: as expected, or differently...

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

  • - The grandmother said in two: either a son or a daughter. Wed. Well, no, the old woman said in two. A merchant's son marries with honor. A.N. Ostrovsky. Voivode. 41, 4. Marya Vlasevna...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - It is unknown how it will be. Implies anticipation of an expected event or matter; probability or improbability of matching smb. reality information...

    Phrasebook Russian language

  • - GRANDMOTHER, - and...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Razg. It is still unknown whether it will succeed. My grandmother said two more things about Mount Athos, although I really want to go...

    Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

  • - Grandma said in two...
  • - see Grandma was wondering, but she said in two...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Every thing has two ends...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - People's It is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; it is unknown how it will be: one way or another. DP, 76...
  • - People's About smb. uncertain, not exactly known. DP, 849...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 14 grandma was still guessing in two grandma was guessing in two grandma was saying in two grandma was saying again grandma was guessing in two again grandma was saying in two grandma was telling...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - the grandmother said in two, the grandmother said in two, the grandmother again wondered in two, the grandmother said in two, the grandmother said in two, it was written on the water with a pitchfork, it was written on the water with a pitchfork, the grandmother wondered in two, it’s unlikely...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 15 grandma was still guessing in two, grandma was telling in two again, grandma was telling in two, grandma was telling in two, grandma was saying, still in two, grandma was wondering in two, grandma was telling...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"Grandma said in two." in books

1. A world split in two

From the book 7½ or the films of Andrei Tarkovsky by Turovskaya Maya

Grandma “No! Not grandma"

From the book All the best methods of raising children in one book: Russian, Japanese, French, Jewish, Montessori and others author Team of authors

Grandma “No! Not Grandma.” In French society, grandmothers are considered despotic and too domineering. “To have a normal reception, you need to put grandma out the door!” - said my teacher, Professor Mallett. Both doctors and psychologists dislike grandmothers because of their

A world divided in two

From the book War and Anti-War by Toffler Alvin

A world divided in two It was the same main conflict- the industrial powers of the Second Wave against the agrarian powers of the First War - but this time on a global rather than domestic scale, and this struggle determined the foundations of the structure of the world until very recently. She


From the book The Art of Thinking Correctly author Ivin Alexander Arkhipovich

DIVISION IN TWO Speaking about the bases of divisions, it is necessary to mention special kind division - dichotomy (literally: division in half). Dichotomous division is based on the extreme, so to speak, case of variation in the characteristic that is the basis of division: with one


From the book Gumilyov, son of Gumilyov author Belyakov Sergey Stanislavovich

“CUT IN TWO THOSE WHO RECOGNIZE TWO NATURES!” Gumilev could easily defeat everyone who attributed “biologism” to him, because his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bethnos as a system united ethnic tradition, it’s hard to call it biologism. One only had to call it “signal

Divided in two

From the book Secrets of Berlin author Kubeev Mikhail Nikolaevich

Divided in two

Europe split in two

From the book History Soviet Union: Volume 2. From Patriotic War to the position of a second world power. Stalin and Khrushchev. 1941 - 1964 by Boffa Giuseppe

Europe split in two

Why does the urine stream sometimes split in two?

From the book Oddities of our body - 2 by Juan Stephen

Why does the urine stream sometimes split in two? (Asked by K. Barry, New York, USA) There are at least four explanations for this interesting phenomenon in men. This does not seem to be the case in women.? The urine stream may split if a man for a long time lay on

9. Divided in two: hallucinations in the missing visual field

From the book Hallucinations by Sax Oliver

9. Divided in two: hallucinations in an absent visual field We do not see with our eyes, we see with our brain, which has dozens of different systems that analyze the data received from the retina. In the primary visual cortex, located in the occipital lobes

37. Grandma said in two

From the book Solzhenitsyn and reality author Panin Dmitry Mikhailovich

37. Grandmother said in two “the other hemispheres... will still develop without us, in their own way, and no one from Moscow will control it...” (47) It’s in vain that Solzhenitsyn is so categorical. “Our saviors” have many helpers. Leading politicians of the Free World are vying with each other to rush

17. The woman answered: I have no husband. Jesus says to her: “You are right when you say that you have no husband. 18 For you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. That's right what you said.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

17. The woman answered: I have no husband. Jesus says to her: “You are right when you say that you have no husband. 18 For you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. That's right what you said. To the Samaritan woman’s answer that she has no husband, Christ says that she said

51. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook; and the stones dissipated;

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

51. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook; and the stones dissipated; (Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45). Luke connects the tearing of the veil with the fact that “the sun was darkened.” Here are all the signs of an earthquake. Many accept that it was not natural

18. She said: Drink, my lord. And immediately she lowered her pitcher onto her hand and gave him drink. 19. And when she had given him something to drink, she said, “I will also draw for your camels until they have all drunk.” 20. And immediately she poured water from her pitcher into the trough and ran again to the well to draw (water), and she drew

author Lopukhin Alexander

18. She said: Drink, my lord. And immediately she lowered her pitcher onto her hand and gave him drink. 19. And when she had given him something to drink, she said, “I will also draw for your camels until they have all drunk.” 20. And immediately she poured water from her jug ​​into the drinking bowl and ran again to the well to draw

15. But (Leah) said to her: Is it really not enough for you to take possession of my husband, that you also covet my son’s mandrakes? Rachel said: So let him lie with you this night, for the mandrakes of your son. 16. Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah came out to meet him and said: Come in to me (today), for I bought you

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

15. But (Leah) said to her: Is it really not enough for you to take possession of my husband, that you also covet my son’s mandrakes? Rachel said: So let him lie with you this night, for the mandrakes of your son. 16. Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah came out to meet him and said, “Come in to me.”

17. He said: I will send you a kid from (my) flock. She said: Will you give me a deposit while you send it? 18. He said: What pledge can I give you? She said, “Your seal, and your bandage, and your reed, which is in your hand.” And he gave it to her and went in to her; and she conceived from him

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

17. He said: I will send you a kid from (my) flock. She said: Will you give me a deposit while you send it? 18. He said: What pledge can I give you? She said, “Your seal, and your bandage, and your reed, which is in your hand.” And he gave it to her and went in to her; and she conceived from him as a pledge of the future

Sometimes it is unclear exactly how things will turn out future life after one or more actions. It is in such cases, when it is impossible to predict the future, that people say - the grandmother said it in two.

But for a more detailed and accurate answer, you can turn to the help of M.I.’s dictionary. Stepanova. It is in this dictionary that the following definition of the expression is given: “It is unknown whether something will happen (come true) or not).

You can also refer to the Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. It says that “the grandmother said in two” - this is a saying that means that “it is not yet known how it will be. Everything can be one way or the other.”

In other words, if you do not describe the definition of the saying and explain it in two words, then “the grandmother said in two” can be replaced with synonyms “not defined”, “not clear” or similar.


The phrase is a proverb, which means that it refers to a saying from among the nations. It was no coincidence that the expression appeared - a long time ago, people were pagans, and in order to find out their future, they went to fortune-tellers.

An important point: the saying is somewhat longer than it is used today. Full expression looks like this: the grandmother (grandmother) was guessing, but said it in two. Agree, there is obvious irony in the expression.

Fortune tellers went about their business, that is, they made fortunes, but their predictions did not come true in all cases. And many people realized that what the fortune teller predicted would not be completely reliable. This is where the expression “grandmother said in two” came from, which was used in any situation when a person did not know whether what was predicted had come true or not.

The expression has become popular and has survived to this day, albeit in a slightly shortened version.

Use of sayings

The saying, like many others, applies not only in colloquial speech, but also in literature. For example, the phrase can be found in the following works:

  1. "Fathers and Sons".
  2. "Emelyan Pugachev."
  3. “The rook is a spring bird.”
  4. “Petitioner” and in other works.

There was even such a film - “The Grandmothers Said in Two”, filmed in 1979. Well, as an example, the expression is used in politics and newspapers, especially after a loud statement or promise by a deputy.


The expression “grandmother said in two” is only part of the original saying, meaning the uncertainty of the consequences after committing actions. The roots of the expression refer us to fortune telling, which few people believed in and questioned.

Due to its meaning, the expression began to be used in different areas, ranging from politics to cinema and literature. The phrase has survived to this day and allows us to describe the uncertainty of the consequences in a vivid, capacious expression.

Grandma said in two

Grandma said in two, GRANDMOTHER, and, well.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what “Granny said in two” is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    GRANDMOTHER SAID IN TWO- It is unknown how it will be. Implies anticipation of an expected event or matter; probability or improbability of matching what l. reality information. This means that what is being said, i.e. (P), causes great feelings in the speaker... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Grandma said in two- Razg. It is still unknown whether it will succeed. About Athos, my grandmother said two more things, although I really want to go (Chekhov. Letter to P. A. Serzhenko, May 4, 1888). “On the Intercession, if everything goes well, my “Three Saints” will land on Kakhtak, but I’ll get there... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    grandma said in two- last it is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: as expected, or differently. The expression is formed by truncation of the proverb Grandma said in two: either it rains or snows, either it will happen or it won’t... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    grandma said in two- it is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: as expected, or differently. The expression is formed by truncation of the proverb Grandma said in two: either it rains or snows, either it will happen or it won’t... Phraseology Guide

    See Grandma was wondering, but she said in two... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    grandma said in two- It is still unknown whether this will happen or not... Dictionary of many expressions

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 15 the grandmother again guessed in two (14) the grandmother said in two (14) ... Synonym dictionary

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 16 the grandmother still wondered in two (14) the grandmother said in two (14) ... Synonym dictionary

The expression comes from Russian proverbs:

1) Indicated for the word “in two” in Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language (1863-1866):

Grandma was wondering, but she said in two

Baba cast a spell and laid it in two

Grandmother said in two: either it rains or it snows, either it will happen or it won’t.

The grandmother said in two: either a son or a daughter (section - " ")

Here the gypsy (old woman) said in two (section - " ")

Word " in two"means - 1. In two parts 2. Ambiguous, indefinite, with the possibility of a double outcome (Explanatory Dictionary, 1935-1940).

That is, the expression “grandmother said in two” literally means that grandmother said something vague.


"I don't know. Just this Grandma also said in two, what happened to those crucian carp: some of them were eaten, others were put in a planter. And they live happily there on the monastery’s bread!”

(1823 - 1886)

Voivode. 41, 4. Marya Vlasevna:

"Oh no, the old woman said in two. A merchant's son marries with honor."

(1818 - 1883)

" " (1861), ch. 10:

“If they crush you, that’s the way,” said Bazarov. “Only grandma said again. There are not as many of us as you think."