Lev Oborin is a critic. Oborin Lev Nikolaevich

If a person was enslaved for debt, then according to the Laws of Hammurabi:
The builder built a house, but his work was fragile and soon the house he built collapsed and the son of the owner of the house died under the rubble of the building. What punishment does the laws of Hammurabi provide for a builder?
According to the Laws of Manu, a woman could divorce a marriage:
Gerousia (council of elders) was the body of power:
Where, for the first time in world history, court cases began to be tried with the participation of a jury, called helium?
What was he like? political system Athens in the 5th century BC:
Higher Judicial Magistracy in Ancient Rome were:
What did the word "rex" mean in Ancient Rome?
What does the official name of the Roman state, res publica, mean?
Mancipation in Ancient Rome is:
In Ancient Rome, according to the Laws of the 12 Tables, the following punishment was provided for perjury:
What do the legislation and formulary processes have in common:
What does the concept of “benefits” mean?
Immunity in the Middle Ages is:
In what cases was the vassal obliged to make certain monetary payments in favor of the lord:
Which courts in England were called courts of common law:
Who, according to the Golden Bull, issued in 1356, received full independence within the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation:
What was the body of class representation in medieval France:
What were the so-called “barbarian truths” in the early feudal states of the countries Western Europe:
What formed the basis of the dualistic structure of English law that developed in the Middle Ages?
In what cases was legal liability for murder excluded according to the “Carolina” of 1532:
A double vote in England in modern times is:
A legal act adopted in England in modern times and containing guarantees of personal integrity is:
In which of the following countries in the 18th-19th centuries. The political system corresponded to the formula “the king reigns, but does not rule”:
Which system in the United States makes it possible to neutralize possible usurper attempts by any of the branches of government:
Lynch courts in the USA are:
In which legal act At the end of the 18th century, the rights of American citizens were most fully formulated:
What political system was established in France after Napoleon was removed from power?
Supreme body state power During the period of Jacobin rule in France there was:
When the Constitution of the Third Republic was adopted in France;
According to the Constitution of the German Empire of 1871, which kingdom occupied the dominant position in this state?
What was the German Confederation, created in 1815:
According to the Constitution of the German Empire of 1871, what was the name of the upper house of the German parliament:
What distinctive quality was inherent in the law of modern times:
In which country was law codified for the first time?
main feature The Romano-Germanic legal family is as follows:
What symbolized the final completion of the process of formation of Romano-Germanic law as an integral phenomenon?
In the Romano-Germanic legal family, an important place in the system of sources is occupied by:
Common law applies in the territories:
The basis of common law is:
In which country was the common law and equity first created?
The exceptional "creators" of common law in England were:
Important distinctive feature The US legal system is:
Among common law countries, codification is most widespread:
Delegated legislation is:
The dualistic structure of English law, which continues to this day, is based on
Standards of behavior that are in the history of Japan long time replaced the law and up to the present time influence various legal relations:
The main source of common law in England is:
The dualism of private law in France, and then in the law of other countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family, means its division:
Greatest influence on civil law Japan had civil law:
The origin of the Romano-Germanic legal system dates back to:
TO characteristic features The Anglo-Saxon legal system includes:
Ijma is:
For the first time in history, the codification of private law was carried out:
The Consolidated Act in England is
American influence on the development of Japanese law after World War II was expressed by:
IN legal system French public law includes:
Of all the sources of Islamic law, the greatest practical significance is in modern conditions It has:
The source of English statutory law is:
The most important feature US law is:
English legislation is divided into:
A feature of classical Hindu law is
In India, the following castes are traditionally distinguished:
The sources of classical Hindu law are
Dharmashastras are:
What institutions of Hindu law continued to operate during the period of English colonization?
Sharia is:
The sources of Islamic law are
All actions in Islamic law are divided into:
The reception of Roman law is:
The Constitution of Japan was adopted:
Trial in the Frankish Kingdom:
Conditional inherited holding of land:
Full ownership of land -
The king under whom the state of France reaches its greatest prosperity:
Elected judges at the lower echelons of the judiciary:
The most common type of punishment according to Salic Truth:
Main sources of Salic Truth:
Transfer of a plot of master's land to a peasant for use for certain duties:
Form of government of the Frankish state:
Who was the founder of the Arab Caliphate?
What form of government was formed in the Arab Caliphate?
What were the names of the properties allocated to feudal lords for their service in the Arab Caliphate?
In whose hands was the spiritual power (imamat) concentrated in the Arab Caliphate?
Which government agency served as the secret police?
What source of law in Islam is the interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah?
What method of acquiring property rights was absent in the Muslim
Marriage age in Islamic law?
In whose favor could a Muslim not make a will?
What punishment was applied under Islamic law for premeditated murder?
In what centuries did the seigneurial monarchy dominate in France?
How many “days of the king” did the military reform of Louis IX establish?
The Parliament under Louis IX was:
The period of the estate-representative monarchy in France:
Who did not participate in the States General?
The Great Ordinance of March was adopted:
The absolute monarchy reigned in France:
What punishments did not exist in medieval France?
The highest courts in France spoke at: State Educational Institution OSU, Orenburg, O.A. Bachurkina, 2010