Self-proclaimed fatalist Kharitonov! Baba Fisa's Theater is a family contract.



Yesterday we had celebrity guests! Our regular player @ said.dn brought us @ alexandrakharitonova straight from the TV set


Said Nigmatulin

Tomorrow with my group from the school DOM 2 we will start studying a new section “Organic Silence”, and the exam task is sketches for the first kiss... And I have prepared a new game for the guys

Katya Guzhvinskaya, Katya Korol, Cousin Zhenya, Nicholas, Lena Boss, Igor Tregubenko, Vova Gauti, Wentz, Sasha Kharitonova!

Alexey Mikhailovsky:

A few words about the story of Said and Alexandra Kharitonova. Actually, there is no story yet. There is light flirting, possibly with “severe” consequencesSome people think (and not without reason at all) that Said can directly influence Alexandra’s film fate. So it is, but first the story must become something more than simple flirting and gatherings in a restaurant. According to my feelings, Alexandra is not ready to “cross the border” and the glorious Said, whom I certainly respect, may leave without a hitch. And most likely, the story may end in a complete fiasco of the future actress, despite all her merits. Alexandra likes something completely different about D2. She pines for him at night and cries, but he doesn’t even notice it yet. Bitch love

Do you know where the expression Baba Fisa’s theater came from on the Dom-2 project? It was first voiced by Stepan Menshikov, accusing his girlfriend Alexandra Kharitonova of poor acting and insincerity in relationships. In those days, the Dom-2 project was different, the characters and their relationships were much more complex than now, as were the dialogues of the characters, where everyone was an individual and a headliner.
Alexandra Kharitonova cried a lot then, of course not like Rapunzel. I even smiled at the thought that Grigorievskaya would not have stayed a day on that Dom-2 project as it was many years ago, when we fell in love with it!
What did Stepan say then in response to one of the participants’ accusations that his girlfriend loves him according to the script, so why can’t he feel sorry for her according to the script? This is where the famous phrase about Kharitonova’s overacting and poor acting skills arose. Stepan then said that Alexandra speaks with a breath and sighs “like a pump” before each phrase. All Kharitonova’s words and behavior are “the theater of Baba Fisa.” She is far from a fool, but she plays it hard! Exactly at that moment, the mask fell off from Fisin’s face, and everyone saw the real Kharitonov on her forehead - angry and dissatisfied...
Why did I embark on a historical excursion, remembering those events? The second coming of Baba Fisa to the project shows that Alexandra in her acting essence has not changed at all! Same techniques, nothing new. But, unfortunately, the Dom-2 project has changed. Baba Fisa doesn’t understand this! Why complicate everything, if from the very beginning it was clear to the viewer that Alexandra had a pure agreement with the rapper “on a family contract”, and there could be no talk of any love! This is understandable, as is the fact that on today’s project, among the Yabbarovs and Dolzhanskys, a girl over thirty will not find a pair!
Baba Fisa’s conversations about searching for love on the project are as inappropriate as the visits of her noble father to the execution site to protect the honor and dignity of her daughter! In today's realities, when a toilet chansonnier shows the whole country how his underpants stir at the sight of a naked woman Fisa in the shower, Alexandra's dad must live on the project and sleep next to his daughter in the women's bedroom!
Maybe Grandma Fisa, having spent a couple of times on Olympus, did not understand today’s project realities, but what were the organizers and scriptwriters of the show thinking when they returned her to the perimeter? They first had to remove all the rednecks from the project, clean the “Augean Stables” into which they turned House-2! And only then return Baba Fisa to the airwaves! And again it turned out to be a one-man show, since the omnipresent Kharitonova, as in Stepan’s time, is a plug in every barrel, but at the same time she is clearly overacting!
Having hastily ended her unconvincing, failed “love” relationship, sighed and cried, Kharitonova imagined herself in today’s project as Lara Croft - the destroyer of other people’s relationships. But “plundering tombs” among loving would-be builders is a thankless task, so there is emptiness all around and everything is destroyed!
Once upon a time, the reality theater of House-2 began “with a hanger”, and today the only thing that remains for the viewer, looking at the Fisin daily theater, is to repeat for the hundredth time I DON’T BELIEVE...

Viewer's opinion/Alexander Kharitonov

Baba Fisa completely shit herself. At first, Timur kicked her out, then Cherkasov disowned her. And as Fisa jumped out of her pants, I thought she would be a fatal woman, or even jump out to marry Timka. But Kharya doesn’t understand that old woman Fisa has become a macho for the project. And if we take an auntie over 30, then she’s wealthy.
And Kharitonova is poor, and even involves the folder in a relationship...

And Kharitonova often takes a sip on the bottle.... Although it’s not surprising.... lonely grandmothers of her type often bruise on the sly....
Tim acted meanly today by voicing Lyaskovets’s personal information, but now it’s clear where the dog was rummaging.... Mom brought a man and her daughter, feeling betrayed, left home at the age of 14..... Now it’s clear why for her men are always enemies and rivals.. she has already lost to one person once... And her complexes... and her inability to enjoy victory after she wins... She just doesn’t know what to do next... she doesn’t know what it’s like to live in a family... with a man....Mom certainly ruined her daughter’s life....
Boss....don’t suck up so openly....sixes don’t stay on the project for long, and they don’t have enough authority...

Sasha Kharitonova on Instagram: “Right now))) Where is she flying to the Seychelles without Olya”

Guys, I have sensational news for you!

It turns out that Alexandra Kharitonova is a girl who breaks up couples, makes everyone feel bad and doesn’t allow anyone to build a relationship, since she herself doesn’t have one!!! The guys whisper in the corners, Katya Korol, who claims that I break up couples, accuses me of creating a coalition of girls around herself. I don't understand such claims. Yes, I live in a girl's dormitory and I have girls with whom I communicate and who listen to my opinion because I have leadership qualities. What's wrong with that? I am an emotional person, and I always need to move forward and not sit still, maybe that’s why I come up with various plans for revenge, reconciliation and give the right advice. I am for justice! And many perceive this as a negative trait of my character. I am a fatal woman! But not in the sense that men line up behind me in packs, but in the fact that my word means something and my predictions regarding couples on the project come true. Maybe a new psychic has appeared on the project?)

Said Nigmatulin:

Our joint trip to the theater with the DOM2 participants on Tuesday gave rise to many rumors and speculations. Today, not only on social networks, but even in the clearing, they actively discussed, condemned and gossiped about the topic of Me and Sasha Kharitonova. Some took it upon themselves to accuse Sasha that she set everything up specifically to get the role... I want to clarify and tell how everything really happened, so to speak, “from first-hand experience.” I had 4 theater tickets. At the class on Tuesday, I chose 3 participants from among those who wanted to go to the performance, I decided to take the couple Gauti-Guzhvinskaya and Alexandra, since at that time she was without a couple, and I did not want to get involved in other people’s relationships, especially that Alexandra’s company is more than pleasant for me. It so happened that on the same day the couple of Vova and Katya broke up, Nicholas went with his new passion instead.
After the wonderful performance, we all actively discussed it together, but a car arrived for the guys and I myself invited Alexandra to take her to the clearing, she kindly agreed. On the way, I suggested we stop for dinner. We talked about the play, the theater, Sasha’s assignment for Wednesday and of course about the HOUSE 2 project.
I am grateful to Alexandra for keeping me company, she is a wonderful girl and a very interesting person.
As for “getting the role,” this is obvious and Sasha understands perfectly well that neither I nor Alexey can in any way influence the choice of Astrakhan.

Special thanks to the producer of the project DOM 2 Mikhailovsky for allowing this event, I hope we will repeat this again someday

Opinion about Sasha Kharitonova’s dad coming to the project.

Even during my school youth, it was considered bad form to bring parents in so that they could put the finishing touches on a quarrel between children. After the showdown, the children of such parents were teased by the whole class and boycotts were declared.

Recently, there has been a tendency on the project to bring parents in front of cameras. Some “children” are looking for support in resolving the conflict, others are trying to make their “ancestors” full participants in the project.

To be honest, Sasha Kharitonova’s parent behaved very unworthily today. Choosing his words, he insulted and humiliated the main enemies of his over-aged daughter - Gleb and Christina. He recalled the story of long-past years with Zhemchugov’s courtship, interrupted and did not even allow Lyaskovets to insert a word. I don’t know who respected Igor Alekseevich saw himself at that moment, but I felt unpleasant and disgusted from his speech.
Alena Farada

After the story told by dad, a lot becomes clear. Why did Gleb offer sex to Sasha, why did he slander Timur about Sasha when they met. I'm glad dad's coming. The situation was exactly the same with Bushina, how he threw mud at her after he was rejected; he poured so much slop on Nadya, even though he shared the bed with her. He’s a rotten person, and unfortunately, years have not corrected him.
Liliya Tsvetkova

Bun / Didn’t Kharitonov’s name Fisa come from the word “benefit”?) Basically, in essence, I think so... And today Baba Fisa had a benefit hour: the first act was in the common kitchen, when Glebushko received the first portion of Kharitonova’s acting skills - she presented her claims to him, carefully pronouncing the words, with courage, correctly making semantic accents... well, as taught.
Then the scene “Oh, I’m a misunderstood sufferer - I want love!” was performed... also nothing like that... on the level - first behind a curtain, like behind a theater curtain, then the curtain was sharply thrown back and the crumpled figure of the main sufferer of the project appeared before us - calling parents...
The third, final act was the next coming of daddy (a disgrace! The gray-haired man is still rubbing himself on a dubious show and making pompous speeches about his daughter, who, sobbing into the phone, asks for protection... FROM WHOM?!). Here the role of Fisa was practically without words - there were poses...silent movie, damn it!

This hamster extras is waiting for a certain day to present their “acting” works, and such luminaries as Baba Fisa play every day... every hour... And not alone, but in pairs...
Well, what can I say - Ermolova is resting...


We are filming a reporting concert on acting.

Kharitonov and advertising


We are filming a reporting concert on acting. strelkovfedor13 amazed me with his number with eshli_see. Watch the broadcast on March 30, 2016


Today at the exam, we made history in the bathhouse; of course, we could have been better, but there is no limit to perfection, and tomorrow I will show what we were in

.Video of heroes (Alexandra Kharitonov) / Said Nigmatulin invited me to…

I don't know what's going on with Said. I'll tell you in order.

Opinion from a reader Date of: 24.03.2016

I’ll start with the tears that so excited the loving parent... Doesn’t he know that Alexandra’s emotions, reproduced on camera (namely, under the watchful eye of the cameras, the “call for help” of the offended child took place - in an almost flawless, from an artistic point of view, dramatic philosophically repentant key) already 10 years ago deserved national recognition and the honorary title “Theater of Baba Fisa”?!!

And now she is also among the headliners at acting courses... that is, the professionals have recognized her ability to portray “what is needed”... And should we be surprised or touched by the fact that the parent reacts to Sasha’s “life in art” not with reason, and with the heart - each of us, the audience, will decide.

And yet, I want to move from emotions to logic... After all, it should be present in a mature and, apparently, successful man in the most important issue - raising his child! I agree: it is possible and necessary to protect a small child from adult bullies... or other dangers from which a child cannot protect himself! But the most important task of parents, in my opinion, is to TEACH children to find a decent way out of any life situation, while counting on their own authority, earned by word and deed, the strength of principles and beliefs, the ability to be convincing... and not scream at the first difficulty: “Save, help!”...

Baba Fisa's theater is a family contract?

They will tell me: this is relevant in life, but here is Durka, living according to laws and scenarios that have nothing to do with morality... And they will be right. But still, it seems to me that Alexandra Kharitonova has the necessary character qualities to find a way out of the situations she creates with the same ingenuity with which she looks for “entrances” to them! Then what are we observing? Baba Fisa's theater is a family contract? Or has Sasha’s passion for constant hypocrisy and lies already so tired not only of the audience, but also of the show participants that she has to support the role assigned to her by the orgami with her father’s authority?... After all, as you know, the authority of parents is perhaps the only taboo in discussions of the hamster community (according to at least on the forehead). What do you think about this, dear Shlok commentators?

Olga Rapunzel is considered a girl with very high self-esteem, delusions of grandeur and with a huge crown on her head, which prevents her from thinking. But apparently, Olga has a serious competitor at house 2!

The self-proclaimed fatalist Kharitonov, after yesterday’s almost date with one of the acting school teachers, has grown in her own eyes to incredible proportions. At first the girl, as soon as she could. And she is a leader, who managed to gather around her the participants of the TV show, and she gives the right advice, because she is a good psychologist and a psychic, after all, she predicts which of the guys will be able to build love, and who should not strain themselves. And even if there is a lull in her personal life and not all participants in house 2 treat her with due respect and understanding. But it was she who was singled out by Said Nigmatulin and it is she who now has every chance to build love with an amazing man.

Kharitonova is deceiving herself or...

I don’t know what about good advice and predictions, but regarding Said, Sasha is most likely deeply mistaken, wishful thinking. In her video blog, Kharitonova confidently states that she was on a date with the teacher, that he really likes her and even pestered Nigimatulin with questions about how he would now treat his favorite, because their relationship had reached another level. But in Neither about sympathy, nor about a favorite, nor about a close relationship with a “student”, even in the future. Do you think Kharitonova is deceiving herself or Said Nigmatulin does not want to advertise his relationship with her?