Last name Vovk. Characteristic features of the surname Vovk

Undoubtedly, they can be proud of their surname as a monument Ukrainian culture and language.

The surname Vovk is derived from a secular name and belongs to the common type Ukrainian surnames.

At the core family name Vovk is the non-church personal name Vovk - translated into Russian as “wolf”. Before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. Old Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself to be part of it.

By giving the baby such names as, for example, Wolf, Squirrel, Nightingale, Kalina, parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her own, so that those useful qualities endowed with the chosen representative of the animal or plant world would pass on to him.

Male personal names with the same meaning are known among many nations: German Wolf, Serbian Vuk, Turkic Buryu and others. This name was extremely popular in Rus', because it symbolized daring strength, courage, and cunning. In Tupikov’s dictionary we find: Wolf Ukhtomsky, Moscow; church clerk Wolf, 1539

Already in the 15th-16th centuries, among rich people, surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. The bulk of the population remained without surnames for a long time. The beginning of their consolidation was laid by the clergy, in particular the Kiev Metropolitan Petro Mohyla, who in 1632 instructed the priests to keep metrics of those born, married, and dead.

After the abolition of serfdom, the government faced a serious task - to give surnames to former serfs. In 1888, the Senate published a special decree in which it was written: “To be called by a certain surname is not only the right, but also the duty of every full-fledged person, and the designation of the surname on some documents is required by law itself.”

The surname Vovk was formed from the nickname or secular name of an ancestor without registration with a family suffix. This may shed light on the supposed place of residence of the ancestor.

Thus, for the Ukrainian, Belarusian and South Russian lands it was typical to form family names by fixing a nickname as a surname without registering it with a special family suffix. So the personal nickname Vovk, without any changes, was transformed into a surname passed on from father to son.

Talk about the exact place and time of the appearance of the surname Vovk in this moment is not possible, since the process of forming surnames was quite long. However, we can say with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Ukrainian family names.

Sources: Dictionary of modern Russian surnames (Ganzhina I.M.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning (Vedina T.F.), Russian surnames: popular etymological dictionary(Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Khigir B.Yu.).

Reveal the secret of the surname VOVK(in Latin transliteration VOVK) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will learn hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter in the surname VOVK tells about the character

Powerful love instincts and inability to deceive. You are a lover of life and an optimist in everything, and in love too. That's why everyone is drawn to you. If one connection doesn't work out, you switch to a new one without suffering for too long. As a passionate partner, you can, however, love one person for the rest of your life.

Characteristic features of the surname VOVK

  • unity with nature
  • impermanence
  • lack of systematicity
  • endurance
  • nervousness
  • insight
  • great emotionality
  • mysterious disturbances

VOVK: number of interaction with the world “7”

People under the influence of a seven are less likely than others to be correctly understood by others. They are often considered arrogant snobs, not inclined to communicate and making little contact with anyone, but this is not at all the case; just in in this case behavior, especially among unfamiliar people, corresponds to a very small extent inner essence. So, the “seven-year-old” is not at all a gloomy beech who is just waiting for others to make mistakes or make themselves look funny; in fact, he is endowed with a love for the world and all its representatives, as well as the soul of a tireless seeker whose curiosity is limitless.

“Sevens” themselves choose with whom they communicate, and usually prefer loneliness to boring company and empty conversations, but they listen sensitively to the words of everyone in the hope of finding a reasonable grain in them. Prone to change and inconstancy, a person of seven understands better than others that you cannot step into the same river twice - but he believes that people change for the better, and is always ready to give the once guilty a second, or even a third chance. Self development is an integral attribute life of “Sevens”, and in order not to stand still, they need freedom and the absence of restrictions, including internal ones. That is why, growing up, the first thing they try is what for a long time prohibited by their parents, do not behave as they were taught, but, freed from guardianship, begin to form their own personality.

It is not difficult to win the favor of a “seven” person, since such a person is usually generous with emotions, but maintaining his affection for a long time is almost impossible. This is possible only for those who are ready to work on themselves, not to open up completely, to slip away and hide; the “Seven” will quickly get bored with someone who lacks unpredictability and mystery.

The personal life of people of seven is not easy. They experience a series of marriages, frivolous and serious relationships, and with them painful breakups, scandals, and mutual claims. This is the price to pay for the right not to belong completely to anyone but yourself.

“Sevens” often strive for the unattainable and usually know this very well. In their struggle, even if doomed to failure, they gain invaluable experience they need to move forward. These people have a strong inclination towards philosophy and metaphysics; often it is knowledge of the occult sciences that helps them not to lose heart.

VOVK: number of spiritual aspirations “7”

Often their main occupation is mentoring, to which they devote maximum time. Such people are endowed with an extraordinary sense of tact, allowing them to convey their knowledge and experience, without imposing on others their own position and view of things as the only correct one.

In life, “Sevens” rely exclusively on themselves, willingly offer help to others, but almost never accept it from the outside, which is why they often suffer. At the same time, problems for them are not a reason for despair. Thanks to internal energy, they are able to cope with any problem on their own, without flaunting their own weaknesses. Often, unfamiliar people consider “Sevens” to be closed, gloomy, and even arrogant, while for close people they are always open, sincere and sociable.

People - “sevens” often do not like excessive attention to their person. They never openly brag about their own achievements, but they also do not hide their success. Disharmony in their lives is often brought by the desire for change: although such people strive to find sources of new impressions, they are at the same time very afraid to take a decisive step, finding themselves faced with the need to choose. “Sevens” can doubt and hesitate for a long time, trying to predict possible “dangers.” As a result, after much thought, they often remain in their usual comfort zone.

Despite the fact that “Sevens” are quite sociable, they prefer to spend time with like-minded people - random people it almost never happens in their environment. Developed intuition and insight allows them to form an opinion about a person “on the spot” and attract into “their circle” exactly those who are similar to the “Seven” himself: proud, intelligent, purposeful people with a sense of self-esteem.

People - “sevens” never lose self-esteem, despite the success they have achieved in life. Often their material condition and career are very respectable, but even if everything is not as chic as we would like, the “seven” will never sink to the bottom because of this. However, such people are not entirely composed of virtues: under certain life circumstances, they turn into real arrogant egoists, neglecting the interests and problems of even the closest people.

“Sevens” are very scrupulous and meticulous in choosing a life partner, often re-educating him throughout life together. Disputes in their family are common and frequent, and the final word is the prerogative of the “seven”.

VOVK: number of true features “9”

People who are influenced by this number are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice and a desire to harmonize the world around them. As a rule, they have their own code of honor, and they are much more demanding of themselves than of others. Because of their reluctance to give up their principles, “Niners” can sometimes even miss the opportunity to arrange their destiny.

These people do not accept lies, no matter how beautifully packaged they are. It is unlikely that a person whose destiny is influenced by the number 9 will communicate with a liar. But if someone is honestly trying to deal with their weaknesses and shortcomings, they can always count on the help of the “niners”, because they show more leniency towards other people than towards themselves.

The life of a person under the influence of 9 is full of various events. He usually has a flexible mind and a broad outlook. This explains the interest in the most different areas knowledge.

Another feature of such people is the ability to support and guide others. “Niners” will be happy to give you advice in any life situation, but will not impose his will.

In addition, people are 9-very interesting interlocutors. With them, any ordinary conversation can turn into a fascinating discussion, and their arguments and conclusions can be extremely non-trivial. However, they do not seek to convince their interlocutor that they are right at any cost; rather, their opponent himself will agree with the arguments presented, because they are so confident in themselves that this works better than any arguments.

“Niners” do not like to sit in one place; they are constantly in search of adventure. They often strive to big cities with their varied capabilities. At the same time, it is worth saying that people 9 are attracted primarily not by money, but by the opportunities for their own realization. They often want so much to benefit all of humanity that they may not notice the problems of those around them. Therefore, “nine-year” students are often not very close to their family.

The most difficult thing for a person under the influence of the number 9 is the desire to take everything very seriously. If a nine-year-old learns to allow himself some frivolity, his life will become much happier.

To end XVIII middle XIX centuries the surname remained the privilege of only aristocrats. For the majority, surnames were not officially recognized, so in addition to names, our ancestors only had patronymics and nicknames.

The etymology of the surname Vovk, which belongs to a common type of Ukrainian surnames, goes back to a personal nickname.

From time immemorial, the ancient Slavs attached to the name, to this person at baptism, various nicknames. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated, thereby creating difficulties in communication between people. Nicknames helped solve the problem of identifying a person, since their supply was limitless. Nicknames became: indications of a person’s character or appearance, naming by nationality or place of residence (birth). It often happened that baptismal names were completely replaced by nicknames both in everyday life and in official documents.

The surname Vovk is derived from the word Vovk - wolf. It is part of the group of so-called animal surnames, which go back to the names of animals. Most likely, in Rus' a Wolf was a name for a person who was unsociable, unfriendly, and wary of others. The surname Vovk is quite old and is found in documents of the 15th century.

From the 15th to 16th centuries, among wealthy or influential people, original family names began to be established and passed down by inheritance. Often the nickname of the head of the family passed on to the children unchanged. As a result, a descendant of a person with the nickname Vovk eventually received the surname Vovk.

Later, in 1888, the Senate published a special decree in which it was written: “To be called by a certain surname is not only the right, but also the duty of every full-fledged person, and the designation of the surname on some documents is required by law itself.”

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Archive of surnames Vovk. Origin of the surname Vovk. Where did the surname Vovk come from? What does the surname Vovk mean? History of the origin of the surname Vovk. What information does the surname Vovk store about ancestors?

The meaning and origin of the surname Vovk

Surname Vovk formed from a secular name and belongs to a common type of Ukrainian surname. Surname Vovk formed from a secular name and belongs to a common type of Ukrainian surnames.

Based on a family name Vovk lies the non-church personal name Vovk - translated into Russian as “wolf”. Before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. Ancient Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself to be a part of it.

The meaning of the surname Vovk

Already in the 15th–16th centuries, among wealthy people, surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. The bulk of the population remained without surnames for a long time. The beginning of their consolidation was laid by the clergy, in particular the Kiev Metropolitan Petro Mohyla, who in 1632 instructed the priests to keep metrics of those born, married, and dead.

Surname Vovk formed from the nickname or secular name of an ancestor without registration with a family suffix. This may shed light on the supposed place of residence of the ancestor.

Thus, for the Ukrainian, Belarusian and South Russian lands, it was typical to form family names by fixing a nickname as a surname without registration with a special family suffix. So the personal nickname Vovk, without any changes, was transformed into a surname passed on from father to son.

It is not possible at the moment to talk about the exact place and time of origin of the surname Vovk, since the process of formation of surnames was quite long. However, we can say with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Ukrainian family names.

The meaning of the surname Vovk

Based on a family name Vovk is not a church personal name Vovk- translated into Russian - “wolf”. Before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. Ancient Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself to be a part of it.

By giving the baby such names as, for example, Wolf, Squirrel, Nightingale, Kalina, parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her own, so that those useful qualities endowed with the chosen representative of the animal or plant world would pass on to him.

Male personal names with the same meaning are known among many nations: German Wolf, Serbian Vuk, Turkic Buryu and others. This name was extremely popular in Rus', because it symbolized daring strength, courage, and cunning. In Tupikov’s dictionary we find: Wolf Ukhtomsky, Moscow; church clerk Wolf, 1539

Already in the 15th–16th centuries, among wealthy people, surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. The bulk of the population remained without surnames for a long time. The beginning of their consolidation was laid by the clergy, in particular the Kiev Metropolitan Petro Mohyla, who in 1632 instructed the priests to keep metrics of those born, married, and dead.

After the abolition of serfdom, the government faced a serious task - to give surnames to former serfs. In 1888, the Senate published a special decree in which it was written: “To be called by a certain surname is not only the right, but also the duty of every full-fledged person, and the designation of the surname on some documents is required by law itself.”

The meaning of the surname Vovk

The surname Vovk was formed from the nickname or secular name of an ancestor without registration with a family suffix. This may shed light on the supposed place of residence of the ancestor.

Thus, for the Ukrainian, Belarusian and South Russian lands it was typical to form family names by fixing a nickname as a surname without registering it with a special family suffix. So the personal nickname Vovk, without any changes, was transformed into a surname passed on from father to son.

It is not possible at the moment to talk about the exact place and time of origin of the surname Vovk, since the process of formation of surnames was quite long. However, we can say with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Ukrainian family names.