Then he saw clearly. Eugene Onegin

Will the hour of my freedom come?
It's time, it's time! - I appeal to her;
I'm wandering over the sea, waiting for the weather,
Manyu sailed the ships.
Under the robe of storms, arguing with the waves,
Along the free crossroads of the sea
When will I start free running?
It's time to leave the boring beach
I have a hostile element
And among the midday swells,
Under my African sky,
Sigh about gloomy Russia,
Where I suffered, where I loved,
Where I buried my heart.

Onegin was ready with me
See foreign countries;
But soon we were destined
Divorced for a long time.
His father then died.
Gathered in front of Onegin
Lenders are a greedy regiment.
Everyone has their own mind and sense:
Evgeny, hating litigation,
Satisfied with my lot,
He gave them the inheritance
Not seeing a big loss
Or foreknowledge from afar
The death of the old man's uncle.

A. P. Hannibal

Pushkin recalls the origin of his great-grandfather, the famous Arab Peter the Great - Abram Petrovich Hannibal, who, apparently, was a descendant of Abyssinian (Ethiopian) blood, hence “My Africa”. Further, we almost return to the very beginning of the novel, and only one moment always raised a question in my mind. Look, Eugene’s father went bankrupt, Onegin himself did not serve anywhere and did not engage in any income-generating activities. He didn’t waste his inheritance, so why did he live? Apparently exclusively in debt, because I don’t see any other options. so he desperately needed his uncle’s money....

Suddenly he really got
Report from the manager
That uncle is dying in bed
And I would be glad to say goodbye to him.
After reading the sad message,
Evgeniy on a date right away
Swiftly galloped through the mail
And I already yawned in advance,
Getting ready, for the sake of money,
For sighs, boredom and deception
(And thus I began my novel);
But, having arrived at my uncle’s village,
I found it already on the table,
As a tribute to the ready land.

He found the yard full of services;
To the dead man from all sides
Enemies and friends gathered,
Hunters before the funeral.
The deceased was buried.
The priests and guests ate and drank
And then we parted important ways,
It's as if they were busy.
Here is our Onegin - a villager,
Factories, waters, forests, lands
The owner is complete, and until now
An enemy of order and a spendthrift,
And I’m very glad that the old path
Changed it to something.

Our uncle, it turns out, was a very wealthy landowner, and Evgeniy, as the only heir, got a lot. By the way, I can imagine what images the line “jumping by mail” conjured up in your mind. No, Evgeniy was not involved in hooliganism and did not climb onto the roof of a government institution - he simply took government horses, as we have already discussed earlier.

Two days seemed new to him
Lonely fields
The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,
The babbling of a quiet stream;
On the third grove, hill and field
He was no longer occupied;
Then they induced sleep;
Then he saw clearly
That in the village the boredom is the same,
Although there are no streets or palaces,
No cards, no balls, no poems.
Handra was waiting for him on guard,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

As a matter of fact, as an idle person and incapable of creation or joy, Evgeniy began to do what he loved most - mope. And it's not about financial well-being/failure. It seems to be a matter of state of mind :-)

I was born for a peaceful life
For village silence;
In the wilderness the lyrical voice is louder,
More vivid creative dreams.
Dedicating yourself to the leisure of the innocent,
I wander over a deserted lake,
And far niente is my law.
I wake up every morning
For sweet bliss and freedom:
I read little, I sleep for a long time,
I don’t catch flying glory.
Isn't that how I was in years past?
Spent inactive, in the shadows
My happiest days?

Flowers, love, village, idleness,
Fields! I am devoted to you with my soul.
I'm always happy to notice the difference
Between Onegin and me,
To the mocking reader
Or some publisher
Intricate slander
Comparing my features here,
Didn’t repeat it shamelessly later,
Why did I smear my portrait?
Like Byron, the poet of pride,
As if it's impossible for us
Write poems about others
As soon as about yourself.
Well, actually, there’s no need to explain anything here. Pushkin, as he says, loves time far niente, that is, without doing anything. Well, well... well, well... :-)

Let me note by the way: all poets -
Love dreamy friends.
Sometimes there were cute things
I dreamed, and my soul
I kept their image secret;
Afterwards the muse revived them:
So I, careless, sang
And the maiden of the mountains, my ideal,
And captives of the shores of Salgir.
Now from you, my friends,
I often hear the question:
“For whom does your lyre sigh?
To whom, in the crowd of jealous maidens,
Did you dedicate the chant to her?

Whose gaze, stirring inspiration,
Rewarded with touching affection
Your thoughtful singing?
Who did your poem idolize?”
And, guys, no one, by God!
Love's crazy anxiety
I experienced it bleakly.
Blessed is he who combined with her
The fever of rhymes: he doubled it
Poetry is sacred nonsense,
Following Petrarch,
And calmed the torment of the heart,
In the meantime, I also caught fame;
But I, loving, was stupid and dumb.

Who is talking about what, and Pushkin is about maidens.... An amateur, however :-) The Virgin of the Mountains is the Circassian woman in “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, and the captives of the banks of Salgir are Maria and Zarema in “The Bakhchisarai Fountain”. A kind of cross-posting of the 19th century on oneself :-))

Love has passed, the muse has appeared,
And the dark mind became clear.
Free, looking for union again
Magic sounds, feelings and thoughts;
I write, and my heart does not grieve,
The pen, having forgotten itself, does not draw,
Near unfinished poems,
No women's legs, no heads;
The extinguished ashes will no longer flare up,
I'm still sad; but there are no more tears,
And soon, soon the storm's trail
My soul will completely calm down:
Then I'll start writing
Poem of songs in twenty-five.

Legs again....though also heads. Heads and legs :-)

I was already thinking about the form of the plan
And I’ll call him a hero;
For now, in my novel
I finished the first chapter;
I reviewed all of this strictly:
There are a lot of contradictions
But I don’t want to fix them.
I will pay my debt to censorship
And for journalists to eat
I will give the fruits of my labors:
Go to the banks of the Neva,
Newborn creation
And earn me a tribute of glory:
Crooked talk, noise and swearing!

This is where we will finish the first part, dear ones. But the second one is just around the corner :-)
Have a nice time of day.


The mystery of the chronology of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is one of the most entertaining and interesting. Disputes between Pushkinists on this issue have not subsided for more than a century. According to Y. Lotman, the chronology of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is “extremely important” because it allows us to see the events of the novel and the dynamics of the characters’ characters in relation to time.
The largest Pushkin scholars of the 20th century: Nikolai Brodsky, Yuri Lotman, Vladimir Nabokov, in their famous comments on the novel “Eugene Onegin,” naturally paid great attention to this issue.
They unanimously came to the conclusion that Onegin, after a three-year journey, arrived in St. Petersburg “from the ship to the ball” in the fall of 1824, where he met with Princess Tatiana, and the last meeting of the main characters took place on the eve of the Decembrist uprising in the spring of 1825.
Considering Pushkin’s well-known indication that the events of the first chapter refer to the winter of 1819-20, the above-mentioned Pushkin scholars spoke unequivocally about the chronology of Onegin’s rural life. They insist that all these events should take place in about six months: arrival in the village in the summer of 1820 and departure after the duel in January 1821. Only in this case, after a three-year journey, Onegin could arrive in the capital in the early autumn of 1824.
However, it seemed doubtful to us the opinion of these Pushkin scholars about the possibility of fitting the events of Onegin’s rural life described in five chapters of the novel into the Procrustean bed of a six-month period, since this clearly contradicts the character of the bored Eugene, an “idle and sad hermit”, accustomed to a calm, measured life. After all, only

Two days seemed new to him
Lonely fields
The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,
The babbling of a quiet stream;
On the third grove, hill and field
He was no longer occupied;
Then they induced sleep;
Then he saw clearly
That in the village the boredom is the same
Handra was waiting for him on guard,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

Remembering Pushkin’s words that “in our novel time is calculated according to the calendar,” we examined in detail the chronology of Onegin’s village life with the help of Pushkin’s bright, expressive descriptions of the seasons, which all schoolchildren know by heart, since it is obvious that Pushkin’s seasons are not only “lyrical digressions”, but also the key to the chronology of the novel.
Let's divide Onegin's stay in the village into two periods: from his arrival in the village to his meeting with Tatyana in the garden and from this meeting to Tatyana's name day and the duel with Lensky.
Let's look at the first period. Before the heroes meet in the garden, Pushkin clearly indicates the summer season in the village three times. Eugene “in the dust of the post office” arrived at his uncle’s estate in the summer of 1820 (chapter 1, stanza LII). Everyone agrees on this date. In the following stanzas (LIII-LIV) Pushkin reports:

Here is our Onegin - a villager,
Factories, waters, forests, lands
The owner is complete…………
Two days seemed new to him
Lonely fields
The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,
The murmuring of a quiet stream......

This means that Onegin entered into inheritance rights, apparently, in the following summer, 1821, since the procedure for accepting an inheritance was carefully prescribed in the laws of the Russian Empire and was definitely taken into account by Pushkin:

. ………About one estate
Heirs angry chorus
Starts an obscene argument.
………………… got ready
Lenders are a greedy regiment.
Everyone has their own mind and sense.

It took time to submit an advertisement in a newspaper, for example, Vedomosti, which was slowly delivered to other cities by mail on horseback; It took from six months to one and a half years for filing claims from creditors and heirs; their documents were then slowly examined by the appropriate authorities.
The next date indicated by Pushkin is the summer, obviously, of 1822, when Onegin talks to Tatyana in the garden. The events from the summer of 1821 to the summer of 1822 in Onegin's village life are described in detail in the second through fourth chapters of the novel.
During this time, Onegin met and even became friends with his neighbors, and became close friends with Zaretsky.

………… kind and simple
The father of the family is single,
Reliable friend, peaceful landowner
And even an honest person...
He wasn't stupid; and my Evgeniy,
Not respecting the heart in him,
Loved the spirit of his judgments,
And a common sense about this and that.
It used to be with pleasure that he
I saw him………….......

At first everyone went to see him;
But since from the back porch
Usually served
He wants a Don stallion,
Only along the main road
Their household noises will be heard, -
Offended by such an act,
Everyone ended their friendship with him.

Then came the time of economic transformation in the village.

Alone among his possessions,
Just to pass the time,
Our Evgeniy first conceived
Establish a new order.
In his wilderness the desert sage,
He is the yoke of the ancient corvée
I replaced it with a light quitrent.

With Onegin I wished cordially
Let's make the acquaintance shorter.
They got along. ……………..
First by mutual difference
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it; Then
We came together every day on horseback
And soon they became inseparable.
Everything gave rise to disputes between them
And it led me to think:
Tribes of past treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices,
And the grave secrets are fatal,
Fate and life in their turn,
Everything was subject to their judgment.
The poet in the heat of his judgments
I read, having forgotten myself, meanwhile
Excerpts from northern poems,
And indulgent Evgeniy,
Although I didn’t understand them much,
He listened diligently to the young man.
But more often they were occupied by passions
The minds of my hermits...

In the spring of 1822, Onegin visited the Larin family to meet Lensky’s fiancée Olga.

...... Others galloped,
They showed up; they are lavished
Sometimes difficult services
Hospitable old times.

There he first caught a glimpse of Tatyana, who “came in and sat down by the window.” This visit gave rise to many rumors and gossip among neighbors.

.………Onegin’s phenomenon
The Larins produced
Everyone is very impressed
And all the neighbors were entertained.
Guess after guess went on.

Tatyana listened with annoyance
Such gossip; but secretly
With inexplicable joy
I couldn’t help but think about it;
And a thought sank into my heart;
The time has come, she fell in love .

A few months later, in the summer of 1822 (“He somehow completely forgot us,” Praskovya Larina tells Lensky about Onegin), Onegin receives a letter from Tatyana declaring his love and on the second day he comes to her on a date while picking berries.
Thus, the first period of Onegin’s rural life took two years: summer 1820 - summer 1822.
Let's consider the second period: from Onegin's meeting with Tatyana in the garden (the fourth chapter of the novel) to her name day on January 12 and Onegin's duel with Lensky on January 14 (the sixth chapter).
The explanation of the heroes takes place in the summer of 1822, when

In the maid's garden, on the ridges,
Picking berries in the bushes
And they sang in chorus as ordered.
What was the consequence of the date?
Alas, it’s not hard to guess!
Health, color and sweetness of life,
Smile, virgin peace,
Everything is gone, the sound is empty,
And dear Tanya’s youth fades.
Alas, Tatyana is fading,
It turns pale, goes dark and is silent!

And Onegin, as usual, spends his summer time idly and carelessly.

Walking, reading, deep sleep,
Forest shadow, murmur of streams,
Sometimes black-eyed whites
Young and fresh kiss,
An obedient, zealous horse is bridle ,
Lunch is quite whimsical,
A bottle of light wine,
Solitude, silence:
This is Onegin’s holy life;
And he is insensitive to her
Surrendered, red summer days
In careless bliss, not counting.

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise
………………. was approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

Then came the real winter of 1822-23 with severe frosts.

And now the frost is cracking.
Tidier than fashionable parquet
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily.
The first snow flashes and curls,
Stars falling on the shore.

In the wilderness, what should Onegin do at this time?

Sit under a deserted roof,
Read: here is Pradt, here is W. Scott.
Do not want? - check the consumption
Be angry or drink, and the evening will be long
Somehow it will pass, and tomorrow too,
And you will have a wonderful winter.

That year the weather was autumn
I stood in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January
On the third night. ………..
Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood it renews the path.
Christmas time has arrived. What a joy!
Windy youth guesses...
But with a crimson hand
Dawn from the morning valleys
Brings the sun behind him
Happy name day holiday.

Thus, the duration of the six listed seasons from the summer of 1822 to the winter of 1823-24 is approximately 18 months! The full period of Onegin's rural life is 3.5 years, and not six months, as N. Brodsky, Y. Lotman, V. Nabokov and other Pushkinists believe. Therefore, Tatiana’s name day and Onegin’s duel with Lensky could only take place in January 1824, and not in 1821. But then Onegin could arrive in St. Petersburg only in the fall of 1827 after a three-year journey, and the last meeting of Tatiana and Onegin should be postponed to the spring of 1828. Two and a half years after the Decembrist uprising!
In the summer - autumn of 1824, Olga marries a lancer, and Tatyana reads books in Onegin's library. And only in 1825, apparently in February - March, when the “last date” for sleigh rides arrived, Tatyana and her mother “on eighteen nags” went to Moscow for the brides’ fair. And according to the generally accepted opinion in Pushkin studies, it was at this time that Onegin “rushes along the Neva in a sleigh” to “his Tatyana.”

The chronology we propose is basically close to the conclusions set out earlier in the articles by V. Kozhevnikov (1984) and A. Anikin (2002), published in the journal “Literature at School”. These authors independently drew attention to the fact that Lensky invited Onegin to Tatiana’s name day “on Saturday.” It was enough to look at the calendar of Pushkin’s times to establish: the only suitable year for Tatiana’s name day and the duel was 1824, not 1821.
In his article, Anikin expressed regret that for 18 years, Kozhevnikov’s point of view “did not influence the general opinion,” which persistently “led the hero of the novel to the Decembrist uprising.”
But this is not difficult to explain by the fact that Lensky’s subjective opinion cannot be considered as clear, reliable evidence that does not require additional confirmation, since Pushkin is not responsible for the words and actions of his heroes. It is enough to recall the ominous role in the fate of Lensky’s duel manager, “a kind and simple, reliable friend and even an honest man,” Zaretsky, capable of conducting duels “in the strict rules of art.”
Let us note one more important circumstance: during a friendly party with “dear” Onegin, the usually chaste Lensky was “cheerful”, drank “glasses” of “blessed wine”, cheekily praised the intimate charms of his bride to the famous capital's ladies' man, complained about his memory and called himself "a blockhead."

The village evening will come
The table is set in front of the fireplace,
Evgeniy is waiting: Lensky is coming
Veuve Clicquot or Moët
Blessed Wine
In a frozen bottle for a poet
It was immediately brought to the table.

The fire went out; …………
………………......... and warmth
The fireplace is breathing a little. Smoke from pipes
It goes down the pipe. Light cup
It still hisses in the middle of the table.
Evening darkness finds...

Now friends are talking:

“Well, what about the neighbors? What about Tatyana?
Why is Olga your frisky?”
- Pour me another half glass...
That's enough, honey... The whole family
Healthy; ordered to bow.
Oh, darling, how prettier you are
Olga has shoulders, what a chest!
What a soul!... Someday
Let's visit them; you will oblige them;
Well... what a fool I am!
You were invited to them this week.

"I?" - Yes, Tatyana’s name day
On Saturday. Olenka and mother
They told me to call, but there is no reason
You don't come when called. –

Let's go, do me a favor!
Well? - "Agree". - How sweet you are! –
With these words he drank
Cup ……………………
Then we started talking again
About Olga: such is love!
He was cheerful. In two weeks
A happy time was appointed

Pushkin scholars estimate the age of the main characters of the novel differently. The above chronology allows us to reasonably believe that the year of Tatiana’s birth is 1805 (according to Pushkin, Onegin received a letter from a “seventeen-year-old woman”), Onegin was born in 1798 (he was 26 years old when he “left his village” in 1824), Lensky’s “simple monument” should bear the dates of his life 1805-1824 (at the time of the duel he was “eighteen years old,” but there is no reason to believe that he celebrated his birthday in the first half of January), Olga was apparently born in 1806.
According to Lotman, Tatyana was born in 1803, Onegin in 1795, Lensky in 1803, Olga in 1804. Anikin is sure that “Tatiana was obviously born in 1806” and “the name day meant Tatyana’s 18th birthday ", but we currently believe that Tatiana was born in 1805. This means that Tatyana celebrated her 18th birthday in January 1823 without Onegin in the narrow circle of “her family,” since Onegin did not visit the Larin family at all for a year and a half (from the summer of 1822 to January 1824), which is confirmed by Lensky’s words:

Let's visit them; you will oblige them;
Otherwise, my friend, judge for yourself:
I looked twice, and there
You can’t even show your nose to them.

An additional argument for the correctness of our point of view that Onegin’s last meeting with Tatyana could not have taken place in the spring of 1825 is the absence in this novel of a vivid picture of the severe flood described by Pushkin in the poem “The Bronze Horseman” - a huge disaster that befell the capital in November 1824.
If Onegin had arrived in the capital in the early autumn of 1824 and spent about six months in it, until the spring of 1825, he would obviously have encountered the most devastating flood, which began on November 7, 1824. The water rose 4 meters, destroyed and damaged half of the houses and buildings, claimed the lives of many hundreds of people and several thousand heads of livestock, and spoiled 900 thousand pounds of flour. Under the pressure of furious waves and hurricane winds, the walls of houses collapsed, roofs fell off, and uprooted trees fell. Barges and rafts rushed through the streets. “Nevsky Prospekt was turned into a stormy strait,” wrote A.S. Griboyedov, eyewitness of the flood.
In The Bronze Horseman, Pushkin realistically described this flood.

Terrible day!
The Neva swelled and roared,
A cauldron bubbling and swirling,
And suddenly, like a wild beast,
She rushed towards the city. ………

Water flooded two-thirds of the city, including the area of ​​the Neva embankment, where the Winter Palace was located and the palaces and mansions of the highest aristocracy were located. The squares turned into lakes.

There were hundreds of lakes,
And in them there are wide rivers
The streets poured in. Castle
It seemed like a sad island.

The Winter Palace was flooded to the ceiling of the first floor. The same fate, naturally, befell the house of Prince N, located in this area. For Onegin, this would be the most convenient reason to rush to save “his Tatyana.” This is exactly what Eugene, the main character of the poem “The Bronze Horseman,” did without hesitation.
After the flood there were early frosts. People in dilapidated houses with destroyed stoves suffered from severe cold. The firewood became damp, and epidemics of colds began. Prices for food and dry firewood have risen sharply.
And Onegin, according to Pushkinists, during this autumn-winter time “falls in love,” “like a child,” with Princess Tatiana, pursues her “like a shadow,” then “dries up - and almost suffers from consumption,” sends her several unrequited passionate messages and, finally, until the end of winter he closes himself in a “silent study”, reads books “indiscriminately”, carefreely “purrs” Italian songs by the fireplace.

How he looked like a poet,
When I was sitting alone in the corner,
And the fireplace was blazing in front of him,
And he purred: Venedetta
Il Idol mio and dropped
Into the fire is either a shoe or a magazine.

Spring lives him: for the first time
Your chambers are locked,
Where did he spend the winter like a groundhog?
He leaves on a clear morning
Rushing along the Neva in a sleigh.
He rushed to her, to his Tatyana.

However, the reader does not find any hints of this catastrophic flood in Pushkin’s novel - the “encyclopedia of Russian life” of the first quarter of the 19th century. Using the method of “proof by contradiction” known in mathematics, one can reasonably assert that the main characters of the novel were not in the capital at that time. And this is a fact, no matter how “disgusting” it would be for conservative Pushkinists to abandon the idea of ​​Onegin’s possible participation in the December uprising of 1825.

1. Rozhinsky Yu.I. Mysteries of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” - Kharkiv.
Publishing house "Finart", 2014.
ISBN 978-966-8766-80-0

Two days seemed new to him
Lonely fields
The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,
The babbling of a quiet stream;
On the third grove, hill and field
He was no longer interested:
Then they induced sleep;
Then he saw clearly
That in the village the boredom is the same,
Although there are no streets or palaces,
No cards, no balls, no poems.
Handra was waiting for him on guard,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

“The babbling of a quiet stream” - Pay attention to this modest stream flowing through the Onegin estate. In the thickets of Western European poetry, countless streams, rivulets, rivers and rivulets flow, flow, rush, splash, babble and mutter, originating in (Virgil’s) Arrcadia.

“No cards, no balls, no poems” - By “poems” the poet means albums of society ladies.

And, of course, the blues began to run after him, “like a shadow or a faithful wife.” To many - including Pushkin - this ability to be bored always and everywhere seems to be the privilege of strong minds, incapable of being satisfied with what constitutes the happiness of ordinary people. Pushkin here, as elsewhere, noticed and described the fact absolutely correctly; but as soon as it comes to explaining the presented fact, Pushkin immediately falls into the most serious mistakes.

Indeed, a person like Onegin, spoiled to the marrow by systematic idleness of thought, must be constantly bored; indeed, such a person should rush greedily at any novelty and should grow cold towards it as soon as he has time to take a closer look at it; all this is absolutely true, but all this proves not that he lived, thought and felt too much, but, quite the opposite, that he does not know how to think at all and that all his feelings were always as small and insignificant as feelings a witty gentleman who is jealous of the lucky log on which someone's pretty leg rests. In the realm of thought, Onegin remained a child, despite the fact that he seduced many women and read many books.

“Secluded Fields”, “The Murmur of a Quiet Stream”.
This is how the hero perceives, and the author describes, even something new, even nature. Just stamps. This is the lowest point of unity between the author and his hero. Nadir point.

"Romance "Evening Breeze". Imagine: A meadow, cows, cows, and a bull grazing. Bull".
Here's the level. It’s curious - the author distances himself from the hero, Pushkin from Onegin only to the extent that nature is present in the lines of the novel - not this magazine-book nature, but the nature of Tatiana. Zenith is the fifth chapter, and in the eighth there is a nadir again, there is no nature and Pushkin is again indistinguishable from Onegin.

Writes petrazmus : 1.
"Secluded fields,
The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,
The babbling of a quiet stream;
On the third grove, hill and field"

Pushkin lived twice (or rather in two places) in the village - Mikhailovskoye and Boldino. It is difficult to describe the village in the first lines out of my head. Most likely it was written from life. It is easy to find such a rustic picture in the estates of your friends. But the simplest thing is that he describes Mikhailovskoye. Why Mikhailovskoye is understandable, Boldino will only appear in 1830. The classical chronology of the novel says that the first chapter was written in Odessa in 1823. But it was published in printed form only in 1825 and, having moved to Mikhailovskoye, the poet could well have written some stanzas (in particular this one) edit and supplement with fresh impressions. It would be interesting to see the drafts of this stanza – are there different versions?
1.2. For the north-west of Russia, the presence of “oubrova” requires some explanation. The conscious(!) anachronism does not mean oak trees, of course, but deciduous forest. But it (such a forest) is impossible to find in those places. This is not a natural forest being described - it is an alley leading to the manor's estate. In France it is made of beech trees, in Italy - cypress trees, and in Russia - linden trees, as a rule. Then it is clear both the coolness and the darkness and the fact that they take advantage of this coolness. Of course, deciduous trees may be present in these areas, and they may even gather in groups (I don’t know how else to write them), but for them there is a completely different word in our language - “groves” - birch or aspen. If anyone has been there, they will never talk about the darkness.
Both of these points add arguments to the proximity of the Pushkins and Onegins...

“No cards, no balls, no poems”

This is the first time there is a mention of cards. Talking about Evgeniy’s life in St. Petersburg, listing all his various activities, Pushkin never said anything about cards. Which is strange for a metropolitan rake. Have commentators missed this? Just didn't notice?
“But he finally fell out of love with swearing, and the saber, and lead”? (EO1.XXXVII) This is usually interpreted as a duel. But why in so much detail, so varied and with such triple amplification? Maybe everything is simpler? Evgeny fell out of love with “swearing” - cards, “saber” - fencing (a sports exercise) and “lead” - really a duel.

“Handra was waiting for him on guard,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife."

The shadow can run after a person if he runs away. And with this everything is clear - escape from the blues - the blues flee like a shadow. Everything is in Russian.
But a “faithful wife,” if someone runs away from her, does not run after her husband. A faithful wife follows her husband - that's what they say in Russian. And they don’t run away from it.
And it’s more like a “jealous wife” who runs after her husband.
Why is it written “faithful”?
Explain it by the lack of rhymes in Pushkin? Somehow my hand doesn’t rise.
Shall we write it down as a riddle?

Here is a brief summary of the imperishable work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Summary given by chapter. We did not shorten the most important lines so that you do not miss the point. Such a summary will allow you to prepare for the lesson EXCELLENTLY.

Evgeny Onegin: summary in detail.

Chapter 1 – contents.

The main character of the novel is Eugene Onegin, a young noble intellectual and a prominent metropolitan aristocrat. He was born in St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva.

Having served excellently and nobly,

His father lived in debt

Gave three balls annually

And finally squandered it.

Eugene was raised by a French tutor, who taught him everything “jokingly”, without bothering him in any way.

And here is the result of such education:

He's completely French

He could express himself and wrote;

I danced the mazurka easily

And he bowed casually;

What do you want more? The light has decided

That he is smart and very nice.

When the time of youth came, Eugene, having never felt love, perfectly comprehended the “science of tender passion”, learned the best techniques of secular ladies' men:

How early could he be a hypocrite?

To harbor hope, to be jealous,

To dissuade, to make believe,

Seem gloomy, languish,

Be proud and obedient

Attentive or indifferent.

Evgeny Onegin early realized the worthlessness of secular society. He felt like a stranger and an extra person here. He was fed up with high society living rooms. It was hard for him and...

It's unbearable to see in front of you

There's a long row of dinners alone,

Look at life as a ritual

And after the decorous crowd

Go without sharing with her

No common opinions, no passions.

Onegin is very smart and noble, he is capable of feeling deeply and strongly. But nothing can occupy his bored mind. Receptions, theater, beauties - only these filled Onegin's days. He even tries to write - but “he was sick of the persistent work”; he tries to read - and does not find joy in books, the books were not in tune with his thoughts and feelings. Evgeny goes to the theater only because it is part of the daily activities of a socialite.

Days are similar to one another (“...and tomorrow is the same as yesterday”) and this gives rise to indifference, a fashionable disease of that century, the so-called “Russian blues.”

Gloomy, languid

He appeared in living rooms;

Neither the gossip of the world, nor Boston,

Not a sweet look

Not an immodest sigh,

Nothing touched him

He didn't notice anything.

Onegin did not think at all about his responsibilities towards the people around him and the world. He is sure that he has the right to selfishly pick flowers of pleasure:

Sometimes he was still in bed:

They bring notes to him.

What? Invitations? Indeed,

Three houses for the evening call:

There will be a ball, there will be a children's party.

Where will my prankster ride?

Who will he start with? Doesn't matter:

It’s no wonder to keep up everywhere.

This went on for eight years, until Onegin received the news that his uncle was dying and would like to say goodbye to him. Evgeniy had already prepared in advance that he would have to look after his uncle for the sake of the inheritance.

What low deceit

To amuse the half-dead,

Adjust his pillows

It's sad to bring medicine,

Sigh and think to yourself:

“When will the devil take you!”

But when he arrived, his uncle had already died. Onegin inherited all his possessions in the village: factories, water, forests, lands. For two days Eugene rejoiced at “the secluded fields, the coolness of the gloomy oak grove, the murmur of a quiet stream.” But just as he could not perceive and appreciate the beauty of theatrical art, Onegin was unable to feel the charm of the Russian village landscape.

Then he saw clearly

That in the village the boredom is the same,

Although there are no streets or palaces,

No cards, no balls, no poems.

Handra was waiting for him on guard,

And she ran after him,

Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

Chapter 2 – contents.

At the same time, landowner Vladimir Lensky settled next door to Onegin. He was handsome and romantic. Lensky was endowed with a noble and sublime soul.

He's from foggy Germany

He brought the fruits of learning:

Freedom-loving dreams

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky's soul was full of dreams and hopes, life did not lose its charm for him. Unlike Onegin, Lensky believes in the best in a person - in friendship, love. Lensky's soul longs for happiness and reciprocity.

Over time, a friendship develops between Onegin and Lensky. They talk for a long time, touch on philosophical, social, scientific issues, in a word, spend a lot of time together.

First by mutual difference

They were boring to each other;

Then I liked it; Then

We rode together every day

And soon they became inseparable.

So people (I am the first to repent)

Nothing to do Friends.

Lensky told Onegin that he was madly in love with Olga Larina.

Always modest, always obedient,

Always cheerful like the morning,

How a poet's life is simple-minded,

How sweet is the kiss of love...

Chapter 3 – summary

Lensky spends every day with Olga: they take long walks in the garden; he dedicates passionate poems to her; reads novels to her. They often play chess.

Olga's older sister's name was Tatyana. Tatyana is a dreamy, reserved girl. She loves solitude. Her thoughts and feelings do not diverge from her actions. Tatyana reads a lot, especially Richardson and Rousseau. She loves everything folk: songs and fairy tales, omens and fortune telling.

Lensky and Onegin came to visit the Larins. Tatiana seemed sad and silent to Onegin, and Onegin did not like Olga:

She's round and red-faced,

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

Onegin upset Lensky with his opinion.

Onegin, in turn, made a great impression on Tatiana. She fell in love, she saw her betrothed in Onegin. Obeying the dictates of her heart, she decides to be the first to confess her feelings to Onegin. Tatiana writes a letter to Onegin.

Imagine: I'm here alone,

Nobody understands me,

My mind is exhausted

And I must die in silence.

I'm waiting for you: with one glance

Revive the hopes of your heart

Or break the heavy dream,

Alas, a well-deserved reproach.

Chapter 4.

Days pass, but there is no answer from Onegin. Having received Tatiana's message, Onegin was touched, but did not want to deceive the young girl's dreams. At the meeting, Onegin said to Tatyana:

I love your sincerity

She got excited

Feelings that have long been silent;

But I am not made for bliss;

My soul is alien to him;

Your perfections are in vain;

I am not worthy of them at all.

I love you with the love of a brother

And maybe even more tender...

Learn to control yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like I do;

Inexperience leads to trouble.

Tatyana could barely breathe, listening to Onegin through her tears without objection. Tatyana is upset by Onegin's answer. She suffers and suffers. Onegin, in turn, suffers from the blues. One day Lensky said that Onegin was invited to Tatyana’s name day. Onegin was against it, but in the end agreed.

Chapter 5.

One winter night, Tatyana has a terrible dream: Onegin grabs a knife and kills Lensky. Tatyana woke up in horror and became worried. She is trying to unravel the dream she had.

Tatiana's name day has arrived. In the morning, the Larins' house is filled with guests. All the neighbors, friends, and relatives came together.

There is a hustle and bustle in the hall; there is anxiety;

Meeting new faces in the living room,

Barking mosek, smacking girls,

Noise, laughter, crush at the threshold,

Bows, shuffling guests,

Nurses cry and children cry.

The music started playing and everyone sat down at the table. Soon Lensky and Onegin arrived. Onegin is seated opposite Tatiana. Tatiana and Onegin were nervous all evening. Onegin was angry with Lensky for persuading him to come. In retaliation, he grabbed Olga and, dancing with her, began to flirt in front of Lensky. Lensky is jealous of Olga and leaves the holiday.

Chapter 6.

The next day, Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel in a letter. He accepts the challenge.

The duel took place at dawn. Lensky shot first and missed.

Onegin fired... They struck

Time clock: poet

Silently drops the gun...

In the anguish of heart remorse,

Hand clutching the pistol,

Evgeniy looks at Lensky.

"Well? killed,” the neighbor decided.

Onegin deeply and sincerely repented of killing his friend. In a depressed state of mind, he leaves the village forever. Time has passed. At first, Olga and Tatyana came to Lensky’s grave, hugged each other, sat and cried for a long time.

Between the mountains lying in a semicircle,

Let's go where the stream is

Winding and running through the green meadow

A stream runs through a green meadow

To the river through a linden forest.

There is a nightingale, a lover of spring,

Sings all night...

And the key voice is heard, -

There is a grave stone visible

In the shade of two obsolete pine trees.

To the newcomer the inscription says:

“Vladimir Lensky lies here,

Died early by the death of the brave,

In such and such a year, such and such years.

Rest in peace, young poet!

Chapter 7

Olga did not grieve for Lensky for long. Soon she got married and left. And Tatyana sacredly kept the memory of Onegin. Every day she came to his house and read books.

After some time, Tatyana moved to live with her relatives in Moscow. Two years later, Tatyana married Prince N. there.

Chapter 8.

Once at a ball, Tatyana saw Onegin among the guests, but pretended not to notice him. Onegin saw Tatiana and met her husband. He, suspecting nothing, invited Onegin to visit. Evgeny came and, by a lucky chance, he managed to be alone with Tatyana, but he did not know how to start a conversation. Tatiana's husband came in and broke the awkward silence. After the end of the evening, Onegin could not forget Tatyana.

I was busy with Tatyana alone,

Not this timid girl,

In love, poor and simple,

But an indifferent princess,

But an unapproachable goddess

Luxurious, royal Neva.

Every day he tried to see Tatyana, “he chases after her like a shadow.” But she doesn't notice him. Out of despair, Onegin decides to write a letter to Tatyana.

But so be it: I’m on my own

I can no longer resist;

Everything is decided: I am in your will

And I surrender to my fate.

There was no answer. Then Onegin wrote a second, third letter and, when his patience ran out, he decided to meet her.

As soon as he entered... he

She's coming towards you. How harsh!

They don’t see him, not a word is spoken to him;

Where, where is the confusion, the compassion?

Where are the stains of tears?... They are not there! They are not here!

There is only a trace of anger on this face...

Onegin, amazed by such a meeting, leaves and locks himself in his house for the whole winter. He rereads all the books in the house. Now he truly loves Tatyana and cannot live without her. Onegin is again looking for a meeting with Tatyana. He enters the house and, to his amazement, sees that Tatyana is sitting alone, reading his letter and crying.

A simple maiden, with dreams, a heart of former days,

Now she has risen again in her.

Evgeniy rushed to her feet. She shuddered and turned pale. Finally she stood him up and said that she would like to explain herself, now it was her turn to teach him a lesson.

I got married. You must,

I ask you to leave me;

I know: in your heart there is

And pride and direct honor.

I love you (why lie?),

But I was given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

She left.

Evgeniy stands,

As if struck by thunder.

What a storm of sensations

Now he's heartbroken!

But a sudden ringing sound rang out,

And Tatyana’s husband showed up...

I hope this summary of the work “Eugene Onegin” helped you prepare for the lesson and remember the main events of the work.

The young rake, Evgeny Onegin, was traveling to the village to visit his dying uncle, who left him a rich inheritance after his death, and thought about how boring it was to spend time at the bedside of the sick.

But, my God, what boredom it is to sit with a sick person day and night, without leaving a single step! What low deceit is to amuse a half-dead, to straighten his pillows, to sadly offer medicine, to sigh and think to himself: When will the devil take you!

Evgeniy was born in St. Petersburg. His father lived in debt and wasted money. In his youth, the boy was raised by hired French teachers, devoting not too much time to science. When Evgeniy grew up, he plunged headlong into all the delights of social life, endless balls, feasts and holidays, visiting theaters, not to enjoy a play, but only to appear in society. And the world favorably received Onegin, because the young man followed all his conventions, spoke easily in French, dressed in the latest fashion and spent three hours in front of the mirror, could show off a sharp epigram and anecdote.

He had no desire to rummage
In chronological dust
History of the earth:
But jokes of days gone by
From Romulus to the present day
He kept it in his memory.

All possible luxury items brought to Russia from Paris decorated the young man’s office. But the “science of tender passion” occupied a special place in his life; he early learned to disturb the hearts of courtly coquettes and young girls.

However, Evgeniy was not happy. His feelings cooled down early, the noise of the world bored him, and beauties were not long the subject of his usual thoughts. The betrayals have become tiresome, the friends are tired. He was overcome by melancholy; he did not want to commit suicide, but lost interest in the whole world. He tried to read, but books did not interest him either.

Onegin's father died, and a whole regiment of lenders immediately reached out to him. Eugene, hating litigation, simply provided them with his entire father's inheritance and was left completely without funds.

His father then died. The greedy regiment of Lenders gathered in front of Onegin. Each has his own mind and sense: Eugene, hating litigation, Satisfied with his lot, gave them the inheritance...

Soon Onegin received a report from the manager that his uncle was dying and wanted to say goodbye to him. And Evgeniy immediately, having prepared himself for lies, boredom and deception for the sake of money, went to the village, but when he got there, he did not find his uncle alive.
Onegin turned out to be a villager, the owner of factories, waters, forests and lands. For several days, nature, secluded fields, the beauty of forests and the babbling brook seemed new and interesting to the young man. However, all this was not for long - and the blues returned to him in the village.

Then he saw clearly
That in the village the boredom is the same,
Although there are no streets or palaces,
No cards, no balls, no poems.
Handra was waiting for him on guard,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

Eugene settled in a wonderful place, in a castle built “in the taste of smart antiquity.” He established a new order on his estate, replacing corvée with a light quitrent, which made his peasants incredibly happy. The neighbors saw terrible harm in this and decided that he was “a most dangerous eccentric.” At first, all the surrounding nobles stopped by to see Onegin, but since he, hearing them approaching, mounted his horse and rode away, the neighbors stopped their friendship with him and decided that he was ignorant and crazy.

At the same time, a new landowner arrived in his village, who, like Onegin, “gave a reason for a strict analysis of the neighborhood.” His name was Vladimir Lensky. He came from Germany, where he became a fan of Kant, fell in love with poetry, the work of Schiller and Goethe, and began to write poetry himself. The light had not yet tired him, and the young man’s soul was full of love, faith in friendship and foggy dreams.

Handsome man, in full bloom,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He's from foggy Germany
He brought the fruits of learning:
Freedom-loving dreams
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky was alien to village life, and the endless conversations of local landowners “about haymaking, about wine, about the kennel, about their relatives.” In addition, Vladimir was rich and good-looking, so everywhere he was accepted as a groom and all “their daughters were predicted to marry their half-Russian neighbor.”

All this forced Lensky to seek acquaintance with Onegin. They met, at first, due to the difference in characters, they were boring to each other, but then they began to see each other every day and truly became friends. Friends constantly argued, Eugene listened with a smile to the poet’s ardent judgments, but did not cool his ardor.

They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
First by mutual difference
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it;
then we got together every day on horseback
And soon they became inseparable.
So people (I am the first to repent)
There's nothing to do, friends.

Vladimir told Evgeniy his love story. Since childhood, he was in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of their neighbor Dmitry Larin, a friend of his father. They played together. Everything about Olga attracted Lensky: “Always modest, always obedient, always as cheerful as the morning, as simple-minded as the life of a poet, sweet as the kiss of love; eyes like the sky, blue, smile, flaxen curls.”

Her older sister's name was Tatyana. She was not as beautiful as Olga, she seemed like a stranger in her family, she never played with other children, did not like dolls, and often spent her days alone near the window. She liked the novels of Richardson and Rousseau early on; they largely replaced real life for her. That's why she was a naive and dreamy girl.

So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer, timid,
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.
She didn't know how to caress
To your father, nor to your mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn’t want to play or jump
And often alone all day
She sat silently by the window.

The Larins lived the quiet, simple life of rural landowners on the estate of the head of the family. Often in the evenings, neighbors and friends gathered with them “to complain, and to curse, and to laugh about something.” Tatiana and Olga's parents sacredly observed the centuries-old traditions of the Russian people.

They kept life peaceful
Habits of a dear old man;
At their Shrovetide
There were Russian pancakes;
Twice a year they fasted;
Loved the round swing
Podblyudny songs, round dance;
On Trinity Day, when people
Yawning, listens to the prayer service,
Touchingly on the beam of dawn
They shed three tears;
They needed kvass like air,
And at their table there are guests
They carried dishes according to rank.

Tatyana's father "was a kind fellow, belated in the last century." In her youth, her mother was in love with the brave sergeant and player, but at the behest of her parents she was led to the crown with Dmitry Larin.

And, in order to dispel her grief,
The sensible husband left soon
To her village, where she is
God knows who I'm surrounded by
I tore and cried at first,
I almost divorced my husband;
Then I took up housekeeping,
I got used to it and was satisfied.
This habit has been given to us from above:
She is a substitute for happiness.

Larin loved his wife sincerely, trusted her in everything and spent his days happily, “peacefully”, without worries or hassles, next to her.

And so they both grew old.
And finally they opened
In front of the husband are the doors of the coffin,
And he accepted the new crown.
He died an hour before lunch
Mourned by his neighbor,
Children and faithful wife
Purely more cordial than others.
He was a simple and kind gentleman,
And where his ashes lie,
The tombstone reads:
Humble sinner
Dmitry Larin,
The Lord's servant and foreman,
Under this stone he tastes peace.

Lensky visits the grave of Tatiana and Olga’s father, “and, full of sincere sadness, Vladimir immediately inscribed a tombstone madrigal for him.” At the grave of his parents, he reflects on the meaning of life.

So our windy tribe
Growing, worrying, seething
And he presses towards the grave of his great-grandfathers.
Our time will come, our time will come,
And our grandchildren in good time
They will push us out of the world too!

One evening Lensky persuaded his friend to go with him to the Larins. Evgeny did not mind, he was interested in seeing Olga, the girl with whom Vladimir was so in love. They were received cordially and the evening passed unnoticed. Returning home, Onegin told Lensky that if he had chosen, he would undoubtedly have fallen in love with Tatyana, because there is nothing individual in Olga’s features, there is no life in them, “she is round, red-faced, like this stupid moon.” Vladimir was offended and remained silent the whole way.

Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance in the Larins’ house made a great impression on everyone. Many began to secretly explain that the wedding of Evgeniy and Tatiana was just around the corner. Tatyana listened to this gossip with annoyance, but deep down she was happy about it. She fell in love with Evgeniy. All the images of the heroes of the novels that she read so greedily merged for her in one Onegin. She also imagined herself as the heroine of the novel, Clarissa, Julia and Delphine.

The time has come, she fell in love;
So the grain fell into the ground
Spring is enlivened by fire.
Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food;
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting... for someone,
And I waited...
Eyes opened;
She said: it's him!

The melancholy of love resulted in real suffering for Tatyana. She became even sadder and with her sadness retired to the grove or garden. Love weighed heavily on the girl, but it was a painfully pleasant burden.

And then, one day, she decided to reveal her feelings to Onegin and wrote him a letter. In it, the girl naively and unvarnished expressed her loving and suffering soul.

I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
Now, I know, it is in your will to punish Me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate fate
Keeping at least a drop of pity,
You won't leave me.
I know you were sent to me by God,
Until the grave you are my keeper...
You appeared in my dreams,
Invisible, you were already dear to me,
Your wonderful gaze tormented me,
Your voice was heard in my soul
A long time ago... no, it was not a dream!
You barely walked in, I instantly recognized
Everything was stupefied, on fire
And in my thoughts I said: here he is!

Having confessed her love, she asked Eugene to resolve her doubts about who he is - an angel or an insidious tempter, the unknown is worse than the bitter truth. Let him with one word either revive the hopes of her heart, or interrupt this heavy dream. Tatyana sent her nanny's grandson with this letter to Onegin and eagerly awaited the answer.

But a day passed, and still there was no answer. He was not there the next day either. Tatyana, pale as a shadow, spent all her time waiting. Lensky arrived, and when Tatyana’s mother asked where his friend was, he replied that he promised to be there today, but apparently the post office was delayed. And finally, when it was already getting dark, Onegin appeared. Wanting a quick explanation, the girl got up and went out into the alley. Evgeniy was already waiting for her there. He stood like a menacing shadow, “shining in his gaze.” As if scorched by fire, the girl stopped.

But the consequences of an unexpected meeting
Today, dear friends,
I am not able to retell it;
I owe it after a long speech
And take a walk and relax:
I'll finish it sometime later.

Onegin, as was said earlier, had long been disillusioned with love, “the less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us.” But Tatiana's letter touched him, the language of girlish dreams awakened a swarm of thoughts in him. Perhaps for a moment his former ardor was revived, but he did not want to deceive the gullibility of an innocent soul. Having met Tatyana on an alley in the garden, he told her that her sincerity was dear to him, if he wanted to become a husband and father, he would not have looked for anyone other than her, but he was not created for bliss, this was alien to his soul. Marriage will be torment for both; he, having gotten used to it, will instantly stop loving her. He loves her with the love of a brother, and nothing else can happen between them. “Learn to control yourself; Not everyone will understand you like I do; “Inexperience leads to trouble,” - this is how Onegin ended his rebuke. Tatyana listened to him through tears, not seeing anything around. Then Evgeny escorted the grief-stricken girl into the house.
After this explanation, Tatyana began to fade and fade, sleep left her, her smile and virginal peace disappeared, nothing could stir her soul anymore.

Alas, Tatyana is fading, turning pale, fading and silent! Nothing occupies her, nothing moves her soul.

And the love of Vladimir and Olga grew stronger. They met constantly, walked arm in arm in the garden, read novels to each other, and played chess. Lensky wrote love poems in Olga's album. But Olga didn’t read them.

Vladimir would have written odes, but Olga didn’t read them. Have poets ever tearfully read their creations into the eyes of their dear ones? They say that there are no higher awards in the world. Indeed, blessed is the modest lover, Who reads his dreams to the subject of songs and love, to a pleasantly languid beauty! Blessed... although, perhaps, she is entertained in a completely different way.

Onegin, meanwhile, lived as a hermit, walked, read and slept, and played billiards. Solitude and silence constituted his entire life.

He got up at seven o'clock in the summer
And went light
To the river running under the mountain;
Imitating the singer Gulnara,
This Hellespont swam,
Then I drank my coffee,
Looking through a bad magazine
And got dressed...

Walking, reading, deep sleep,
Forest shadow, murmur of streams,
Sometimes black-eyed whites
Young and fresh kiss,
An obedient, zealous horse is bridle,
Lunch is quite whimsical,
A bottle of light wine,
Solitude, silence:
That's life
Saint Onegin;
And he is insensitive to her
Surrendered, red summer days
In careless bliss, apart from
Forgetting both the city and friends,
And the boredom of holiday activities.
Autumn has come.
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she exposed herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.
And now the frost is crackling
And silver in the middle of the fields...
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily.

Evgeniy practically never left his estate and communicated only with Lensky, who could only talk about Olga. He was happy; their wedding was soon to take place. The poet was sure that he was loved, and this filled his soul with joy. One day Lensky brought Onegin an invitation to Tatyana’s name day, saying that it was indecent to appear in the house twice and never show there again. Evgeny, after thinking, agreed.

That year the autumn weather stayed in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January...
Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
He is both painful and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window...

On the night before her name day, Tatyana, who sincerely believed in all signs, had a terrible dream. She walks through a snowy clearing and sees that a noisy, dark stream is bubbling in the snowdrifts in front of her, with two shaky poles thrown across it. She stops and waits for someone to help her get to the other side. Suddenly a huge, disheveled bear rises from a snowdrift and hands her a clawed paw. She fearfully leans on it and climbs across the stream. The girl moves on, and the bear follows her. She quickens her pace, but the bear does not lag behind. She runs into the forest, falls, the bear quickly grabs her and carries her to a lonely hut. Having come to her senses, Tatyana sees herself in the hallway, the bear is not nearby. Entering the room, the frightened girl sees monsters sitting at the table, with horns, dog and rooster heads, witches, dwarfs, crayfish and spiders. And Onegin sits among them. He rules at this table, he gives a sign - and everyone laughs, he drinks - and everyone drinks, he frowns - everyone is silent. Suddenly a wind blew from the half-open door, extinguishing the fire of the lamps. Onegin goes to the girl and reveals her to the gaze of hellish ghosts. Hooves, trunks, fangs, bloody tongues and bone fingers point to her. And everyone shouts: “Mine, mine”! Onegin shouts menacingly: “Mine!” And the whole gang hides in the frosty darkness. Evgeniy quietly sits her down on a bench in the corner. Suddenly Lensky and Olga enter. Onegin begins to scold the uninvited guests. The argument between them is getting louder. Evgeniy grabs a long knife and stabs Lensky. An unbearable scream is heard, the hut is shaking... Tatyana woke up in horror. She was troubled by the dream, but she did not dare to tell it to her sister.

But an ominous dream promises her
There are many sad adventures.
A few days later she
I kept worrying about that.
But with a crimson hand
Dawn from the morning valleys
Brings the sun behind him
Happy name day holiday.

The guests began to gather. All the surrounding landowners and their families arrived. We sat at the table. In the midst of the fun, Lensky and Onegin appeared. The friends were joyfully greeted and seated directly opposite Tatiana. The girl did not hear their greetings, she felt stuffy, sick, tears were rolling down from her eyes. The poor thing almost fainted, but she overcame herself and sat at the table. Onegin could not stand girls' fainting spells. He was already angry that he found himself in such a noisy company, but when he saw Tatyana’s reverent outburst, he became even more angry and decided to enrage Lensky and take revenge on him for bringing him here. The others did not notice the girl's excitement.

Meanwhile the fun continued. The wine flowed like a river. Congratulations began. When it was Onegin’s turn, he, probably feeling sorry for the poor girl, silently bowed to her, and his gaze was so tender that Tatiana’s heart quickened. However, Evgeny did not change his mind about taking revenge on Lensky. When the dancing began, Onegin, secretly grinning, approached Olga, danced one dance with her, then another, started talking to her about trifles, whispered some vulgar madrigals in her ear, and gently squeezed her hand. A proud blush flared on the girl’s face. Lensky couldn't believe his eyes. He invites her to a mazurka, but she refuses - she has already promised to dance it with Onegin. Lensky, unable to bear such a blow, runs out of the holiday in anger and rushes home on horseback with the thought of a duel.
Lensky is unable to bear the blow; Cursing women's pranks, she comes out, demands a horse, and gallops. A couple of pistols, Two bullets - nothing more. Suddenly his fate will be resolved.

Noticing Lensky's disappearance, Evgeniy became bored. Olga also became bored. The holiday ended, the guests stayed overnight with their hospitable hosts, and only Onegin went home to sleep.

In the morning, Zaretsky, a former brawler and ataman of a gambling gang, and now a single father of a family, a peaceful landowner and an honest man, came to Evgeniy. He brought Onegin a challenge to a duel from Lensky.

He was pleasant, noble,
Short call, il cartel:
Courteously, with cold clarity
Lensky invited his friend to a duel.

Onegin replied to the envoy that he was always ready. Zaretsky took his leave and left, leaving Evgeni alone with his thoughts. Onegin was dissatisfied with himself, he understood that he was wrong, he made fun of his first timid love. But it was too late.

Lensky, on his estate, was impatiently awaiting an answer. He was afraid that Evgeny would somehow laugh it off and refuse the duel, and when Zaretsky brought him a positive answer, he was very happy. Tomorrow before dawn, the former friends will have to meet near the mill and shoot. Vladimir did not want to see Olga before the duel, but he could not stand it and went to her. At the sight of his beloved, his jealousy and annoyance disappeared. However, his determination was unshakable. He thought that he would be Olga's savior from the unworthy corrupter Onegin. The duel was finally decided.

Before dawn, the enemies, as previously agreed, met at the mill. The seconds, Zaretsky on Vladimir's side and the French servant Guillot on Evgeniy's side, prepared their pistols and counted out thirty-two steps. The command was given to converge. Onegin, without ceasing to advance, raised his pistol and fired. Lensky fell. He was killed.

He lay motionless and strange
There was a languid world on his brow.
He was wounded right through the chest;
Smoking, blood flowed from the wound.
One moment ago
Inspiration beat in this heart,
Enmity, hope and love,
Life was playing, blood was boiling, -
Now, as if in an empty house,
Everything in it is quiet and dark;
It fell silent forever.
The shutters are closed, the windows are whitewashed with chalk.
There is no owner.
And where, God knows.
There was no trace.

Evgeny, overcome with horror at the realization of what he had just done, hurried away. Zaretsky took the body of the murdered young man to the estate.

But whatever it is, reader,
Alas, young lover,
Poet, thoughtful dreamer,
Killed by a friend's hand!
There is a place: to the left of the village,
Where did the pet of inspiration live?
Two pine trees have grown together by their roots;
The streams twisted beneath them
Streams of the neighboring valley.
The plowman likes to relax there,
And plunge the reapers into the waves
The ringing jugs come;
There by the stream in the thick shade
A simple monument was erected.

Driven by spring rays,
The snow has already flown from the surrounding mountains, running away in muddy streams.
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.
Bee for field tribute
Flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already singing in the silence of the night.

As time went. Horrible events, a rather forgotten Moscow, with golden crosses and ancient buildings. The Larins stayed with their old aunt.

And so every day Tatyana is forced to go to family dinners, she is introduced to her grandparents and other numerous relatives. All the daughters of her mother’s friends try to make friends with her, dress her in fashion and trust her with their heartfelt secrets, demanding in return that she also open up to them. But the girl is of little interest in all this, and she does not want to reveal her heart to anyone. Prim, secular youths find Tanya unattractive, but she doesn’t care about that either. Mother takes Tatiana to the Assembly and other secular places. At one of the noisy balls, Tatyana meets her future husband.

And meanwhile he doesn’t take his eyes off her
Some important general.
The aunties blinked at each other
And Tanya was elbowed at once,
And each one whispered to her:

Take a quick look to your left. -"Left? Where? what is there?"
- Well, whatever it is, look...
In that pile, see? ahead,
Where there are still two in uniform...
Now he moved away... now he became sideways...
-"Who? Is this general fat?”

Onegin (I’ll take up him again),
Having killed a friend in a duel,
Having lived without a goal, without work
Until twenty-six years old,
Languishing in idle leisure
Without work, without wife, without business,
I didn't know how to do anything.
He was overcome with anxiety
Wanderlust (A very painful property, a voluntary cross for few)
He left his village
Forests and fields solitude,
Where is the bloody shadow
Appeared to him every day
And began wandering without a goal,
Available to the senses alone;
And travel for him,
Like everything else in the world, I’m tired of it;
He returned and hit
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

Eugene Onegin, after long wanderings and numerous adventures, which also bored him, returned to St. Petersburg and went to one of the balls in the house of Prince N, his old acquaintance. The crowd hesitated, a whisper ran through the hall, and the mistress of the house appeared with an important general. She was magnificent, not cold, not talkative, without any antics or imitative tricks. She was nobility itself. There was no hint of vulgarity in it. All the ladies moved closer to her, the men caught her gaze, and the general who came with her lifted his nose and shoulders higher.

The appearance of the dazzling hostess reminds Onegin of some familiar features. But he is unable to believe himself. Eugene asks the prince sitting next to him who he sees in front of him. And he says with a smile that this is Tatyana Larina, his wife. The princess also recognized Onegin, but did not show her excitement in any way. Evgeny wanted to talk to her, but was embarrassed and could not utter a word. Tatyana disappeared, but he remained motionless. That evening Onegin quickly left the social event and went home. His thoughts were filled only with Tatyana.

Is it really the same Tatyana?
Which he is alone with,
At the beginning of our romance,
In a remote, distant place,
In the good heat of moralizing,
I once read instructions,
The one from whom he keeps
A letter where the heart speaks
Where everything is outside, everything is free,
That girl... is this a dream?..
The girl he
Neglected in humble fate,
Was she really with him now?
So indifferent, so brave?

And the next morning they brought Eugene a note from Prince N, in which he invited him to the evening. Onegin, wishing with all his heart to see Tatyana again, immediately agreed. He eagerly awaited the hour appointed in the invitation. Exactly on time, he entered the prince’s house and found the princess alone. Like the last time, Onegin could not utter a word, and only the arrival of her husband interrupted the private conversation, which was so painful for Eugene. Other guests arrived, very interesting people. The fun has begun. But Onegin was busy all evening only with Tatyana, no longer seeing in her a simple-minded girl in love with him, but an indifferent princess, the goddess of the Neva. There was no doubt - Evgeny was in love with Tatiana. But she didn't notice him. He came to the prince’s house every day, but the princess sometimes greeted him with just a bow, and spoke to him several times while visiting.

Love for all ages;
But to young, virgin hearts
Her impulses are beneficial,
Like spring storms across the fields:
In the rain of passions they become fresh,
And they renew themselves and mature,
And mighty life gives
And lush color and sweet fruit.
But at a late and barren age,
At the turn of our years,
The dead trace of passion is sad:
So the storms of autumn are cold
A meadow is turned into a swamp
And they expose the forest around.

Onegin began to dry out, doctors suspected consumption, but he knew the true reason.

Tormented by passion, he decided to write
A letter to Tatyana, as she once did to him.

In the letter, he admitted all his mistakes, his cruelty, and blamed himself for Lensky’s death. But he felt that he was already punished by being deprived of Tatyana’s company. Onegin asked that he not be suspected of cunning; his declaration of love was open and sincere. And his fate is in Tatyana’s hands.

Once I met you by chance,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her:
I didn’t give in to my dear habit;
Your hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
One more thing separated us...
An unfortunate victim
Lensky fell...
From everything that is dear to the heart,
Then I tore my heart out;
Stranger to everyone, not bound by anything,
I thought: freedom and peace
Substitute for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how I was punished...
No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

But there was no answer. Onegin wrote several more letters, but did not receive an answer to them either. One day he met Tatyana in a meeting, but on her face he read only anger - and realized that there was no hope.

After that, Evgeniy locked himself in his office and began reading everything indiscriminately. But only his eyes read, and his thoughts were far away. His heart was yearning. Days passed, winter ended. Onegin, pale and looking like a dead man, decided to see Tatyana for the last time. Arriving at Prince N's house, he did not find anyone in the hallway and went into the princess's room. Tatyana sat alone, all in tears, not dressed, pale, and reading some letter. Now one could easily recognize her as the old Tanya Larina. Evgeny fell at her feet. She shuddered and remained silent, there was no anger in her eyes, only silent reproach was read in them. Finally she quietly asked him to get up. She reminded him of his rebuke in the alley, but did not blame him for it, although for her love then it was a terrible test. Then Onegin acted, albeit cruelly, but nobly. What is he doing now? Why is he pursuing her? Is it really because she is now rich and noble? Or maybe because her shame, if she responded to his passion, would immediately become noticeable in society, and this would bring him the glory of a seducer? In any case, his letters humiliate her. She would give anything now to have it all back. But now it's too late. Evgeniy must leave her. She was given to someone else and will be faithful to him forever.

I got married.
You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know it's in your heart
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?)
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

With these words, Tatyana left. Onegin remained standing, as if struck by thunder, with his heart immersed in a storm of terrible sensations.

And here is my hero,
In a moment that is evil for him,
Reader, we will now leave,
For a long time... forever.
Behind him, we are quite on the same path
Wandered around the world.
Let's congratulate each other on the shore.
Hooray! It’s long overdue (isn’t it?)!