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In general, needles in a dream mean troubles or things that you don’t feel like doing. A dull needle, both in life and in a dream, cannot do much harm, but it does not do any good. This dream suggests that a loved one will soon become indifferent to you.

Pulling a needle out of some part of the body in a dream means that obstacles in business are causing you a lot of trouble and problems, but after such a dream everything should change - you will feel relief.

Buying needles in a dream means reconciliation with a friend. A needle and thread in a dream means that your relationship with a loved one or partner will be like a thread and a needle. Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.

The thread always follows the needle. Try to figure out who is meant by the thread and who is meant by the needle. Such a dream can also predict that you will try to achieve the same success as another person. The length of the thread in this case indicates how close your relationship with the other person will be. See interpretation: threads.

If you dream that you pricked yourself with a needle, then expect a quarrel with your loved ones. See interpretation: prick.

A dream in which you saw that you had lost a needle means the loss of a friend or loved one. Looking for a needle means wasted effort. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Finding a needle in a dream is an indication of the danger that threatens you, which will come from where you do not expect it. Searching and finding a needle is a good dream. It means that you will soon find new friends.

A broken needle in a dream means a break in a relationship with a loved one. After such a dream, expect great experiences and loneliness.

A dream in which you saw yourself working with a needle means: expect a quarrel with a loved one. For spouses, such a dream predicts that their family life will soon crack.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Threads

If you dreamed of a spool of thread, this predicts a visit to your home by guests whom you do not expect and are never happy to see. A bobbin with thread on a sewing machine means a long time to complete a difficult task, which, however, will bring significant results and give you great satisfaction.

Broken threads indicate that you will be treacherously betrayed by your loved one. Seeing a thread on someone's clothing means an invitation to a big celebration, which you will receive very soon.

Threading a needle in a dream means that caring for your loved ones will take up all your time, so you won’t even have time to go to the hairdresser. Sew with threads white instead of black or vice versa, foreshadows misunderstandings that will occur at work during your absence.

Colored threads are a sign of attention that your chosen one will show you.

Silk threads - you will bask in luxury by marrying a rich foreigner. Floss threads - the sadness that has darkened your soul will soon melt away like smoke.

Interpretation of dreams from

Traditionally, sharp objects symbolize danger, and after seeing needles, the mood upon awakening is not very good. However, if your work or hobby is related to sewing, they are not particularly important. Also various sources in the interpretation of what needles mean in dreams, they often contain positive information.

Dream Interpretation: seeing needles in a dream

Dream book of Gustav Miller interprets needles as a joyful event in the inner circle. Probably the addition of a new relative or the birth of a baby. enjoy sewing needles- a warning about the danger of losing the affection of a loved one. Search - the appearance of friends. To break - financial troubles, mental loneliness.

According to Vanga's dream book needles are interpreted unfavorably, as a symbol of irritability and impending difficulties. Threading a thread through the eye of a needle means prying into other people's affairs without asking. Losing a needle means being left without patronage. Injecting yourself is a warning about a catch.

Russian dream book interprets needles in a dream as difficulties. You will have to make efforts to overcome difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita suggests that the needle is the personification of an insincere friend. In reality, many problems arose due to the fault of this person.

According to Veles's dream book needles symbolize enemies. Sticking into the legs - injections of ill-wishers. Attempts by competitors to survive from the workplace. Injections - you will hear hurtful words addressed to you.

Sigmund Freud interprets hand sewing and embroidery as love. If a sleeping person sits on a needle, in reality someone will harass you.

Why do you dream about a needle and thread?

To dream of a sewing accessory ready for work symbolizes excessive concern for the affairs of other people. Sometimes it is not very appropriate. If color and length are clearly remembered after waking up, these details also need to be interpreted. Thread a very long thread, for family - good sign. However, for lovers, this plot is a harbinger of omissions and quarrels. Legalization of relationships is postponed.

Needle with white thread reflects the dreamer's love of freedom. It is also a sign of developed intelligence.

Needle with black thread warns against entering into casual relationships. To attract good luck, you will need to show honesty and altruism.

Needle with red thread- a symbol of the fact that in reality you will have to act energetically. Some decisions will have to be made at lightning speed.

The blue thread predicts a long journey, from which it will not be possible to return to your native land soon. Green is a sign of good luck in business.

What kind of needles did you dream about?

Shiny needles for sewing portend unexpected but good news. These useful items embody the truth of the saying “happiness is in your own hands.” There is a clarification when sewing needles appear in a pregnant woman’s dream. The birth process will be painful, but it will be favorable.

Broken needles in a dream means isolation in reality, which occurred after a quarrel with friends and relatives. Circumstances will arise that are difficult to overcome.

Dream about serious ailments syringe needle. You should contact medical institutions at the slightest signal.

Problems means a needle, stuck in hand. The point in the finger symbolizes gossip about the sleeper.

Needles stuck in a pillow portend a turbulent period. Frightening situations may arise in reality.

Therefore, some sources even specify that medical needles symbolize tension of mental and physical forces that can cause breakdown. Recovery will require funds and a long time.

English needles reflect the dreamer’s tendency to self-flagellation due to unpleasant rumors that have arisen. If the pins were rusty, this is an indication of danger.

Lots of needles- painstaking work. The payment will be meager.

An amorous adventure lies ahead. This is what needles are for pins with red heads.

Alive hedgehog with needles interpreted positively. Will be able to achieve the goal.

Extremely thin small needles indicate excessive sensitivity. In reality, your nerves are on edge, and it is important not to give in to provocations.

Huge needle in a dream symbolizes danger. There is a threat to health and well-being.

Gypsy needle- risk of property damage. A blunt tip is an unwise thing to do.

Needle needles delight with the return of an old debt.

Where was the needle in the dream

Dreaming about a needle in body can't do any real harm. Moreover, she warns against troubles: unnecessary expenses and hassle. Rusty ones mean that you will have to pay for actions committed earlier.

Needle in hand calls to remain calm. Otherwise, in the heat of the moment, it is possible to quarrel with loved ones. But if it just lies in the palm of your hand, there is a rapid development of romantic passion ahead.

Needles at the feet warn of the risk of increased injuries in the near future. The wounds may not be too dangerous, but painful.

When you dream of needles in the mouth, Special attention should be given cardiovascular system. It is advisable not to wait for symptoms, but to make an appointment with a cardiologist and neurologist.

A fateful meeting is foreshadowed by needles in bed. This is a sign indicating the need to rest.

Also a needle In the bed warns against quarrels with colleagues and influential people. The conflict can turn against the sleeper.

It’s bad if you see needles in the pillow. The disease will overtake either loved ones or the dreamer.

Seeing needles in clothes warns of possible magical influence from outside. People's advice - pin a pin on the back of the outfit you wear in public places.

If you dream of needles on the floor of your own apartment, you will be offended by your relatives. Seeing sewing supplies at work that is not related to them is a sign of idle gossip.

Actions with needles in a dream

The plot of the dream in which it happened search needles, symbolizes unjustified fears. Concerns about health and the state of affairs are groundless.

Find needles - great sign. The circle of long-time loyal friends will be replenished with new worthy people.

To trouble - collect needles from the floor. If they turn out to be broken, you will have to seriously think about business issues.

It's good if you had a chance sew needle and thread. Old misunderstandings will be corrected.

But if you tried to sew with a dull or rusty needle, financial difficulties lie ahead. Probably feeling unwell.

Inject yourself with a needle in a dream until you bleed - the difficulties will become chronic. Without blood - all troubles will be quickly overcome.

Alarm signal - swallow a needle. There is an urgent need to be concerned about your health.

Pull out of yourself needles - good sign. In reality, you will be able to successfully resolve conflict situations.

Scatter needles are a symbol of insults accidentally inflicted on someone from the inner circle. This also means that soon you will have to rely only on yourself to complete tasks.

Pricking with needles is a lack of affection. Accidentally injecting yourself is an unfavorable situation. They can lead to serious quarrels. Buy sewing supplies in gold or precious metal- to pleasant communication.

If you take into account all the interpretations of what needles mean in dreams, you can avoid troubles in reality.

A needle and thread are the most ordinary things; I think there are very few people today who would not know how to use this simple device. So a dream in which these objects appear does not surprise anyone. However, experts advise consulting a dream book to find out what a needle and thread means in dreams. Otherwise, you may miss or be unprepared for some important event life.

What if you dream about a needle and thread?

So, if you dreamed of a thread with a needle, you should prepare for not the most pleasant events in life. Often such a dream means that you pay too much attention to other people’s problems, while it would be nice to start solving your own, personal ones. You won't have any shortage of them anytime soon. Pay attention to relatives, especially the elderly. After all, it’s up to you to take care of them.

A needle in a dream symbolizes love, but also danger. Be vigilant, most likely, in the near future, a friend you trusted will show his true face, and this will not make you happy at all. If you use a needle in a dream, this promises suffering and empathy for a loved one in trouble. A needle that is too large for the work you are doing means you are in danger of losing the trust and sympathy of someone close. It’s worth putting everything aside for a few days and giving this person maximum of your attention.

What does it portend?

The image of a thread in a dream is associated with life and its duration. Strong, clean and long thread means long life and durable family bonds. If the thread is short, dirty or breaks at the most unexpected moment, then the life will be short. Another interpretation promises a quick end to an important relationship. Pay attention to your family and closest friends if you saw a needle and thread in a dream. The subconscious mind gives you a chance to prepare for changes and fix what has begun to deteriorate.

Seeing needles in a dream can be good or bad sign. The interpretation of the symbol depends on the plot in which the sewing tool appeared. Was there a thread in the eyelet, were you embroidering, or did you see scattered needles? Various actions predict losses or gains, sadness or joy, illness or a speedy recovery. Why do you dream about needles? Popular dream books will help you clarify the meaning of the dream.

General meaning of the dream

Sharp objects in a dream - needles, pins, thorns - appear as a sign of a large tiredness of the sleeper. A needle in a dream is a reflection of strong emotional disturbances. Any sewing supplies are dreamed of by those who are busy fixing life mistakes. In reality you are trying establish good relationships with loved ones.

If you dream of large needles, problems will begin in the family. Advice from the dream book: put things aside and pay maximum attention to your family. A dull needle means feelings towards a once close person will cool down.

There were a lot of needles - to anxiety. The dreamer is filled with worry for the fate of his loved ones. A large number of needles are usually dreamed of by people with a strong character, who are difficult to influence in any way. In reality, you will encounter a lot of criticism, but these “injections” from others should not be taken to heart. A lot of sewing needles can mean painstaking and unpleasant work.

If you dream of a medical needle, you should pay attention to your health. An acupuncture session warns of the need to go to the hospital. Seeing a lot of needles means health problems will soon begin. However, if in a dream the injections do not cause pain, then in reality a successful and fast recovery.

A sewing needle in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. Just holding it in your hand means losing the person to whom you gave your heart. Breaking it means loneliness and poverty.

Buy or sell needles

What does it mean if you have made a purchase of a sewing tool? The dream book offers several interpretations of a similar plot:

Selling needles in a dream - positive sign , which portends success in business and prosperity.

Sew and embroider thread

Sewing in a dream means difficulties. The disaster will happen unexpectedly, its cause remains unknown. The dreamer should be on guard, because misfortune can come from any direction. Accidentally pricking yourself with a needle means quarrels. Spouses dream of sewing - foretells discord in the family.

Sometimes sewing in a dream speaks of a desire to change your life. You need to think carefully about whether adjustments are really worth making to your destiny. Dissatisfaction with the current situation may be unfounded, then changes will not be beneficial. If reality is truly unfavorable, the dream gives a hint: the time has come to act, you will be able to easily and without extra effort achieve prosperity in life. Sewing may mean that you will change your field of activity to a more creative and constructive one.

Dreaming of embroidering is a sign of joy. The girl dreamed of making beautiful embroidery, which means that she will meet with a kind and wealthy companion. A man in a dream is passionate about needlework - to peace and tranquility.

Sew on a button - to family conflicts.

In the dream book you can find many explanations of why you dream of a needle and thread. This usually portends scandals and a lot of trouble:

  • Seeing it in your hands means trouble at work due to a tyrannical boss.
  • Threading a thread through your ear means you will have to care more about others than about yourself.
  • Taking a needle with a very long thread means long-term care for an elderly relative.
  • Giving someone a needle and thread means taking care of this person in reality.

“Where there is a needle, there is a thread,” - in the sphere of personal relationships, things are as in this proverb. The thread is constantly reaching for the needle. You have to figure out whether you or your partner is playing main role, and who is the follower. To interpret a dream from a position business relations, the following explanation is suitable: in an effort to achieve career heights, you will imitate the successes of another person.

The color of the thread in a dream also has special meaning. This is what sewing needles of different colors mean in dreams:

If in a dream you chose a thread color that does not match the fabric, it means there is a problem with the work. We must try to eliminate them as soon as possible. Not remembering the color of the thread at all means the end of a black streak in life.

Dropping and collecting needles

Sometimes you dream about a plot where you scatter needles and then start collecting them. This indicates hidden feeling guilt. Understand yourself to restore harmony and calm to your soul. Don't hide from problems by spending everything free time for monotonous and useless work.

The dreamer should gain strength and be patient. According to the dream book, collecting needles means tedious chores and unnecessary fuss. Show prudence, then most of the difficulties will be avoided. Remember the saying: “Looking for a needle in a haystack.” The dream hints at the meaninglessness of the work you have been busy with in recent days.

Why do you dream of collecting needles on the floor or bed? The dream book gives different interpretations. Often the meaning of a dream has a negative connotation:

  • Collecting from the floor - you need to ask for forgiveness if you offended anyone.
  • From clothes - to rumors, gossip.
  • In bed - a quarrel in the family, betrayal.
  • From the body - to health problems.

According to Miller's dream book, lifting one needle means acquiring a faithful comrade. Before your eyes, another person is collecting needles - you need to gather your strength, you have to solve an important matter. Picking up needles scattered by someone means in reality you will have to correct the mistakes of your loved ones. Lose and not

finding a needle means empty worries and worries.

Needles on the human body

Sharp objects on the dreamer's skin are very not a good sign. Perhaps this is evidence of damage or the evil eye. A needle from a syringe on the body - someone is trying to convince unnecessary information, impose your influence. You may dream of sewing accessories on your body for the following reasons:

  • Needles in the dreamer’s body indicate the indifference of relatives to your troubles.
  • In the body of a stranger - to betrayal of friends.
  • Pulling them out of the skin means a difficult stage in life, which will be completed if you show diligence. With such a plot, Vanga’s dream book recommends listening to your health and undergoing a full examination. The healer advises to reconsider the daily routine and devote more time to proper rest.
  • With traces of blood - to the bad intentions of a relative.
  • An animal wounded by metal needles - a ruthless criminal will appear among people, who will bring a lot of trouble.
  • A person sticks needles into his own body - a person will appear who can neutralize the villain.
  • To take it out of the heart is to make a discovery valuable to science.

Being pricked with a point means the dreamer is excessively talkative. Sometimes such a plot is a good signal that material issues will soon be resolved. Injecting yourself with a needle from a syringe means going on vacation with your loved one; crying from an injection means the trip will take place in the company of a friend.

In dream reference books, special attention is paid to scenes with a needle in the mouth:

  • Dreams of troubles in the family circle. A needle stuck in your mouth means someone has evil motives against you and will cause trouble.
  • According to Miller's dream book - to illness; swallowing a needle leads to a heart attack.
  • In the event of such a dream, the sorceress Medea advises to be more careful in your statements.
  • Longo's dream book warns of the evil thoughts of the enemy.
  • Get hurt until you bleed - to financial difficulties, loss of fortune.
  • Trying to get rid of it is a wasted effort.

A needle, on the one hand, is a useful tool. She may indicate positive features character - hard work and diligence. On the other hand, this sewing accessory often appears in magical rites and rituals. Therefore, you need to be prepared for any danger, avoid quarrels and not give reasons for gossip.

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