Fortune telling at home without cards. Fortune telling in different countries

If you want to know your destiny, then use fortune telling at home. Magic rituals will help you find answers to many of your questions.

Simple fortune telling at home

To perform this ritual you need to be alone in the room. Take a church candle, relax as much as possible and light it. Now look at the flame:

  • if it has frozen, then the future awaits you in any endeavors;
  • if the flame splits, then expect serious trouble;
  • if the candle goes out, then be prepared, fate has prepared a serious test.

Take a deck of 36 cards, mix thoroughly and mentally ask a question. Place the deck in your right hand, remove a piece with your left hand and place it underneath. Lay out the cards as shown in the picture.

The decoding is as follows:

  • card No. 2 – near future;
  • card No. 3 – distant future;
  • card No. 4 – distant past;
  • card number 5 - things that interfere with the fulfillment of your desire.

You can see the interpretation of the cards.

Fortune telling at home for love

To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare. During the day you need to think only about good things and not allow yourself to talk bad about someone. The ideal time for fortune telling at home for a loved one is the night from Friday to Saturday. Take a lit candle, place it near the bed and go to bed. Just make sure that there is nothing flammable nearby. Place a glass of water under the bed and a piece of bread, preferably black, on it. Before you go to sleep, say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner”. In a dream you should see your soulmate.

Modern methods of fortune telling at home

For this fortune telling you will need a regular phone. Mentally think about your lover and dial any number you come up with on the fly. What you hear on the other end of the line will be the decoding of this simple fortune telling at home:

Fortune telling at home is the easiest way to find out the answer to your question. The best time for the ceremony is considered to be at night or in the evening. You can tell fortunes on any day of the week, but it is not advisable to perform rituals on Sundays and church holidays. The main condition for the fortune telling process is the concentration of the questioner. In order to fully immerse yourself in the process, you need to protect yourself from distracting objects such as a mobile phone, TV and computer. The main thing in fortune telling is faith in the ritual. In its absence, one should not expect a true prediction.

In most cases, women and girls make fortunes about love, betrothed, relationships, future, desire and fate. A wide variety of household items are used for rituals, such as paper, candles, mirrors, beans, coins and cards.

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    Fortune telling for your betrothed using two mirrors

    This method of fortune telling is quite dangerous, so only girls who are not timid dare to try it. Its essence is to use two mirrors to see the face of your future chosen one. Before the process, it is necessary that the girl does not talk to anyone. The ritual is performed in complete privacy and silence. The fortuneteller must let down her hair and strip naked.

    Opposite the large mirror, you need to place a smaller mirror and place two lit candles along the edges. This needs to be done so that the small mirror reflects a continuous burning corridor. Next, you should concentrate and peer into a large mirror for a long time. This process will take a lot of time, but sooner or later you can see the appearance of your future husband in the reflection.

    The main thing in this fortune telling is the long waiting time. Many girls in the mirror saw various figures, shadows, glimpses and many other flashing images. All these visions are mirror entities. The appearance of the future chosen one is also an otherworldly entity, which, if looked at for a long time, can remain in the human world. Therefore, you should not get carried away by looking at the face of your betrothed. It is necessary to send him back to the looking-glass world as quickly as possible, saying: “Screw this place! "After this phrase, the appearance should disappear. If there is a fear that the fortuneteller will get scared and forget to say the right phrase, then it is better not to perform this ritual, as you can put your life in danger.

    Using matches

    This type of fortune telling refers to simple rituals. The only paraphernalia you will need is a candle and matches. Before starting the process, you need to light a candle and look at the burning fire. At this time, you need to mentally think about the person and the relationship with him. Next, you need to install two matches in the gaps from the matchbox. In this case, the matches symbolize two people, where one is the fortuneteller, and the second is the person being told fortunes.

    Then you need to light both matches using a candle and carefully observe how they behave when burning. The answer to the question will be given by completely burnt matches. If they take a position leaning towards each other, then everything will work out well in the relationship. If they are turned away from each other, then discord and disagreement are inevitable. If both matches look in the same direction, this means that one in the pair is more drawn to the other, while the latter wants to leave the relationship.

    On the groom using beans

    This type of fortune telling is carried out using three ordinary beans and three small bags. Before fortune telling, you need to prepare the beans: one bean needs to be cleaned completely, the second only half, and the third should be left as is. Before going to bed, each bean must be placed in a separate bag and placed under the pillow.

    The next morning you need to take out the first bag you come across. Peeled beans symbolize a wealthy groom. Half-peeled beans promise a betrothed man with average income. Unpeeled beans predict a guy who is not very rich (with a low income) for a girl.

    Card reading

    Fortune telling with cards is the most traditional method. In order for it to be true, the following conditions must be met:

    1. 1. The deck of cards must be new or they must be playing cards that are used only for fortune telling. It is strictly forbidden to play with such cards.
    2. 2. The same person must use the cards and perform the rituals. Cards tend to get used to the energy of the fortuneteller, and therefore the more often this person guesses, the more truthfully they will give the answer.
    3. 3. The deck must be stored in a secluded place, wrapped in a cloth of red or green shades.

    For the near future using 9 cards

    It is advisable to carry out this ritual by the end of the current month. You need to thoroughly shuffle the deck and pull out any 9 cards you like (the cards should be face down). The meaning and suit of these cards will tell you what to expect in the near future.

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the dropped suit. If most of them represent peaks, then this foreshadows imminent problems. The suit of hearts promises happiness, joy and success in all endeavors. Clubs indicate the approach of certain problems. Most likely, they are not serious, but they will bring confusion and vanity into the fortuneteller’s life. Diamonds promise unexpected income.

    Also in the process of fortune telling, you need to pay attention to the number of high and low cards. If more low cards are drawn, then negative events are expected in the near future. If there are more high cards in the nine drawn, then pleasant meetings with family and friends are expected soon.

    The number of cards drawn with the same value is also of great importance in this fortune telling. Each value has its own prediction, namely:

    • ace - symbolize a situation that will bring big trouble;
    • king - success in all areas of life;
    • lady - to minor problems;
    • jack - symbolizes need: this card is a kind of warning about being careful when applying for credits and loans;
    • ten - promises quick fulfillment of desires;
    • nine - to joyful events;
    • number eight - symbolizes the onset of ordinary, joyless everyday life;
    • seven - to quarrels and parting with a loved one and dear person;
    • six - speaks of approaching problems and unfortunate moments.

    One card per relationship

    In order to find out what awaits the fortuneteller in a relationship with a loved one, you need to use the cards. They need to be shuffled, and then use the little finger of your left hand to move part of the deck in your direction. These cards must be placed underneath the rest of the deck. The card that is at the very top will tell about the future in the relationship between the fortuneteller and her significant other.

    Prediction by suit:

    • hearts - love and mutual understanding;
    • clubs - a difficult period will come in the relationship;
    • tambourines - happiness and joy;
    • peaks - scandals and misunderstandings.

    Prediction by card value:

    • six - to unexpected news;
    • seven - to joyful events;
    • eight - to disappointment in your partner;
    • nine - for a kiss;
    • ten - the future of the couple is depicted in colorful and rainbow colors;
    • jack - love in a relationship will not fade for a long time;
    • lady - a rival will appear on the horizon;
    • king - symbolizes a person who will help the couple establish balance in the relationship;
    • Ace is a symbol of strong and strong relationships.

    Such fortune telling should be carried out on odd numbers. Also, the prediction will be more accurate if you tell fortunes late in the evening.

    Using coins

    You need to prepare for this fortune telling in advance. For the ritual you will need: two candles, ten coins (of any value) and a photograph of the person for whom fortune telling will be performed. An image of a lover on a phone will not work, since a person’s energy is best conveyed by a photo on paper. The photograph should be placed in the center of the table between two lit candles, and the coins should be held in the left hand. You need to concentrate and peer at the image of your loved one. Next you need to ask: “What has fate prepared for us? “After what has been said, you need to scatter the coins, aiming at the photograph.

    Number of eagles Number of tails The result of fortune telling
    10 0 In order to maintain a relationship with your loved one, you need to reconsider your behavior towards him
    9 1 Not very positive events are expected in the near future, which will have a bad impact on the relationship with your loved one.
    8 2 You can't expect a future with this person.
    7 3 Something will happen soon that will lead to separation from your loved one.
    6 4 To maintain a relationship, you need to devote as much time as possible to each other.
    5 5 The man in the photograph has no feelings towards the fortuneteller
    4 6 Soon a third person will appear in the relationship, and we are not talking about a rival at all
    3 7 A loved one has some difficulties with finances, so now, more than ever, he needs support and understanding
    2 8 At the moment, my beloved devotes more time to work, but soon everything will change
    1 9 Endless quarrels will arise in relationships due to lack of love and attention from the fortuneteller. While she herself is surrounded by love and care
    0 10 The relationship is not in danger. Such love is the standard of the relationship between two loving people

    Using a candle

    This ritual is usually performed on Christmas Eve. It is carried out in order to find out the fate of relationships with a loved one in the future. You can spend it together with your loved one. To implement it you will need one church candle.

    During dinner, you need to place a candle next to your lover and simply observe the effect of the flame. An even flame symbolizes pure and mutual love. If a candle periodically melts on only one side and burns unevenly, then such a flame symbolizes that the loved one has some secret. If during combustion a large amount of wax melts and the candlestick quickly fills with it, then fortune telling indicates that a difficult fate awaits your loved one. The relationship will also face some not very pleasant trials. It is a bad sign if black smoke comes from the candle and a crackling sound is heard when burning. This behavior of the candle symbolizes an imminent separation. This also means that the loved one is subject to some negative magical influences.

    On the bulbs

    This fortune telling is quite interesting and funny at the same time. It is intended for girls who have a large number of fans. This fortune telling is usually carried out on the night before Christmas. To carry out the ceremony, you need to take a number of bulbs that will be equal to the number of candidates for the girl’s hand and heart. Each bulb must be signed with the name of one of the grooms. Next, they need to be placed in a container with water and wait for them to germinate.

    After some time, the bulbs will begin to sprout. The one that will have the most green shoots and will indicate the future husband destined by fate.

    For the future with paper

    For this fortune telling you will need a church candle and an ordinary sheet of paper. You can also use old unwanted newspaper. The paper must be arbitrarily crumpled so that its shape does not initially evoke any associations with objects. The crumpled wad of paper should be placed on a large flat plate and set on fire using a church candle.

    While burning, you need to bring the plate to the wall and carefully rotate it until a clear shadow pattern appears. The figure that can be seen on the wall will symbolize the future. Namely:

    • tree - to good changes;
    • triangle - to move soon;
    • hare or hare ears - a meeting with a friend is approaching;
    • a ship's sail is an unexpected gift or the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
    • bird - good news;
    • cat - you need to beware of your enemy;
    • dog - to receive help from a close friend;
    • the domes of the church - to the approach of a test that will affect future fate;
    • flower - for love adventures;
    • tiger - a chance to realize oneself in one area or another;
    • devil - the problem is approaching;
    • turtle - to the need to become more mobile and agile.

    Fun fortune telling for the old New Year

    On the Old New Year (on the night of January 13-14), it is customary to gather in noisy, cheerful groups, eat delicious food, have fun, and also tell fortunes for the near future using improvised objects. This fortune telling is just right for a large company. For the ritual you will need: salt, sugar, a key, a scarf, a coin, a ring and six identical glasses. Each item and ingredient must be placed in a separate glass. The fortuneteller is taken out of the room and the glasses are placed in random order. They cover each one with a napkin, and then the fortuneteller enters the room and chooses any glass he likes. The prediction of future changes will depend on the content:

    • coin - to financial well-being;
    • salt - to difficulties;
    • scarf - to grief and sadness;
    • sugar - to an easy and carefree life;
    • ring - for an imminent wedding;
    • the key is to finding a home or moving.

    The best time for fortune telling is considered to be Christmas and Christmastide; these days are usually called fortune telling. The most truthful fortune telling occurs on Vasilyev's evening (January 13) and Christmas Eve evening (January 18). This is the time that is recognized as the most powerful and effective for magical rituals.

What girl doesn’t dream of finding out who is destined to become her husband? Some of the young ladies go so far in this matter that they resort to the help of fortune tellers and psychics. But there are simpler ways to find out your destiny, including on your own right at home. The main thing is to choose the right time and day for the ritual. The best methods of fortune telling at home are presented in our article. To implement them, you can use items that are always at hand: candles, mirrors, a wedding ring, thread and needle, and others. All that remains is to tune in to the right mood - and you can begin the ritual.

The presence of certain items necessary for the ritual and the desire to quickly find out your fate is not a guarantee that the results will be correct. There are a number of rules that are important to follow when performing love fortune telling at home:

  1. Ritual time. In the old days, fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve (the night of January 6-7). All days from January 6 to January 19 (the so-called Christmastide) were also considered favorable. It was during this period that it was customary among unmarried girls to tell fortunes about their betrothed.
  2. Day of the week. It is not recommended to guess on Friday or Saturday, but only if Christmas Eve does not fall on these days.
  3. With whom to guess. In Rus', rituals were carried out in a noisy company of unmarried girls, with the exception of those rituals when the betrothed was supposed to appear in a dream.
  4. Times of Day. The optimal time for fortune telling is after sunset or after 7 pm. Many girls prefer to perform rituals at midnight.
  5. Environment. It is necessary to prepare properly for fortune telling. To do this, you need to turn off all means of communication, TV and computer, close the doors and curtain the windows. Well, the main thing is the right attitude and faith in what is happening.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

The presented method is one of the simplest. The ideal period for fortune telling for future love at home is Christmastide. But many girls perform it at other times throughout the year.

The essence of fortune telling is as follows. Before going to bed, an unmarried girl should put a glass of water on the bedside table and put a piece of bread or a bun on it, and light a candle next to it. It’s just important to take care in advance so that it doesn’t tip over in the middle of the night. For a girl to dream about her future husband, she must say the words before going to bed:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.”

In a dream, a young lady should see her future love.

Wax fortune telling

The following ritual is performed using a candle. This method of fortune telling is associated with calling a brownie into the apartment, who should point the unmarried girl to her betrothed. Before performing it, you need to melt the wax in a water bath. At the same time, a small saucer of milk should be placed on the threshold of the house. After this, the girl says the following words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

After this phrase, melted wax should be added to the milk. By the shape of the figure obtained as a result of the ritual, you can judge your future. If the wax resembles a flower, this means that the girl will be able to meet her soulmate this year and even get married. The figure, similar to the silhouette of a person, symbolizes great love. If the wax resembles a star, this means that the girl will have success in all endeavors, including studies.

The presented method can be considered one of the best love fortune telling, despite the fact that its results are quite difficult to interpret.

How to learn to tell fortunes with cards?

Methods of determining your destiny using playing cards are considered one of the simplest and most popular. Such independent fortune telling for love at home allows you to get answers to many questions of interest, including what happened in the past and what awaits a person in the future. To carry out the ritual, in addition to a deck consisting of 36 cards, you will need a special interpreter of their meanings. It can be purchased at a bookstore.

The essence of the simplest fortune telling is as follows. The deck of cards should be shuffled well, while not forgetting to formulate the question of interest. Next, with your left hand, the top part of the deck is removed and placed under the bottom. After this, you need to take nine cards and fan them out face down. The cards can then be turned over and the meaning interpreted according to the interpreter.

The next method of fortune telling is to determine your past, present, near and distant future, as well as to learn about those things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires. During the ritual, 5 playing cards are removed from the deck. On the table they are laid out in the following sequence: No. 1 - center, No. 2 - top, No. 3 - left, No. 4 - bottom, No. 5 - right. The results must be interpreted as follows: the first card shows the present, the second - the near future, the third - the distant future, the fourth - the past, the fifth - things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires.

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

This method of fortune telling for love at home is very simple. To find out the name of your betrothed, just follow a series of simple steps. First, using regular scissors, you need to prepare several pieces of paper of the same size. After that, on each of them you should write male names (familiar or unfamiliar guys). Then the prepared leaves are curled. And in such a way that it would be impossible to read the name written on them.

When performing fortune telling, leaves with names are placed in a bowl of water. Closing your eyes, take one of the leaves out of the water with your left hand. The name that will be written on it is what the future chosen one should bear.

A method of fortune telling on a mirror

The effectiveness of this method has been proven many years ago. In Rus', a mirror and a candle were used as one of the main means for performing strong fortune telling for love at home. The step-by-step ritual is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two absolutely identical mirrors. One of them should be placed on the table.
  2. Next you need to light two candles. Place them in front of a mirror on the table so that the fire is reflected in it.
  3. The girl picks up the second mirror and stands with her back to the first. It is advisable to prepare both large items in advance. It is important that in the second mirror she can see the first and the burning candles.
  4. After this, the girl pronounces words with which she invites her betrothed to appear before her. At the same time, in the mirror behind her she should see the reflection of her future husband.

Fortune telling by book

This method of determining fate is considered one of the most romantic. For fortune telling for love at home using a book, popular women's novels are most suitable.

In order to find the answer to a previously posed question, it is enough to name the page and line number (top or bottom). Then you just need to read the phrase out loud and try to find the answer to the question posed.

Fortune telling by ring on a thread

This method allows you to get an answer to the question posed and learn about what will happen in the future. For fortune telling, you will need a wedding ring, which you can borrow for a while from your mother, sister or grandmother, as well as a strong thread. To cleanse an object from the energy of its owner, it is immersed in ice water for 5-10 seconds.

The ritual is performed over a photograph if the girl knows a young man, or over a glass of water if fortune telling is being performed on a betrothed who is a stranger. The ring is threaded through a thread and lowered over a glass or photo. Next you need to watch how the object moves. If the ring rotates in a circle, this means that the fortune telling answer will be positive. The girl will soon meet her soulmate or get married. If the ring rotates like a pendulum, this means that the answer will be negative.

Modern fortune telling

The above methods of predicting your fate were more popular in Rus'. Today, when telling fortunes about their betrothed, girls are increasingly resorting to modern technologies, namely a mobile phone.

To carry out the ritual, you just need to think about your loved one and immediately dial the phone number that first came to mind. Fortune telling is interpreted depending on what will happen at the other end of the line:

  • no one answers - the loved one does not think about the girl at all;
  • the number is unavailable - you will have to make a difficult decision;
  • the answer “Hello” indicates that a serious relationship will develop between you;
  • if the answer on the phone sounds like “Yes,” it means that the girl’s life will radically change for the better;
  • the answer “Speak” promises a declaration of love soon;
  • if they answered “Where are you calling”, this means that a serious scandal awaits you very soon.

Other simple methods of fortune telling at home

There are also a number of rituals with the help of which every unmarried girl can predict her fate. Below we present the following simple love fortune telling at home:

  1. Place a short candle in one of the halves of the walnut shell and lower it into a bowl of water. After that you need to wait until it burns out. If this happens quickly, then you can prepare for the wedding, and vice versa.
  2. A lot of pine branches should be scattered in a chaotic manner on the floor in the room. Then, closing your eyes, you should choose one of them and look closely at it. If the bark on the branch is rough, the young man will be financially secure, and vice versa.
  3. The next fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve or Christmastide. At midnight the girl ran out into the street and shouted “Oy.” From the direction from which the echo came, she should have expected the groom to appear.

To find out the near future, pour a handful of bread crumbs onto a white towel and see how they are distributed on the fabric.

  • If crumbs are scattered all over the towel, then this is a sign of some imminent changes.
  • If, on the contrary, they huddled together, then this indicates some kind of trouble or separation from a loved one.
  • When the crumbs are distributed in a circle, expect to meet some important person who can change your destiny. Sometimes this means meeting your other half.
  • Crumbs stuck to your hands symbolize stability in life and financial well-being.

Fortune telling on potatoes

To quickly find out the answer to your question, take a potato tuber and cut it in half.

  • If the cut is even, smooth, and the potato core is white, without flaws, then this is a good sign, meaning that everything will end well and safely.
  • If the cut is uneven, and the potatoes themselves have darkening, wormholes or rot, then things will not turn out in your favor and therefore it is better not to rush things.

Fortune telling with an apple

It is a little similar to the previous one. First, make a wish, and then cut a fresh, rosy apple with your left hand and look at the cut.

  • If the knife passes in such a way that the apple seeds are not cut and you get an even star in the core, then your wish will certainly come true.
  • If the seeds are damaged, then the time to fulfill this desire has not yet come and you will have to wait.

Fortune telling with popcorn

Yes, unexpected, but interesting and effective. Pour water into a frying pan and add store-bought popcorn popsicles into it. Now look at the cooking process.

  • If the corn burns and cracks, then you will get a betrothed with not the best character, scandalous and grumpy.
  • If the popcorn caught fire quickly and immediately went out, then the betrothed will have an addiction to alcohol.
  • If the corn is cooked without any changes or “special effects,” then your betrothed will turn out to be a good, efficient and honest person.

Fortune telling with matches

Take two matches and a glass of clean water. Looking at the water, mentally formulate a question that interests you. Then you should light the matches and throw them into the water. The result of this fortune telling is determined by the position of the matches in the water.

  • If they lie parallel to each other, then the answer will be positive, and as for the matters that interest you, they will be carried out with the greatest benefit for you.
  • If the matches form a cross, then this means some obstacles to the implementation of your plans.
  • If some particles have separated from matches or one match, this indicates that there is a person in your environment who is interfering with the implementation of your plans.

Fortune telling using a domestic cat

Your domestic cat can also answer your question. Ask a question in your mind and call your pet.

Now look at which paw she will use to enter your room. If with the left, then the wish will come true, but if with the right, then, alas, not.

Fortune telling with walnuts

Take a large round dish and pour water into it. Along the edges of the dish, attach pieces of paper with predictions written on them, for example: “I will meet love”, “financial well-being”, “no change”, etc. The pieces of paper must be folded so that it is impossible to see in advance what is written on them.

Gently swirl the dish and then float the walnut shell into the water like a boat. Which piece of paper the shell “moored” to is what awaits you in the near future.

Fortune telling by candles

You will need two candles - red and white. A white candle means you and your feelings, a red candle means the feelings of your chosen one. Install them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. First light a white candle, and then a red one from it and watch how they burn.

  • If the candles burn evenly, calmly, without crackling or hissing, then this means a wonderful and strong relationship.
  • If the white candle burns stronger and brighter, then your feelings are stronger than the feelings of the chosen one.
  • If the red candle burns strongly, and even leans towards the white candle, then this indicates the serious intentions of the chosen one towards you and his strong feelings.
  • If both candles melt, leaning towards each other, then this is a sign of mutual love.
  • But if the red candle melts in the other direction from the white candle, then this may indicate that you are by no means the only one with your chosen one.

As you can see, you don’t have to turn to fortune tellers to look a little into the future. Simple fortune telling at home will help you independently get answers to your questions.

New Year's and Christmas fortune-telling have always aroused special interest. And all because of the popular belief: from January 6 to 19 and on New Year’s Day, predictions give the most accurate results. Such days also include a person’s birthday and name day.

However, no matter what day you decide to find out your future, it is worth remembering that by lifting the curtain of secrecy, you are asking for help from higher powers, but what powers will answer you is a separate topic for conversation. You shouldn’t be afraid, but many magicians warn that fortune telling at home is only possible if you follow clear rules.

There are several simple rules that will ensure you a successful result.

By following these simple rules, you will get the right result that you can focus on.

How to become a fortune teller

First, you need to decide whether you want to perform some rituals all the time or whether you just need to tell fortunes for yourself and your loved ones for the holidays. If you decide to become a fortune teller, then responsibility for the result falls on your fragile shoulders. And it is completely logical that you are wondering how you can tell fortunes at home. Check out a small part of the practices. The rest you can find on your own. It’s better to practice on yourself first, and only then demonstrate your knowledge to friends and family.

Options for fortune telling at home

Often, representatives of the fair sex want to know more about their future or current boyfriend. You can, of course, use the services of a professional fortune teller. But is it worth it? This will require money from you and a careful choice of the person who will look into your destiny. Fortune telling for love at home can be done independently. And the result will be no worse than in a magic salon.

Fortune telling options:

Fortune telling for love at home is also recommended to be done on mirrors. One of the methods may seem scary, but many who have tried it claim that the results are worth it. To carry out the ritual, take 3 mirrors, place 2 on the sides and one in front of you (this way you will get a kind of mirror corridor), undress completely, sit in front of the mirrors and light a candle. And now wait and watch carefully. Your loved one should clearly appear in the reflection.