Levitan wooded shore history of creation. Essay-description based on the painting by I.I.

Lesson developments (lesson notes)

Basics general education

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Lesson type: traditional (combined).

Teacher Goals: develop picture description skills. Develop speech culture. To cultivate a sense of beauty and interest in the work of landscape artists.

Student goals: reproduce knowledge, abilities, skills sufficient to build a new method of action, test knowledge theoretical material on the topic “Description of the painting.” Develop skills in describing a picture, develop speech culture. To cultivate a sense of beauty, interest and love for native nature through the work of landscape artists.

Used sources:

  1. Painting by I. I. Levitan “ wooded shore».
  2. Methods of speech development / Ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. – M., 1991.
  3. Problem-based teaching of Russian language and literature in the genres of pedagogical speech. Educational and methodological manual for language teachers. T. Yu. Perova. Novokuznetsk MAOU DPO IPK 2009.
  4. Russian language. 6th grade: textbook. general education institutions/ M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos et al. Bustard, 2011. M.

Planned results:

  • personal: positive attitude towards the lesson, adherence to moral and ethical standards in behavior.
  • regulatory UUD: determine and formulate the purpose of the activity, taking into account final result, drawing up a plan and sequence of actions, learning to detect and formulate a problem together with the teacher.
  • cognitive UUD: process information to obtain the necessary result, build a logical chain of reasoning, relate objects to known concepts.
  • communicative UUD: convey your position to others, mastering the techniques of monologue and dialogic speech (formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, defend your point of view, arguing for it); negotiate with people, coordinating your interests and views with them in order to do something together (organize educational interaction in a group, pose questions and look for answers).
  • subject: creation of a meaningful coherent statement, appropriate use of figurative and expressive means of language, adherence to norms when writing.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Repetition. Linguistic warm-up

Phonetic analysis of the words “wooded”, “landscape”.

3. Updating knowledge

Work on issues:

  • How does description differ from other types of speech?
  • What can be described?
  • What is the name of the painting that depicts nature?
  • What landscape painters do you know?

4. Individual design work

Individual project work groups of students. A word about I. I. Levitan. (Everyone else writes down the main excerpts.)

5. Work on the reproduction of I. I. Levitan “Wooded Shore”

Teacher's problematic word. Look at the picture. Choose a series of questions to help us analyze this work.

Teamwork between teacher and students. Students offer soybean options for questions and answers.

– Who is the “hero” of our conversation in class?

(Lyrical hero, nature lover and capable of experiencing).

– What impression does this picture make on you?

– What time of year is depicted in the picture, time of day?

– What do we see in the picture?

(The images created by the painter are listed: river, banks, trees, sky.)

Work in groups. Selection of working material.

Group I. Students work on selecting visual and expressive means for the image “River”.

Group II. Students work on selecting visual and expressive means for the image of “The Shore”.

III group. Students work on selecting visual and expressive means for the image of “Trees”.

IV group. Students work on selecting visual and expressive means for the image “Sky”.

V group. Students work on what paints the artist used.

Report from students working in groups. Drawing up a plan and recording work material.


Working material


It may include what time of year and day the artist depicted, what images he presented on the canvas.

Main images:

Turns, rushes into the distance; wriggles like a snake; water, like a mirror, reflects...

Sloping, sandy, steep, steep, overgrown with vegetation...

Pines, slender, thick, growing, tending upward, an orderly row, like a wall; stand with a palisade; looking down at the river...

Darkening; illuminated by the scarlet edge of the setting sun; soothing, sleepy...

What paints did Levitan use?

Golden, yellow, dark, thick, twilight, bewitching, soporific...

Conclusion. Why is the painting called “Wooded Shore”? What impression does it give you?

Peace, tranquility, silence, awareness of the depth and beauty of Russian nature...

Try to compose a coherent text based on your plan.

6. Physical education minute

7. Speech training

– How else can you call an artist?

– How else can you call the picture?

(Canvas, masterpiece, work of art).

– The names of what colors and shades can be used in the description?

(Yellow, golden, crimson, red, orange, blue, light blue, dark blue, pale blue, brown).

Pay attention to the spelling of words: here, on the right, on the left, next to, near, far, above.

8. Reflection

– What was the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the lesson?

- Answer yourself this question: I achieved what I wanted, I got it. necessary knowledge?

- Whom should we celebrate? What can we praise ourselves and other guys for today?

// Essay-description based on the painting by I.I. Levitan "Wooded Shore"

Looking at Isaac Levitan’s painting “Wooded Shore”, you immediately understand that the artist loved the beauty of Russian nature very much, he admired it. Nature, in turn, gave him inspiration and strength to work. The artist worked for future generations so that others could enjoy beautiful landscape Russian expanses.

At first glance, the painting “Wooded Shore” seems very simple and uncomplicated. But once you look at the details, you immediately understand the meaning and intention of the master. The picture is built on contrast - bright hues are replaced by dark ones, the play of light and shadow is noticeable, the sandy shore is replaced by a rocky cliff, centuries-old trees are replaced by young shoots.

On foreground depicts a deep and quiet river that flows between two banks. The light blue colors of the river water give way to dark ones where it is reflected Pine forest. On one side of the river the artist depicted sand beach. Most likely, on a hot summer day, many people come there to plunge into the cool water and sunbathe. On the other side of the river there is a rocky cliff surrounded by birch and pine trees. The trees seem to protect the casual passerby from the lurking threat of a steep slope. Here you can find both old trees that have been seen for centuries, and very young, still small pine and birch trees. In the lowlands you can only notice stumps and snags that remain from felled trees.

In his painting “Wooded Shore” I.I. Levitan showed not only the greatness of nature, but also the connection between generations, thereby confirming the cycle of life.

Levitan is a Russian landscape painter whose talent is visible to the naked eye, just look at any of his work. Each picture attracts attention, is interesting and meaningful. Levitan’s painting “Wooded Shore” also makes you stare for hours at the depicted details, where the author conveyed his love for nature and its beauty.

Levitan's painting Wooded Shore

Levitan painted the picture in 1892. Using the style of realism, he depicted nature in evening time. The picture, on the one hand, attracts with its simplicity, on the other hand, captivates with its depth. The depicted landscape is close to every resident of our country, and when you look at the picture, when you see a familiar river, a mighty forest, your heart aches, and memories from childhood come to mind.

Levitan Wooded Shore description

I’ll start the description of the painting “Wooded Shore” by Levitan with my emotions and they are the most pleasant. The picture amazes with its power and at the same time with its calm and silence. Immediately in the foreground we see a river that winds and goes far beyond the horizon. The river and its water surface are calm and smooth, and the water is clear. The mirror transparency of the water reflects the pine forest and the sky, making the river seem bottomless and deep. Here in the foreground are old stumps that hold onto the ground with their strong roots.

On the right we see a piece of the beach, and on the left side there is a steep bank, on which centuries-old trees grow nearby, which have seen a lot in their history. They, like those guards, stand for many years in a row, guarding the winding river. Shrubs also managed to grow here.
Levitan used warm shades paints With this, he gave his painting “Wooded Shore” and its description warmth and serenity. When you look at the work, you feel the warmth rising from the earth, which warms your soul. Beautiful, talented work that evokes only positive emotions.