New Year's riddles for children with a trick. Funny riddles with a trick in children's learning and development

From the bag of heaven
Suddenly flour began to fall!
Everything around falls asleep -
Forest, fields, houses and meadow...
And as soon as you take
And you will gain that torment...
You look, and she’s gone!
Only a wet trail remained.
What kind of strange torment is this?!
We won't see any pie. (Snow)

Who painted the children's cheeks
red in winter, not in summer?
And who pinches their nose?
Did you guess it? (Father Frost)

At our winter carnival
We all recognized him immediately.
A whole cartload of gifts for children
Brought for the holiday... (Santa Claus).

The new year has come.
He brought us a holiday:
The tree is waiting for all the guys
And cheerful... (Santa Claus).

It stings our ears and nose
Playful... (Santa Claus).

A canvas of dreams on the windows
Grandfather hanged him... (Frost).

At the New Year's tree
Green... (needles),

Resinous cones,
Sticky, ... (fragrant),

And also toys:
Balls... (crackers),

Candies and flags,
Colored... (lights).

She surprises everyone:
Her outfit is fluffy,
And sparkles with sparkles
Rain... (golden).

And when December passes,
We will all meet... ( New Year).

They stocked up feed for the cattle in the summer,
The heifer will not be hungry... (winter).

They will put on snow caps at home,
As soon as he returns to earth... (winter).

I'm tired of slush to tears,
Houses gray from the rain,
I want it to be white in snowstorms,
It quickly sank... (winter).

Sashka wipes away his tears:
It stings painfully... (frost).

The wind is noisy, the snow... (flies).

Everyone is very, very happy:
Everyone fell asleep... (snowfall).

My sled goes fast:
I'm flying like on a torpedo.
The flight ended here:
I landed in... (snowdrift).

The game goes on yard to yard,
The guys stand on... (ice)...

Everyone is rooting for their friends
Everyone shouts: “Well, hit, hit!”
Puck! Puck! Rush quickly!
Quick game - ... (hockey)!

I'm used to Russian winters
Winter guest - ... (snowman).

It disappears in the spring because it melts quickly (snow)

It grows in winter
Head to bottom
Thin transparent
White and blue

In the white frost of birch.
Hedgehogs sleep, bears sleep.
But although the frost came,
Bullfinches are burning at dawn.
It will be a bright New Year
Wonderful Christmas holiday.
Dressed in a warm fur coat

In this cold season
We love to ride
We're from the hills.
And for walks
By ski
You won't find a better season.

I will paint the branches with white paint,
I will throw silver on your roof.
Warm winds will come in spring
And they will drive me out of the yard.

The puddles are frozen in the yard,
The drifting snow swirls all day long,
The houses became white.
This has come to us... (Winter)

I have a lot to do - I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth, I remove the rivers from ice,
I whiten the fields, the houses, but my name is...

I swept everything around
Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.
Autumn, best friend,
I sent it south.
I'm frosty and white
And she came to you for a long time.

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows,
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.

The roof is covered with fur,
White smoke overhead
The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white.
At night she came to us...Answer: Winter

Who whitens the glades with white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

She just knocks
A snowball at our window,
We take the sled
And run up the hill!

The frost is freezing,
The ice is freezing
The blizzard is walking,
When does this happen?

The birds have already flown south,
Frosts and snowstorms arrived.
The trees stand in silver,
We are building a fort in the yard.

It's getting cold.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.

Unexpected snowstorm
They flew in with a terrible howl.
Autumn ran away in fear,
And she became the housewife. Answer: Winter

Not a bucket
No hand, no arms,
And it will whitewash
All the roofs are around.

He will come with silent steps,
Invisibly the cold dies
And, covering everything around with snow,
Suddenly it hurts all of our ears:
Why are you in such cold weather?
Have you poked your nose out of the house?

It's getting colder every day,
The sun is getting weaker and weaker,
Snow is everywhere, like a fringe -
So, it has come to us... (winter)

It is snowing,
Under white wool
The streets and houses disappeared.
All the guys are happy about the snow
- Come back to us
Winter has come)

Auntie is cool
White and gray
Carrying the cold in a bag,
The snow is shaking on the ground,
It sweeps up snowdrifts,
Covers the ground with a carpet.

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.
(Frost, winter)

I won't tolerate heat:
I'll spin the snowstorms
I will whiten all the glades,
I'll decorate the fir trees,
I'll sweep the house with snow,
Because I...(winter)

Appeared after autumn
I'm on the calendar.
I'm the most best holiday to you
I'll give it to you for joy!
And I cover the ground with white snow
She wrapped it up herself.
Guys, guess what?
Well, who am I? ...Answer: Winter

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,
The blizzard is walking. When does this happen?
- in winter -

The tablecloth is white
Dressed the whole world.

After autumn came.
And made snowdrifts.

No bucket, no brush, no arms,
And it will whitewash all the roofs around.
Answer: Winter

Frost flashed. And we are glad
Mother's pranks...(Winter)

The forest is covered with a white blanket,
And the bear is sleeping in the den.
Snow like a white border.
Who was in charge?

In a fur coat in summer
And in winter, naked
Answer (forest)

This time of year
Nature goes to bed
Covered in snow-white
Soft fluffy snow.
Trees and houses covered in snow,
We say: “It’s... (winter)!”

Opened her snowy arms,
The trees were all dressed in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What time of year is this? Answer: Winter

It's been snowing for a month now,
We'll celebrate the New Year soon,
All nature is in snow hibernation.
Tell me the time of year.

The forest is deserted and white,
Only snowflakes are falling,
Covered in a white snowdrift
All the beams and paths.
Snow drifts across the ground,
The river is silver with ice,
And the mouse hides in a hole,
And the bird does not chirp.
Fields, roads and bushes
The white snow is sweeping away.
Did you recognize the time of year?
When does this happen?

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

Fluffy carpet
Not fabric with your hands,
Not sewn with silks,
In the sun, in the month
Shines like silver

He is fluffy, silver,
But don't touch him with your hand:
It will become a little bit clean,
How can you catch it in the palm of your hand?

Blanket white
Not made by hand -
Not woven
And it didn’t fit
It fell from the sky to earth!

Frost has fallen on the water
And the world around has changed.
Where everything used to flow,
Everything turned to glass.

It is transparent and cold,
He is mysterious and dense,
And in the warmth it suddenly comes to life,
Tears flow and quickly melt,
Why are tears shed like water?
Well, of course, it's... (Ice.)

He will cover the river with himself,
And he will cry from the candle.
You play hockey on it
Very slippery, you can almost fly.
And also very transparent,
He's like glass, by the way.

Who whitens the clearings with white?
And writes on the walls with chalk?
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He entered - no one saw
He said no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows.

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.

The artist draws
Landscape on glass,
But this picture
Will die in the heat.

The guest was visiting
The bridge was paved,
Without a saw
I paved the bridge without an axe.

Grandfather paved the bridge
Without an ax and without a knife

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

Riddle 1
You are the pilot of an airplane flying from London to Berlin with two transfers in Paris. Question: what is the pilot's last name?

Your last name (at the beginning of the riddle “are you flying...”)

Riddle 2
You enter a dark room. The room has a gas stove, a kerosene lamp and a candle. You have a box with 1 match in your pocket. Question: what will you light first?

Riddle 3
A businessman bought a horse for $10, sold it for $20. Then he bought the same horse for $30, and sold it for $40. Question: what is the total profit of the businessman from these two transactions?

Riddle 4
There is a hare in the forest. Rain is coming. Question: under which tree will the hare hide?

Under the wet

Riddle 5
Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening?

Human. In infancy on all fours, then on two, then with a stick

Riddle 6
It was raining heavily. A bus was driving along the road. All the people on the bus were asleep, only the driver was awake. Question: What was the driver's name and what was the license plate number of the bus?

Because of the rain, the bus number cannot be seen, and the driver Tolya (only - Tolya)

Riddle 7
2 people go to meet each other. Both are exactly the same. Question: which of them will say hello first?

More polite

Riddle 8
The dwarf lives on the 38th floor. Every morning he gets into the elevator, gets to the 1st floor and goes to work.
In the evening, he enters the entrance, gets into the elevator, gets to the 24th floor, and then walks to his apartment.
Question: why does he do this?

Can't reach the right elevator button because he's a dwarf

Riddle 9
Dog-3, cat-3, donkey-2, fish-0. What does a cockerel equal? And why?

Cockerel-8 (kook-re-ku!), dog-3 (woof), cat-3 (meow), donkey-2 (ya), fish-0 (does not make sounds)

Riddle 10
The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. On which floor in this building is the elevator call button pressed most often?

On the ground floor, regardless of the distribution of residents by floor.

Riddle 11
The peasant needs to move a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. The boat is so small that besides the peasant, only one more (passenger) can fit in it. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat it; if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the cabbage will be eaten. What should a peasant do?

The crossing must begin with the transportation of a goat. Then the peasant returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other bank and leaves it there, but takes the goat back to the first bank. Here he leaves him and transports the cabbage to the wolf. And then, when he returns, he transports the goat.

Riddle 12
Exam at a military school. The student takes a ticket and goes to get ready. The teacher smoked a cigarette and occasionally tapped his pencil on the table. A minute later he approaches the teacher. Without asking anything, he puts a 5. The happy student leaves. Clarify the situation.

The teacher wrote on the table with a pencil in Morse code: “Whoever needs an A, come here, I’ll give it to you.” Only one student was military-like vigilant and paid attention to the teacher’s encryption. For this he received 5.

Riddle 13
What lifts you up and brings you down, while constantly being in the same place?


Riddle 14
A barrel of water weighs 50 kilograms, what needs to be added to make it weigh 15 kilograms?

Riddle 15
What kind of stones do you think are not in the river?

Riddle 16
Which hand do you think is best for stirring coffee with cream and sugar?

The hand that holds the spoon.

Riddle 17
Tell me, what can you hold without touching it with your hands?

Your breath

Riddle 18
The man got caught in the rain and had nowhere and nothing to hide. He came home all wet, but not a single hair on his head was wet. Why?

He was bald

Riddle 19
What word always sounds wrong?

The word "wrong"

Riddle 20
Two horns - not a bull, six legs without hooves, when it flies - it howls, when it sits - it digs the ground.

Riddle 21
A metal can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

Piece of ice

Riddle 22
Imagine that you are a pilot. Your plane flies from London to New York for seven hours. Airplane speed is 800 km/h. How old is the pilot?

As much as you, because you are a pilot

Riddle 23
An electric train goes with the wind. Where does the smoke go?

The electric train has no smoke

Riddle 24
Why don't polar bears eat penguins?

Bears live at the North Pole, and penguins live at the South Pole.

Riddle 25
When a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?

Riddle 26
One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How long will it take to cook 2 eggs?

Riddle 27
When is the sky lower than the earth?

When you look into the water

Riddle 28
What can't go into even the biggest pot?

Its cover

Riddle 29
What are the last teeth a person develops?


Riddle 30
Why doesn't the cuckoo make nests?

Because he lives in the clock

Riddle 31. Series of 4 riddles
How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator in 3 steps? The size of the refrigerator is huge

Open the door, put the giraffe in, close the door.

How to put an elephant in a refrigerator in 4 steps?

Open the door, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, close the door.

The lion called all the animals to a meeting. All showed up except one. What kind of animal is this?

The elephant, because it's in the refrigerator.

You need to swim across a wide river that is infested with crocodiles. How can I do that?

How is a horse different from a needle?

(First you sit on a needle, then you jump, and first you jump on a horse, then you sit.)

The black dog doesn't bark
He doesn’t bite and doesn’t let him into the house.

(Dead black dog blocking the entrance to the house)

Pet, starts with a "t".


Pet, starts with "d".

(Two cockroaches)

Pet, starts with "s".

(There is one cockroach)

(No, in 72 hours it will be midnight again)

How many peas can fit into one glass?

(Not at all, because peas don’t move)

A hedgehog is running across the lawn, dragging and laughing. Why does he laugh?

(Because the grass tickles the pussy)

A hedgehog runs across the lawn and cries. Why is he crying?

(The grass was cut)

Two nails fell into the water. What is the Georgian's last name?


A hippopotamus flew across the sky, and a hunter with a gun ran along the ground behind him. Hunter
fired, and the hippo fell on him. Who is still alive?

(Elephant because he flew out later)

They put it on the edge of the table tin can, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the jar hung off the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

(Piece of Ice)

(Yes, galvanic)

As you know, all native Russian female names end in either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one thing female name, which does not end in either “a” or “i”. Name it.

Name five days without giving numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3,..) or names of days (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...)

(You need to get a sheet of paper)

One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?

(This problem in the company is immediately identified by the physicist: the physicist immediately answers that she needs to run at supersonic speed. Of course, it is enough for the dog to stand still)

(1 hour 40 minutes = 100 minutes)

The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other makes an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof. In which direction will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope?

(Roosters don't lay eggs)

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

(Just one, because his second one is already broken, or no more than one, if you’re lucky;-)

Kondrat walked to Leningrad,
And towards us - twelve guys,
Everyone has three baskets,
There's a cat in every basket,
Each cat has twelve kittens,
Each kitten has four mice in its teeth.
And old Kondrat thought:
"How many mice and kittens
Are the guys taking it to Leningrad?"

                        (Stupid, stupid Kondrat!
                        He walked alone to Leningrad.
                        And the guys with baskets,
                        With mice and cats
                        We went to meet him - to Kostroma)

(Yes, it's a rider on a horse)


Another riddle with a beard: two fathers and two sons were walking and found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could this be?

(They were grandfather, father and son)

(Apples don’t grow on birch trees)

(Under the wet)

(The word "wrong")

(Out of empty)

(To the other side of the road)

The three letter word that every man is afraid of?

What is the world's kindest ghost with a motor?


A loves B, B loves C?
What should A do?

(Find another B)

What can you cook but can't eat?

(Yes, a lot of things: homework, cement)

How can you fit two liters of milk into a liter bottle?

(Pour a liter into the bottle, when they drink it, pour a second liter; or pour in powdered milk...)

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?

How many months in a year have 28 days?

(All 12, because if there are 30 days in a month, then there are 28 days among them)

What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't?

(Anchor (sea, not resource;)

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it?

(She walked inside a circle with a radius of 10 m, and not necessarily in a circle)

What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?

(Finger on a map, globe; stamp on an envelope; internet user;-)

Is it possible to light a match underwater?

(If you're in a submarine, then yes.

How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

(The main thing is to throw it so that it flies more than 3 meters, then it will break not when it flies 3 meters, but when it falls)

What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea?

(Nothing, except that it will crumble a little from falling, or drown)

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

(So ​​it was during the day)

Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible?

(Yeah, and also lost 5. They played in a draw. It’s also possible that they didn’t play with each other)

What could be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless?

(Vacuum, but in terms of volume it should take up a lot of space)

What are all the people on Earth doing at the same time?

What gets bigger when you put it upside down?

(Sand level in hourglass)

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself?

(Jump off the lowest step)

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

(A bunch of everything: speed, time, work, voltage, IQ, etc.)

Which hand is better to stir tea?

(Which one contains a spoon, and if there is a spoon in both, then which one is more convenient)

When can the net pull out water?

(When the water turns to ice)

What question cannot be answered “Yes”?

(Are you dead? Are you deaf and dumb?)

What question cannot be answered “No”?

(Are you alive? Will you drink?)

What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs?

((Alien;-) Or a rider on a horse with a falcon in his hand)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from?

(Out of empty)

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

(Apples don’t grow on birch trees)

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?

(No, in 72 hours it will be midnight again)

Under which tree does the hare sit when it rains?

(Under the wet)

Is it possible from the two chemical elements create another element?

(Yes, if the element is galvanic)

As you know, all native Russian female names end in either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one girl's name that does not end in either "a" or "z". Name it.

Name five days without giving numbers (eg 1, 2, 3,...) or names of days (eg Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...).

(The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

(Many people immediately say that at night. Everything is much simpler: when the door is open)

There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin?

(You need to get a sheet of paper)

One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?

(At the moment of meeting they will be at the same distance from Moscow)

Three swallows flew out of the nest. What is the probability that after 15 seconds they will be in the same plane?

(100%, because three points always form one plane)

There are two coins on the table; they add up to 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What coins are these?

(2 rubles and 1 ruble. One is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble)

How fast must a dog run without hearing the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail?

(This problem in the company is immediately identified by the physicist: the physicist immediately answers that she needs to run at supersonic speed. Of course, it is enough for the dog to stand still)

A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and another in 100 minutes. How can it be?

(1 hour and 40 minutes = 100 minutes)

The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other makes an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof. In which direction will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope?

(Roosters don't lay eggs)

(Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button "1")

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps?

(Just one, because his second one is already broken, or no more than one, if you’re lucky;-))

Where does the chicken go when it crosses the road?

(To the other side of the road)

Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

(Yes, it's a rider on a horse)

Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn?


Another riddle with a beard: two fathers and two sons were walking and found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could this be?

(They were grandfather, father and son)

There were 50 candles burning in the room, 20 of them were blown out. How many will be left?

(20 left: blown out candles will not burn out completely)

What words exhausted Winnie the Pooh?

(Long and unpronounceable)

A tin can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

(Piece of Ice)

How far into the forest can a hare run?

What word always sounds wrong?

(The word "wrong")

The three tractor drivers have a brother, Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers. Could this be possible?

(Yes, if the tractor drivers are women, or we are talking about different Sergei)

What is it: enters dry, comes out wet, gives warmth and joy?

(Tea bag)

White, not sugar. Cold, not ice.

There is one in the sky, none in the earth, but the woman has two of them.

(Letter "B")

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

What can you get off a naked secretary?

(Naked boss)

(The letter a")

What word always sounds wrong?

(The word "wrong")

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?

Small, gray, looks like an elephant.

(Baby elephant)

Can a man marry his widow's sister?

How good it is for you and me, I’m under you, and you’re on top of me...

(The hedgehog carries an apple)

(Boxers can punch you in the face)

Everyone's fucked up, but only one can ride.

(Husband on a business trip)

Everyone gets a ride, but one gets fucked. (The husband was hit by a trolleybus.)

*Piss off to everyone, ride to no one. (The trolleybus fell off the bridge.)

A boy and a girl were doing something in the grass on "E". (They ate strawberries.)

How many blacks does it take to bury a person? (Five. Four are carrying the coffin, and the fifth is walking in front with a tape recorder.)

About 40 million people do THIS at night. What is THIS (Internet.)

Crawling downhill, running uphill. (Snot.)

The woman is standing on the floor, her hole slightly open. (Stove.)

He will stand up and reach the sky. (Rainbow.)

There's a board in your teeth, there's melancholy in your eyes. (The man fell into the village aftershock.)

What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper.)

*Without arms, without legs, jump on a woman! (Yoke.)

Jumps deftly and eats carrots? (Bubka is on a diet.)

*Who doesn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald.)

It’s not a rooster, but it’s singing, it’s not a grandfather, but it’s a grandmother, who is it? (Philip Kirkorov.)

*One wheel a thousand wings - what is it? (A wheelbarrow with manure.)

What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby? (Earrings.)

Two women at the fence: one is glued, the other is sewn... What should be done with them? (Tear off the first one, flog the second one.)

*Red, long, 21? (Tram.)

*What is blue gold? (My beloved wife got drunk.)

*What is excited by Koch's wand? (1. tuberculosis; 2. Koch’s wife.)

*What do burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman have in common? (We didn’t have time to pull it out...)

*Two rings, two ends... (Very sophisticated New Russian.)

A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag? (The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag there was a parachute that did not open.)

What is the difference between a teacher and a pedophile? (The pedophile truly loves children.)

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often? (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button "1".)

With onions and eggs, but not a pie? (Robin Hood.)

Buratino, Malvina, an honest customs officer and a filthy cop are riding in the compartment. They play cards, there is a lot of money in the bank, the train enters a tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, the money disappeared. Who stole the money? (The cop is filthy, because the first three do not exist in nature...)

Where does the snow woman come from? (From ZIMBABwe.)

Which country is the most armed? (Israel... everyone there walks around with sawed-off shotguns.)

What is it - the color of lilac, it sees backwards as well as forwards, and jumps higher than the bell tower? (A white blind horse, because lilacs are white, and the bell tower does not jump at all.)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands do it. (Phone sex.)

The three letter word that every man is afraid of? (More!)

What is the world's kindest ghost with a motor? (Zaporozhets.)

A loves B, B loves C?

What should A do? (Find another B.)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, but there is no head? (The lame man is behind the fence.)

They buried a prostitute and wrote on the tombstone: “Now they will always be together.” Who are they? (Legs.)

What is it: flies and shines? (Mosquito with a gold tooth.)

Stop log in case of emergency braking. (Pillar.)

What a woman has on her body, a Jew has on her mind, is used in hockey and chessboard? (Combination.)

What three-letter word is now most often written on the walls of toilets in schools and universities? (You're a dick yourself! The correct answer is WWW!)

Which one social group critical days twice a year? (Students.)

A bald hedgehog is walking - how old is he? (18 - he is drafted into the army.)

The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it. Why?

(Boxers can get punched in the face.)

A boy and a girl were doing something in the grass on "E".

(Ate strawberries)

How many blacks does it take to bury a person?

(Five. Four are carrying the coffin, and the fifth is walking in front with a tape recorder.)

About 40 million people do THIS at night. What it is?

Crawling downhill, running uphill.

The woman is standing on the floor, her hole slightly open.

He will stand up and reach the sky.

There's a board in your teeth, there's melancholy in your eyes.

(The man fell into the village push)

What can't you eat for breakfast?

(Dinner and supper)

Without arms, without legs, jump on a woman!


Jumps deftly and eats carrots?

(Bubka is on a diet)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?

It’s not a rooster, but it’s singing, it’s not a grandfather, but it’s a grandmother, who is it?

(Philip Kirkorov)

One wheel with a thousand wings - what is it?

(wheelbarrow with manure)

What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby?

Two women at the fence: one is glued, the other is sewn... What do you need with them?

(Tear off the first one, spank the second one)

Red, long, 21?


What is blue gold?

(My beloved wife got drunk)

A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag?

(The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag there was a parachute that did not open)

What is the difference between a teacher and a pedophile?

(The pedophile truly loves children)

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

(Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button "1")

With onions and eggs, but not a pie?

(Robin Hood)

Buratino, Malvina, an honest customs officer and a filthy cop are riding in the compartment. They play cards, there is a lot of money in the bank, the train enters a tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, the money disappeared. Who stole the money?

(The cop is filthy, because the first three do not exist in nature...)

Where does the snow woman come from?

(From ZIMBABwe)

Which country is the most armed?

(Israel... everyone there carries sawn-off shotguns)

What is it - the color of lilac, it sees backwards as well as forwards, and jumps higher than the bell tower?

(White blind horse, because lilacs are white, and the bell tower does not jump at all)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands do it.

(Phone sex)

There is a small yellow one under the bed, it starts with “Z”.

(Kopek. Why on "Z"? Rolled...)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, but there is no head?

(The lame man behind the fence)

They buried a prostitute and wrote on the tombstone: “Now they will always be together.” Who are they?

How good it is for you and me, I’m under you, and you’re on top of me.

(The hedgehog carries an apple)

What is it: flies and shines?

(Gold Tooth Mosquito)

What is: 90/60/90?

(Speed ​​with traffic cop)

Stop log in case of emergency braking.

Earrings for simpletons.

Arithmetic mean between a bicycle and a motorcycle?

Hanging on the wall, green and squeaking.

(Herring. It hangs on the wall because I hung it there, it’s green because I painted it, and it beeps so that no one will guess.)

Dangles between your legs, stinks and screams?


What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard?


What question will no one ever answer “yes” to?

(Sleeping person to the question: “Are you sleeping?”)

How can you walk while sitting?

(In the toilet - on the toilet)

When is a person in a room without a head?

(When he puts her out of the window onto the street)

What three-letter word is now most often written on the walls of toilets in schools and universities?

(You yourself X#@! The correct answer is WWW!)

Which social group has critical days twice a year?


When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next?

(The eighth will go)

All around is water, and in the middle is law. What it is?

(The prosecutor bathes)

Can a man marry his widow's sister?

Why do they wear a hat?

(Because she doesn't walk on her own)

Small, yellow, poking around in the ground.

(The Vietnamese is looking for a mine)

A small, yellow one is tumbling in the sky.

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep?

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, he can't talk)

What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot?

(Take off each person's boot)

He left his grandfather and left his grandmother...

What is it: power lies, but water runs?

(The deputy is given an enema)

What is it - green, press the button - red?

(Frog in a mixer)

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat and felt boots?

(Chukchi Father Frost)

What is it: gold coins falling from a branch?

(A common occurrence in the land of fools)

Dry-wedge, wet-wedge?

(Wet wedge, damn it!)

The goose barked all over Rus'.

What is it: two bellies, four ears?

(Cat wedding)

Wrinkled Titus amuses the whole village.

(Lack of youth in rural areas)

How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand?

What can you get off a naked secretary?

(Naked boss)

What is it: walking on the wall and playing?

(Fly with a player in his ears)

When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P and ends with A.

How fast must a dog run without hearing the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail?

(The dog must stand. This task in the company is immediately identified by the physicist: the physicist replies that it needs to run at supersonic speed)

A bald hedgehog is walking - how old is he?

(18 - he is drafted into the army)

I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy.

(Exercise bike)

Why are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours.


(Option: Hanger)

The hairy head flies deftly behind the cheek.


Black around, red in the middle.

(Radish in the ass of Negro)

Black around, white in the middle.

(The radish is there, only bitten)

The letter X. is called, P. will see rises.

(The trunk takes food)

With claws, not a bird, it flies and swears.


Either hanging or standing or cold or hot.

Just remember it a little, it will be as hard as a potato.

Small, gray, looks like an elephant.

(Baby elephant)

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired.

Where did he end up?

(To the police)

It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer.

Where does the chicken go when it crosses the road?

(To the other side of the road)

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps?

(Only one, because his second one is already broken)

What is it: a little bald thing running through the forest?

(Hedgehog. Why bald? Escaped from Chernobyl)

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house.

(Wife doesn't let drunk husband in)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from?

(Out of empty)

Four brothers stand under one roof.

White, not sugar. Cold, not ice.

What word always sounds wrong?

(The word "wrong")

Ivashka stands on one leg.

(Disabled person)

Why does the pop buy a hat?

(Because they don't give it for free)

Under which tree does the hare sit when it rains?

(Under the wet)

What do money and a coffin have in common?

(Both are first nailed down and then lowered)

Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are studs.

(Victim of a maniac)

Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn?


What is it: small, black, breaking into glass?

(Baby in the Oven)

How many babies will fit in a double stroller?

(And this, depending on how you chop it...)

What is it: hanging on the wall and crying?


Red head - works smartly.

What is it: first white, then zh-zh-zhik, and red?

(Neighbor's poodle in a mixer)

No windows, no doors, and a Jew sitting inside? What is this?

(Sarah is pregnant)

What is it: small, green, standing on the panel?

(Prostitute from another planet)

It's hanging on a rope, it's called "Z".

(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya)

Who will get to the refrigerator faster - a mouse or an elephant?

(Mouse. She will come on a bicycle)

How to find out if there is a mouse in the refrigerator without opening it?

(There should be a bicycle near the refrigerator)

What is it: green, bald and jumping?

(Soldier at the disco)

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with bunnies?


Hair, hair..., and in the middle there is sausage.


Small, yellow, he opens the door.

What is the difference between a young bachelor and an old one?

(A young bachelor cleans his house to invite a woman, and an old bachelor invites a woman to his house to clean up)

Winter, forest, everything is covered with snow. A crushed penis lies on a large icy stump. What is this?

(Winter has finally come)

The little wrinkled one is in every woman.


How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

(None. This is a hardware problem, programmers cannot solve them)

Name a word that has 40 vowels.

(Forty (forty "A"))

There is one in the sky, none in the earth, but the woman has two of them.

How do day and night end?

(With a soft sign)

We are daring guys, we climb into the cracks of the sex.


What is it: hanging on the wall and smelling?

(Clock: the cuckoo died in it)

What is a small, white thing that sucks blood?

What is it - sitting on a tree, black and croaking? Starting with the letter Sh.

(Crow. Why on Sh? Because she pretended to be a hose)

What is it - small, white, flies and buzzes? Starting with the letter B.

(Fly. Why on B? Because blonde)

Came up quietly from behind

He stuck it in twice and walked away.


Hair on hair, body on body - a dark affair begins.

(Eye closes)

What is 100 ropes and one x%y?


What is 100x%ev and 100 ropes?

(Barge Haulers on Parachutes)

Hanging - dangling, called three letters. In the middle is "U".

What is: Two ends, two rings?

(Gay wedding)

Why did Lenin wear boots and Stalin wear boots?

(On the ground)

Why don't elephants fly?

(By air)

How is a person different from a locomotive?

(The locomotive first whistles, then starts moving, and the man first starts moving, and then walks and whistles.)

Black on top, red inside.

The way you put it in, it’s so wonderful.

Back and forth:

It's nice for you and me.

A multi-colored yoke hung over the river.

(A sign of incipient madness)

What is the difference between a tractor and a tomato?

(The tomato is red, and the door in the tractor opens outward)

What is this: sitting on the window, speaking French?


The more there are, the less weight. What is this?

What's happened:

Black - on one leg?

(One-legged black man)

Consists of three letters

Starts with "X"

When it works, it's worth it

When he finishes, he bows.

What fellow is dripping from the end in the morning?


(Option: Water tap)

Who is this: He doesn’t shoot himself and doesn’t let others?

(Alexander Matrosov)

The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.

(Alien pear)

(Option: Aunt Grunya hanged herself)

Two turtles (male and female) walk lovingly along the shore holding each other’s paws. After an hour, only the male returns. Where is the female?

(She stayed there - he forgot to turn her over)

The two men are on opposite sides of the earth. One walks on a tightrope over a cliff, and another gets a blow job from a 70-year-old woman. Both men have the same thought. Which?

(Don't look down)

It crawls and crawls and eats the stone. It crawls and crawls again and eats the stone.

What it is?


It crawls and crawls and eats the tree. It crawls and crawls again and eats the tree.

What it is?

(Rocktail. He eats trees too)

In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure.

(Movie show.)

What is Adam's front and Eve's back?

(The letter a")

Why do girls in Paris wear red hair?

(On the ground)

Two backs, one head, six legs. What it is?

(Man on chair)

How is the first floor different from the ninth?

(From the first floor you will fall: “Boom!” - A-ah!” And from the ninth floor, “A-ah! - Bang!”)

The scarlet sugar itself, the caftan is green velvet.

(Negative on color film, capturing the “new Russian”)

What's happened:

Black - on two legs?

(Two one-legged blacks)

What's happened:

Black - on three legs?

What's happened:

Black - on four legs?

(One-legged black man at the piano)

- this is a way to show your ingenuity, develop logical thinking and have some fun. Here you can find riddles with a trick, but with given answers. They happen, they come across very difficult riddles, which will require some thought.

Riddles about school

Riddles for children 12-13 should be both interesting and funny, they should awaken imagination, make the child think and develop logic. So, the riddles themselves are for schoolchildren aged 12-13 years.

  • At the dawn of his life he walks on 4 legs, at noon of his life he rises on two legs, and by the end of his life he has three legs.

We are talking about a person’s life: as a baby he crawls on all fours, as an adult he walks confidently on his feet, and in old age he takes a cane and walks with it.

  • If it was pouring rain outside the window at midnight, is there a chance that the sun will shine brightly in 72 hours?

This is not possible, since after the specified time it will be night again.

  • Lies on the edge of the table glass jar with a hermetically sealed lid. 2/3 of the can hangs over the edge. At first the can lay motionless, but then it picked it up and fell. What was in the jar?

There was ice there and it gradually melted.

  • The plum tree produced only 6 pears, but the cherry tree produced 8. How many pears were there in total?

These trees are not intended for growing pears.

  • Little Dima poured five piles of sand together, then added two more piles and poured another large one. How many piles did he have in the sandbox?

The boy poured out one large pile of sand.

  • How many orange seeds can be placed in an empty tea cup?

Not at all, since the cup is empty.

  • How can you carry water in a sieve?

If you freeze water into ice, you can quickly move it from one place to another before the ice begins to melt.

All of the tricky problems listed above can be easily solved by children aged 12. They will help you take your mind off boring studying, laugh a little and have fun, but at the same time, the time spent guessing will be spent usefully.

Riddles for children 6-7 years old. Learning to solve riddles

Be smart

They will force the child to think and correlate all the factors described in the problem with reality and quickly find the answer. Usually it's very cool tasks, which children never refuse. By the way, such funny exercises with a trick can be included in the script children's party, for example for a birthday.

  • When not working, it hangs, but when working, it stands there, and after work it is completely wet and dries.
  • Two barrels, four ears, this is a soft...
  • During the day they always have legs, but at night their legs disappear somewhere.
  • The owner lit five candles on the table, but suddenly a draft blew in and put out one. How many candles will be left in the end?

There will only be one candle left, as the other four will burn out.

  • Is it possible to be silent and speak at the same time?

You can if you speak sign language.

  • It winds through forests and mountains, runs towards the horizon, but no matter how you look, it is always in place.
  • Which repair tool is solid or liquid?

Nails come in liquid and metric types.

  • There is a cork, but you can’t plug the bottle with it?

There's a traffic jam.

  • How many years are there in one year?

One summer.

Funny riddles

Funny riddles can be made for birthdays, during breaks between lessons, or simply when 12-year-old children simply have nothing to do. Such tricky riddles will greatly help support good mood and bring the kids together if the company hasn’t met yet.

Riddles about school

  • How many seeds can fit into one empty glass?

It won’t go in at all, since the seeds don’t have legs and they don’t walk.

  • A man is walking in the pouring rain, without an umbrella or a raincoat, you are wet through, but his hair is not wet.

The man was just bald.

  • Ear decoration that suckers usually get?
  • You have half an orange in your hands, tell me what it looks like?

For the other half of the orange.

  • There is a black cat sitting near the house, she is waiting for when she can get into the house. When will this time come?

When the door is opened for her.

  • There is a glass of cappuccino in front of you, you just need to stir the sugar. Which hand will you do this with - your right or your left?

It is better to mix the sugar with a spoon.

  • There is a certain object, but when it is needed, it is thrown, and if it is completely unnecessary, it is picked up.
  • Who travels the world and still sits still?

Man surfing the Internet.

  • There are only 6 billion people on earth, what are they doing at the same time?

About animals

To diversify the tasks a little, you can make puzzles about animals. They are very funny, but at the same time with a kind of catch, which is why children 12 years old will like them so much. If your 13-year-old child suddenly has a bad day, offer him a little fun and fool around with him by asking these fun puzzles.

about animals

  • An elephant was flying along it, and a hunter was running along the ground, hoping to shoot the elephant and get a big booty. Having taken aim, the hunter took and fired; the elephant fell straight on the hunter and crushed him. Who remained alive in this story?

Only the rhinoceros survived; it flew out later than the elephant.

  • A horse and a needle, what are their differences?

To sit on a horse, you first need to jump, and when sitting on a needle, you first sit down and then jump.

  • The dog runs with its tail tied tin can, bad children bully the dog. How fast must the unfortunate dog run so as not to hear the crash of the can?

The dog must stand still.

  • One eye and one horn are visible from around the corner, what kind of animal is this?

This is a cow peeking around the corner.

  • There was an animal sitting on the window of a small house. He has a mustache like a cat's, and paws like a cat's, and a tail like a cat's and a cat's face. But he himself is not a cat. Who it?

Riddles for children from grandmother Shosho

The most difficult riddles

There are also very difficult riddles with a trick, they are intended for children about 12 years old. Of course, our puzzles are accompanied by answers, but if you think a little, you can solve everything without them.

  • Two small coins were placed on the surface of the table, their total amount being three dollars. But one of the coins is not $1. What coins are on the table?

One coin is not 1 dollar, since it is two dollars. But the second one is 1 dollar.

  • A man is driving a car. He doesn't turn on the headlights on his car. But there is no moon in the sky either. A little girl ran out onto the road to get a ball, and the driver stopped and scolded the girl. How was the driver of the car able to see the baby?

It was day outside

  • We have two islands. And there is a man standing alone and he has two oranges in his hands. On another island there is a hospital with his sick daughter. Dad must bring both oranges to the girl, but here's a problem: there is a bridge between the islands that will immediately collapse as soon as a man walks across it. The bridge can support the weight of a man and only one orange. How did dad bring two oranges to his daughter?

It's simple, he juggled them while walking across the bridge.

  • Olechka really wants a chocolate bar, but she doesn’t have enough ten rubles to buy it. She offered Seryozhka from neighboring yard work out, but the children still didn’t have enough for a chocolate bar one ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

Olya had no money at all, and a chocolate bar costs 10 rubles. Seryozhka, accordingly, had 9 rubles.

  • What in our lives is always increasing and never decreasing?
  • The prison is on an island in the river. Three prisoners plan their escape, each separately and unaware of each other's plans. The first prisoner sawed through the bars and jumped into the river, swam, but was eaten by a great white shark. The second prisoner escaped through the back door, jumped into the river, swam, but the guards noticed him and pulled him out of the river by his hair and arrested him. Well, the third prisoner’s escape was successful, he ran away and disappeared. Attention, question, where did I deceive you in my story? If you guess right, will you get a chocolate bar?

There are no white sharks in the river. You can't drag a prisoner out by his hair; they all shave their heads.

You won't see any chocolate.

  • Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is neither Saturday nor Sunday. Yesterday was neither Monday nor Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What day of the week is it today, given that one statement on the list is false?


These are some interesting puzzles with answers that 12-year-old children really like. By asking riddles every day, you can give your brain a little workout and entertain 13-year-old children.

Riddles for children! check yourself

God has it, the king doesn't,
Boris is in front, and Gleb is behind,
The woman has two, but the girl has none!
Answer: Letter b
Nastya), Rostov-on-Don

In Africa there lived a black man and a black wife. The time has come for her to give birth. They called an ambulance, the woman gave birth in the car. The child was white, his teeth were also white. What's wrong?
Answer: People are not born with teeth
Gretskaya Vitalia

There is a chest at the bottom of the sea. It has everything, except one thing. What's missing from it?
Answer: Voids
Zateishchikova Liza, Moscow

A 9 letter word with 6 consonants in a row.
Answer: VZBZDNut
Kuznetsov Pavel, Elektrostal

One morning, a man notices that one of the tires of his car is completely out of air. Still, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit he returns back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he was able to drive his car without any problems. Why could he drive a car?
Answer: The flat tire was on the spare wheel
Khramova Nastya

Which word has 3 letters l and three letters p?
Answer: Parallelepiped
Ilyicheva Lelya, Samara

It can be wooden or liquid. What are we talking about?
Answer: Chair
Lukyanov Alexey, Stavropol

On one island there is an apple tree with a boy, and on the other there is a hospital with a grandmother. Bridge between the islands. The boy needs to bring 2 apples to his grandmother, but the bridge can only support one boy and one apple. After the boy passes, the bridge will collapse. And there are sharks in the water. How can he move the apples?
Answer: The boy on the bridge will juggle
Shchetinin Kirill, Zelenograd

You dropped a ring in your coffee. How to get it without getting your hands wet if you have nothing and you can’t spill the coffee?
Answer: Coffee beans
Mega Mashustik, Moscow

He sits on his butt and looks at his ass. What is the person's profession?
Answer: Coachman or coachman
Ogurtsov Alexander, Moscow

It was winter. Brother Ivanushka lost his sister Alyonushka. His mother tells him: “Go through the forest, field, field, forest, field, forest, field, field.” He walked through the forest, field, field, forest... and saw: in front of him big river. How can he get across the river?
Answer: On ice (it was winter)
Asya, Moscow

What does a man do once in his life, and a woman constantly?
Answer: 1) Climbs out from under her skirt 2) A woman always breathes through her chest, but a man only breathes before death

Which note and product have the same name?
Answer: Salt
anonymous -

Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Cheche, Chocho. What is the name of the 5th daughter?
Answer: Mary
anonymous, Moscow

From head to tail 12 m, and from tail to head 0 m. What is this?
Answer: Year (m - months)
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

The gnome lived on the 6th floor. He rode the elevator 3 floors, and walked the remaining 3 floors on foot. Why?
Answer: It was small and did not reach the 6th floor button

There is a mill, and a watchman lives in it. The watchman has a dog. In that mill there are four windows, on four windows there are four cats, each cat has four kittens, each kitten has four mice. How many legs are there in total?
Answer: Two legs (animals have paws)
Peycheva Elizaveta, Onega

There is a prison, next to a hospital. There are rails around them, and on the rails a train moves around at high speed. One boy needs to go to his grandfather in prison, and one girl needs to go to her grandmother in the hospital. How can they do this if the train doesn't stop?
Answer: The boy needs to throw the girl under the train, then he will go to prison, and the girl will be taken to the hospital.

Jail. There is a bypass river around the prison. 3 prisoners plan to escape to different time, they don’t know about each other. The first convict escapes from prison, swims across the river, and is suddenly eaten by a shark. The 1st prisoner died. The 2nd escapes, swims across the river, suddenly the prison guards noticed him, quickly swam up on boats, stunned him, pulled him out by the hair and shot him while trying to escape. The 2nd prisoner also died. The 3rd prisoner escapes. Swims across the river, nothing stopped him, ran on and disappeared. The 3rd prisoner escaped. Question: where did I deceive you in three places? If you guess all three deceptions, I'll treat you to beer.
Answer: 1) There are no sharks in the river 2) The prisoners are bald 3) I won’t treat you
Denis Olegovich

A sage came to one city. He knew everything in the world. People came to the sage for advice, and the sage helped everyone. There lived a boy in the city. Having heard that a sage had appeared in the city, the boy decided to test the abilities of this sage. The boy was cunning. So he caught the butterfly and pressed it between his palms so that he could release it or crush it. And then this boy came to the sage with a butterfly between his palms.
- Listen to me! If you are really very wise and help people, guess if the butterfly in my hand is alive?
If he had answered “alive,” the boy would have crushed the butterfly. If he had answered “dead,” the boy would have released the butterfly. What did the sage answer?
Answer: All in your hands
Bazhenova Victoria, Tomsk

Four guys were playing football in the yard.
Someone broke the window. The hostess asked:
- Who broke the window?
Seryozha said:
- The window was broken either by Yura or Misha.
Yura said:
- I didn't break the window.
Igor said:
- Misha did it.
And Misha said:
- Igor is wrong.
Three guys always tell the truth, and the fourth is unknown. Who broke the window?
Answer: Misha
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

The school director has a brother, Nikolai. But Nikolai has no brothers. Could this be possible?
Answer: Yes. The school principal may be a woman
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

Not on any planet. This exists only on Earth.
Answer: Letters "Z", "L", "I"
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

Sasha has a father Ivan, Ivan has a brother Kolya, Kolya has a son Petya, Petya has a brother. Although Kolya only has one son. How can this be?
Answer: At Petya's cousin Sasha
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

Two friends were counting passers-by. One sat still and counted all the passers-by. And the second one walked back and forth and counted those who were coming towards him. Who counted more?
Answer: Same. The second goes in one direction, counts some in the other, others
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

One day, an antique money collector saw a coin in an antique store with the date on it: 175 BC. This Roman coin was slightly damaged, but was of great value. It didn't cost much. But the collector didn't buy it. Why?
Answer: The collector realized that he had a fake in his hands, since the master who made the coin did not know that he lived “before our era”

My life can be measured in hours. I serve when I am devoured. When I'm thin, I'm fast. When I'm fat, I'm slow. The wind is my enemy. Who am I?
Answer: Candle
Kirill, Voronezh

What's warmer than a fur coat?
Answer: 2 fur coats

In which city does blood flow?
Answer: Vein
Evgenia Fadeeva, Moscow

Three people were having lunch in a restaurant. Lunch cost 25 euros. Everyone took 10 euros out of their wallet, making a total of 30. The waiter took 30 euros and brought change - 5 euros. They decided to leave 2 euros as a tip, and divided the remaining 3 euros among themselves - 1 euro each. They began to count: each person spent 9 euros on lunch, but if 3x9 = 27, plus 2 euros for tea, then it turns out to be 29 euros in total. Where did another 1 euro go?
Answer: Correctly: 27 (25 lunch + 2 for tea) + 3 (change) = 30 euros, that is, 2 euros for tea are already included in 27 euros, but they incorrectly included it in the remaining 3 euros

How much soil does a hole with a diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 3 meters contain?
Answer: Not at all (the pits are empty)

What notes can be used to measure distance?
Answer: Mi-la-mi

What constellations are named after birds?
Answer: Swan, Eagle

What bird is named after part of a musical instrument?
Answer: Vulture

What bird bears the name of the ship?
Answer: Frigate

What bird is called porridge?
Answer: Oatmeal

Which bird bears the name of the fruit?
Answer: Kiwi

Lies in the field dead man. Not a living soul for miles around. There is a bag next to the man. Who is he and how did this poor guy die?
Answer: This is a skydiver and his parachute did not open

A 1st grade student solves this riddle in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, but a professor will never solve it. Riddle: decipher odtchpshsvdd
Answer: one two three four...
Anisimova Tatyana

There was a flock flying, not a big one at all. How many birds and what kind?
Answer: Seven owls (~ quite)

There is one in heaven, there is none on earth, grandmother has two, but grandfather does not.
Answer: Letter B

What is visible if nothing is visible?
Answer: Steam
Lapina Alinochka, Pospelovka

It is not found in the forest,
She's alone in the river
Doesn't fit in the shed
And there are two of them in the wallet!
Answer: Letter K

Three friends lived in the forest: Deaf, Mute, and Blind. All was good. But somehow Deaf died. Now how will the Mute tell the Blind that their Deaf friend has died?
Answer: The mute does not need to explain that the Deaf is dead. The blind man did not see him or speak to him

A guy and a girl were walking along a cliff.
She: do you love me?
Him: yes!
She: could you throw yourself down for me?
What two words did he say if they moved on safe and sound?
Answer: Push me
Nikitina Anastasia, Chelyabinsk

What is at the center of the Earth?
Answer: Letter M
Blabanova Kira, Volzhsky

Two young Cossacks, both dashing riders, often fought with each other about who would outrun whom. More than once one or the other was the winner. Finally, they got tired of it. Gregory said: “Let’s argue the other way around. Let the bet go to the one whose horse arrives at the appointed place second, and not first.” "OK!" - Mikhail answered. The Cossacks rode out to the steppe on their horses. There were a lot of spectators: everyone wanted to look at such a curiosity. One old Cossack began to count, clapping his palms: “One! Two! Three!..” The debaters, of course, are not moving. The spectators began to laugh, judge and argue, and decided that such a dispute was impossible and that the disputants would stand in place, as they say, until the end of time. Then a gray-haired old man approached the crowd, having seen in his lifetime different types: "What's the matter?" He was told to. The old man answered: “Hey! Now I’ll say something to them that will make them jump like they’ve been scalded.” And indeed, the old man approached the Cossacks, said something to them, and half a minute later the Cossacks were already rushing across the steppe at full speed, trying to overtake each other. But the bet was still won by the one whose horse came second. What did the old man say?
Answer: The old man whispered to the Cossacks: each of you mount the enemy’s horse.
Adianova Tanya

A prisoner was kept on the island. He was kept in a concrete cell with no doors or windows, only a small gap into which dry bread was placed. A few weeks later there was a mountain of bones in the cell. Where did she come from?
Answer: They gave him bread and soup

In the room there were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens. The owner entered the room with the dog. How many legs are there in the room?
Answer: Two, animal paws

Do horses go to the ball?
Answer: Yes, they walk on the balcony