New participant house 2 Maria. Half a bottle of rum and a pack of antidepressants: the main thing about the mysterious death of the Dom-2 star Maria Politova

Every evening, a cheerful melody sounds from the TV screens of almost every Russian family, signaling the start of a new episode of the Dom-2 television project. Over the 11 and a half years of the existence of the reality show, thousands of young people and girls tried to build love (and at the same time a home), but not everyone succeeded. Weddings, children, even divorces - what viewers have not seen over the years. But why has interest in the project not subsided so far? Obviously, it’s all about the bright participants who manage not only to build relationships, but also to realize creative potential, not to mention intrigues and scandals. Let’s remember the most original “domovtsy” who did not leave the audience indifferent and are still talked about to this day.

The Sun (Olga Nikolaeva), 32 years old

She was on the project from May 2004 to May 2008.

21-year-old Olga Nikolaeva was one of the first to enter the gates of “House-2” and immediately announced: you can only call her the Sun. Charming Alexander Nelidov immediately liked the flamboyant girl-boy, and the couple occupied one of the VIP houses. The sun immediately became an idol for many TV viewers thanks to not only her fighting character, but also her musical talent. The girl graced more than one concert of the project with her songs and guitar playing, and also wrote the music and lyrics of the composition “15 Cool People,” which has been playing on the show’s intro for 11 years now.

Soon the curly-haired romantic May Abrikosov came to the project, and the Sun created a couple with him. The romance was bright, but it ended, after which both had several more relationships on the project. In 2008, the Sun won the “House-2” competition thanks to the support of television viewers and became the happy owner of a certificate for an apartment.

“The apartment that I chose in a building under construction in Krasnogorsk, two kilometers from Moscow, cost 6 million rubles,” admitted the Sun. – The certificate was for half the amount. She saved up what she needed by working from morning to night. I moved here in 2010, as soon as the house was built and the workers installed the plumbing. And it took another two years to arrange everything the way I wanted.”

Life for the Sun is not boring: every weekend the girl tours as a DJ and singer, organizes master classes on handicrafts, and in her free time engages in spiritual practices - meditation and yoga. She even has her own teacher who helps her live every day harmoniously and happily.

May Abrikosov, 34 years old

May Abrikosov (aka Roman Tertishny) appeared on the project very brightly: he appeared on the execution site in the image of a medieval knight with a sword in one hand and a falcon in the other. How could one not leave him - a shock of curly hair, huge blue eyes, refined manners. May seemed like a handsome prince come to life. The guy chose Olga Nikolaeva, the Sun, as his princess and began to court her. After some time, the girl gave up, and the new couple moved into the house. The relationship between the young people quite quickly grew from romantic to flammable: the couple quarreled every day, either because of May’s immaturity, or because of the Sun’s everyday inability. In the end, the guys parted, and Abrikosov found temporary solace in the arms of his friend Alena Vodonaeva. But this relationship did not last long, and Mai left the project.

Former participants of “House-2” recall that the curly-haired Abrikosov became a star over time: he scolded the show’s administrators for the “wrong” food in the refrigerator and refused to celebrate the New Year six days before the holiday. May from Voronezh’s dreams of becoming famous thanks to “House-2” and staying in Moscow never came true. First, the guy tried himself as a host of a mystical TV program and starred in a cameo role in an unknown series.

After a series of failures, Mai settled in the house of his late grandmother in the village of Korotoyak, Voronezh region. Now the man lives alone, sometimes writes articles for the Dom-2 magazine, raises chickens, and in the summer he collects zucchini on a collective farm for 500 rubles a day. Failures in work and love, the death of his grandmother and father influenced May’s psyche: he plunged headlong into religion and blames witchcraft for all his troubles.

Anastasia Dashko, 31 years old

The beauty queen from Salekhard confidently entered the “perimeter” of the project, declaring her sympathy for Roman Tretyakov. Later, Nastya fell in love with Stas Karimov, but the guys didn’t go further than flirting. Six months later, the girl met her beloved in a clearing - he turned out to be dark-skinned Sam Seleznev from Krasnodar. The lovers stayed together for more than three years, giving the impression of being one of the strongest couples in Dom-2. Dashko periodically got into trouble, created scandals, attacked other participants with accusations - her ardent character made itself felt. One of Nastya’s favorite “victims” was Olga Buzova, but in the end the confrontation between two spectacular blondes grew into friendship.

// Photo: Shot from the “Live Broadcast” program

In February 2008, Sam and Nastya won the audience vote in the competition with a hefty prize - an apartment in Moscow. However, it soon became clear that Dashko herself was sending SMS messages for herself from a free mobile phone from the project sponsors. An enterprising participant spent 160 thousand rubles on this business! Scandal, lie detector tests and, as a result, leaving the project. Having left the gates of “House-2”, Nastya went into business in Chelyabinsk, where she framed her partners for a tidy sum. Dashko was sentenced to three years in prison, however, in March 2015, after serving only one and a half years, Anastasia was released for good behavior. Recently, the girl married 30-year-old kickboxing world champion Konstantin Kuleshov. The couple lives in Zlatoust. “I’m 31 years old, I don’t have children. Each age has its own priorities. Now I really want a child!” – says Anastasia Dashko.

In August 2016, Dashko gave birth to her first child. The boy was named Klim.

Victoria Karaseva, 36 years old

The fatal beauty Tori appeared on the project as a queen and expressed sympathy for joker Andrei Chuev. But the guy ignored Karaseva’s attention, and Vika began to wait for her prince. The girl earned a reputation as a willful, straightforward and even tough participant thanks to her masculine character. By the way, Tori was engaged in “House-2” not only in finding a couple: not a single concert of the participants was complete without the songs of Victoria, an opera singer and actress by training. Soon the Moldovan rapper Ruslan Proskurov appeared in the “perimeter”. Tori and Russell created not only a creative duo, but also a bright couple, famous for violent scandals and fights, and then for tearful reconciliations. The guys stayed together for a couple of years and broke up after another fight.

// Photo: Shot from the “Talk and Show” program

Vika was not alone for long: the “simpleton” Vyacheslav Dvoretskov, whom no one took seriously, began to seek her attention. But Victoria accepted and even married Slava. A visit to an Italian restaurant, where Karaseva pierced her esophagus with a mussel fragment, became a test of strength for the senses. Vyacheslav was next to his wife day and night. Vika left the hospital weighing just over 30 kilograms and disabled. Vyacheslav gave his beloved an apartment for all his torment. After the amendment, Victoria became a co-founder of a wedding salon, became interested in clothing design, and did not give up music: she began recording an album in the pop-rock style. The girl managed to sue the ill-fated restaurant for part of the money for moral damages. As for the marriage with Dvoretskov, nothing is known for certain. In one of the television programs, Vika and Vyacheslav announced that they no longer live together.

“I am often asked if I will return to the project,” Tori writes on the social network. “After 30, discussing who is with whom and how is not very dignified or interesting.”

Sam Seleznev, 36 years old

A good-natured guy from Krasnodar came to Oksana Aplekaeva’s project, who dreamed of making Stas Karimov fall in love with her. But instead of a relationship with Oksana Samik, as the participants of “House-2” called him, gained friendship with Karimov. And then Anastasia Dashko drew attention to the smiling guy. The guys created a strong couple and lived together for about three years. In 2006, Sam was chosen as the winner of the “Superman Doma-2” competition, in which he won a UAZ-Patriot car. Although everyone knew Sam as a kind and calm guy (what it took for him to maintain composure in quarrels with Dashko), the provocateur Rustam Solntsev managed to bring him out. Rustam called Sam and Nastya philistines who just want to fill the refrigerator, for which he received Seleznev in the face.

At that time, people were kicked out of the project for fighting, which is what happened to Sam. However, they later returned it. Sam and Nastya left the “perimeter” together after the scandal with SMS voting, but on the “mainland” the couple broke up. Now Sam Seleznev lives in his native Krasnodar, he has his own beauty salon. At one time, the guy worked part-time as a sports news presenter on a local TV channel. Recently he has taken up music and performs in clubs as a DJ.

Roman Tretyakov, 35 years old

I was on the project from May 2004 to August 2007.

A charming bald guy from Taganrog settled in the “perimeter” of “House-2” from the very beginning of the project and established himself as a strong player. At first, Roman fell in love with the fatal beauty Elena Berkova. Nowadays the girl is known for her erotic past and present, but back then – back in 2004 – racy videos with Lena’s participation were not known. But soon everything was revealed, and Tretyakov’s beloved left the project.

The guy was not sad for a long time and took up with the blonde Olga Buzova. They created one of the strongest couples on the project: Roma defended Olya from the attacks of aggressive participants, the girl in return spoiled her beloved with surprises and romance. Their popularity even allowed them to create their own youth television show, “Romance with Buzova,” which did not last long. Who knows what this story would have led to if Roman had not been forced to leave Dom-2 in 2007, which he talks about in detail in one of his books. The lovers parted ways, and a year later Roma met a girl, Sveta, on the plane. After the wedding, the young couple had a son, Nikita, but things didn’t work out either. Today Roman is an eligible bachelor - a successful wedding host, screenwriter and student of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

Stas and Oscar Karimov, 34 years old

Stas was on the project from May 11, 2004 to June 9, 2005, Oscar - from May 11, 2004 to December 17, 2004.

The charismatic twin brothers from Belebey were a great success among the girls of Dom-2: they were cheerful, played the guitar, and breakdanced. But the personal life of the guys on the project did not work out. Stas was unrequitedly in love with Olga Buzova, and Oscar was in love with Ksenia Borodina - the presenters of the project today. Olya simply flirted with Stas, allowed herself to be taken care of, and Ksyusha seemed to reciprocate Oscar’s feelings. But according to the rules of the project, the presenters were not allowed to make love with the participants, and Oscar left the clearing.

After leaving the project, Stasik and Osik, as the “Domovists” called them, did not leave for their hometown, but remained in the capital. Today, the brothers actively perform DJ sets and successfully tour both together and separately. In addition, the Karimovs own a travel agency and a clothing store in Cheboksary. In Moscow, Oscar runs a real estate agency. In their personal lives, the cheerful twins are also doing great. Stas married a girl with a little daughter in 2012, little Uma calls Karimov dad. Oscar is also getting ready for the wedding.

Rima Pendzhieva, 32 years old

The curvy Kiev woman Rima came to Rustam Solntsev’s project, but things didn’t work out for them. Afterwards, the girl’s attention was attracted by Vyacheslav Dvoretskov, but he also preferred Victoria Karaseva to Rome. Pendzhieva did not lose heart and began to build love with Evgeny Nikitin, but after a couple of months this relationship also ended. Soon the beauty began dating Demyan Levko and even moved into a separate apartment with him, but a miracle did not happen this time either. Despite love failures, Rima always remained a fighting “laugher” and a chic woman, as she liked to call herself. Thanks to Rome’s resilient character, she earned the love of television viewers and the title “Person of the Year” in 2009.

Later, Pendzhieva fell in love with a new member of “House-2” - Gleb Klubnichka, but he turned his attention to another girl, and Rima was again left with nothing. The chic woman’s last boyfriend on the project was Daniil Digler, whom she dated for some time outside the “perimeter”. Rima now works as a plus-size model and runs her own channel on Youtube, where she shares travel videos with subscribers.

Alessandro Materazzo, 35 years old

Was on the project in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

The Italian macho Alessandro Materazzo first burst into the project in a fur coat, with diamond earrings and... sympathy for the Sun! She did not respond to the advances, and the young man decided to create a couple with Olga Buzova, who was free at that time. Ex-stripper Materazzo never tires of showing off his toned body at every opportunity. In August 2008, the guy left the project because of lies (it turned out that the guy was born not in Italy, but in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region), but in May 2009 he returned not as a participant, but as a producer of the musical group “Istra Witches”. Later, Alessandro produces Andrey Cherkasov.

For the third time, Materazzo (aka Alexander Kuryshko) came with his girlfriend Svetlana Davydova. The goal is to show how to build incredible love. However, bachelors Gleb Klubnichka and Gennady Dzhikia immediately drew attention to Alex’s girlfriend. Materazzo did not risk her happiness and took Svetlana away from the project as unexpectedly as she brought her. On September 9, 2009, outside the perimeter, the couple played a wedding, which was attended by Sveta’s four-year-old daughter from her first marriage. After this, the couple went to live in Miami. Recently, the couple were outraged by what was written about them in the press.

Anton Potapovich, 38 years old

Anton Potapovich was brought to the project by Alena Vodonaeva. The girl had just broken up with her former man, Stepan Menshchikov, and noticed the charming Anton at the casting. The young people dated for several months, but Alena, with her stormy temperament, soon became bored with Potapovich’s calm disposition. Soon a young girl, Leila, appeared in the “perimeter”, whom Anton liked at first sight. They declared themselves a couple. But this union was not calm either. The conservative Potapovich did not understand Lilu’s whims and her flirting with the guys.

Attempts to re-educate his beloved were unsuccessful - the couple separated several times. After Leila left due to problems with his studies, Anton was left alone and became an eligible bachelor of the project - girls came to him every now and then. But the participant no longer entered into a romantic relationship, but started a strong friendship with Victoria Bonya. When Anton was kicked out at the vote, his girlfriend went after him, which came as a shock to the “domovtsev”. Today Anton Potapovich is happily married to a girl 14 years younger than him, and together they are raising a two-year-old daughter, Eva. The ex-participant of “House-2” works as an art director in the entertainment industry.

Maria Adoevtseva, 30 years old

Masha Kruglykhina appeared on the project with an unusual story: she allegedly saw her common-law husband Sergei Adoevtsev, who recently ran away from her, on the air of “House-2”. Sergei Palych refused to leave the “perimeter” with his beloved, and the girl had to stay too. It’s strange, but the guy denied a relationship with Masha for a long time, but then, seeing her pressure, he gave up. By the way, not everyone remembers, but a couple of years before joining Palych, Masha already appeared on the project. The object of her attention then was May Abrikosov, who did not reciprocate her feelings. And five days later Masha was already seen off amid shouts: “We are happy!” In her relationship with Sergei, Masha was a jealous owner and did not let the man go one step further.

At the same time, Alessandro Materazzo, Gleb Klubnichka and Nikita Kuznetsov looked after her. However, nothing could stop true love, and on July 7, 2010, the guys got married, and a couple of weeks later they left the project. Now the Adoevtsevs are still together, raising their two-year-old daughter Lisa. Serezha works as a photographer, and Masha sells clothes online. After a while, the couple divorced, and Maria found new love.

Semyon Frolov, 35 years old

For the first time at the project, we saw Semyon in a hat with earflaps and with a button accordion in his hands - this is exactly how the guy showed up at the front. The talented Frolov was accepted into the team, and he created a creative union with the Sun. Semyon fell in love with the scandalous and daring Elena Bushina. During his six-month stay in the “perimeter,” the good-natured Sema, who played the button accordion and amused the honest people, was liked by the audience so much that he was almost unanimously chosen as the “host” of the project in the competition of the same name. In this, the musician surpassed even the “old man” Stepan Menshchikov, thereby making an enemy in him. By the way, other participants of “House-2” also disliked the new guy; quarrels constantly occurred between them and Frolov. At first Elena supported her beloved, but at some point she stopped. But she began to press the guy when they were alone. As a result, at the next male vote, everyone turned against Semyon, and the musician left after the first round. Bushina remained on the project.

After “House-2”, Frolov used the money he won in the competition to go to Goa, then plunged headlong into creativity. Today, Senya’s creative collection includes a dozen clips, the folk hit “All women are like women, but mine is a goddess!”, participation in television shows, and on the radio. The plans include opening a production center and helping emerging artists.

Maria Politova, 28 years old

She was on the project from January to February 2006, then from June to September 2007, then from June 4 to June 24, 2010.

The restless girl, singing always and everywhere, appeared on the threshold of “House-2” three times! Every attempt to return to the project was a kind of experiment for Maria, but the girl was never able to build a relationship with anyone and began to get bored. And even though her stay on the project was not long each time, Masha was remembered for her strange antics. Politova kept falling into a “musical trance”; the guys joked that Maria sang even in her sleep. The extravagant participant was supported by Stepan Menshchikov, a lover of strange characters. But Andrei Alexandrov took up arms against the girl, running around the “perimeter” with a poster: “Masha Politova, get out of the project!” In response, Masha only promised to “run over everyone here” and smiled modestly.

Who knows how long this madness would have continued, but Maria was unexpectedly kicked out at the vote. And on the fifth lap! The girl left, worked in Moscow as a journalist, then as a fashion model, and completed a make-up artist course. At that time, she had problems with weight: Masha gained 28 kilograms, but quickly returned to shape.

UPDATE. Maria Politova was found dead on December 13, 2017. She supposedly died a few days ago. The girl disappeared on December 4. This was announced by the common-law husband of the ex-participant of the TV show, Artem Shanurov. According to him, she suffered from bipolar disorder and was depressed, so she took powerful medications. A few days ago, Masha disappeared and took the medicine with her.

Maria Petrovskaya, 33 years old

The sexy watermelon saleswoman from Taganrog knew how to make friends with every participant in “House-2”. Masha’s kind and naive character did not correspond to her image of a fatal, curvy brunette. May Abrikosov courted the girl, but Petrovskaya did not reciprocate his feelings, preferring the more courageous Denis Kochetov. At one vote, Denis was kicked out of the project. This was a blow for Masha, but she did not follow her beloved. The trusting beauty accepted the advances of each new participant at face value, but she could not find sincere feelings. But the guys began to perceive Petrovskaya as a “backup option.”

After Vladimir, another young man with whom Maria tried to build a relationship, was kicked out, the girl could not stand it and left on her own. Petrovskaya after “House-2” avoids publicity. According to one version from fans of the project, Masha got a job as a dancer in a strip club in Moscow, according to another, as an assistant to the general director of a company. In 2009, a photo taken by a fan appeared on the networks: Masha works as a consultant in a communications salon. They also say that the girl met a worthy man in the capital and is happy as a housewife.

The star of “House-2” Maria Politova was found dead in one of the dacha plots in the Shchelkovsky district. According to unconfirmed information, antidepressants and alcohol were found in the girl’s blood. Politova's disappearance was reported by her partner Artem Shanurov on December 4 - the man claimed that his wife suffered from bipolar disorder. At the same time, there were reports in the media that the girl had fled to her former lover, who was serving a sentence in a colony in the Murmansk region.

Tried to commit suicide six times

Ex-participant of “House-2” Maria Politova was found dead in one of the dacha plots in the Shchelkovsky district, the Hue Telegram channel reported. According to unconfirmed reports, Politova died about four days ago due to pill poisoning. During this time, the body of the deceased was covered with a thick layer of snow; it was discovered by a random passerby. Next to the girl’s body was allegedly a pack of pills and a half-half bottle of rum.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda website, citing a source in law enforcement, reported that the body of the Dom-2 star was found by one of the search engines of the Lisa Alert organization. No traces of violent death were found, the newspaper’s source said. The exact cause of the girl's death will be determined by a forensic medical examination.

According to preliminary data, the Dom-2 star tried to commit suicide at least six times. A source in law enforcement agencies told the Moscow city news agency about this. “She wanted to be with me for the rest of her life. What a pity that sometimes dreams come true,” her partner Artem Shanurov commented on Maria’s death on social networks.

Photo: screenshot: Facebook / Artem Shanurov

“Most likely it’s about suicide”

Shanurov reported Politova’s disappearance on December 4 - according to him, the girl left home without a mobile phone, but with a pack of antidepressants. The TV star allegedly took them on the recommendation of a psychiatrist - the girl suffered from bipolar disorder. “The forecasts are the worst. The police are looking, but you understand. If anyone has any information, contact me... For those who don’t understand, this is not a joke, most likely it’s about suicide,” wrote Shanurov on Instagram of his missing girlfriend.

Before leaving home, the TV star told her mother that she wanted to visit her, but then abruptly changed her mind, Shanurov said in an interview with Starhit. “The worst thing is that once, even before meeting me, Masha, in a conversation with a friend, described this scenario: she takes medications and goes somewhere into the forest,” he said. The Lisa Alert organization joined the search for Politova - movement activists posted photos of the girl, interviewed passersby and posted an ad on social networks.

Information began to appear in the media that the star of “House-2” fled to Murmansk - to her lover. Before her disappearance, Politova allegedly took out a large loan from a bank on Leninsky Prospect, after which she began studying the flight schedule to the city, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported. She was eager to go there to meet her former lover, who was serving a sentence in a maximum security colony in Murmashi. In addition, Politova traveled to Murmansk quite often and explained this with health problems of her former lover - he allegedly needed medication. The girl’s unhappy love was no secret for Shanurov, the publication claims. One day, Politova allegedly told her new lover that her ex had died.

"Anomaly of mental development"

“Masha is a unique person, a girl and a personality,” ex-member of “House-2” Stepan Menshchikov told “360”. According to him, Politova has always been a “black sheep”: she was emotional, unbalanced, but never wished harm on anyone. Maria always stood out from the gray mass with her “freakishness,” Menshikov clarified. He believes that the cause of possible suicide could have been family problems - the girl allegedly had a difficult relationship with her mother.

I think she had problems with her parents. There were some difficult relationships with my mother. Naturally, this was reflected in her psychological portrait. Perhaps the roots stretch from childhood. Well, psychological deviations could influence suicide. I never observed any suicidal tendencies in Maria. Everything is very difficult in the family there, I think the roots grow from there

- Stepan Menshchikov.

Journalist Maxim Kononenko also shared his memories of Politova with 360. He claims that he worked with the deceased about 10 years ago at the youth newspaper “Reaction” and even then noticed some strange things about the girl. “She was very beautiful, not stupid, but even then she had cockroaches in her head. It was clear that she did not have a very good understanding of her own world,” Kononenko said. The journalist suggests that Politova could suffer from an “anomaly of mental development,” which often occurs in attractive girls. “Masha was tall and beautiful. People like her have difficulties with men because they are afraid of them, they have no contact and communication does not work,” Kononenko explained.

At the moment of informal communication with her, her unsettledness and fear of relationships with men became apparent. Maybe because of this she went to this stupid program “Dom-2”, although it would seem that a girl with such external data should not experience the slightest difficulty in this regard

Maxim Kononenko.

Published 12/13/17 19:55

Journalists had at their disposal a video recording from the scene of the girl’s death.

The investigation began an investigation into the discovery of the girl’s body in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. Until now, the reasons for the death of former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Maria Politova are unknown.

However, experts do not rule out either suicide or heart failure due to the simultaneous use of antidepressants and alcohol.

Meanwhile, the publication "MK" put forward a new version of the tragedy. According to journalists, the girl could intkbbee freeze to death under the windows of my grandfather's dacha. According to the publication, police have already determined that Politova walked around the house for about half an hour, trying to get inside. When this failed, she sat down near the fence and died some time later. Her body was found in the same semi-sitting position. Nearby there was a bottle of rum, which, according to the preliminary version, the girl was trying to warm up with.

Meanwhile, Ren-TV journalists obtained a video recording from the scene of the death of ex-participant of “House-2” Maria Politova. Judging by the footage, the girl’s body was indeed difficult to find due to the huge snowdrifts. In the video it is noticeable that the dacha plot is covered with snow. Police officers are on the scene.

Muscovite Artyom Shanurov, with whom former “House-2” participant Maria Politova lived in recent years, reacted to the news of her death.

“She dreamed of being with me for the rest of her life. What a pity that sometimes dreams come true,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

It is noted that in the comments under the mournful post, friends express their condolences to Artyom and wish to find the strength to survive the death of their beloved.

Ex-participant of House-2 Roman Tretyakov commented on REN-TV information about the death of his colleague on the show, Maria Politova.

"Masha was a very kind, good, sympathetic person. A couple of years ago we met, and she gave the impression of a self-sufficient woman who has a job, cheerful. The information that she committed suicide does not fit into the framework of my perception of Maria. I I hope that some details about her death will appear, because it all creates some kind of feeling of implausibility. I am very sorry for Maria, I really liked her," Tretyakov said.

Another no less famous ex-participant of the TV show, Stepan Menshikov, also reacted to the death of Maria Politova. He noted the girl’s unpredictability and inconsistency; rarely anyone could understand her. But it was precisely this character of the then 18-year-old participant that attracted many.

“Anything could have happened. She had deviant behavior,” said Stepan Menshikov.

Previously I wrote that on one of the dacha plots located in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, it was discovered. On December 4, 2017, she left home and never returned. Her friends, relatives and volunteers were looking for the girl. The reality show star's partner did not rule out that she could be in the Murmansk region, where her former lover was serving his sentence. However, Masha’s body was found in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region.