What does the captain's daughter make you think about? Captain's daughter

A.S. Pushkin began work on “The Captain's Daughter” in 1833 and completed it in 1836. IN last years life, the theme of the peasant uprising was one of the central ones in his work. In the 1930s in Russia, the number of peasant riots and disturbances, directed primarily against serfdom, increased. Back in 1824, Pushkin thought about the role of the people in history. In the drama "Boris Godunov" the poet raises important problem people and authorities. Then he again touches on this topic in the unfinished story “The History of the Village of Goryukhin” and continues it in “Dubrovsky”.

Starting work on “The Captain's Daughter,” the writer focuses on “popular opinion” as an active and, moreover, decisive factor in history. According to Pushkin, modification political structure society is impossible without the rapprochement of the nobles and the peasant masses. It is probably precisely this idea that Pushkin pondered in his story" Captain's daughter", which not only reflects the uprising of 1773-1775, but also touches upon such important topics as problems of debt, honor and human dignity.
The work is narrated from the perspective of an eyewitness who directly observed the events of those times. But Petrusha Grinev is not a faceless means of conveying facts and events, he is a person who has his own assessment, his personal perception and understanding of what is happening. Therefore, observing events through the perception of Grinev, a rather typical hero, we have the opportunity not only to imagine the historical situation of Russia in the 70s of the 18th century, but also learn about the life of the nobility of that time, about their ideas, views and ideals. Showing the images of the main characters, not very voluminous, but meaningful and bright, Pushkin fairly reflects the mores of Russian society in the era of Catherine II. For example, drawing Grinev’s parents, he tells us about the life of the middle class of nobles who read the “annually received” “Court Calendar”, respect service and value devotion to the fatherland. The kind Savelich, who suffers the master’s injustices, but still loves the “master’s child” with all his heart, is also a typical image. Many peasants went over to Pugachev’s side and began to fight against serfdom and their masters. But there were also many people like Savelich, who, having gotten used to it, could no longer imagine themselves independent of their masters.

Images of Shvabrin, an ordinary Russian officer, leading a dissolute life and not having any serious thoughts in his head, Mironov and his wife, living peacefully and simply, their godfather Ivan Ignatievich, a good-natured old man who loves his service, and finally, Pugachev himself, with his “gentlemen” generals" - all these images give us an almost complete picture of life provincial nobility of that time, about his conflicts with peasants who were tired of enduring oppression and injustice. Belinsky called these images “a miracle of perfection in fidelity, truth of content and mastery of presentation.”

This story can be called a historical work not only because it well reflects the life of the peasants and nobility of Catherine’s era. It conveys quite clearly the specific historical facts, in particular - the Pugachev uprising. Pushkin forces his narrator to mention, moreover, those events that neither he himself nor those around him witnessed (for example, the news of Pugachev’s capture of other fortresses. From the messenger’s story and from the general’s letter).

From the above we can conclude that main theme in the story for the author there was exactly a peasant uprising, and not love story captain's daughter with a district officer Belgorod fortress. Trying to find ways to bring the nobility closer to the peasants and showing how Grinev perceives everything around him, Pushkin explains: that the nobles are not yet able to understand the lower class. In some places in the story, Grinev does not even understand the conversations of his companions; he cannot explain his strange, incomprehensible craving for Pugachev. A noble officer only blindly obeys his duty and oath, going against his heart for this.

Pushkin, of course, does not agree with this understanding of duty and honor, but he does not undertake to argue with his main character, giving us the opportunity to see what ideals the society of that time stood on. This once again shows that the story is historical character.

Emphasize the historicity of the work and exact dates indicated by the author in the text, and the correct sequence of events, and specific facts about the capture of fortresses, about the siege of Orenburg.

Reading A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", we simultaneously follow the plot of an ordinary story and observe the events of the historical narrative. This work is interesting and informative and, according to V.G. Belinsky, one of the most best works Russian literature.

Every time I re-read the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, I never cease to be amazed at his genius. I am amazed by the simplicity and friendly, trusting attitude towards the reader. Tales of the great Russian poet were read to me in early childhood. I could listen to them as much as I wanted, they helped me get into amazing world books. When I grew up and learned to read, “Belkin’s Tales” opened up the world to me human feelings, experiences. My favorite work was the story “The Captain's Daughter”. I have always had an interest in the personality of Pugachev, one of the main characters of the story, and it was Pushkin who revealed to me the character traits of this extraordinary, bright personality. We first meet him during a terrible snowstorm in the steppe. His quick wit, ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, and sense of self-control amaze me. I have respect for that to an extraordinary person, a simple man who managed to captivate people. Step by step, together with the hero of the story, Grinev, I go through all the trials, meet the “rebel”, hear his bright, figurative speech, understand, and sometimes do not understand his proverbs, but every time I am amazed at their wisdom: “If it rains, there will be fungi ", "They began to ring for vespers, but the priest did not say: the priest is visiting, the devils are in the graveyard." Here Captain Mironov dies, blood is shed, people run after Pugachev, greeting their “tsar”... And I’m sad... And I see Pugachev’s cruelty, I hear Vasilisa Yegorovna’s cry. So is he really just a robber and a villain?! And I am trying, by repeatedly re-reading the work, to understand difficult fate this difficult hero. Here he is at the “military council”, and I feel that under the mask of the “king” there is a man with a vulnerable soul, who understands the doom of his situation, understands that his days are numbered, and all this strikes me with “pyitic horror.” And in the end, I still see those character traits, those virtues, thanks to which people are drawn to him, trust him with their lives and heads, and I begin to understand why another beloved hero, Pyotr Grinev, treats him with such respect and trust . What attracts me about him is his gentleness, good-heartedness, decency, gullibility, and to some extent irony. It’s no coincidence that Pugachev trusts Grinev with his secret and tells Kalmyk fairy tale. And although Grinev innocently rejects this fairy tale, not understanding its meaning, some kind of spiritual connection, spiritual understanding arises between them. And when he refuses to swear allegiance to the “troublemaker,” he lets him go in peace, respecting him as a person fulfilling his duty of serving the Fatherland. I am also interested in Pyotr Grinev in how he understands the sense of duty, loyalty, how he can love; Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin always values ​​his heroes by their ability to love. And the pages of the story “The Captain's Daughter”, dedicated to the tender relationship between Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev, give me life lessons love and purity of relationships. I admire mental fortitude, integrity of nature, sensitivity, purity of every impulse, bright aspirations of Masha Mironova. She, like Tatyana Larina, is Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”. This work teaches Me what, it seems to me, is necessary in life: to look for your truth, your life path, remain true to your views and principles, be persistent and courageous man to the end... I know it's difficult. How difficult it was for Grinev, Masha Mironova, her father, Captain Mironov, that is, all those people for whom honor is above all. And I can say with confidence that the epigraph to the story “Take care of the honor of Smolo-DU” will be a guiding star for me and my peers. Pugachev’s multifaceted character also left a deep imprint on my soul. Because Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was able to captivate me into the extraordinary world of his narrative, made me experience feelings of bitterness and sadness, joy and delight, and think about the meaning of life, I love this brilliant work.

Review of the story “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin, written as part of the “My Favorite Book 2015” competition. Review author: Ramazanova Karina.

“I lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old. Then my fate changed.”

I became acquainted with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s book “The Captain’s Daughter” in the eighth grade, during one of my literature classes. I was engulfed by the events of that year - the Pugachev uprising, and we, as people living in the Orenburg steppes, are simply obliged to read this wonderful story.
In 1833, A. S. Pushkin went to the Orenburg region in order to meet with eyewitnesses of the uprising. Work on the story lasts several years. In 1836, “The Captain’s Daughter” was completed and published in volume IV of Sovremennik.

The book tells that Pyotr Grinev, due to current circumstances, is sent to serve in Belogorsk fortress, which covers the events of the Pugachev uprising. Courage, mercy, honesty - all these qualities help Grinev in all life situations. And in the oath to Pugachev, which he did not accept, and in mercy to the “counselor”, in honesty before the impostor: “Whoever you are, you are telling a dangerous joke.”
People like Grinev achieve their goal, justice and go to the end. All these positive traits draw the reader to this main character. Also, we, the readers, are faced with the problem of friendship. Shvabrin's relationship with Grinev. Everything arose here: betrayal, love, duels. And each person decides who is right and who is wrong. I believe that Shvabrin is a selfish, pathetic, vile “clump” of society. It is easier for people like him to protect themselves than to be faithful to someone to the end.

The story is written from the perspective of a man of about fifty who has already told and is telling readers about the events of his life. This feature is confirmed by the authenticity of the events and characters of the book by A.S. Pushkin. Another feature is interesting name this story "The Captain's Daughter". Since the theme of love is very closely related to actions. Two figures appear before the reader: Shvabrin, for whom love is just a game, and Grinev, who loves and proves his love. Masha is what became the rift between these people.
It is important to note the description of the Pugachev uprising. Capture of a fortress, siege of a city:
“God forbid we see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless!” - Pyotr Grinev.

But what kind of women are there in Russian villages? Vasilisa Egorovna is the wife of Ivan Ignatievich. She is devoted, takes part in her husband’s affairs, and tries to guide him in the “right direction.” This is what he says about her:

- Yes, listen, the woman is not a timid woman.

The Pugachev uprising covered a vast territory. It raised peasants and Cossacks. All this is described in the books of A.S. Pushkin, in his two huge works “The History of Pugachev” and “The Captain’s Daughter”.
This book has become my favorite. To this day I am fascinated by the works of A.S. Pushkin. How can you create stories so interesting! Indeed it is great person. We should "give credit" to people like him. Thank you to the poet for allowing readers to “plunge” into the 18th century with their own eyes and imagination, into the events of the Pugachev uprising of 1773-1775.

The book by A.S. Pushkin is relevant at all times. It makes you think about very important things: about the problem of patriotism, about the problem of love, about the problem of friendship. I would like all people on Earth to honor and remember famous events battles that we can learn about from our book friends.

Every time I re-read the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, I never cease to be amazed at his genius. I am amazed by the simplicity and friendly, trusting attitude towards the reader. The tales of the great Russian poet were read to me in early childhood. I could listen to them as much as I wanted, they helped me enter the wonderful world of the book. When I grew up and learned to read, “Belkin’s Tales” opened up to me the world of human feelings and experiences. My favorite work was the story “The Captain's Daughter”.
I have always had an interest in the personality of Pugachev, one of the main characters of the story, and it was Pushkin who revealed to me the character traits of this extraordinary, bright personality. We first meet him during a terrible snowstorm in the steppe. His quick wit, ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, and sense of self-control amaze me. I have respect for this extraordinary person, a simple man who managed to captivate people. Step by step, together with the hero of the story, Grinev, I go through all the trials, meet the “rebel”, hear his bright, figurative speech, understand, and sometimes do not understand his proverbs, but every time I am amazed at their wisdom: “If it rains, there will be fungi ", "They began to ring for vespers, but the priest did not say: the priest is visiting, the devils are in the graveyard."

Here Captain Mironov dies, blood is shed, people run after Pugachev, greeting their “tsar”... And I’m sad... And I see Pugachev’s cruelty, I hear Vasilisa Yegorovna’s cry. So is he really just a robber and a villain?! And I am trying, by repeatedly re-reading the work, to understand the complex fate of this difficult hero.

Here he is at the “military council”, and I feel that under the mask of the “king” there is a man with a vulnerable soul, who understands the doom of his situation, understands that his days are numbered, and all this strikes me with “pyitic horror.” And in the end, I still see those character traits, those virtues, thanks to which people are drawn to him, trust him with their lives and heads, and I begin to understand why another beloved hero, Pyotr Grinev, treats him with such respect and trust . What attracts me about him is his gentleness, good-heartedness, decency, gullibility, and to some extent irony. It is no coincidence that Pugachev trusts Grinev with his secret and tells a Kalmyk fairy tale. And although Grinev innocently rejects this fairy tale, not understanding its meaning, some kind of spiritual connection, spiritual understanding arises between them. And when he refuses to swear allegiance to the “troublemaker,” he lets him go in peace, respecting him as a person fulfilling his duty of serving the Fatherland.

I am also interested in Pyotr Grinev in how he understands the sense of duty, loyalty, how he can love;

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin always values ​​his heroes by their ability to love. And the pages of the story “The Captain's Daughter”, dedicated to the tender relationship between Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev, give me life lessons of love and purity of relationships.

I admire Masha Mironova’s mental fortitude, integrity of nature, sensitivity, purity of every impulse, and bright aspirations. She, like Tatyana Larina, is Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”.

This work teaches Me what, it seems to me, is necessary in life: to look for your truth, your life path, to remain true to your views and principles, to be a persistent and courageous person to the end... I know this is difficult. How difficult it was for Grinev, Masha Mironova, her father, Captain Mironov, that is, all those people for whom honor is above all. And I can say with confidence that the epigraph to the story “Take care of the honor of Smolo-DU” will be a guiding star for me and my peers. Pugachev’s multifaceted character also left a deep imprint on my soul.

Because Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was able to captivate me into the extraordinary world of his narrative, made me experience feelings of bitterness and sadness, joy and delight, and think about the meaning of life, I love this brilliant work.