Tolstoy when you were betrayed where it says. The main quotes from the patriarch of Russian literature - Leo Tolstoy

There are moments in people’s lives when a lot is at stake, when one rash act can turn everything upside down in a person’s soul, thereby killing love and trust in his heart. An example of this would be betrayal. The famous Russian writer of the 19th century L.N. Tolstoy said: >. I agree with his words, because betrayal is the most vile act a person can commit.

Let's consider betrayal using the example of M.G. Khudyakov's story about the friendship of two boys, which fell apart after the rash act of Seryozha Leontyev. The main character tells a story that happened in childhood, when they were thirteen years old. He and his friend went fishing, the weather was hot, so they wanted to cool off in the water, which was a very bad idea. Seryozha had to save his friend, who seriously injured his leg with the neck of a broken bottle located at the bottom of the reservoir. He immediately rushed to save his friend, taking him in his arms and heading to the hospital, which was located 8 kilometers from the lake.

Our hero was very afraid that he might die from loss of blood, and then he asked his friend to tell his love to the same Galka Korshunova, whom he had liked for so long.

But Seryozha was determined, blowing drops of sweat from his face, tearing his T-shirt into shreds and moving forward along the hot asphalt. He dragged his friend to the hospital and saved him.

When the main character, limping with his cut naked, went out into the yard, he was disappointed in his friend, because everyone knew about how he asked for a request before his death. He became the laughing stock of the entire school, in which every boy knew about his ridiculous feelings for Pebbles. Seryozha Leontiev betrayed his friend, who believed him as himself. Instantly he broke everything, leaving only lifelong memories of pathetic betrayal.

Many years later, our hero forgave Seryozha, but he will never become for him the same courtyard friend who, in spite of everything, carried his bloody body to save him. In his soul, the wounds of which had long since healed, he remained a traitor who could not keep a secret. Not

Thus, one cannot but agree with the opinion of L.N. Tolstoy, because betrayal is the most vile of all those actions that people can commit. You can forgive him, but leaving the same attitude towards a person is almost impossible.

Updated: 2017-11-13

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  • Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: “When you have been betrayed, it’s like having your arms broken... You can forgive, but you can’t hug anymore”?

Lev Tolstoy- a brilliant Russian writer, educator and thinker who made a huge contribution to Russian literature and history. His works are a painful search for the meaning of life, the moral ideal and the laws of existence, and his worldview gave rise to a new religious and moral movement - Tolstoyism.

During his lifetime he was recognized as the head of Russian literature. His works have been filmed and staged all over the world. And his works are full of the deepest life observations about happiness, love, eternity and faith:

  1. The strength of the government rests on the ignorance of the people, and it knows this and therefore will always fight against enlightenment. It's time for us to understand this.
  2. Let everyone sweep in front of his own door. If everyone does this, the whole street will be clean.
  3. One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people good, evil, stupid, smart. Man flows, and he has all the possibilities: he was stupid, he became smart, he was angry, he became kind, and vice versa. This is the greatness of man. And you can’t judge a person based on this. Which one? You condemned, but he is already different.
  4. It always seems that they love us because we are so good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.
  5. strong people are always simple.
  6. All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
  7. It's easier to live without love. But without it there is no point.
  8. I don't have everything I love. But I love everything I have.
  9. The world moves forward thanks to those who suffer.
  10. Respect was invented in order to hide the empty place where love should be.
  11. The greatest truths are the simplest.
  12. The point is not to know a lot, but to know the most necessary of all that can be known..
  13. People often pride themselves on the purity of their conscience simply because they have a short memory.
  14. There is no scoundrel who, having searched, would not find scoundrels in some respect worse than himself and who therefore could not find a reason to be proud and pleased with himself.
  15. Evil is only inside us, that is, where it can be taken out from.
  16. Everyone is making plans, and no one knows whether he will survive until the evening.
  17. The essence of any faith is that it gives life a meaning that is not destroyed by death.
  18. Happiness comes more willingly to the house where a good mood always reigns.
  19. A person should always be happy, if happiness ends, look where you went wrong.
  20. I am sure that the meaning of life for each of us is simply to grow in love.
  21. Everything comes to those who know how to wait.
  22. True faith does not lie in knowing which days to eat fast, which days to go to church and which prayers to listen to and read, but in always living a good life in love with everyone, always doing with your neighbors as you want, to do to you.
  23. There are no conditions to which a person cannot get used, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives the same way.
  24. Everyone dreams of changing the world, but no one sets a goal to change himself.
  25. The wickedest man's face lights up when he is told that he is loved. Therefore, this is happiness...
  26. There is no more beautiful feeling in the world than the feeling that you have done at least a drop of good to people.
  27. Happy is he who is happy at home.
  28. All the answers are within you. You know more than what is written in the books. But to remember this, you need to read books, look within yourself, listen to yourself and trust yourself.
  29. When you are betrayed, it’s like having your arms broken. You can forgive, but you can’t hug anymore.
  30. One of the most amazing misconceptions is that a person’s happiness lies in doing nothing..

A person who has succumbed to the temptation of betrayal will never again be able to look in the eyes of the one to whom he was previously faithful, that same devoted and honest friend or lover, it doesn’t matter. Tolstoy thinks in exactly the same way, only he associates betrayal with broken arms, compares mental pain with physical pain, and also talks about the impossibility of “hugging.” This personifies the fact that after betrayal you cannot simply get rid of strong doubts and fears of the next “knife in the back.”

In a very difficult situation, or rather, in the realization that she has made a huge mistake, is the main character of the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky, Katerina. She had a husband whom she thought she loved. This lasted until she met the one who began to give her every sign of attention - Boris. This was a real betrayal and sin, which not only desecrated her soul forever, but also made her suffer in thought. Feeling this fleeting happiness, the heroine realizes that she did something stupid, that she succumbed to betrayal.

Katerina’s husband, Tikhon, after her public confession of treason, although he sincerely forgives, still “... for some reason he remains to live in the world and suffer!” Perhaps Katerina can be justified by the fact that she did not receive support from Tikhon and maternal love from Kabanikha, but the wound that the heroine left on her husband’s heart cannot be healed by this.

Who would have thought that betrayal could cause so much pain? And the closer and dearer the person was, the stronger the suffering will be. Cheating on your lover or friend is a real mental torture, tormenting you from the inside and leading to breakdowns. Based on all this, I agree with the statement of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Even though you forgive the one who betrayed you, it is no longer possible to relieve the pain after that.

The essay is written in 5/4

Word count approximately 267-270

All criteria (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - pass.

Updated: 2017-11-17

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Useful material on the topic

  • Do you agree with the words of L.N. Tolstoy: “When you are betrayed, it’s like breaking your arms... You can forgive, but you can’t hug anymore.”

L.N. Tolstoy said: “When you are betrayed, it’s like your arms were broken... You can forgive, but you can no longer hug.” He probably meant that there is a gap between people that cannot be bridged when they betray each other. After all, betrayal completely breaks a person inside, it breaks the inner core and makes him suffer.

I completely agree with the opinion of L.N. Tolstoy, because speaking about love, one cannot help but notice that the devotion and betrayal of loved ones has been relevant at all times.

And undermining the trust of people close to us can hurt not only them, but also ourselves in the future.

Reflecting on this topic, I would like to cite as an example the work of I.A. Bunin “Dark Alleys”. The main character, Nikolai Alekseevich, sees Nadezhda thirty years after their last meeting. Then, in his youth, he abandoned her, betrayed her, without even realizing it. At first, for him, falling in love with Nadezhda was only a fleeting infatuation, but only a few years later, he realizes that this love was the most real, the most important in his life. Due to the betrayal of Nikolai Alekseevich, the lives of the main characters did not work out. His wife left him, and she never got married because she gave him all her beauty.

Thus, betrayal not only causes mental pain, but also breaks the lives and destinies of the people involved in it.

You can also consider as an example another work by I.A. Bunin “Sunstroke”. A harmless holiday romance becomes a betrayal for the main character by a beautiful stranger. She took the betrayal very lightly; for her it was an ordinary adventure that would not affect her life in any way. And he experiences affection, at the same time fatigue and sadness, and unexpected love ages him ten years in one night. It is betrayal that can leave an indelible mark on the heart.

To summarize, I would like to say that betrayal always causes pain, be it physical or mental. Betrayal leaves people with a broken heart and makes them suffer. There is no way to get rid of this painful feeling, which is why it so often breaks destinies and deprives people of a happy future.

Updated: 2018-02-08

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