What can be prickly. A set of games and exercises for developing thinking

Exercise No. 1.

Goal: development of verbal logical thinking

Procedure: for each word given below, choose the appropriate one in meaning, taking into account the purpose of the objects. Then make a sentence using each pair of words.

Example: brush - paints (glue, drawing, coloring, frame, battery, etc.). The boy took a brush, paints, a piece of paper and painted pictures for his mother on March 8th.

Brush___________. Needle______________. Shovel_______________.

Watering can___________. Rake______________. Knife_________________.

Elevator__________ . Fridge________. Nail________________.

Mixer_________. Racket_____________. Wheelbarrow_________________.

Jar___________ . Meat grinder___________. Paddle_________________.

Exercise No. 2.

Progress: choose one extra one from 3 objects, taking into account the highlighted attribute, and explain your choice in detail.

Color: chicken, lemon, cornflower. Cucumber, carrots, grass. Doctor's robe, tomato, snow

Shape: TV, book, wheel. Kerchief, watermelon, tent

Size: hippopotamus, ant, elephant. House, pencil, spoon

Material: jar, pan, glass. Album, notebook, pen

Flavor: candy, potato, jam. Cake, herring, ice cream

Weight: cotton wool, weight, barbell. Meat grinder, feather, dumbbell.

Exercise No. 3.

Goal: development of verbal and logical thinking.

bird-air, fish-...(water)

spoon-porridge, fork-...(meat).

Exercise No. 4 “Choose a word”

Goal: development of verbal and logical thinking.

Example: hand - clock, wheel - ? The hand is part of the clock, so for the word “wheel” I will choose the word “car”, because the wheel is part of the car.

skates - winter, boat -... (summer)

tea-sugar, soup-...(salt)

tree-bough, hand-... (finger)

rain-umbrella, frost-...(fur coat)

knife-steel, table-...(wood)

water-thirst, food-...(hunger)

bird-beak, layers-...(trunk)

Exercise No. 5 “Say it in one word”

Goal: development of the operation of generalization, classification, development of attention.

Move: name a group of concepts (one or more words). Explain your choice.

Kissel - kefir - juice - tea (drinks) Iron - refrigerator - vacuum cleaner - coffee maker Anthill - hole - lair - den Airplane - ship - boat - motorcycle Clay - wool - wood - plastic Two - three - five - one Conductor - driver - teacher - dressmaker Salad - porridge - borscht - casserole Ax - shovel - saw - screwdriver Earrings - bracelet - chain - pendant Bravery - kindness - hard work - honesty Volleyball - basketball - football - water polo Beak - feathers - wings - claws Eat - sleep - study - walk

Exercise No. 6.

Goal: development of the operation of classification, generalization.

Assignment: continue a series of concepts corresponding to one generalization. Choose at least 3 additional words. In each case, name a generalizing concept.

Table, chair, sofa Cottage cheese, cheese, butter Doctor, cook, pilots Juice, kefir, compote Pine, acorn, nut Ship, boat, yacht Steam locomotive, train, tram Book, album, notepad Floor lamp, sconce, table lamp Sausages, sausage, cutlet Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries Russula, chanterelle, boletus Pine, birch, linden Jasmine, rose hips, lilac

Rain, wind, frost

Game “Name as many objects as possible that have this characteristic”

Goal: development of thinking, speech, passive and active vocabulary, attention.

It is necessary to name as many objects as possible that have this sign, for which the child must answer questions.

For example: “what is long?” (thread, tape, rope, cord, wire, belt, road, river, tail, dress, skirt, hair). The task allows you to check the appropriateness of the child’s use of adjectives, the accuracy of his understanding of the meanings of words, and the ability to correctly combine them with each other, since lexicon is important not in itself, but in the correctness of its use in speech. It is bad, for example, if a child says that a tree or a cabinet is long, whereas the adjective tall is more suitable to determine their size. So, ask your child the following questions:

What is round (square, oval, triangular...)?

What is high (low)?

What is green (red, blue)?

What is cold (hot, warm, cool)?

What is sweet (bitter, sour, salty)?

What is wool (silk, paper, wood, iron)?

What is heavy (light)?

What is deep (shallow)?

What is prickly (sharp, fragile)?

Exercise No. 8.

Goal: development of imagination and thinking.

Assignment: tell what it will turn into

Chair without backrest______________

Cups without handle ______________

Ice cream without refrigeration ____

Rider without a horse ____________

Tree without branches ______________

Table without legs________________

Lebanon backless _____________

A plane without wings___________

Book without pages _____________

Pillow without feathers___________

Matches without sulfur ______________

Snowman without cold___________

TV without electricity____

Pencil without lead _________

Sleeveless jacket_____________

Cap without visor ___________

Window without glass_______________

Garden without trees ______________

Exercise No. 9. “Earth, water, fire, air”

Purpose: The game activates the potential stock of knowledge, speed and accuracy of reactions, auditory concentration, attention, retention of rules, coordination of movements.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle, with the leader standing in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air”, “fire”.

If the driver said the word “earth!”, the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. To the word “water!” the player answers with the name of a fish; to the word “air!” - the name of the bird. At the word “fire!” Everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver.

Exercise No. 10 “Complete the sentence”

Goal: development of thinking.

Progress of the exercise:

Children are asked to complete the sentence with one of the words given in brackets and repeat the resulting phrase in its entirety.

The sailor saw a distant island because he picked up (magnifying glass, binoculars, glasses) Masha pricked her finger with a knitting needle because she did not know how to (wash, knit, sew) The workers could not lift the piano into the apartment, since the staircase in the entrance was (old) , dirty, narrow). The car could not move further because its mirror, trunk, steering wheel were broken. The water in the jar rose because the boy threw (a twig, stones, crumbs) into it. Katya pulled her hand away because she took hold of the hot (metal, wood, plastic) handle of the frying pan.

Exercise No. 11.

Goal: development of thinking, attention.

Task: choose a word with the opposite meaning. Explain your choice. Make up a sentence with the conjunction a, which combines both antonyms.

Example: in the yard a kitten was attacked by a dog, one boy showed courage, and the other showed cowardice.

Remember Bravery

Dull (knife) High

Famous Petty

Get up Silence

Meet Discover

Swear Wide

Soft Easy

Dark Dirty

Thick Smooth

Full (glass) Kind

Search Scold

Old (sofa) Rough

Rude (talk) Cheerful

Fast Long

Exercise No. 12.

Goal: development of the operation of analysis, synthesis, attention, speech.

Assignment: explain in detail why the above judgments are wrong

Katya has more dolls than toys

Three-story house below one-story

A stream is wider than a river

The plane moves slower than the car

There are fewer dairy products in the refrigerator than kefir

Lapa is younger than his son, but older than his grandfather

A turtle crawls faster than a snake

Tiger is weaker than cat

Petya collected more toadstools than mushrooms

A hare has more ears than a bear

The table is squarer than the window

The chair is more wooden than the bedside table

Exercise No. 13.

Goal: development of the operation of analysis and synthesis.

Assignment: based on 2 judgments, make an independent conclusion,

All vegetables grow in the garden. Carrots are sold in the store. So.. (it was brought to the store from the garden). All children are growing up. Katya is still little. Means _______________________________. All fish cannot live without water. The catfish was put in the boat. Means ____________________. All candies are sweet. Petya can't eat sweets. This means _____________________ All flowers need water. Katya did not water the flowers for a long time. Means ___________. All clothing must be kept clean. Seryozha soiled his shirt. Means ________. All glass products are fragile. Natasha dropped the bag with the vase on the floor. Means ___________.

Game "Main and Secondary"

One person makes a wish for something: a plant, an animal, a bird, a piece of furniture, etc. and tells the guesser several signs of what was wished for. The guesser must use additional questions fully characterize the given object and name it. For example, the guesser thinks of the word “chicken” and tells the guesser the following signs: yellow, round body and head. The guesser asks the question “is there a beak?” and they answer “yes.” The guesser asks. “Is he squeaking?”, they answer him “yes”. The guesser says it's a chicken.

"Choose a word"

Goal: development of thinking operations.

Move: choose: choose a word for the one indicated that will be logically connected with it (as in the previous pair), and explain your choice in detail.

Example: hand - clock, wheel - ? The hand is part of the clock, so for the word “wheel” I will choose the word “car”, because the wheel is part of the car.

Bird-nest, man-... (house)

song-deaf, picture-... (blind)

locomotive-car, horse-...(cart)

run-stand, scream-.. .(be silent)

song-singer, plane-...(pilot)

pencil-drawing, letters-...(words, story, text)

bird-air, fish-...(water)

car-road, air-...(plane)

cow-calf, horse-...(foal)

egg-shell, potato-...(peel, husk)

spoon-porridge, fork-...(meat).

“Choose a word” -2.

Goal: development of analysis operations.

Progress: choose: choose a word that will be logically connected with it (as in the previous pair), and explain your choice in detail (as in the previous lesson).

Example: hand - clock, wheel - ? The hand is part of the clock, so for the word “wheel” I will choose the word “car”, because the wheel is part of the car.

skates - winter, boat -... (summer)

dog-fur, pike-...(scales)

cork -float, stone-.. .(sink)

ear - hear, teeth -... (chew)

tea-sugar, soup-...(salt)

tree-bough, hand-... (finger)

rain-umbrella, frost-...(fur coat)

bee-honey, cow-.. .(milk)

school-training, hospital-.. .(treatment)

knife-steel, table-...(wood)

bread-baker, house-.. .(builder)

coat-button, shoe-...(lace)

scythe-grass, razor-...(hair, beard)

foot-boot, hand-.. .(glove)

water-thirst, food-...(hunger)

electricity - wires, steam -... (pipes)

lemon - sour, sugar -... (sweet)

stone - heavy, feather -... (light)

car-road, ship-... (sea)

bird-beak, layers-...(trunk)

By performing exercises to develop logical thinking, the child will simultaneously develop attention, a penchant for analysis, and the ability to identify general features of certain phenomena.

Write down the summary word:

Perch, crucian carp...

Grass, tree...

Mole, mouse...

Bee, beetle...

Cup, plate...

Boots, shoes...

What's missing here? Why?

cockroach, fly, ant, wasp, beetle, mosquito, airplane; plate, alarm clock, glass, milk jug, mug; fox, hare, bear, bee; car, pyramid, spinning top, plum, bear.

Number of players: any
Extras: paper, pens
Give each participant in the game a pencil and a piece of paper. You are required to write twenty words (common nouns), which include the vowel letter “A”, repeated many times; there are no other vowels. Such, for example, are the words: “glass”, “pencil”, “salamander”, etc. In the first of them the letter “A” appears twice, in the second - three times, and in the third - four times. It is in the interests of the player to select words in which the letter “A” is repeated as many times as possible.

There is contact! - game for children

Number of players: at least three (one leader and two guessers)
Additional: no
The presenter thinks of a word, names its first letter (the word must be a singular noun, nominative case). During the guessing round of this word all definitions must refer to words beginning with the specified letter (or, hereinafter, the specified sequence of letters).
Participants ask the facilitator definition questions. The presenter must come up with a word that fits the definition and answer: “no, it’s not ... (indicates the term implied by the participant),” or, if the definition clearly describes the hidden word, “yes, it’s (the hidden word).”

Come up with a name - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: books with poems
Select several short children's poems (from collections).
Read poems to your child without naming the title and invite the child to come up with a title for each poem.
The game will teach your child to generalize and highlight main idea in a poem. We really like this game, sometimes I think the child comes up with a better name.

Dating - game for preschool children

Number of players: any
Additionally: 2 objects are identical in essence, but different in execution
We take two objects that are identical in essence, but different in execution. For example, a toy clown and a clown drawn on paper. You can introduce one clown to another. “Hello! I’m also a clown, my name is..., what about you? Look, you and I look alike, only you have a red hat, and I have a blue one; you have a polka dot bow, and I have a checkered one...”
That is, not only analytical thinking develops, but also speech and communication skills.

Game for kids - who has what job?

Number of players: any
Additional: no
This game will help you quickly determine the purpose of which objects, or, say, body parts, the child does not yet know. This means there is a reason to tell him about them.
Ask your child what “work” our eyes, ears, nose, hands, etc. do. First, give your child some examples so that he understands the principle.
You can ask about the purpose of any objects in the room or outside (what is the function of the iron, the refrigerator, the car, etc.)

Ambiguous answers - a game for children to develop thinking

Number of players: any
Additional: no
Think in advance about questions that may have ambiguous answers. When your child answers your questions, you may be very surprised. Is this the answer you expected from him?
Small examples:
“Our cat’s fur is very...” ;
“At night it’s very…”;
“People have hands to...”;
“I got sick because...”;

Believe it or not - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The presenter names phrases, and the players must identify the wrong ones among them. You can simply answer “I believe” or “I don’t believe” (true - false). We can agree that if the phrase is correct, then the players jump, and if it is incorrect, then they crouch.
The simplest option is just knowledge:
This pen is blue
People have three eyes
Water is wet
Two plus two equals three
Now let’s try to turn on the logic:
All cubes are red
Some pencils are broken
All birds fly
It snows constantly in winter

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The child is asked a question about how to find out (by what signs) about some event or phenomenon, and he tries to offer options. Then you can switch roles. Questions can be asked both simple and complex. Even if the child doesn’t know the answer, let him fantasize.
- How do you know if there is wind outside?
- How can you tell if it’s morning or evening if it’s dark outside?
- How to find out what gift is hidden in the box?
- How do you know if a kettle is cold or hot?
- How do you know what dish dad is preparing?

1. Look at the pictures. Show (name) the objects according to the teacher’s instructions. They are prickly.

Find a sprig of spruce in the classroom. Touch her. What is she like? Repeat.

Show in pictures (name) what (who) can be prickly. What happened to Anya?

2. Draw the hedgehog's needles. Color the hedgehogs.


1. Look at the pictures. Show (name) the objects according to the teacher’s instructions. They are sharp.
Find sharp objects in the classroom. Show me. Tell me what they are.

Show in pictures (name) what can be spicy.

What happened to Vanya? How should you handle sharp objects?

2. Shade the triangles.


1. Look at the pictures. Show (name) the objects according to the teacher’s instructions. This is ice cream. It

Show (name) what can be cold.

Touch the snow with your hand, cold water. What kind of snow (water)?

2. Draw a snowflake with a blue pencil. Draw straight lines along the dotted lines (with your finger,
felt-tip pen).


1. Look at the pictures. Show (name) the objects according to the teacher’s instructions. Show (name) what
happens to be hot.

2. Shade the teapot. Draw straight lines along the dotted ones.

Touch the iron (kettle). What kind of iron (kettle)? How should you handle hot items?


1. Look at the pictures cut out from the Appendix. Show (name) the hat (table). Put them on
corresponding contour images.

Show (name) what is hard (soft).

2 . This is a colorful scarf. Shade the scarf. Draw solid lines over dotted pencils
different color(with your finger, paint with your finger).


1. Look at the pictures cut out from the Appendix. Show (name) the objects according to the teacher’s instructions.
Overlay them on the corresponding contour images.

Show (name) what is hot (cold).

2. Color the sun. Draw a snowflake.
Name (show) what is cold (hot).


1. Look at the picture. This is a stork. Show me the stork. Who is this? Repeat. Say the word out loud. Which sound
heard at the beginning of a word? Repeat after the teacher. The stork holds the letter A in its beak. Find and show the letter A.

2. Find and show the large letter A in the red square. Trace it with your finger.

3. Find (show) the girl (doctor) in the picture. What happened to the girl? What does the girl say? Which
can you hear the sound? Repeat it. Read the caption under the picture. Point your finger in the direction of the arrow.

4. Find and show where the letter A is made of sticks. Take the sticks and form the letter A with the help of your teacher.
Color the letter A with a red pencil.

1. Look at the drawing. This is a watermelon. Repeat what it is. Say the word out loud. Highlight the sound with your voice
at the beginning of a word.

2. Find and show the letter A. What color stripes is it made of? Find the red stripes on the desk
colors. Place them on the letter A. Fold the letter A from strips of colored paper (with the help of a teacher).

3. Look at the picture. Mom rocks the baby. Mom sings a song: “A-A-A.” Show mom. Show me
whom mom rocks to sleep. Show who sings the song. Show who mom sings the song to. Sing like your mom sings
song. Read what mom sings.

4. Color the watermelon. What color marker do you need? Shade the letter A.

1. Look at the picture. This is a bus. Show (name) the object. Say the word out loud. Which sound
heard at the beginning of a word? Say it (repeat after the teacher).

2. Find and show where the letter A is made of plasticine. Find the letter A made of plasticine on the desk. Feel it
her. Show the “legs” and “crossbar” of the letter A. Take plasticine and together with your teacher make the letter A.

3. Look at the drawing. Show the girl (doll). A girl rocks a doll. The girl sings a song to the doll:
"A-A-A." Repeat what song the girl sings. Read what song the girl sings to the doll. Lead with your finger
from letter to letter.

4. Take the doll. Rock her. Sing her a song: “A-A-A.” What song are you singing?

5. Name the letters. Color the letters A with colored pencils.

1. Look at the picture. Find (show) the orange in the picture. Name the item. Say the word
drawlingly. Use your voice to highlight the sound A at the beginning of the word (with the help of a teacher).

2. Find the letter A from threads. Circle it with your finger. Take the threads. With the help of your teacher, make the letter A
from threads.

3. Look at the drawing. Find (show) the girl. Her name is Ann. Say what the girl's name is. Highlight
voice sound at the beginning of a word. Show me what Anya is holding in her hand. This is a copybook. What letter is written in the notebook?
Circle it. Write the letter A in your notebook (on the board) (with the help of your teacher). Read it.

4. Look at the picture. Show me the boy. His name is Anton. Repeat the boy's name. Highlight
voice sound at the beginning of a word. Anton sings. His mouth is wide open. Read what Anton sings. Put it
finger under the letter A. Read slowly along the arrow. Sing like Anton too. Anton sings loudly (quietly). Lead
finger up (down) arrow. Repeat after the teacher.

5. Find the bus in the picture. He is carrying letters. Find it. Show me the letters. Name them. Circle the letters A
red felt-tip pen.

1. Look at the picture. This is an album. Show (name) the object. Say the word out loud. Highlight
voice sound at the beginning of a word. Say it.

2. Find where the letter A is made of mosaic. With the help of your teacher, fold the letter A from the mosaic.

3. Look at the picture. Show Anya. She is lost and cries: “A-A-A.” Repeat how Anya cries.
Read how the girl cries. Place your finger under the letter A. Move your finger from letter to letter.

4. Find the house in the picture. Show him. Find (show) the letters A in the house. Circle them with your finger
(in red pencil).

5. Help the girl get home. Guide Anya along the path to the house (with your finger using paint
draw a path).

6. Find out (name) the letters. Color the letters A with paint.

1. Find (show) the letter in the red square. Name it. Find the letter A among other letters. Show her.
Circle the letter A.

2. Write a capital letter A on your desk (board) dark color) with your finger using water (and without water).

3. Look at the drawing. Show me the girl ( school board). What's the girl's name? Read what I wrote
Anya on the board. Move your finger from one letter to another.

4. Write the letters. Draw solid lines along the dotted ones. Name the letters.

1. Letters come in big and small. Find and show the large letter A in the red square. Circle
her finger. Write the letter A big on the desk with your finger, with water on a dark board, with your foot on the floor.

2. Show the small letter a in the red square. Circle it with your finger.

3. Look at the drawing. Show Anya (Anton, balls). Tell me who (what) it is. (Anya, Anton, ball.) Select
voice sound at the beginning (middle) of words. Read the letters on the balls. Tell me if they are big or small.
Give Anya the balls capital letter A (connect with a line). Give Anton balls with a small letter a (connect

4. Name the letters. Circle them with your finger. Use your finger to paint.

1. Look at the drawing. This is a poppy. Say the word. Use your voice to highlight the sound a in the word. Find and show
the letter a in a red square.

2. Look at the drawing. Show the girl Anya. Anya teaches the doll to read. Read the letters in the book. Read it
what the doll is reading.

3. Find the magic ball in the picture. Find the big letters A on the ball. Show it. Read them out loud.
Color it with a yellow pencil. Find the small letters a on the ball. Show me. Read them quietly. Color them
red pencil.

4. Find where the letter a is made of plasticine. Find the letter a made of plasticine on the desk. Touch her.
Find the “tummy” of the letter a.

Take plasticine and make the letter a from plasticine (with the help of a teacher).

5 . Name the letter. Circle it with your finger. Color it with a red pencil.

1. Look at the drawing. Show me the flowers. Show (name) the letters that are hidden in the flowers. Close
large letter A with a red circle, small letter A with a green circle.

2. Look at the letters. Find and show the big (small) letter. Name the letters. Color the letters
colored pencils. Find these letters in the classroom. Take them, show them, name them.

1. Look at the drawing. Show me the flowers. Name the letters that are hidden in the flowers. Color the flowers with
small letter a in yellow pencil, with capital letter A in red pencil.

2 . Look at the letters. Find and show the big (small) letter. Name the letters. Find these letters in
class. Show them. Take them and name them


1 . Look at the drawing. Show the wolf in the picture. The wolf howls: "U-U-U." What sound do you hear? Say it
it's drawn out.

2. Find and show the big letter U in the red square. Trace it with your finger.

3. Read under the picture how the wolf howls. Move your finger along the arrow.

4. Show the duck in the picture. Say the word out loud. What sound is heard at the beginning of a word? Say it.

5. Find where the letter U is made of sticks. Take your chopsticks. Fold the letter U.

6. Name the letter. Circle it with your finger. Use your finger to color the letter U with paint.

1. Find and show the snail in the picture. Say the word out loud. What sound is heard at the beginning
words? Say it out loud.

2 . Find where the letter U is made from strips of colored paper. Show me this letter. What color are the stripes?
paper? Name it. Take strips of paper. Make the letter U on your desk using strips of colored paper.

3 . Find (show) a steam locomotive (ship, plane) in the picture. He hums: "U-U-U-U." Say the sound long:
"U___." Read how the steam locomotive (plane...) hums. Move your finger along the arrow (changing the pitch of your voice).

4. Show me the snail. She crawls and writes the letter U. Help the snail write the letter. Spend solid
dotted lines. What letter did you get? Name it.

1. Show the iron in the picture. Say the word. What sound is heard at the beginning of a word? Say it.

2. Find the letter U from plasticine. Circle it with your finger. Find the letter U made of plasticine in the classroom.
Feel it. Take plasticine. Make the letter U from plasticine (with the help of a teacher).

3. Find the children in the picture. Show me. Children play with the train. The locomotive whistles: "U." What sound do you hear?

Pronounce the sound U in a drawn-out manner. Place your finger under the letter U. Read how the locomotive hums.

4. Show the train in the picture (locomotive, carriages, wheels). The train carries the letters U. Find (show, name),
what letters does the train carry? Trace them with a felt-tip pen.

1 . Look at the picture. That's it. Say the word. What sound is heard at the beginning of a word? Say it.

2. Letters come in big and small. Find and show the big (small) one in the red square
the letter u. Circle with your finger. Write the letter U on the desk with your finger (with water on a dark board).

3. Show the girl in the picture. Her name is Ulya. Say what the girl's name is. What sound is heard in
the beginning of a word? Say it. Show the boy (balls). Read the letters on the balls. Ole give me the big balls
letter U (connect with a line). Give the boy balls with a small letter y (connect with a line).

4. Name the letters. Find and show the big (small) letter U. Use your finger to color the letters.

1. Look at the drawing. Show a duck (ducklings, lake) in the picture. The duck has ducklings. The duck is swimming. The ducklings are swimming.
Show who swims first (in front). Show who is swimming after the duck (from behind).

2. Listen, am I right when I say: “Ducks have kittens.” "The duck has baby foxes." “The duck has ducklings” (clap in
clap for the correct answer).

3. Look at the pictures. Show the letter U (duck, ducklings). Make a proposal. (The duck has ducklings.) Repeat
for the teacher: “The duck has ducklings.” Read the sentence. Move your finger from word to word (from picture to
picture). Show me the word duck (uh, ducklings).

4. Look at the picture. Who is in the picture? Show (name). Find which letters are hidden
in the wings. Trace them with a felt-tip pen. Name the letters.

1. Find and name the letter in the red square. Look at the letters in the line. Find the letter U (A) among other letters. Circle it (cross it out). Write a large letter U (A) on the desk with your finger (with water on the board).

the beginning of the word. Find the corresponding letter in the Appendix. “Write” the letter in the empty box.

3. Color the ducklings with a yellow pencil.

1. Read the letters in the line. Find (show, name) large (small) letters. Read big
letters are loud, and small letters are quiet.

2. Look at the picture. Show the baby in the stroller. He cries: “U-A!” Repeat how the baby cries.
Read it. Place your finger under the letter U, read the letter U slowly. Move your finger along the arrow to the letter A.
Read the letters together: UA. How many letters did you read? Read the first (second) letter, two letters together.

3. Look at the picture. Find (show) the ball with the capital letter A. Color it with a yellow pencil.
Find (show) the ball with the small letter a. Color with a green pencil. Color the ball with a little one
the letter y in red pencil, with the capital letter U in blue pencil.

1. Read the letters and syllables in the line. Find (show, read) the letter U (A, syllable UA).

2. Look at the drawing. Anya and Vanya went into the forest. They were picking mushrooms. Anya got lost in the forest. Show me
Anya. "AU!" - Anya shouts. Repeat as Anya screams. Show Vanya. Vanya answers her: “AU!” Repeat.

Read it. Place your finger under the letter A. Read the letter A slowly, moving your finger along the arrow to the letter U. Read the letters together: AU. How many letters did you read? Read the first (second, two letters together).

3 . Multi-colored ball. Color the ball (the part with the letter U with a red pencil, the part with the letter A with a yellow pencil).

1. Look at the picture. Show the boy in the forest. He got lost. How does he scream?
Show the baby in the stroller. He is crying. How is he crying?

2. Read the syllables. (UA, AU.) Who shouts: “AU”? Match the syllable with the picture. Who's crying: "UAH"? Connect
syllable with a picture. Repeat how the boy screams (baby cries).

3. Color the ball. Take it yellow pencil, color the part of the ball with the letter U with it. Take the green one
pencil, color the part of the ball with the letter a.


1. Look at the drawing. This is a mouse. Repeat who it is. Use your voice to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word. Say it
sound m together with the teacher.

2. Find and show the large letter M in the blue square. Trace it with your finger.

3. Help the mouse get to the hole. Move your finger along the arrow (dotted line). Tell me which letter
wrote. Write the letter M on the desk with your finger (with water on the board).

4. Find where the letter M is made of sticks. Circle it with your finger. Take your chopsticks. Fold the letter M from
sticks (with the help of a teacher).

5. Tell me who it is. Show me the mouse. Circle it with your finger. Use your voice to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word.
Color the mouse.

1. Look at the pictures cut out from the Appendix. Show (name) the object. Choose the appropriate one
him an outline image. Place the picture on the outline image. Name the item. Highlight with your voice
sound at the beginning of a word.

2. Letters come in big and small. Find and show the big (small) one in the blue square
letter M. Trace it with your finger. Write on the desk with your finger (with water on the board).

3. Find and show where the letter M is made of plasticine. Find the letter M made of plasticine on the desk.
Feel it. Take plasticine. Make the letter M (with the help of a teacher). Name the letter.

4. Find out the letter. Name it. “Write” the letter with your finger. Color the letter with blue paint
using your finger.

1. Look at the drawing. Show me the carrot. Name the item. Use your voice to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word.
Let's pronounce the sound M together with the teacher.

2. Find and show where the letter M is made of carrots. Find carrots in the classroom. Fold the letter M from

3. Look at the drawing. Show (name) the hare (carrot). What does the hare have? Make a proposal. (U
hare carrot.)

4. Name the letter and objects in the rectangles. Make a proposal based on the pictures. (Hare carrot.)
Read the sentence. Move your finger from picture to picture (from word to word).

5. Look at the drawing. What is this? Name it. Find the letters M in the carrot. Color the letters with a colored pencil.

1. Look at the drawing. Show the boy Vanya. Vanya is learning letters. Help Vanya find the letter M among
other letters. Trace the letter M with a blue pencil.

2. Find where the letter M is made of mosaic. Fold the letter M from a mosaic (with the help of a teacher).

3. Look at the drawing. Name the item. Use your voice to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word. Trace the car with your finger.
Draw solid lines along the dashed lines with your finger or pencil (felt-tip pen).

1. Name the letter in the red (blue) square. Look at the pictures cut out from the Appendix. Name them.
Use your voice to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word. Name it. Place the picture in the box under the corresponding letter.

2. Look at the picture. Find and show mom in the picture. Mom feeds the baby. Show me who's mom
feeds Mom says: “AM-AM.” Repeat what mom says.

3. Read what mom says. Place your finger under the letter A. Say A slowly. Lead your finger along
arrow to the letter M. Read the two letters together.

4. Read the syllables.

5. Show the letters A, M. Trace them with your finger. Name the letters. Color the letters with paint. Read the syllable.

1. Find and show the letter U (M). Name the letter in the red (blue) square. Look at the ones cut out from
Applications pictures. Name them. Use your voice to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word. Name it. Place the picture in
box under the corresponding letter.

2. Look at the picture. Show me the boy. The boy is reading. Repeat what the boy does. Show that
the boy is reading. The boy reads a lot. He is smart. Read the word under the picture.

3. Show the letter M (U). Trace the letters with your finger. Name them. Color the letters with paint. Read the syllable.

1. Name the letters in the line. Find, show (name) the letters according to the teacher’s instructions. Read the big ones
letters are loud, small letters are quiet.

2. Look at the picture. This is a cow (calf). They are grazing in the meadow. The cow calls the calf: “MU!”
Repeat how a cow calls her calf. The calf answers the cow: “MU!” Repeat. Read the entry below the picture.
Read the two letters together. Read the syllables.

3. Find and show the letter U (M). Name the letters in order. Color the letters. Read the syllable.

1. Look at the pictures. Show (name) the objects according to the teacher’s instructions. Highlight the sound with your voice
the beginning of the word. Find on the desk the letter with which the word begins.

2. Look at the drawing. Who is this? Name it. How does a cow voice? "MU!" Repeat. Read how
the cow gives a voice.

3. A cow grazes in a meadow. A cow eats grass and flowers. Find letters in the meadow. Trace them with a felt-tip pen.

1. The work is carried out first on each picture separately, gradually the number of pictures increases.
Look at the picture. Show mom (baby). Tell me who it is. Read the syllable (word). What is mom doing?
(Holds, dresses, plays.) Repeat after the teacher (on your own). Find it, show me the picture where mom is holding
baby (plays with the baby, dresses the baby).

2. Name the letters. Color it. Read the word.


1. Look at the picture. This is the girl Olya. Say what the girl's name is. Say the word out loud.
What sound is heard at the beginning of a word? Say it.

2. Find and show the letter O in the red square. Trace it with your finger. Name the letter.

3. Show me a picture of Olya singing. Olya sings a song: “O-O.” Repeat as Olya sings. Read what Olya sings.

4. Find where the letter O is made of plasticine. Find the letter O made of plasticine on the desk. Feel it.
Take plasticine. Make the letter O from plasticine.

5. Look at the letter. Circle it with your finger. Name the letter. Use your finger to color the letter.

1. Look at the drawing. Find where the letter O is made of mosaic. Fold the letter O from the mosaic using

2. Look at the drawing. Show me the elephant. Who is this? Repeat. Say the word elephant drawlingly. Highlight
voice sound o in the word. The elephant is big. Use your hands to show how big the elephant is.

Find and show the children in the picture. Children look at the elephant and are surprised at how big the elephant is: “0-0-0!” Repeat. Read how children are surprised. Move your finger from letter to letter. Show how you can be surprised.

3. Shade the elephants.

1. Look at the drawing. These are wasps. Show the wasps. Repeat who it is. Use your voice to highlight the first sound in the word.

2. Find and show the letter O (big, small) in the red square. Circle it with your finger. Write
letter O on the desk with your finger (with water on the board, finger in the air, foot on the floor).

3. Look at the picture. Show the girl Olya. Olya runs away from the wasps. Repeat what Olya does (runs away).
Olya was afraid of wasps. Olya shouts: “Oh!” Repeat as Olya screams. Let's shout like Olya: “0-0!” Read what
Olya screams.

4. Name the letters. Circle them with your finger. Color the letters with a pencil.

1. Look at the drawing. This is a cloud. Show me the cloud. Repeat what it is. Use your voice to highlight the first sound in
word. Find the letter O. “Write” the letter O (with your finger, pencil).

2. Write the letter O in the other clouds.

3. Look at the letters. Name them. Circle with your finger. Color the big letter with a yellow felt-tip pen,
small - red.

1. Look at the drawing. This is a donkey. Show me the donkey. Repeat who it is. Use your voice to highlight the first sound in the word.

2. Find the letter O in the picture. It is made of threads. Make the letter O from threads (with the help of a teacher).

3. Look at the picture. Show the girl (donkey). Olya holds the donkey by the string. Compose
offers. (This is a girl.) (This is a donkey.) (Olya is holding the donkey.)

4. Look at the picture. Show the letter U (girl Olya, donkey). Make a proposal. (Oli has a donkey.)
Read the sentence. Move your finger from word to word (from picture to picture).

5. Name the letters. Color them with paint.

1. Name the letter in the red square. Read the letters in the line. Find the letter O among other letters.
Cross it out with a red pencil.

2. Look at the picture. This is a hoop. Repeat what it is. A hoop is a toy. They play with him. Find in
hoop class Show me how you play with a hoop. Use your voice to highlight the first sound in a word hoop. On what
does the letter look like a hoop? Show (name).

3. Look at the picture. Show the girl Olya (hoop). Make up sentences. (This is Olya. This is a hoop.)

4. Look at the pictures. Show the letter U (Olya, hoop). Make a proposal. (Oli is engaged.) Read
offer. (Oli is engaged.) Move your finger from word to word (from picture to picture).

5. Connect the dots. What letter did you get? Name it.

1. Look at the picture. This is a magical flower. The teacher shows the syllable. Reads it. The child repeats.
Then the child reads the syllables independently.

2. Find (show, read, color) the syllable according to the teacher’s instructions.

What is this?............................................... ............ ,..................................... ..... 3

What is this? ........................................................ ........................................................ .. 4

Who needs what? ........................................................ ..................................... 5

What is this?............................................... ........................................................ ...... 6

What is in the room, in the kitchen?................................................. .................... 7

Big small............................................... ........................... 8

Big small............................................... ........................... 9

Who is this?............................................... ........................................................ .... 10

Recognize an animal by its shadow.................................................... .................... eleven

Who is this? ........................................................ ........................................................ 12

One - many......................................................... .......................................... 13

Find out the subject................................................... ......................................... 14

Who is this? What is this?............................................... ..................................... 15

What is Vanya doing?........................................................ ..................................... 16

What is Anya doing? ........................................................ ................................... 17

Who's crawling? ........................................................ ............................................ 18

Who's jumping?........................................................ ............................................. 19

Who (what) is swimming? ........................................................ ................................. 20

Who (what) is flying?................................................ ........................................... 21

Flying - flying........................................................ ........................................... 22

Flying - flying........................................................ ........................................... 23

Flies - crawls................................................... .................................... 24

Swims - jumps................................................... .................................. 25

Who's doing what?.............................................. ........................................... 26

Who's doing what?.............................................. ........................................... 27

What is sweet?........................................................ ........................... 28

What is sour? ........................................................ ........................... 29

Sweet - sour................................................... ................................... thirty

What is bitter? ........................................................ ........................... 31

What is hard? ........................................................ ........................... 32

What is soft?........................................................ .................................. 33

What (who) is prickly?.................................................... ........................ 34

What is spicy?........................................................ ................................ 35

What happens when it's cold?........................................................ ........................... 36

What is hot?........................................................ ........................... 37

Hard - soft................................................... ................................... 38

Hot - cold........................................................ ........................... 39

The letter a ...................................................................................................... 40

Letter U .................................................................................................... 50

Letter M ..................................................................................................... 59

Letter O................................................... ........................................................ ... 68

Application................................................. ............................................ 75

To the teacher. Tasks for students.........................,...................................... 85

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Page creation date: 2017-08-27