"Social science. A complete guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam" Petr Baranov, Sergey Shevchenko, Alexander Vorontsov

The reference book, addressed to high school graduates and applicants, provides the full content of the “Social Studies” course, which is tested on the unified state exam.
The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are compiled - control measuring materials of the Unified State Examination (KIM).
The directory presents the following content module blocks: “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”.
A brief and visual form of presentation - in the form of diagrams and tables - ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Features of thinking.
Social in nature, despite the fact that it is a process occurring in the human cerebral cortex. After all, to formulate and solve any problem, a person uses laws, rules, concepts that were discovered in human practice.

Inextricably linked with language. A person's thoughts are expressed in language. With its help, a person learns about the objective world. This happens because language somehow corresponds to the objects of reality, their properties and relationships. In other words, there are elements in the language that replace named objects. These elements play the role of representatives of objects of knowledge in thinking; they are signs of objects, properties or relationships.

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Download the book Social Studies, New complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam, Baranov P.A., Vorontsov A.V., Shevchenko S.V., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Social studies, New complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam, Baranov P.A., Vorontsov A.V., Shevchenko S.V., 2018
  • Unified State Examination, Social Studies, Full Express Tutor, Baranov, Vorontsov, Shevchenko, 2013
  • Unified State Exam in Social Studies, Full express tutor, Baranov P.A., Vorontsov A.V., Shevchenko S.V., 2013

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Social science. A complete guide to preparing for the Unified State Exam Pyotr Baranov, Sergey Shevchenko, Alexander Vorontsov

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Title: Social studies. A complete guide to preparing for the Unified State Exam
Author: Petr Baranov, Sergey Shevchenko, Alexander Vorontsov
Year: 2009
Genre: Reference books: other, Reference books

About the book “Social Studies. A complete guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam" Petr Baranov, Sergey Shevchenko, Alexander Vorontsov

The reference book, addressed to graduates and applicants, provides the full material of the “Social Studies” course, which is tested on the unified state exam.

The structure of the book corresponds to the codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are compiled - test materials for the Unified State Examination.

The reference book presents the following sections of the course: “Society”, “Spiritual Life of Society”, “Man”, “Cognition”, “Politics”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Law”.

A brief and visual form of presentation – in the form of diagrams and tables – ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Social Studies. A complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam" by Petr Baranov, Sergey Shevchenko, Alexander Vorontsov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Name: Social studies - Complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

The reference book, addressed to graduates and applicants, provides the full material of the “Social Studies” course, which is tested on the unified state exam.
The structure of the book corresponds to the codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks - test materials for the Unified State Examination - are compiled.
The reference book presents the following sections of the course: “Society, Spiritual life of society, Man, Cognition, Politics, Economics, Social relations, Law.
A brief and visual form of presentation - in the form of diagrams and tables - ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge.

Preface. 7
Section 1. SOCIETY
Topic 1. Society as a special part of the world. System structure of society. 9
Topic 2. Society and nature 13
Topic 3. Society and culture. 15
Topic 4. Interrelation of economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of society 16
Topic 5. Social institutions. 18
Topic 6. Multivariate social development. Typology of societies 20
Topic 7. The concept of social progress. thirty
Topic 8. Globalization processes and the formation of a united humanity. 32
Topic 9. Global problems of humanity 34
Topic 1. Culture and spiritual life 38
Topic 2. Forms and varieties of culture: folk, mass and elite; youth subculture 42
Topic 3. Mass media. 46
Topic 4. Art, its forms, main directions. 48
Topic 5. Science. 52
Topic 6. Social and personal significance of education. 55
Topic 7. Religion. The role of religion in the life of society. World religions 57
Topic 8. Morality. Moral culture 64
Topic 9. Trends in the spiritual life of modern Russia 71
Section 3. HUMAN
Topic 1. Man as a result of biological and social evolution. 74
Topic 2. Human existence. 77
Topic 3. Human needs and interests. 78
Topic 4. Human activity, its main forms. 80
Topic 5. Thinking and activity 88
Topic 6. The purpose and meaning of human life. 91
Topic 7. Self-realization 93
Topic 8. Individual, individuality, personality. Socialization of the individual 94
Topic 9. The inner world of a person 97
Topic 10. Conscious and unconscious 99
Topic 11. Self-knowledge 102
Topic 12. Behavior. 104
Topic 13. Freedom and responsibility of the individual. 106
Section 4. COGNITION
Topic 1. Knowledge of the world. 109
Topic 2. Forms of knowledge: sensual and rational, true and false. 110
Topic 3. Truth, its criteria. The Relativity of Truth 113
Topic 4. Types of human knowledge. 115
Topic 5. Scientific knowledge. 117
Topic 6. Social sciences, their classification. 123
Topic 7. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 125
Section 5. POLICY
Topic 1. Power, its origin and types. 131
Topic 2. Political system, its structure and functions 137
Topic 3. Signs, functions, forms of the state. 140
Topic 4. State apparatus. 149
Topic 5. Electoral systems 151
Topic 6. Political parties and movements. The emergence of a multi-party system in Russia. 156
Topic 7. Political ideology 165
Topic 8. Political regime. Types of political regimes 168
Topic 9. Local government 172
Topic 10. Political culture 174
Topic 11. Civil society. 178
Topic 12. Rule of law 183
Topic 13. Man in political life. Political participation 186
Section 6. ECONOMY
Topic 1. Economics: science and economy.195
Topic 2. Economic culture203
Topic 3. Economic content of property205
Topic 4. Economic systems208
Topic 5. Diversity of markets211
Topic 6. Measurements of economic activity 220
Topic 7. Economic cycle and economic growth.223
Topic 8. Division of labor and specialization. 227
Topic 9. Exchange, trade.229
Topic 10. State budget.230
Topic 11. Public debt233
Topic 12. Monetary policy235
Topic 13. Tax policy.249
Topic 14. World economy: foreign trade, international financial system.253
Topic 15. Consumer Economics 260
Topic 16. Economics of the manufacturer 263
Topic 17. Labor market.269
Topic 18. Unemployment273
Topic 1. Social interaction and public relations276
Topic 2. Social groups, their classification280
Topic 3. Social status.285
Topic 4, Social role288
Topic 5. Inequality and social stratification291
Topic 6. Social mobility298
Topic 7. Social norms.301
Topic 8. Deviant behavior, its forms and manifestations303
Topic 9. Social control306
Topic 10. Family and marriage as social institutions.309
Topic 11. Demographic and family policy in the Russian Federation314
Topic 12. Youth as a social group, 317
Topic 13. Ethnic communities.319
Topic 14. Interethnic relations323
Topic 15. Social conflict and ways to resolve it. 333
Topic 16. Constitutional foundations of national policy in the Russian Federation339
Topic 17. Social processes in modern Russia.342
Section 8. RIGHT
Topic 1. Law in the system of social norms 350
Topic 2. Legal system: main branches, institutions, relations. 360
Topic 3. Sources of law 363
Topic 4. Legal acts. 364
Topic 5. Legal relations 368
Topic 6. Offenses 371
Topic 7. Constitution of the Russian Federation 374
Topic 8. Public and private law 383
Topic 9. Legal responsibility and its types. 384
Topic 10. Basic concepts and norms of state, administrative, civil, labor and criminal law in the Russian Federation 389
Topic 11. Legal foundations of marriage and family 422
Topic 12. International documents on human rights 430
Topic 13. System of judicial protection of human rights. 433
Topic 14. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. 435
Topic 15. Federation, its subjects 439
Topic 16. Legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the Russian Federation. 444
Topic 17. The Institute of the Presidency 454
Topic 18. Law enforcement agencies 458
Topic 19. International protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime. 463
Topic 20. Legal culture 468
Literature 475

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The reference book includes material from the school course “Social Studies”, which is tested on the Unified State Exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the Standard of Secondary (Complete) Education in the subject on the basis of which examination tasks are compiled - test and measuring materials (KIM) of the Unified State Exam.

The reference book presents the following sections of the course: “Society”, “Spiritual life of society”, “Man”, “Cognition”, “Politics”, “Economics”, “Social relations”, “Law”, which form the core of the content of public education tested within the framework of the Unified State Exam. This reinforces the practical focus of the book.

A compact and visual form of presentation, a large number of diagrams and tables contribute to a better understanding and memorization of theoretical material.

In the process of preparing for an exam in social studies, it is very important not only to master the content of the course, but also to navigate the types of tasks on the basis of which the written work, which is a form of conducting the Unified State Exam, is based. Therefore, after each topic, assignment options with answers and comments are presented. These tasks are designed to form ideas about the form of testing and measuring materials in social studies, their level of complexity, the features of their implementation, and are aimed at developing skills tested within the framework of the Unified State Exam:

– recognize the signs of concepts, characteristic features of a social object, elements of its description;

– compare social objects, identifying their common features and differences;

– correlate social science knowledge with the social realities that reflect them;

– evaluate various judgments about social objects from the point of view of social sciences;

– analyze and classify social information presented in various sign systems (diagram, table, diagram);

– recognize concepts and their components: correlate specific concepts with generic ones and eliminate unnecessary ones;

– establish correspondences between the essential features and characteristics of social phenomena and social scientific terms and concepts;

– apply knowledge about the characteristic features, signs of concepts and phenomena, social objects of a certain class, selecting the necessary items from the proposed list;

– distinguish between facts and opinions, arguments and conclusions in social information;

– name terms and concepts, social phenomena corresponding to the proposed context, and apply social scientific terms and concepts in the proposed context;

– list the signs of a phenomenon, objects of the same class, etc.;

– reveal, using examples, the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities; give examples of certain social phenomena, actions, situations;

– apply social and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive and practical problems that reflect current problems of human life and society;

– carry out a comprehensive search, systematization and interpretation of social information on a specific topic from original non-adapted texts (philosophical, scientific, legal, political, journalistic);

– formulate your own judgments and arguments on certain problems based on acquired social and humanitarian knowledge.

This will allow you to overcome a certain psychological barrier before the exam, associated with the ignorance of the majority of examinees how they should formalize the result of the completed task.

Section 1. Society

Topic 1. Society as a special part of the world. System structure of society

The complexity of defining the concept of “society” is associated primarily with its extreme generality, and in addition, with its enormous significance. This led to the presence of many definitions of this concept.

Concept "society" in a broad sense, the word can be defined as a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes: ways of interaction between people; forms of unification of people.

Society in the narrow sense of the word is:

a circle of people united by a common goal, interests, origin(for example, a society of numismatists, a noble assembly);

individual specific society, country, state, region(for example, modern Russian society, French society);

historical stage in the development of mankind(eg feudal society, capitalist society);

humanity as a whole.

Society is the product of the combined activities of many people. Human activity is a way of existence or being of society. Society grows out of the life process itself, out of the ordinary and everyday activities of people. It is no coincidence that the Latin word socio means to unite, to unite, to undertake joint work. Society does not exist outside the direct and indirect interaction of people.

As a way of existence for people, society must fulfill a set of certain functions :

– production of material goods and services;

– distribution of labor products (activities);

– regulation and management of activities and behavior;

– human reproduction and socialization;

– spiritual production and regulation of people’s activity.

The essence of society lies not in people themselves, but in the relationships they enter into with each other in the course of their life. Consequently, society is the totality of social relations.

Society is characterized as dynamic self-developing system , i.e. a system that is capable of seriously changing and at the same time maintaining its essence and qualitative certainty.

Wherein system defined as complex of interacting elements. In its turn, element called some further indecomposable component of the system that is directly involved in its creation.

Basic principles of the system : the whole is not reducible to the sum of its parts; the whole gives rise to traits, properties that go beyond the individual elements; the structure of the system is formed by the interrelation of its individual elements, subsystems; elements, in turn, can have a complex structure and act as systems; there is a relationship between the system and the environment.

Accordingly, society is complexly organized self-developing open system , which includes individuals and social communities, united by cooperative, coordinated connections and processes of self-regulation, self-structuring and self-reproduction.

To analyze complex systems similar to society, the concept of “subsystem” was developed. Subsystems called intermediate complexes, more complex than the elements, but less complex than the system itself.

Certain groups of social relations form subsystems. The main subsystems of society are considered to be the main spheres of public life spheres of public life .

The basis for delimiting spheres of public life are basic human needs.

The division into four spheres of public life is arbitrary. Other areas can be mentioned: science, artistic and creative activity, racial, ethnic, national relations. However, these four areas are traditionally identified as the most general and significant.

Society as a complex, self-developing system is characterized by the following specific features :

1. It is different variety of different social structures and subsystems. This is not a mechanical sum of individuals, but an integral system that has a highly complex and hierarchical character: various kinds of subsystems are connected by subordinate relationships.

2. Society is not reducible to the people who make it up; it is system of extra- and supra-individual forms, connections and relationships that a person creates through his active activities together with other people. These “invisible” social connections and relationships are given to people in their language, various actions, activity programs, communication, etc., without which people cannot exist together. Society is integrated in its essence and must be considered as a whole, in the totality of its individual components.

3. Society has self-sufficiency, i.e. the ability to create and reproduce the necessary conditions for one’s own existence through active joint activity. Society is characterized in this case as an integral, unified organism in which various social groups and a wide variety of activities are closely intertwined, providing vital conditions for existence.

4. The society is exceptional dynamism, incompleteness and alternative development. The main character in choosing development options is a person.

5. Society highlights special status of subjects, determining its development. Man is a universal component of social systems, included in each of them. Behind the opposition of ideas in society there is always a clash of corresponding needs, interests, goals, and the influence of such social factors as public opinion, official ideology, political attitudes and traditions. Inevitable for social development is intense competition of interests and aspirations, and therefore, in society there is often a clash of alternative ideas, heated polemics and struggles take place.

6. Society has unpredictability, non-linear development. The presence in society of a large number of subsystems, the constant clash of interests and goals of different people creates the prerequisites for the implementation of different options and models for the future development of society. However, this does not mean that the development of society is completely arbitrary and uncontrollable. On the contrary, scientists create models of social forecasting: options for the development of the social system in its most diverse areas, computer models of the world, etc.

Sample assignment

A1. Choose the correct answer. Which feature characterizes society as a system?

1. constant development

2. part of the material world

3. isolation from nature

4. ways of interaction between people

This book is a textbook for quickly and effectively preparing secondary school graduates for the state (final) certification (GIA) in social studies, which in its content corresponds to the state standard of basic general education in the subject. The manual is intended to assist in systematizing, deepening and generalizing knowledge on the content block of the social studies course “The Economic Sphere of Society.”

The express course presented in the first part of the manual, which reveals the content of this block, is adequate to the codifier of content elements in social studies, tested within the framework of the State Examination.

In the process of preparing for the State Examination in Social Sciences, it is very important to transform the content of the material into something more accessible for perception, to identify the most significant features of social objects and phenomena, to reveal the essence of social science concepts, the most typical and significant features of modern society, the forms and directions of its development. The tools for accomplishing this task are structural and logical diagrams and tables that compactly reveal the most significant issues of the social science course of the basic school and contribute to the understanding and deep assimilation of the material.

The second part of the manual includes variable training tasks in preparation for the State Examination in Social Studies. These tasks correspond to control measurement materials (CMMs), on the basis of which written work is based, which is a form of conducting the State Examination in Social Studies.

Structure of examination paper in social studies

The training tasks are aimed at developing the skills tested as part of the examination work in social studies:

– recognize the essential features of concepts, characteristic features of a social object, elements of its description;

– define a concept, a social phenomenon based on its essential feature, proposed characteristics;

– recognize concepts and their components: correlate specific concepts with generic ones and eliminate unnecessary ones;

– compare social objects, identifying their common features and differences;

– give examples of social phenomena, objects, human activities, situations regulated by various social norms that are relevant in a given context;

– search for social information in various sources;

– evaluate various judgments about social objects from the point of view of social sciences;

– analyze, classify, interpret existing social information, correlate it with the knowledge acquired while studying the course;

– apply social science terms and concepts in the proposed context;

– apply social and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive and practical problems that reflect current problems of human life and society;

– formulate your own judgments and arguments on certain problems based on acquired social and humanitarian knowledge;

– evaluate people’s behavior from the point of view of social norms.

Completing training tasks will allow you to test your knowledge, skills, and abilities, which will make it possible to more objectively assess the level of your social science training in the content block “Economic sphere of society.”

At the end of the manual, answers to all proposed tasks are presented. Check your answer against the standard. If your answer does not match the answer given in the manual, refer back to the contents of the task and try to understand what your mistake is.

To satisfy all the diverse needs, a person is forced to enter into “business relationships” with other people. To satisfy his own needs, a person offers something of his own for others in exchange. In other words, everyone can satisfy their need only after they have satisfied someone else’s need.

Having received what he wants as a result of exchange on the market, a person carries out direct consumption, which temporarily satisfies him and gives rise to new needs. Satisfying one need leads to the formation of a new one. Human needs are limitless and growing all the time. Their growth constantly develops production. After all, it is only necessary to produce what a person needs. On the other hand, the development of production and technological changes in society not only expand the range of human desires and preferences, but also change the structure of his needs.