Your lotto is official. Rules of the game "Your Lotto"

IN State Register The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus has registered 48 lotteries: 16 of them are republican, 13 are draw lotteries and 19 are instant.

How are Belarusian lotteries organized?

Absolutely all lotteries in Belarus are held state registration. Several companies are involved in organizing lotteries in the republic, the largest of which are National sports lotteries" And " Belarusian lotteries" In the department of the first are draw lottery"Superlotto" instant lotteries“Capital”, “Bonus Plus” and “Custom Game”, electronic lottery “CyberLoto”. The second ones are “Your Lotto”, “Pyaterochka”, “ Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Your luck" and many others.

Belarusian lotteries are classified:
- by the method of determining winnings - draw and instant;
- according to the option of participation in the lottery - active (the participant independently determines the digital combination), passive (the participant purchases lottery ticket with a predefined digital card), electronic and combined;
- by place of organization - republican, local and international.

A distinctive feature of lotteries is the mandatory receipt of an expert opinion on technical and software for conducting drawings from the analytical center under the President of the Republic of Belarus. This agency also checks information about sold and unsold lottery tickets.

Volume prize fund Regardless of the type of lottery, it is no less than 45% and no more than 50%.
Payment of cash and other winnings is possible within 6 months after the draw. Let us note that Belarusians will not have to pay - they don’t exist.

Popular lotteries of the Republic of Belarus


The first edition was broadcast on February 27, 2005. A ticket for such a lottery costs 25,000 Belarusian rubles (approximately 98 rubles). The draws take place on Sundays on the Belarus-2 TV channel. You can win both cash and in-kind prizes.
The playing field of a lottery ticket consists of three tables, consisting of two rows and nine columns each. The card contains 30 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 90, 5 numbers in each row of the table. In the TV program, the order in which the numbers are drawn is determined by the barrels that the invited guests draw from a bag.

In the 1st round, tickets in which one horizontal line (5 numbers) is filled in earlier than others win, in the 2nd round - one table (10 numbers), in the 3rd round - two tables (20 numbers), in the 4th round - In the second round, the winners are the tickets in which all 30 numbers are filled in first; The 5th round is carried out according to the rules of the 4th up to the 85th move inclusive, unless the organizers prescribe other conditions.

Additional draws are held in parallel with the main draw. For example, the “Diamond Tour”, in which tickets with horizontal and vertical lines filled in at the same time win. Holders of such tickets receive precious jewelry.

In addition, the SuperLoto ticket contains a part with . Based on its results, “Treasure” and “Golden Fund” drawings are held among the audience in the television studio.
The largest win in SuperLoto went to Vladimir Zenenko from Gomel in 2013. He received a certificate for 1 billion Belarusian rubles (about 3,900,000 rubles).

"Your Lotto"


The lottery draw takes place on Sundays on the Belarus-2 TV channel. The lottery began its history on July 14, 2001 and today is considered one of the most popular TV games in the republic. In holiday draws, the number of players can reach one million people.
According to statistics, they play most actively in Minsk, in second place are Gomel and the Gomel region, Vitebsk, Mogilev. Western regions - Grodno and Brest - close the list. According to the organizers, every fourth lottery ticket wins in “Your Lotto”. And the cost of such a ticket is 15,000 Belarusian rubles (about 58 rubles).

The gameplay is also based on drawing barrels from a bag. The drawing continues until the 84th move inclusive. The studio offers additional tours - “A Moment of Luck”, “Lucky Number” and “Twelve Chairs”. The big win in 2015 went to Minsk resident Mikhail Gimro. He became the owner of 1 billion Belarusian rubles.

Residents of Belarus can also try their luck in Russian lottery Russian lotto, built according to similar rules. The game continues until the 86th move inclusive, and sometimes after holiday editions There are three barrels left in the bag. This means your chances of winning increase! A lottery ticket costs only 50 rubles. In the first four months of 2015 alone, 38 apartments and 68 cars were raffled off.

Lottery "Golden Key"


This is the first television lottery Republic of Belarus, where you can win an apartment. The drawing is carried out using a lottery machine. The cost of one ticket is 30,000 rubles (about 117 rubles). The lottery ticket contains three games - “Money Hunt”, “Golden Key” and “Fortune”. On this moment There were only two draws.
Residents of Belarus and other countries also have the opportunity to take part in the State housing lottery, taking place in Russia. Draws are held every week, tickets cost only 50 rubles. Maybe even more than one! How this happened in the 78th draw, when one participant crossed out all five numbers in five moves horizontal line and won 5 apartments.

"Sportloto 5 out of 36"


A modern analogue of the famous Soviet lottery in Belarus appeared in 2008. The price of one bet is 10,000 Belarusian rubles (about 39 rubles). Draws take place live on Belarusian television twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. In the presence circulation commission From a lottery machine loaded with 36 balls with numbers from 1 to 36, 5 balls and a bonus ball are randomly drawn.

One of big wins in this lottery went to Maxim Maksimovich from Brest. He managed to win more than 632 million Belarusian rubles (about 2,480,000 rubles). As the winner admits, a bet that included his date of birth helped him win.

In Russia you can also find an analogue of this lottery - “Sportloto 6 out of 49”. It has been running since October 2010. You can play every day: draws take place three times a day. Those who love Sportloto also choose Gosloto “5 out of 36” - one of the popular lotteries in Russia. Thanks to this game we already have 233 millionaires!

How to play Russian state lotteries for residents of other countries?

Registration for subscribers of cellular networks of the Republic of Belarus is open on the site. You can receive winnings of up to 100,000 Russian rubles immediately to the Stoloto Wallet with the possibility of subsequent withdrawal Money. Special payment large sums takes place at Stoloto's Moscow office. Almost every day a new millionaire appears in Russia. Our country's lottery record was recorded on August 9, 2014 in the 915th draw of Gosloto “6 out of 45”. Inhabitant Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. became the owner of an incredible amount - 202,441,116 rubles. And you also have this opportunity!

Holiday Marathon, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland continues. As we remember, it consists of two draws in which three cars are raffled off. This time, circulation 784 of the “Your Lotto” lottery offers you to compete for the two remaining cars. They will be the main prizes of this drawing. However, participants can also hope for cash prizes, the size of which will depend on the number of guessed numbers.

The upcoming draw will take place this coming Tuesday, February 28th. It would seem that this is an ordinary working day. However, for holders of lottery game tickets it can become a real significant date. Just imagine, a man who received a ticket as a gift will become the owner of a brand new foreign car. It's hard to imagine best gift to your beloved. Of course, such big prize There are only two here, so you should do your best to be one of the lucky ones. To do this, you can purchase not one, but several “Your Lotto” lottery tickets. This will significantly increase your chances of winning. And the low cost allows you to do this.