And the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. How to walk so that your trousers are intact and you are full

The main characters of Leo Tolstoy's story “How the Geese Saved Rome” are ordinary domestic geese that lived in the city of Rome. In ancient times, the Gauls attacked the Romans and captured the city of Rome. Only the Capitol remained uncaptured, standing on a steep mountain and surrounded by walls.

At night, the Gauls climbed the cliff and began to climb over the wall. They did it so quietly that even the dogs did not hear them. But the Gauls were heard by the geese living in the Capitol. They began to cackle loudly and woke up the Romans. The Romans repulsed the Gauls' attack on the Capitol, and soon help arrived and the Gauls were driven out of Rome.

Since then the Romans have celebrated special holiday in honor of the geese who saved their city from enemies.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Tolstoy’s story “How the Geese Saved Rome” is that in conditions of military operations one should never let down one’s vigilance, even being sure that the enemy will not attack. The Romans defending the Capitol were confident that the Gauls would not attack them from the side of the steep cliff, but the Gauls did just that, almost capturing the Capitol. Only the sensitive hearing of geese helped to avoid trouble.

Tolstoy's story teaches us to be vigilant and careful, and not to overestimate the level of our security.

What proverbs fit Tolstoy’s story “How the Geese Saved Rome”?

Sleep is sweet for the careless.
You can't take a vigilant warrior by surprise.
Keep your ears open.