Born on February 21 characteristics of a woman. Zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces completes the zodiac circle. This is the most secretive, mystical sign of the Zodiac.
Pisces have subtle intuition and are able to anticipate events. Neptune gives this sign contrasts and contradictions: anxiety, constant struggle with oneself. From Jupiter, Pisces received a happy destiny and wisdom. They often experience mental anguish and melancholy. Pisces are also a symbol of humanity and self-sacrifice.
The typical Pisces is devoid of greed. But she is weak and careless about the future. She does not fight, but rather floats with the flow. Pisces are born with the desire to see the world in pink. She prefers not to see the unpleasant sides of life. If life hits Pisces, it hides in its illusions.
Pisces always have a choice: to swim in different currents up or down, since they do not suffer from a lack of talent.
For Pisces, life is a huge stage. There are many truly gifted people among them. They have excellent memory. Pisces make a great impression on those around them with their manners and lazy good nature. They are indifferent to other people's opinions.
Humor is one of Pisces' powerful weapons. These are the masters of satire. Their observations are sharp and subtle. Their humor can be warm and friendly, or cold and cruel.
Pisces have a highly developed sense of compassion. They are always ready to help the sick and weak. They spend most of their energy helping relatives and friends, shouldering their heavy burdens. The typical Pisces never takes care of itself.
Pisces love water in all its forms. Like other water signs - Scorpio and Cancer - Pisces love alcohol. It gives them a pleasant feeling of security. The percentage of alcoholics among Pisces is very high.
Pisces do not like to answer direct questions with “yes” and “no”, preferring the more evasive phrase “maybe”. In general, they very often speak evasively. Also, their character cannot be clearly described. In fact, they are wiser and stronger than they even realize. Manly P. Hall in his book "Astrological Key Words", characterizing Pisces, gives the following series of words and phrases.
In the area of ​​emotions: "Emotions are repressed, the individual is sensitive and impressionable, spiritual, devoted, melancholic, lacks the ability to confront the environment, secretive, misunderstood."
In the area of ​​intelligence: "Thoughtful, intuitive, compassionate, introspective, quick-thinking, executive, philosophical, religious, clairvoyant, multilateral, synthetic, talkative, impractical, likes to put things off from day to day, lack of self-confidence."

Zodiac sign Pisces by birth period from February 21 - March 20

Pisces Born from February 21 to March 1.
Saturn had the greatest influence on these people at birth. By nature they are capricious, often dream of unrealistic “things”, love change and prefer loneliness. Women born during this period are gentle and loving.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 12, 24, 36, 58, 60, 72.

Pisces Born from March 2 to March 11.
These people were most influenced at birth by Jupiter, who endowed them with a desire for fame and respect. They are impressionable, honest, arrogant and full of pathos.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 25, 36, 52, 60, 72, 75.

Pisces Born from March 12 to March 20.
Mars had the greatest influence on these people at birth, which affected their behavior, which is devoid of simplicity and naturalness, and pretends to be original. They are impressionable, always ready to provide a service, love to communicate with others and love to have fun in good company.
Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 12, 15, 24, 30, 36, 45, 48, 60, 72.

Compatibility horoscope: February 21 zodiac sign Pisces or Aquarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Birthday February 21: what zodiac sign, character of children and adults, names

Born on February 21: the meaning of the birthday

If you were born on February 21, your zodiac sign is Pisces. People born on this day are called lucky.

Luck accompanies them everywhere. They manage everything easily, have organizational skills, are talented and passionate. They are focused on results.

If in their youth Pisces learn to save money, success and prosperity will also await them in financial matters.

In family relationships, for people born on this day, the main thing is sincerity, sensitivity and warmth. They always have a friendly family.

Despite the desire of this sign for harmony, in childhood and adolescence there may be disagreements with parents, especially those of the opposite sex.

These moments just need to be experienced or waited out. With age, family relationships improve and stabilize.

Pisces, who were born on February 21, have a natural love of self-expression, this helps them better demonstrate their talent and creative nature. Creating something new is enjoyable for them. Talented Pisces are talented in everything and do not hide it.

Another important advantage of such people is their attractiveness to the opposite sex and innate sexuality.

Being in the spotlight, those born on February 21 catch the admiring glances of fans. But they don’t strive to be popular - For them, consistency is more important.

The ability to be open to only one person is the main thing for Pisces.

The zodiac sign of people born on February 21 implies some changeability. They need the support of a loved one and his approval in everything, so fluid and unstable Pisces feel calmer.

If they are deprived of the help of their loved ones, they experience it very hard and tragically. Often such people are monogamous and spend their entire lives with one partner.

  • Horoscope of the zodiac sign Pisces »
  • Sign compatibility horoscope »

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt was born on February 21.

Many famous artists were born like Jennifer on February 21: their zodiac sign is Pisces. Despite her young age, this girl managed to star in many films and tried herself as a director and producer. Her talent is beyond doubt. “Ghost Whisperer”, “Heartbreakers”, “I Know What You Did Last Summer” - this is not a complete list of films in which Jennifer Love Hewitt took part.

February 21 zodiac sign - Pisces. Characteristic

If You were born on February 21– means your zodiac sign – Fish. What sets you apart from others is your special mystery and romanticism. Being under the auspices of such an element as Water, these people are endowed with a well-developed imagination, very impressionable and dreamy. You are ruled by the planet Neptune, which further enhances the sensitivity of the representatives of the sign.

Personality of Pisces born on February 21st

Often people born on February 21 , have a compliant character and at the same time are endowed with both a strong will of spirit and endurance. Fortune goes side by side with you, and excellent intuition has repeatedly helped you out in difficult and difficult situations.

Your mood can change very quickly. If now you are happy and cheerful, it is possible that in the next minute you will already be sad and worried for some unknown reason. Increased sensitivity and vulnerability can often cause depression and doubt. You often try to find out the reason for your failures and carefully analyze your actions. Read also: February 22 zodiac sign - Pisces.

Success and career

It is vital for individuals born on this day to show themselves to the world. It is very difficult for them to fairly evaluate the work done, but it is even more difficult to accept criticism. Pisces who devoted themselves to art especially suffer from this. They will have to be persistent more than once in order to achieve their goals. Your nature perfectly combines organizational skills and amazing creative abilities. At the same time, your place in the world is quite difficult for you, but when you find what you love, you can devote yourself entirely to it.

Born on February 21 , undoubtedly, have great luck. They manage everything with incredible ease. Always focused on results. Having a natural craving for self-expression, these individuals enjoy creating something new.

Friends and family

You are constantly in the center of attention, admiring glances are directed in your direction. The opposite sex is fascinated and attracted by your charisma and sexuality. At the same time, such attention is, of course, flattering and pleasant for you, but you value constancy much more.

The support of your loved one is very important to you. Many people are ready to share their life path with only one partner. For you, this is the basis of a happy family life, which you fill with sincerity and warmth. Read also: February 20 zodiac sign - Pisces.

Born on February 21 It is recommended to take care of your nerves and worry less. You should not forget about regular, sound sleep. They are susceptible to neurosis and liver inflammation. In their diet, it is very important not to overeat, ideally stick to a simple diet. Swimming lessons or at least regular visits to the pool are perfect for these people. Regular walks in the fresh air will be beneficial.

If you want to understand yourself and find your true purpose, you will need to learn to try on your internal disagreements and contradictions. Controlling your emotions is another step towards inner balance and a great life.

Learn to admit that you are wrong and try to listen to the opinions of the people around you. Learn to save from a young age to achieve financial well-being in adulthood. Remember that all difficulties can be overcome if you put in enough effort and are not lazy.

Birthday February 21st zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces born on February 21st strive for self-expression almost their entire lives, and most of them are extremely talented at it. However, in the early stages of life (due to age) this is not always possible, so in childhood they often have difficulties for which such people blame others. But after some time they realize that the real cause of all troubles is their own complexes.

Any difficulties for those born on February 21 zodiac sign Pisces are surmountable, but only if they themselves want it, without being lazy in learning and working on themselves. And these people, as a rule, challenge fate in order to increase their intellectual level, get rid of internal contradictions, overcome excessive emotions, and very soon come to realize the true goals of their existence.

If the men and women themselves, born on February 21 with the zodiac sign Pisces, start a family, they, as a rule, are always friendly, since family relationships, in their opinion, should be based on harmony, emotional sensitivity and warmth. It is in the family, in children, that such people find true happiness - this gives them emotional peace, which they strive for almost their entire lives.

In general, if Pisces born on February 21 find themselves in life, they can be considered lucky, because they will have good luck, a favorite business, an ideal family, and even financial success (if they learn to save in their youth).

Compatibility Horoscope

The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs will help you find out how suitable you are for each other in love, marriage, family life, friendship, business.

Horoscope by date of birth

In this horoscope you will be able to find out in more detail the information characteristic of your zodiac sign.



CHARACTER. In their youth, they experience periods of internal crisis, but with age they learn to accept problems as a challenge and view them as an opportunity to learn something and gain additional experience. If they manage to find a compromise with their own sensitive nature and take control of the emotional sphere, they will be able to comprehend themselves in a way that few others can. They show exceptional intuition and understanding when it comes to the emotions and motivations of others.

LOVE. One of the biggest victories is sharing your Self with your partner. For a loved one, they appear as they really are, without hiding their shortcomings and without putting on a mask. It is very important that your partner understands and appreciates an honest relationship. In case of betrayal, they fall into deep disappointment, and it will be a long time before they can again open their soul to their neighbor.

CAREER. They don't know how to accept criticism at all. Any statements addressed to them are considered as attacks and an encroachment on their personality. To achieve success, we must become stronger and stop being offended over trifles.

Name of the figure: World, Universe.

Image of the figure: in the center of the wreath is a half-naked woman. Along the edges are four evangelists (Mark - in the form of an Eagle, Matthew - in the form of an Angel, Luke - in the form of a Bull, John - in the form of a Lion).

Symbol: fulfillment of all desires.

Meanings: luck, honesty, integrity, confidence, perfection, inner life.

Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Sun in the sign of Taurus; HEALTH: well-being and tranquility; PROFESSIONS: actor, fashion model, athlete, director.

Jupiter (2+1=3): optimists, take life lightly. This approach to life gives sociability and serenity.

NUMBER 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are highly sensitive individuals who need stimulation and protection. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.

NUMBER 1: symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also egocentrism.

HEALTH. Nervous crises, ulcers.

PROFESSIONS. Writer, psychologist, nurse.

ADVANTAGES. Sensitivity, depth of nature, honesty.

FLAWS. Anxiety, depression, indifference.

February 21 - Zodiac Sign

Spectacular and romantic Pisces, whose birthday falls on February 21, are endowed with a vivid imagination and a creative streak. Charming and resourceful, with a wonderful sense of humor and an incredible ability to adapt to different circumstances, you fit into any environment and find a common language with everyone. You radiate an aura of dreaminess, because of which you seem far from the real world. Some may see you as easy prey for advertising and sob stories, but nothing could be further from the truth. Although you have a compassionate and open personality, you are apt to talk, confuse most people, and rarely agree to do anything you don't want to do.

Those born on February 21 tend not to notice alarming symptoms, and as a result, they often get sick. As for their psychological state, they are susceptible to frequent and deep depression. It is advisable for those born on February 21 to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy from time to time or attend consultations with an experienced analyst, but they usually refuse the help of specialists and somehow rebuild themselves. When following a diet, moderation is important; however, cooking quite difficult but tasty dishes lifts their spirits. For those born on this day, stable sexual relationships are of great importance, but they are not always beneficial for them. As for physical exercises, they are recommended, for example, walking and swimming.

Those born on February 21 make every effort to express themselves. Their life at an early stage may be associated with difficulties that they have to face almost daily. At first they blame others for everything, but then they usually realize that the real cause of all troubles is their own complexes. But difficulties from outside, naturally, also occur frequently. These people should study, work hard on themselves, and most importantly, not be lazy.

Zodiac sign February 21 – Pisces

Element of the Sign: Water. Your zodiac sign belongs to the group of Water signs, which are distinguished by the following qualities: mystery, musicality, plasticity, sympathy, diligence, respect, romanticism.

Planet Ruler: Neptune. Predetermines heightened sensuality, real inspired art. The planet is favorable for musicians. The planet in exile is Mercury. You can be grateful to her for her lack of rationality, as well as her lack of criticality.

Pisces, the zodiac sign of those born on February 21, endows people born on this day with romance, gentle charisma, and attractiveness. Often these are creative people with developed imagination, quick-witted and resourceful. They adapt well to changing circumstances, can find a place for themselves everywhere, and will find an approach to any person. The date of February 21st zodiac sign corresponds to the sign of Pisces, which gives those born on this day a dreamy quality; they always seem to be in the clouds and completely oblivious to what is happening under their noses. It happens that people around you conclude from this that it’s easy to fool you, to deceive you with the help of advertising or stupid sob stories, but this is not at all the case. Pisces are indeed very compassionate and open towards others and their troubles, but they themselves are good at deceiving, intoxicating, and will never agree to something they don’t like.

Most of those born on February 21 usually accept the challenge of fate to increase the level of their intellectual development. Having overcome the contradictions within themselves and overcome their own emotions, they will finally understand what they want. One of the indisputable advantages of people born on February 21 is their sexual attractiveness. Connecting themselves with another person, allowing them to see themselves without a mask - this is perhaps the greatest joy in life for them.

Those born on February 21 deeply experience personal failures. If they suddenly feel rejected, the emotional shock for them will be enormous, and it will take a long time before they dare to open up to anyone again. For people who are closed by nature, it turns out that it is quite difficult to objectively evaluate their work, since what they create seems to them inseparable from themselves. Most likely, this is why they are sensitive to criticism addressed to them, since they equate it with a personal insult.

Many of them experience great problems communicating with parents of the opposite sex. As a result of excessive care from relatives and constant criticism on their part, or, conversely, lack of attention, in the first case they become closed people, and in the second - callous and soulless egoists. A healthy, unsatisfied love for life can become just an illusion for them - something that they will look for everywhere. For some of them, their loved one affirms their worth; others need the support of a confident partner, to whom they can safely reveal their deepest secrets. In any case, few people can live in such close connection with their inner world. Those born on February 21 will calm down only when they find their happiness and find emotional peace. Generally speaking, they devote a lot of time to their spiritual development.

Pisces man – born on February 21

Men with a birth date of February 21 are distinguished by the following features: such a gentleman is generous, impressionable, musical, romantic. Pisces men are idealists and dreamers; they are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces woman – born on February 21

Women born on February 21 are not like others in these qualities: such a lady is sensual, attentive, and intellectual. Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness.

Birthday February 21

Pisces born on February 21st strive for self-expression almost their entire lives, and most of them are extremely talented at it. However, in the early stages of life (due to age) this is not always possible, so in childhood they often have difficulties for which such people blame others. But after some time they realize that the real cause of all troubles is their own complexes. Any difficulties for those born on February 21 zodiac sign Pisces are surmountable, but only if they themselves want it, without being lazy in learning and working on themselves. And these people, as a rule, challenge fate in order to increase their intellectual level, get rid of internal contradictions, overcome excessive emotions, and very soon come to realize the true goals of their existence.

Those born on February 21 with the zodiac sign Pisces should not be considered only losers and people who overcome circumstances throughout their lives. They also have advantages, one of which, undoubtedly, is their attractiveness to the opposite sex. Thanks to their innate sexuality, they will always be the center of attention, which is usually not the goal for such people. They consider the greatest joy in life to be the opportunity to fully reveal themselves for one single loved one. And, of course, if they fail here too, it will be a deep emotional shock, which will not be easy to cope with, and the vulnerable Pisces will not soon open their hearts to someone again.

People who celebrate their birthday on February 21 with the zodiac sign Pisces are quite closed by nature, which makes it difficult for them to appreciate what they do, since they consider their work to be part of themselves. This character trait does not allow them to adequately perceive criticism addressed to them, which is regarded as a personal insult. It is especially difficult in this regard for those who have connected their lives with art: they need to be extremely persistent in order to achieve success.

Many problems of those born on February 21 with the zodiac sign Pisces come from childhood, when conflicts with parents are especially acute (especially for a son with his mother and for a daughter with his father). Someone, subjected to excessive care and constant criticism from their parents, becomes withdrawn, while others grow into a callous and soulless egoist, being, on the contrary, deprived of the attention of their relatives. However, in most cases, everything is not so categorical: over time, relations with relatives improve, and previous disagreements are forgotten.

If the men and women themselves, born on February 21 with the zodiac sign Pisces, start a family, they, as a rule, are always friendly, since family relationships, in their opinion, should be based on harmony, emotional sensitivity and warmth. It is in the family, in children, that such people find true happiness - this gives them emotional peace, which they strive for almost their entire lives. In general, if Pisces born on February 21 find themselves in life, they can be considered lucky, because they will have good luck, a favorite business, an ideal family, and even financial success (if they learn to save in their youth).

Love and Compatibility

You radiate a magical charm that attracts crowds of fans to you. This is good because you need love to be happy. You are inspired by the light of the moon, poetry and romantic literature. Before you create a long-term union, you strive to make sure that feelings and care for you come from the heart. Pisces are always very sexy and consider the greatest joy in life to be the complete trust that is possible between loving hearts. Only in front of their spouse are they able to take off all their masks and show themselves as they really are. Those born on February 21 have a very difficult time with breakups and quarrels, which is not surprising if you remember what your zodiac sign is on February 21. If their feelings and trust are betrayed, then they will not be able to open up to someone again very soon.

Pisces with Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus have good prospects for creating a family that respects each other. It is with them that these people are most compatible; they have the same views on family life, similar life priorities. A marriage can also be successful in an alliance with Virgo, Libra and Capricorn, the chances are, say, 50/50. They must immediately distribute responsibilities and duties, agree that they will accept each other’s freedom and give in. Marriage with poor prospects is seen with such signs as Aries, Gemini and Leo. Let's say that in these combinations of couples there are very few prospects for a happy marriage; they are unlikely to understand each other.

Work and Career

For those born on February 21, it is very important to express themselves, to show themselves, their nature to the world. Life for them is full of challenges that other people have no idea about. However, they quickly understand that it is not those around them who are to blame, but their perception and their complexes. For those born on February 21, it is very important to engage in self-improvement. Most often this is what happens; these people learn throughout their lives.

They also have difficulties in objectively assessing the quality of their work, because what they do, at the level of perception, merges with themselves for them - and it is extremely difficult to objectively assess themselves, in general, it is impossible. It is for this reason that these people cannot stand criticism of their work; it seems to them that they are not criticizing it, but are insulting them personally.

Health and Diseases

Those born on February 21 are quite sick because they miss the symptoms of the onset of the disease and go to the doctor too late. In addition, they very often suffer from depression. It would be useful for those born on February 21 to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist from time to time, but they most often refuse their services and cope on their own, somehow.

In their diet, it is important not to overeat; as for cooking, preparing complex and exotic dishes makes them very happy; they should think about a career as a cook or make cooking their hobby. In their intimate life, these people prefer loyalty to one partner, but frequent sex is not always useful for them. Among the types of physical activity, they should pay attention to swimming, during which these people will be able to contact their environment (Pisces is a water sign), and to long walks, which perfectly calm their always anxious nerves.

Fate and Luck

On this day, purposeful, strong-willed people endowed with great intuition are born. Those born on this day are happy, they are accompanied by success in any field of activity. They usually have a strong, wonderful family, built on trust and love, their home is a full cup. They are gentle and kind. Whatever you undertake, everything brings good luck. It is rightly said about such people that they are lucky everywhere, a lot comes easy to them. They have the talent of an organizer; they are managers, leaders. In financial matters, success will depend on how much they know how to save.

Those born on February 21 live entirely by personal experiences and perceptions, more by the inner world than by the outer world - even despite their openness to the external world. Often in childhood they encounter problems in relationships with the older generation. Either they are criticized too much for the slightest reason, and then they close down and become gloomy, or they are deprived of attention, too rarely show their love for them, and then they become real egoists. Develop your communication skills.

They constantly chase the feeling of love for life itself and, alas, do not always find it. It is extremely important for them to find a loved one who will constantly remind them (not necessarily verbally) of how needed and important they are in this life, who will silently support them with their strength, who they can trust and share secrets with, which is not surprising if you remember how zodiac sign February 21st. Happiness calms their painful emotions and transforms these people. Then they will be able to calmly engage in self-improvement and spiritual development.

People born on February 21 with the zodiac sign Pisces are influenced by Venus and Jupiter. Your symbol is a wave, a shell, two fish that move in different directions. The most favorable colors are violet, purple, blue, steel, lilac, sea green, sea wave. Stone – amethyst, pearl, emerald, sapphire. Flowers – crocus, narcissus, violets, forget-me-nots, jasmine.
People of this sign are distinguished by their capriciousness and rosy dreams, as a rule, unfulfilled.
These are people who understand everyone around them, except themselves. After all, born on February 21, these people spend their entire lives searching for their own self; they are controlled by some hidden side of their lives. For people with the zodiac sign Pisces on February 21, it is important not to lose a thread of life, to find an incentive to overcome obstacles, since the daily flow of the principle of relax and float can cost them lost time.
People born on February 21 belong to the Universe. These people are everywhere and nowhere. To feel welcome, you have to invite them several times.
The temperament of these people is like a child. They can look danger steadfastly in the eyes and immediately burst into tears over some nonsense.

These are the most devoted friends whom you want to take with you everywhere, but the desire to help them find themselves also overwhelms many. But Pisces born on February 21 are so absorbed in their suffering and cling to it that it seems like reality to them. And it is very rarely possible to convince them otherwise.
Professions that need to be given special attention to representatives born on February 21 of the zodiac sign Pisces are artists, musicians, actors, people of art, medicine, research, pedagogy, fishing, shipbuilding, clergy.
But in general, despite this attitude to life, these people are very talented, their attitude to work is on an intuitive level. They never impose their power, do not insist and do not shirk. Their dedication to work reaches the point of self-sacrifice. But you should be careful, among those born on February 21, there are also scammers and cheaters.
Occult sciences can also be the subject of their vocation. They show considerable interest in palmistry, yoga, and astrology. Attitudes towards banknotes are constantly changing; it depends on the outlook on life that Pisces born on February 21 are currently experiencing.

In love there are many variations. It is impossible to predict the same behavior for all representatives of this sign who were born on February 21. This is a variation on the theme from the silently suffering Don Juan to the shark in the ocean of love, eager to give himself to all women in the world, without exception. Also women from the fatal, mystical to the romantic and soft, who will belong to only one man entirely.
Love is a feeling that takes pride of place in the life of Pisces. It comes to people born on February 21, secretly and imperceptibly growing every day. They will never go to war for their love, but prefer to be chosen.
These are people who can maintain one platonic relationship for a long time, experiencing their passion alone.
If you manage to make Pisces feel that they are desired, loved and understood, then you will not find a more faithful and devoted partner.

If You were born on February 21– means your zodiac sign – Fish. What sets you apart from others is your special mystery and romanticism. Being under the auspices of such an element as Water, these people are endowed with a well-developed imagination, very impressionable and dreamy. You are ruled by the planet Neptune, which further enhances the sensitivity of the representatives of the sign.

Personality of Pisces born on February 21st

Often people born on February 21 , have a compliant character and at the same time are endowed with both a strong will of spirit and endurance. Fortune goes side by side with you, and excellent intuition has repeatedly helped you out in difficult and difficult situations.

Success and career

It is vital for individuals born on this day to show themselves to the world. It is very difficult for them to fairly evaluate the work done, but it is even more difficult to accept criticism. Pisces who devoted themselves to art especially suffer from this. They will have to be persistent more than once in order to achieve their goals. Your nature perfectly combines organizational skills and amazing creative abilities. At the same time, your place in the world is quite difficult for you, but when you find what you love, you can devote yourself entirely to it.

Born on February 21 , undoubtedly, have great luck. They manage everything with incredible ease. Always focused on results. Having a natural craving for self-expression, these individuals enjoy creating something new.

Friends and family

You are constantly in the center of attention, admiring glances are directed in your direction. The opposite sex is fascinated and attracted by your charisma and sexuality. At the same time, such attention is, of course, flattering and pleasant for you, but you value constancy much more.


Born on February 21 It is recommended to take care of your nerves and worry less. You should not forget about regular, sound sleep. They are susceptible to neurosis and liver inflammation. In their diet, it is very important not to overeat, ideally stick to a simple diet. Swimming lessons or at least regular visits to the pool are perfect for these people. Regular walks in the fresh air will be beneficial.

If you want to understand yourself and find your true purpose, you will need to learn to try on your internal disagreements and contradictions. Controlling your emotions is another step towards inner balance and a great life.

Learn to admit that you are wrong and try to listen to the opinions of the people around you. Learn to save from a young age to achieve financial well-being in adulthood. Remember that all difficulties can be overcome if you put in enough effort and are not lazy.

Day of intimacy.

February 21st celebrity birthday- actor Alan Rickman, actress Ellen Page, actor Ilya Lyubimov, actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, actress Ashley Greene, singer Nikolai Rastorguev

Personality of Pisces born on February 21st- Those born on February 21 make every effort to express themselves. Their life at an early stage may be associated with difficulties that they have to face almost daily. At first they blame others for everything, but then they usually realize that the real cause of all troubles is their own complexes. But difficulties from outside, naturally, also occur frequently. These people should study, work hard on themselves, and most importantly, not be lazy. Most of those born on February 21 usually accept the challenge of fate to increase the level of their intellectual development. Having overcome the contradictions within themselves and overcome their own emotions, they will finally understand what they want.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is February 21? One of the indisputable advantages of people born on February 21 is their sexual attractiveness. Connecting themselves with another person, allowing them to see themselves without a mask is perhaps the greatest joy in life for them. Those born on February 21 deeply experience personal failures. If they suddenly feel rejected, the emotional shock for them will be enormous, and it will take a long time before they dare to open up to anyone again.

For people who are closed by nature, it turns out that it is quite difficult to objectively evaluate their work, since what they create seems to them inseparable from themselves. Most likely, this is why they are sensitive to criticism addressed to them, since they equate it with a personal insult. If people whose birthday is on February 21st are related to the arts, they must be especially persistent in wanting to succeed.

As a rule, those born on February 21 often have an emotionally difficult childhood. Many of them experience great problems communicating with parents of the opposite sex. As a result of excessive care from relatives and constant criticism on their part, or, conversely, lack of attention, in the first case they become closed people, and in the second - callous and soulless egoists.

A healthy, unsatisfied love for life can become just an illusion for them - something that they will look for everywhere. For some of them, their loved one affirms their worth; other people whose birthday is February 21 need the support of a confident partner to whom they can safely reveal their deepest secrets. In any case, few people can live in such close connection with their inner world. Those born on February 21 will calm down only when they find their happiness and find emotional peace. Generally speaking, they devote a lot of time to their spiritual development.

Advice for Pisces born on February 21- Develop your communication skills. Don't isolate yourself. Help others. Remain open to any suggestions.