Passover dinner in Beer Sheva (Israel).

Deaf Club southern city Israel Beer Sheva arranged long tradition- annual Easter dinners in one of the city restaurants. Yesterday evening, an Easter dinner was held in a Beer Sheva restaurant, which has become traditional for several years. Not only city residents were invited, but also neighbors - members of the Ashkelon and Kiryat Gat clubs. Including us, residents of Kiryat Malachi. Entrance to the restaurant cost 15 shekels per person, which is very different from entry to festive events in clubs in other cities. For example, entrance to the Bat Yam club, run by Alla Kagarlitskaya, for an evening dedicated to tourists from Moscow, cost almost 70 shekels. There is nothing to say about Tel Aviv, where the main club in all of Israel is located, and about other clubs that replenish their coffers through admission fees and concert events. This article is not about rivalry or about which club is better. Maybe this article will spur motivation and the search for such problem solution, How entry tickets, festive dinners and concert events. I'm talking about style and the effect of surprise in every event. When comparing one restaurant or theater, a reporter or author is sure to give a reason or point of view. This is what the article is about, having visited the same event twice, I decided to conduct small comparison tests of other clubs. So, I’ll start with the fact that having visited Beer Sheva last year, this year I had a desire to come to the festive event, which was organized by the deaf club, under the auspices of the city authorities, and social services, and organizations that give money for events to the disabled and other communities. Not all clubs have permanent sponsors. This is the problem, that when events are organized, the entire burden of paying for all the rooms and event items is paid from the pockets of club members and visitors. This is a sore problem for many clubs, even cities that are considered statistically prosperous. Cities such as Rishon LeZion and Bat Yam have high level life and services to the population. Perhaps the residents themselves will refute me, but I am writing based on statistics. Bnei Brak. one of the poorest cities in Israel has its own club for the deaf, and the municipality helps the club as best it can, but the prices there are also lower than those of other clubs. Beer Sheva amazed not only with cheap tickets, but also good event, good table menu. The restaurant has been patronizing the deaf club on Passover for several years and gives low prices for renting the hall and menu. This is the merit of the deaf club, they do Good work, coordinating the search for sponsors, searching for all alternative ways to raise money for gifts. for none of the club members or activists leaves without gifts and certificates for their active work. Iria and organizations helping the club. they don’t refuse to help, even dance ensembles are invited with an incendiary repertoire. As always, since my last visit, yesterday dinner in Beer Sheva began with choosing a menu and food. Then they give some food to people from the road - Beer Sheva is the capital of southern Israel, and many come from the outskirts, like us from Kiryat Gat and Kiryat Malachi. And from Ashkelon too. After eating cold dishes, salads, drinking wine, and the Russian emigrant repatriates were not denied strong drinks, the club administration began the second stage, with congratulatory speeches from each member of the organization helping the club. The second stage with speeches was completed, hot food was served, and new cold dishes and snacks were served. Wine. The third stage is a dance ensemble of a youth group of city dancers. Then the third stage - again hot dishes, again toast and funny speeches, the wine was served and flowed like a river. Someone was hungry for vodka, they were served at the bar. People ate to their fill, the fourth stage began - communication. We talked until the restaurant closed. We could no longer wait for the end - we had to return home, time was running out - the bus driver was waiting for us. And his family... In conclusion, I want to say that I will go again and once again nice city Be'er Sheva, if there is a next year the same event - a sociable and fiery evening in a cozy restaurant, where you will be fed to your heart's content, tasty, satisfying and with a good entertainment program. This time let's move on to the photographs. Next to me is one of the wonderful translators of the Southern District of Israel, and even then Israel itself, Dalia. The hall is packed to capacity, you can see this... In the center of the photo is Yakov, the immortal organizer and leader of the Kiryat Gat club. Author - Olpop (Israel)

October 2007

Dear readers!

We finally decided to go to the Promised Land, hoping that there would be no emergency incidents in Israel that happened last year.

Oleg Kolachev

Finally, my dream of visiting the land of my ancestors came true. The most interesting thing is that my great-grandfather's name was Israel. So, the group consisted of 35 people, including the group leader, the chairman of the “Hesed” club for deaf Jews, Marina Chemodanova, and the translator Olga Petrukhina.

Unfortunately, due to my capabilities, I cannot write as beautifully and excitingly about Israel as Stas Zelmanovsky (Cancer), and as Rogachevsky and Margolin have already written about this, but I will try to describe to you what exactly impressed me from what I saw in Israel.

The weather in Israel was excellent, but hot, the sun was everywhere, the sea was nearby, we swam in different seas almost every day, and even took a shower twice or more. Israelis are always friendly to all tourists.

Tel Aviv. Airport named after Ben Gurion. Shin Bet agents are watching our exit.

Caesarea. Working life of a Russian tourist.

Andrey Kuznetsov inspects the massive fortifications of the Caesar walls.

Haifa. an old house, it cannot be broken or sold earlier than after 50 years, unless heirs appear first.

Bahai Temple and Persian parks. A beautifully planned, well-kept park, filled with the fragrance of all kinds of flowers, decorated with fancy flowerpots and lamps, is located on the slope of Mount Carmel. The terraces of the park are connected by white stone stairs, and the paths are strewn with pebbles or pieces of ceramics.

Akko. Arab Quarter

Yad Vashem (“Memory and Name”). This is a museum of the catastrophe of European Jews (Holocaust). Not everyone, especially women, held back tears after viewing the memorial. It was sad.

Jerusalem. Sasha Ignatenko's joy comes from lightness of soul.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Conducting the liturgy.

Against the background of a golden menorah (Jewish ritual candlestick symbolizing spiritual light, wisdom and enlightenment).

Wall of Tears.

Sveta Yakovleva leaves a note with her wishes at the Western Wall.

Our girls are asking to join the Israeli army.

Sea of ​​Galilee or Kinneret.
The only large freshwater lake in Israel.

Jordan. After baptism we felt great relief. In general, the water is delicious and I was ready to drink all the water from the river. There are a lot of catfish swimming in the Jordan. Israelis do not eat this fish. It's a pity!

The Jordan River originates at the foot of Mount Hermon and carries its waters to the Dead Sea through Lake Kinneret. John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, and therefore Christians all over the world flock here to undergo the rite of Baptism. Where the Jordan flows from the Sea of ​​Galilee, there is a baptism site - “Jordanite”, which the State of Israel has specially designated for pilgrims.

A group photo of St. Petersburg residents as a souvenir.

Hamat Gader (hot fence). Thermal hydrogen sulfide springs. M You can choke from the abundance of sulfur.

Jewish mudrasthe guys asked a tricky question- “Is it possible to climb the fence (Gader) on Saturday? “And they answered it like this: - “Climbing - no, but getting off the fence is possible.” That is, coming to the city and doing business is prohibited, but going down to the valley and bathing in healing springs is a lovely thing! And although today Jews can no longer “get off the fence” - Gader ended up on Syrian territory, but sources of steel for them favorite place rest on Saturdays.

Netanya. Dance with Rabinovich to the music.

We don’t accept visas, we don’t give loans. What can they give us or take from us???

Buying oriental sweets.

First Shabbat in Netanya.
Marina Chemodanova warmly thanks her Israeli friends for the warm welcome.

Night picnic

Factory-shop “AHAVA”. Cosmetics are made from gifts Dead Sea.

Massad. View from above.

Donkey trail.

Dead Sea. Is this called the “bottom of the world”? Where is the Sea of ​​Lot? What about the Sea of ​​Salt, or the Salty Sea, or the Lead Sea? What components did the coating consist of that ensured waterproofness? Noah's Ark? What did the builders use to hold the bricks together? Tower of Babel? Where is the highest atmospheric pressure on Earth? And so on…

The answers to all these questions can be found at the Dead Sea. Some statistics. The distance to the water surface is 404 m from the level of the World Ocean. The Dead Sea is the most deep depression in the earth's crust, in some places it reaches 400 m. The sea extends 76 km from north to south and 12–17 km from west to east. The total water surface area is 1015 square meters. km, water volume 142.4 billion cubic meters. water. Every day, 8–12 mm of water evaporates from the surface of the Dead Sea; over 100 years, the shore has retreated by about 40 m.

Dead Sea. The sea itself is not the sea, but salty jelly. You can’t drown in the sea, and you’re holding very large caliber sea salt in your hands.

Me and the girls, covered in Dead Sea mud.

Eilat. Bird's eye view of the aquarium site.

Outpost on the border with Egypt.

Boat trip on the Red Sea.

Little mermaids.

Tel Aviv. Carmel Market. The life of the seaside district of Tel Aviv is colorful and complex, like the life of the city itself, in which everything is mixed - the desire for European respectability and efficiency, Levantine negligence with its “dolce far niente”, oriental temperament and a little bit of everything else.

Delicious freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.

A watch is a shoe.

Vova Abaev demonstrated the lightness of a clay egg with a tangerine tree.

Still life of beer from Maccabi

View from the Golden Beach Hotel

View of the Tel Aviv embankment. Do you understand what Andrey is saying?

One of the souvenirs from the Frank Meissner museum-shop.

I was shocked by the lyrical picture of elderly spouses tenderly kissing, seen in the Jaffa gallery. This picture said that it is possible and necessary to love each other until old age. Think about it!

Jaffa. Guide, translator and Napoleon, who monitors their work.

Near the wall where a sign with the zodiac sign “Gemini” is depicted. By the way, in the old quarter of Jaffa, most of the streets are named after the zodiac according to the horoscope.

Mini Museum of Israel.

Track and field coach Cooper R.A. and his former students.

Shabbat on the embankment. Herbert Samuel in Tel Aviv.

There were many people from different republics former USSR. Petersburgers have not seen their friends in the promised land for a long time.

The table on the first and second Shabbat was gorgeous. Alcohol flowed freely, there were many toasts to the health of guests and hosts, and there were wonderful concerts. And this intimate celebration lasted long after midnight.

Scene "The Magician"

Played by Valery Reinlieb and Marina Chemodanova

(“Touch with hands”) In the center there is the theater "Na Lyagaat" - the only theater in the world with a troupe of deaf-blind actors, as well as the "Kapish" cafe with deaf service personnel and the BlackOut restaurant with blind waiters, where visitors eat in pitch darkness. Today, the center employs over 70 people, the vast majority of whom are deaf, blind or deaf-blind people.

There are 11 actors in the theater troupe - almost all of them are deaf-blind, most as a result of a genetic disease called Usher syndrome, in which a child is born deaf and gradually loses sight over the years. Such people can only communicate one-on-one, using tactile sign language. When they are in a group, communication without translators becomes impossible. However, for six years now this troupe has been performing performances that draw full houses not only in Israel, but also on tour abroad.

Five of the 11 members of the troupe are from the former USSR. Translators work closely with the actors - some of them are professionals, others came to the theater as part of their voluntary service in the army.

The founder of the Na Lyagaat center, actress and director Adina Tal, says: “People come to our performances for the sake of art, and not to feel better and kinder. At first, the few spectators thought that they were doing us a big favor by buying tickets to the performance. Many people have asked me if the cost of the ticket will be taken into account when paying taxes. And then they even got angry, realizing during the performance that they were not the givers, but the recipients of the gift from blind and deaf people.”

Adina Tal herself was surprised to find herself involved in working with the deaf and blind. She says that she was only interested in theater, not social work or helping the disabled. In the late 90s, she was asked to teach classes at a club for deaf-blind people. “I refused for a long time, but then I realized that I had already made a career and raised children. I got bored... And I decided to work with disabled people,” says Tal.

“I came to the club. They gave me a glass of coffee. I put it on the floor, and someone immediately stepped on it. They also say that blind people are perfectly oriented in space. We sat in a circle, held hands, tried to knock our feet and somehow explain ourselves, but I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. After three months of this torment, one of the group members, Yuri Oshorov, said that he wanted to participate in Gorky's production. I said: “You don’t hear, you don’t see and you don’t talk. How will you play Gorky on stage? "It's your problem. “You are a director,” Yuri answered.”

Adina did not take on Gorky, but wrote a play called “The Light Is Heard in a Zigzag” - a play about people who do not see or hear, but which can touch any person, because, according to Adina, “in each of us there is some kind of that imperfection, and these people help us feel and understand it more acutely.”

“Gorky, Shakespeare and Chekhov can be played by others, and played better. And we must do what no one else can do. Each of our actors is unique, if only because he does not have the opportunity to imitate others and try to be like someone else,” she says.

The unexpected success of the production led to the fact that “Na Lyagaat” had its own home in Jaffa, and Adina Tal began rehearsals for the theater’s second production, the play “Not by Bread Alone.”

While the audience enters the hall and takes their seats, the actors are already kneading the dough on stage. This is not a metaphor. During the performance, very tasty bread is baked on stage, the aroma of which, at the end of the performance, overcomes all the smells in the hall, and the audience inevitably tunes in to the wave of the actors, who have a particularly developed sense of smell. And at the end of the performance, the audience is invited onto the stage to taste the bread and chat with the troupe - with the help of translators or simply by shaking the actors’ hands.

The performance “Not by Bread Alone” lasts exactly as long as the bread is baked. The actors tell the audience their story, share their dreams and experiences. And it turns out that their dreams and aspirations are not much different from the desires of the motley audience.

There are usually many teenagers in the audience. Tenth graders from the Ironi Gimel school in Haifa, Yoni, Dana, Carolina, Diana, Amit and their friends came to the performance on the recommendation of their class teacher. Having refreshed themselves with bread on stage, the schoolchildren leave the hall in delight. “They are deaf-blind! And they can do anything!” - they shout in response to the question of whether they liked the performance.

One of the troupe’s actors, blind and deaf Yuri Tvardovsky, who came to Israel 15 years ago from Ukraine and lives with his elderly mother in Tel Aviv, explains with the help of a translator: “My dream is to play on stage for many more years. Both in this performance and in new ones. This is my life. I don’t just live a full life, I help others live.”

When asked what the relationships within the troupe look like, Adina Tal says: “Oddly enough, this is an ordinary theater troupe, which is not without intrigue, romance and star fever.”

During the six years of the theater's existence, about 800 thousand people visited it.

The theater tours a lot. The troupe has already performed in the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Great Britain and South Korea, and in February the play “Not by Bread Alone” will open the Perth festival - the largest theater festival Australia. And this is the only performance that is advertised on the festival website under the heading Selling Fast (“tickets are selling out quickly”).

"Despite this creative success, we have to constantly fight for existence. 55% of the theater budget comes from ticket sales, restaurant and cafe sales. The theater receives another 15% from the state, and the rest is collected by the theater management from various funds. Israeli Consul General to the United States Ido Aharoni, having attended the performance, said that there is no better explanatory work in favor of Israel than our theater. Na Lyagaat does not fall under the definition of a community theater because it pays its actors salaries. But it also does not fall under the definition of a repertory theater, since it does not produce 4 performances a year (in “Na Lyagaat” only one production takes 4 years),” explains Adina.

Recently another troupe consisting of Jews and Arabs appeared in the theater. Adina Tal is rehearsing a play with them called “Is Anyone Here?!”

“My dream is to open a branch of the theater in Ramallah. Unfortunately, this will not be easy, since the Palestinian authorities do not yet want to cooperate with the Israelis,” admits Adina.

On the website of the Na Lyagaat center it is written: “A visit to our center will make you feel, think and live differently...”

Material prepared by Alla Gavrilova