Who left the first channel for the last? Malakhov's stories leave Channel One

Timur Kizyakov may be expelled from the leadership of United Russia

There are shocks on Channel One -one for others are leaving TV presenters. The biggest loss of the “first button” is, of course, Andrey MALAKHOV. Then it became known about the dismissal of Alexander OLESHKO, Timur KIZYAKOV - and the list doesn't end there.

About care Malakhova what versions have not been put forward! The cutest thing is that he was not allowed to go on maternity leave. The most delusional - because Marina Anisina, which threatens to sue for insults and slander, and because of the transition to the structure of the Zenit football club. The real reason for the TV star’s departure is a conflict with the producer. "Persecutor" Malakhov - Natalia Nikonova. A man with a complex character and dictatorial habits. Previously, she headed the special projects studio of Channel One, produced “Let Them Talk,” “Malakhov +,” and the “Lolita” program. He is a two-time TEFI laureate. Then Natalya Petrovna left her native land for several years for the sake of “Live broadcast” on “Russia 1”. Having returned, Nikonova set a condition: through her head, none of her subordinates Konstantin Ernst will not communicate. This is what they say stung the country's most popular presenter. When asked about Nikonova, Malakhov said meaningfully: “I’d better keep quiet...”

Timur KIZYAKOV does not agree that he behaved like a pig

Malakhov takes risks

Now Andrey will use his own money to produce his own talk show on Rossiya 1 and sell it to the channel, and not receive a bare salary, as before, making up for lost profits at corporate events. More freedom, money, but more risk. That's exactly how it works Timur Kizyakov, who for many years created the program “While everyone is at home.” Or rather, he worked. It was assumed that he and his show would move to “Russia 1”, like Malakhov. Kizyakov claims that he wrote a letter about his desire to leave back in May. But whether he will succeed now is a big question. The scandal over the fact that he took 100 thousand rubles for an orphan’s “video passport” from the Ministry of Education, despite the fact that competing companies did the same work for 3 thousand, broke out on the eve of the new television season. Now it’s not a fact that Kizyakov will be taken. Moreover, according to our data, within the bowels of United Russia the issue of removing him from the Supreme Council of the party, which he joined in February last year, is being considered.

“There is no reason to formally exclude him completely,” a source at United Russia told us. - The ugly story about the orphans was investigated within Channel One, but no criminal case was opened. But they want to ask Kizyakov to leave the Supreme Council in an amicable way, without a scandal.”

Fatal Natalya NIKONOVA

Who else will leave the “main button”? We were the first to report that the program had ceased to exist Yulia Menshova“Alone with everyone,” but Julia herself will not disappear from the air - a new project is being started for her. Was under gunpoint Larisa Guzeeva, a lady with a difficult character, but she also denies her departure. Also, Channel One did not confirm the closure of “Test Purchase”, “First Studio” with Artem Sheinin and the “Fashionable Verdict,” which has been the subject of much discussion over the past two weeks.

And here is “Looking at the Night” Boris Berman And Ildara Zhendareva We most likely won't see. “Wait a minute,” the meticulous reader will say, “you wrote about this a couple of years ago!” That's right, they wrote. The TV world is very dynamic. Recently Dmitry Shepelev considered successor Boris Korchevnikov live". He even began to receive a salary as a presenter on “Russia 1” without going on air! But Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One from Rossiya 1, and now Dmitry is already the frontman of Konstantin Ernst’s fiefdom.

So it is with the “Looking at Night” program. They tried to cut it down several times under the spine, but they left it, not knowing what to put in its place. Now, it seems, the fate of the presenters, who “did not want to offend anyone,” has been finally decided. They themselves were offended.

Finally, all the i's are dotted - Andrei Malakhov officially left Channel One. “I was always subordinate. A human soldier, following orders. But I wanted independence. I looked at my colleagues: they became producers of their programs, they began to make decisions themselves. And suddenly the understanding came: life goes on, and you need to grow, get out of the tight confines.” , Malakhov explained in an interview with Woman`s Day.


And in his address to the country’s chief television doctor, Elena Malysheva, published in StarHit, he was a little more specific: “We need to develop, you, as the producer of your own program, understand this better than others. And if at the same time I brought you up to a new broadcast topic called “First manifestations male menopause" is also not bad."

Now for people far from the television kitchen, it’s worth explaining what Malakhov meant. The fact is that Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One as a producer. She returned and developed vigorous activity, seizing the reins of the “Let Them Talk” program. Employees of Channel One reported that Nikonova’s task is to “shake up the socio-political block of broadcasts.” These changes were not to the liking of the star TV presenter.

The changes, it must be said, were revolutionary. Firstly, Andrei, as they say, was deprived of the opportunity to formulate the editorial plan of the Let Them Talk program. He was assigned only the role of the presenter, to whom questions are written to the heroes and into whose ear monitor the director gives the commands “Let them fight,” “Don’t approach the heroine, let her scream,” “Approach the experts in the hall.” Malakhov was not satisfied with the “talking head” function in any way.

The second change concerns the subject matter of his program. If “Let Them Talk” previously touched on the social and everyday sphere, Nikonova decided to make the program a political talk show, which would talk about America, Syria, Ukraine and other news-producing countries. The new format has already been tested - the first episode of “Let Them Talk” with a new host was dedicated to Mikheil Saakashvili. Malakhov, of course, is not at all interested in politics.

Finally, competitors from “Russia” are said to have offered Andrey almost twice as much salary. And the “best presenter in the country,” as Malakhov was introduced to the “Live Broadcast” team, now really needs money for diapers, rattles and strollers - at the end of the year he will become a dad.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all employees of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to the colleagues with whom he had worked for 25 long years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is used extremely rarely, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people still wrote letters to each other, not text messages. So forgive me for such a long message. I dare to hope that you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to “Russia 1”, where I will host the new program “Andrei Malakhov. Live broadcast,” to work on the Saturday show and other projects,” the site quotes the text of the letter.

The “Let Them Talk” host thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, named those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all my hope is in you! The other day I saw fragments of “Let Them Talk” with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I did not comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you guessed, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with his wife Natalya’s website, he openly spoke about why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that “it’s time to get out of the tight confines.”

“I have always been subservient. A human soldier following orders. “But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings.”

An additional “blow,” the presenter admitted, was the move of the “Let Them Talk” program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Russia 1 and was offered to become the producer of his own program in order to “decide for himself what to do and what topics to cover.”

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: “Andrey Malakhov. Live.”


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no longer there: the talk show “Live” on the “Russia 1” channel has indeed undergone a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion from the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who quit Channel One for this purpose. Filming will begin this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host of “New Wave 2017”

The passions around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. They only dissuaded him on the topic of “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Rossiya channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. Suddenly - a new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the “New Wave” ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: They saw off Malakhov - they broke two button accordions


In the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, with the new presenter, they made a decisive break with the dark past ().

For what reason did Ekaterina Andreeva leave Channel One? This is a question that has recently been asked by viewers who, over many years, have become accustomed to seeing her as the host of the Vremya program. For 20 years she was the “face” of news programs. The channel’s management commented on the situation with Andreeva’s “dismissal”. It turned out that the latest data was somewhat exaggerated, and the audience will see their favorite presenter on air more than once.

Popular Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, who is inextricably associated among viewers with the Vremya program, for the first time publicly commented on the information about leaving the position of presenter. She asked those around her not to worry.

For more than 20 years, Andreeva has been the face of Channel One, as she regularly hosts the information program “Time”. However, recently she stopped appearing on the channel and instead went on a tour of South Korea. Ekaterina handed over her post to Kirill Kleimenov.

If you look at the latest entries on the TV presenter’s blog, it becomes clear that she does not regret leaving her job at all. On the contrary, she spends her time with pleasure and shares a sense of harmony with her fans. But she could not ignore rumors of expulsion from Channel One.

“This is the taste of bosses. I haven’t left yet, while I’m working at “Orbit” and our huge country still sees me, many people wrote in Direct that they even bought satellite dishes and tuned them to “Orbit”, and they are watching at 21:00. And on Saturday I’ll be on the 1st. So far, so,” Andreeva said.

In this way, the TV personality tried to calm down her army of fans, who were vying with each other to discuss her possible dismissal from the “first button.”


Ekaterina Sergeevna was born in 1961. She grew up in the family of an employee of the USSR State Supply Service. The girl’s mother did housework and raised Katya and her younger sister Svetlana.

Since childhood, Katya had excellent physical fitness. She was seriously interested in basketball, and even for some time was a student at the Olympic reserve school.

In her youth, not a trace remained of Catherine’s athletic figure. While writing her thesis, she led a very sedentary lifestyle and began to abuse junk food. One day Katya weighed herself and realized that she needed to change something in her appearance. She went on a diet and included exercise in her routine. Two years later, the TV presenter lost several tens of kilograms. Since then, moderation in food and sports have been an integral part of her life.

Katya studied at the evening department of the law institute. She was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for internship. After some time, the girl decides to change her field of activity. She enters the second higher education at the Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute. In 1990, her life and career took a different turn: the girl decided to take courses for radio and television workers.

Soon fate will bring her to the central television channel as the host of the “Time” program. For more than 20 years she was the face of the news program. Recently, rumors have begun to spread about the reasons for Ekaterina Andreeva’s departure from Channel One.

Personal life

The image of Ekaterina Andreeva is known for her signature hairstyle and strict manner. Viewers dubbed it the “teacher hairstyle.” Ekaterina herself does not see anything wrong with this and believes that it is not at all shameful to resemble a teacher. In addition, as the presenter notes, such an image is very convenient and comfortable, and she is not going to “twist Babylons on her head.”

The presenter’s personal life was quite happy. She was married twice. Nothing is known about the first wife; from this marriage there is Catherine’s only daughter, Natalya, who became a lawyer.

In 1992, Ekaterina married Dusko Perovic, a Serb by nationality. The man saw Catherine on TV. He liked the girl, and he decided to find her through familiar journalists. For three years he looked after Katya, learned Russian so as not to have barriers in communicating with his chosen one.

In many interviews, Ekaterina admits that her husband is “impeccable.” In her entire life, she had never made a reprimand to him - there was simply no reason. She has absolutely nothing to teach her husband, but Catherine learned a lot from him.

Many people note that Ekaterina Andreeva looks great for her age. The presenter tries to monitor her diet. She does not consider herself a gourmet and prefers to go without frills in food. The Channel One star notes that Japanese cuisine is the best, precisely in terms of cooking technology and preserving vitamins.

For breakfast, Ekaterina prefers to eat porridge. At lunch she likes to eat soup, always with meat broth. In the evening, she prefers not to pamper herself and refreshes herself with something light.

For many years now, sport has been an integral companion of her life. Andreeva goes to the gym several times a week, and she starts every morning with yoga classes.

However, with such a healthy lifestyle, the speaker also has bad habits. For example, she often “abuses” chocolate. And he simply cannot imagine his life without cigarettes, although he only smokes very light cigarettes called “Muratti” with a carbon filter. You can’t get your favorite cigarettes in Moscow, so the presenter brings tobacco from Italy.

Television career

In 1991, Catherine first appeared on television. I must say that the presenter was very well trained. The girl was also noticed by Igor Kirillov, who personally taught her the art of broadcasting.

The debut program was “Good Morning”. Andreeva also worked as an announcer at the Ostankino television company. Next, the girl was entrusted with reporting news on economic topics.

Since 1995, she has held the position of editor of information programs, as well as presenter of news programs. Since 1998, he has become the permanent announcer of the TV show “Time”. A year later, fans awarded Catherine the title of the most beautiful TV news presenter.

As the presenter admits, the first broadcast was very difficult for her; she was extremely nervous. Now it is almost impossible to throw Ekaterina out of balance; over the years she has learned to work in any conditions. Andreeva fights fatigue with sleep: she simply dozes for about twenty minutes on the nearest sofa to regain strength before the broadcasts.

In 2018, news began to spread that Ekaterina Andreeva left Channel One; no reasons were reported. Fans began to speculate why this happened, because Andreeva had been successfully running the news for more than 20 years.

It is interesting that Catherine proved herself to be a good actress. Her debut took place in 1990 in the film “Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout.” A year later there was the film “Fiend of Hell.” In 1999, she got the main role in the film “In the Mirror of Venus.” In 2004, Andreeva played herself in “Personal Number”.

Over many years of work, the announcer has accumulated several awards. In 2005, Ekaterina Sergeevna was awarded the Order of Friendship. She is also an honorary citizen of Montenegro. In 2007 she received TEFI for her professional excellence as a presenter. Included in the rating of the most popular presenters of Russian television.

Leaving Channel One

Over the past few years, news has periodically appeared that Ekaterina will no longer host Vremya. It was said that the presenter allegedly had a conflict with the leadership in the person of Konstantin Ernst. However, rumors appeared, and Andreeva continued to go on air.

In 2018, such news ceased to resemble rumors. In February, the channel's press service announced that the presenter would leave the program. And indeed, soon viewers saw that the news was being read by another announcer - Kirill Kleimenov, who at the same time was the deputy director of the channel.

Viewers, not seeing a woman on the next broadcast, began to speculate about the reasons for Ekaterina Andreeva’s departure from Channel One. However, the TV channel itself hastened to clarify this issue. The director said that they did not part with Ekaterina for good, and she would soon return to the air.

Representatives of the channel noted that Vremya has now changed its format somewhat. A new studio appeared, new advanced technologies emerged. It takes some time to retrain the presenters, so for now Kirill Kleimenov will broadcast to the European part of Russia. For now, Ekaterina will be broadcasting on Saturdays together with Vitaly Eliseev, and she will also be broadcast in other time zones. Representatives note that this measure is temporary, and Ekaterina Andreeva is not going anywhere.

Prepared based on materials taken from open sources specifically for the site.

Russian TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who will host her own program “Results of the Week” on the NTV channel (the first broadcast will take place on December 4 - approx.), spoke about leaving Channel One, personal life and friends, reports 1news.az.

“It’s like in a family: all relationships end. So we ended with Channel One - we exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and so did they. And we gave each other the right to make a decision. I was the first to inform about my decision family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst. And I had long conversations both in the family and with management. It was very valuable to me, because I consider myself an honest person. I never play games, I don’t build intrigues. I came and honestly said: “ Sorry, I'm leaving. If you want, support me." I'm not one of those reporters who come and give up their resignation in the hope that they will be retained. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me quite well and understands people very well. I would say that he has absolutely animal instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me,” Zeynalova said.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: “When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already a matter of taste. Guys, the good thing about television is that you can turn it off.”

Irada Zeynalova studio of the program "Results of the Week" on NTV

“It’s unpleasant for me when, for example, a woman completely unfamiliar to me writes: “I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. Arrogant and disgusting, she didn’t recognize me, didn’t even say hello." And I understand that I didn’t fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because I, like all my TV viewers, fly with transfers in economy and I don’t see anything wrong with this. And I open a photograph of this woman - I’ve never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion on the topic of the fact that we grew up together. And nothing bothers me. If their day goes well after before they write about me, God bless them,” she said.

Zeynalova also remembered the “wildly funny situation” that happened to her at Irina Khakamada’s anniversary. "The birthday party was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I run in, I should have left earlier. And there is standing there some scary, as it seems to him, liberal-minded man with his wife. In such a strong manner, he looks at me and says: “Irada Zeynalova.” I say: “Yes.” And I just got on the air from the Arab Springs. He looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I’ll pull out your Adam’s apple with my fingers.” His equally tipsy wife says: “Vasya, well, okay.” I say: “Strangle yourself, don’t deny yourself anything. Take it and strangle it." He replies: "I changed my mind." I say: "That's how you screwed up your life and your country. You're just talking. Then don’t open your mouth if you don’t want to do anything.” He said to his wife: “Am I brave?” And she: “I’m proud of you,” the TV presenter said.

TV presenter with her future husband

And here is what Irada Zeynalova said about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia who gets married. I am surprised by such attention from the media. I am an adult. My future husband is an adult (military correspondent of Channel One Alexander Evstigneev). I am I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Very much. Pah-pah-pah, everything is fine with us. And I hope that everything will be fine. And most importantly “If there is no such intense media attention, it will be even better.”