Teamwork drawing. Group work for children of the nursery group “We draw autumn” (finger painting)

Target: Introduce students to the rules of safe behavior in icy conditions .

Conversation about ice. Explanation of the word "ice".
Ice and black ice absolutely different concepts. The first is a phenomenon of nature, the second is its state.
Black ice - this is ice on the surface that appears when the temperature drops as a result of the freezing of water formed by the melting of snow and ice during a thaw. When temperatures fluctuate around zero, icy conditions occur quite often.
Ice is the formation of ice on the ground, trees, wires, etc., associated with the freezing of rain falling on a cold surface. Most often, ice occurs during a sharp warming from frost, when warm air passes over a very cold surface. Ice conditions are usually not remembered for more than 300 days a year, but those 10-20 days when it happens are not forgotten for a long time. This is a much rarer and more dangerous phenomenon, especially for energy workers and motorists, since it is difficult to predict and usually develops quickly and intensively.

3. Questions for children:
-What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?
-Why do many accidents occur on the roads during icy conditions?
-Why do people often get injured in icy conditions?
-How to protect yourself in icy conditions? -What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?

Precautions for icy conditions:

-how to prevent injury in winter when there is ice?

In icy conditions, it is better to wear shoes with non-slip soles and deep tread. When walking on a slippery surface, you should step on the entire sole, slightly relaxing your legs at the knees. At the moment of falling, you need to group yourself as much as possible, pressing your hands to your chest. If you feel yourself falling onto your back, try to tuck your chin to your chest to avoid hitting the back of your head. It is not advisable to fall on your knees or straightened arms. When falling forward, try to fall on the entire surface of your body, raising your head as high as possible.
Having slipped and fallen, a person strives to get up quickly. But don't rush. First you need to examine yourself, move your arms and legs. If there is no pain, you can get up. Well, if painful sensations appear, you must try to determine what caused them - a bruise, damage to ligaments or a bone fracture.
In order to stay on ice-covered sidewalks, it is recommended to walk along the edge of the road with a shallow, shuffling gait. Take your time: haste will inevitably lead to loss of balance, falling and, as a result, injury. If possible, you can hold on to handrails, poles, walls and other potential supports.

Remember the rules: -do not push, do not run, do not play on slippery roads,
do not trip up your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;
if someone falls, help them up, call an adult for help!

Glaze is a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth that forms after a thaw or rain as a result of cold temperatures, as well as the freezing of wet snow and raindrops.
Ice and black ice are the reasons emergency situations. They can be extraordinary not only for pedestrians, but also for transport.
During periods of ice, the likelihood of accidents and collisions between vehicles increases. During this period, traffic police inspectors ask drivers to be extremely attentive and careful.
When there is ice, two dangers await a person - either you will slip and fall, or they will fall on you (or run over). When falling, people may have broken bones in their arms and legs; head injuries: concussion or bruise of the brain; pelvic bruises. During such an “ice” period, 400 out of 1000 people are injured and seek medical help. To avoid being among the victims, the teacher middle group“Cherry” Panteleimonova E.V. held a conversation on the topic “Caution, icy conditions,” where children became familiar with the rules of behavior in icy conditions. Thus, children should know the following rules:
1. Pay attention to your shoes:
.Choose non-slip shoes with microporous soles.
.Attach metal heels to the heels.
.Apply insulating tape (adhesive plaster) to the sole. Make the sticker crosswise or in a ladder pattern.
2. Watch your step, try to avoid dangerous places, but not on the roadway. And if it is impossible to get around an icy “puddle,” then move along it like a skier, in small sliding steps.
3. Calculate your travel time, leave early so as not to rush. You must look not only at your feet, but also up, as huge icicles and pieces of ice falling from the eaves of houses and drainpipes claim several lives every winter.
4. Be extremely careful on the roadway:
Take your time, and especially don’t run.
.Try to avoid all areas with sloping surfaces.
.On such days, try not to carry heavy bags, because under their weight you can fall and get injured.
5. Move carefully, stepping on the entire sole. When walking, your legs should be slightly relaxed at the knees and your hands should be free.
6. Learn to fall! If you slip, immediately sit down to reduce the height of your fall. Do not try to save things you are carrying in your hands. At the moment of falling, you need to squeeze (tighten your muscles, and when you touch the ground, roll to soften the force of the blow). Take your time to get up, check yourself for injuries, ask passers-by to help you. Remember: falling on your back, face up, is especially dangerous, as you can get a concussion. If you are injured, be sure to consult a doctor for medical attention.
Remember these rules! Live in safety!

Topic: “Caution, ice!”
Target: Introduce students to the rules of safe behavior in icy conditions.


Educational:provide knowledge of basic definitions and concepts related to behavior on the street and road during icy conditions; contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of ice and the consequences for humans;

Educational: develop behavior skills during icy conditions.

Educational: formation in schoolchildren of responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others; developing skills in providing first aid for injuries.

Progress of the conversation:
1. The teacher reads the poem “Ice” to the children:
It's frozen in the morning
There is no yesterday's warmth,
There is ice on the roads,
And the cars carry everything.
Sidewalks are like a skating rink
I'd like to take another step,
But the sole let me down - it is very slippery.
How much trouble there is from ice! There is work for janitors -
Sprinkle salt and sand so that a passerby can pass

Winter has come, a time of light frosts and thaws. This best conditions for ice. And ice, as you know, is dangerous territory.

2. Conversation about ice.Explanation of the word "ice".
Ice and black icecompletely different concepts. The first is a phenomenon of nature, the second is its state.
Black ice - this is ice on the surface that appears when the temperature drops as a result of the freezing of water formed by the melting of snow and ice during a thaw. When temperatures fluctuate around zero, icy conditions occur quite often.
Ice is the formation of ice on the ground, trees, wires, etc., associated with the freezing of rain falling on a cold surface. Most often, ice occurs during a sharp warming from frost, when warm air passes over a very cold surface. Ice conditions are usually not remembered for more than 300 days a year, but those 10-20 days when it happens are not forgotten for a long time. This is a much rarer and more dangerous phenomenon, especially for energy workers and motorists, since it is difficult to predict and usually develops quickly and intensively.

3. Questions for children:
-What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?
-Why do many accidents occur on the roads during icy conditions?
-Why do people often get injured in icy conditions?
-How to protect yourself in icy conditions? -What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?

Precautions for icy conditions:

How to prevent injury in winter when there is ice?

In icy conditions, it is better to wear shoes with non-slip soles and deep tread. When walking on a slippery surface, you should step on the entire sole, slightly relaxing your legs at the knees. At the moment of falling, you need to group yourself as much as possible, pressing your hands to your chest. If you feel yourself falling onto your back, try to tuck your chin to your chest to avoid hitting the back of your head. It is not advisable to fall on your knees or straightened arms. When falling forward, try to fall on the entire surface of your body, raising your head as high as possible.
Having slipped and fallen, a person strives to get up quickly. But don't rush. First you need to examine yourself, move your arms and legs. If there is no pain, you can get up. Well, if painful sensations appear, you must try to determine what caused them - a bruise, damage to ligaments or a bone fracture.
In order to stay on ice-covered sidewalks, it is recommended to walk along the edge of the road with a shallow, shuffling gait. Take your time: haste will inevitably lead to loss of balance, falling and, as a result, injury. If possible, you can hold on to handrails, poles, walls and other potential supports.

Remember the rules:-do not push, do not run, do not play on slippery roads,
do not trip up your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;
if someone falls, help them up, call an adult for help!

4. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road and street in icy conditions (The roads are slippery. You can easily fall. It is difficult for the driver to stop the car (bus). In such weather you must be very careful. You cannot run across in front of nearby vehicles, as the driver, even if brakes, the car will continue to move on the slippery road for some time. You must wait patiently for the cars to pass. And if there is a traffic light at the crossing, you must wait for the green light, see if all the cars have time to slow down, and only then calmly cross the road .);
*during snowfall (The car window is covered with snow and the driver has difficulty seeing pedestrians and traffic lights).
5. Educator: - Raise your hands, those who love winter. What games do you like to play in winter? (Children's answers)
-Do you want to hear how the bear played in winter?
Poem reading:
Lawns with grass disappeared under the snow.
Slippery cars on the pavement,
The river bed was covered with ice,
The teddy bear got on his skates.
-Only he doesn’t skate on the skating rink...
He went outside with a stick in his hand.
How long, children, will there be trouble here?
There are skating rinks and ponds for hockey.
Just put on your boots and skates,
The ice will sing under your skates all day.
-And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink.
We need to go back to the yard, my friend.
- Guys, explain to the bear why you can’t ride on the pavement? (Children's answers)

6. Teacher: what rules of behavior do you know on ice on a pond, river, lake?

  • Ice can be considered strong if its thickness is at least seven centimeters - it can support a person. For a group of people, as well as for constructing an ice rink, ice with a thickness of at least twelve centimeters is safe.
  • The most durable ice has a bluish or greenish tint, while dull white or yellowish tint is unreliable.
  • You should avoid areas covered with snow or covered with drifts. Ice under snow is always thinner.
  • You should be very careful in places where the ice touches the shore. Here the ice may be less durable and there may be cracks in it.
  • Before you step on the ice, look to see if there is a paved path or fresh tracks nearby - it is better to follow them, as this path has been tested.
  • If there are no traces, you need to look around carefully and plan your route so as to avoid places where there may be weak ice.
  • You should take a strong stick with you and use it to test the strength of the ice.
  • If water appears after hitting the ice with a stick, you must immediately return to the shore. And try to slide your feet without lifting your soles off the ice.
  • If you are on skis, unfasten the ski fastenings to quickly remove them. Hold ski poles in your hands without looping them around your hands, so that in case of danger you can immediately throw them away.
  • When moving on ice in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least five meters from each other.

7. Summing up

Topic: “Caution, ice!”
Target: Introduce students to the rules of safe behavior in icy conditions .


Educational: provide knowledge of basic definitions and concepts related to behavior on the street and road during icy conditions; contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of ice and the consequences for humans;

Educational: develop behavior skills during icy conditions.

Educational: formation in schoolchildren of responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others; developing skills in providing first aid for injuries.

Progress of the conversation: 1. The teacher reads the poem “Ice” to the children:
It's frozen in the morning
There is no yesterday's warmth,
There is ice on the roads,
And the cars carry everything.
Sidewalks are like a skating rink
I'd like to take another step,
But the sole let me down - it is very slippery.
How much trouble there is from ice! There is work for janitors -
Sprinkle salt and sand so that a passerby can pass

Winter has come, a time of light frosts and thaws. These are the best conditions for ice. And ice, as you know, is dangerous territory.

2. Conversation about ice. Explanation of the word "ice".
Ice and black ice completely different concepts. The first is a phenomenon of nature, the second is its state.
Black ice - this is ice on the surface that appears when the temperature drops as a result of the freezing of water formed by the melting of snow and ice during a thaw. When temperatures fluctuate around zero, icy conditions occur quite often.
Ice is the formation of ice on the ground, trees, wires, etc., associated with the freezing of rain falling on a cold surface. Most often, ice occurs during a sharp warming from frost, when warm air passes over a very cold surface. Ice conditions are usually not remembered for more than 300 days a year, but those 10-20 days when it happens are not forgotten for a long time. This is a much rarer and more dangerous phenomenon, especially for energy workers and motorists, since it is difficult to predict and usually develops quickly and intensively.

3. Questions for children:

-How to protect yourself in icy conditions? -What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?

Precautions for icy conditions:

How to prevent injury in winter when there is ice?

In icy conditions, it is better to wear shoes with non-slip soles and deep tread. When walking on a slippery surface, you should step on the entire sole, slightly relaxing your legs at the knees. At the moment of falling, you need to group yourself as much as possible, pressing your hands to your chest. If you feel yourself falling onto your back, try to tuck your chin to your chest to avoid hitting the back of your head. It is not advisable to fall on your knees or straightened arms. When falling forward, try to fall on the entire surface of your body, raising your head as high as possible.
Having slipped and fallen, a person strives to get up quickly. But don't rush. First you need to examine yourself, move your arms and legs. If there is no pain, you can get up. Well, if painful sensations appear, you must try to determine what caused them - a bruise, damage to ligaments or a bone fracture.
In order to stay on ice-covered sidewalks, it is recommended to walk along the edge of the road with a shallow, shuffling gait. Take your time: haste will inevitably lead to loss of balance, falling and, as a result, injury. If possible, you can hold on to handrails, poles, walls and other potential supports.

Remember the rules: -do not push, do not run, do not play on slippery roads,
do not trip up your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;
if someone falls, help them up, call an adult for help!

4. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road and street in icy conditions (The roads are slippery. You can easily fall. It is difficult for the driver to stop the car (bus). In such weather you must be very careful. You cannot run across in front of nearby vehicles, as the driver, even if brakes, the car will continue to move on the slippery road for some time. You must wait patiently for the cars to pass. And if there is a traffic light at the crossing, you must wait for the green light, see if all the cars have time to slow down, and only then calmly cross the road .);
*during snowfall (The car window is covered with snow and the driver has difficulty seeing pedestrians and traffic lights).
5. Educator: - Raise your hands, those who love winter. What games do you like to play in winter? (Children's answers)
-Do you want to hear how the bear played in winter?
Poem reading:
Lawns with grass disappeared under the snow.
Slippery cars on the pavement,
The river bed was covered with ice,
The teddy bear got on his skates.
-Only he doesn’t skate on the skating rink...
He went outside with a stick in his hand.
How long, children, will there be trouble here?
There are skating rinks and ponds for hockey.
Just put on your boots and skates,
The ice will sing under your skates all day.
-And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink.
We need to go back to the yard, my friend.
- Guys, explain to the bear why you can’t ride on the pavement? (Children's answers)

6. Teacher: what rules of conduct on ice do you know?on a pond, river, lake?

    Ice can be considered strong if its thickness is at least seven centimeters - it can support a person. For a group of people, as well as for constructing an ice rink, ice with a thickness of at least twelve centimeters is safe.

    The most durable ice has a bluish or greenish tint, while dull white or yellowish tint is unreliable.

    You should avoid areas covered with snow or covered with drifts. Ice under snow is always thinner.

    You should be very careful in places where the ice touches the shore. Here the ice may be less durable and there may be cracks in it.

    Before you step on the ice, look to see if there is a paved path or fresh tracks nearby - it is better to follow them, as this path has been tested.

    If there are no traces, you need to look around carefully and plan your route so as to avoid places where there may be weak ice.

    You should take a strong stick with you and use it to test the strength of the ice.

    If water appears after hitting the ice with a stick, you must immediately return to the shore. And try to slide your feet without lifting your soles off the ice.

    If you are on skis, unfasten the ski fastenings to quickly remove them. Hold ski poles in your hands without looping them around your hands, so that in case of danger you can immediately throw them away.

    When moving on ice in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least five meters from each other.

7. Summing up

What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?
-Why do many accidents occur on the roads during icy conditions?
-Why do people often get injured in icy conditions?
-How to protect yourself in icy conditions?

Repetition of rules of behavior in winter in icy conditions.

With. 1
Conversations on injury prevention in winter

Numbers and topics of conversations:

No. 1 - “Ice”

No. 2 - “Caution! Icicles (snow from roofs)"

No. 3 – “How the curious tongue was punished”

No. 4 – “On the Hill in Winter”

No. 5- “Winter roads”

No. 6 - “The frosts are severe this year”

Conversation No. 1.
Subject: "Ice"
Target: know the safety rules in winter - in icy conditions;

be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures;

describe it, and the rules that must be followed so as not to get

injury and not die.

Material: pictures - signs depicting ice.
Progress of the conversation:

  1. The teacher reads the poem “Ice” to the children:
It's frozen in the morning

There is no yesterday's warmth,

There is ice on the roads,

And the cars carry everything.

Sidewalks are like a skating rink

I'd like to take another step,

But the sole let me down - it is very slippery.

How much trouble there is from ice! There is work for janitors -

Pour salt and sand,

So that a passerby could pass.

2. Conversation about ice. Explanation of the word "ice".

3. Questions for children:

What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?

Why do many accidents occur on the roads during icy conditions?

Why do people often get injured in icy conditions?

How to protect yourself in icy conditions?

What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?

4. Examine pictures of signs of ice, invite children to determine what the sign warns of and what not to do, how to prevent injury in winter when there is ice?

Remember the rules: -do not push, do not run, do not play on slippery roads,

do not trip up your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;

if someone falls, help them up, call an adult for help!
5. On the street - help the janitor sprinkle sand on slippery paths.

Conversation No. 2.

Subject: “Be careful of the icicles /snow from the roof/”

Target: give knowledge that icicles can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - injury, if licked or eaten - sore throat); teach how to protect yourself from icicles at the end of winter and beginning of spring, obey safety rules, and be able to anticipate danger.

Material: plot picture (notebook “Safety” No. 4, assignment 7);

logical picture “How did Vasya get sick?” (notebook “Safety” No. 3, p. 7)

Progress: 1. Riddle - I am transparent, like crystal,

I hang from the roof in winter.

It's just a very, very pity

That in the warmth I quickly melt. ( Icicle)

2. Review plot paintings and conversation about them.

Ask to look at the pictures and tell what is shown on them. Discuss with your children how this or that situation can be dangerous. Why are icicles or icy lumps of snow that are thrown from the roof dangerous? How can you do the right thing, how can you protect yourself from danger?

Ask children to recall cases in their lives when someone was hurt in similar situations. Ask children to think about what precautions they can take to warn others about dangerous areas. Together we come to the conclusion that such areas need to be fenced off. Come up with different kinds barriers: rope with red flags, wooden or metal barriers, shields or fences.
RULES! Remind children that under no circumstances it is forbidden:

Play where icicles hang from the roof or snow may fall!

Come up and touch the hanging icicles!

You can't suck or eat icicles!

Don't throw icicles or snow!

Be careful and observant!

Know how to anticipate danger in advance and avoid it!

Besides own safety, care about the safety of others

An icicle hangs upside down, - Hands down, fingers closed


She has a runny nose from the sun. - touch their nose.

Then from the warmth she will cry, - collect “tears” in the palm.

That dress will sew its own. - run their hands over the body from top to bottom,

“cut” the length with a horizontal movement.

The frost will come, it will freeze, - hug themselves with their arms, tremble

It will grow a little overnight, - Hands stretch up, stand on tiptoes

He will get stronger in body, get fatter, - arms are rounded at the sides.

If it becomes heavy, it will fall. - squats.

Conversation No. 3.

Subject: “How the curious tongue was punished”

Target: give children knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that they should not be touched with the tongue, lips and bare hands; teach how to take care of your safety and prevent accidents.

Material: plot picture.

Move: Examination and discussion of the plot picture. An explanation of why this happens in winter with iron objects. Making up stories.

Show (if this does happen) how to help the victim (using a clean finger or handkerchief, carefully warm the object near the tongue or lips, in no case forcefully tear it off)

Help me remember the RULE-

Never touch iron objects with your tongue, lips or bare hands in winter! They will stick and will not come off. This is very dangerous for your health.

Do not tear it away with force if misfortune does happen to you.

Call an adult for help if this happens to one of your comrades.

Conducting the experiment: Show on the street how a wet rag sticks to

metal object and does not come off.

Conversation No. 4.
Subject:"On the Hill in Winter"
Target: Teach children to obey the rules of behavior when sliding downhill;

Develop endurance and patience - skill wait your turn;

develop a desire to avoid traumatic situations.

1) Conversation about winter fun and games, about their health benefits.

2) Discussion of situations of correct and incorrect behavior of children on a slide based on an illustration or painting or

Game (verbal) “Good - bad.” Children evaluate the situations proposed by the teacher and justify their assessment in the process of general discussion.

3) Consideration of ice sleds and regular sleds.
4) Having drawn conclusions, form rules with the children:

Ride the slide only on ice sleds, and not on regular sleds;

Climb the hill only by steps;

Do not climb the slippery slope of the slide and from the sides;

Do not ride standing, but only sitting;

Do not push, do not cling to comrades;

Observe the sequence;

Do not jump off the slide;

Don’t stand on the top platform, but immediately sit down and look around;

Do not climb the slide or ride with toys or objects in your hands;

I took a ride, quickly get up and leave, because... another one will roll after you

and can knock you down;

Do not go down the slide until the previous child has gotten up and moved out of the way;

Don’t play around, don’t fight, don’t put your foot on the slide or near the slide;

Don't run down the ramp;

Don't throw snow towards the slide.

Conversation No. 5
Subject: “Winter roads”
Target: Expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and roads in winter.

Give children knowledge that in winter the roads are slippery and drivers cannot move quickly.

stop vehicle. On slippery roads, cars and buses even

After braking, they slide forward for some time. Cultivate the ability to restrain

yourself, be careful, don’t play on the road.

Progress: 1. Examination of plot paintings depicting winter roads, streets.

2. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road and street in winter conditions:

* in icy conditions (The roads are slippery. It is quite possible to fall. It is difficult for the driver to stop the car (bus). In such weather you must be very careful. You cannot run in front of nearby vehicles, since even if the driver brakes, the car will move on the slippery road for some time - then the time is further. You have to wait patiently for the cars to pass. And if there is a traffic light at the crossing, you have to wait for the green light, see if all the cars have time to slow down, and only then calmly cross the road.);

*during snowfall (The car window is covered with snow and the driver has difficulty seeing pedestrians and traffic lights).

3. Explanation of words:


"Ice" ( A layer of dense glassy ice (smooth or slightly lumpy) formed on plants, wires, objects, the surface of the earth as a result of the freezing of precipitation particles (freezing drizzle, freezing rain, freezing rain, ice pellets, sometimes rain with snow) in contact with a surface that has negative temperature. It usually lasts several hours, and sometimes during drizzle and fog - several days.)

"Icy"(Layer lumpy ice or icy snow formed on the surface of the earth due to the freezing of melt water when, after a thaw, the temperature of the air and soil decreases).

Explain how they differ (Unlike ice, ice is observed only on the earth’s surface, most often on roads, sidewalks and paths. The resulting ice can persist for many days in a row until it is covered with freshly fallen snow or melts completely into as a result of an intense increase in air and soil temperatures),

what is dangerous for the driver and pedestrian.

4. Educator: - Raise your hands, those who love winter. What games do you like to play in winter? (Children's answers)

Do you want to hear how the bear played in winter?

Poem reading:

Lawns with grass disappeared under the snow.

Slippery cars on the pavement,

The river bed was covered with ice,

The teddy bear got on his skates.

Only he doesn’t skate on a skating rink...

He went outside with a stick in his hand.

How long, children, will there be trouble here?

There are skating rinks and ponds for hockey.

Just put on your boots and skates,

The ice will sing under your skates all day.

And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink.

We need to go back to the yard, my friend.

Guys, explain to the bear why he can’t ride on the pavement? (Children's answers)

5. Repetition of rules of conduct on winter roads.

Conversation No. 6.
Subject: “The frosts are severe this year”
Target: teach how to behave correctly in frosty weather.

  1. D/u “What a winter”

  2. Looking at winter clothes

  3. A conversation about how you can protect yourself from extreme cold.

  4. Write down the rules:
-IN very coldy you need to dress very warmly

You can't go outside without an adult

You can't stay outside for long

You cannot open windows at home or in the garden.

Lubricate your face with a special children's cream against cold - “Morozko”

Be sure to ask your parents to accompany them to the group itself.

With. 1