Wounds on the body in a dream. Deep wound on the hand

1. Wound- (Modern dream book)
To dream that you are wounded is a harbinger of trouble and unfavorable progress in commercial affairs. Seeing others wounded means that friends will treat you unfairly. Bandaging a wound predicts that you will have the opportunity to congratulate yourself on great luck.
2. Wound- (Miller's Dream Book)
To dream that you are wounded is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in affairs. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. To soothe a pain or bandage a wound - foretells that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great success.
3. Wound- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
With blood - loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).
4. Wound- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
Any bleeding wound symbolizes monthly problems in women. In some cases, such a dream may symbolize the loss of innocence. Inflicting a wound on yourself, even accidentally, symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life, for which you tend to blame your sexual partner. Injuring another symbolizes your attraction to a new sexual object. A man inflicting a wound on another man symbolizes his homosexual tendencies. If a woman inflicts a wound on a man, then this symbolizes her bisexuality or even her desire to change gender.
5. Wound- (Esoteric dream book)
A blow, a quarrel, see what. (For example, on the hand - a quarrel with friends). To inflict a wound is to be the initiator of a quarrel or confrontation. To heal a wound - in the end everything will be settled, after a quarrel there will be peace.
6. Wound- (Intimate dream book)
Seeing a wound on yourself in a dream - such a dream indicates that love disappointment will befall you in the near future. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person, unaware of many bad things in him. Naturally, closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.
7. Wound- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
To see wounds on your body in a dream means that one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. A dream in which you injured someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act. Treating wounds in a dream means hearing good news. Seeing a wounded dove in a dream is a threat to peace. If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream means experiencing remorse in reality. If in a dream you saw already healed wounds starting to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

Dream Interpretation wound

It is simply impossible to find a person who has not hurt himself in life. Since childhood, we break our knees and scratch our skin. The older a person becomes, the more the nature of injuries changes. Even if your occupation is not associated with dangerous work, it is still possible that you will not cut yourself with a knife or hit your finger with a hammer.

Every person knows: any, even the most insignificant wound is quite dangerous. An infection can get into it and infection can begin. What can we say about more serious wounds?

Caution, injury

If in real life everything is more or less clear with wounds, then why see a wound in a dream?

Any damage to the body will be considered in dream books from different angles; you should be patient and remember the details of the dream.

Damage according to the interpreter

It is worth immediately noting that interpreters consider a vision about wounds in a dream to be a negative symbol. But there are exceptions, it all depends on how events develop.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

Dreaming of damage to the body

Wound - unpleasant things will happen to you.

When a person sees damage to the skin in a dream, he will be able to prevent the loss of material values.

Injure another - by actions or actions you will harm the person.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a wound on the body is a bad sign. You don’t believe in God, don’t ask him for help - hence all the troubles, you are left without a guardian angel.

Why you might dream that you cut yourself - changes are coming that will affect your personal life.

According to the dream book, sewing up a wound, caring for someone - you are doing good deeds in reality. You are a highly spiritual person who treats people with love and understanding.

You dream of an old, healed wound with blood - old grievances will remind you of themselves, perhaps you will meet a person whom you would like to forget and never meet. The soul will cry tears of blood again.

If a person sees his relative injured, then someone in your family may soon become seriously ill.

Magic interpreter

Wounds in night vision mean that a certain person is thinking about you.

A simple abrasion - you will be undeservedly offended and will not receive an apology.

Interpreter of Medea

Dream is a harbinger of conflict

Why do you dream about wounds? The dream book associates such a dream with emotional experiences. This means that the dreamer will experience mental pain.

True, if the wound has been present for several nights in the same place, then perhaps higher powers are warning about a certain disease.

If you see that your skin is damaged, you will experience grief and emotional pain due to the actions of some person.

Trouble happened to another person, perhaps you even caused it? A quarrel or conflict with a relative awaits you. The loss of a friend is possible, which will happen due to misunderstanding.

Esoteric interpreter

Why do you dream about a wound on your hand? You will conflict with your friends.

Harm another person - the conflict will flare up because of you.

Treat the wound - everything will work out, you just have to be patient.

Interpreter of Nostradamus

The dreamer has hidden enemies

If you see cuts on your body, your relatives will commit crimes and you will suffer.

Injure a loved one - be extremely careful. Someone is trying to instill their opinion in you. If you act as another person wishes, you may harm your family.

Healing skin damage is good news.

Cutting with a knife - be careful, enemies are hiding among friends. They weave intrigues that will then bring you heartache.

A bloody mark on the body, being wounded - the soul of a sleeping person does not know peace.

When the cuts on the body have already healed, but you see blood on them again, beware of a car accident, there is a high probability of injury.

Miller's Interpreter

To understand in a dream that you are bleeding from a cut - fate will be strict with you. Grief and troubles will fall on your head.

Why do you dream of a wounded person? Friends will act unfairly.

Do a bandage, relieve the pain - you will achieve success, you will reach your goal.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a wounded person in a dream means failures in the life of the sleeper.

In a dream, a relative’s wounds mean an unpleasant situation.

In a dream you have a wound on your leg, or you see it on your arm - your work will come to a complete decline. It's your fault because you started them.

I dreamed of injuries on my legs

The dream book considers the important moment to be who exactly dreamed of a cut that was bleeding. Who is the dreamer:

  • woman - she will be separated from her loved one;
  • man - they will start a false rumor about you.

Feeling injuries on yourself means you will be very upset.

Psychologists' version

The dream book of Sigmund Freud is rightfully considered the main psychological dream book. This scientist believed that if you dreamed of a wound on yourself, then you would be disappointed in love. Your other half will disappoint you; you attributed qualities that were completely unnatural to her. When you began to communicate closer, it became clear that you did not need this person.

According to this dream book, the wounded person you see in a dream means that you will become the cause of mental anguish for another. It is possible that you do not even suspect that there is someone nearby who has long been tormented by unrequited feelings, but you are deaf and blind.

Positive predictions of interpreters

A dream in which you will treat, suture, or seal a wound is considered positive. Such a dream characterizes you as a kind and sympathetic person. Your kindness and self-sacrifice will return to you a hundredfold.

A dream with wound treatment is favorable for those people who in reality experience misunderstandings with their other half. The better you heal a cut or injury, the faster the atmosphere in your family will improve.

A dream about a cut on your hand says: fate will change dramatically. Only you can decide whether life will get better.

Negative prediction

Bandage yourself in your sleep

Bandaging a wound on your body or putting stitches on your own means you will be haunted by a series of troubles. You will overcome it, but you will lose a lot.

For a husband to see in a dream how his wife’s relatives inflict injuries on him means that in reality they will take up arms against you because of your actions.

Pus has begun to accumulate in the wound - you are very weak emotionally, now you can be hurt by any accidentally spoken word or sidelong glance that people throw in your direction.

Where exactly was the injury or cut?

Simply seeing a wounded person or being injured yourself is too little for a full interpretation. It is advisable to remember the place where you saw the cut.

A cut on your leg promises you a cessation of cash flows from the business you started. Even if it was profitable before, now you will face complete decline.

According to the dream book, a head wound is a consequence of your mental fatigue. Most likely, you are a knowledge worker, your head is constantly filled with reports, meetings, plans. It’s worth giving yourself some relief sometimes.

A wound on your hand - you will make friends with a person who at a certain moment will become opposed to you and will bring a lot of grief if you do not take action in time.

As the dream book says, a wound on the face is most often dreamed of by girls who experience an inferiority complex. Also, such a vision can visit representatives of the fairer sex who are simply obsessed with their beauty and do not notice anything around them.

A wound in the stomach symbolizes separation from your significant other. You have not found understanding among each other for a long time; there are constant quarrels and conflicts in your home. This cannot go on forever.

He also considers the dream book, a wound on the back is a betrayal by his closest friends. The person you trusted the most will let you down.

A cut on the neck - your enemies will control every step, you will not be able to do anything.

A chest wound is the only dream that is considered by interpreters as a warning about a physical illness in reality. Pay attention to your respiratory system.

If you dreamed that you were wounded, the dream foreshadows a sudden misfortune or an unfavorable turn in a business that seemed quite successful. If you hurt someone, this means that in reality you will commit injustice towards a friend. If blood flows from the wound, the dream means misfortune with a relative.

Bandaging a wound is a good sign. He says that the period of failure is ending, a white streak is coming in life.

If you intentionally hurt yourself, this means love disappointment due to the fact that you trusted your lover too much.

A friend accidentally wounded you - the dream foreshadows a major quarrel over a trifle. If you yourself unintentionally injured someone, this means that someone is going to take revenge on you for an insult that you have long forgotten.

Seeing a healing wound means solving a complicated problem or reconciliation with an old enemy. If you dreamed that a healed wound opened and began to bleed, this means that a major scandal is possible in your family due to events of bygone days.

If a woman dreams that she hurt a man, the dream warns her that she may lose the man. If a man sees in a dream that he is hurting a woman, a quarrel with his beloved awaits him. Seeing one or more wounded people means your business may decline. If you see yourself in the role of a military medic, dressing the wounds of soldiers, the dream means that all your troubles will soon end and luck will smile on you again.

Seeing a non-healing, purulent wound is a sign of a long-term illness that will take away all your strength. Cleaning a wound from pus - you will have to unravel a complex case or investigate a crime in which very respected people are involved. Inspecting someone else's wound means you will become the cause of someone else's suffering.

If you dreamed that your entire family was injured as a result of an explosion or other disaster, this foreshadows the illness of a close relative or bereavement.

You can work out a dream about wounds in a universal way by imagining that you are smearing the wounds with a healing balm - and they heal before your eyes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Wounds

A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world and divine forces, so you are deprived of help and support.

If someone hurt you in a dream, this means changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you help a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering.

A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness and loss.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a wound on your hand? The dream book warns about problems, difficulties in business, work and at home. Conflicts, quarrels with relatives and friends, betrayal are possible. But sometimes a vision in a dream promises creative success.

Minor troubles

Did you dream of a small wound on your palm? There will be troubles, but they will be minor ones that you can easily overcome.

Seeing a small wound on your hand in a dream means: you will soon witness an unpleasant incident that can upset you.

A child’s wounded hand promises difficulties, misunderstandings in communication, or the emergence of some secrets among the son (daughter).

Miller's dream book: friendships will deteriorate

Why dream of seeing someone's injured limb? The plot warns: friends will treat the sleeping person unfairly. Was she without blood? The dreamer will be undeservedly offended, and he will not receive an apology.

Breaking up with a loved one, hypocritical people

A wound on the hand in a dream foreshadows: with blood, problems will begin between relatives. Without blood - be careful, there is a risk of injury.

Did you dream of a deep scratch with blood? The dream book explains: there is a break with a dear person, which will happen through no fault of the sleeping person.

Did you see a wound with blood on your left hand in a dream? Be careful: you are communicating with hypocritical, dishonest people who will spread unpleasant rumors.

Where exactly did you see her?

Remember where she was:

  • on the right hand - conflict with a man;
  • on the left - a quarrel with a woman;
  • bleeding on the finger - painful circumstances at work;
  • bloodless on the finger - problems in your career, turn to friends for support;
  • on the shoulder - a person whom you trust will betray;
  • elbow - no matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve your plans.

Difficulties in relationships, failure of plans

Why do you dream about a wounded hand? This means: the health of the spouse will deteriorate. If your significant other is not there yet, your dearest person will get sick.

Seeing a wounded shoulder in a dream foreshadows, according to the dream book: financial difficulties will begin. Try to reduce spending.

Did you dream about a wounded palm? Your plans will not come true due to unforeseen circumstances or unaccounted for details.

A purulent wound on the hand warns of the machinations of spiteful critics. The dream book reports: gossipers will begin to actively spread rumors behind their backs. Try to establish yourself well in the eyes of influential people who can change their opinion about you.

Conflicts, disappointments

Wounded hands in a dream mean: quarrels and conflicts with friends will begin. Don't overreact because of a perceived injustice towards you - you may be wrong.

Why do you dream of a deep abrasion? The dream book indicates: there will be great disappointment in a love relationship. But don’t despair - you just haven’t met your person yet.

Did you dream about a deep laceration on your arm? In reality, you will be very offended by your spouse (partner) - perhaps because of betrayal, which he did not intend to hide. Think about it - is it worth continuing this relationship?

What was the injury?

The interpretation of the dream also takes into account the nature of the injury:

  • stab wound in the shoulder - be careful: friends are plotting;
  • gunshot wound - business failures will begin;
  • injure your forearm with glass - by demonstrating your abilities, you will gain respect;
  • injure him with a razor - the work begun will be unsuccessful.

Other difficulties

Accidentally injure your wrist in a dream - according to the dream book, a series of troubles at home will begin, the cause of which will be the sleeping person.

In the dream book, a wound is a symbol of an unexpected problem. Such dreams are considered to be harbingers of problems in various aspects of human life.

But if you treat a dream not as an irrefutable prediction, but as a warning sign, then such dreams should be perceived positively, thanks to them you can avoid many troubles.

Of course, if you treat the interpretation of a dream as inevitable, a person is programmed to carry out the suggested program, which is absolutely not allowed. Therefore, when we perceive the interpretation information “why do we dream of a wound,” we must perceive the dream as nothing other than a warning sign, the use of which is to provide timely signaling of impending danger.

To interpret the “wound” symbol, as well as for other dream symbols, a complete collection of information is necessary - the fewer unknowns, the easier the equation is solved.

In different dream contexts, the same wound speaks of completely different possible events in reality. Therefore, after sleeping with a wound, you should not immediately get upset; you need to carefully remember the plot of the dream, its details and calmly move on to interpretation.

Where and what was the injury?

1. In a dream, hurt your hand

A wound on your hand symbolizes opposition to your actions and actions. Most likely, these are oppositions of an obvious nature, that is, opponents do not hide and act openly.

In this case, you need to change your personal attitude towards the situation. It should not be perceived as hostility, let it be competition or healthy competition. Your attitude towards a situation can change how your opponents treat you.

2. Dreaming of a purulent wound

This symbol means secret opposition. Attackers act secretly. Moreover, the methods may not be honest: they are ready to resort to lies, slander, sabotage, direct sabotage and even blackmail.

The situation is difficult, but there is a way out: we need allies. No matter how insidious the attacker is, he is always afraid of publicity, because the mask of a trustworthy citizen is a weapon for acting on the sly.

3. Dream about a wound on your leg

Such a dream symbolizes unexpected difficulties in life aspirations, in the main areas of business, career or work activity. If the wound on the leg bleeds heavily, this indicates impending losses.

It is possible that the situation insists on taking a time-out in business, assessing the situation and understanding the reasons for the difficulties.

4. I dreamed of a wound on my stomach

This dream symbolizes a blow to well-being. Moreover, the reasons can be different: neighbors flooded, fire, or even robbery. All these misfortunes have one feature - they are unexpected, and there is no way to prepare for protection against them.

But you can take preventive measures: install an alarm system, insure your property, and follow safety precautions. If blood continues to ooze from a wound on your stomach, then the consequences of the misfortune will continue to weigh on you.

5. Dreaming of a wound on the face

Symbol of damage to social status. Most likely this will be reflected in a loud scandal, an unsightly publication on the Internet or other public exposure.

Of course, you can give advice: “don’t do anything shameful and there will be nothing to reproach with.” But it is not for nothing that many philosophers have assumed that man is created for mistakes. There is no such thing as an absolutely correct and flawless person. The only advice is to try to save face in any situation.

What's happened?

1. In a dream, I was wounded on the head

A symbol of a blow to worldview and life ideals. If at the same time blood continues to flow from the wound, then try not to change yourself: a person without ideals loses part of his soul, becomes cruel and unprincipled.

It is easiest for those who believe in God to withstand such a blow. Faith in the highest ideals is like the top of Everest - the dirt of life’s vanity does not reach it.

2. In a dream you get a wound on your neck

Seeing a wound on the neck in a dream is a serious sign, meaning a defeat of the principles of life. All people have life principles, thanks to them they act in a particular situation in this particular way and not otherwise. And suddenly... it turns out that the person does not know how to act.

A similar example would be a person returning from war. A person forgets how to live under a peaceful sky. The same situation happens with the loss of the only breadwinner. There is only one way out - communication, finding friends.

3. Why do you dream about the wound you inflicted?

This means that you can become the culprit of other people's misfortunes. Seeing someone else's blood in a dream is just as bad as seeing your own. The point is the wisdom that you know: you can’t gain happiness at the expense of someone else’s misfortune. The dream book gives advice: be careful with others, do not harm anyone.

4. Self-inflicted wound

In reality, it is possible that you misunderstand certain circumstances and may cause harm to yourself. More often this happens during an emotional breakdown, when you are not aware of your own actions. This situation may well occur if you are heavily intoxicated.

Oddly enough, another possible situation of self-harm is overconfidence. To prevent such cases, you need to try to avoid the described situations.

5. Dress a wound for yourself or another person

The dream carries a positive load, which means getting rid of big troubles. If the bleeding does not stop immediately, then you will still have to tinker with things, but in the end you will have a positive ending.

6. Dreaming that healed wounds have reopened and are bleeding

A dream means the emergence of forgotten problems. This happens when the problem was not solved, but avoided. But time passed and the old problems returned. In such a situation, you cannot leave things to chance, and this time the problem must be resolved.

7. See wounds on the chest in a dream

This situation is a dream of mental anguish. The reasons may be far-fetched, do not torment yourself in vain.

8. Wound on the back

A stab in the back carries the sacred meaning of betrayal. As a rule, it is rarely possible to avoid betrayal. You just need to prepare for a possible blow of this kind.

9. Seeing stigmata in someone else or in yourself in a dream

Stigmata are a symbol of unshakable faith. Seeing them even just in a dream, and not in reality, already speaks of a high degree of spirituality. For a believer, such a dream means a sign that can only be read in the context of a dream.

A dream where a wound occurs is always a warning of a harsh lesson. But if there are warning signs, then it means there is an opportunity to pass the tests with dignity. Author: Igor Vaskin