Events in the house museum of Mr. Paustovsky. Moscow Literary Museum-Center K

Be silent, hide and hide
And your feelings and dreams -
Let it be in the depths of your soul
They get up and go in
Silently, like stars in the night, -
Admire them - and be silent.

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand what you live for?
A spoken thought is a lie.
Exploding, you will disturb the keys, -
Feed on them - and be silent.

Just know how to live within yourself -
There is a whole world in your soul
Mysteriously magical thoughts;
They will be deafened by the outside noise,
Daylight rays will disperse, -
Listen to their singing - and be silent!..
* Silentium - Silence! (lat.)

Analysis of the poem “Silentium!” Tyutcheva

Tyutchev became famous thanks to his poems in the genre of landscape lyricism. But in early period In his creative work he turned to philosophical and deeply personal themes. These works were written exclusively for himself; the poet did not strive for literary fame and did not try to publish his creations. Only after succumbing to the persuasion of his friends did Tyutchev decide to publish some of his early poems. One of them was the poem “Silentium!”, published in 1830. It is believed that it was written much earlier. The verse withstood several serious copyright edits. Tyutchev was afraid to convey some purely personal thoughts to the public.

The Latin title of the work (in translation - “be silent”, “silence”) immediately indicates the author’s inclination towards romanticism, which was the dominant direction in art at that time. He was characterized by motives of dissatisfaction with the world around him and loneliness lyrical hero. These motives are clearly visible in the poem. The author appeals to an imaginary interlocutor with a call to hide his true feelings from the rest of society. This monologue can be considered a frank conversation between Tyutchev and himself. A man's secret dreams are his highest value. The author compares them to “stars in the night,” which can only be silently admired.

The inner world of a person is unique and inimitable. Intimate experiences cannot be expressed in words, much less conveyed to another. Thoughts are pure and perfect; they are the highest gift of nature. Words are only a weak reflection of human thought; they significantly distort it and change the original meaning to the exact opposite (“a thought expressed is a lie”). Therefore, silence is the only way out for a person who wants to preserve the integrity of his innermost thoughts.

Inner spiritual wealth allows a person to exist independently of the world around him, only this needs to be learned. The ability for self-contemplation and self-improvement is a special quality of a person that distinguishes him from the animal world. “Outside noise”, which symbolizes the mindless bustle of the crowd, can damage harmony inner world. A person must carefully protect his individuality. Combined with silence, this will reveal to him all the secrets of the universe.

The poem "Silentium!" very important for understanding Tyutchev’s inner world. It can be assumed that the poet became primarily a “singer of nature” because he no longer wanted to share his philosophical reflections with others.

Be silent, hide and hide
And your feelings and dreams -
Let it be in the depths of your soul
They get up and go in
Silently, like stars in the night, -
Admire them - and be silent.

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand what you live for?
A spoken thought is a lie.
Exploding, you will disturb the keys, -
Feed on them - and be silent.

Just know how to live within yourself -
There is a whole world in your soul
Mysteriously magical thoughts;
They will be deafened by the outside noise,
Daylight rays will disperse, -
Listen to their singing - and be silent!..
* Silence! (lat.)

Firstly, it should be considered as a poetic appeal to the reader to keep the secret of the movements of the soul, the mysterious fullness of unspoken thoughts (“Be silent, hide and hide // And your feelings and dreams”).

Secondly, “silentium” can be understood as the forced “muteness” of the poet, his symbolic protest against the vulgarity of “external noise”, the world of everyday consciousness.

Thirdly, Tyutchev’s “silence” is a unique embodiment of the romantic motif of loneliness, the idea of ​​the impossibility of true and absolute mutual understanding between people (“How can someone else understand you?”).

Finally, another meaning of the concept “silentium” is the powerlessness of the word to convey the internal movements of the soul, complex human feelings and experiences (“A thought expressed is a lie”).

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has language...

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You see the leaf and color on the tree:
Or did the gardener glue them?
Or the fetus is ripening in the womb
The play of external, alien forces?..

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

They don't see or hear
They live in this world as if in the dark,
For them, even the suns, you know, do not breathe,
And there is no life in the sea waves.

The rays did not descend into their souls,
Spring did not bloom in their chests,
The forests didn't speak in front of them
And the night in the stars was silent!

And in unearthly tongues,
Wavering rivers and forests,
I didn’t consult with them at night
There is a thunderstorm in a friendly conversation!

It's not their fault: understand, if possible,
Organa life of the deaf and dumb!
Soul him, ah! won't alarm
And the voice of the mother herself!..

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 24.12.2011. Tyutchev's poems
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