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Every vegetable grower strives to get a good harvest and choose the best beet varieties for his plot. It can be difficult to find what you need among the many market offers for these vegetables. Domestic beet seeds have enormous advantages, since they are adaptable to climatic conditions (which directly influence, forcing us to grow the best vegetables, berries -, ... and fruits) and taste, along with higher yield (in the article it will be from 1 sq. m.), because those imported from abroad are not competitors.

What varieties of beets (as well as strawberries, potatoes and much more) are considered the best for a particular area, what is preferable to grow in your own summer cottage when to expect the harvest and what its fruits will be like - important and interesting questions. Experienced beet growers share their practical knowledge to make it easier for any gardener (and not just beginners) to choose the best beet varieties.

Crimson Ball

Gardeners love it for its taste and stable high yields (4.3-7 kg). The vegetables themselves have a small spreading rosette of leaves. Smooth, round root vegetables (more than 300 grams, not even half a kilo) with purple tint, used raw and for processing at home (cooks quickly), as well as early bunch products. Mid-season variety (95-120 days). Beet fruits have a high shelf life (successfully stored for up to 7 months).

Egyptian flat

It ripens in an average period (100-115 days) and produces excellent yields (5.6-8.1 kg). The plant has an erect rosette of leaves and has a slight tendency to bloom; it can be affected by cercospora blight. The fruits themselves are dark red, with pinkish flesh, tender and juicy, and gain weight up to 300-500 grams. In winter, beets retain their original qualities up to 89%.


Mid-season, high-yielding (4.8-6.4 kg). The State Register recommends cultivation in the central part of the country. It will take approximately three months from germination to harvesting of vegetable products. The plant has a small leaf rosette, so it can be sown denser than other beets. The root crop of the variety is round, rich red in color, and has a smooth skin. The pulp is juicy and sweet. Not susceptible to diseases, unpretentious. Its weight is from 160 to 200 g. Its advantages are excellent commercial characteristics, even fruits, frost resistance, and good preservation.


Very tasty, loved by gardeners. Mid-season (technical ripeness already 95-105 days after germination), retains its original qualities for a long time. The yield of the variety with proper care reaches 4.8 kg. It has an erect rosette of leaves. The maximum weight is 500 grams, the average varies around 350. During growth, vegetables do not need to be thinned often. It is highly resistant to diseases, bolting and pests.

Beet varieties, the best for the Moscow region

Pablo F1

A very successful mid-early, quickly ripening hybrid (75, maximum up to 105 days) is considered a leader in quality among table varieties. It is unpretentious to soil conditions and very hardy. Small, smooth vegetable roots with thin skin, weighing up to 170 grams, with uniform pulp, are perfectly stored. It is cold-resistant and will tolerate lack of moisture. Gives yields of 5.1-6.4 kg. Not subject to shooting.


Mid-early beets that do not need to be thinned because they produce one sprout. The best yield of the variety is up to 6.7 (usually around 6). Well kept. Economic suitability occurs at 80-105 days. A rosette with large green-red leaves. It has a cylindrical root shape with a medium, slightly suberized head. The pulp is very tender, the rings are almost invisible. Resistant to flowering.

Nokhovskaya (Nokhovski)

Early ripening (76-98 days) vegetables, gaining up to 340 grams (on average 210-250) of weight. Beets, with a semi-erect rosette of leaves, have large, light green leaves that darken by harvest time. The yield is 5-5.5 kg, the maximum figure is 7.4 kg. The root crops are smooth, have excellent presentation, and have excellent taste.

Beetroot for the Urals


Good for cooking and storage, and this is an early ripening variety. It has a semi-spreading rosette of leaves with medium-sized leaves. Fruit weight - 185-310 g. Gives stable yields of vegetables - 4.3-5.5 kg. A round, slightly suberized root vegetable, carmine-red in color, with very sweet and juicy pulp due to its high sugar content. Aligned marketable condition.

Podzimnyaya A-474

Cold-resistant, mid-early (98-100 days), with rounded fruits 220-280 g. weight. The dark burgundy pulp has an excellent, pronounced sweet taste. It gives gardeners rich harvests (4.3-6.1 kg) and betaine, which is indispensable for our body - it contains more of it than others. This element lowers blood pressure and improves fat metabolism. Beet root crops do not crack and are not susceptible to flowering. Very good for early spring or winter sowing. The variety is thinned out twice: when the first pairs of leaves appear, and when the vegetable roots already reach 2-3 centimeters in diameter.


Notable beets for their taste. Mid-season, recommended for processing and winter storage, and, of course, for all kinds of culinary purposes. A plant with a semi-erect rosette of leaves. The root crop is usually grown to be more than 170 g, but more than 200 g is not so rare, the pulp is practically without rings. Maximum yield is up to 7.4 kg, usual indicators are 3.6-6.5 kg.

The best beets for the North-West


Early ripening (max. 3 months) vegetables, having a semi-erect rosette of leaves, produces early, sweet fruits, cylindrical in shape, with tender pulp. Their color ranges from rich red to purple, and their weight is 240-260 grams. Gives abundant yields of 6.4-8.5 kg and above. Great fit for Siberia.


It ripens in 130 days, starting from the time of vegetable sprouting. Mid-season, has an erect rosette of leaves with an oval leaf. The root vegetable has a round shape and delicate skin. Its weight is 210-340 g. The average yield is 3.7-5.4 kg, some harvested up to 8 kg. This beet variety has excellent keeping quality and taste. Resistant to various types of damage and flowering.

Red ice

Early ripening (just over 100 days). A plant with a semi-erect leaf rosette, produces round fruits (220-280 g) with an average suberization of the head and moderately pronounced rings. You can expect high yields of up to 4.2 kg from this variety, with a maximum yield of 5.5.

Beet varieties for Siberia - the best

Mondoro F1

A new Russian mid-season hybrid of vegetables, resistant to common diseases and pests. Pleases owners with its harvests, 2.7-5.1 kg. This is a plant with a semi-erect rosette of leaves; it attracts with unusual red veins on the leaves. Its fruits are small, smooth, weighing 180-270 grams, and have sweet and delicate purple pulp.


Single-seeded, mid-season, with a rosette of semi-erect leaves. The fruit of the variety is cylindrical, long, with a medium suberization of the head. The rosette of leaves is semi-erect. The beet pulp is red, with medium-sized rings. Fruit weight - 330-450 g. Very tasty. High marketable yield, one and a half kilograms higher than the standard one, which is 6.9-9 kg.

Milady F1

Single-seeded, mid-season (around 110 days), its shape resembles a cylinder. The root vegetable weighs 380-450 grams, the flesh is red, and has an excellent taste. The plant has an erect rosette of leaves. Productivity - 3.7-5.6 kg. General content sugar - 10.3%. The variety produced a maximum yield of 7.5 kg.

Beetroot for the south of Russia

Bordeaux 237

Mid-early, technical ripeness occurs in the period 78-112 days after germination. The root crop has a small rounded head with a somewhat rough surface; its weight is 240-490 g. The color of the pulp is rich dark red. Gives good yields (3.6-6.5 kg). It is considered the best variety among these vegetables for use in winter, as it is rich in vitamins B1 and 2, PP, and can lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension. Adapted to hot climates and has high keeping quality.


Medium early, with an erect rosette. Its roots are round, the flesh is dark red with an excellent taste. Fruit weight 180-270 g. Gives yields of 3.0-4.3 kg. The highest yield is 6.9 kg. Resistant to flowering.


A plant with a semi-erect leaf rosette, produces fruits in the mid-early period. They are round, with a medium-sized head. The weight of the beet root is 260-340 g. The pulp is red, with medium rings, and has a sweet taste. The maximum yields were produced in the Krasnodar region - 5.5 kg. (on average - 3.1-3.9 kg).

Kuban borscht 43

Early ripening. Plant with a semi-erect rosette. Round root variety with slight suberization. Average weight vegetable - 230-250 g. Gives yields of 3.3-4.0 kg.

Growing a rich harvest of vegetables is only half the battle, because preserving it in winter without loss is very difficult. Namely, storage is the most important task of a gardener. In this article we will share the secrets of winter storage of beets, and also tell you why beets turn black during long-term storage and how to avoid this.

The best beet varieties for long-term winter storage

Not only onions and potatoes are suitable for winter storage of certain varieties. The same applies to beets - the keeping quality of the vegetable plays a role main role, but it depends on the variety. And even if you can boast of a good harvest of healthy vegetables, this does not guarantee their long-term storage.

So, to ensure that your harvest waits until spring, take note of the following information.

The following beet varieties have high shelf life:

  • Mulatto - mid-season.
  • Libero - mid-season.
  • Renova is late-ripening.
  • Late winter A-474.
  • Egyptian flat - mid-season.
  • Salad - late ripening.
  • Bordeaux-237 - medium early.
  • Single sprout - late.
  • Detroit - mid-early.
  • Pablo F1 - medium early.
  • Boltardi - early ripening.
  • Cold-resistant 19 - mid-season.
  • Gribovskaya flat A473 - early ripening.
  • The incomparable A463 is mid-season.

As you can see, choosing beets for growing crops and long-term winter storage will not be difficult - many varieties have excellent shelf life.

On a note! It is no secret that many summer residents successfully grow the root crop of the Cylinder variety on their plots. And although the taste of the fruits of this variety is simply excellent, such beets are not suitable for long-term winter storage, since their keeping quality leaves much to be desired.

Also pay attention to beet varieties of local selection - most often they are suitable for long-term storage in their region.

Now that you're familiar with the best beet varieties for storage, it's time to familiarize yourself with the conditions that will help your harvest survive until spring.

Storing beets in winter - what conditions are necessary for the root crop?

Rotting of the harvested crop in storage is a common occurrence, and the reason for this is infections and wounds on root crops left during the process of digging up and cleaning the vegetable. So, so that your harvest does not suffer, you should not forcefully pull the beets out of the ground - dig up the root crop, and then carefully pull it out. Yes, this process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but you will also have a larger amount of beets for storage.

Before sending beets for storage, you should go through the following preparation steps:

  1. Collect on a fine dry day and always before frost begins.
  2. Drying the root crop for 2-3 hours outdoors if the weather was dry during harvest. Drying in a well-ventilated area for 2-3 days to a week - if the collection took place from wet soil.
  3. Cleaning root crops from excess soil. It should be remembered that this cannot be done with a knife, nor can be beaten against each other - the skin of this vegetable is very thin and delicate, and any damage guarantees infection and rotting of the crop. In addition, you can leave a thin layer of soil - it will help preserve the appearance and taste of the root vegetable. Clean out large, easy-to-fall clumps of soil.
  4. Cutting the tops (do not twist them!) - it is better to leave a tail about 1 cm in size.
  5. Removal of lateral roots.
  6. Trimming the main root with a remainder of about 5 cm. It is not necessary to cut off the short tails, and such a vegetable will be protected from infection a little better than others.
  7. Sorting beets - this process involves inspecting root crops and selecting undamaged heads for storage.

On a note! You cannot wash beets before storing them.

When the beets are prepared for wintering, all that remains is to provide the vegetables the necessary conditions storage, be it a trench or a hole, as well as a cellar, basement or just a dark room. Some gardeners, if possible, store beets in the refrigerator or on the balcony. In any case, you need to take into account that successful storage directly depends on air humidity and temperature.

Beet storage conditions:

  • Dark storage and natural air circulation - for this, beets must be stored in small piles at a height of at least 15 cm from the floor.
  • The optimal air temperature is 0-2°C.
  • Beets love moisture very much, so provide them with suitable air humidity - 90-92%.
  • There is no risk of root crops freezing.

On a note! Remember that already at a temperature of +4°C beets sprout tops, and this significantly reduces the shelf life of the vegetable. These root vegetables should be eaten first.

Why do beets turn black during storage?

Sometimes gardeners are faced with the problem of blackening of root crops, and this surprise can be accompanied by another nuisance - the heads become stone-like. Most likely, your crop has been attacked by dry rot, or, as it is popularly called, root rot. In other words, this disease is Phomasis. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted through seeds of past generations and affected soil.

During the ripening period of the root crop, it is not difficult to notice phomosis - spots appear on the leaves. And already during storage the beet pulp itself turns black. This phenomenon is often observed by summer residents whose areas have heavy and acidic soil. Another reason for beets turning black during storage may be sowing in very wet weather.

If you notice spots on the leaves or your last year's beet harvest has turned black, take note not only of proper storage conditions, but also methods of combating vegetable disease.

  1. Remove any remaining vegetation from the area.
  2. Do not allow thickened seedlings - timely thinning is very important.
  3. Do not allow a crust to form on the soil - it must be loosened regularly.
  4. Treat the seeds with a medium concentration of potassium permanganate solution.
  5. Table beets should be planted only after cucumbers, cabbage, legumes and tomatoes.
  6. Sow beets in a sunny area.
  7. If you plant from seeds, isolate the root crops of the first and second years of life from each other.

These simple but very important tips will help you preserve your beet harvest until spring.

According to the ripening period, beets are divided into early, mid-ripening and late. The second and third ones are suitable for winter storage. Early and ultra-early beets are good because they ripen in 2-3 months, but they do not lie well.

Using personal experience and reviews from gardeners from the forum, I will describe the best productive beet varieties.

The best early varieties of beets: description, reviews, photos

Egyptian flat beet, characteristics

Early ripening (from germination to harvesting 95-115 days) beet variety. The root crops are flat-round, dark red, weighing 200-400 g. The pulp is red with a purple tint, juicy, of good taste.

Advantages of the variety: stable yield, resistance to drought and flowering, suitable for long-term storage.

Egyptian flat chaff is suitable for all types of culinary processing. IN good conditions growing does not have white rings on the cut.

Egyptian flat beet yield: 5 - 8.3 kg per 1 square meter (subject to the agricultural practices of this crop).

Beetroot Red ball improved

Ultra-early ripening (72-78 days from germination to harvest) productive beet variety. Root crops are smooth, round, weighing 150-250 grams. Their flesh is dark red, tender, juicy, sweet, almost without rings, and cooks quickly.

Advantages of the variety: friendly yield, high commercial quality, good keeping quality.

Beet yield Red ball: 3 - 6 kg of root vegetables per 1 sq. meters of landings.

Beetroot Bordeaux 237

Mid-early variety (period from full germination to technical ripeness 95-110 days). The root vegetables are round, weighing 200-500 g, with dark red pulp and excellent taste.

Advantages of the variety: comparative heat resistance, high yield in all weather conditions, good shelf life during winter storage. Recommended for use in cooking and processing. Due to the rapid overgrowth of root crops, later and thickened sowings are recommended.

Beet yield Bordeaux 237: 4-8 kg per 1 sq.m.

Beet Cold-resistant 19

Mid-early beet variety, the period from full germination to technical ripeness is 66-76 days. The root vegetables are flat-round, dark red, smooth, weighing 150-220 g. The pulp is juicy, tender, with excellent taste.

The variety is suitable for growing in bunches during winter and early spring sowing. Used in fresh, for processing and long-term storage.

Advantages of the variety: cold resistance, suitability for winter sowing, resistance to flowering, good keeping quality.

Beet yield, variety Cold-resistant 19: 4-7 kg per 1 sq.m.

Mid-season beet varieties: description, photo

Beet Boheme, characteristics

Mid-season variety (70-80 days pass from germination to ripening) of table beet. Root vegetables are round and flat-round in shape, with a dark burgundy color. The pulp is dark burgundy, juicy and tender, without rings, with excellent taste. The weight of one fruit is 300-500 g.

Advantages of the Boheme variety: resistance to cercospora and flowering, does not require thinning, good keeping quality.

If the agricultural technology for this crop is followed, root crops do not have light rings on the cut.

Beet yield Bohemia- up to 4.8 kg per 1 sq.m.

Beet Bona

A high-yielding mid-season beet variety (the period from germination to harvest is 115-120 days). Root vegetables are round in shape, large, leveled, smooth, dark red in color. The pulp is uniformly colored, without rings, and has excellent taste.

Advantages of the variety: large root crops have high commercial qualities and good keeping quality.

Beet yield Bona: 5.5 - 6.8 kg per 1 sq.m.

Detroit beets, photo

The most common mid-season variety of table beet (100-110 days pass from germination to ripening). Root vegetables are regular, round in shape, the same size, with smooth skin, deep red color, without rings. The weight of the root crops is about 250 g. The rosette of leaves is not dense.

Advantages of the variety: resistance to bolting, high yield, smooth fruits with good commercial qualities, excellent keeping quality. Suitable for both long-term storage and processing.

Beet yield Detroit: 3.6 - 6.9 kg per 1 sq. meters of plantings (subject to the agricultural practices of the given crop).

Beet Incomparable A 463

A mid-early, high-yielding, cold-resistant beet variety, from germination to harvest it takes 70-100 days.

Root vegetables are round and flat-round in shape, weighing 170-400 g, dark red in color with a burgundy tint.

Advantages of the variety: cold-hardy, resistant to flowering and cercospora. Has good keeping quality.

Agricultural technology for this crop: sowing seeds May 1-15, sowing pattern 30 x 7 cm, harvesting July 25 - September 5.

Beet yield Incomparable A 463: 2.9 - 7.0 kg per 1 sq.m.

Beet Mulatto

New mid-season variety (120-130 days from germination to harvest).

Root vegetables are round in shape, leveled, smooth, dark burgundy in color, weighing 150-350 g. The pulp is red, without rings, juicy, tender, with excellent taste. Retains color during heat treatment. Ideal for winter storage.

Sowing seeds in the ground at the end of April - beginning of May to a depth of 2-4 cm, with row spacing of 25-30 cm and a distance between seeds of 7-8 cm.

Mulatto beet yield: 2.5-4.4 kg of root vegetables per 1 sq.m.

The best late beet varieties: description, photos, reviews

Renova beets, characteristics

Late-ripening, high-yielding variety with long cylindrical root crops of dark pink color. It takes 100-110 days from mass germination to technical ripeness.

Root vegetables are smooth, weighing 180-350 g, with dark purple juicy, tender, dense pulp, without rings.

Advantages of the variety: good shelf life for 6-7 months, without losing taste.

Beet yield Renova: 7-9 kg per 1 sq.m.

Beet Cylinder

Mid-late (120-130 days) beet variety. The roots are cylindrical, 5-9 cm in diameter and 10-16 cm long, weighing 180-250 g, with thin skin. The pulp is juicy, sweet, dark red in color, without white rings.

The Cylinder variety has good keeping quality and resistance to major beet diseases. It has excellent taste.

This is the most popular variety among Russian gardeners.

Beet yield Cylinder: 7-10 kg per 1 sq.m.

Beets prefer fertile sandy loam soils. Seeds are sown in the ground in the second half of May. The seeding depth is 2-4 cm, the distance between rows is 30 cm, between seeds is 7-8 cm.

Beets are responsive to the application of potash fertilizers and ash. During the entire growing season, row spacing, weeding, and seedling thinning are carried out. Beets are watered depending on weather conditions; they do not tolerate waterlogging.

For winter sowing, seeds are sown at the end of October to a depth of 4-6 cm.

The best predecessors for beets are early potatoes, onions, cucumbers, pumpkins, and zucchini.

We invite you to leave your reviews in the comments about the varieties of beets that you liked. This way you will share information with other gardeners who do not yet have much experience in gardening. Everyone wants to plant the most delicious varieties of beets with good yields.

The concept of “the best varieties of beets” is very relative. For some it is important that there are no white rings; for some - to be stored for a long time; the third loves cylindrical beets, the fourth wants to grow a sweet root vegetable. Fortunately, hybrids and varieties of table beets delight with their variety and are able to satisfy the tastes of almost any gardener.

Therefore, we suggest dividing the table beet varieties according to the most important classifications to make it easier for you to choose the appropriate variety (by size, shape, ripening time, etc.)

There are beet varieties based on ripening time:

-early ripening . The fruits of early ripening varieties ripen in about two months: planted in May, and at the end of July you can already harvest the first harvest! But the only problem is that such a root crop is stored quite poorly, so it’s not worth planting much early varieties of beets. The best early varieties of red beets– Detroit, Egyptian Flat, Bona, Red Ball, Mulatto, Oxblood, Cold Resistant 19.

- mid-season . The best option for gardeners living in the middle zone is to grow mid-season beets (ripening time - 80-100 days). Such beets store quite well, have excellent yields, and their taste is more remarkable than early ones. The best varieties of mid-season beets: Bordeaux 237, Single-germ, Incomparable, Cylinder, Podzimnyaya, Pablo

- late ripening. Late-ripening varieties (ripening time - 100-135 days) are best suited for long-term storage. But their main drawback is that in the central zone they do not have time to ripen normally, so late varieties of beets are planted only in more southern regions.

Depending on the form, table beets are:

Flattened (Egyptian flat, Incomparable, Nosovskaya flat, Bona)

Cylindrical (varieties Cylinder, Mona, Ataman, Torpeda)

Round (varieties Pablo, Mulatka, Detroit, Bordeaux 237, Red Ball, Boltardi, Smuglyanka, Kestrel)

What are the best beet varieties for storage?

The best stored beets are the varieties Bordeaux 237, Podzimnyaya, Incomparable, hybrid Pablo F1, Nosovskaya flat.

What beet varieties are suitable for winter sowing?

It is best to use beets of the Cold-resistant 19 and Podzimnyaya varieties for winter sowing.

What are the sweetest beet varieties?

Cylinder (most cylindrical beet varieties have a high sugar content), Mulatka, Red Ball, Detroit, Incomparable, Smuglyanka, Kestrel,

The best varieties of beets without light rings:

Pablo F1, Cylinder, Detroit, Boltardi, Kestrel

Characteristics of beet varieties with photos and descriptions

And now we bring to your attention a description of the varieties of red beets - the most popular, most productive and in demand today.

Beetroot Pablo F1

The most popular beet today is the hybrid of the Dutch selection Pablo F1. Its secret is the optimal combination of a small shape, almost complete absence of white rings, sweet taste with unpretentious cultivation. It belongs to the mid-early variety and is resistant to adverse weather conditions (cold, moisture deficiency) and, very importantly, to soil quality. Therefore, it can be grown in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and the northern regions of Russia. Thus, Pablo F1 is one of the best beet varieties for the Urals.

The root crop can be stored for several months without losing its shape and taste; it is not prone to cracking, bolting or blooming, and is resistant to many dangerous diseases (scab, cercospora blight, root beetle). U beets Pablo F1 straight, medium-sized rosette, round fruits, weighing 100-150 grams (sometimes up to 200-250 grams), diameter 10-15 cm, average yield - up to 7 kg per square. The color of the pulp is burgundy-violet, the skin of the root vegetables is burgundy, smooth, and rather thin. The growing season is 100-110 days.

Beet Cylinder

Another very popular, time-tested one beet variety – Cylinder. Gardeners fell in love with it for its fairly long shelf life (more than 4 months), its sweet, juicy pulp without the notorious rings, very tasty, and its resistance to major root crop diseases.

The beet variety Cilindra is a mid-late variety.(ripening time - from 120 to 130 days). The shape of the fruit is elongated, cylindrical, diameter – 5-8 cm, length – 10-15 cm. The fruits are medium-sized, with dark skin, weighing 150-250 grams (sometimes more). Cylinder beets are often grown for sale because the root crops grow neat, uniform, and level. The yield is more than 7 kg per square, and the “cylinders” are pulled out of the ground very easily.

Also in favor of Cylinder beets is the fact that improved hybrids were developed on its basis - Daughter Cylinders F1 and Granddaughter F1.

Beet Mulatto

This is a mid-season beet variety (110-120 days), which appeared on store shelves not so long ago, but is already loved by gardeners. The beet variety Mulatka is not too different rich color pulp (not burgundy or ruby, but dark red), but this in no way affects the richness of the taste - it is juicy, sweet, very tasty. After heat treatment it does not change color, which is important for borscht lovers. The roots are round, not too large (150-300 grams), smooth. From one “square” of bed, 4-5 kg ​​of Mulatka beets are harvested. This variety is suitable for winter storage, resistant to temperature fluctuations, unpretentious to the soil, and immune to flowering grass. Among the disadvantages of Mulatto beets is their increased demands on lighting; in the shade, the root crop will grow unsweetened and small.

Egyptian flat beet

Brought out almost 80 years ago, this beet variety is still popular, which says a lot. Of course, Egyptian flat beetroot is not as sweet and tasty as some new varieties (in other words, it tastes ordinary), it does not last until summer (although 70-80% of root crops will survive the winter), and this variety is susceptible to cercospora blight, the main enemy of beets. weakly stable. But the Egyptian flat beet also has advantages, thanks to which it still remains among the leaders in the preferences of summer residents: unpretentiousness to soils, the ability to endure long periods of drought without damage, and resistance to flowering.

The characteristics of the Egyptian flat beet variety are as follows: ripening time - 90-100 days (mid-early), the root crop grows flattened, small, neat, average weight - 200-350 grams, but there are specimens up to 500 grams, 4- 8 kg of root vegetables; The color of the pulp is burgundy-violet, without pronounced rings.

Beetroot Bordeaux 237

Beet variety Bordeaux 237 - another time-tested, reliable, and for many summer residents - best variety of red beets. Round, neat root vegetables with rich burgundy juicy sweet pulp are not too large, so they are easy to process and bake; Bordov 237 is well suited for salads. The variety is famous for its stable yield, good germination, heat and drought resistance and the ability to be stored well - until spring, or even until the new season, it will lie in the cellar without wrinkling or drying out.

Beetroot Bordeaux 237 belongs to the mid-early variety (ripening period - 70-110 days), root crops grow weighing from 200 to 500 grams, with a diameter of 10-15 cm, shape - round or slightly flattened. The variety is considered resistant to diseases, but in some years it is affected by peronospora and cercospora. From a “square” of bed you can harvest from 4 to 8 kg of beets.

Beet Detroit

Perhaps the most popular of the early-fruiting beet varieties today. Of course, Detroit can be sown twice per season, since the ripening period of the root crop is only 650-100 days. Taste qualities Detroit beets magnificent - it is juicy, dark red, has a pleasant sweet taste. The root crops grow small (from 100 to 200 grams), but leveled, round, smooth, with a very small axial root - in general, very marketable. Other advantages of Detroit beets include resistance to flowering and cold.

Detroit stores well for early beets, but for long-term winter storage, it is still better to choose another variety, mid- or late-ripening. Another unpleasant bonus of this early-ripening beet is its poor resistance to disease and increased demands on watering and light.

Beet red ball

This is an early variety with a ripening period of 65-100 days, which is famous for its very juicy, dark red, almost purple sweet pulp, practically without rings on the cut. Recommended for use in dietary and baby food, and, of course, cooking (it cooks quickly and does not have an unpleasant “beetroot” taste). The beet variety Red Ball is resistant to cold, flowering, stemming, resistance to drought and disease is average. Root crops grow round, weighing 200-500 grams. The productivity of Red Ball beets is high; up to 6 kg of root crops are harvested from a “square” bed. Stores without problems until spring.

Beetroot Mona

The mid-late beet is cylindrical in shape, so in the middle zone it may not have time to ripen. Beet variety Mona The good thing is that it is single-sprouting (not 3-5 sprouts grow from one seed, but only one), so thinning is not required. As a result, root crops form quickly, grow evenly and delight with stable yields. Despite its elongated shape, these beets are easily pulled out of the ground, since they are only immersed in the soil by a third of their length. The average weight of Mona beets is 200-350 grams, length is 10-20 cm, diameter is about 5 cm, the flesh is tender, juicy, dark red, the rings are almost invisible. The yield is high - 6-7 kg of root crops from a “square” bed.

Beetroot Incomparable

This beet got its name for its excellent taste - its pulp is juicy, very sweet, dark red with almost black rings. Beet variety Incomparable refers to early ripening (70-96 days). Root crops grow round or slightly flattened, weighing 150-400 grams; despite their early ripening, they are stored well until spring. Among the features - incomparable beets do not like heavy soils, are weakly resistant to cercospora, resistant to flowering, stemming and cold.

Beet Boltardi

An early ripening variety (70-100 days), which, due to its cold resistance, can be sown very early in open ground. Roots Boltardi beets They grow small (150-350 grams), but very even, smooth, neatly round in shape. The pulp deserves special attention: completely without rings, burgundy-purple, very sugary and juicy. Suitable for storing for long-term storage. Boltardi beets are considered resistant to disease and flowering, but are demanding on watering and fertilizing. From a “square” of beds you can collect 3-8 kg of root vegetables.

Beetroot Oxblood

This beet variety is for lovers of large root vegetables: the weight of one copy can exceed 600 grams. Beetroot Oxblood – a medium-late variety (110-120), distinguished by its resistance to cold, flowering and excellent keeping quality. The beet pulp is dark red, with faint rings, but without hard veins; the color does not change after cooking. The characteristics of the beet variety indicate that the weight of the root crops is 150-240 grams, but in fact, gardeners note that the real weight of Ox Blood is 2 or even three times higher.

Beet Smuglyanka

Popularity beet variety Smuglyanka due to its sweet, rich taste, dense pulp of bright pink-violet color and very good keeping quality. Smuglyanka beets are mid-season varieties (95-110 days), root crops grow weighing up to 200-400 grams. Other advantages of the variety include yield stability, cold resistance, and resistance to flowering.

Podzimnyaya beet A 474

From the name it is obvious that this is one of the best beet varieties for winter sowing. In general, beets Podzimnyaya A 474 is a mid-season variety (95-105 days), and is suitable not only for winter sowing, but also for early spring. It is distinguished by dark red root vegetables of a flat-round shape, growing up to 200-300 grams. Beet pulp Podzimnyaya A 474 is sweet, juicy, with good taste and dark red. No less important features varieties - resistance to cold and suitability for long-term storage.

Beetroot Kestrel F1

One of the main red beet hybrids for Europe and the USA. Moreover: abroad, Kestrel F1 is one of the standards for quality and high yield. It is used in baby food and juices, as its rich red color does not fade after heat treatment. Also, the Kestrel F1 beet hybrid has excellent commercial qualities - uniformity of root crops, good transportability, high sugar content, keeping quality.

Kestrel F1 beets are mid-season hybrids (90-100 days) with a small root shoot, smooth surface, a small leaf rosette. The average fruit weight is from 300 to 400 grams.

Beetroot is one of the most popular root vegetables on the Russian table. This includes herring under a fur coat, borscht, beets with mayonnaise and garlic, all kinds of pickles and marinades. This vegetable has been grown in our country for many years.

When choosing a variety for planting, you should give preference to our domestic varieties. And although American breeders have bred very beautiful views, with an even shape and rich color, they lag far behind in taste. Also, beets adapted to our weather conditions grow better and produce a richer harvest. In this article we will look at the most popular sweet varieties of table beets.

Varieties and brief classification

There are several types of beets:

In Rus', beets appeared in the 10th century. It was brought to us from Byzantium
According to the ripening period, table beets are divided into:

  • Early (ripen in 50-80 days);
  • Mid-ripening (ripen in 80-100 days);
  • Late (ripen in 100-135 days).

The vegetable can also be classified according to its root shape.

  • round
  • cylindrical
  • flattened.

Varieties with the highest sugar content

Among table beets, there are several varieties with increased sweetness. Naturally, their sugar content is lower than in sugar beets, but still quite high. Let's list some:
1. "Bordeaux".
This is a mid-season variety. The color of the fruit is dark red and weighs up to 0.5 kg. The sugar content in them reaches 12-13%. This is one of the most popular varieties. He:

  • tolerates hot climates well;
  • high yields do not depend on the weather;
  • perfectly stored.

2. “Dark-skinned woman.”
Mid-season variety. The fruits are dark red on the outside and red-violet on the inside. Sugar content 7-15%. Root vegetables are tasty and juicy.

3. "Bikores".
Early ripening variety. Round root vegetable (weight 160-320g). The pulp is red and juicy. Sugar – 11-18%. Excellent storage in winter.

4. Detroit.
Very popular among summer residents. The root crop is round and pleasant to the touch, red in color. This species is highly productive and stores well in winter. Sugar content – ​​12-14%.

5. "Rocket".
The most highly productive variety with cylindrical fruit. Very sweet in taste. Sugar content 11.7%.

6. "Action"
An early-ripening hybrid variety intended for bunch production and short-term storage. Very tasty fruits with dark red flesh. Sugar – 11%.

7. "Bona".
Tasty, mid-ripening variety. Sugar - 12%. The fruit is round, the flesh is dark red.

8. "Egyptian".
A very popular early ripening variety among gardeners. The fruits are very tasty with red-violet pulp. Stores very well all winter. Easily tolerates dry periods.

Features of growing sweet beets

Beetroot is an unpretentious crop, but why is the same vegetable sweet and juicy for one housewife, while for another it is bland and woody?

There are two main reasons:

1. Degeneration of the variety itself. There is nothing the gardener can do here. The culture needs to be completely renewed.

2. Incorrectly created conditions for planting and growing beets.

To ensure that root vegetables are sweet and tasty when grown at home, you need to follow the following recommendations.
The culture does not like dry and hard soils; when grown in such conditions, it becomes bitter. It is recommended to sprinkle clay soils with sand and dig them up.

Note: The sugar content of beets can be increased by ordinary table salt. It is enough to dilute one tablespoon in a bucket of water and pour this solution over the garden bed.

It is also important to remember that watering the soil with mullein and sprinkling with ash improves the taste. You also need to pay attention to watering: in dry conditions the taste also becomes bitter.

It is believed that varieties intended for winter storage are less sweet. In addition to varieties for storage, a thrifty summer resident can always find crops planted for summer consumption in his garden beds. Knowing natural ways to eliminate the bitterness of beets, you can enjoy their taste until the next harvest.

We invite you to watch a video about the Egyptian variety of beets: