Art should belong to the people who said it. Should art be understandable? The mass public is a phantom

However, what does disclaimer have to do with hand washing? The Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy, talks about ritual washing of hands. If at that time a murdered person was found, and the killer was not known, then the elders of the nearest city had to sacrifice a cow that did not wear a yoke and wash their hands over its head, while saying the words: “Our hands have not shed this blood, and our eyes ours didn’t see; Purify Your people Israel, whom You, O Lord, have liberated, and do not impute innocent blood to Your people Israel.”

However, the expression “washing one’s hands” became widely known thanks to an event described not in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament. When the high priests and elders of the Jews wanted to execute Jesus Christ, they had to bring Him to the Roman governor. Judea was then under the rule of Rome and only the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate could pronounce the death sentence.

Pilate interrogated Jesus and listened to the accusations that were brought against Him. He understood that Jesus was innocent of anything, and they wanted to execute Him out of envy. In addition, Pilate's wife asked not to harm Jesus.

At that time, there was a custom to release one prisoner on Easter. Pontius Pilate, not wanting to execute Jesus, offered to release Him. But the elders stirred up the people and demanded that the famous robber and murderer Barabbas be released, and Jesus crucified on the cross. “What evil did He do”? - asked Pontius Pilate. But the crowd, incited by the elders, shouted and demanded that Christ be crucified. Pilate saw that all his arguments had no force. Then he publicly decided to absolve himself of responsibility for the condemnation of Christ. He washed his hands before the people and said: “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man; look." To which the Jewish people answered him: “His blood be on us and on our children.” After this, in accordance with the demand of the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas, and ordered Jesus to be crucified on the cross.

1. There is no abstract truth, truth is always concrete

2. Everything in the world has two sides

3. You must be able to take the moment into account and be bold in decisions

4. It’s better to tell the truth unsuccessfully than to keep silent about it if the matter is serious.

5. It is the youth who face the real task of creating a communist society.

6. Every extreme is bad; everything that is good and useful, taken to the extreme, can become and even, beyond a certain limit, necessarily becomes evil and harmful

7. Without revolutionary theory there cannot be revolutionary movement

8. The rich and the crooks are two sides of the same coin.

9. Big words can't be thrown to the wind

10. War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation

11. In general, anger usually plays the worst role in politics.

12. Universal faith in revolution is already the beginning of revolution

13. The authority of the central institution must be based on moral and mental authority

14. If I know that I know little, I will achieve to know more.

15. Smart is not the one who doesn’t make mistakes. Smart is the one who can easily and quickly correct them

16. Words bind to deeds

17. We must be careful not to cross the line where gossip begins when criticizing shortcomings

18. In a personal sense, the difference between a traitor by weakness and a traitor by intent and calculation is very great; V politically there is no difference

19. It is impossible to live in society and be free from society

20. Ideas become power when they capture the masses.

21. Indifference is the silent support of the one who is strong, the one who dominates

22. Equality under the law is not yet equality in life

23. Despair is characteristic of those who do not understand the causes of evil.

24. Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us

25. Art belongs to the people. It must have its deepest roots in the very depths of the broad working masses. It must unite the feeling, thought and will of these masses, lift them up. It should awaken the artists in them and develop them

26. Capitalists are ready to sell us a rope with which we will hang them

27. Book - enormous strength

28. Any state is oppression. Workers are obliged to fight even against Soviet state- and at the same time cherish it like the apple of your eye

29. People have always been and will always be stupid victims of deception and self-deception in politics until they learn to look for the interests of certain classes behind any moral, religious, political, social phrases, statements, promises

30. No one is guilty if he was born a slave; but a slave who not only shuns the desire for his freedom, but justifies and embellishes his slavery, such a slave is a lackey and boor who evokes a legitimate feeling of indignation, contempt and disgust

31. We must fight religion. This is the ABC of all materialism and, therefore, Marxism. But Marxism is not materialism that stops at the ABC. Marxism goes further. He says: one must be able to fight religion, and for this one must materialistically explain the source of faith and religion among the masses

32. We must systematically undertake to ensure that the work of creating a press that does not amuse or fool the masses is carried out

33. You need to be able to work with the human material that is available. They won't give us other people

34. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes, don’t be afraid of repeated, repeated work to correct them - and we will be at the very top

35. Defeat is not as dangerous as the fear of admitting defeat.

36. Ignorance is less distant from the truth than prejudice

37. The deepest source of religious prejudice is poverty and darkness; we must fight this evil

38. Incontinence in sexual life is bourgeois: it is a sign of decay

39. Sexual life manifests itself not only given by nature, but also introduced by culture

40. Morality serves to human society rise higher

41. I also cannot vouch for the reliability and steadfastness in the struggle of those women whose personal romance is intertwined with politics, and for the men who run after every skirt and allow themselves to be entangled by every young woman. No, no, this doesn't fit with the revolution.

42. A person’s shortcomings are, as it were, a continuation of his advantages. But if advantages continue longer than necessary, are revealed not when necessary, and not where necessary, then they are shortcomings

43. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands

44. As long as there is a state, there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state

45. Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics

46. ​​Communism is Soviet authority plus electrification of the entire country

47. We will work to introduce into the consciousness, into habit, into the everyday life of the masses the rule: “all for one and one for all”, the rule: “each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”, to introduce gradually but steadily communist discipline and communist labor

48. Communism is the highest, against capitalist, labor productivity of voluntary, conscious, united workers using advanced technology

49. Communism is the highest stage of development of socialism, when people work out of the consciousness of the need to work for the common benefit

50. The revolution of the proletariat will completely destroy the division of society into classes, and consequently all social and political inequality

51. Political events are always very confusing and complex. They can be compared to a chain. To hold the entire chain, you need to cling to the main link

52. Less political chatter. Less intellectual reasoning. Closer to life

53. Let 90% of the Russian people die, if only 10% survive until the world revolution

54. Revolutions are not made with white gloves.

55. The most dangerous thing in war is to underestimate the enemy and calm down on the fact that we are stronger

56. It’s easy to tell a lie. But sometimes it takes a lot of time to find the truth.

57. Talent is rare. It must be systematically and carefully maintained.

58. Talent should be encouraged

59. You must know how to deal with inventors, even if they are a little capricious.

60. We can't do without romance. An excess of it is better than a lack. We have always sympathized with the revolutionary romantics, even when we disagreed with them

61. Every fairy tale has elements of reality

62. Fantasy is a quality of greatest value

63. You need to learn that without a car, without discipline, you can live in modern society you can’t - you either have to overcome the highest technology, or be crushed

64. An economist must always look forward, towards the progress of technology, otherwise he will immediately find himself lagging behind, because whoever does not want to look forward turns backwards to history

65. Ignorance is not an argument

66. The human mind has discovered many strange things in nature and will discover even more, thereby increasing its power over it

67. Only then will we learn to win when we are not afraid to admit our defeats and shortcomings

68. Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness.

69. Study, study and study!

70. Rise of the General cultural level the masses will create that solid, healthy soil from which powerful, inexhaustible forces will grow for the development of art, science and technology

71. From living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice - this is the dialectical path of knowledge of truth, knowledge of objective reality

72. Without a certain amount of independent work, the truth cannot be found in any serious question, and whoever is afraid of work deprives himself of the opportunity to find the truth

73. We must carefully study the sprouts of the new, pay close attention to them, and help their growth in every possible way

74. Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness

75. Lawyers must be taken with a tight rein and placed in a state of siege, because this intellectual bastard often plays dirty tricks

76. Less is more

77. We rob the loot

78. Broken armies learn well

79. Religion is a kind of spiritual booze

80. The intelligentsia is not the brain of the nation, but shit

81. I love it when people swear, it means they know what they are doing and have a line

82. Throwing ringing phrases is a characteristic of the declassed petty-bourgeois intelligentsia... We must tell the masses the bitter truth simply, clearly, directly

83. We do not need rote learning, but we need to develop and improve the memory of every student with knowledge of basic facts

84. School is outside of life, outside of politics - it’s a lie and hypocrisy

85. First of all, we put forward the broadest public education and upbringing. It creates the soil for culture

86. Working people are drawn to knowledge because they need it for victory

87. You can always make a monstrously big mistake out of a small mistake if you insist on the mistake, if you substantiate it in depth, if you “carry it through to the end”

88. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes, don’t be afraid of repeated, repeated work to correct them - and we will be at the very top

89. By analyzing the mistakes of yesterday, we thereby learn to avoid mistakes today and tomorrow

90. Smart is not the one who doesn’t make mistakes. There are no such people and there cannot be. Smart is someone who makes mistakes that are not very significant, and who can correct them easily and quickly.

91. If we are not afraid to speak even the bitter and difficult truth directly, we will learn, we will certainly and unconditionally learn to overcome all and any difficulties

92. One must have the courage to look the unvarnished bitter truth straight in the face.

93. Don’t delude yourself with lies. It is harmful

94. Self-criticism is, of course, necessary for every living and vital party. There is nothing more vulgar than smug optimism

95. Man needs an ideal, but a human one, corresponding to nature, and not a supernatural one

96. Don’t philosophize, don’t put on airs about communism, don’t cover up negligence, idleness, Oblomovism, backwardness with great words

97. Check all your work so that words do not remain words, practical successes of economic construction

98. A person is judged not by what he says or thinks about himself, but by what he does

99. Labor has made of us the force that unites all workers

100. There are such winged words, which with amazing accuracy express the essence of quite complex phenomena

101. I don’t know anything better than “Appassionata”, I’m ready to listen to it every day. Amazing, inhuman music. I always think with pride, perhaps naively: these are the miracles people can do!

102. Cooperation between representatives of science and workers - only such cooperation will be able to destroy all the oppression of poverty, disease, and dirt. And it will be done. No one can resist the union of representatives of science, the proletariat and technology. dark force

103. He who does nothing practical makes no mistakes