Russian language. New Year's poems for kids Soon, soon New Year

Elena Denisenko
Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children of the middle group "New Year's Adventures"

Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children of the middle group "New Year's Adventures."

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree.

Leading: We entered the hall and saw everything - What kind of guest came to us?

So elegant and slender, covered in toys, covered in needles.

This is festive...

Children: Christmas tree!

Leading: Beautiful, fragrant, tall, fluffy.

And the trunk is covered in resinous droplets, the needles are bluish...

I came, today the Christmas tree meets the guys.

Walk around the Christmas tree and look at all the toys.

(Sounds music, children look at toys)

Leading: Our Christmas tree is beautiful! All the guys like her.

Our holiday, friends, let's start, let's sing a song to the Christmas tree!

Leading: Miracles await us today near the Christmas tree!

The music sounds quietly, the first guest is in a hurry!

(music sounds, Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden: The threat of winter is not terrible, Granddaughters of Grandfather Frost.

I'm not afraid of snowstorms, I'm called the Snow Maiden!

Hello, my friends, I am glad to see you all.

And there will be hares, and bear cubs, and foxes, and squirrels!

Let fun, joy and success accompany everyone!

I look at your tree, how beautiful it is.

The snow is fluffy on the needles, the toys are sparkling - it’s simply marvelous!

I've been to all the gardens, I've never seen a better Christmas tree!

Leading: All the kids like the beautiful Christmas tree!

(children recite poems)

Matvey: Christmas tree is visiting the guys today

Very beautiful outfit for the Christmas tree!

There are a lot of different toys for the Christmas tree,

Balls of bright paper crackers!

Maksim Green fluffy,

In a snow coat.

The Christmas tree has arrived for the holiday

Frosty winter.

Grisha: Silver snowflakes

They shine on the branches,

And pieces of ice like bells

They are ringing softly!

Snow Maiden: To make it more fun, forest animals are rushing towards us.

They will come here now. Shall we meet them guys?

Children: Yes!

Leading: The snow crunches very loudly, someone is rushing to the Christmas tree!

(fast music plays, the Hare runs into the hall)

Hare: I am a cheerful bunny, a bouncing bunny. I came here for a reason...

Hello my friends!

I made my way to kindergarten, through fields and forests, and to the miracle Christmas tree,

I want to see it myself!

(The hare walks around the tree, looking at the toys)

Hare: Your Christmas tree is so beautiful, but there are so many toys!

And amazingly elegant, you won’t find a better Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Stay with us, bunny, have fun and have fun.

After all, today is New Year, everyone is dancing and singing!

Hare: I would stay even now, but aren’t there any of you?

A gray, toothy wolf?

Snow Maiden: You little bunny, calm down, don’t be afraid of anyone here.

Look how good the kids are!

Come into a circle with us and smile quickly.

We'll dance on ours near the Christmas tree for the holidays!

(A song or dance is performed)

Presenter: Guys, be quiet, be quiet...

I think I hear something. (peers into the distance)

A forest animal in a gray fur coat, and very angry, is sneaking up here deftly.

Hare: Oh! Yes, it's a wolf!

I’ll hide behind the Christmas tree, the green needle!

(Music sounds, the hare hides, the Wolf runs into the hall)

Wolf: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I am a wolf, click my teeth, I will stand closer to the Christmas tree.

I decided to visit you, I was going to, I tried so hard, I was in such a hurry!

Finally I'm with you! And, probably, you guys are all happy for me!

Snow Maiden: Of course, we're glad, wolf!

Wolf: Smells like a hare...

Now, that means the hare is among you.

But where is he, friends? (Walks around the children and sniffs)

The bunny hid from me. I’ll sit by the Christmas tree and pretend like I’m sleeping!

(calm music sounds, the wolf falls asleep. He carefully comes out from behind the tree

The Hare looks at the Wolf, from one side to the other. Music subsides)

Hare: What I see? There's a wolf here! This is such a miracle of miracles...

Hey, you wolf, you’re silent... isn’t he fast asleep?

(starts to brag)

They say that bunnies are cowards and arrogant.

Don't believe me, I'm not a coward. I'm not afraid of anyone!

I am the bravest in the forest, hey wolf, open your eyes, I am calling you to fight!

Wolf: Ah-ah-ah, gotcha, braggart!

You are exactly what I need!

I'll quickly eat you for dinner!

Hare: In vain, gray, don’t scare me. You catch me first!

(fast music plays. The Wolf is chasing the Hare, children stomp their feet, disturbing the wolf)

Wolf: Wow, I’m tired, I can’t. I'd better sit down and rest.

Hare: Well, I invite all the kids to play!

Well, kids, run out and take a walk in the clearing.

(game “Wolf Catch Us”)

Wolf: What's happened? I couldn't catch up with you again!

Well, some smart people live in this kindergarten!

Snow Maiden: You can’t quarrel on holiday, make peace, friends!

After all, today all the people celebrate the New Year!

Hare, Wolf: We will, we will be friends, we will, we will live peacefully.

(shakes hands with each other)

Leading: Look how elegant our Christmas tree is - beautiful!

And, of course, miracles await us today!

Hare: And now, mischievous people, read some poetry!

About our guest the Christmas tree, a wonderful needle!

Nastya: The Christmas tree visited the kindergarten today!

And spends the New Year's holiday with us!

Alina In our hall, there is noise and laughter, and the singing does not stop.

Our Christmas tree is the best, there is no doubt about it!

Alina Oh, what a Christmas tree, what a beautiful Christmas tree!

We really, really like her today!

Nice, green, elegant Christmas tree.

Slender, tall, fluffy and cute!

Nadia: Santa Claus will come today.

Come to us for the New Year's holiday.

He will sing and dance with us,

Give gifts to everyone!

Wolf: What kind of Frost is this?

Answer the question!

Hare: This is Grandfather, funny, with a long white beard!

He knows a lot of different jokes and plays with the guys!

Leading: We need to invite grandpa to celebrate the New Year with us!

Snow Maiden: We’ll start a round dance and sing a song loudly.

Santa Claus will hear her and find us sooner!

(song performed)

Leading: We sang the song amazingly, very loudly and beautifully!

Wolf: Only Santa Claus disappeared, he didn’t come to our Christmas tree!

Hare: It’s okay, don’t hang your nose! Let's shout: "Grandfather Frost"!

(music sounds, into the hall on a 3-wheeler

bicycle, a Dwarf rides in)

Snow Maiden: Guys, is this Santa Claus? (Children's answers)

Dwarf: That's right, that's right, I'm a Dwarf! Hello my friends!

Hare: (Looking at the gnome)

Yeah! You are not Santa Claus, you do not have a red nose...

And the beard is different, absolutely not gray.

Gnome, how did you come to us?

Dwarf: You yourself called me!

When I called, I ran and got to the children’s kindergarten!

Wolf: Gnome, you are funny and funny!

Dwarf: Right, right! That's who I am!

Snow Maiden: Do you want to play with us, sing songs and dance?

Dwarf: Certainly! because today is New Year!

(Game with a gnome “snowballs”)

Hare: You play the gnome well, but what else can you surprise?

Dwarf: There's another game for you. I'll start, you continue

Answer in chorus (Chant about Santa Claus)

Dwarf: It’s fun to be with you, friends, I’m convinced of this.

It’s just a pity the time has come to say goodbye, kids.

I need to run home, I’ll decorate the Christmas tree!


Leading: Dwarf, have a nice trip!

Snow Maiden: Come visit more often!

(music “Mad Frog” sounds, the gnome sits on his

the bicycle goes around the Christmas tree, the children say goodbye to it)

Leading: Instead of Santa Claus, we got a funny gnome.

He had fun with us and sang loud songs!

Snow Maiden: Oh! It upsets me to the point of tears! Where is my Grandfather Frost?

Presenter, Hare, Wolf: Let's call him again now!

Snow Maiden: OK! Let's shout more cheerfully: “Santa Claus! Go quickly!

(Children repeat the words, music sounds, D. M’s voice is heard)

D ed Frost: Aw! Aw! I'm coming! I'm coming - yay! (enters the hall)

Happy New Year, happy holidays to you friends

Santa Claus wishes happiness and joy to the children.

I see you all gathered at the New Year's bright hour!

We haven't met for a whole year, I miss you!

Hello my dears!

Children: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Father Frost: Oh yes, the Christmas tree is the soul! How fluffy - so good!

So that the Christmas trees light up with colorful lights, so that the Christmas tree

It became more beautiful to say: “The Christmas tree is shining!”

Come on, everyone together, louder!

(Children will repeat the magic words, lights flash on the Christmas trees)

Father Frost: It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree flashed with lights.

Santa Claus is calling you all to a New Year's round dance!

(song performed)

Father Frost: Oh yeah song! How wonderful! The only interesting thing is...

How will I get out of the circle?

Hare: We won't let you out!

Father Frost: What do you mean, you won’t let me out? And I’ll pass through here!

(He goes to the children, they join hands, without letting go of Santa Claus)

Well then, I’ll jump out here!

(runs up to other children, but nothing happens there either)

What's happened? That's it! I'll freeze everyone now!

Snow Maiden: Kids, don’t yawn, run away quickly!

(game “I’ll freeze”)

Father Frost: I didn’t catch up with anyone, I didn’t catch anyone!

Leading: Frosts don’t matter to us! We are not afraid of the cold

Who sings and dances briskly...

Children: It will never freeze!

(performed “Dance with Santa Claus”)

Father Frost: Thank you, friends, you amused me!

Snow Maiden: And now, kids, it’s time to read poetry!

Zhenya: On New Year’s Eve, old Grandfather Frost comes knocking on our door.

It sparkles with snowflakes, it is overgrown with icicles!

Vania: He has a bright blush, his beard is like white fur!

He prepared interesting gifts for everyone!

Elisha: Good Grandfather Frost, he came to us for the evening.

He sings songs with us and dances in our hall.

We've been dreaming about a meeting like this for a whole year!

Pauline: Our Christmas tree is dressed up! Even the cat was surprised.

How the lights sparkle, like coals in a stove.

And the toys, and the toys, are all hung by their ears.

We are celebrating the New Year, it will bring us joy!

Dima: We all gathered today and stood together in a round dance.

The New Year brings a lot of joy to all the children!

Veronica: Santa Claus knocks at the entrance, shaking snow from his hat.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! How much joy everyone has!

Lisa: Good Grandfather Frost came to us for the evening.

How excited everyone is for the New Year's Eve!

Sergey: Santa Claus celebrates the New Year with us,

Leads a friendly round dance near the Christmas tree!

Milena: Our Christmas tree is simply a marvel, so elegant and beautiful,

All in garlands, lanterns, gilding and lights!

Darina: What is New Year? It's the other way around:

The trees grow in the room, the squirrels don’t gnaw the cones,

Hares next to a wolf on a prickly tree.

The rain is not easy either, on New Year it is golden!

Maksim: Hello, forest Christmas tree, silvery, thick.

You grew up under the sun and came to us for the holiday!

Rita: Santa Claus, Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree for the children,

And she has lanterns and golden balls!

Ruslan: Our tree is big, our tree is tall,

Taller than mom, taller than dad, reaches to the ceiling!

Father Frost: And now let’s all get up and dance together as quickly as possible.

I'll see who can sing the sonorous song better.

(song performed)

Father Frost: Well, it’s time for me to get ready to go - to set off on the road

It's a shame to part with you!

Hare: Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

Father Frost: Didn’t I give them as a gift? How did I forget about them?

Where's my bag? Can not see…

Wolf: What to do? What a shame!

Snow Maiden: We can’t live without gifts!

Father Frost: Let's do magic, friends! Will you help me?

(the children agree, D.M. calls the children and all the participants of the holiday to him, asks them to turn their faces to the Christmas tree. The lights in the hall go out, only the lights on the Christmas tree are on)

Father Frost: Let's wave at the Christmas tree, green needle!

(children perform movements)

And now everyone just needs to blow on the snow a little...

Let's clap our hands and stamp our feet!

(All movements are accompanied by music while the children “conjure” together with D.M.

Gifts are laid out on the chairs)

Father Frost: Now everyone smile and look around quickly!

(lights come on in the hall)

Gifts are waiting for you, kids, girls and boys!

(cheerful music sounds, children unpack gifts, thank D.M.

D.M. congratulates each child)

Snow Maiden: Have you received all the gifts? Have you forgotten anyone?

Hare: Children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree!

Wolf: But it’s time for us to say goodbye to you!

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, children, have fun!

Father Frost: Goodbye, children, mothers, fathers...

Together: Happy New Year to all!

(music sounds by D.M., Snow Maiden, Hare, Wolf leave. Children say goodbye to them)

Leading: In a year, Santa Claus will come to our holiday again!

And now it’s time for the kids to disperse,

Goodbye friends! Happy New Year! [ b]

Test in the Russian language for the first quarter of grade 4

The proposed tests in the Russian language (dictations, test copying, grammar tasks, work on sentences and texts) will allow the teacher to find out how firmly and consciously students have mastered the material on the topics covered at the end of the year.

4th grade DICTANTS

The purpose of the work is to check how students have mastered the topics “Homogeneous members of a sentence”, “Unstressed endings of nouns of the first declension”.

Text volume: 60-65 words.


Autumn leaves flew and flew. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated across the mirror-like water. At the edge of the village a horn began to play. It was the shepherd gathering the flock.
I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East is brightening and turning pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to become prettier and straighter. Under the first rays of the sun, droplets of water sparkled and sparkled. It was a wonderful time of autumn.


I was greeted by a cold, dry forest. I reached out to the edges, to the spacious blue skies. The basket contained roots and a bright ruby ​​bunch of viburnum.
I walked from path to path and became wary. A small, strong boletus made its way near one of the paths. A hefty boletus sat nearby. What luck!
There was a noise. It was an animal with stripes on its back. On the way home, I left either a mushroom or pieces of bread.
The animals will need it!

(According to V. Korzhikov)


Grandma took me to the forest every day. There we collected medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms and nuts. Once we came out into a large clearing and sat down to rest. I went behind the trees. A gray dog ​​appeared from the thicket. I wanted to run up to the dog and pet it. The dog bent over and looked at me with green, cold eyes. I whistled. She rushed wildly into the bushes. It turned out to be a wolf. It’s good that wolves are quiet in the summer.

(According to A.M. Gorky)


In the summer I vacationed in the village of Ozerki. It is located on the banks of the Dnieper. I loved lying on the soft sand and watching the waves.
Once my older brother Ivan took me fishing. Just before dawn we approached the river. There were fires burning on the shore. Fishermen gathered. We laid out our things and set up our tents. Everyone was waiting for dawn. Silence. The night was warm. I checked the fishing rods and bait. Should be a good catch.



You became familiar with the Christmas tree as a child. The smell of its pine needles was the smell of a holiday. On New Year's Eve it was brought to your home. But you didn’t break up with her even during your school years. She was with you when you read books, wrote in a notebook, listened to the violin or piano at the school matinee. You can't do without a Christmas tree when making musical instrument paper. This is a singing tree, its layered wood can amplify the sound.

(From the book “All Year Round”)


It was a warm autumn day.
I found an oak tree in a ditch. It was a small crooked twig with two leaves. He could have been trampled by passersby or eaten by the goat Matryona. I decided to replant the oak tree and took a shovel. I dug up a lot of land. But the root sits in the depths and does not show itself. I was tired, the shovel became heavy. The end of the root is not visible. Where is he.
Why does such a tiny oak tree need such a long root?
To stand strong!

(According to E. Shim)

Assignment: fill in the missing punctuation marks.


1. Presentation.


One day I noticed an iron cage at the bottom of the river. There were fish in the cage. I grabbed the cage and pulled it out of the water.
Who locked them and why did they sink to the bottom? I took out the ruffs and released them into the water, and took the cage to the village. The owner was in the village. He was the one who lost her last year. I caught ruffs, put them in a cage, tied them with string and lowered them over the side of the boat. The string frayed and the fish tank sank.
So the ruffs sat in a cage under water for a whole year. What miracles!

(According to N. Sladkov)

Words for reference:

Part I: noticed.

Part II: locked, string.

2. Presentation.


The fishing boat was caught in a severe storm. For four days it rushed in the stormy sea without food or water. The cars stalled.
The warship was ordered to find the vessel and provide assistance. Huge waves tossed the ship from side to side. It was difficult to spot a fishing vessel in such weather. However, the ship found them.
For seven hours he tried to tow the ship. Night was falling. The storm intensified. Long hours passed. The ship's sailors fought against the elements. Finally all the fishermen were saved.

3. Remember what sentences you know regarding the purpose of the statement.

Write them down (write down the sentences with appropriate punctuation marks).

Our Christmas tree

Z. Petrova

Our tree is big
Our tree is tall.
Taller than dad, taller than mom -
Reaches to the ceiling.

How her outfit shines,
Like the lanterns are burning,
Our Christmas tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.

Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!

Bad weather on New Year's Day

Santa Claus slept in bed,
I stood up jingling with icicles,
Where are the blizzards, where are the blizzards,
Why don't you wake me up?
Mess in the yard
Mud and puddles in December.

Waiting for Santa Claus

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Did you bring us gifts?
I've been waiting for you for so long
I don't go out anywhere.

Daddy's eyes

To our Christmas tree oh-oh-oh
Santa Claus came alive.
Beard, beard!
And there's a star on the hat!
There is a scratch on the nose
And daddy's eyes!

From a walk

S. Solozhenkina

We trampled on the porch,
took a walk in the garden and to the river,
and then they came back...
Felt boots are drying on the stove,
The felt boots are lying next to the cat.

The cat will warm its paws in them,
The cat will warm his nose in them
And he will doze off sweetly...
Everything is fine? Everything is fine!
And let the frost crackle!

Winter has begun

M. Boroditskaya

Calling for a winter feast!
We're jumping at the kiosk
And we blow on the ice cream.

And on the mountain ash again
Bullfinches are crowding:
- I want berry-fruit!
- I'll have a portion!
- I'm three!


Bunny washes himself
Going to the Christmas tree
Washed my nose
Washed my ponytail
Washed my ear
Wiped it dry
Put on a bow
He became a dandy.

Happy New Year

I. Tokmakova

It happens in the world,
That only once a year
They light up the Christmas tree
A beautiful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Beautiful ice glitters.
And it comes right away
Happy New Year!

We'll tell mom everything

We removed the tree ourselves,
The stars were hung.
We'll come and tell mom
How much fun we had.

Soon, soon New Year!

Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
There's a Christmas tree behind me,
Fluffy needles.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Our windows are brushed white
Santa Claus painted
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.

Don't you get used to the snow?
Can you hide your nose in a fur coat?
As soon as we come out, we shout:
"Hello Dedushka Moroz!"

New Year is knocking on the door

Soon, soon New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors
- Children, hello, I’m coming to see you!

We celebrate the holiday, decorate the Christmas tree,
We hang toys, balls, crackers.

Soon Santa Claus will come,
He will bring gifts to everyone:
Apples, candy...
Santa Claus, where are you?

Before the holiday

Winter, winter
For the green Christmas tree,
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.

Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow.
And stands more beautiful than everyone else,
In a green dress.

Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

"With a leisurely gait..."

With a leisurely gait
Winter has come. Snowball...
Open the window in the morning
It's fresh outside.

And in this fresh air,
Fluffy, soft snow
I'm seriously in love
There is no one cuter than him.

Beautiful in Hawaii:
There are palm trees and sand
And I prefer white
Cold snow.

The New Year tree is an indispensable attribute of the New Year celebration. Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year is the most exciting event in preparation for the holiday. It is not surprising that so many New Year's poems are dedicated to the green beauty. Here you will find poems about the New Year tree by both famous authors and young poets. Learn with your child the children's Poems you like about your sister and the Christmas tree. Let the baby tell it to the Christmas tree after you decorate it with him.

A. Barto Yolka (The girls stood in a circle...)

The girls stood in a circle.
They stood up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.

There's a star at the top
Beads in two rows.
Let the Christmas tree not go out,
Let it always burn!

T. Volgina Before the holiday winter...

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
Green suits her
Yolka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

Yu. Shcherbakov On furry prickly paws...

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.

Z. Petrova Our Christmas tree

Our tree is big
Our tree is tall.
Taller than dad, taller than mom -
Reaches to the ceiling.
How her outfit shines,
Like the lanterns are burning,
Our Christmas tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!

N. Filimonova Yolka (A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree)

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
If you touch a branch, it hurts your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
The fly agaric is standing below.
That's when winter comes,
The tree seems to come to life:
It will fluff up in the cold,
Will straighten up under the winds,
Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It doesn’t smell like dew or honey,
The tree smells like New Year!

L. Nekrasova The Christmas tree is lit with lights...

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
It's like there's frost in the white.
She thawed in the warmth,
Straightened the needles
And with funny songs
We came to our Christmas tree.
Multi-colored toys
They hung it on it for us,
And we look at the Christmas tree,
And we have fun today.
The lights on the tree are bright
Lights up everywhere
In all the houses, all over the country
The guys are smiling.

Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are
Why did you come to us again
And in green needles
Brought the freshness of the forest!
There are toys on your branches
And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers,
Different beads sparkle!

V. Donnikova Here it is, our Christmas tree...

Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
We are all dancing for joy
On New Year's Day under it.

A. Usachev Dad chose a Christmas tree...

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one
The fluffiest one
The most fragrant...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!

V. Petrova Mom decorated the Christmas tree

Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

V. Petrova

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Beautiful tree

There are candles and balls on the Christmas tree
Hanging out with mom
Snowflakes, tinsel rain,
And at the very top
A huge star is burning
Playing and sparkling!
And mom says quietly:
Oh, what beauty!

V. Nesterenko Good Christmas tree

Everyone knows what's at the Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the kids, -
Softer, gentler, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree there are gifts.

V. Lanzetti Fashionista

The Christmas tree has combed its hair -
To a needle a needle:
Tomorrow is a holiday -
New Year!
Visit the Christmas tree
The city is waiting.

S. Mikhalkov There was a Christmas tree in the snow...

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
One and a half meters.
An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.
She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.
What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.
Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!

M. Evensen Fir-tree (Fir-tree, fir-tree, Prickly needle...)

- Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
prickly needle
Where did you grow up?
- In the forest.
- What did you see?
- Fox.
- What's in the forest?
- Frost. Bare birches,
Wolves and bears
- That's all the neighbors.
- And on New Year’s Eve
Everyone sings a song.

A. Kuznetsova Christmas tree (Wolves told the news...)

The wolves told the news,
The forty brought news,
What a tree in the dense forest
There is a decorated one!
The animals heard the news,
We ran through the forests.
Everyone wants to check for themselves
Look at the tree for yourself.
For whom, why, where
Did this miracle appear?
Who brought the Christmas tree here?
Isn't it Santa Claus himself?
Is there time to figure it out?
Who brought it, why did they take it away?
Ah, foxes, squirrels, hares,
Open a noisy ball!

Elena Pavlova Elka

We were allowed yesterday
Don't stay up late, -
We bought a Christmas tree
Covered in big needles!
They brought her home
Dressed up with tinsel
Beads, balls,
Red bows!

V. Stepanov Come, Christmas tree!

Large, white snowflakes are falling
A beautiful Christmas tree right on the needles.
Come to the holiday, Christmas tree, quickly,
We will dress you up, we will warm you up!

Good Santa Claus

Oh, so good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for us for the holiday
Brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

We removed the tree
In a festive outfit.
Lights on the branches
They burn merrily.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

Let everyone at the Christmas tree
He will dance and sing,
We have fun together
Let's celebrate the New Year!

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

S. Marshak Song about the Christmas tree

What grows on the Christmas tree?
Cones and needles.
Multi-colored balls
They don't grow on the Christmas tree.
They don't grow on the Christmas tree
Gingerbread cookies and flags,
Nuts don't grow
In gold paper.

These flags and balloons
Grew up today
For Russian children
On New Year's holiday.
In the cities of my country,
In villages and towns
So many lights have grown
On merry Christmas trees!

We've been waiting for one thing all evening:
When will the Christmas tree come to our house?
Opposite the window flashed -
The tree there has been removed a long time ago!
A light came on in another window -
There the grandfather climbed onto the stool

And he attached a star to the top of his head,
And I gave each of my grandchildren a cracker!
The New Year is already here!
What if the Christmas tree doesn’t come to us?

Hooray! Call!
My sister and I are jumping at the door.
First the tree enters the house,
And dad follows her!

A. Usachev Song for the Christmas tree

Wonderful holiday! New Year's Day!
The Christmas tree came to visit us today...

Let's gently shake her green paws.

There will be fun at our Christmas tree:

Let's hang candy, balloons and crackers,
After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys!

Sweet, kind, like a princess,
Suddenly a guest from the forest smiles at us
And it will sway with its branches,
And in a round dance he will spin with us.

M. Takhistova New Year tree

On fluffy soft paws
A Christmas tree is coming to our house!
Slightly resinous, tart odor
Everyone knows it from childhood!

He will stand modestly in a corner,
Waiting for the guys with gifts:
Bright light bulbs flowers
They will flash and sparkle!
And candies and firecrackers,
Cute serpentine,
Multi-colored toys –
We decorate with whatever we want!

And we stand around in a crowd,
Hiding my excitement...
Forgetting what I am
We made it ourselves!

K. Chukovsky Christmas tree

If only we were at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the path.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

Would spin around on the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multi-colored lanterns,

Let's spin around the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

We'd laugh at the Christmas tree
Matryoshka dolls
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.

Because at the gate
New Year has come knocking!
New, new,
With a golden beard!

A. Barto It was in January

It was in January
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time
Sometimes at night,
When the forest is so quiet,
They meet a wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and hare.

Who's up for the New Year?
Fall into the clutches of the wolf!
The bunnies rushed forward
And they jumped onto the tree.

They flattened their ears
They hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

A. Barto Herringbone

The Christmas tree has come to the children,
She brought snow on the branches.
We need to warm up the Christmas tree
Wear a new dress.

The stars shine brightly,
The lights are burning brightly,
Different beads hang -
Wonderful outfit!

Musicians, hurry up!
Play more fun!
Let's dance together in a round dance,
Hello, hello, New Year!

O. Vysotskaya New Year tree

How beautiful the New Year tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on a green Christmas tree,
Bright beads sparkle on the chest.

Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle
The sparkle of lights, and snowflakes, and stars -
Like a peacock's tail unfolding.

Christmas tree in your gold pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she extended thick branches towards us,
Like a hostess, she greets guests.
You won't find a better tree anywhere!
With a good Christmas tree, the holiday is good!

E. Blaginina Elka

What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazing
How elegant, how beautiful.
The branches rustle faintly,
The beads shine brightly.

And the toys swing -
Flags, stars, firecrackers.
Here the lights are lit on her,
So many tiny lights!

And, decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged star.

A. Usachev Wonderful holiday

Wonderful holiday!
New Year's Day!
The Christmas tree came to visit us today...
Children and adults, mothers and fathers,
Let's gently shake her green paws.
There will be fun at our Christmas tree:
Let's make her a necklace from garlands,
Let's hang candy, balloons and crackers...
After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys!
Sweet, kind, like a princess,
Suddenly a guest from the forest smiles at us,
And it will sway with its branches,
And he will dance with us in a round dance!

New Year's Day!
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
The painted ball swayed,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.
E. Ilyina Our Christmas tree

Look through the crack of the door -
You will see our Christmas tree.
Our tree is tall
Reaches to the ceiling.
And there are toys hanging on it -
From the stand to the top of the head.

I. Nikitin Elka

Growing up lonely
A slender Christmas tree in the forest,
I learned the cold from a young age,
I often saw thunderstorms.

But, having left my native forest,
Found a poor Christmas tree
A welcoming corner
Blossomed with new life.

Everything was lit up with lights,
All dressed up in silver,
It's as if she was born again
I was transported to a better world.

A. Pleshcheev Christmas tree at school

The school is noisy, it's loud
The running and noise of children...
Know that they are not for learning
We gathered in it today.
No, Christmas tree
It is lit in her today;
The motley of its elegant
She makes the kids happy.
Toys beckon to a child's eye
Here are horses, there is a top,
Here's the railroad
Here is a hunting horn.
And the lanterns, and the stars,
That diamonds burn!
Golden nuts!
Transparent grapes!
May you be blessed
You, whose kind hand
I chose this tree
For the little ones!..
Rarely, rarely illuminates
Joy is bright in their days,
And all year long they will dream
Christmas trees with bright lights.

Evgenia Trutneva The Christmas tree grew

The Christmas tree grew
In the forest on the mountain,
She has needles
In winter in silver.
A bunny lived under the Christmas tree
With my hare,
A flock arrived
Tap dancer from the fields.
We came to the Christmas tree
And wolves in winter...
We took away the Christmas tree
Home from the forest.
Decorated the Christmas tree
In a new outfit
On thick needles
The sparkles are burning.
The fun has begun
Songs and dances!
Is it good, Christmas tree,
Do you want it with us?

Irina Aseeva Elka

Oh, I wish it was evening soon
Tomorrow's day
Because the Christmas tree
I will have it!

Introducing: Dad
He will carry her through the door,
Careful from branches
The wet snow will be shaken off.

And the house smells
Holiday, resin,
Will spread everywhere
Forest aroma!

And in a dark box
We waited a whole year
fragile toys
Winter round dance.

They are on thin threads
Hanging in the branches
Quiet at night
Ring in silence...

The Christmas tree will sparkle
In the holiday lights!..
Oh, I wish it was evening soon

Agnia Barto Christmas tree

They bought me a sailor suit
And dad told me:
- Today we are at the Christmas tree
Let's go to the huge hall.

I was wearing a new sailor suit
Looks like a sailor.
There is a Christmas tree in the huge hall
Almost to the ceiling.

Silver fish,
Shiny and light
Swinging on the branches
Spreading the fins.

Down under this tree
A big bear was sitting
I have everything on this tree
I wanted to take a closer look.

Aunt unknown
Suddenly he comes up to me
Shouts in a cheerful voice:
- Guys, stand in a circle!

Now let's put on masks!
Now the dancing will begin!

I danced and jumped
With the guys in a circle!
Then he said to the guys:
- I’ll run to the Christmas tree!

I'll go and touch it with my hand
Shiny bug! -
And auntie is unknown
Shouts from afar:

Now take off your masks
Now stop dancing!
The storyteller came here,
He will tell us stories! -

The tale was long
About how the little goat lived,
How he walked across the field,
On the green grass,

How then he is in the forest
Wolves gored.
I stood so far away
That I didn’t see the Christmas tree.

I'm just at the top
I saw half a firecracker!
“Now,” said the aunt, “
Let's go quickly to Parsley.

And for me on this tree
I wanted to take a look.
Down under this tree
A big bear was sitting.

Now, - said the aunt, -
We will sing songs.-
We sang “Volga-Volga...”
We sang for a long, long time...

Then they gave me an apple
And a yellow lollipop.
Then my aunt said,
That the holiday is over.

I'm in the big front
It took me a long time to get dressed
And then back
Snuck into the corridor

And from there into the crack
I looked at the whole Christmas tree.

Elena Stekvashova Elka

We got up early today -
Dad and I decorated the Christmas tree.
Beauty! On every branch
Cones, balls, candies.
We didn't miss a single one -
Everything that was available was put into action.
Oh! What a tree it has become!
Only suddenly she fell.
Seems like they overdid it
We were almost left without a Christmas tree.

Tatyana Bokova Herringbone

It’s good to be in the silence of the forest in any weather!
Only Yolka is avoided by travelers.
In the summer you are prickly, fragrant Christmas tree!
But in winter, on New Year’s Eve, you are the best!
The leaves will fall from the birches, the maples will throw off their leaves,
But in the frost the Christmas tree will remain green.
Let's start decorating the Christmas tree and understand that evening:
It’s easier for her to hold jewelry on needles!
That's why the mighty prickly Christmas tree is!
All trees are good! You are the best!

Tamara Marshalova Christmas tree, and Christmas tree

Christmas tree, and Christmas tree,
A brand new dress,
Dance with us,
Show your prowess!

The Christmas tree is spinning
Twigs in needles,
The boys danced
Tiny bunnies.

The Christmas tree has spun
Green needles
The snowflakes started dancing,
Little ballerinas.

Christmas tree, and Christmas tree,
A brand new dress,
Sparkle with lights,
Yes, spin around, don’t get tired!

V. Gladysheva Christmas tree song

To us from Santa Claus
Covered in silver dust
Early in the morning from the collective farm
On top of a big cart
They brought the Christmas tree today.

Right up to the top of your head
We decorated the Christmas tree
The colorful toys shine,
And firecrackers give fireworks
In honor of Frost and Winter.

It became fun in the apartment,
Our round dance began to rustle.
Spread the circle wider
We lived together happily!
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Elena Grigorieva New Year's Eve

Night came and everyone fell asleep.
Bears and roe deer are sleeping,
Hares, squirrels and hedgehogs,
The mice sleep and the snakes sleep.
The birch and pine trees are sleeping,
But the Christmas tree has no time for sleep:

Trying on a Christmas tree
New garlands,
Beads and lanterns
To be smart!

And the moon is friendly
Smiles from the sky:
Today is our Christmas tree
He's going to visit!

A. Stern Our Christmas tree

In a spacious, bright room
We removed the Christmas tree.
Welcoming and bright
The lights on it are burning.

And Santa Claus for the holiday
He brought various toys,
And jokes and songs
He makes the guys laugh.

Snowflakes are flying, flying -
Fluffy coolers, -
And they spin merrily
And they fall on the fur.

We are celebrating the New Year,
We dance and play
And decorated Christmas trees
Cheerful laughter rings out.

Irina Aseeva Elka (Who has prickly paws...)

Who's got prickly paws?
Are the needles bristling?

Who paints green?
Needles in both winter and summer?

What will be decorated to the top
New Year's lights, toys?

This is a Christmas tree, this is a Christmas tree
This is our Christmas tree -
A tree in green spiky trees
Little needles.

We will decorate it ourselves
Multi-colored balls,
Gnomes, nesting dolls,
Houses, cats...

Tinsel sparkles rain...
Santa Claus, will you come to us?

Mikhail Sadovsky Which Christmas tree to choose?

Which Christmas tree to choose?
Fluffy - fluffy,
Fluffy - fluffy,
Fragrant - fragrant,
So that the trunk is covered in resinous droplets,
Let's go quickly, Christmas tree,
Meet the guys.

We took a guest from the forest
Fluffy - fluffy,
Fluffy - fluffy,
Fragrant - fragrant,
Let's bring it into the room from the cold,
Let's decorate
The branches are tight,
And it will immediately become festive,
And it will immediately become fun.

There is a Christmas tree in the room
And, shining with toys, he speaks to us.
The Christmas tree sadly remembers the winter forest,
Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.
New Year tree, don’t be sad in vain, -
We are your cheerful, loyal friends.
So sparkle with a festive rainbow for us,
Be happy, Christmas tree, just like we are now!
Tatyana Gusarova About the Christmas tree

Fluffy Christmas tree
She came to visit us.
Golden beads
Braided in the branches.

Bright balls
The people are happy.
He will say with us:
"Hello, New Year!"

Tamara Marshalova About the Christmas tree

Like our Christmas tree
Green needles
Decorations - balls,
Stars, lanterns.

They became animated near the Christmas tree
Snowflake stars,
They were spinning in white tutus
Ksyusha and Marinka.

Hares gallop after each other,
Long ears
In hats with white trim
Dimka and Andryushka.

A. Kuznetsova Resinous Christmas tree

Christmas tree resinous, slender, fragrant
We decorated ourselves, we dressed ourselves.
Glass balls, rosy apples,
We hung gingerbread cookies with sweets on the branches.

At the top of the Christmas tree there is a golden star
We put it on ourselves, we tied it tightly.
We lit the lanterns and the balls sparkled
And every needle on the Christmas tree sparkles.

Well decorated, well dressed
The Christmas tree is resinous, slender, fragrant.
We will stand up in a round dance, we will all sing a song -
Choral loud, dance ringing.

Kadir Dayan Elka

Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!
They are always green
Your young needles
They never drop.

Oh, what a dress the Christmas tree is!
On the last day of December!
Like among her needles
Festive balloons are lit!

Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!
Oh, how fun the New Year is,
If Santa Claus is funny
Gives gifts to everyone!

Irina Tokmakova Eli

Spruce on the edge - to the top of the sky -
They listen, remain silent, and look at their grandchildren.
And the grandchildren's Christmas trees are thin needles
There is a round dance at the forest gate.

Gayda Lagzdyn Elka

There was a Christmas tree in the center of the hall,
The tree cried at first
The Christmas tree warmed the paws,
Fluffed, sparkled
And, breathing more freely,
It's become New Year's!

Zinaida Alexandrova Two girlfriends

“Christmas tree, Christmas tree!” -
Olechka is happy.
Christmas tree beauty
Ole really likes it.

How nice is her outfit?
Beads and firecrackers!
Olya and the Christmas tree are standing,
Like two girlfriends.

Olya is also off the table
I took my mother's beads
I hung it on myself -
It's fun in our house!

S. Vysheslavtseva Near the Christmas tree

Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
We dance, we dance.
Christmas tree - beauty
The kids really like it.
That's what she is like
- Slender, big!
Cotton snow lies below.
A star shines above.
And there are balls on the branches,
colorful lanterns,
Birds, fish, flags
From colored paper.

K. Fofanov Decorated the Christmas tree

Decorated the Christmas tree
in a festive dress:
In colorful garlands, in bright lights,
And stands, sparkling,
Christmas tree in a lush hall,
Remembering with sadness
about the old days.

The Christmas tree dreams of evening,
monthly and sidereal,
Snow glade,
sad cry of wolves
And the neighbors are pine trees,
in a frosty mantle,
Everything is in diamond shine,
in fluff of snow.

And the neighbors are standing
in gloomy sadness,
They dream and they drop
white snow from the branches...
They dream about the Christmas tree
in a lighted hall,
Laughter and stories
joyful children.

Z. Alexandrova Bird Tree

Along the silver path
As soon as the New Year comes,
On a high thin leg
The miracle Christmas tree is rising.
This tree is not simple,
And it's not for guys
Flying near the Christmas tree,
Birds whistle merrily.
There are woodpeckers and titmice here,
Bullfinches and sparrow -
Everybody wants to have fun
Near your Christmas tree!
Toys don't shine on her
And the star does not shine,
But there are feeders for birds
We hung it there!
Flocks of birds arrive
To our Christmas tree in the winter garden,
And in the garden without stopping
The bells are ringing.

V. Stepanov New Year's rain

Outside the window the blizzard is angry,
And the rain flows down the tree.
The rain does not flow easily -
New Year's, golden.

It flows through the cracker,
By the hut, by the frog
And there are animals on everyone’s backs,
What they hang on the Christmas tree.

Yakov Akim The Christmas tree is dressing up

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

At the New Year's tree
green needles
and from bottom to top
funny toys.
Semyon Ostrovsky Bouquet

I visited the Christmas trees -
I’m bringing home a bouquet of... needles.

R. Kudasheva Christmas tree (shaggy branches bend)

Shaggy branches bend
Down to the children's heads;
Rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;
Ball hides behind ball,
And star after star,
Light threads are rolling,
Like golden rain...
Play, have fun
The children have gathered here
And to you, beautiful spruce,
They sing their song.
Everything is ringing and growing
Goloskov children's choir,
And, sparkling, it sways
The Christmas tree is a magnificent decoration.

Irina Gurina Decorating the Christmas tree

The animals decorated the Christmas tree.
The hares entrusted the wolf
Hang a tinsel shawl,
Yes, bark toys!

Red fox nearby
Humming, fussing:
From ice icicles
Makes gnomes funny.

And the squirrels took the cones,
Tied into beads with a thread
And on the soft paws of the Christmas tree
Laid out like on a shelf!

The birds flew to the tree -
Yellow-breasted tits
On branches with bullfinches
They sat down in colorful balls.

A star fell from the sky,
It lit up at the top
The tree immediately came to life,
I started dancing with the animals!

Irina Gurina At the Christmas tree

At the little Christmas tree
Green needles.
Fragrant, fluffy,
Silver from the snow!

For a cowardly bunny
A cone fell from the tree!
He runs along the path,
The tail and back flash.

A fox wanders nearby
And he is proud of his tail.
On a high snowy slope
Elk horned, as if wearing a crown!

On green branches,
Frosted bleached
Like scarlet beads
Small bullfinches.

The edge is flooded with sunshine,
Squirrel, red girlfriend,
I came to visit the Christmas tree,
Yes, I brought nuts.

Russian language The proposed tests in the Russian language (dictations, test copying, grammar tasks, work on sentences and texts) will allow the teacher to find out how firmly and consciously students have mastered the material on the topics covered at the end of the year. 4th grade DICTANTS The purpose of the work is to check how students have mastered the topics “Homogeneous members of a sentence”, “Unstressed endings of nouns of the first declension”. Text length: 60–65 words. THE WONDERFUL TIME OF AUTUMN Autumn leaves flew and flew. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated across the mirror-like water. At the edge of the village a horn began to play. It was the shepherd gathering the flock. I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East is brightening and turning pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to become prettier and straighter. Under the first rays of the sun, droplets of water sparkled and sparkled. It was a wonderful time of autumn. LUCK I was greeted by a cold, dry forest. I reached out to the edges, to the spacious blue skies. The basket contained roots and a bright ruby ​​bunch of viburnum. I walked from path to path and became wary. A small, strong boletus made its way near one of the paths. A hefty boletus sat nearby. What luck! There was a noise. It was an animal with stripes on its back. On the way home, I left either a mushroom or pieces of bread. The animals will need it! (According to V. Korzhikov) MEETING Granny took me to the forest every day. There we collected medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms and nuts. Once we came out into a large clearing and sat down to rest. I went behind the trees. A gray dog ​​appeared from the thicket. I wanted to run up to the dog and pet it. The dog bent over and looked at me with green, cold eyes. I whistled. She rushed wildly into the bushes. It turned out to be a wolf. It’s good that wolves are quiet in the summer. (According to A.M. Gorky) FISHING In the summer I vacationed in the village of Ozerki. It is located on the banks of the Dnieper. I loved lying on the soft sand and watching the waves. Once my older brother Ivan took me fishing. Just before dawn we approached the river. There were fires burning on the shore. Fishermen gathered. We laid out our things and set up our tents. Everyone was waiting for dawn. Silence. The night was warm. I checked the fishing rods and bait. Should be a good catch. TEST WRITING TREE You became acquainted with the Christmas tree as a child. The smell of its pine needles was the smell of a holiday. On New Year's Eve it was brought to your home. But you didn’t break up with her even during your school years. She was with you when you read books, wrote in a notebook, listened to the violin or piano at the school matinee. You can't do without a Christmas tree when making musical instrument paper. This is a singing tree, its layered wood can amplify the sound. (From the book “All Year Round”) Assignment: fill in the missing punctuation marks. TO STAND STRONG It was a warm autumn day. I found an oak tree in a ditch. It was a small crooked twig with two leaves. He could have been trampled by passersby or eaten by the goat Matryona. I decided to replant the oak tree and took a shovel. I dug up a lot of land. But the root sits in the depths and does not show itself. I was tired, the shovel became heavy. The end of the root is not visible. Where is he. Why does such a tiny oak tree need such a long root? To stand strong! (According to E. Shim) Assignment: fill in the missing punctuation marks. WORK ON A SENTENCE, TEXT 1. Presentation. FISH IN A CAGE One day I noticed an iron cage at the bottom of the river. There were fish in the cage. I grabbed the cage and pulled it out of the water. Who locked them and why did they sink to the bottom? I took out the ruffs and released them into the water, and took the cage to the village. The owner was in the village. He was the one who lost her last year. I caught ruffs, put them in a cage, tied them with string and lowered them over the side of the boat. The string frayed and the fish tank sank. So the ruffs sat in a cage under water for a whole year. What miracles! (According to N. Sladkov) Words for reference: Part I: noticed. Part II: locked, string. 2. Presentation. RESCUE OF FISHERMANS A fishing boat was caught in a severe storm. For four days it rushed in the stormy sea without food or water. The cars stalled. The warship was ordered to find the vessel and provide assistance. Huge waves tossed the ship from side to side. It was difficult to spot a fishing vessel in such weather. However, the ship found them. For seven hours he tried to tow the ship. Night was falling. The storm intensified. Long hours passed. The ship's sailors fought against the elements. Finally all the fishermen were saved. 3. Remember what sentences you know regarding the purpose of the statement. Write them down (write down the sentences with appropriate punctuation marks).