Koh Samui is the most picturesque resort in Thailand! Thailand, Samui: attractions, recreation, reviews.

A large number of people from all over the world choose this country for their holidays. Why does she attract so much attention? There are several islands here. One of the most popular is Koh Samui. How to get to it and why do tourists love it so much? What attractions are there on the island and what should you definitely take with you when going to Thailand, Koh Samui in particular? You will find answers to these and other questions related to the island in this article. Using the advice of tourists who have already been here, you can plan an unforgettable time in one of the most picturesque places on the planet.

Thailand: Koh Samui

One of the warmest countries in the world is located at the same distance from India and China. Its area is more than five hundred thousand square kilometers. Residents of the country are very hospitable, but at the same time they are jealous of their traditions and customs. If you know and respect them, then an atmosphere of carefree, joy and fun envelops those who come to Thailand.

Koh Samui is one of the largest and most popular holiday destinations. Every year thousands of tourists come here, most of them Russian. It's good to come here with children. Sandy beaches, clean and warm water in the sea, all the benefits of civilization are just some of the reasons why they choose a holiday in Samui (Thailand). How can tourists from Russia get to the island? By plane from Moscow or other major cities to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. There is a transfer to Samui airport. A natural question arises as to why there is no direct flight. The fact is that Samui has a private airport and it only works with a small number of airlines that it chooses.

Benefits of holidays on the islands

Among the large number of reasons why travelers choose Thailand, Koh Samui in particular, the following can be highlighted:

  • Receiving bright unusual emotions that are so poor in everyday life.
  • You can come here at any time of the year, since even in winter the air temperature is plus 30.
  • Low prices for housing and food, compared to other Asian and European countries, are one of the reasons why tourists choose Thailand.
  • Samui has a huge amount of finished products: rolls, sushi, kebabs, rice, salads and much more. It is impossible to go hungry here.
  • Abundance of 24-hour shops. Many of them can even heat up food.
  • A large number of friendly, smiling people.
  • Lack of drunks, in Thailand it is not customary to drink a lot.
  • There are no problems with public transport; you can get to any place on the island very quickly.
  • Snow-white beaches, banana and coconut trees, clean water and places where no one has gone before.


There are no problems with transportation on Koh Samui. Here you can use the following types of vehicles:

  • Songthaew - minibus. The cheapest form of transport.
  • Air conditioned taxis.
  • Motorcycle taxi.
  • Motorbike.
  • Bike.
  • Minivans are passenger cars with three rows of seats.

If you plan to walk a lot to explore local attractions, it is best to rent a car.

Popular tours

Travel agencies offer a wide range of holiday options with departures from Moscow and St. Petersburg airports. Among the most interesting tours to Thailand:

  • Koh Samui - Phuket. This tour is for lovers of outdoor activities. The two most popular islands offer truly heavenly pleasure and a serene pastime. Duration of the tour is from 7 to 14 days.
  • Thailand: Samui. Tours to an island in the Pacific Ocean are very popular among vacationers. Coconut palms, impenetrable jungles, decent beaches and coral reefs delight everyone who comes here.
  • Thailand: Pattaya. One of the most popular Asian resorts. Picturesque nature, magnificent beaches, comfortable hotel accommodation will allow you to have a great holiday.
  • There are more than two hundred hotels on Koh Samui.
  • There are still places in Thailand where no human has set foot.
  • Samui has many other names: Island of Smiles, Coconut Paradise, Island of Freedom.
  • It is not customary to conflict or engage in heated discussions here.
  • English is taught in schools in Thailand.
  • Not far from Koh Samui there is an island called Cherepakhov. This is a favorite vacation spot for divers.


In Thailand, you can discover a completely new, unique world of taste sensations. True, there is one thing... It can be both incredibly tasty and disgusting. Thais tend to mix sweet and spicy, so dishes familiar to Russians can have a completely different taste. Using the advice of tourists, choose the dishes that suit your taste.

  • Soups. They are prepared with seafood, mushrooms, onions, garlic, etc. It is best to order soup in a cafe, as the portions are very large and the prices are low.
  • Fish and meat balls. As a rule, they are strung on small sticks of several pieces. Served with hot sauce.
  • Squid with garlic. For lovers of spicy food and seafood.
  • Thai pancakes with various fillings. Tasty and inexpensive.
  • Fried crickets, grasshoppers, maggots. Here everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth trying such an unusual delicacy.
  • Snake dishes. Soup, vegetable stew and much more.
  • Crocodile meat. Reminiscent of chicken or fish, it all depends on the preparation.
  • Fruits and dishes made from them.

Thailand. Koh Samui hotels

There are a huge number of them here. Based on reviews from tourists, we offer you several options with an impeccable level of service and reasonable prices.

  • "Chaweng Garden Beach Resort". This hotel is located on the coast, in the middle of the beach. It has everything you need for a great holiday. Several accommodation options for tourists, including: standard rooms, villas, bungalows.
  • "Ark Bar Beach Resort". The hotel is located near the airport. There are also a large number of shops, restaurants and nightclubs around. All rooms have air conditioning, satellite TV, bathrooms, and minibars.
  • "Escape Beach Resort". One of the most inexpensive hotels with a high level of service. Located next to the beach.
  • "Chaweng Noi Pool". A huge swimming pool, tropical greenery, and a balcony in every room are the distinctive features of this hotel.
  • "Chaweng Cove Beach Resort". The hotel is located next to tropical plants. If you come here with a large group, you will be offered a villa with a pool or a beach bungalow.

Island attractions

Koh Samui is not only about the sea and beaches. The island has a huge number of attractions: temples, parks, waterfalls, shops, restaurants and much more worthy of attention. Based on reviews from tourists, we will highlight several places that you should definitely take time to get to know:

    Angthong Marine Park. The excursion lasts eight hours and includes exploration of about forty islands. Here you can swim underwater with a mask, take photos, and take a boat ride along the rocks.

    "Paradise Park". In this place you can see a large number of exotic birds and animals. A distinctive feature of the park is that you can get very close to the animals and take pictures with them.

    Magic garden. There are many fairy tales and legends about this place. According to one of them, the garden was created by a man whose name was Nim. Here he grew durians (one of the most popular Thai fruits). The garden contains a large number of beautiful sculptures.

    Temple of the Big Buddha. There is a sculpture here, the height of which is about 12 meters. To get to it, you need to overcome 60 steps. You must remove your shoes at the foot of the stairs. There are souvenir shops near the temple.

  • Play Laem. One of the most famous temples in Samui (Thailand). The island's attractions are worth spending both time and money on. But since Plai Laem is located next to the Buddha Temple, it is best to combine them. This is an amazingly beautiful place, on the territory of which there is a small pond.
  • Snake farm. There are more than a hundred species of snakes on the island, most of which are poisonous. You can meet them on one of the most extreme farms in the world.
  • Zoo. Despite the fact that it occupies a small area, you can see tigers, leopards, and monkeys here.

The most beautiful waterfalls of Koh Samui

There are eleven of them on the island. This is one of the reasons why you should definitely come here. The best time to admire the waterfalls is from May to December. Some of the most famous include:

  • Royal, or Purple. It is very small, about 20 meters. The water falls into a round rocky hole where you can swim. The spectacle is simply mesmerizing. Even members of the royal family come here. But unfortunately, during the dry season the waterfall dries up and you cannot see it.
  • Hin Lad. To get to this waterfall, you need to walk about two kilometers through a real jungle. On the way, you can go to the temple and make a wish. In the jungle you can see a large number of fruit trees. Many tourists don’t even realize that the waterfall has three tiers; rare people climb to its very top. Here you can take pictures and swim in complete solitude.
  • A waterfall, next to which there is a statue of a girl. It has several cascades. On the way to the top there are observation decks and places to rest.
  • Namuang waterfall. Its height reaches eighty meters. To get to it, you can travel through the jungle on elephants.

Souvenirs and gifts

When we go somewhere on vacation, we try to buy something that reminds us of our vacation. Especially if we are going to a country like Thailand. Samui offers a large selection of unusual souvenirs and gifts for family and friends. Here are just some options:

  • Unusual orchid tea.
  • Local alcoholic drinks in which you can see a snake or scorpion preserved in alcohol.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Whitening cosmetics.
  • Crocodile leather belt.
  • Soap in the form of flowers and fruits.
  • Various body scrubs.

7 most popular holiday activities

Helpful information

To ensure that no troubles or inconveniences mar your holiday, please take note of the following information:

  1. Bring sunscreen and mosquito repellent with you.
  2. The national currency of Thailand is the baht. For comparison: one US dollar is equal to 30 baht. It’s better to take cash on a trip in small bills; they don’t really like to give change here.
  3. If you are planning to visit local temples, you should pay special attention to your clothes. Women should wear a long skirt or dress, as long as their arms and legs are covered.
  4. Do not drink tap water under any circumstances, so as not to be treated for gastrointestinal infections later.
  5. It is customary to enter many places on the island by first leaving your shoes at the entrance to the building. These include: pharmacies, hospitals, temples and some shops.
  6. The Thais are very kind to their king, so there should be no dissatisfied statements about this.
  7. Never pat children on the head or shake hands as a greeting.
  8. Photography is prohibited in temples. Posing near various Buddhist sculptures should be done carefully. It is advisable not to touch them with your hands. By respecting a foreign culture and country, you will avoid a huge number of problems and will enjoy your vacation with pleasure.

Koh Samui is an island located in the Gulf of Thailand and is one of the provinces of Thailand. Located in the southeastern part of the country. It is considered the most popular tourist center after Phuket, so thousands of tourists from all over the world come to Samui every year.

Koh Samui is a fairly large island with an area of ​​almost 230 square meters. km. It is located 40 km from the southern part of mainland Thailand and is extremely rich in natural and cultural attractions.

Tourists are absolutely delighted with the snow-white beaches, coral reefs, ancient Buddhist temples, good tourist infrastructure and quite affordable prices. The island of Koh Samui is especially popular among Russians.


There are about 60 small islands around Samui that are part of the national marine park. All of them are uninhabited, overgrown with jungle. They try to keep them intact, only showing the curiosity to tourists as carefully as possible.

The total area of ​​Koh Samui is 228.7 km². The central part is mountainous and also overgrown with jungle, and lowlands are located on the coast. A road runs along the coast, connecting beaches, settlements and towns in a circle.

On the southwestern coast of Koh Samui is the capital of the island, Nathon. It is also the main port, through which tourists enter the island and local fish catch is exported. The island administration, shops, etc. are located here.


Koh Samui in Thailand is one of the best places in the world for a beach holiday. It has amazing sand, sea, scenery and a great climate. The island has a lot of sun and warmth, but even in the rain there are plenty of people who like to relax on Koh Samui.

Conventionally, the entire year on the island can be divided into the Dry Season and the Rainy Season. The dry or high season starts from mid-December and ends at the end of March. At this time, the air temperature is about +30C, and the sea water is about +28C.

Light rains begin in April and continue throughout the summer. But prices are falling significantly, the number of tourists is decreasing, so this is a great time for an economical holiday. The air temperature rises by several degrees during the day.

From August to November, strong monsoons begin, rain pours in buckets, and the daytime air temperature fluctuates around +27C. You can no longer sunbathe on the beach, but there are tourists who like to philosophize in the hotel at this time. In December the rain stops.


Historians believe that the first settlers appeared on the island of Koh Samui in the 6th century AD. These were fishermen from Malaysia and China. In the 17th century, during the Chinese Ming Dynasty, it was included on Chinese geographical maps.

The exact origin of the name “Samui” is unknown; there is a version that it came from the Chinese word “Saboey”, translated into Russian as “Shelter”. Indeed, for a long time the islanders lived autonomously from the whole world.

During WW2 Samui was occupied by the Japanese. At the end of the war, the island again lived autonomously for a long time, almost independently from Thailand. The first roads were built here only in the 70s.

And in the 80s of the 20th century, tourists from all over the world discovered the delights of Thailand in general, and Koh Samui in particular. Today, 45 thousand indigenous people live here; their main income comes from tourism, the collection of coconuts and rubber.

About 10 years ago, Samui received the status of an independent city, i.e. continues to be an autonomous entity. The presence of tourists on the island not only brings serious money, but also gives rise to conflicts due to damage to the once untouched nature.


1. International airport

This is the only airport on Samui, with the help of which the island maintains air communication with the outside world through air transportation of passengers and their cargo. It was built in the late 80s of the last century and is located next to Chaweng Beach.

Samui Airport was built by Bangkok Airways, which for a long time was the only air carrier on the island. Today the second air carrier, Airways International, appeared. Flights fly to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.

2. Ferry service

The second way to get to or from the island to mainland Thailand is to take a ferry or high-speed catamaran. Catamarans cover a distance of 40 km in 40 minutes, and ferries - in an hour and a half.

3. Island transport

The length of the island ring road is just over 50 km. It is completely paved, has a concrete surface and two lanes - one in each direction. Popular local road transport is songthaew, taximeters and motorcycle taxis.


The best beaches on Koh Samui are Lamai, Maenam, Chaweng. They successfully combine natural beauty and convenience, as well as the presence of beach infrastructure, hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for shopping. There are more than 30 beaches on the island.

An excellent beach for those who relax without children and do not like large crowds of people. It is located in the north of Samui, has dense buildings (hotels, restaurants, bars) and high-quality beach infrastructure on its territory. There is a road nearby.

Cons of Bang Po: muddy bottom with many large stones and muddy water. Children will feel uncomfortable on the beach. There is coarse yellow sand and not too much entertainment; lovers of nightlife will find it a bit boring here.

Ban Tai

This place was chosen by parents with small children. There is a gentle shore and a clear entrance to the shallow sea. There are many palm groves providing natural shade. There is a restaurant and the Mimosa Hotel, where you can relax and spend the night.

A calm beach, where annoying sellers with goods or drunken youth with blaring music rarely come, there are practically no parties. This wonderful place for a relaxing family holiday is located in the north of Samui.

Mae Nam

Another family beach where you can rent inexpensive accommodation and stay for a few days. After sunset, all beach inhabitants move to local bars, but there is practically no vibrant nightlife here.

There are many palm trees on May Nam, saving vacationers from the hot sun. The sand here is yellow and soft, the sea is quite deep, but there are shallow places for kids. Young people don't stop here because... The mothers look at her with suspicion.

Chaweng Beach

One of the most beautiful and crowded beaches on Koh Samui. There is excellent infrastructure and a large number of hotels and resorts to suit every taste and budget. Tourists on the beach can find everything they need for life and a comfortable holiday.

In the center of Chaweng the sea is rapidly gaining depth. The sand is white and soft, a clean entrance to the water. Vacationers are offered a variety of water activities to choose from. Enjoy stunning sea views as well as good food restaurants and bars.

This is the second most popular beach on Koh Samui. It is very long, so it is divided into three parts. Its central part is perhaps the best. In addition to natural beauty, there is a Tesco hypermarket here.

One local resident served in this Buddhist temple almost his entire life and achieved holiness. When he died, his body did not rot and decompose, but immediately became mummified. The islanders are sure that this is a consequence of his holy life.

Since then, for many years, the mummy of this saint has been located near the Kunaram temple, and every believer or tourist can examine it and see the imperishable relics. Here you can get a wrist bracelet with special protection.

This temple was built quite recently using donations. Plai Laem is the most beautiful and largest Buddhist attraction on Samui. The architecture of the temple combines the styles of China, India and Thailand.

The three styles symbolize the three branches of Buddhism. There are no heresies or sectarians in Southeast Asia; everyone can adhere to the Buddhism that they like. In the center of the temple there is a statue of the Hindu deity Guanyin, the embodiment of mercy.

In the northwest, near the island of Koh Samui, you can see an archipelago in the sea, consisting of many microscopic islands. This is a national marine park, which is under state protection, requiring special environmental cleanliness to be maintained here.

Near the archipelago there is amazingly clean water that you can safely drink from your palms. The picturesqueness of the islands is so incredible that it is impossible to take your eyes off. Not only tourists come here, artists and directors cannot leave here.

In the center of Koh Samui, in the mountains covered with jungle, you can see a unique creation of human hands. In the middle of the 20th century, an old man lived here; after 70 years, he suddenly decided to create a large sculpture garden near his house.

These are sculptures of Buddha, other mythical deities, real and fantastic animals and birds, snakes and frogs, created by him from stone with his own hands. After the sculptor's death, he was buried with his wife in the same garden.

The island of Koh Samui is home to many insects: beautiful and disgusting to the human eye. To admire them or be horrified by them, you can go to the butterfly garden or the insect museum, located on the eastern shore of the island.

Here you will learn a lot about tropical insects and will definitely become interested in them. And as a gift, you will be invited to the local observation deck to enjoy the views of the beaches of this coast of Samui. Tourists left a lot of positive reviews about this place.

Next to the butterfly garden is the local zoo. It is small in size, but it contains real Bengal tigers, primates and unique tropical birds. Your children will absolutely love visiting this zoo.

Tigers give performances to visitors every day, but children will find it much more interesting to play with little tiger cubs and feed them milk from a bottle with a nipple. A visit to the zoo always brings special delight to children.

This natural attraction is located in the middle of the island in the mountains, in the middle of the jungle. There, one local river gives two beautiful waterfalls, and each of them creates several cascades. The safari park of the same name is located nearby.

After looking at the splendor of the stream of water falling from the rocks, you can go to the nearby elephant farm to ride elephants, watch the show of these natural giants, etc.

This is a significant center of religious and social life of the island for Thais. In fact, in front of us is a local cathedral. Buddhist rituals are regularly held here, festivals, holidays, bazaars, weddings and funerals are organized.

Lamai Temple is a place where foreigners must behave with emphatic respect towards the faithful. Local monks will tell tourists a lot of interesting things about the history of Samui. Next to the temple there is a pond with fish, children are allowed to feed them.

This is a huge zoo located in the center of the small island of Khao Pom, off the coast of Koh Samui. It is very similar to the biblical paradise, because... here, among beautiful trees and flowers, a person can walk next to wild animals.

These animals have long been fed with all sorts of delicacies, and they shamelessly beg people for more, but do not show aggression. Paradise Park is a wonderful natural attraction of Samui for a family holiday.


  1. SPA salons These are medical procedures, their goal is to improve the health of the patient’s body. For this, various medicinal and cosmetic preparations, massage, therapeutic diet, etc. are used. There are a large number of centers on Samui where spa treatments are performed.
  2. Elephant and horse riding. This is one of the main entertainments on Koh Samui, which both adults and children adore. Even more interesting is to communicate with a little elephant. There are also horse farms on the island, as well as horses that can give anyone a ride.
  3. Diving. The Gulf of Thailand is a great place to learn diving; many people there turn into real professionals. There is a beautiful underwater world here, just a delight and a sight for sore eyes.
  4. Thai massage. This is truly a fabulous massage that can completely relax your body. Many people come to Thailand just for this pleasure. Only here you can find a real and very inexpensive Thai massage.
  5. Excursions. To get to know this island better, excursions around Koh Samui will be a great help. You can create a route yourself, ask for help from a professional guide or a local resident. Get an unforgettable experience.
  6. Thai boxing. Today in Russia there are many fans of various martial arts, but Thai boxing is very special if you watch it in its homeland in Thailand or become a Thai boxer yourself. A very exciting sport.
  7. Wakeboarding. One of the most popular water sports in Thailand in general and Samui in particular. There are many sports camps on the island where you can get involved in wakeboarding.
  8. Water parks. This is a popular family entertainment that also takes place on Koh Samui. The local water park has a variety of roller coasters and other types of water activities, so you can spend the whole day here and not notice how time flies.
  9. Nightlife on the island. Young people from all over the world flock to the island's clubs and bars at night. All this is available in abundance on Koh Samui. Most of these establishments are located on local beaches, so some vacationers get stuck on them for several days.
  10. Golf. This sport is quite popular in Koh Samui. There are 18-hole golf courses, and there are smaller ones for mini-golf, football golf, etc. On vacation, such entertainment is a joy for both beginners and professionals.

Video tour of Koh Samui

Let's consider holidays on Samui and prices for 2019, how to get to the island, where is the best place to relax with children and which hotel to choose? What kind of entertainment and weather are there on Koh Samui for the best time, find out reviews from tourists.

The tropical island of Koh Samui did not hide from the tourist activity that raged in the 20th century in Thailand. For a long time, the island remained untouched - with wild nature, impenetrable jungle and pristine white beaches. For some time, fishermen lived on the island; there were their villages with small huts.

The remains of sunken Chinese ships with ceramics and goods near the island indicate its trade relations with other countries.

Only in the 70s did foreigners come here as tourists. Construction of hotels, restaurants, roads and shops began in the 80s. All these benefits of civilization have not destroyed the local nature; most of the buildings are located closer to the shore. In the center of the island, wild jungles, stormy waterfalls and rushing rivers have been preserved.

The island is smaller in area than Phuket, its width is 21 km and its length is 25 km. In the archipelago Champon There are about 80 islands, Samui is the largest of them.

The beach is perfect for an active holiday with night parties. Chaweng, it is located on the east coast. There are many shops, restaurants, nightclubs and...

Chaweng Beach

There is a beach in the south of the island Bangkao, the presence of a coral reef attracts divers.

If you want to relax on Koh Samui in a calm environment, feel free to go to the north of the island. Beaches Bangpo, Bophut And Menam suitable for lovers of a quiet holiday. Here, in a secluded environment, you can spend your honeymoon. The quieter and calmer sea will appeal to families with children.

Little tourists and their parents will love the beaches of the northeastern coast.

There is entertainment on Koh Samui, but most tourists choose this island for privacy.

The most important attraction of Koh Samui of course nature. To enjoy all its delights, you can go on an excursion to the waterfalls and a walk through the jungle.

Do you want to go to a desert island? This is possible; there are about 80 islands in the entire archipelago, many of them uninhabited. Boats in the port will take you to any of them; to do this, just approach the local fishermen and agree on the price, do not forget to bargain. On the islands you can, the marine world here is diverse and unusual.

National Mu Ko Ang Thong Marine Park a must visit. A boat trip around the archipelago of 42 islands of different shapes, which are covered with dense forests and rocks, will not leave you indifferent. Hidden beaches and lagoons await tourists here, which can be reached by kayaks through caves.

The Champon archipelago, consisting of more than 80 islands

It will be an exotic adventure elephant riding, if desired, it can be either a 10-minute or a long walk through the jungle.

An unusual performance with crocodiles can be seen at crocodile farm. There are also performances with snakes here.

Romantics and impressionable people will like it more butterfly garden. There are specimens in the garden whose size is 25 cm.

In order to plunge into the atmosphere of Thailand and feel it, you need to get acquainted with religion; for Thais it occupies a special place in life. The Big Buddha statue is located on the mountain, the size of the statue is 12 meters. Buddhist temples Laem Sor and Wat Khunaram are open to the public.

To experience the life of the local population, go to the city. Here you can watch fishermen, traders and ordinary people. The market sells all kinds of fruits and exotic delicacies. Some are better to just look at, but some you can try. Before eating exotic or other cuisine, be sure to wash your hands.

Prices for excursions in 2019:

  • Sea excursion around the islands - 2200 baht per tourist;
  • Excursion program with an emphasis on natural attractions and culture: ancient Buddhist temples, waterfalls, wild places - 4,500 baht, duration two days;
  • Guided walk around the capital - Bangkok - 1300 baht;
  • Jungle tour, rafting and other entertainment tours - 1000 baht;
  • Elephant riding – 450 baht, depending on time;
  • Diving (1 dive (40 minutes) per 1 tourist with brief instructions) - 1800 baht;
  • Fishing on a yacht – 1400 baht.

About other excursions, prices and where you can book them ⇒

Samui weather, climate and features

Air temperature by month:

Water temperature on the island. April-May-June are the best months for swimming.

Amount of precipitation on the island.

It is always quite hot on the island, the temperature rarely drops below +27 degrees, most often the mercury is at +30 degrees.

The rainy season begins in April and lasts until November. During this period, rains can last for days and the sea can be stormy. May is the hottest month, temperatures can reach +40 degrees, but the winter months are a little cooler.

The water temperature is around +27-+28 all year round.

If you don’t know which season is best for a holiday on Samui in 2019, then you can find out more about the weather in Thailand.

How to get to Koh Samui?

After arriving in Bangkok, there are two options for how to get to the snow-white beaches of Samui:

  • By air. This option will be more expensive, but faster and more comfortable.

After transferring at Bangkok airport for a flight to Samui, you will be there in 1-1.5 hours. A ticket for one person costs about 4000-6000 baht. Upon arrival, it is convenient to get to the hotel by taxi. Landing costs 100 baht, each kilometer 12 baht.

The Aviasales search engine will help you find inexpensive Bangkok-Samui air tickets without intermediaries, and it also searches among low-cost airlines.

  • By land + by water. Buses depart from Bangkok, the travel time is about 12 hours, this method is very tedious, but significantly saves the budget.

Transport arrives at the pier, from it to the island there are only 1-1.5 hours by ferry.

  • : buses, ferry, plane, taxi ⇒
  • : routes, prices, information about trains, air tickets ⇒

Prices for holidays in Samui in 2019

For tourists planning a trip to Thailand, it is very important to know about. In general, on the island the cost of food, dining out, entertainment and other services is slightly higher than in Pattaya.

You may be interested to know the cost of travel packages, air tickets, expenses for services and entertainment.

Prices for food and meals

As for renting a house or villa on Koh Samui, the best offers, which will be discussed below, should be booked in advance.

There is housing of different levels on the island; you can stay in 5-star accommodation or rent an inexpensive room. Hotels with 3 and 4 stars are in great demand; they have the best price-quality ratio.

During the season, a tour for two will cost 161,000 rubles for 14 nights. A 4-star hotel by the sea costs 215,000 rubles, breakfast included.

A room in a five-star hotel with breakfast will cost 260,000 rubles per tour.

  • Inexpensive tours from Moscow and Russian cities, cost, you can Maenam Ko Samui “with its own kitchen and swimming pool - 15,000 baht per day.

    The two-bedroom apartment Samui Holidays Residence is located near Lamai Beach in a quiet location, but within walking distance of shops and cafes. A night's stay will cost 4,500 baht.

    You can rent a house by the sea in Koh Samui, a villa or an apartment through the search engine Booking.com, if you prefer to relax on the island in hotels, then here you can find and book good options to suit your budget.

    The resort is perfect for a family holiday. There are children's pools, playgrounds and animators. There is a hospital on the island where you can get qualified care.

    From children's entertainment: two water parks, an aquarium, a zoo with tigers, Paradise Park, a monkey theater and much more. The cost of a ticket to the water park is 990 baht per adult, for a child over 3 years old 690 baht. To Paradise Park, a ticket for a child is 300 baht, for an adult 400 baht.

    Choeng Mon Beach is the most suitable for a family holiday. A cozy bay is surrounded by green palm trees. The sea water is clean and the sand is white. Entries into the water are smooth, which is ideal for children; there are almost no waves.

    • and other resorts ⇒

    Ko Samui is the third largest island of Thailand. It is located in the Gulf of Thailand in the South China Sea and covers an area of ​​228.7 square meters. km. Its shape is closer to a rectangle with sides of 15 and 20 km. It is approximately 35 km from the mainland city of Surat Thani and 700 km from the capital of Siam. According to various estimates, taking into account foreign citizens working and living on the island, the population reaches 80,000 people. In terms of the number of tourists, Samui is second only to Pattaya and Phuket. And there are slightly fewer guests from Russia here than in Pattaya.


    The central part of the island is an uninhabited mountainous tropical jungle. Settlements are mainly concentrated around numerous beaches. The administrative center of Samui is the town of Nathon, located on the beach of the same name. The two most developed beaches in terms of infrastructure, Chaweng and Lamai, are located in the eastern part of the island. The length of the main route that encircles the island is 49 km. It starts in Nathon, passes through Chaweng and Lamai, and then returns to the administrative center again.

    The island is covered in lush tropical jungle. And on the coast there are many snow-white beaches, which are washed by the azure waters of the South China Sea.


    Until the early 70s of the last century, local residents of the island were engaged only in fishing and growing coconuts. Until that time, foreign guests were a curiosity, and no one even thought about the tourism business. The tourist flow to Koh Samui was discovered by hippies, attracted by the solitude and beauty of its beaches. Backpackers began to arrive after them, showing the local population that they could make good money from tourism. After this, Ko Samui began to gain popularity among ordinary organized tourists, developing the necessary infrastructure.

    Features of the holiday

    On the shores of Samui, every tourist will find a place to suit his taste and capabilities. It should be noted that the party life on the island is a little more modest than on the famous Pha Ngan, famous for its reckless Full Moon Parties. For the most part, people go there for a relaxing holiday, which, if desired, can be diluted with trips to a bar or a nightclub.


    The most popular mode of transport on Koh Samui is songthaew. It is a pickup truck with two parallel benches in the trunk for passengers. The route along which tourists and residents of the island mainly travel is the main ring road. On average, during the day, travel to a songthaew costs 50-100 baht; in the evening, drivers raise prices.

    For those who want to move around the island on their own, there is the opportunity to rent a bicycle or motorbike. Bicycles will naturally cost much less, about 50-70 baht/day. Motorbikes will cost an average of 200-300 baht/day. The largest offer for bike rental in Nathon, Lamai and Chaweng. The roads on the island are relatively smooth, and therefore traffic on the island is safer than, for example, in Phuket.

    Taxi is the most expensive form of transport on Koh Samui. These are mainly Korean or Chinese cars bearing the proud name Taxi Meter. Taxi drivers never had a meter, so prices are formed by eye. Usually, the average trip costs 300-400 baht, but you can bargain.


    As in most tourist places in Thailand, Koh Samui offers a wide selection of catering establishments of various levels and specializations. In general, prices on the islands are 20-30% higher than on the mainland.

    The cheapest price for lunch is at makashnitsa, roadside eateries and at the evening market. There, the total bill without drinks for two will not exceed 100 baht. In a nicer cafe the bill will double or more. Well, in a reputable restaurant, depending on the client’s appetite, the amount will start from 500-1000 baht per person.

    Samui has not been spared such “happiness” of human civilization as McDonald’s and Burger King. In addition, the island has a well-known network of 7-Eleven minimarkets, where you can buy simple snacks and drinks.

    The food courts in the Tesco Lotus and Big C supermarkets are very popular both among tourists and Thais themselves. There you can find almost all local cuisine at very low prices, and often the taste of these dishes is not inferior to restaurant dishes.

    On the island you can also find a chain of barbecue restaurants “98”. They are interesting because visitors are invited to cook their own dishes right at the table in a classic Thai brazier. You can choose from already chopped or marinated products (from vegetables to seafood). It is interesting to go to such restaurants in large groups - you can spend a fun and interesting evening around the roaster.

    And, of course, hotels always have restaurants, and the larger the hotel, the greater the choice of establishments there will be. Five-star hotels will always offer guests a choice of 5-10 different restaurants specializing in different cuisines. As elsewhere, the prices of hotel restaurants are higher than in independent establishments.


    Koh Samui has a large number of different beaches to suit every taste, about 26 in total. Moreover, most settlements are concentrated around them and bear the same names. Almost always, the coastal area is separated from the road by hotels and restaurants, but anyone can easily access the sea.

    The beaches on the island are all different. Somewhere the sand is coarse, somewhere it’s fine as white powder, somewhere there are rocks, somewhere the landscape is more or less smooth, somewhere there are a lot of noisy tourists, somewhere there is silence and tranquility. Many guests of the island settle on one of the beaches, and then, depending on their mood, relax on one or the other. Almost all beaches have developed infrastructure. There are always sun loungers, umbrellas, coastal bars, cafes and much more.

    Accommodation on Koh Samui

    The island has a very wide range of accommodation offers for tourists. Here you can find a bungalow without any special frills for 15-25 thousand baht per month, and a luxurious villa on the seashore with a private pool, tennis court and other amenities. Such rent can cost 40-60 thousand baht per month or more.

    The island's hotel base includes more than 1,000 hotels. However, the supply of cheap accommodation (200-300 baht/night) on the island is limited, especially during the high tourist season. Therefore, a room around 400 baht/day during the season can be considered lucky.

    An exception may be the port village of Chaweng. There is no beach for swimming there, so demand and, accordingly, prices for rooms are quite low. But even if you travel by songthaew to other beaches every day, the cost of travel and room will be lower than those incurred by housing guests on other beaches of the island. A small room without air conditioning, but with a fan in Nathon will cost 200-300 baht/day. And, most likely, it will be a room at a restaurant.

    Tourists with their tents, in principle, can stay on any beach, but it will not be comfortable everywhere. In the center of the island there are more suitable, flat areas that are suitable for such living.


    On Koh Samui you can spend time not only on the beach.

    The island is rich in attractions that will be interesting to see for vacationers. There are beautiful temples with Buddhist relics, interesting natural formations, original architectural objects, and cultural monuments that will allow you to get acquainted with the national characteristics of life in Thailand. But it’s quite possible to get around them all in one or two days. So you should take care of other types of recreation in advance.


    In addition to gorgeous beaches, gentle sea and attractions, Koh Samui also offers a lot of entertainment. Water sports, boat excursions, night programs, jungle treks, and zoos will undoubtedly delight lovers of outdoor activities and adventures.


    Unfortunately, all major resorts in any country in the world attract various scammers and those who like to get rich at the expense of others. Therefore, tourists everywhere should remain vigilant and remain prudent. In addition to two-legged criminals, you can also find stray dogs on the island, which can be very aggressive. Therefore, it is better to avoid walking in deserted places, or take care of self-defense means, for example, ultrasonic animal repellers.

    Samui has snow-white beaches, coconut palms, amazing rocks, islands and islets, crazy full moon parties, waterfalls and, of course, eternal summer. An important difference between Samui and other resorts in Thailand is the absence of large waves on the sea all year round. And the rainy season on the island is not as pronounced as on the entire territory. This is a “bounty” resort where you can endlessly enjoy gorgeous views of pristine nature, blue sea and white sand.

    Koh Samui is the second largest island after Koh Samui. Koh Samui is located in the Gulf of Thailand of the Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​about 230 square kilometers. The distance to the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, is about 700 kilometers. To get from Samui to the nearest point of the mainland, you need to cover about 40 kilometers through the waters of the Gulf of Thailand.

    There is everything for vacationers here, but it is still worth noting that the infrastructure of the island is not as well developed as, for example, on the island, in and in other major resorts in Thailand. If you choose a tour to Koh Samui, you are making the right choice. Both couples in love looking for a romantic getaway and families with children should come here.


    The climate of Koh Samui compares favorably with the climate of other resorts. The rainy season and the hot season are not so pronounced here. It is important to note that holidays on Samui will be comfortable not only in winter, but also in summer. There are no big waves and muddy seas on Koh Samui all year round. The greatest amount of precipitation falls from October to December, but short showers at this time of year are unlikely to ruin your holiday. The average annual air temperature on Samui is 30-31 °C, water temperature is 27-29 °C.


    The main feature of the island's hotels is the close location of the buildings or bungalows to the sea. In addition to five-star hotels offering luxurious holidays, you can even stay here in a small house without water or electricity.

    The last option is suitable for those who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of nature untouched by civilization.


    The clean beaches of Koh Samui are covered with white sand and surrounded by coconut palms. In total, there are more than 30 beaches along the perimeter of the island. During your vacation, you can visit several beaches to get to know the island better.

    The most beautiful beaches are located on the east coast, such as the famous Chaweng, the island's largest and busiest beach and the center of tourist life. Tourists with children will love Bangpo Beach. If you are looking for solitude, head to the deserted coastline of Talingngam Beach surrounded by rocks.

    Interesting entertainment is available on the island's tourist beaches: kayaking, jet skiing, banana boat riding.

    On the territory of little-visited beaches, any infrastructure may simply be absent. Only you, the clear sea and the gentle sun above your head!


    On Koh Samui there is something to do for both adults and children. If you don’t want to spend your entire vacation on the seashore, you can get acquainted with a large number of interesting sights of the island. Both older tourists and young people will feel comfortable here. For example, young people flock to the neighboring island of Koh Phangan, where huge open-air discos are held: “Full Moon Parties”.

    Those who have retired go to cozy Maenam Beach, where you can admire stunning sunsets. From Koh Samui you can go to many islands, such as the “turtle” island of Koh Tao, for diving or snorkeling.

    The very beautiful island of Madsum awaits its guests on snow-white beaches that embrace the virgin tropical jungle. In the heart of Samui hide stunningly beautiful waterfalls, butterfly parks, and snake farms. Tourists with children will not be disappointed by visiting a tiger and leopard show, or an aquarium with tropical fish.

    Sightseeing lovers won't miss the famous Hin Ta and Hin Yai (Grandmother and Grandfather) rocks, Big Buddha and many beautiful stupas and temples.


    Thai restaurants on the island are located literally at every step. Wherever you stay during your holiday, you will always find a cozy place where you can enjoy authentic Thai cuisine and a welcoming atmosphere. A large number of cafes, restaurants and bars are located on the coastline, where you can not only eat delicious food, but also admire the views of the Gulf of Thailand. In addition to restaurants offering Thai cuisine, lovers of European, Russian, Indian, and Chinese cuisine will always be able to find an establishment that interests them.

    If you want to get the full experience of Thai cuisine, we suggest you try some local dishes cooked on a makashnitsa (scooter equipped for cooking).


    The island's public transport system is Songthaew. The Songthaew is a brightly colored truck equipped to carry passengers. But it is worth noting that during the day, songthaews, as a rule, follow a certain established route, while in the evening or at night they work exclusively as an individual taxi. Prices for trips during the day and at night are certainly very different. To avoid misunderstandings, be sure to check the cost with the driver before the start of your trip, and not at the place of arrival.

    The remaining transport options to the island will invariably consist of a ferry crossing. The nearest city on the mainland is Donsak, from whose pier ferries and boats depart daily to Koh Samui. In an hour and a half, the ferry will take you to the bounty island. You can get to Donsak by bus from Bangkok.

    Another option for getting from the capital of Thailand to Donsak is to take a train to Surat Thani, and from there take a regular bus to Donsak.


    On Samui you can buy natural pearls, which will be an excellent gift for you or your loved ones. Another gift option is natural coconut oil, which is produced on the island.