Renaissance Quiz. Test for the lesson "Great Humanists of Europe"



  • Option 2



  • Option 1

Secularization of culture

  • Name the characteristic features of the Renaissance


  • Option 2

« A golden book, as useful as it is amusing, about the best structure of the state and about the new island of Utopia »

  • Option 1

"In Praise of Stupidity"


Option 1

"Gargantua and Pantagruel"

Option 2



5) A Renaissance man is: A) A representative of a victorious, reasonable and beautiful family. B) A dissatisfied person, thirsting for unattainable justice. C) The image of a strong-willed, intellectual person - the creator of his own destiny, the creator of himself. 6) This “titan of the Renaissance” considered the human body, the plasticity of its posture and gesture, and facial expressions to be the main means of his philosophy.

A) Michelangelo B) Giorgione C) Titian 7) The term "Renaissance" means:

8 A) continuation of the medieval tradition B) assimilation of the ancient heritage C) creation of a fundamentally new one, different from the era of the Middle Ages and antiquity.) The task of Renaissance humanists becomes:

A) reproduce an image not of the real, but of the other world, using the language of symbols and allegories. B) intense intellect towards one’s own inner world, tireless work, self-knowledge. C) the doctrine of living in harmony with nature and limiting basic needs.

Test for the course “New History”, grade 7, topic: “Renaissance.” Option 1

Part 1

    A1. They were called humanists

    Residents of big cities;

    Servants of the Catholic Church;

    People who adhered to a secular view of the world around them;

Owners of factories.

    A2. Which of the following provisions form the basis of the views of humanists? (indicate 3 correct answers)

    Faith in man and his capabilities;

    The desire to understand the world around us;

    Conviction in the value of the afterlife over earthly life;

    Recognition of the importance of science and art in human life, the need for education;

    Refusal of the joys and pleasures of worldly life;

Denial of a person's ability to change his destiny.

    A3. The following words belong to the heroine of which work: “Stupidity creates states, supports power, religion, government, court. What is all human life if not the amusement of Stupidity?

    "Romeo and Juliet";

    "Don Quixote";

    "Praise of Stupidity";

A4.Which city becomes the center of humanism in XVI V.?





A5.Took part in the painting of the Sistine Chapel

    Hans Holbein;

    Albrecht Durer;

    Donato Bramante;

    Michelangelo Buanarroti.

A6.Who are the great scientists XVII V. considered the founder of modern philosophy?

    John Locke;

    Rene Descartes;

    William Harvey;

    Galileo Galilei.

Part 2

Q1.By what principle are the rows formed?

    Giordano Bruno, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei;

    Diego Velazquez, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Raphael Santi.

AT 2. Match the artists and their works



A) Rafael Santi;

B) Pieter Bruegel the Elder;

B) Leonardo da Vinci;

D) Rembrandt van Rijn.

1) “Sistine Madonna”;

2) “Portrait of Henry”VIII»;

3) “Peasant dance”;

4) “Return of the Prodigal Son”;

5) "La Gioconda"

AT 3. Read the text about one of the early modern scientists. Write the name of the person you are talking about.

“He received an excellent education, studied at the University of Krakow and universities in Italy, studied painting, mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, law, and medicine. Returning to his homeland, he became a priest, which gave him the means to live and time to pursue science. He devoted several decades to observing the celestial bodies and came to the conclusion: the Earth rotates around the Sun and around its axis.”

AT 4. Define the concept of “Humanism”.

Test for the course “New History”, grade 7, topic: “Renaissance.” Option 2

Test for the course “New History”, grade 7, topic: “Renaissance.” Option 1

A1. The birthplace of the Renaissance was





A2.Which of the Renaissance writers is the author of the novel about the adventures of Don Quixote?

    Thomas More;

    William Shakespeare;

    Miguel Cervantes;

    Francois Rabelais.

    Thomas More;

    Erasmus of Rotterdam;

    Michel Montaigne;

    Francois Rabelais.

A4.Which of the great artists of the Renaissance also became famous as a poet?

    Diego Velasquez;

    Michelangelo Buonarroti;

    Pieter Bruegel the Elder;

    Rafael Santi.

A5. Which scientist made a revolution in science by being the first to abandon the doctrine of the immobility of the Earth?

    Giordano Bruno;

    Galileo Galilei;

    Nicolaus Copernicus;

    Isaac Newton.

A6. In honor of which scientist was a monument erected at the site of his execution?

    Galileo Galilei;

    Giordano Bruno;

    Isaac Newton;

    Rene Descartes.

Part 2

IN 1. On what principle are the rows formed?

    Giordano Bruno, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei;

    Leonardo da Vinci, Diego Velazquez, Albrecht Durer, Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn.

Q2. Establish a correspondence between scientific discoveries and their authors.



A) the law of universal gravitation;

B) laws of falling bodies, movement of a pendulum;

C) discovered that the Earth rotates around the Sun and around its axis;

D) the doctrine of the immensity and infinity of the Universe.

1) N. Copernicus;

2) D. Bruno;

3) I. Newton;

4) G. Galileo.

Q3. Read the text about one of the titans of the Renaissance. Write the name of the person you are talking about.

“His extraordinary talent amazed his contemporaries. He was an artist, poet, architect, sculptor, musician, sang divinely, was fond of physics, mathematics, astronomy, history, philosophy, and understood mechanics and military affairs. His comprehensive, multifaceted mind had no equal even among the versatile geniuses of the Renaissance.

People who knew him noted that his appearance showed the highest beauty: tall and well-built, very strong (he bent an iron ring or horseshoe with his right hand), always smartly dressed, his conversation was charming.”

Q4. Define the concept of “Renaissance”.

Key to the Renaissance test

Option 1

Option 2

Part 1


Part 2

    Scientists of the New Age;

Renaissance Artists;


    N. Copernicus;

    Humanism(from lat. humanus– human) – a system of views based on the belief in the intrinsic value of the human person; the flow of social thought during the Renaissance.

Part 1

Part 2

    Scientists of the New Age;

Renaissance Artists;


    L. Da Vinci;

    Renaissance - an era in the history of the spiritual development of European peoples inXIVXVIcenturies, associated with the rise of secular content in art, literature, and science.

7th grade General history.

The test is focused on the minimum requirements for students' knowledge and skills.

It is carried out as a reinforcement of the lesson topic.

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1. What term is synonymous with Renaissance?

a) Renaissance;

b) decadence;

c) both terms are synonymous with the Renaissance.

2. Which of the great humanists of the Renaissance was the second person in the state after the king, but did not give up his own ideas for the sake of power and money?

a) John Locke; c) William Shakespeare;

b) Thomas More; d) Pieter Bruegel.

3. Which of the great scientists of the Renaissance was burned at the stake for their scientific beliefs?

a) Nicolaus Copernicus; c) Galileo Galilei;

b) Giordano Bruno; d) all of the above.

a) Nicolaus Copernicus;

b) Giordano Bruno;

c) Galileo Galilei;

d) everyone contributed to the creation of the system.

5. Which of the Renaissance scientists laid the foundations of analytical geometry, gave the concepts of a variable quantity and function, and introduced many algebraic notations?

a) Roger Bacon; c) Rene Descartes;

b) Leonardo da Vinci; d) Francis Bacon.

6. The most famous Italian artist of the Renaissance, author of La Gioconda:

a) Raphael; c) Leonardo da Vinci;

b) El Greco; d) Diego Velazquez.

7. Which of the greatest geniuses of the Renaissance was at odds with the Latin language?

a) Leonardo da Vinci; c) Giordano Bruno;

b) Galileo Galilei; d) Nicolaus Copernicus.

8. Where did the Italian Renaissance find the greatness of man?

a) in his Godlikeness;

b) in his humility;

c) in his activity;

d) in his talent.

9. How are the paintings of Italian masters and Northern Renaissance artists different?

a) they are practically indistinguishable in terms of performance technique and genre features;

b) for Italian masters the center of the picture is clearly visible, for artists of the Northern Renaissance the center is everywhere and nowhere;

c) Italian masters have more paintings on religious themes, while artists of the Northern Renaissance have more paintings on everyday themes;

d) for Italian masters the focus is on man, while among the artists of the Northern Renaissance it is nature.

10. Which of the following figures of the Renaissance earned the nickname of the Titans of Evil from their contemporaries and descendants?

a) Leonardo da Vinci; c) Michelangelo;

b) Lorenzo Medici; d) Caesar Borgia.

Key: 1 a; 2 b; 3 b; 4 a; 5 v; 6 in; 7 a; 8 a; 9 b; 10 b, g.

TESTS for the section “RENAISSANCE”

1. Who was the first to use the term “Renaissance” in his book?

A) Leonardo da Vinci

B) G. Vasari

B) Filippo Brunelleschi

2. The art of which country is considered a unique example of Renaissance art?

A) Italy

B) Spain

B) Netherlands

D) France

3. Write in which centuries, years (if clarification is required) the periods of the Renaissance took place

A) Proto-Renaissance

B) Early Renaissance

B) High Renaissance

D) Late Renaissance

4. Give three reasons why Italy became a classical Renaissance country.

5. List the main features of the Renaissance culture.

6. Explain what the new humanistic worldview was?

7. Highlight the features of Renaissance art:

A) convention in the depiction of nature and man

B) artists sought to comprehend and justify their activities in books

B) use of reverse perspective

D) architecture plays a leading role

D) a system of genres is emerging

E) the emergence of a new type of art - engravings

G) the main feeling when perceiving art is pleasure

H) the insignificance of man in this world is emphasized

I) rich people compete for luxury and possession of masterpieces of art

K) knowledge of perspective and theory of proportions

K) the ability to convey volume on a plane

8. Redraw the table and fill it out: determine to which stage of the Renaissance the artists listed below belong.


Early Renaissance

High Renaissance

Late Renaissance

Northern Renaissance

Artists: Simone Martini, Filippo Brunelleschi, Sandoro Botticelli, Giotto de Bondone, Donatello, Masaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Durer, Titian, Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Veronese, Michelangelo Buanarotti, Tintoretto, Giorgione, Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

9. Which cathedral was crowned with a dome with a diameter of 42 m, designed by F. Brunelleschi?

A) Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence

B) Notre Dame Cathedral

B) St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

10. What is the name of Donatello's sculpture of a young man in a hat?

A) Monument to the condottiere Gattamelata in Padua

B) Hermes

B) Young David

11. What is depicted in Masaccio’s fresco “Expulsion from Paradise” and what are the innovations of the Renaissance artist?

12. Name two of Sandro Botticelli's greatest works

    Proto-Renaissance - XII-XIV centuries

Early Renaissance - XV century

High Renaissance - late 15th century - early 16th century

Late Renaissance - last two thirds of the 16th century

    Reasons why Italy became a classical Renaissance country

    political reasons: Italy consisted of a number of independent cities and regions, many of which had a republican form of government

    new economic relations, a center of international trade and banking (primacy in Florence, as well as Pisa, Siena, Genoa, Milan, Venice)

    geographical: it was here that antiquity was rediscovered

anthropocentrism, humanism, modification of the medieval Christian tradition, revival of ancient cultural monuments and ancient philosophy, a new attitude to the world.

Earthly existence was called the only real one, and man was called beautiful or striving for beauty, like God. Asceticism, the insignificance of man, was rejected.

B, D, E, F, I, K, L

    1. Adam and Eve leave paradise, Adam covers his face, and Eve covers her nakedness. The artist depicts the figures anatomically correctly, the poses are alive, despite the Fall the people are beautiful, the space is three-dimensional, the chiaroscuro is well-developed

      "Birth of Venus" and "Spring"
