Dull and not beautiful puzzles. The world's largest puzzle

Puzzles are generally recognized as one of the most interesting puzzles, and they are loved not only by children, but also by adults. According to psychologists, assembling such a puzzle develops logical and perception, voluntary attention, the ability to distinguish objects by their shape, size or color. In addition, the ability to establish a connection between a part and the whole is formed, and fine motor skills develop.

Sets containing up to 260 elements are traditionally considered to be intended for children. Large puzzles (up to 32,000 elements) are already fun for adults who like to torture themselves from time to time on the weekend, after work or at a friendly party.

Jigsaw puzzle games are very popular as a family activity. In this case, either sets with a moderately large number of parts are used, or with parts big size. In the latter case, images are obtained that reach several square meters by area.

Large puzzles for children, as a rule, consist of large quantity elements that, when collected, produce enough large drawing. This game can be played in a very large room or outside, which allows children to move rather than sit in one place for hours. In addition, the joint assembly of such pictures by children is very good for uniting the children's team.

In addition, for children there are also sets of soft assembled elements, which, after assembly, can serve. By purchasing such a set, parents can assemble them together with the child at random or in the order indicated in the diagram.

The largest puzzles in the world

In 2010, the largest puzzle was produced by Ravensburger Puzzle, which released a set of 32,256 pieces. The base image was a collage of 32 comics by C. Haring. The size of the finished image was 544x192 cm, and the weight was 26 kg.

In 2012, the world's largest set was created in Russia, measuring 20x15 meters when assembled. It was released in honor of the celebration of the Year of Germany in Russia. The image was based on a reproduction German artist A. Durer "Self-portrait in a fur coat." This mosaic was collected in several cities of Russia. The mosaic consisted of 1023 elements, and the weight of each element was about 800 g and the size was 70x70 cm.

In 2015, the largest set is considered to be the one that includes 33,600 parts. It was released by Educa.

How to assemble a big puzzle?

Putting all the pieces of a big puzzle together is not easy. If you have a mosaic of large elements, then most likely you will do the folding outdoors, on a flat surface. For this special rules does not exist. However, if you have a game with thousands of elements that are 90% similar to each other, then the task will not be easy. Often this activity ceases to be enjoyable from the first hours. And all because you organized the process incorrectly.

To assemble a puzzle with a large number small parts there are certain rules. First, you need to find a flat, level surface in a room with very good lighting. The dimensions of the future drawing are indicated on the packaging, so take this into account when choosing a location. Secondly, you need to sort the parts by color, shape, texture and other features, using suitable containers. In the future, you will collect the image from its individual fragments, and therefore the color selection of elements will be very helpful in this.

You need to start working with corners and straight lines around the perimeter. After this, you can move on to individual elements. To prevent the parts from falling apart, they can be glued, but this is only permissible if you are confident in the correctness of the assembled element.

From the very early years Many children are interested in putting together puzzles. Putting together a mosaic image from small parts is very interesting, exciting and, moreover, incredible. useful activity. Assembling such a puzzle develops the child's spatial and creative thinking, as well as attentiveness, perseverance and concentration.

Today there are a huge variety of different puzzles for children and adults - large and small, complex and simple, color and black and white. Mosaics intended for children usually depict fairy tale and cartoon characters, animals, fruits and vegetables. For older children and adults - beautiful landscapes, paintings famous artists and much more.

Puzzle manufacturers recommend starting to introduce the child to folding this puzzle; at this age, most children are already able to assemble a simple picture of 4 elements. By the age of 3, children usually put together an image of 24 parts, by 6 - from 120, children aged 10-12 years successfully cope with pictures consisting of 500 elements.

Large puzzles with 1000 or more pieces are games for older children and adults who enjoy solving puzzles in their free time. In this article we will tell you how to correctly assemble large puzzles, and what maximum amount parts can be included in one set of such a mosaic.

The largest puzzles in the world

Initially, the largest puzzle in the world was considered to be the set of the Spanish company Educa “Life: The Great Challenge”. This puzzle consists of 24,000 pieces, its weight including the box is about 12 kg, the size of the folded image is 4x1.5 meters. Due to its enormous size, this puzzle was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

All the pieces included in the puzzle are divided into 4 parts and packed in 4 bags of 6000 each. Each bag is designed to assemble a specific section of the future mosaic. Thus, a large puzzle consists of 4 pieces that can be placed individually and then connected together. In addition to the figures, the kit includes special glue.

For the first time, the puzzle “Life: The Great Challenge” was completed by a family of 4 people in 34 days. A resident of Pretoria (South Africa), Josie Williams, put together the painting on January 6, 2008, after mixing the contents of all 4 packages. Total time Assembling the puzzle by D. Williams took 295 hours.

A little later, the German company Ravensburger released 2 puzzles with 32,000 elements each - “Double Retrospective” and “New York”. Both sets consist of 8 bags of 4000 parts. Size finished paintings is 5.44x1.92 meters, and the weight of the parts together with the box is about 26 kilograms. To transport bags with figures, a special trolley is attached to the puzzles.

Today, the largest puzzle in the world is considered to be the Educa Jungle mosaic, consisting of 33,600 elements. All parts are packed in 10 bags of 3360 pieces, which are located in a wooden chest on wheels. The finished image size is 5.70 x 1.57 m. The cost of such a set ranges from 370 to 600 US dollars.

How to assemble a big puzzle?

In order to quickly assemble a puzzle consisting of a large number of elements, it is necessary, first of all, to select a flat surface of a suitable size. Next, you should organize good lighting for the room where the game will take place. Then all the parts are arranged according to color and texture, using containers of various sizes.

A puzzle is a riddle that you want to solve as quickly as possible. This is a kind of challenge: will you be able to complete the puzzle? Exciting entertainment requires perseverance and attention. You also need enough space for the finished picture and a lot of free time. Many of us have tried our best to put together puzzles - 500, 1000, 5000 pieces... How many pieces does the world's largest puzzle contain?

"Life: The Great Challenge"

The weighty box, which contains 24 thousand parts, contains the following parameters:

  • width – 1.5 meters;
  • length – 4 meters.

This giant was produced by the Spanish company Educa. The author of the image was the artist Royce B. McClure, who during his life created more than a hundred images that became puzzles. As he says, the hardest part of creating a puzzle of such impressive size is filling in the gaps. However, there were no special problems with “Life” - the basis of the puzzle was the author’s other works.

The parts are packaged in four bags, each containing 6,000 pieces. Each package contains a separate story; adding all four elements you can get a single whole. Of course, it is easier to assemble the puzzle piece by piece - this can take about 150 hours of continuous assembly. Or you can complicate the task and mix all 24 thousand elements into one big pile. But in this case, the process of assembling such a large puzzle can drag on indefinitely. The puzzle kit includes special glue.

It is worth envying the courage and dedication of a resident of Pretoria, located in South Africa, Josie Williams, who mixed all the parts with an unwavering hand and got to work. Almost three hundred hours passed before the painting was collected.

It must be said that she is not the only one who managed to put the whole picture together. Before her, this feat was accomplished by a family of four. Residents of Sacramento, California, spent a little over a month trying to assemble the epic puzzle. But they put the puzzle together piece by piece - each package separately. The last detail was added to the picture on June 16, 2007.

If you are interested in such a puzzle, but you are not ready to repeat such a unique feat, the Educa company offers you reduced copies of 3000 pieces. In addition, each of the four parts of “Life” can be purchased separately. Impressed? Meanwhile, this is not the biggest puzzle in the world.

The largest puzzle in the world consists of 32,000 pieces. The author of the illustration for the puzzle was Keith Haring, an artist living in America. When you open the box, you will see eight bags, each containing 4,000 pieces. Putting them together, you will find a canvas consisting of more than thirty fragments independent of each other. The difficulty of assembly lies in the fact that the color range of each element is not rich. In total, six colors are used in the painting, not counting black and white. Imagine what would happen if you mixed all 32 thousand similar friends on each other puzzle elements. In fact, to assemble a puzzle, you need to fit together 32 elements, each of which consists of thousands of elements.

In order to put the picture together, a puzzle lover will need a rather large room - the dimensions of the finished work:

  • width – 1.92 meters;
  • length – 5.44 meters.

The total weight of the box with the puzzle is 17 kilograms.

Favorite hobby

There are quite a lot of people who want to assemble the world's largest puzzle. Five years ago, in the fall, a special event took place in the city of Daimiel, located in Spain. A group of three dozen people began assembling the “Double Retrospective.” It took enthusiasts 82 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds to complete the puzzle. Thanks to the online broadcast of the work of these people in real time, anyone could watch from any corner of the planet.

Children and adults love to put together puzzles. This fascinating process has a calming effect on nervous system and at the same time makes the brain work. As a result, once you start putting together a puzzle, it is extremely difficult to stop until the result is achieved.

Puzzles vary in volume and size of parts; a separate difficulty level has been developed for each age. 54 pieces is the standard number of pieces for a small puzzle suitable for children. For adults, it’s much more interesting to collect pictures of 1000 parts. But this is also far from the limit. The largest puzzles of our time and the record levels of their assembly will be discussed below.

TOP 3 largest puzzles in the world

3. "Double Retrospect"

On September 1, 2010, the German company Ravensburger released a puzzle consisting of 32,256 pieces for free European sale, and immediately took a leading position in the ranking of the largest puzzles in the world.

This giant puzzle is based on the illustrations of the late New York artist Keith Haring. The 32,256 elements that it consists of are packaged in eight packages - a little over four thousand in each. On the one hand, such sorting, of course, should significantly facilitate the collection process, but practice shows that this sorting is a necessary measure. The fact is that color palette the illustrations are not very diverse: if you leave black and white out of the brackets, it turns out that only 6 colors are used in the images of “Ambiguous View”.

The question immediately arises: is it even feasible to assemble this puzzle without first sorting it by the manufacturer, given that the color palette is so negligible and there are so many parts. By the way, in each of the thirty-two mosaic fragments no more than three colors are represented. This means that the lucky owner of the puzzle will have to collect two- or three-color thousand blocks thirty-two times in a row, and then connect them together.

For the final collection of “Double Retrospect” you will need a flat surface with an area of ​​10.5 m2, since the overall dimensions of the image are 5.44 x 1.92 m. The weight of the box with the puzzle is also impressive – 17 kg.

And although not all “puzzle lovers” are delighted with the avant-garde picture of the new record holder, there are many in the world who want to assemble “Double Retrospect”. In October 2010, in the city of Daimiel (Spain), they even held an action where a group of enthusiasts consisting of thirteen participants managed to bring their plan to life in 82 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds. It is noteworthy that anyone connected to the Internet could freely watch this process live.

2. "Wild Life"

In January 2014, at the Nuremberg Toy Fair, a new record holder in the world of puzzles was presented - “Wild Life” from the Spanish manufacturer “Educa”.

With the release of "Wild Life", Educa has once again regained its title as a record producer. More than 10 years ago, this status already belonged to the company that at that time released a puzzle with 24,000 pieces called “Life”. He immediately entered the Guinness Book of Records, where he remained until 2010.

The "Wide Life" puzzle consists of 33,600 pieces. It comes in special packaging - a wooden box on wheels. Inside the box there are 10 packages of 3360 elements each. Its dimensions are also impressive: 5.7 m in length and 1.57 m in height.

The plot of the puzzle is fascinating. Animals are positioned in the picture with their inherent grace. wildlife Africa: inhabitants of lush forests - elephants and hippos, giraffes and monkeys, as well as the king of animals - the proud and fearless lion. All kinds of birds and butterflies complement the plot of the puzzle with colorful “outfits,” and the central part of the picture is marked by a gentle solar glow.

The author of the illustration was English artist Adrian Chesterman, who lives in Malaga, admitted that working on such a difficult project was an extremely serious, but at the same time exciting challenge for him. And David Olesti, marketing manager at Educa, believes that this puzzle differs from the previous record holder mainly in what it represents the whole picture, and not just a collection of individual images.

In May 2014, a unique promotion was launched in a store specializing in puzzles: everyone came to the store and contributed to the assembly of this puzzle. They even installed a camera above it that recorded the changes made, and every day a new video was posted on the YouTube channel.

1. "The world's largest puzzle"

In September 2016, the German company Ravensburger again regained the leadership it lost in 2014. The company has released for free sale a new giant puzzle dedicated to 10 scenes from Disney cartoons. The number of parts of this picture reached 40,230 pieces. The size of the assembled image is 6.8 m long and 1.92 m wide.

The puzzle image represents scenes from Disney classics: “Beauty and the Beast”, “Mowgli”, “The Lion King”, “Cinderella”, “Peter Pan”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and others. Together they form a gigantic picture of characters loved by everyone since childhood, and a scattering of stars acts as transitional elements from one composition to another.

For convenience, the pieces of each puzzle scene are placed in separate bags. However, “puzzle lovers” claim that in general the new record holder turned out to be much easier to assemble than its predecessor “Wide Life”.

This giant puzzle was completed in record time by a 21-year-old girl from Denmark. According to her, she spent 460 hours (which is 20 days of work without a break) to put this picture together. And although Amanda Funch was as passionate as possible about the process, she needed breaks from this activity. Therefore, the girl collected the puzzle for 2 months.

The largest mosaic in the world

Albanian artist Saimir Strati became famous throughout the world as the author of giant mosaic paintings made from non-standard materials. He creates masterpieces from improvised materials - toothpicks, paper clips, nails. Each of his works is so amazing that it deserves a place in the Guinness Book of Records. However, special attention should be paid to the largest mosaic created from coffee beans in 2011.

The author called this composition “One world, one family, one coffee.” Saimir Strati worked on it for 31 days. He used 140 kilograms of coffee beans different varieties to portray a Brazilian dancer, a Japanese drummer, American artist country music, a European accordionist and an African drummer. In total, he needed just under 1 million coffee beans, which were placed on a 25 m2 canvas.

However, in 2012, Samir Strati’s record was broken by Russian artist Arkady Kim. To create a new masterpiece, Arkady needed 12 days of labor and more than 1 million coffee beans. The area of ​​the mosaic occupies 30 m2, which exceeds the area of ​​the painting by the Albanian artist.

Everyone watched the creation of the masterpiece; the action took place in Gorky Park in Moscow. Arkady Kim called the result of his work “Awakening”, since coffee is associated with this state among people all over the world.

  • The first puzzles in the world appeared back in the 60s of the 18th century, as a form of original aid for studying geography.
  • Doctors say that the hobby of collecting puzzles is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • In 2001, Liberia released a silver coin made in the form of a puzzle and dedicated to the signs lunar calendar. The denomination of the moment is 100 Liberian dollars.
  • Mosaic is considered the oldest species art.
  • IN St. Isaac's Cathedral St. Petersburg there are 62 mosaics with a total area of ​​600 m2.

Assembling puzzles is a budget hobby suitable for everyone. This process relaxes and calms, and if a child assembles the puzzle, then in addition he develops motor skills of his hands and fingers. It is not difficult to purchase a kit for assembly today; the main thing is to choose the right puzzle plot and number of elements in order to get as much pleasure from the process as possible.