The Third World War: predictions of elders and psychics. Little-known predictions about World War III

On January 31 of this year, the famous seer from Bulgaria Vanga could have turned one hundred and two years old. Vangelia, unlike Nostradamus (her colleague), always pronounced her prophecies in an unveiled form with specific and understandable content.

The world-famous clairvoyant Vanga predicted the invention of new means of combating cancer, as well as serious natural disasters, starting in 2013 and subsequent years. The year 2013, according to the clairvoyant, will bring a lot of troubles, but despite this, people will have the opportunity and increase your wealth - both in the material and spiritual spheres.

In the next two years, many important and significant changes will occur on our planet, which for the majority of people, unfortunately, will turn out to be a difficult and, most likely, overwhelming test.

First of all, these events are related to politics and wars. So in Israel, in the Middle East - in Afghanistan and Georgia in particular, conflicts and uprisings will break out; Also, some European countries, including Russia, are facing a severe crisis in the political sphere. On Earth, MP (mass destruction) weapons - chemical and even nuclear - will be used in several places.

This year will be rich in natural disasters. Remembering the experience of previous years, we expect devastating earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis. Already at the beginning of the year, namely in February, some of the cataclysms will occur, which will increase the tilt of the planetary axis. This will have a greater impact on the American continent, especially on the mountainous regions of America.

Earthquakes will occur one after another even in regions that were previously considered seismically inactive and safe. Entire cities will be destroyed by the tsunami. The shift and further advancement of lithospheric plates will entail the formation of huge chasms that will absorb everything that is on the surface. The land will be partially absorbed by the ocean.

All these processes are related to space quite closely. So, many magnetic storms and flares will be recorded on the Sun, and our planet will need to overcome the route between the Sun and the planet Nibiru, located behind the star. All this will provoke not only climate change, global warming, but also much more.

They literally say the following: Most people will not see how, from a small spark born in the sky, a fireball of enormous size will grow, which will surpass the size of the sun itself. People involved in its predictions believe that here we are possibly talking about a flare on the Sun of previously unseen sizes, which will lead to the death of part of humanity.

Millions of people will cease to exist. Everyone else, panic-stricken, will rush around in search of salvation. On our planet, among other things, the location of the magnetic poles will change. People will see a star in the sky, the radiance of which will surpass the Sun.

The survivors will lose contact with space. Almost all earthly devices will be disabled by a solar flare, electricity will be lost in most areas, mobile communications and the Internet will cease to function. Stock exchange and financial panic will begin, the situation will be similar to Black Tuesday. But, fortunately, the complete end of the world will not come - Vanga, at least, never pointed out the absolute death of the human race in her prophecies.

As for Russia, according to Vanga, starting this year, the country will face two further rounds of crisis in politics. The financial system will be changed, the economy will return to its former settlement system. Most likely, they are talking about a kind of return to socialism, as well as an increase in the role of the state in economic regulation. Or we are talking about monetary reform. If money is denominated a hundred times, wages and prices will become similar to those in the USSR. But, over time, when things begin to change for the better, a new reform in the field of finance will take place, which is associated with the crisis in the world market, Vanga promises.

Cataclysms in the celestial body will lead to people abandoning computers and returning to the use of writing paper. All of the above will lead to humanity abandoning many professions as unnecessary.

Devastation and mass unemployment will begin everywhere. In eleven years, internecine wars and armed conflicts will occur in our country. In order to restore order in the country, the government will be forced to resort to force.

However, there is also good news in the predictions: it is in 2013 that scientists will find an effective remedy in the fight against cancer and injection into the human body. In addition, a new religious movement will arise in our country, which will be salvation for the human race. In addition to all of the above, processes will begin that will lead to a rise in the global economy in the future.

In a more distant time, humanity will pass into the 4th dimension. Thus will come a New Era in human evolution, immeasurably happier and more joyful for all our descendants than the previous ones. Unfortunately, the upheavals will pass, leaving a painful mark on history: many will not survive them. But those who pass the test will move to a new, qualitatively higher standard of living.

Prophecies about wars and disasters. Russia, Libya, Japan... then everywhere else? Simonov Vitaly Alexandrovich


After the cataclysms caused by the neutron star, there will be a short respite in the battle of nations, but after a while wars will begin again. Based on the information available in the prophecies, the main military actions will take place on the territory of Western Europe. Nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons will be used in this massacre. The alliance of Muslim and African countries will capture Israel, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, part of Italy, France and Germany. There are very few predictions about Russia's participation in this global carnage, but it will also be involved in the battles of this terrible war.

Military operations, according to the predictions of the seers, will begin at the end of summer or autumn (September, October). The Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the East. Alois Irlmayer: “In the year when the Third World War breaks out, March will be such that the peasants will be able to sow oats. The year before the war will be fertile, with an abundance of fruits and grains. I can only draw the time of year based on signs. There is snow on the mountain peaks. Cloudy, rain mixed with snow. Everything in the valley turns yellow.” (Autumn?)

Norwegian fisherman Anton Johanson (1858-1929): “The Third World War will begin in mid-July - early August. It's summer in northern Sweden. There is no snow yet on the Norwegian mountains. In the year the war began, there will be a hurricane in the spring or autumn.”

Quote from Beikirch’s book “Prophetic Voices”, 1849: “The month of May will seriously prepare for war, but it will not come to war yet. June will also invite war, but it won’t come to that either. July will be so serious and formidable that many will say goodbye to their wives and children. In August, people will talk about war in all corners of the earth. September and October will bring great bloodshed. Amazing things will happen in November."

Prediction by Hermann Kappelmann from Scheidingen: “In a few years a terrible war will break out. Harbingers of the approaching war will be primroses in the pastures and widespread restlessness. But nothing will start this year yet. But when the short winter has passed, everything will bloom prematurely, and it will seem that everything is calm around, then no one will believe in peace anymore.”

“Forest Prophet” Mülhiazl (1750-1825): “One of the noticeable signs of the approaching war will be a “construction fever.” They will build everywhere. And everything will not look like houses, including buildings that resemble honeycombs. When people get so carried away with their arrangement, as if they were never going to leave the earth, then the “great destruction of the world” will begin.”

Abbot Couriquier (1872): “A strong struggle will begin. The enemy will literally pour in from the East. In the evening you will still say “peace!”, “peace!”, and the next morning they will already be at your doorstep. In the year when a powerful military confrontation begins, spring will be so early and good that in April the cows will be driven out to the meadows, oats will not yet be reaped, but wheat will be possible.”

Vanga, the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller, said in the seventies of the 20th century: “When a wildflower stops smelling, when a person loses the ability to sympathize, when river water becomes dangerous... then a general destructive war will break out”; “War will be everywhere, between all peoples...”; “The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books”; “What is written in the Bible will come to pass. The Apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live!”; “Humanity is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. People's consciousness will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come to the world. They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

It is possible that a war between Christian and Islamic countries will begin in 2038, but the main military action using nuclear weapons will occur in 2060.

Michel Nostradamus wrote about times reminiscent of the end of the world that they would begin in a year in which Good Friday would be on St. George's Day (April 23), Easter Sunday (Easter) on St. Mark's Day (April 25), and Corpus Christi - on St. John's Day (June 24). Similar coincidences occurred repeatedly, in particular in 1886 and 1943.

In Catholic Easter calendars - tables in which the days of the annual celebration of Easter and other religious celebrations are calculated depending on the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the position of the Moon (the connection between Easter and the full moon), as well as in connection with the seven-day week (Sunday), the dates of the holidays are inconsistent and move from year to year. Due to different rules for calculating Easter in different religions, the days of Easter celebrations do not correspond to each other and fall on different dates. According to Catholic canons, the next coincidence of the dates of the above religious holidays and the celebration of Easter will occur in 2038 (April 25). It is curious that among Orthodox Christians, despite the differences in the method of calculating Easter, this event will also occur on April 25, 2038 - a rather rare coincidence.

In the quatrains and sixlines (six lines) of Nostradamus there are specific indications of the dates of military conflicts that will begin in the forties of the 21st century. In the 6th century, quatrain 54, the prophet gives an exact indication of the number from which some four-digit dates must be counted (in the year from the liturgy of 1607).

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In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of a third world war.”

Soon, similar judgments were made by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in Brunsum (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domroese.

These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950-1970s and concerning 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the prophecies of clairvoyants, as in Soros’s forecast, Russia is assigned the role of “China’s flank ally” invading Europe. We mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact, illustrating the inescapable fear of the West of the “unpredictable Russian bear.”

The world has reached a dangerous point, this is obvious to everyone who is interested in news of international politics. The psychic who predicted Trump’s victory also thinks so. He told us when the Third World War would begin.

Portuguese psychic and mystic Horatio Villegas, who predicted Trump's election victory back in 2015, said that there is less than a month left before the outbreak of World War III. In his opinion, a nuclear war cannot be avoided, and the recent American strike on Syria is its harbinger, Express reports.

According to Villegas, a nuclear war involving the United States, Russia, North Korea and China could begin on May 13, since on this day a hundred years ago the appearance of the Virgin Mary occurred in the Portuguese city of Fatima. The inhabitants of the planet need to “be on alert” until October 2017, says the psychic, this is an “extremely explosive” period.

Villegas is confident that World War III will be short-lived and will end before the end of the year.

According to the medium, the cause of the global cataclysm will be the conflicts arising around Syria and North Korea. Villegas warns that people should be prepared for a war between May 13 and October 13, 2017, which "will end in great devastation, shock and death."

The date of the end of the war is also not accidental - on October 13, 1917, Maria allegedly also appeared in Fatima, warning that “the war is coming to an end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.”

Vanga's prophecy about the Third World War

During the current tense geopolitical situation in the world, many people began to suspect that the entire world community was “sliding” into the abyss, which could turn out to be the Third World War. This also confirms Vanga’s prophecy about a great war that will come from the East. It is for this reason that more and more often citizens began to look for the answer in prophecies, especially those people who actually managed to prove the veracity of their judgments.

Among the prophecies of the future Third World War, there are several that are quite comparable with each other and give a fairly specific picture of events. Pope Francis said World War III has “already begun, in part.” But since modern hybrid war is, first of all, an information war, a war for people’s consciousness, many did not notice this fact. Strange as it may seem, the weakest point in the prophecies is the exact dates of the forecasts.

Prophecies about World War 3 say that it will come from the East

Wang did not ignore the issue of the outbreak of the Third World War, many of whose predictions came true after her death. According to her prophecy, World War III was supposed to begin in 2010. That did not happen. However, it is worth carefully reading her predictions and it becomes clear that not all the conditions for the outbreak of war have been met. And again, Vanga says that the Third World War will come from the East.

The beginning of the Third World War in prophecies

The Third World War, according to the predictions of the seers, will begin in late summer or autumn (September, October). The Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the East. Based on the information available in the prophecies, the main military actions will take place on the territory of Western Europe. In many cases, the visions of Alois Irlmayer largely coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not a figment of the author’s imagination.

Famous prophecies about World War III using nuclear weapons

Recently, the topic of World War III has been actively discussed on television and on the Internet. The prophecy of a global war was given in the works of Nostradamus, the Mayan calendars, Vanga spoke about it, this war was also mentioned in the Bible. Many predictions of the Third World War said that it was supposed to start in 2010. The quatrains of Nostradamus contain information that in November 2010 the Third World War could begin between Western Europe and the United States.

New prophecy about the beginning of World War III

Today, more and more prophecies are appearing on the topic of World War III, and it’s up to you to believe in them or not. Of course, there are fictitious predictions, because many publications are trying to catch the information wave of popularity with the help of sensations. At the same time, it cannot be denied that World War 3 is indeed possible in the coming years, given the tense situation in the geopolitical arena. And mutual threats between leading countries to use nuclear weapons also instill fear of the possibility of an impending military conflict.

John Titor's World War III prophecy in 2016

John Titor's World War III prophecy is from a time when we were all so innocent, which was less than 15 years ago, just before things started to change. And the legend of John Titor's prophecies about the Third World War in 2016 persists partly because no one has ever declared himself its creator. Since the mystery has not been solved, the legend continues. The danger of a global conflict, the threshold of the Third World War and a possible nuclear exchange of strikes “into radioactive dust” is no longer science fiction

Predictions about World War III

From von Werdenberg's predictions for 2016-2017, the Third World War will be heralded by the military coming to power in Moscow, and the Third World War itself, which will begin shortly after, will last two years, as a result of which the Earth's population will be reduced to 600 million. In May 2016, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of World War III.”

The Third World War in the predictions of Orthodox elders

“Russia will be saved by processions of the Cross” - Venerable Elder Seraphim of Sarov. The inevitable Third World War, how is salvation? “The elders pray very much for there to be a war, and after the war there will be famine. And if there is no war, then it will be bad, everyone will die. The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.” Elder Christopher (1996). On the southwestern borders of Russia, outbreaks of the Third World War began to flare up. Whether or not these “small outbreaks” will develop into the active phase of the Third World War in the near future worries every citizen of Russia?!

World War III predicted by Nostradamus for 2016

In 1998, the Panorama publishing house published a translation of Manfred Dimde’s book “Nostradamus. Predictions: a new reading." In it, the author claimed that he had found the key to the famous predictions of the French soothsayer and offered his own interpretations of all his quatrains. It's interesting what this book said regarding 2016 and World War III. Here are the texts and interpretations of Nostradamus related to 2016 and the Third World War (Century X, quatrain 15).

Psychic Vafa Cleo predicted World War III in 2008

Could anyone have imagined two years ago that Russia would find itself in confrontation with neighboring Ukraine? That in 2014 the world will not only pay tribute to those who died in the Great Patriotic War, but also fear the outbreak of the Third World War? By the way, we were warned. All this was predicted by the winner of the third season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Iranian seer Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa Cleo in 2008, five years ago, the site learned. This is what psychic Vafa Cleo said at the end of 2008...

Alexander Lazarev deciphered Nostradamus' predictions about World War III

Alexander Lazarev: I read many books dedicated to the book “Prediction” by Nostradamus, but did not see any attempts at scientific research in them. Nostradamus continued the Bible. Her text became the basis of the book “Predictions”. The word "Apocalypse" is Greek. It means “revelations,” that is, nothing catastrophic, although this is what John the Theologian called his book about the “Last Judgment.” Indeed, Nostradamus gave an interpretation of the “Revelation of John”, and dedicated about a third of all written quatrains to them. Central to this chain is quatrain 10.72, where the prophet said: “The Third World War has already begun.” The starting point is the US-NATO war in Kosovo in March 1999.

Military operations, according to the predictions of the seers, will begin at the end of summer or autumn (September, October). The Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the East.

The month of May will be seriously preparing for war, but it will not come to war yet. June will also invite war, but it won’t come to that either. July will be so serious and formidable that many will say goodbye to their wives and children. In August, people will talk about war in all corners of the earth. September and October will bring great bloodshed. Amazing things will happen in November."

Alois Irlmayer

“In the year that World War III breaks out, March will be such that farmers will be able to sow oats. The year before the war will be fertile, with an abundance of fruits and grains. I can only draw the time of year based on signs. There is snow on the mountain peaks. Cloudy, rain mixed with snow. Everything in the valley turns yellow.” (Autumn?)

Norwegian fisherman Anton Johanson (1858-1929)

World War III will begin in mid-July - early August. It's summer in northern Sweden. There is no snow yet on the Norwegian mountains. In the year the war began, there will be a hurricane in the spring or autumn.”

Prediction by Hermann Kappelmann from Scheidingen

“In a few years a terrible war will break out. Harbingers of the approaching war will be primroses in the pastures and widespread restlessness. But nothing will start this year yet. But when the short winter has passed, everything will bloom prematurely, and it will seem that everything is calm around, then no one will believe in peace anymore.”

"Forest Prophet" Mühlhiazl (1750-1825)

“One of the noticeable signs of the approaching war will be a “construction fever.” They will build everywhere. And everything will not look like houses, including buildings that resemble honeycombs. When people get so carried away with their arrangement, as if they were never going to leave the earth, then the “great destruction of the world” will begin.”

Abbot Couriquier (1872)

“A strong fight will begin. The enemy will literally pour in from the East. In the evening you will still say “peace!”, “peace!”, and the next morning they will already be at your doorstep. In the year when a powerful military confrontation begins, spring will be so early and good that in April the cows will be driven out to the meadows, oats will not yet be reaped, but wheat will be possible.”

Vanga, the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller, said in the seventies of the 20th century

“When the wildflower ceases to smell, when man loses the ability to sympathize, when the river water becomes dangerous... then a general destructive war will break out”; “War will be everywhere, between all peoples...”; “The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books”; “What is written in the Bible will come to pass. The Apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live!”; “Humanity is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. People's consciousness will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come to the world. They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen..."

It is possible that a war between Christian and Islamic countries will begin in 2038, but the main military action using nuclear weapons will occur in 2060.

After the cataclysms caused by the neutron star, there will be a short respite in the battle of nations, but after a while wars will begin again. Based on the information available in the prophecies, the main military actions will take place on the territory of Western Europe. Nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons will be used in this massacre. The alliance of Muslim and African countries will capture Israel, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, part of Italy, France and Germany. There are very few predictions about Russia's participation in this global carnage, but it will also be involved in the battles of this terrible war.

Michel Nostradamus on times reminiscent of the end of the world

He wrote that they would begin in a year in which Good Friday would be on St. George's Day (April 23), Easter Sunday (Easter) on St. Mark's Day (April 25), and Corpus Christi on St. John's Day (June 24) . Similar coincidences occurred repeatedly, in particular in 1886 and 1943.

In Catholic Easter calendars - tables in which the days of the annual celebration of Easter and other religious celebrations are calculated depending on the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the position of the Moon (the connection between Easter and the full moon), as well as in connection with the seven-day week (Sunday), the dates of the holidays are inconsistent and move from year to year. Due to different rules for calculating Easter in different religions, the days of Easter celebrations do not correspond to each other and fall on different dates. According to Catholic canons, the next coincidence of the dates of the above religious holidays and the celebration of Easter will occur in 2038 (April 25). It is curious that among Orthodox Christians, despite differences in the methodology for calculating Easter, this event will also occur on April 25, 2038 - a rather rare coincidence.

In Nostradamus's quatrains and sixes (six lines) there are specific indications of the dates of military conflicts that will begin in the forties of the 21st century. In the 6th century, quatrain 54, the prophet gives an exact indication of the number from which it is necessary to count some four-digit dates (in the year from the liturgy of 1607).

6-54 2045

At dawn, at the second crow of the rooster, the people of Tunisia, Fez and Bouji, (In general), the Arabs, captured the king of Morocco, in the year of the liturgy, 1607.

Nothing like this happened in Morocco in 1607. Nostradamus indicates that this event will occur in such and such a year from the liturgy, that is, not from the Nativity of Christ. When adding the available numbers we get (438 + 1607 = 2045), i.e. 2045 ,

Nostradamus devoted especially many predictions to the time period from 2040 to 2060. Perhaps at this time another war will begin in France, Germany and Italy.


Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn.
God Almighty, what changes!
Then, after a long century, his evil time will return.
Gaul and Italy, what excitement.

1-2. According to the Julian calendar, which was used to calculate chronology in the era of Nostradamus, the beginning of March (“the head of Aries”) falls at the end of February according to the Gregorian calendar. The date difference between the two calendars in the 16th century was 10 days. Taking this into account, we will determine the time of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Pisces (February). The conjunction of these planets is quite a rare occurrence, and it occurred on February 18, 1941.

Changes - events of World War II

3-4. Then, after a long century, his evil time will return - the next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (in a century) will occur on October 27, 2040.

Prediction of terrible events similar to World War II that will occur a hundred years from now in France and Italy.

Nostradamus indicates three-digit numbers in several sixes, with the help of which you can determine the year of the upcoming event. And all of them are dedicated to the forties of the 21st century. It is possible that the number 1 was intentionally omitted from these dates.


On the great throne, great atrocities Will resume in greater numbers than ever. In six hundred and five on the green there will be a capture and return.

The soldiers will be in the fields until the cold weather, Then everything will start again.

In six hundred and five - adding this number to the date of the first Catholic liturgy (1605 + 438 = 2043), we get 2043. Subsequent sixens use a similar decoding of dates.

XIX. 2043-2045, 2055.

Six hundred five, six hundred six and seven Until the year of the seventeenth the instigator of rage, hatred and envy will show us, Hidden for a long time under the olive tree. What was dead will now come back to life.

XIII. 2044-2048

A mercenary soldier in six hundred and six or ten Will be struck by the bile placed in the egg, And will soon be deprived of his power by the All-powerful Lord. There is nothing like or equal in the world, and to which everyone submits.
Six hundred sixth or tenth - i.e. in 2044 or 2048.
Will be struck by bile placed in an egg - military action using chemical weapons.

XXVI. 2044-2048

The two brothers belong to the Ecclesiastical Order. One of them will take up arms for France. One more blow in the year six hundred and six, Not broken by a serious illness, With weapons in his hands until six hundred and ten, His life will not last longer.

XLII. 2048

The great city where the first man dwells,
I name the city quite clearly,
All alarmed and the soldiers in the fields.
Will be greatly destroyed by fire and water
And finally liberated by the French,
This will happen starting in six hundred and ten.
The great city is Rome. The first person is the Pope.

In the centuries of Nostradamus there are many references to wars that have already taken place, and the upcoming global thermonuclear massacre with terrible consequences. I will cite only a few quatrains of the great prophet related to future events.


There will be the sound of clashing weapons in the sky.
In the same year, the enemies of the Lord
They will want to blasphemously challenge the holy laws.
The faithful are put to death by lightning and war.

  • 1. Military actions using aviation.
  • 2. The beginning of religious wars between Christians and Islamists, which, according to Nostradamus, will last with short interruptions until the end of the 21st century.
  • 3-4. An attack by Islamists on one of the Christian countries. Numerous victims of war.


At sunrise they will see a large flame, Noise and thunder will stretch to the North. Inside the circle there is death, screams are heard, Death from the sword, fire and hunger awaits them.

Starting a war using thermonuclear weapons. Inside the circle is the epicenter of the explosion.
Noise and thunder will stretch to the North - usually Nostradamus thus designated countries located north of France, or Russia.
Invasion of the aggressor after a bomb or missile strike. Numerous victims of war and, as a consequence, famine.


  • At the 45th degree the sky will light up, the Fire will approach the large new city. The outstretched flame will instantly rise. When they want to test the Normans.
  • At 45 degrees - France is located at this latitude.
  • Great new city - name not identified. In most cases the prophet applies this phrase to Naples.
  • An outstretched flame will instantly rise - the use of nuclear weapons on French territory (“when they want to test the Normans”).

In the year when Saturn and Mars both (will be) burned, the air is greatly parched, a long meteor. Hidden fires burned out a large space, Little rain, hot wind, wars, invasions.

1. The conjunction of Saturn and Mars is a fairly common occurrence. One of them will happen on July 28, 2064. Combust is a term used in astrology to indicate a close conjunction of planets within three degrees.
2, 4. Drought in the country or on the entire planet. Wars.
3. Hidden fires burned out a large area
in - perhaps a war with. the use of thermonuclear

On the Danube, the Great Camel will drink from the Rhine (and) will not repent of it. The Rhone and the stronger ones from the Loire will tremble, And near the Alps the Rooster will destroy him.

1. Occupation of countries whose territories are located
we are in the Danube basin and parts of Germany.
2. The Great Camel - Muslim commander.
3. Invasion of Islamic troops into France from the east. Possibly from the Alpine side.
4. The death of an Islamic commander and the defeat of his army in the Alps. The Rooster is a military leader, the President of France.


France, due to negligence, is attacked from five sides, Tunisia, Algeria are thrown into confusion by the Persians, Leon (the mud in) Sicily, Barcelona will fall, not receiving the fleet (promised) by the Venetians.

  • 1. Aggression of Muslim states against France. An attack on French territory, including from the air (“attacked from five sides”) using aircraft.
  • 2. Accession of Tunisia and Algeria to the union of Islamic states led by Iran.
  • 3. Capture of the island of Sicily and the city of Barcelona in northeastern Spain.
  • 4. Italy's violation of a previously concluded agreement on military assistance, probably with Spain, and failure to provide support to the Sicilians.


The Thames strengthens the Gironde and La Rochelle.
0. Trojan blood! Mars at the Arrow Gate;
There is a staircase across the river to the fortress.
The fiery knives will (cause) great carnage in the breach.

1. Gironde - the mouth of the Garonne and Dordogne rivers. La Pochelle is a port city in the south of France on the Bay of Biscay. Great Britain (Thames) will provide military assistance to France during the Muslim Empire's invasion of Europe.

2. Arrow - The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris. War on French territory.

3-4. Capture one of the cities of France, which is located near the river. Perhaps Paris. Fire knives are tracer shells or a new type of weapon.


Gallic kingdom, you will change a lot. The Empire is moved to a foreign location. If you submit to other people's morals and customs, Rouen and the Tent will cause you a lot of harm.

Occupation of France by Muslim troops. The country’s loss of independence, significant changes in laws and religion (“you will submit to other people’s morals and customs”).

Transfer of the capital and government to the territory of another state.

Rouen and Châtres will cause you a lot of harm - perhaps a betrayal of the interests of France by these cities? Cooperation with invaders?


A king wearing a blue turban will enter Pua
And it will reign for less than one revolution of Saturn.
The king in a white turban in Byzantium, the victorious exile.
The Sun, Mars, Mercury near the Urn.

  • Foix is ​​a historical region in the south of France, in the Pyrenees.
  • One revolution of Saturn - the period of revolution of the planet around the Sun is 29.4 years (minor cycle).
  • Blue turban - Sufi Persia. White turban - Sunni Türkiye.
  • 1-2. The invasion of France by Muslim troops and the occupation of its southern regions for almost 29 years.
  • 3. The exile is the winner. In the Almanac for 1566, Nostradamus wrote: “The kingdoms will be flooded with Byzantine blood. The exile will reign on the throne... The transfer of the kingdom is revealed as the decline of Mohammedanism. After the expiration of 960 years, on the eve of the period of 72 years, some great discord will begin between the white and blue heads, or whiteness and heavenly color; and some great events will happen to them.”
  • 4. The conjunction of these planets and the Sun in the sign of Urn (January) will occur on January 1, 2073.

Bavarian fountain builder Alois Irlmayer, originally from Freilasing (Bavaria), predicted: “Already at the beginning of the Third World War, chemical and bacteriological weapons will be used.

Soon after this, the first atomic missiles will be launched. While the armed forces of the East (Muslim troops - author's note) will move on a broad front to Western Europe, battles will take place in Mongolia... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. The center of the battles will be the area around Delhi. Beijing will use its bacteriological weapons during these battles. As a result, twenty-five million people in India and its neighboring countries will die. Completely new, hitherto unknown epidemics will break out. Iran and Türkiye will fight in the East. The Balkans will also be occupied by their troops. (Chinese?) will invade Canada. The United States would participate in only five wars since 1907. During the war, there will be a great darkness that will last 72 hours... Hitherto unknown diseases will appear in Europe. In France, people, especially young people, will be struck by blindness and loss of reason, human bodies will begin to completely decompose.”

According to the predictions of numerous prophets, at this time part of Western Europe will be captured by Muslim and Chinese troops. The Prophet in his visions does not specifically indicate with whom the Russians will fight in this war. Perhaps Russia will make an attempt to prevent the occupation of European countries, but will be defeated.

Vision of Alois Irlmayer

“Everyone spoke about peace, everyone shouted “Shalom!” I see: “The Great One” falls, a bloody knife lies next to him. Two men will kill a person of high rank. One of the killers is a short brunette, the second is blond, a little taller. They will be hired. After this assassination, a new Middle East war will break out. There will be a battle between different naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea - the situation will be tense. I see three numbers: two eights and a nine (possibly 2088-2089 - author's note), but I don't know what they mean, what time to attribute them to. The war will break out at dawn and come suddenly. Farmers sitting in a pub playing cards will see foreign soldiers peering through doors and windows. The black army will come from the east, everything will happen very quickly. I see a three, but I don’t know what it means, maybe three days or three weeks. This applies to the Golden City. The year before the war will be very fruitful, and the winter will be mild.

The combined forces will march from the east to Belgrade, and then advance to Italy. Then three armies will move at lightning speed, without any warning, towards the northern Danube towards the Rhine River. The first will appear near the Bavarian forest in a northern direction along the Danube. The second army will march from east to west over Saxony towards the Ruhr basin. The third will go from northeast to west and will pass over Berlin. The Russians will not linger anywhere; day and night they will uncontrollably strive for their goal, the Ruhr basin. The population will flee to the west in panic. Cars will block roads and become an obstacle for tanks. I don't see any bridges on the Danube north of Ratisbon. Destroyed Frankfurt will no longer resemble a big city. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly from the air.

I see the earth, like a ball, and on it the airways of airplanes that fly upward like a flock of white doves. Retribution will immediately come from the “big water”. At the same time, “yellow smoke” will overtake Alaska and Canada, but will not go far...

Again I see the ground in front of me, like a ball, over which white doves are flying. A large number of pigeons flew up from the sand, and then yellow dust fell. This will happen on a warm night, when the “golden city” will be destroyed. Planes will drop yellow dust between the Black and North Seas. A strip of death will appear, from sea to sea, half as wide as Bavaria. Where the dust falls, everything will be dead - every tree, bush, grass, animal, everything will dry out and turn black. The houses will remain intact. The yellow line of dust will reach the city located above the bay. It will be a long line, but I don't know what it is, so I can't describe it more precisely. Whoever crosses this line will die. Those who are on one side will not be able to cross to the other. Therefore, the attacking troops will disintegrate. They will be forced to go north. Everything they have with them will be thrown away. No one will return there again. Russian supplies will be interrupted...

The two armies will fight from the west to the southwest. The divisions will turn north and repel the attack of the third army. In the east there will be many tanks that are still moving, but inside there will be only blackened corpses. There, pilots drop small black boxes, which explode just short of reaching the ground. Then yellow or greenish smoke or powder spreads. Everything that comes into contact with this dust dies, no matter whether it is a person, an animal or a plant. This poison is so strong that people turn black and their bodies fall away from their bones. For a year, no one will be able to enter this zone, otherwise they risk their lives. Because of this, the attack on the Rhine will be stopped. Not a single soldier of the three armies will return home. In the contaminated area, grass will no longer grow, but people will be able to live.

Due to natural disaster or something else, the Russians will be forced to return to the north. On the Rhine I see a crescent moon (Muslim troops - author's note), which wants to devour everything. They will fly to the north, where the third army was advancing, to destroy everything. There will be a sign that everything has died - people, animals, grass. They will want to cut everything out and kill everyone. None of the three armies will return home. The final battle will take place near Cologne.

I see a plane flying from the east, which throws something into the Great Water, and then something amazing will happen. The water will rise as high as a tower and fall, everything will be flooded. One part of England will disappear when the pilot drops this thing into the water. I don’t know what it is... (Perhaps the Muslim troops will use geotectonic weapons. - Author’s note.) An earthquake will occur and the southern part of England will drown. Three cities will be destroyed: the first by water, in the second, located above sea level, only the church tower will be visible, and the third will be completely destroyed. Everything will happen very quickly.

I see three lines - maybe 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months - I don’t know exactly, but it won’t last long. The islands will drown because the sea will rage. I see big holes in the sea that will fill when the big waves return. A beautiful city located near the sea will almost completely drown in the sea, in mud and sand. Other countries located near the sea will be in great danger, the sea will be rough, and waves as high as houses will foam, as if something is boiling underground. The islands will disappear and the climate will change. January will be so warm that mosquitoes will dance. Maybe this will be a transition to a different climate zone. Then there will no longer be normal winters, such as we know now.

During the war there will be darkness, which will last 72 hours. During the day it will be dark, hail will fall, there will be lightning and thunder, earthquakes will make the planet twitch. At this time, do not leave the house, only burn candles. Whoever inhales the dust will go into convulsions and die. Darken the windows and don't open them. Water and food that is not tightly sealed will become contaminated, as will food that is stored in glass containers. There is death everywhere caused by dust, many people will die. In 72 hours everything will be over, but I repeat: do not leave the house, only burn candles and pray. More people will die that night than in two world wars. Do not open windows for 72 hours. The rivers will have so little water that they can be easily crossed. Livestock will die, grass will turn yellow and dry, human corpses will turn black or yellow. Then the wind will direct the clouds to the east.

The city with the iron tower will become a victim of its people. They will burn everything, there will be a revolution, people will go wild. The city will be consumed by fire thanks to its inhabitants, but not because of those who will come from the east. I see very clearly that the city is completely destroyed. Italy will also be restless. The aliens from the east will kill a lot of people. The Pope will run away, many priests will be killed, many churches will be destroyed.

In Russia

There will be a revolution and civil war in Russia. There will be a lot of corpses on the streets, no one will clean them up. Russians will again believe in God and accept the sign of the cross. The leaders will commit suicide, thereby washing away their bloody guilt. I see how the masses of reds and yellows mix, there will be a riot and terrible murders. Then they will sing a Christmas carol and burn candles near the icons. Through the prayer of Christians, the monster of hell will perish, many young people will believe in the intercession of the Mother of God.

After the victory, the emperor will be crowned by the pope. How long this will all last, I don't know. I see three nines, the third brings peace. When it's all over, some people will die, and the rest will fear God. Laws that bring death to children will be abolished. Then there will be peace. I see three glowing crowns, a thin old man will be our king. The “old crown” will also appear in the south. Dad, who for a long time could not escape because of the water, will return and will lament because of his murdered brothers.

After these events there will come a long and happy period of time. Those who survive will be very happy. People will have to start a new life where their ancestors started.”

In many cases, the visions of Alois Irlmayer largely coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not a figment of the author’s imagination.

Rasputin about the third world war

There is a mention of three world wars and Grigory Rasputin, he published his predictions in 1912. The image of snakes can be interpreted as destructive wars. The elder’s prophecy: “People are heading towards disaster. The most inept will drive the cart in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places... Humanity will be crushed by the steps of madmen and scoundrels. Wisdom will be shackled in chains. The ignorant and powerful will dictate laws to the wise and even the humble. And then most people will believe in those in power, but will lose faith in God... God's punishment will not be quick, but terrible... Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving behind ashes and smoke, they have one house - and this is a sword, and They have one law - violence, but, having dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die by the sword.”

The first two snakes have already crawled across long-suffering Europe. These are the First and Second World Wars, there is one more snake left - the Third and most terrible: “The time of peace will come, but the world will be written in blood. And when two fires go out, the third fire will burn the ashes (possibly radioactive ashes - a consequence of the explosions of atomic bombs. - Author's note). Few people and few things will survive. But what remains will have to undergo a new purification before entering the earthly paradise.”

About Muslim countries

Another prediction of Rasputin about a future war: “The world expects three “lightning”, which will successively burn the land between the sacred rivers (possibly Iraq), the palm garden (Egypt) and the lilies (France). A bloodthirsty prince will come from the west who will enslave man with wealth, and from the east another prince will come who will enslave man with poverty.”

The prophet also predicted the aggression of Muslim countries against Christians: “Mohammed will move his house along the road. And there will be wars like summer thunderstorms, felling trees and ruining villages.

And this will happen until it is revealed that the word of God is one, even though it is spoken in different languages. And then the table will be one, just as the bread will be one.”

After many years of Muslim occupation of large territories of Western Europe, a liberation war will begin under the auspices of Germany and France. Russia will also take part in this war.

The centuries of Nostradamus describe this time period in detail

From Trojan blood will be born a Germanic heart, Which will become very powerful. He will drive away the foreign Arab people, returning the Church to its original supremacy.

1-2. From Trojan blood will be born a German heart - a great German ruler of French origin.

3. Expulsion of Muslim invaders from Germany, who had previously captured part of German territory.

4. Restoration of the Christian religion and the influence of the church in the occupied territories.


In the grassy fields of Aleyn and Vernegy,
At Mount Luberon, near Durand,
The fight will be fierce from both camps.
In France, Mesopotamia will fade away.

1-2. Aleyn, Vernegyu - settlements northeast of Salon. Luberon - mountains north of the Durand River in Provence.

3. The decisive battle in the southeast of France between the Islamists and the French.

4. Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) - modern Iraq. Obviously, in this case, a symbol of the alliance of Muslim states. Final victory over the Islamists on French territory (“Mesopotamia will fade away”).


The last one revered among the Gauls will defeat a man hostile to him, Instantly scouting (his) strength and land, When the envious one dies, struck by an arrow.

1. The great French statesman, military leader, under whose leadership the invaders will be expelled from the territory of France and defeated.

2-3. Military operations of the French army on the territory of the aggressor.

4. Death of a rival (“envious”) - the ruler of one of the states. Struck by an arrow is synonymous with a weapon.


The Great Ogmius will approach Byzantium, the Barbarian League will be expelled.
Of the two laws, one (will win), the pagan one will weaken. The barbarian and the Frank are in constant enmity.

1. Great Ogmiy - an outstanding French commander or prominent statesman.

2. Expulsion of Islamists (“barbaric union”) from Europe.

3. Restoring the influence of the Christian church.

4. Barbarian and Frank in constant hostility - confrontation and war between France and the Muslim world.


Great city of Tare Gauls
It will be destroyed, everyone in turbans will be captured.
From the great Portuguese (will come) help by sea
On the first day of summer, dedicated to St. Urban.

1. Tare (Tarsus) is a Turkish city in the southeast of Asia Minor.

2. Destruction of a Turkish city by the French and capture of prisoners.

3. Support for the Portuguese navy in the war against Muslims.


Having risen twice and fallen twice, the East as well as the West will be weakened. His enemy, after several battles, was expelled from the sea; when he was needed, he would not come.

1-2. Predicting the rise and fall of countries of the East and West. Probably Muslim and Christian states.

3-4. His opponent - i.e. countries of Islam. Defeat of Muslim troops in several battles and defeat of the navy.


Next year, not far from Venus, Two of the greatest of Asia and Africa, From the Rhine and Istra, as they say, will come. Screams, crying on Malta and the Ligurian coast.

1. Not far from Venus - probably an anagram that Nostradamus uses several times in his quatrains, i.e. Italian city of Verona, near Venice.

2. The two greatest of Asia and Africa are the leaders of the alliance of Asian and African countries.

3. From the Rhine and Istra - the alliance of Germany and Russia against the aggressor. The Istra River near Moscow for Nostradamus is a symbol of Moscow and Russia.

4. Screams, crying in Malta and the Ligurian coast - military actions in Malta and Italy, which, based on the information contained in the previous quatrains, will be occupied by Islamists.


Like a griffin, the king of Europe will appear, Accompanied by the people of the North, He will lead a large army of red and white, And (they) will go against the king of Babylon.

1. Griffin - in ancient mythology, a fantastic flying animal with the body of a lion, eagle wings and the head of an eagle or lion. The King of Europe is the leader of a union of European countries.

2. Accompanied by the people of the North - German or Scandinavian troops.

3. A large army of red and white - the armed forces of the Spaniards ("red") and the French ("white"). White color is a symbol of the Bourbon dynasty.

4. And (they) will go against the king of Babylon - war with the alliance of Muslim states.

The descriptions of the events of the Third World War that the prophets predict are surprisingly similar to each other. And this cannot be a coincidence. Humanity needs to heed these many warnings and take all measures to prevent this from happening. Although, according to the same prophecies, all this is useless. No one will take any measures to prevent another bloodbath.

The media are increasingly talking about unrest in one corner of the world or another. Conflicts occur both at the level of gangster groups and between heads of countries, and this is fraught with global military clashes. At the level of modern weapons, any war will be bloody and destructive, comparing cities to the ground, leaving wives as widows and children orphans.

Some believe that World War 3 has been going on for a long time and it is informational, when facts are distorted, half-truths are presented as truth, and lies are presented as an alternative point of view. Slander is not as harmless as it seems at first glance; in any country there are people illegally convicted on the basis of false testimony.

If a global intergovernmental conflict ripens, everything could end in military action. So, will World War 3 begin in 2019, what do famous clairvoyants, psychics, monastics, astrologers of the present and past think about it?

In the 20th century Vanga was the most famous clairvoyant. Both ordinary people and government officials came to her for advice. After her death, years later, scientists analyzed how accurately her predictions came true and it turned out that over 80% of what she predicted came true. According to researchers, this is a very high percentage, which indicates Vanga’s undoubted prophetic gift.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2019:

  1. Vanga said that from 2019 China will become a world superpower. Those countries that used to be leaders will fall into various economic dependencies, and the standard of living of their citizens will fall.
  2. From 2019, trains on wires will rapidly rush towards the sun. Interpreters think that she meant the invention of some new engines powered by solar energy.
  3. The clairvoyant warned about Syria, where there would be a war. She will fall and this will be the beginning of World War 3.
  4. Vanga said that from 2019 there will be no more oil production all over the world and the earth will rest.

A film that tells about the predictions of a clairvoyant about World War 3, Syria. The transmission says that other prophets also foretold:

The monk argued that in 2019 the people of the Russian Federation will unite. He foreshadowed the beginning of the war this year. Abel believed that the dark time would last not much, not a lot - 9 years.

Even today experts argue about how to decipher this or that quatrain of Nostradamus? The prophet looked 5 centuries into the future. Reality has changed so much that it’s no wonder Nostradamus might not understand something, describe it incorrectly, or make a mistake somewhere.

The quatrains do not indicate specific dates, the names of the states about which the story is told, there are many allegories in the quatrains, but researchers manage to guess what the prophet was talking about. This is especially true for key and significant events that have already occurred. Here's what you'll experience in the near and distant future:

  • Experts have deciphered that the prophet predicted floods across Europe in 2019. Why will they happen? Due to the rains that will continue to pour for 2 months. From one quatrain, where the enemy in red is mentioned, experts concluded that countries located near the seas of the oceans and whose flag has the color red will suffer more than others. This is Italy, with the Czech Republic, Hungary, with Montenegro, England.
  • At the beginning of June 2019, severe fires will break out across Russia. Before they are eliminated, the center will be burned out. Why will this happen? Due to the abnormal heat both in the Russian Federation and around the world. To escape the stuffiness and heat, people will begin to move for permanent residence to the northern regions. There is another interpretation of incinerating rays. Researchers claim that one of the gangster groups from the Middle East will use chemical weapons.
  • An armed conflict will break out again in the East, resulting in the death of many military and civilians. The leaders of European countries will act rashly and war will break out in a number of other countries. The conflict between those who profess Christianity and different denominations will intensify.

World War 3 will cover the entire planet. Nostradamus believed that at that time Siberia would become the center of civilization. People from all over the globe will come to live in Russia and the country, along with China, will be the strongest in the world.

How did Wolf Messing see the future?

Many people regret that no one wrote down Messing’s predictions. Because of this, prophecies have been lost, and others have an unclear chronology, but researchers say there are some for 2019.

Will World War 3 happen? Messing believed not, but he predicted various achievements and changes for humanity.

According to the prophet, America will begin military operations in the East in 2019. This will be a mistake by those in power. There will be a decline in the economy, and tension among the people will increase. In addition, America will suffer from various natural disasters.

Taiwan and Japan will suffer a natural disaster, but Messing did not specify what exactly will happen. Due to instability in the EU countries, the euro exchange rate will fall.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

Many Orthodox believers revere Matrona of Moscow. Much was spiritually revealed to her. She knew that the House of Romanov would fall and a revolution would occur in 1917.

Mother also discovered the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. Researchers claim that her ominous prediction will affect our days and people will begin to die when there is officially no war, in the evening they will be alive, and in the morning they will all be dead. Some researchers think that Matrona meant some kind of spiritual death of the people, others are inclined that such a number of sudden deaths indicates an earthquake or atomic explosion.

Foresight of the future by Jonah of Odessa

The monastic elder said that in the future no one would attack Russia. There is no need to fear aggression from the United States.

Father argued that World War 3 would begin to emerge in a country smaller in size than the Russian Federation. There, there will be internal unrest and a civil war will break out. The Russian Federation, the USA and other countries will take part in it - this will be the beginning of World War 3.

Archimandrite Jonah from Odessa claimed that he would die, 1 year would pass and those sad events would begin. Indeed, he died in December 2012. 1 passed, unrest began in Ukraine, “Euro Maidan” occurred...

Prediction of astrologer Pavel Globa

He believes that in 2019 Russia will not face anything more than sanctions. There is a “cold” war going on in the world.

The US and Europe are expected to see an increase in unemployment, and their currencies will fall in value. In the world, the EU will no longer be such an influential union as before.

Globa in 2019-2020 does not foresee World War 3. Military clashes will continue to occur in certain countries.

There is a decline in the West, and during this period the Russian Federation will attract, unite and influence countries that in the past were part of the USSR. More and more natural disasters will occur in the world due to the riots of nature and countries will support each other as best they can.