Sleep terry robe. I had a dream “Robe”

In a dream you can see ordinary home clothes, it would seem that this does not contain any hidden meaning. Why do you dream of a robe? As the dream book says, a housecoat can be interpreted in different ways. The first is a warning about problems in business and family life. Secondly, this item of home wardrobe predicts an insidious disease for a person. Wearing a robe in a dream means you have a lot of troubles ahead, but they will bring significant income. If in a dream you meet a person in a dressing gown, no one will provide help in carrying out a very important task, although you will ask many people for it.

Dream Interpretation: Why dream of a robe for men and women.

Our dreams are a hint from the subconscious about what awaits us in the future, what we need to be careful of, what actions not to take in order to protect ourselves and loved ones from danger. Or vice versa, what needs to be done to bring joy and prosperity to the house. Understanding the language of dreams makes it possible to open the door to your future. So, what fateful events are entailed by the dream in which you dreamed of a robe?

Who saw the dream: man, woman, girl, child

  • The man had a dream that he was dressed in a beautiful robe - this is a good sign, he prophesies a meeting with true love. There is another version of the interpretation - the man may get sick or be very frightened that he will not be able to pass the upcoming test.
  • A similar dream for a woman - you will conquer another step on the career ladder, and a sharp increase in authority among your subordinates awaits you.
  • For a girl, this dream promises a meeting with her betrothed and the joy of love. If you don’t like the robe in the dream, the dream warns that you will have serious competitors and rivals.

Was the robe female or male?

  • Why dream of a women's dressing gown - coziness and comfort will reign in your home. In order to maintain this stability, it is necessary to pay more attention to economic affairs and family.
  • If you see a man's dressing gown, you don't expect any drastic changes in your family. But this sign will bring sudden profits to your home.

I dreamed of a white doctor's coat

Why do you dream of doctors in white coats - you will have the opportunity to undergo training and improve your professional level. High-class skills will help you achieve success in the future and quickly solve all problems at work. Another version: in your life in the near future there will be only positive events, only success awaits you in all directions.

As the dream book says, a white robe on a familiar person means that you can trust this person as you trust yourself. You have a chance to get the long-awaited help. He is like a doctor with a kind heart, friendly, you can ask him for help.

There is another interpretation of why you dream of a doctor in a white coat - disappointment and bitterness will bring random connections into your soul. Difficulties and adversities cause you fear, you doubt your abilities, and worry that you will not be able to overcome all obstacles.

Why dream of trying on a white robe - it prophesies illness and worries. The dream recommends not abusing alcoholic beverages and drugs, and also giving up gambling.

National oriental clothing robe

A dream in which you saw an oriental robe embroidered with gold thread and precious stones means that you are the darling of fate, you are destined to bathe in luxury. All material wealth will suddenly come to you.

Condition and appearance of clothing

I dreamed of a robe - what is it for?

  • A clean robe - even in the most difficult times, you should maintain self-esteem at the proper level, this will help you confidently overcome all obstacles on life's path.
  • You saw a dirty robe - you have low self-esteem, which makes it difficult for you to make decisions on your own.
  • New robe - you should expect stunning love, as well as new acquaintances with interesting people.
  • If in a dream you saw a well-worn, torn robe - in your character there is a constant desire to give instructions to others, to ensure that they do your will, you feel satisfaction when you manipulate them.
  • A hole in this household item of clothing - your entrepreneurial spirit and your energy are drying up. A protracted period of decline in business activity will come, you will give preference to analytical activities - you will look for the reasons for the defeat and try to find effective methods of work that will sharply increase the pace of your business.
  • Read also: .

What actions did you perform in your dream?

  • A dream in which you sew a robe will bring you good news. There are only happy and joyful moments in family life. Your financial condition will improve dramatically.
  • Buying and putting on these home clothes in a dream means troubles and fuss await you. But these stressful times will ultimately bring you benefits or profits.
  • If the plot of your dream is connected with washing a robe, as a result of which the home clothes have lost their color, this means unexpected difficulties and obstacles on your way.
  • The usual washing of a robe in a dream also does not bring very good news; it speaks of upcoming disappointments. You may receive a blow from people you know well, from friends or relatives - their actions will be aimed at destroying your plans and causing harm.
  • In a dream there is a metamorphosis: a terry bathrobe will instantly turn into a medical robe. For a man, such a dream will bring problems, difficulties, and failures. For a woman or girl - unsuccessful love or a serious conflict with a loved one.
  • Trying on these clothes is also a sign with a negative connotation - problems with health or in the family, in love. If a man puts on a robe in a dream, he will have a new wife, mistress, girlfriend.
  • A dream in which you take off your robe foretells the completion of difficult tasks.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

As you can see, a robe in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. There are too many associations associated with this item of clothing. A medical gown in a dream can indicate your high professionalism or warn of an imminent illness. A dressing gown will tell you both about family happiness and about a period of laziness and idleness. To distinguish the interpretation that is true for you, listen to your intuition.

Miller's Dream Book - joy and luck

  • A robe made of expensive silk conveys good news - a white streak with good luck and joy has come into life. Such a dream can predict the receipt of a huge inheritance or a big win.
  • A dream in which a person buys white workwear - a new acquaintance will bring grief and financial problems.
  • Patching a housecoat means bankruptcy may occur; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to review the cost part and take measures to reduce costs.

Vanga's dream book is a strong patron

  • You saw a medical gown in a dream - in order to prevent and survive difficult times, you will need intuition.
  • To dream of meeting a girl in a shabby robe with holes - you will take all possible measures for the sake of your career.
  • A dream in which a familiar man put on a white robe - you can trust this person as yourself, he will lend a helping hand in difficult times.
  • A man in a woman's dressing gown - you will have a patron who will help you overcome another step on the career ladder.

Freud's Dream Book - changes in life

A dream in which you put on a dressing gown is a warning that your sex life requires novelty and change. If a woman does not pay attention to this hint: her husband, sexual partner, lover will begin to look for sexual zest on the side. There may even be a breakup due to sexual dissatisfaction.

There are many interpretations of this symbol. The interpretation of the dream may depend on the color, shape and condition of the robe seen. The profession of the person wearing such clothes is also of great importance. Remember all the details of the dreamer. This will make it easier to find out why you dreamed about it.

Why do you see a robe in a dream according to 10 dream books

Ancient dream book

A robe in a dream takes place if your partner is tired of the monotony in your intimate relationship. This is especially true for women. Liberate yourself and start behaving more freely with him, otherwise he will subsequently leave for someone else. If you dream of a person in a robe at a party, try not to be frank with strangers, otherwise you will find yourself in an absurd situation.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

According to this dream book, a robe dreams of all kinds of diseases and problems in life. Try not to appear at public events for a while. Caution will not harm you now, since there is a high risk of getting into a criminal history with serious consequences.

Modern dream book

A dream in which there is an old and tattered robe warns that it is time to stop manipulating loved ones by limiting their freedom. Don't be angry if for this reason they are hostile to you and refuse to contact you. Reconsider your behavior, otherwise you will remain alone.

For the sleeper. Diseases, painful sensations.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Robe?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life. The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side. Try to prevent such a turn of events. If …

What does the dream mean - Robe

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To put it on yourself means to get involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, will later bring significant benefits.

I had a dream “Robe”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Putting on a robe in a dream means getting involved in troublesome matters that will subsequently bring significant income.

Robe - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Camouflage robe - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a camouflage robe or camouflage items means that one of your acquaintances is completely ready to serve you, but you will not believe him.

What does a dream about a Robe mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Prolonged internal illness, painful sensations.

Dream - Robe

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Trying on a robe means going to a hospital bed.

Dreaming about “Camouflage robe” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The camouflage robe you saw in a dream means participation in hostilities.

The meaning of the dream about the Robe

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Painful sensations. Luxurious - imaginary exaltation.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Robe?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Trying on a robe means a long illness. Terry - lack of attention and tenderness.

Dreaming of a Robe - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness. Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter. You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dreaming of “Robe” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or served a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in ...

Dreaming of “White coat (medical)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you are wearing a white coat or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white coat.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Robe?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself in a robe in a dream is forced idleness. Oh, the child is being bullied again. They force you to idle! And you are eager, waving your fists, pushing away with your elbows: “Let me go!” Give me, let me clean the apartment! Let me take out the trash can! I want to work. " this is a dream? ...

I have a dream about a robe

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Putting on a robe means getting involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, will later bring significant benefits.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Robe

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness. Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter. You will understand in advance that it is worth it, and subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about White coats?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They symbolize lack of communication and an isolated position. The symbol is most often negative, since it indicates the “super-ego” or the influence experienced in the medical, religious or sensory field. Inappropriate metabolism. Metabolism - metabolism. In this case, it is meant in a broader sense - interaction with...

Why do you see a Robe in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing doctors in white coats portends illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, or exam. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe - for long periods of standing in lines...

Author of the article: website

If a robe appeared to you in a dream, do not hesitate, but immediately open the dream book. A robe seen in a dream can have a lot of different meanings. It all depends on the details of your night dreams.


A red housecoat can be seen when there is a lack of bright emotions and passion in a relationship with a partner. The dream book advises you to diversify your intimate life. This way you will not only enjoy pleasant moments, but also eliminate the appearance of a third wheel in your relationship.

  • Blue - for travel.
  • Green is for joy.
  • Beige - for calm.
  • Yellow is for fun.
  • Multi-colored - to success.

Why do you dream of a white robe? Usually a white robe foreshadows a measured, calm family life. You don’t have to worry, quarrels and misunderstandings will pass by and will not affect your relationship. It would be nice to go on a romantic trip with your partner. The dream book promises that it will benefit your union.


The meaning of the dream also depends on what material the item in your night vision was made of. For example, a terry robe indicates that you lack comfort and warmth. And calico characterizes you as a sociable, pleasant person.

Good luck in love is what dreams of a silk robe mean. If you are already married, then you have an interesting family adventure ahead of you. For those who are just dating their soulmate, the dream book foretells an original confession or proposal. And lonely dreamers will have a pleasant acquaintance.


If you dreamed of a housecoat, then this is a sign that you should pay more attention to household chores. Learn to cook something new, do some spring cleaning, rearrange the furniture.

Also, a dressing gown characterizes you as a quiet, calm person.

  • Everyday - no changes are expected.
  • Worker - to profit.
  • Childish - to carefree.

According to the dream book, a white medical coat is dreamed of when the dreamer has a chance to improve his professional skills. If you are able to seize the moment, then career growth and significant material profit await you in the future.

The dreamer's actions

According to the dream book, putting on a robe in a dream means taking on new obligations. But if the robe was terry, then expect a gift or surprise.

Taking it off in a dream means finishing a task that took a lot of your energy. And walking in it means enjoying your position in society.

  • Buying it is a profitable investment.
  • Erasing is trying to forget past mistakes.
  • Sew up - to restore previous relationships.

If you dreamed that you were given a robe as a gift, then in reality you will receive an interesting present. And cutting something with scissors means quarreling with a loved one. Throwing it in the trash is a rash act. And it takes a long time to choose a robe in a store - you don’t dare to take the first step.

Now that it has become known why you dream of a robe, it will not be difficult for you to predict your future. You will also be able to better understand your hidden desires and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your character. Do not forget to take into account all the details and you will see a clear picture of your life in front of you.

In Felomena's dream book, a robe is a symbol of ailments and problems. Be extremely careful after such a vision, because during this period the likelihood of getting into an unpleasant situation, even crime, increases.

How many dressing gowns did you dream about? What was the purpose of the robe in your dream? What material did you dream about the robe from? What color robe did you dream about? How did you end up with a robe in your dream? Who was wearing a robe in the dream? What did you do with the robe in your dream? What kind of robe did you dream about?

How many dressing gowns did you dream about?

Dream about a large number of dressing gowns

If you dream of many dressing gowns, the dreamer suffers from a lack of tenderness on the part of his lover. Perhaps now is the time to find yourself a new chosen one.

What was the purpose of the robe in your dream?

Housecoat Medical gown

I dreamed that I saw a bathrobe

A bathrobe in a man’s dream foreshadows difficulties in a relationship with a new acquaintance if the clothing has turned into a medical gown. For a girl, vision is also dangerous due to complications in relationships or deteriorating health.

What material did you dream about the robe from?

Dream about a terry robe

When you dream of a robe made of terry cloth, especially a light color, then in reality you need to take care of your emotional health in order to avoid depression. The main thing is to maintain a positive attitude.

Silk robe according to the dream book

If you dreamed that you were wearing a silk robe, you were about to have a romantic meeting with a handsome guy. You will enjoy your date and it will leave pleasant memories.

Seeing a satin robe in a dream

A dream about an expensive oriental satin robe promises a lucky period in reality. Luck may include winning money or receiving a large inheritance.

What color robe did you dream about?

White robe

Dream about a red robe

If you dream of a rich red robe - the current period of time will become victorious for you in all areas of life. There may be a trial coming up, the decision of which will be in your favor.

Pink robe in the dream book

I dreamed that I saw a pink robe - in reality it is a symbol of romance and tenderness. A dream may mean that you are too deeply immersed in dreams, flying in your dreams. Come down to earth and face the truth.

Blue robe in a dream

A dream about a blue robe symbolizes the dreamer's broad horizons of imagination. However, thoughts about dreams are not in vain - what you really want will come true thanks to friendly mutual assistance.

When you dream of a blue robe

The dream book interprets a dream about a blue robe in dark shades as a harbinger of a series of failures and losses: problems in relationships, quarrels, lack of passion are possible. Try not to attach importance to advice, because it can ruin everything.

I dreamed that I saw a yellow robe

Looking at a yellow robe in a dream or putting it on means self-confidence in reality. It is fully justified due to your true strength and ability to take decisive action.

The meaning of a dream about a colored robe

If you dream of a colored robe with beautiful designs - in reality you will be happy and rich. Events and emotions in life will become rich and varied, like the colors of a dream.

How did you end up with a robe in your dream?

Buy a robe

Receive a robe as a gift in a dream

A dream about being given a robe as a gift symbolizes the possibility of an ill-wisher appearing among your close comrades, whose goal is to cause some harm.

Who was wearing a robe in the dream?

What do you dream about: being in a robe yourself

The dream book warns: a dream where you are dressed in a robe means a boring sexual relationship. Your intimate partner does not receive the desired satisfaction, and you can keep him with the help of novelty and changes in love.

I dreamed that a man was in a robe

A man dressed in a robe in a dream actually reflects the dreamer’s upcoming happiness associated with a marriage proposal from her lover. The marriage will be successful for you.

What did you do with the robe in your dream?

A dream in which you put on a robe

If you dream about putting on a robe, you will experience a period of hard work and effort, although with difficulties will come rewards. Be patient while waiting for a profitable completion of the job.

Trying on a robe according to a dream book

I dreamed of trying on a robe for myself - to prosperity and longevity. Life is full of difficulties and troubles, joy and happiness, but your chosen one will be there everywhere until the last moment.

Seeing in a dream how you take off your robe

A dream in which you take off your robe and change into a different outfit promises the coming of good times in reality. Whatever you decide to undertake, everything will work out in the best possible way.

What kind of robe did you dream about?

Why do you dream of a new robe?

The dream book describes a new robe as the appearance of a new acquaintance in the dreamer’s real life. This person will become close to you, and it will probably come to the point of creating a strong family union.

I dreamed that the robe was torn

An old robe in a dream, torn, means the danger of loneliness for the dreamer. This can be avoided by stopping using people for your own personal gain.

Dream about a warm robe

If you dream of a warm robe, your relationship with your chosen one is full of scandals and omissions. Try to do something for the sake of your lover, because otherwise separation is possible.

Robe without buttons according to the dream book

If you dreamed that you were walking around in a sloppy robe without buttons - beware of a quarrel in the family. Put yourself in the shoes of your chosen one and resolve the situation peacefully.

Dream interpretation white robe

Why do you dream of a white Robe in a dream according to the dream book?

The white robe in which the dreamer is dressed is interpreted by the dream book as good intuition, and it is necessary to listen to it. If fate has presented you with a difficult situation, take a risk by listening to your inner voice.

A large and warm white terry robe, if in a dream you happily wrap yourself in it, symbolizes melancholy and a lonely state. You dream of meeting your soulmate.

Who was wearing a white robe in the dream?

I dreamed that someone was wearing a white robe

A white robe worn by someone in a dream means that your requests for help will be ineffective. You don’t need to rely too much on the person from the dream, since she won’t help you.

Dream about mom in a white coat

You dream of your own mother dressed in a white robe - get ready that she will soon be overcome by illness. Mom will greatly need your support and care.

Man in a white coat according to the dream book

If you dreamed that you saw a male doctor in a white coat - be attentive to your health. Try to have your body examined at the clinic for possible diseases.

What did you do with the white robe in your dream?

Washing a white robe in a dream

The interpretation of a dream in which the dreamer washes white coats is the likelihood of health problems. This can distract you from solving important problems.

Why dream: giving a white robe

The Felomena dream book warns the dreamer who gives a white robe that in the near future he may create a problematic situation in the family in reality by receiving his friend at home as a guest.

I dreamed that I was wearing a white robe

Wearing a white coat in a dream means dexterity in doing work and enjoying professional work. But this is provided that you listen to the advice of those senior in position and experience.

New robe

Dream Interpretation New robe dreamed of why you dream about a New robe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a New Robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.


Dream Interpretation Bathrobe dreamed of why you dream about a Bathrobe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bathrobe in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

If you dream that you are in a bathhouse, then the dream foretells you profitable deals and success. If you accidentally entered a bathhouse in a dream, then you will encounter many difficulties that you did not expect. You will be able to safely cope with all the difficulties and troubles if in a dream you leave the bathhouse “dry”. If the bathhouse is too hot, then expect trouble through your relatives. A cold bath in a dream is a bad omen. Being dressed in a bathhouse is a harbinger of worries and disappointments. See interpretation: clothes, wash, soap.

If in a dream you see a bathhouse and watch what happens there, then grief, powerlessness, hopelessness, deception and disappointment await you. Seeing a woman in a bathhouse is a harbinger of grief and worry; seeing a man is a harbinger of imminent financial difficulties. Undressing in the bathhouse but not washing is a harbinger that someone will be angry with you for a short time. The blood you see in the bathhouse is a bad omen and warns you of mortal danger. Seeing people dancing and having fun in a bathhouse in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent and serious illness. The dream warns you that you should take care of your health. See interpretation: water, dance.

Taking a steam bath is a bad company that you will soon get tired of. Sometimes a dream predicts that you will be undeservedly offended. However, if you felt very comfortable there, then pleasure and good news and profit await you. For a patient, such a dream predicts recovery from an illness. A dream in which you wash in a bathhouse predicts that you will soon have problems at home or at work caused by rumors and slander that your enemies spread about you. The dream foretells that shame and disgrace await you if you continue to behave imprudently and tell too much about yourself to everyone you meet. Sometimes such a dream portends you illness or a stop in business. Washing with hot water is good for sick people. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business. See interpretation: bath, swim.

If in a dream you see others washing in a bathhouse, then soon you will learn interesting news about the people you are interested in. For a poor person to be in a bathhouse and see someone helping him is a sign of an imminent and long-term illness. Singing songs and having fun in the bathhouse is a dream foreshadowing obstacles, losses, and sometimes imprisonment. See interpretation: music.

Emptying yourself in a bathhouse means shame and dishonor. In addition, you should be wary of the machinations of envious people and beware of taking part in dark and risky matters. See interpretation: shit, urine.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

In mythology it has been said more than once that not only mere mortals, but also gods loved to use the bathhouse. During excavations in Greece, the ruins of ancient wells and pools were discovered. It was believed that the bathhouse brings strength, beauty and health to a person.

The great sage Socrates loved and appreciated the bathhouse, believing that it brings health and clarity of mind to a person.

In Rus', people could not imagine life without a bathhouse. “Russian bone, loves warmth,” so says popular wisdom. In the baths they were treated, told fortunes, and cast spells.

In fairy tales, before solving some difficult matter, the good fellow was first taken to the bathhouse. These traditions were followed by the evil Baba Yaga, Koschey, and other evil spirits. People say about the bathhouse like this: “The bathhouse is the second mother. You’ll steam your bones, you’ll direct your whole body.”

If in a dream you saw yourself in a hot bath, it means that in reality such a dream promises you only good things. Luck will not leave you with its attention.

A dream in which you take a steam bath in your clothes warns you that because of your negligence you will receive a fair reprimand from your boss.

Being in a cold, unheated bathhouse in a dream is a bad sign. You need to pay more attention to your health.

If in a dream you feel the scorching heat of a bathhouse, then this is a sign that in reality you are destroying someone else’s well-being with your actions.

A dream in which you are steaming in a bathhouse and painfully whipping yourself with a broom means that you yourself, by your behavior, will give food to rumors and gossip.

Getting burned in a bathhouse with hot steam means unrequited love and emotional distress.

If you see yourself in a dream telling fortunes in a bathhouse, be careful! In reality, you are haunted by failures, as a result of which you feel like a person driven into a corner.

To dream about how you are building a bathhouse means that in real life you strive for peace and home comfort.

Slipping on the floor in a bathhouse is a sign that someone in your household will commit an ugly act towards you.

Steaming in a new bathhouse is a sign that in reality you have such a bad quality as envy.

To see a bath broom without leaves in a dream means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will cause indignation and condemnation of others.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

An unexpected illness far from home, an accident on the road is possible. Bathhouse without water - the cause of the accident will be a woman.

Closing your eyes, imagine that you are leaving the bathhouse under a canopy carried over you by four Arabs (see Arab, Canopy).

Public bathhouse - you have fallen for the sharp tongues of local gossips; this will not cause you serious trouble, but it may ruin your relationship with some colleagues. Whipping yourself with a broom in the company of strangers - you yourself have given rise to conversation. Sitting in a sauna - gossip will destroy your expectations, the effort expended on making your dreams come true will not bring results.

It is necessary to move from water procedures to the true purpose of the bath. Imagine that you went into a steam room and let in as much steam as possible.

Singing songs in the bathhouse - illegal actions will lead you to prison.

Imagine that you sang songs after a bath at the table with friends, drinking aromatic tea. To avoid catching a cold, you wrapped your hot body in something (see Wrapping yourself in something).

Wash in a small bath - water can not only refresh the body, but also wash away all the hardships and troubles. The grief and worries that have haunted you lately will recede. Seeing yourself in a steam room - you will find an extraordinary way to put everything in its place. After the bath, drink tea with friends - the worries of the last days were in vain. Only success awaits you in all your endeavors.

Imagine pouring a lot of clean, cool water over yourself, which not only washes away any remaining soap, but also brings you a feeling of freshness and peace.

To enjoy bath procedures - your home is your fortress. Everything in your family is going as well as possible.

Imagine that you have repeatedly repeated bath procedures that bring you joy.

Building a new bathhouse - soon a person will appear in your life who will become your soul mate and will walk hand in hand with you through life.

Extend your sleep mentally and imagine how you carefully line the bathhouse with new, strong boards (see Boards).

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

A bathhouse is a place where you can have a good time, wash yourself, but also get into an awkward position. “Go to the bathhouse,” - if you dreamed of someone you know in the bathhouse, among other things, it is possible that you “sent” him. If you whip yourself painfully with a broom in the bathhouse, then you are punishing yourself for something. Getting burned in a bathhouse with hot steam means unrequited love. Slipped in the bathhouse, made a mistake. If you are a man and find yourself in a women's bathhouse, then you clearly do not have enough “warmth”.

Dream Interpretation - Bath

A bathhouse with clean water, light steam, in which it is pleasant to wash, means joy and pleasure in family life.

A dirty, cold bathhouse foreshadows discord in the family.

If someone dreams that he is sitting in a bathhouse dressed, this is a bad dream, signifying a serious illness, sadness, and care.

Singing songs in a bathhouse means going to jail.

Seeing others wash themselves in the bathhouse means getting into an interesting society.

People dancing in the bathhouse are a sign of illness.

Entering the bathhouse means powerlessness, hopelessness.

Going out is a pleasure.

Seeing women in the bathhouse is a disappointment, an illness.

Men - poverty.

Seeing blood means sudden death.

Men's bathrobe

Dream Interpretation Men's robe dreamed of why you dream about a man's robe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man’s robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

Home robe

Dream Interpretation Homemade robe dreamed of why you dream about a housecoat in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a home robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

Gift robe

Dream Interpretation Gift robe dreamed of why you dream about a gift robe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Gift robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.


Dream Interpretation PEOPLE IN WHITE COATS dreamed of why you dream about PEOPLE IN WHITE COATS? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see PEOPLE IN WHITE COATS in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White coat (medical)

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that you are wearing a white robe or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

Dream Interpretation - White coats (doctors, scientific and technical workers)

It means isolation and reluctance to communicate. The image most often carries a negative connotation.

Dream Interpretation - People wearing white clothes

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Black robe

Dream Interpretation Black robe dreamed of why you dream about a Black robe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black Robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe is a long-term internal illness.

In our dreams we can see a robe in several variations - male and female, medical or home. In each case, the dream will have its own interpretation, which can help the dreamer understand himself and influence future events. The dream book will help you figure out why you dream about a robe. The main thing is not to forget the details of the dreamed plot, because everything depends on them.

The housecoat itself is dreamed of by those people who should pay more attention to their housekeeping skills. It may be worth mastering a recipe for a new dish or organizing your home environment more rationally.

An unfavorable sign is a dream of a doctor in a dressing gown. There are three explanations for this night vision. The first indicates that the dreamer will be ill, and the second indicates that he will fail in an upcoming exam or other test. The third version is suitable for those who lead a wild and chaotic lifestyle. The dream warns them that this will not lead to good consequences.

If in a night vision a sleeping person meets a stranger dressed in a dressing gown, in real life he will not be able to get help in a matter that is important to him, even from close people.

A dream in which the dreamer tries on a robe predicts longevity, prosperity and family happiness. Buying a robe portends joy and good luck, while washing it in a dream foretells grief and resentment.

A bad omen is a dream in which a sleeping person is given a robe, but he does not want to accept it or wear it. Such a dream symbolizes liars in close circles. Someone knows the dreamer well and wants to take advantage of this to harm him.

Interpretation by color and condition

The correct interpretation of a dream, which can help to unravel its secret meaning and influence future events, also depends on the color and condition in which the robe was in the dream.

A new robe portends an acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex, which can develop into a romantic relationship. An old and torn robe speaks of the dreamer’s habit of manipulating people around him and getting annoyed when he fails to do this. If you continue to act in this way, the dreamer risks being left alone.

If you happen to see a bright red robe in your dream, this may mean that your romantic relationship lacks passion between partners. It is worth thinking about how you can diversify intimacy in order to not only brighten up the relationship, but also eliminate the possibility of betrayal.

Interpretations of other robe colors:

  • Blue - portends a long trip;
  • Green – happiness;
  • Beige – peace;
  • Yellow – entertainment;
  • Multi-colored is a sign of good luck and success in all endeavors.

This white wardrobe item also has its own interpretation. It portends a harmonious and peaceful family life. From this moment you can relax - conflicts, omissions and quarrels will bypass your home. The dream book also recommends going on a trip with your significant other.

Interpretation based on the dreamer's actions

If in night vision you had to put on a robe, in real life you will be given new obligations. However, if this item of clothing was terry, you should expect a present or a surprise.

Did you dream about taking off your robe? In the foreseeable future, you will complete a task that has been weighing on you for a long time. Walking in a robe means being satisfied with your social status and social position.

Buying a robe portends a profitable financial investment that will bring profit. His washing represents the desire to drown out the memories of past mistakes. If in your night vision you happened to sew up this piece of clothing, it means that a damaged relationship will soon be restored.

A dream in which a sleeping person is given a robe foreshadows the receipt of an unusual gift in real life. If the dreamer cut it with scissors, you should be wary of a conflict with a loved one. A robe that was thrown into the trash warns against committing a rash act. If you spent a long time choosing it in the store, in real life you cannot decide on any step.

A night vision in which a sleeping person fastens his robe indicates that you should diversify your sex life. This interpretation especially applies to married women. If you had such a dream, you should show your imagination and give free rein to your imagination so that your husband does not get bored and start looking for thrills on the side.

Freud's Dream Book

If you rely on the interpretation that the famous psychiatrist included in his dream book, the robe is an unusual symbol. If you have a dream in which a person is present in a robe in an environment where you need to be dressed differently - for example, at a meeting or a party - in real life you will find yourself in a situation that will put you in an awkward position. To prevent this from happening, you should show less trust in others. By deciding to have a frank conversation with a stranger, you can expose your weaknesses.

Rommel's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a white robe portends a long-term illness or constant illness. If you had to put on a dressing gown, you risk taking on a lot of tasks in any area. However, you should not try to throw them off on someone else, as in the end they will bring you impressive dividends.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of an expensive oriental silk robe, this is an extremely favorable omen. In the near future, you can expect great luck - winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or a successful acquaintance, which can develop into great love.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: