Are you feeling good girl? Are you warm, girl?

Excerpt from "Where Angels Fear to Tread"

By evening it was snowing. Lisa looked out the window and saw a neighbor making his way to the gate in waist-deep snow. A patrol helicopter squealed anxiously in the sky, observing problems on the highway. From television news it became known that under the weight of the precipitation it collapsed
an ancient tree and the road is blocked. Everyone was advised to go out only if absolutely necessary. I had to stay until the morning.

After a candlelit dinner, expertly prepared by her new friend, Lizaveta went to the guest bedroom assigned to her. There she was happy to find a key in the door, which she immediately closed the door with.
The room was in peach tones.
Above the bed hung three oil paintings of a half-naked red-haired beauty. The author was a friend of Johann's. The model is a former friend.
In the bedside table were packages of condoms and birth control pills, forgotten by someone.
-The matter is set on a grand scale. It’s good that hygiene is maintained, the guest thought.
She stood up and pulled a chair toward the door for safety. We must count on the best, but prepare for the worst.
Despite the manifest passion for adventure,
Lisa was a coward, which helped her
get out of unexpected situations.

Rottenberger's stories about the behavior of previous brides convinced her that close contacts in in this case best avoided. After everything she had seen and heard, she did not make any special plans for the future.

My head was spinning from an excess of impressions and language load. Lisa went to the window and opened it slightly. A cool, fresh stream of air rushed into the room, filling it. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. It became easier. It seemed warm outside, like spring.
The snow continued to fall slowly. There was no wind. The girl went to the bed, lay down on the soft feather bed and began to listen to the sounds unfamiliar city. The muffled hiss of passing cars and the unusual hum of German speech could be heard. Then everything froze and there was absolute silence.
Gradually, reality turned into a dream and the guest found herself in the same Austrian house. Around her are numerous ladies of Johann and his mother, dissatisfied with the fact that her son cannot make a choice and marry Ariely.
Lisa says to Frau Rottenberger:
- You shouldn’t be pushing me away,
I'll leave, and the same one will come,
or maybe even worse. You'll see.
Then... it seems
Lisa looks at Johann from somewhere above,
from a pedestal or pedestal,
and he reaches out to her, almost
how in final scene"Swan Lake".

In the morning, the guest saw the snow-capped peaks of the Alps through the window,
shining against the background brightly blue skies. They beckoned her. What came to mind:
- "Magnificent carpets,
The snow lies glistening in the sun.."*.
She went out onto the frost-covered balcony
in thick socks. Chilly wrapped in bathrobe, breathed in the cold, crystal clear air,
paying attention to your shadow,
fallen on a light wall.

I looked around.
Behind the huge white field the forest silently turned black,
covered in snow.
Tall spruce trees turned green through the frost. It was hot.
It seemed like you could sunbathe here, even in December.
Substituting your face to the soft rays,
Enjoying the Alpine sun, Lisa
I thought relaxingly:
-Fairy tale!
Now I know,
what the heroine from Morozko felt.
-Are you warm, girl?
Are you warm red?
-It’s warm...grandfather...
Lisa smiled.
Her spirits lifted.
She quickly took a shower, changed clothes and went to the kitchen.
From there it echoed throughout the house
the aroma of freshly baked bread.

Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:05

Is there life after orgasm? Why do men fall asleep? Why you don’t always want to continue the banquet. And when to stop.

In men, after a discharge, inhibitory biochemical processes in the brain occur. The release of serotonin and oxytocin can lead to sweets, deep sleep baby. The babies are pumping, oxytocinating, smiling and dozing off.

A man needs time to recover, the mechanism of arousal is very simple - the level of hormones increases, the blood flow to the cavernous bodies is stimulated - an erection. After ejaculation, hormones must accumulate, the level of neurotransmitters in the peripheral system must be restored, and it is ready again. As you age, hormone levels drop. At 40 years old, the physiological norm of testosterone is lower than that of a 20-year-old. Therefore, the recovery time is longer.
Viagra bypasses the chain of testosterone - the center of excitation in the brain - the center of vascular regulation. It immediately acts on the receptors of the cavernous bodies.
And now you can have sex at 70 and 80 (if you are careful). It also works on women. Our cavernous bodies are the same.

Although during the passion and 50 summer man, in good physical shape can remember his youth two or three times in a row with an interval of 15-20 minutes. You just need to remember that the receptors are similar to those in the cavernous bodies and in the heart muscle. Blood pressure increases not only in the genital organ, but also in the system in general, and this is how individual people actually die happy people. If your partner is not young, you need to look at him with half an eye, secretly monitor his pulse, have an adrenergic blocker with him, and offer gentle positions for repetition.

Women have the same problem after menopause, there are no more estrogens protecting blood vessels, and this is also possible during physical activity get a stroke or heart attack.

Why don't all women find multiple orgasms an inspiring idea?
With hyperstimulation, first, the nerve endings are irritated. The clitoris is already a very sensitive place for many people, not everyone can touch it or allow another person to stimulate it, because the sensations are not only pleasant, they are painful. (By the way, men can also have a painful erection, a hypersensitive head, fortunately there are few such people).
And then an analogue of a DDOS attack occurs, the centers of the brain receive too many signals from parts of the body, and it turns off, the center (sexual, including pleasure) stops responding, it becomes unpleasant. You want to curl up and move away, some people urgently go to the shower, others go to smoke. We need to switch the brain and stop the impulses that irritate it.

What happens if you overdo it?
Decerebrate rigidity, the brain itself cuts off incoming signals at the level of the first cervical vertebra.
There is a short-term loss of body control.

It also happens with neuroinfections, with injuries, with botulism, meningitis and stroke, there is no need to be afraid, with sexual affect it is reversible.
But yes, the situation is stupid. The body arches, the head falls back, the arms and legs do not obey.

Sometimes this moment is not recorded, but there is a short-term switching off of consciousness; the impulses are not cut off at the level of the medulla oblongata. Your server could not withstand the attack of impulses and the cortex went into reboot.

In young bodies, this goes away without a trace; with age, it is possible to develop a stroke or heart attack - if your partner has passed out, carefully check the basic vital functions. Stroke the side of the neck, at the same time feel the pulse and count the number of beats per minute.
After 2-3 minutes he doesn’t come to his senses, look for underpants, try splashing some water, shine the phone into your slightly open eye, see if the reaction to light, asymmetrical pupils, sudden asymmetry of the face indicate that a stroke has occurred. If the person does not respond, do not worry and call the rescue services.

Oksana felt like an adult, hence all the troubles. She didn’t like it at all when her parents started raising her. They could not accept the bitter truth of life - their daughter is no longer a child! However, in conversations with girlfriends it turned out that all parents are guilty of this. It seems to them that their children are always children. Even when they grew up. But they have grown! Oksana considered herself not just an adult, but a terribly, irrevocably and hopelessly adult. Oksana was eleven.

Fairy tales remained. Before bedtime, her mother read to her Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Pushkin, and Charles Perot, and this was where the greatest danger lay. Because Oksana loved fairy tales. But she couldn’t admit that she liked them, because this was the very first sign of childishness, as she thought.

- And anyway, what are fairy tales? – Oksana convinced herself, “it’s a fiction and that’s all.” And none of this happens in the world. Neither Boy with Thumb, nor Thumbelina, nor any other Snow queens and talking ravens. Although, to be honest, she wasn’t entirely sure about the crows, and the fault was the neighbor’s parrot. But this is probably different, and fairy tales are just fairy tales, period. This would have gone on for a long time, but one day, after another quarrel with her parents, Oksana heard her dad, discussing his daughter’s behavior with her mom in the kitchen, utter a mysterious phrase.

- Well, shall we take her for a walk to the Christmas Garden?

– In a year we will have barricades, ultimatums and people leaving home. Or it’s completely unknown where everything will turn, now teenagers are not just difficult, but generally somehow out of touch, children’s rights, all that... the Internet... no, it’s better now. Christmas is just around the corner.

Oksana didn’t listen any further, deciding that her parents’ secrets would be revealed, just like the secret of Santa Claus. For the past three years, she has found all his gifts, first in the kitchen, hidden in a cabinet, and only then under the Christmas tree. One day they completely forgot to remove the store price tag from a gift. What doubts can there be here? Deception. There is complete deception all around. Adults lie, but they themselves teach you to be honest. Now there's something new. Nope! Let them first take care of themselves and their inventions, and then pester them with all sorts of lectures. With that she fell asleep.

The next day flew by quickly, as happens on weekends. But in the evening, when it began to get dark, dad announced that now the whole family was going for a walk.

- Don't want! – Oksana said out of spite.

Because I knew that’s how it all begins. First, you go for a walk with your parents, then they say, run, baby, to the store, we forgot to buy bread, take out the trash at the same time, because you have the youngest legs, then wash the dishes, why are tights lying under the bed? Did you do your homework? - and that’s it, the trap slammed shut. She will have to obey again. But she figured out this parental trick.

– If I go to the park, then later – no tasks, and no bedtime stories, I’d rather chat with my girlfriends!

- No fairy tales? Agreed! - Father agreed unexpectedly easily, although he usually did not tolerate objections. And off they went.

Oksana refused to go sledding so as not to feel obligated to do anything, and so dad took mom for a ride on the sled, and Oksana began building a snowman. But the snow had been falling all day, it didn’t have time to compact properly and therefore did not stick together into clumps.

“Look behind the bushes, there’s more snow there, it’ll definitely work out,” my mother suggested.

Oksana, who was angry that she could not cope with the snowman, walked around the bench and walked out of the circle of light created by the park lantern. Immediately, a violet twilight enveloped her like fog, the voices disappeared, and behind them the figures of her parents. The bushes disappeared, and around Oksana there were fluffy young fir trees.

- That's it! – she was amazed and tried to get through the spruce paws.

In the end, she succeeded, but there was no lantern, no alley, no mom and dad. There was nothing there at all, only another row of fir trees - older, with angry thorns. The snow was different - heavy and wet, the kind to make a snowman out of. Of course, she was scared, but she tried to overcome her fear. Not because she was brave, she was just ashamed - that if she now bursts into tears, runs away, and her parents are there, and they see her childish tears, but in fact this is just some kind of optical illusion. Like in the mountains, where everything distant seems close, only here it’s the other way around. Oksana began to roll the first ball for the snowman's body. She herself calmed down a little, but the illusion did not dissipate. No people, no city noise, no streetlights. Solid spruce forest, and the full moon scattering silver sparks across the snow.

Oksana tried to calm herself down. So, without panic, dad always said that anything can happen in life, and there is an explanation for everything. And my mother said that you should not give in to fear. There are no lanterns - the lights just went out, there is no alley - she went in the wrong direction, fell into the ditch behind the bench, and there you go. But the park is a park, wherever you go, you will definitely end up on an alley. Besides, her parents will be looking for her too. I would rather... Stop! Do not panic! Did I make a snowman? Well, here's the job. Once a ball. Two balls. Three. In the pocket were carrots that had been stored in advance and two large black buttons. She attached a nose and eyes to the snowman, and then stuck a dried spruce branch. The result was some strange figure holding something ridiculous, something reminiscent of...

Once! Oksana saw that it was not a branch, but a real flower bouquet. Of course, she understood that it didn’t happen like that, well, where would fresh flowers come from? But the snowman smiled with a slanted line of his mouth drawn under his carrot nose, and his button eyes sparkled as if alive.

- Well done, girl! The snowman is simply wonderful!

Oksana got scared, groaned, and only then turned around.

Three! Behind, five or six steps away, stood a strange man, dressed not at all for winter. He was wearing a pilot's uniform, with gold stripes on the sleeves and a badge of wings above the pocket. The stranger somewhat resembled the host of the “Field of Miracles” program - the same round face, with smiling eyes, and a fluffy mustache. The costume was complemented by a cap, also with wings, White shirt and a blue tie.

Or maybe this is Leonid Yakubovich? – Oksana thought. – What if this is a Christmas program being prepared in their park? And everything around is some kind of clever decoration.

But on the badge hanging on the chest, the name “Nikolai” was written, and below it was “Christmas Trucking.” The pilot's boots were not black or brown, as might have been expected - they were red.

- Who are you? – Oksana asked, taking a step back from the mysterious man. No, he didn’t give the impression of being a dangerous type at all, but you never know... Besides, mom always said that not everyone bad people look bad, and often the opposite is true. And dad said that you should never make hasty conclusions. -Are you really a pilot?

“If you consider that I deliver all parcels by air, probably yes,” the man answered, “but if you remember that instead of an airplane I have... well, let’s say, not quite simple animals, then I am a tamer!”

Instantly, the pilot's uniform was replaced by a circus robe - velvet, with long tassels, and a whip appeared in his hands, which behaved as if alive, wriggled like a snake.

- Is this a trick? – Oksana asked, taking another step back.

- Oh yeah! I'm a great magician! – the stranger winked and cracked his whip in the snow.

Snowflakes flew into the air and began to circle around the girl.

-Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one? - he asked.

- No, I’m cold because it’s winter...

- Well, it’s as if you haven’t read fairy tales. You have to answer that it’s warm. And then there will be a gift. And the girl who said she was cold got nothing.

“It’s always like this,” Oksana became sad, “if you tell the truth, you won’t get anything, but if you lie, you’ll get gifts.” In fact, that girl was also cold.

– Who suggested this? - the stranger laughed.

- Mother. And dad too,” Oksana answered honestly.

And then the snowman suddenly sneezed loudly, almost losing both his nose and eyes.

“Sorry, it’s really a little cold now, and I seem to have a slight cold,” he said politely, handing Oksana a bouquet.

“Wait, what is this...” Oksana stammered, not knowing what to expect in the next minute.

“Yes, yes,” said the pilot-magician-trainer, “it seems to me that there’s one detail missing here, here...” he waved his whip over the snowman’s head, and a funny children’s bucket appeared on the top of his head. “Anyone will catch a cold if they don’t have a hat in the cold,” he added, laughing.

“Don’t be afraid, let’s play,” said the snowman, “you gave me life, it’s so amazing and so wonderful!” Thank you.

Fear, surprise, joy, a sense of mystery - everything was mixed up. Oksana felt that her thoughts about adult life and fairy tales turned out to be a huge mistake.

– I would play, but mom and dad will worry.

“Don’t worry,” said the man who had become a pilot again in red boots, “for adults and for children.” time is running differently. Time doesn’t yet know how to do such things! So mom and dad won't notice anything. It will seem to them that only a minute has passed.

Then the snowman took Ksyusha by the arm, and they danced together with the snowflakes, and the Christmas trees showered them with snow dust.

- Will you come tomorrow? – the snowman asked goodbye.

- Certainly! - she answered.

The parents really had no idea. Or they pretended that they didn’t guess. And before going to bed, Ksyusha gathered her courage and asked...

- Mom, please read me a fairy tale...

Lera! How did you live without us all these years? We are terrible without you. We only see it on TV, but every day.

I still work a lot, so I live in quite busy schedule. I lead the largest musical events and his own show on Radio Mayak. In addition, I have a culinary program “Eat and Lose Weight” on the TNT channel, on Muz-TV I host the “10 Most” show, and on the TVC channel I host the “Cultural Exchange” program.

A little? Maybe give up something?

But this is exactly what is left when I have already given up almost everything!

It’s good to be so in demand, but when do you live?

What kind of life do you mean? Work is my life!

Maybe. But among your shows so far there is not one where you have sex. What kind of life is this if there is no sex in it?

For some reason, it seems to me that having sex on a TV show is not life either. And not sex. It would be better for me not to combine these concepts for now. Moreover, in the program you need to constantly say something. What about conversations in bed?

What do you do on those rare evenings when you still come home after your four jobs?

I either read, or lie on pins and needles, or take an aromatic bath, or sometimes have sex, so that you finally don’t worry about me. More precisely, not sex, but love - this word seems more suitable to me.

Have you tried combining everything to save time? For example, reading and making love at the same time?

No, I'm not crazy yet. But I can make love while taking aromatic baths, if you insist.

You can actually do anything. But why do you need needles?

I blew my back while working on projects, and now I’m going to bed. “Dancing on the floor” - second place. "Star Ice" - first place. Do you think it's easy? I went to see “Cruel Intentions” for Channel One in Buenos Aires, I got hit hard, and a rescuer pulled me out. A woman does not always withstand such loads well.

How many films and TV series have already been released with your participation?

There are a lot of TV series, I don’t remember them all. But the film “Adventurers” should be released soon. Then I starred in leading role in the very good movie “The Verdict”. True, it took place only in Ukraine, and in Russia it was banned. They said he was anti-Russian.

What's so anti-Russian about it?

Nothing. This is a big mystery for everyone.

Can you give some advice to readers as a woman with extensive experience? Name a couple of sure-fire tricks that even you couldn’t resist.

You know, everything goes through my brain. And a man, first of all, should be interesting to me for his brains. So that there is always something to talk about with him. And the second trait is a sense of humor. I also don’t like pedants and predictable people in general. There must be something so brutal, reckless and mad about a man. Not a rag and a slob, but a personality. To captivate. And also a big problem is that men have ceased to be inventive. There are plenty of women, few free men, and if we ignore gays, then even less. As a result, the men were terribly spoiled. They are used to not having to strain at all, women are already falling in stacks.

By the way, about gays. With your enchanting beauty, have you changed the orientation of at least one gay man?

Yes. Of course, not all of them, otherwise there wouldn’t be any left.

That's a great idea! Let's save the nation from degeneration. You ran some kind of club for abandoned wives, but what’s the point? There are no normal men, which means it’s time to return gays to the true path. Gather a team of spectacular women and let them do it.

I feel like this will pull on national project. However, I’m not sure that I can gather so many friends who will want to participate in this. But I don't mind, it's a good idea. True, a gay man is more difficult to charm...

Once upon a time, my grandfather lived with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter.

Everyone knows how to live with a stepmother: if you turn over, it’s a bitch, and if you don’t turn over, it’s a bitch. And no matter what my own daughter does, she gets a pat on the head for everything: she’s smart.

The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before the light... You can’t please the old woman with anything - everything is wrong, everything is bad.

Even if the wind makes a noise, it dies down, but the old woman disperses - she won’t calm down soon. So the stepmother came up with the idea to take her stepdaughter away from the world.

“Take her, take her, old man,” he says to her husband, “where you want my eyes not to see her!” Take her to the forest, into the bitter cold.

The old man groaned and cried, but there was nothing to do, you couldn’t argue with the women. Harnessed the horse:

- Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh.

He took the homeless woman into the forest, dumped her in a snowdrift under a large fir tree and left.

A girl sits under a spruce tree, trembling, and a chill runs through her. Suddenly he hears - not far away Morozko is crackling through the trees, jumping from tree to tree, clicking. He found himself on the spruce tree under which the girl was sitting, and from above he asked her:

-Are you warm, girl?

Morozko began to descend lower, crackling and clicking louder:

She takes a slight breath:

- Warm, Morozushko, warm, father.

Morozko descended even lower, crackled louder, clicked louder:

-Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one? Are you warm, honey?

The girl began to stiffen, moving her tongue slightly:

- Oh, it’s warm, my dear Morozushko!

Here Morozko took pity on the girl, wrapped her in warm fur coats, and warmed her with down blankets.

And her stepmother is already holding a wake for her, baking pancakes and shouting to her husband:

- Go, old brat, take your daughter to be buried!

The old man rode into the forest, reached the place where his daughter was sitting under a large spruce tree, cheerful, rosy-cheeked, in a sable fur coat, all in gold and silver, and nearby was a box with rich gifts.

The old man was delighted, put all the goods in the sleigh, put his daughter in, and took her home.

And at home the old woman is baking pancakes, and the dog is under the table:

The old woman will throw her a pancake:

- You're not yapping like that! Say: “They marry an old woman’s daughter, but they bring bones to an old woman’s daughter...”

The dog eats the pancake and again:

- Bang, bang! They take the old man's daughter in gold and silver, but they don't marry the old woman.

The old woman threw pancakes at her and beat her, the dog did everything...

Suddenly the gates creaked, the door opened, the stepdaughter walked into the hut - in gold and silver, and shining. And behind her they carry a tall, heavy box. The old woman looked - and her hands were apart...

- Harness another horse, old bastard! Take, take my daughter to the forest and put her in the same place...

The old man put the old woman's daughter in a sleigh, took her into the forest to the same place, dumped her in a snowdrift under a tall spruce tree and drove off.

The old woman's daughter is sitting, chattering her teeth.

And Morozko crackles through the forest, jumps from tree to tree, clicks, the daughter glances at the old woman:

-Are you warm, girl?

And she told him:

- Oh, it's cold! Don't creak, don't crack, Morozko...

Morozko began to descend lower, crackling and clicking more loudly.

-Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one?

- Oh, my hands and feet are frozen! Go away, Morozko...

Morozko descended even lower, hit harder, crackled, clicked:

-Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one?

- Oh, I've got a cold! Get lost, get lost, damned Morozko!

Morozko got angry and got so angry that the old woman’s daughter became numb.

At first light the old woman sends her husband:

“Harry up quickly, old brat, go get your daughter, bring her in gold and silver...

The old man left. And the dog under the table:

- Bang, bang! The grooms will take the old man's daughter, but the old woman's daughter will carry the bones in a bag.

The old woman threw her a pie:

- You're not yapping like that! Say: “The old woman’s daughter is being carried in gold and silver...”

And the dog is all his:

- Bang, bang! The grooms will take the old man's daughter, but the old woman's daughter will carry the bones in a bag...

The gate creaked and the old woman rushed to meet her daughter. Rogozha turned away, and her daughter lay dead in the sleigh.