Transgender people in Thailand. Transsexuals of Thailand

Updated: 02/28/2019 Oleg Lazhechnikov


If you are planning to travel to Thailand, it is important to know what the weather is like there throughout the year. In Thailand, there are clearly defined hot seasons, rainy seasons, and times when the air temperature is most comfortable. Since Thailand is very stretched from north to south, almost 2000 kilometers, the difference between the climate of the north and south is the largest compared to other countries South-East Asia. In the winter months in the south of Thailand the temperature can be +28...+30C, and in the north +25C and lower, up to +10C at night.

Despite the small size of the kingdom, the weather can differ significantly in neighboring resorts, which are only 200 km apart in a straight line. Each of the ten most popular and famous sea ​​resorts the weather has its own nuances, and in particular - best months for visiting. Thanks to such discrepancies, you can save your vacation if you have the opportunity to go on vacation at the wrong time of the year.

Resorts in Thailand are located both on the east coast of the mainland and on the west, so the weather at the same time can be very different. So if you are going on vacation to Thailand, it is better to immediately look at the weather (water and air temperature, amount of precipitation) in Thailand by month at the resort you are interested in. Below I have listed the best months to travel to Thailand, based on the ten main popular resort areas.

And further. The information below is provided for a rough understanding of the weather situation in Thailand by month, and for adequate vacation planning. The mm of water column is a very difficult thing to understand, so it is better to focus on the number of rainy days in a month. But just in case, for comparison: the wettest month in Moscow is August (according to statistics) and the average precipitation for it is 15 mm.

December and January: Hua Hin and Koh Chang

The weather in Hua Hin and Koh Chang is approximately the same in terms of average annual temperatures, with a slight difference of 1°C or 2°C for any month. But in terms of precipitation, these two resorts are very different: Koh Chang receives twice as much precipitation during the monsoon rains. Hua Hin's wettest month is October (200 mm of precipitation per square meter).

On Koh Chang in October, 296 mm of precipitation falls, and before that it rains 500-550 mm for four months. And both resorts are equally good only two months a year, when there is almost no rain and the air temperature reaches 29-30°C - December and January. The water temperature in December and January averages 28°C. Hua Hin is unique in one weather feature: in the summer, despite the monsoon season, there are many sunny days and little rainfall, so you may want to keep the months of June, July and August in mind as a fallback for Thailand.

January and February: Koh Lanta, Krabi and Pattaya

Pattaya is located not far from Koh Chang, also in the Gulf of Thailand, but to the north. The average annual air temperature in the capital of debauchery is slightly lower than that of southern Koh Lanta and Krabi (they are located in the Andaman Sea with reverse side mainland), but in terms of precipitation, all three resorts are surprisingly similar. In Pattaya and Krabi it starts to rain already in May, until November, as well as in Koh Lanta - here the rains are a little less frequent, but more powerful.

What is typical is that November showers on Koh Samui (which is only 200 km from Krabi) bring three times more precipitation. Therefore, Samui tourists, who were not warned about the weather when the tour was sold, save their vacations by going to Krabi or Koh Lanta. The water temperature in Krabi, Lanta and Pattaya in January and February is approximately 29°-30°C.

January, February, March: Phuket

Monsoon season in Phuket: May to October. From November to February it seems to be considered high season, but any resort can be assigned one month before the ideal vacation time, and one month after. And if we talk specifically about the best time for a vacation, then you should fly to Phuket from January to March, and preferably in February.

In December it’s also not bad there, in principle, but it often rains, even if not torrentially. January is drier and February is the ideal month in Phuket. In March, the number of cloudy days already begins to increase, but not critically. But since April there have been tropical rains - just as the doctor ordered. Sea temperature 28°-29°C.

February: Phi Phi Islands

Phi Phi is an island in the Krabi province in the Andaman Sea. But since they are located close to Phuket, people often go to Phi Phi for short excursions. The weather on Phuket and Phi Phi differs only in the precipitation schedule, and the air temperature is approximately the same on both islands.

In Phuket, rain gradually increases from April to a peak in September, after which it gradually subsides by December. And on Phi Phi in May the tap in heaven opens and steadily pours 250-400 mm of precipitation until November. In December, Phi Phi is wetter, and in February it is drier and hotter than Phuket. January and March on Phi Phi are wetter than Phuket, but can also be considered suitable months for a trip. Sea temperature 28°-29°С

February, March: Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao

From May to September, the islands experience a greater number of sunny days with intermittent rain. In September and October, the proportion of sunny and cloudy days changes towards the latter, and rains become more frequent and last longer. It gets cool in the evenings, and from the beginning of November the weather produces tons of water. The showers are so heavy that short-term flooding occurs, but the water disappears very quickly immediately after the rain stops. From December to January, showers lose their intensity and the proportion of sunny and cloudy days changes again.

February becomes golden time already from the middle, March is the ideal month for a trip, and April is the hottest time of the year, so this month is already an acquired taste. Samui and Koh Phangan (and Koh Tao too) are unique in one weather feature: in the summer, despite the monsoon season, Surat Thani has a lot of sunny days and little rainfall, so you may want to keep the months of June, July and August in mind as a fallback for Thailand.

Rainfall in Thailand by month and resort

Weather in Thailand by month

As I said above, in different regions The best time to visit Thailand falls in slightly different months. In addition, in the south of Thailand the climate is generally hotter and more humid, in the central part of the country (Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Cha-Am) the air is slightly drier, and in the northern part it is more or less cool, but humid. And, before you move on to viewing the tables, I want to remind you that the data in them are averaged figures from a meteorological site that have been collected for two decades at the time of writing (January 2018). Global warming has not been canceled, so changes in temperature and precipitation are a very real and unpredictable thing.

I’ll say even more: in the English and Russian-speaking segments of the Internet there is a large number of meteorological resources, from which there are a dozen more or less serious and authoritative ones, but the paradox is that the data on temperatures, precipitation and other weather details do not agree from minimal to absurd. So do not consider the data below as the only correct ones and do not criticize too much, because I honestly searched through a bunch of sites to find one where the data is more or less similar to my personal observations, and which I could show to people who trust me.

In January

In February

In March

In April

In May

In June

In July

In August

In September

In October

In November


Weather now, at the moment

The weather in Thailand can be observed through online cameras installed in different parts countries. Links to them can be easily found on the Internet. You can also watch the current weather on any weather website or, simply, on Yandex. I compared and did not see any significant difference between them. For example, informers.

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    Maxim Melichaev

    Maxim Melichaev















    The climate of Thailand is tropical and humid. The average annual air temperature is +27.
    Peculiarity geographical location countries, namely the mountains located in the north, protect Thailand from the trade wind in winter and from the monsoon in summer. In the east of the country, a special climate has formed with a fairly even distribution of precipitation throughout most of the year and with a sharp increase in September.

    Since the weather here is determined by the winds, during the influence of the trade wind (according to the calendar from November to February), mild weather sets in throughout the country. The coldest month is December. At this time, the temperature in the north of the country is +19 degrees, in the south - +26. During the day, the air warms up to +27 and +30, respectively. In winter, at night the temperature in most of Thailand does not drop below +20. Only in the mountains in the north there is only +10 - +12 degrees.

    From December to February, most of Thailand is a dry season: partly cloudy weather with light rains prevails; The amount of precipitation on average does not exceed 40 - 50 mm.

    From late May to mid-August it is hot in Thailand. No rain, dry, temperature +40. You can sunbathe in the morning and after lunch. From 13:00 to 15:30 - in the thick of it - it is better not to go anywhere, sit in a hotel or in a massage parlor. This is the ideal time for swimming - the water warms up to +30, there are almost no waves. At night the air temperature drops to +25.

    The monsoon season begins in September and continues until the end of October. Thunderstorms with showers occur almost every day, but they are short-lived, and after them the sun shines brightly again. Daytime temperatures during this period drop by 2 - 3 degrees. Maximum amount precipitation falls in September and October and is 230 - 250 mm.

    In the south, such weather begins in March and lasts until January, that is, the further south you go, the shorter the dry season lasts. The hottest month is August, during the day the air temperature is +32...34, and at night up to +25.

    If you are planning to go to Thailand on vacation, then central, eastern and northeastern regions The country is best visited from December to March. At this time, you will enjoy dry weather with air temperatures from +24 to + 26.

    The best time to visit is November - February, the best time to visit is from November to April, and the best time to visit is from December to April.
    Average air temperature in Thailand:

    Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. December
    Around the country 26 27 29 30 29 28 27 27 27 26 26 26
    Bangkok 31 32 33 34 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 30
    Phuket 31 32 32 32 31 30 30 30 29 30 30 30
    Pattaya 31 32 33 34 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 30

    Table of temperatures by country:

    The climate of this country is tropical. The year is divided into 3 seasons: rainy seasons (June to October), cool seasons (November - February) and hot seasons (March - May). Thailand's climate is very varied; so in Pattaya, located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, it will be slightly different than in the central regions, in Bangkok or on the islands.

    Climate inAnd see the relevant pages of this site.

    It is difficult to definitely recommend the best time to relax here. The climate of Thailand always allows you to have a good rest. Average air temperature in Thailand all year round stays around 30 degrees. In March - May it rises to 33-35 degrees, and from November to February it drops to 20 degrees Celsius.

    Winter holidays in Thailand are a cultural holiday with excursions to ancient Buddhist monasteries or temples, with inspection ancient monuments and all kinds of entertainment. But, of course, no one canceled the sea. From May to August it gets really hot here. At this time, the air temperature on the streets reaches 40 degrees, with no precipitation.

    By lunchtime, all the sunbeds will be taken away anyway... Phuket, December

    What's the weather like in Phuket?

    The average annual air temperature here is from 28C to 30C. Best time for holidays - from November to February. At this time there is no rain and the heat subsides.

    What is the weather like in Phuket and what does it depend on?

    The climate of this part of Thailand is determined by the monsoons, which blow here all year round. Phuket has only two seasons: the “rainy season,” from May to October, determined by the southwest monsoon; and the “dry season”, which lasts throughout the rest of the year. The dry season is influenced by monsoon winds blowing from the northeast.

    Thai streets. Phuket.
    Thailand weather on Koh Samui.

    Koh Samui Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand, so the Thai weather on Koh Samui is different from both the climate of Phuket, located in the Andaman Sea, and the climate of central Thailand. On Koh Samui, as on the mainland, there are three seasons: the rainy season, the hot season and the dry season.

    Rainy season in Thailand

    Thailand's climate here is different from the rest of the country. The rainy season in mainland Thailand begins at the end of August - September and lasts until the end of October.

    Many people believe that there are incessant tropical downpours at this time. This is wrong. It rains mainly in the evening or at night and lasts about two to three hours. After the rain, clear and sunny weather sets in.

    The only region of the country where it really pours like buckets is the northern one. It's not worth going there in August. During the rainy season in Thailand, relaxation is not only possible, but also has its advantages. At this time, prices for literally everything fall - excursions, hotels, food. And at this time there are, of course, significantly fewer tourists here.

    Rain won't interfere with New Year's sales
    Rainy season, Thailand, Samui.

    It can rain on Samui at any time, and very often precipitation and bad weather last even up to five days. Massive precipitation occurs from October to mid-December. This period is called the “rainy season” of Thailand on Koh Samui.

    Depending on the prevailing winds, it can shift: October can be sunny, but almost all of December can rain. If you are going on vacation at this time, take into account the climate of Thailand and choose a different area. It may happen that during your entire stay here you will not see sunny weather, and the sea will be dirty, with big waves and strong wind.

    This kind of “rain” will not spoil the mood. Phuket, December.

    Dry season, or as the Thais call it, winter, begins with the end of the rainy season in Thailand. The air temperature in Thai winter on Samui is around 30 degrees C, and it is usually sunny at this time of year. This is the best time to relax. There is no sweltering heat and, due to low humidity, it is warm and not stuffy outside. The dry season on Koh Samui begins in mid-December and lasts until March - April, although short tropical downpours can still occur in December.

    Hot season. It begins in May - June. During this period, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, and it rains very rarely. Most tropical fruits ripen during the hot season.

    The division into seasons here is generally quite arbitrary. On Koh Samui, unlike other areas, the rainy season is not clearly defined and can shift. In general, the weather here is quite unpredictable - throughout the year at any time there can be both rainy and sunny periods, which sometimes last up to one to two weeks.

    We hope we have answered the question of what is the climate of Thailand.

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    You can find a hotel in Bangkok using the convenient and reliable RoomGuru service. Give it a try. I'm sure you'll like it.

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    The heaviest and longest rains occur in the first and last third wet season. The duration of the dry season varies from north to south - the further south you go, the shorter it is.

    Massive tropical deforestation and El Niño conditions have markedly changed the climate of Southeast Asia over the past twenty years. Climate of Thailand has become unpredictable: no one is surprised anymore when it starts to rain in the middle of the dry season or the winter air temperature in the north of the country rises to +28°C. In Bangkok itself January you can see the thermometer “trembling” at the unusual mark of +7°C for these places... However, such anomalies last no more than a week. At all, Thailand weather hot. Europeans living in this country joke: “ Thailand has three seasons - hot, very hot and terribly hot.».

    Thailand climate: rainy season

    In Thailand it is difficult to determine the duration rainy season. As a rule, it lasts several months- starts at the end May and can last up to November. In the center of the country and in its eastern part, heavy rains occur with August to the end September. Back to top October Water fills all irrigation systems and city drains, so even infrequent rains in October cause floods. For example, when the Chao Phraya River overflows its banks, in some areas of Bangkok the depth of the “water blanket” reaches 40 centimeters (a third of the city’s territory is located below sea level). Floods are particularly severe in the north-eastern part Thailand- Hundreds of villages are flooded up to the roofs of their houses. Rice fields and fruit plantations suffer greatly from such “floods.” Although floods occur almost every year, it is impossible to determine the regions most susceptible to them: the “front of advance” of water changes every time and it is very difficult to determine it in advance.

    About ten years ago, water penetrated into the central part of Thailand and rose to the level of the asphalt of highways; Several cases of crocodiles escaping from crocodile farms were recorded (the water level was higher than the barriers blocking the exit from the enclosures).

    Phuket Island has the most rainfall in months May And October, and on Koh Samui - In November(although due to the northeast monsoons the rains do not stop here from October By December). In the southern part of Thailand rain season longer than in the north (in Chiang Mai, for example, the dry season begins in October and ends in May).

    Thailand weather can boast of such a phenomenon as “mango rains”. These are short-term but heavy precipitation of hot April - May(mango ripening time), accompanied by strong thunderstorms. Mango rains may begin in Northern Thailand in February.

    Despite the fact that the increased humidity is several months the rainy season creates some inconvenience for holidays in Thailand, the beauty of the local nature does not fade during this period - although heavy clouds hang over the picturesque tropical beaches, there is also enough ultraviolet radiation for a good tan.

    Thailand weather: air temperature

    The difference in air temperatures becomes smaller the closer the equator is. For example, in winter (when average daily fluctuations range from +20°C to +27°C) in the northern mountains, the night air temperature can drop to zero, and during the day reach +25°C. In Chiang Mai during this season, morning temperatures often reach 10 degrees Celsius, while in other areas the air temperature exceeds +20°C. The hottest weather in Thailand V