Lesson summary: Composing a story based on the painting “Walk in the Autumn Park. A walk through the autumn park: artistic contemplation and creativity

Educational areas:“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “Fiction”, “Music”, “Socialization”, “Physical education”.

Target: Help children comprehend the content of the picture and convey it in their stories.


  • Learn to build sentences; pronounce words clearly.
  • Develop the ability to coherently and consistently describe the image in a picture.
  • Cultivate interest in composing stories based on paintings.

Progress of the educational event:

Calm music is playing.

Educator: Today we will take a trip. And where, you will now find out.

View the presentation “Autumn in the Park.”

Educator: Where are we going?

Children: To the autumn park.

Educator: That's right, guys! But the park will not be simple, but magical!

There's a knock on the door. The postman comes in. He brought a parcel - a painting with a letter. Says goodbye and leaves.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from?

The teacher reads the letter aloud.

“Hello, Luntik writes to you. I need your help. I need to compose a story based on the painting “A Walk in the Autumn Park.” Since I have never been to an autumn park, it is very difficult for me to do this. Help me please"

Educator: Are you ready to help Luntik?

Educator: Guys, Luntik is lucky, because now we were just about to take a trip to the autumn park and it will be easier for us to compose a story based on the painting “A Walk in the Autumn Park.”

Educator: But, unfortunately, you can’t just get into the forest! You need to solve riddles.

The teacher makes riddles.

The leaves are spinning in the air,

They lie down quietly on the grass.

The garden sheds its leaves -

It's simple...

(Leaf fall.)

He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to hide,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

I paint with yellow paint
Field, forest, valleys.
And I love the sound of rain,
Call me!

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Now you can go to the autumn park. I suggest taking the painting with you. And in the forest we will compose a story based on it. You agree with me?

Educator: What else can you take with you to the forest in the fall?

It is comfortable and light
Its name is short
In the economy it serves us for centuries,
This word contains the name Zina.
You can go mushroom hunting with her,
Can you pick berries?
It's not hard to wear
And very easy to break!
They weave them from twigs and bast,
Tell me, what is her name?


Children: Basket.

Educator: Correct.

Magical music is playing.

One, two, three - we spun and found ourselves in the park!

Educator: Look, there are leaves everywhere. Would you like to collect them?

Children take one piece of paper at a time.


What leaf do you have? And you?

What can we say about the leaves: what are they?

How many leaves did you collect?

Can you say the word leaf, first loudly, then in a whisper?

All children pronounce.

Educator: Who scattered these leaves?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: I suggest you play. Do you agree? The game is called “Name the signs of autumn.” We all stand in a circle. Everyone takes turns naming the signs of autumn and putting a leaf in the basket.

Children: The days have become shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, there are colorful leaves on the trees, cold winds are blowing, the wind tears leaves from the trees, a fine cold rain is falling, the sky is gray, the grass is turning brown, the flowers are withering, there are frosts at night, the trees are covered with frost, insects have disappeared, the sun rarely shines, there are gray clouds in the sky, there is fog in the mornings, puddles are covered with a crust of ice.

Educator: Well done! If you know the signs of autumn so well, you are probably well prepared for it.

Educator: I think you're tired? I suggest you rest.

Physical exercise “Leaves”

The autumn leaves were spinning.
A cheerful wind rustled above them,
They flew merrily
And they sat down on the ground.
The wind came quietly again,
Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.
They flew merrily
And they sat down on the ground.

Educator: Guys, look here there are some pictures. Would you like to consider them? I suggest you make a beautiful sentence based on these pictures. To make it easier for you, I suggest you split into pairs.

Everyone comes to the table on which there are pictures. The teacher helps them divide into pairs. Children are divided into pairs. And they make proposals.

Educator: I would like to praise you that you spoke clearly, distinctly, and interestingly.

Educator: Guys, you and I had to help someone. To whom and in what?

Children: Luntik make up a story based on the picture.

Educator: I propose to do this now.

The guys go to the painting and sit on chairs.

Compiling a story.

Educator: Guys, now you will make up a story based on the picture. Use in your story those sentences and those autumn signs that we have already mentioned earlier.

Questions about the content of the picture

What time of year is shown in the picture?

Look and name all the signs of autumn that you see here.

Who is shown in the picture?

How are they dressed?

What are the children doing?

Why do you love autumn?

Educator: I’ll start our story, and you guys will continue. Agreed?

The teacher chooses two children who will continue the story. The first child will tell the middle of the story. The second child finishes the story.

Educator: We need to tell our story again. Who wants?

Children tell a story based on the picture.

Educator: Well done, you did a great job!

Educator: I have prepared two more games, “Autumn Words” and “Weather in Autumn.” I suggest you play one of them. It's up to you to decide which game to play. Choose.

"Autumn Words"

Children: Golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, colorful, rainy, long, lingering, motley, warm, cold, early, late, middle, good, marvelous, thoughtful, wonderful, interesting, stately, sad, charming, quiet, sad, mysterious, boring, sad, affectionate.

“What is she like?”

I have a magic crown
She knows a lot
And he wants to know a lot
Whoever sits on his head will be asked a question.

Children, what is the weather like in autumn?

When it rains, it's rainy.

When the wind blows - windy

Cold - cold

Cloudy - cloudy

Damp - raw

Gloomy - gloomy

Clear - clear

Educator: It’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Have we forgotten anything?

Children: A picture, a basket.

The leaves that were in the basket were quietly replaced with apples.

Educator: Where is our basket? Here she is. Look, guys, our leaves have turned into ruddy apples. And, truly, a magical forest! How generous it is - autumn!

Magical music is playing.

Educator: Hold hands, everyone. Let's stand in a circle.

One, two, three - we've been spinning around and in kindergarten, you find yourself!

Educator: Here we are in our favorite kindergarten! Did you guys like our trip? If you liked our event, smile, if you didn’t like it, make a sad face. What did you like most? After lunch, you and I will write a letter to our friend Luntik, in which we will send our compiled story based on the painting. I think he will be very happy! You guys are great! Now go to the group to taste the apples.

Children go to the group.

Summary of educational activities

Compiling a story based on a picture

"Walk through the autumn forest"

Senior group

Educational areas:“Social-communicative” “Cognitive development” “Speech development”. "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: Help children comprehend the content of the picture and convey its content in his stories.


Learn to build sentences; pronounce words clearly

Develop the ability to coherently and consistently describe the image in a picture.

Cultivate interest in composing stories based on paintings.



Summary of educational activities

Compiling a story based on a picture

"Walk through the autumn forest"

Senior group

Educational areas:“Social-communicative” “Cognitive development” “Speech development”. "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: Help children comprehend the content of the picture and convey its content in his stories.


Learn to build sentences; pronounce words clearly

Develop the ability to coherently and consistently describe the image in a picture.

Cultivate interest in composing stories based on paintings.

Progress of educational activities.

Calm melodic music sounds

Educator: today we will take a trip. And now you will find out where we will go.

View the presentation “Autumn in the Park.”

Educator: Where will we go?

Children: To the autumn park.

Educator: That's right, guys! But the park will not be simple, but magical!

There's a knock on the door. The postman comes in. He brought a picture parcel with a letter. He says goodbye and leaves.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from? Reads the contents of the letter aloud.

“Hello, Luntik writes to you. I need your help. I need to compose a story based on the painting “A Walk in the Autumn Park.” Since I have never been to the autumn park, it is very difficult for me to do this. Help me please"

Educator: Are you ready to help Luntik?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, Luntik was lucky, because now we were just about to take a trip to the autumn park and it will be easier for us to compose a story based on the painting “Through the Autumn Park”

Educator: But, unfortunately, you can’t just get into the forest! You need to solve a riddle

Educator asks riddles

The leaves are spinning in the air,

They lie down quietly on the grass.

The garden sheds its leaves

It's just...(Leaf fall)

He walks and we run

He'll catch up anyway!

We rush to the house to hide,

There will be a knock on our window,

And on the roof, knock and knock!

No, we won’t let you in, dear friend! (Rain)

I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me! (Autumn)

Educator: Well done!

Now you can go to the autumn park. I suggest taking the painting with you. And in the forest we will compose a story based on it. You agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What else can you take with you in the forest in the fall?

It is comfortable and light

Its name is short

In the economy it serves us for centuries,

This word contains the name Zina.

You can go mushroom hunting with her

It's not hard to wear

And very easy to break!

They weave them from twigs and bast,

Tell me, what is her name? (basket)

Children: Basket.

Educator: Correct.

Magical music is playing.

Educator: Hold hands, everyone. Let's stand in a circle.

One, two, three - spin around and you'll find yourself in the park!

Educator: Look, there are leaves everywhere. Would you like to collect them?

Children: Yes!

Children take one piece of paper at a time.


What leaf do you have? And what can we say about the leaves: what are they like?

How many leaves did you collect?

Can you say the word leaf, first loudly, then in a whisper?

Children: Yes!

All children pronounce.

Educator: Who scattered these leaves

Children: Autumn!

Children: The days have become shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, there are colorful leaves on the trees, cold winds are blowing, the wind is tearing leaves from the trees, there is a fine cold rain, the sky is gray, the grass is turning brown. Flowers wither, frosts at night, trees are covered with frost, insects have disappeared, the sun is shining brightly, there are gray clouds in the sky, fog in the morning, puddles are covered with a thin mound of ice

Educator: Well done! If you know the signs of autumn so well, then you are well prepared for it.

Educator: I suggest you rest.

Physics minute "Leaflets"

The autumn leaves were spinning.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily.

And they sat down on the ground.

Educator: Guys, look here there are some pictures. Would you like to consider them? I suggest you make a beautiful sentence based on these pictures. And to make it easier for you, I suggest you divide into pairs. Everyone comes to the table on which the pictures lie. The teacher helps you divide into pairs and make up sentences.

Educator: I would like to praise you for speaking clearly, distinctly, and interestingly.

Guys, you and I had to help someone. To whom and in what?

Children: We must help Luntik, compose a story based on the picture.

Educator: I propose to do this now.

The guys go to the painting and sit on chairs.

Compiling a story.

Educator: Guys, now you will compose a story based on the picture. Use in your story those sentences and those autumn signs that we have already mentioned earlier.

Questions about the content of the picture

What time of year is shown in the picture?

Look and name all the signs of autumn that you see here.

Who is shown in the picture?

How are they dressed?

What are the children doing?

Why do you love autumn?

Educator: I'll start our story, and you guys will continue. Agreed?

Educator chooses two guys who will continue the story. The first child will tell the middle of the story. The second child will finish the story.

Educator: We need to tell our story again. Who wants?

Children tell a story based on the picture.

Educator: Well done, you did a great job!

Educator: I have prepared two more games, “Autumn Words” and “Weather in Autumn.”

I suggest you play one of them. It's up to you to decide which game to play. Choose!

"Autumn Words"

Children: golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, colorful, rainy, long, protracted, wonderful, interesting. majestic, dull, charming, mysterious, boring, thick... affectionate.

“What is she like?”


I have a magic crown.

She knows a lot

And he wants to know a lot

Whose head will it sit on?

I'll ask that question.

Educator -Children, what is the weather like in the fall?

When it rains, it's rainy.

When the wind blows

When it's cold-cold

When it's cloudy



Educator; It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Have we forgotten anything?

Children: A picture, a basket. The leaves that were in the basket were quietly replaced with apples.

Educator: where is our basket? Here he is.

Look guys, our leaves have turned into ruddy apples. And, indeed, a magical forest. What a generous autumn. Magic music sounds.

Educator: Take everyone's hands. Let's make a circle.

One, two, three_ spun around and ended up in kindergarten!

Educator Here we are in our favorite kindergarten!

Did you guys like our trip?

Let's use our emoticons to show what mood we are in. Did you enjoy our trip? After lunch, you and I will write a letter to our Luntik, we will write him our compiled story. He will be very happy. And you are great. What do you remember most of all on our trip???

Elena Arkhipova
Summary of joint activities with children in the first junior group to form a holistic picture of the world “That’s what autumn is like”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 3 "Fairy tale" Bologoye, Tver region.

Summary of joint activities with children in the 1st junior group"Okay" By formation of a holistic picture of the world on the topic:

"Here what autumn

Designed by an educator:

Arkhipova Elena Vasilievna

Goals: Consolidate knowledge about signs autumn.

Learn to consider picture, answer questions about its content.



1. Strengthen children’s ideas about signs autumn.


1. Develop children's attention and thinking.

2. Expand children's vocabulary.

3. Fixing colors.

4. Clarify knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

5. Develop auditory attention and interest.


1. Foster a love of nature.

2. The desire to take care of her.

3. Instill care and love for animals.


Personally-oriented technology aimed at setting goals, education and development, achieving results, didactic and outdoor games.


Musical composition "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky (autumn) ;

(maple, oak, birch) .

Soft toys hare and hedgehog.

- pictures of vegetables and fruits.

- painting"Children walking in the park"

Kinds activities: educational, communicative, gaming.

Preliminary work with children: conversation about autumn; monitoring the weather

Conversation about autumn, monitoring the weather outside.

Looking at thematic illustrations

Learning poems and songs about autumn.

Learning a dance with autumn leaves»

Kinds activities: educational, communicative, gaming, reading.


- painting"Children walking in the park"

Musical composition "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky (autumn) ;

Leaves cut from colored paper (maple, oak, birch) .

- pictures of vegetables and fruits.

Preliminary work with children: conversation about autumn; monitoring the weather

walk; bird watching; examination of thematic illustrations;;

memorizing poems, songs about autumn, learning dance with leaves.

Organizing time.

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons". Children listen to the composition.

The teacher invites the children to go to the window and see how much is it worth

(Children's answers)

Tells what has come autumn, it has become cold, the wind is blowing, the leaves are

trees are falling, flowers in the flower beds have wilted, and it rains often.

The teacher asks the children to return to their seats and reads E.’s poem. Trutneva:

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

Didactic game “Leaves to me!”

The teacher distributes to the children autumn leaves with whom they go

By group. Then the teacher shows a piece of paper cut out of colored paper

some tree and asks the children to come up with the same leaves.

Educator: come to me if you have yellow leaves. Then he asks whoever has the red leaves to come up.

(Children complete the task).

Helps children who find it difficult to complete a task.

The teacher sings a song and performs movements together with children:

"The irrepressible breeze

Blowing, blowing,

Yellow leaves

Picks it from the tree.

And the leaves are flying

From branch to path (movement of hands from top to bottom) .

And they run through the leaves

Little feet (light jogging in place)

You and I will go for a walk (step in place)

And we’ll collect the leaves.” (sit down, bend over, collecting leaves)

The teacher continues the story about autumn says what is ripe in the garden and vegetable garden

the harvest reminds us of how children collected vegetables and fruits for the animals.

Didactic game "Vegetables fruits".

The teacher distributes to the children Pictures which depict vegetables and fruits

Clarifies the name and asks to take it to the bunny (who is sitting on a chair) vegetables

Hedgehog (which stands on the floor) fruits.

Clarifies what the child brought and what community the item belongs to.

The teacher seats the children on chairs in a semicircle, shows picture

"Children walking in the park", asks to consider. Reminds me that she's already

considered and asks questions to children:

What time of year is shown in picture?

What are the children doing?

What are the children wearing?

The teacher together with children composes a story based on picture, encouraging children

negotiate proposals.

The teacher praises all the pupils and notes especially attentive children.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the game situation for the formation of a holistic picture of the world “Maslenitsa” in the second junior group Goal: to introduce children to the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa. Program content: - introducing children to the history and traditions.

Summary of a game situation for the formation of a holistic picture of the world “We live in Russia” in the second junior group Goal: to develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland. Program content is to reinforce the concept among children that our Motherland...

Summary of educational activities for the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the first junior group “Looking at a puppy” Educational area: Cognitive development Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive research, reading.

Summary of direct educational activities on the formation of a holistic picture of the world “Winter” Goal: to identify the level of development of children’s knowledge about the winter season. Objectives: to introduce the formation of snowflakes, to give an idea of ​​what.

Topic: “Winter quarters of animals.” Objectives: 1. Give children ideas about the life of wild animals in winter. Strengthen children's knowledge about seasonal changes.

Younger preschoolers are characterized by a simple form of dialogic speech, in which the answer completely repeats the question or reproduces part of it. At this age stage, dialogue lines are simple in terms of the psychological structure of the generation processes and elementary from the point of view of semantic development. A necessary condition for the full development of phrasal speech in younger preschoolers is specially organized communication with an adult, during which children become familiar with new speech patterns.

Target: Teach children to look at a picture of a girl in the park in autumn, show children the signs of autumn, develop attention, thinking, memory, instill a love of nature, and cultivate a desire to answer questions.

Equipment: painting of a girl in the park, easel, bouquet of autumn leaves, autumn leaves, lamp.

Progress of the lesson

The day before, the children walked in the autumn garden, collecting bouquets of leaves.

Teacher (shows a bouquet). Children, what do you see in my hands?
Children. Yellow and red leaves.
Educator. I have a bouquet of autumn leaves in my hands. Who collected this bouquet?
Children. We! We!
Educator. Where did we collect such a beautiful bouquet?
Children. In our garden.
Educator. Now look at this picture. Who do you see on it?
Children. A girl.
Educator. What is she carrying in her hand?
Children. Yellow leaves.
Educator. A girl carries a bouquet of autumn leaves. She smiles, happy that she has collected a beautiful bouquet. This girl's name is Tanya. Who do you think Tanya is bringing yellow leaves to?
Children. She takes them to mom.
Educator. Of course, she will give this bouquet to her mother. Where did Tanya collect yellow leaves? Look carefully at the picture.
Children. On the path, on the grass.
Educator. Tanya was collecting leaves in the garden on the path, on the grass. (Points to the picture.) Where else are the yellow leaves?
Children. On the bench.
Educator. Leaves are turning yellow everywhere: on the bench, on the grass, on the garden path. Where else do you see a lot of yellow leaves?
Children. On the trees.
Educator. Does this bush have yellow leaves? (Shows.)
Children. No.
Educator. Where are they?
Children. They fell on the grass.
Educator. Yes, the leaves have fallen from the bushes and trees. Look: the leaf is falling down. (Shows.) There are a lot of yellow leaves around. What's green in the garden?
Children. Herringbone.
Educator. Right. When does it happen that there are so many yellow leaves?
Children. In autumn.
Educator. This means Tanya is walking in the garden in the fall. How did she dress for the walk?
Children. Warm.
Educator. What is Tanya wearing?
Children. Red coat with a hood. Tights and boots.
Educator. Why did Tanya dress warmer?
Children. Because it is cold.
Educator. That's right, it gets cold in the fall, so Tanya dressed warmly. What toys did she take with her to the garden?
Children. A doll and a car.
Educator. How does she play with them?
Children. She carries the doll in the car.

Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees in the garden turned yellow. They fall from trees and bushes and lie on the grass, on garden paths, on a bench. Autumn leaves are turning yellow everywhere.

Tanya got ready to go for a walk in the garden. Dressed warmly: put on a coat, warm boots, and a hat. I took a doll and a car with me. Tanya went out into the garden, put the doll in the car and began to roll it along the path. And on the path, on the grass, there are yellow leaves. Tanya wanted to collect a beautiful bouquet. The girl quickly collected a lot of leaves. Tanya is carrying a bouquet of yellow leaves, rejoicing: she will give it to her mother..
Tanya has a lot of fun walking in the garden in the fall.

Educator. Guys, who knows a poem about autumn?
Come on Sonechka, we are listening to you.

Educator. Well done! Sonechka remembered a poem about autumn, about yellow leaves, about how they swirl in the wind. Now we will go for a walk in the garden and each of you will collect yellow and red leaves for your mother in the garden.