Dmitry Borisenkov personal life. Group “Black Obelisk” in Voronezh: “The young people dream that Kipelov will die as soon as possible

The rock band “Black Obelisk” opened the “Two Lives” tour with a concert at the Voronezh club “Coliseum” on Friday, February 10. The musicians played an experimental program in which they combined acoustic and electric sound for the first time.

In an interview with a RIA Voronezh correspondent, the band's frontman Dmitry Borisenkov explained why he is not ready for total experiments in creativity and where the most terrible songs are born.

- Dmitry, in 2016 the Black Obelisk group celebrated its 30th anniversary. How do you manage to stay afloat?

– First of all, in our songs we touch on topics that will always be relevant. Secondly, we do not chase fashion, but try something new with interest. I hope the fans hear that we are growing musically.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– By “new” do you mean an unusual program with electronics and acoustics?

– In principle, it is impossible to do anything new in music: everything was invented for us. But you can add something new in terms of sound and arrangements.

– Why can’t you come up with anything new?

– For the most part, fans don’t really need total experiments. And so do we. We are interested in what we do, and the listener is quite conservative in his preferences. Therefore, it is not worth stuffing it with experiments.

- Apparently, this is our fate. We can't do it any other way.

– You are not a depressed person at all. Why do your songs come out so sad?

- Don't know. By the way, I wrote the scariest songs in the most relaxed state - at home, lying in the bathroom. Even there, my depressed part managed to creep out.

- So, you won’t go to meet the needs of the public, which asks you for something fun?

- But they don’t ask! A joke repeated many times is no longer a joke. Today it’s funny, but in a week, a year it’s not funny at all. And that's it, you have no songs!

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– Off stage, do you like to joke and play pranks on each other?

- Certainly! Like all rock musicians, we love to joke and discuss women’s charms, even though we are all married. We love to push each other. Guitarist Misha Svetlov gets the worst of it – he’s such an unlucky person! Then, however, he wins back. Recently at a concert I forgot the name of the invited group - “Perspective”. I asked him to whisper in my ear. And he took it and announced into the microphone to the whole hall: “This is something you will never have!”

– You once said that Russian rock is young and drunk. Why do you think musicians become drunkards?

– Rock, in principle, is a little different from our culture, it came from outside, and therefore is alien to the Russian people. A person who makes rock music puts a lot of effort and energy into it, but has almost no return. Therefore, at some stage, many young rock musicians quickly burn out and drink themselves to death, leading a semi-homeless lifestyle. But starting a new life after 30 years is already difficult. Playing music for free is good with friends at the dacha, around the fire, in the hallway, having a beer. No one needs to create a group that has no commercial promotion. If you sing only for money, there must be a corresponding repertoire. If you sing for yourself, it is a matter of compromise between earnings, your personal preferences in music and the interests of the public, which largely dictates what you should do.

– Did you manage to get rich by exploiting the popular brand “Black Obelisk”?

- No. This worked for the first few years after the band's revival. The public had many associations with Anatoly Krupnov, they wrote us a lot of negative reviews. Now they have not compared for a long time.

– Are you interested in modern rock music?

– It seems to me that modern musicians are better than us: the technique of playing guitars and drums is developing, and performing skills are growing. True, there are no more good songs. I like artists who experiment and are not afraid of new things. I don't like stamps. Unless this stamp is so filigree and professionally executed that you gasp with delight every time. We are friends with the group "Aria", our sound engineer now works for them. For some, Aria is the flagship of Russian rock, for others it is the Kipelov group, and for others, Aria and its former vocalist Valery Kipelov are inseparable. But there are young musicians who consider “Aria” and Kipelov to be old school, old men who have long belonged in a landfill. They dream that they will die quickly. They are waiting for Kipelov to die and they will take his place. They think that their voice will immediately erupt and their songs will be trampled, because Kipelov’s hits do not allow their million “masterpieces” to go into circulation.

– When you started in the USSR, what did you miss?

– Tools and equipment. Everything else was there.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– Now you have both tools and equipment. What is missing from Soviet times?

- Fairy tales. She disappeared. In the Soviet Union, rock music was something cosmic, unattainable. It was as if aliens were playing her. We had absolutely no idea what rock musicians were like in reality—whether they were people at all. Now I know it. And many of those people have already disappeared. This is what is missing.

– Do your fans know what you are like in reality? How much trust do you have with them in your personal relationships?

– I don’t advertise my life: you know less, you sleep better. Let pop stars show off their butts on Instagram for the sake of fame, we don’t need that! We give the viewer a musical history, a certain nostalgia. Sometimes people come up and say thank you: “Thank you for saving my life. I was depressed, but I listened to your music and realized that I was not alone in this world.” This, I believe, is where our trusting relationship with the public lies, and not in photographs from the toilet or bathroom.

– Dmitry, in what state are the best songs written?

- It depends. Any person has periods when he is at a disadvantage. In a completely depressed state, you don’t want to do anything at all. Fortunately, I don’t suffer for long and I recover quickly. And I like to write songs in a state of idleness.

– And do you often manage to do nothing?

- No, and that’s the problem. Life, group, children interfere. The youngest daughter will soon be three years old. She is very funny, perky, smart, and already counts. A little capricious, sometimes. And she is also terribly businesslike: she is always building something, sculpting, drawing. When I’m at home, he asks me to let me play with my tablet: he’ll draw a kulyu-mulya on it, and I have to guess what it is. He also loves to sing. They learn songs in kindergarten, and then she sings them to my mother and me at home.

– Who is she so musical in – you or your wife?

- Don't know. My wife used to play the violin. But we don’t have instruments at home, I don’t even keep a guitar in the apartment. If inspiration strikes, I don’t need an instrument—I can “write it down” in my head. I’ve had this since childhood: you’re riding a bike with a can of milk, and music is spinning in your head.

– You have no musical education. Do you regret that you didn’t get it?

- No. Svetlov knows only two chords – that’s enough for him. We play rock, not classics. I graduated from a vocational school with a degree in “Adjuster of automatic lines and CNC machines.” This has not been useful to me in life, I haven’t even completed my internship: I have been absent for 1 year and 10 months.

– Recently, the group “Spleen” released a new album, “Keys to the Code,” in which they encrypted a message to fans. Do you think the author should explain the meaning of his songs, or is it better to leave it to the listener?

– When you explain what your song is about, you reveal all your cards: the second, third bottom disappears. There is only one meaning left. But it seems to me that every person is looking for something different in a song.

Photo – Natalya Trubchaninova

– Do you like to “dig” into the work of other musicians?

- I like to take things apart. This is my profession, you should know it all from the inside. Including people who write texts. A talented author is immediately visible; a template cannot be applied to him.

– Does the Leningrad group do everything according to a template?

– I don’t consider the Leningrad group to be rock music, it’s a show, a farce, a spectacular event. I won’t say that I am delighted with all of Shnur’s thoughts and statements, but for an adult with a stronger psyche, his work is quite digestible. The cord found a weakness in the listeners, realized that this is what was weakening, and blew in that direction.

– Does “Black Obelisk” now have songs that you could shoot with?

- Eat. But they don’t take them - we don’t fit into the concept of radio and television. Don't care! You can't please everyone. So we made a new song “Autumn”. And on the radio they told us: “Ugh, mothballs!” But at the same time they are spinning such 20-year-old mothballs that it already smells stinking. It doesn't bother me, it makes me angry.

“It happens that resentment prompts you to do something so that everyone gasps.

- It's about me! But now it’s difficult to surprise the viewer. Artists just don’t turn themselves inside out on stage to surprise. There are many people who sing better than me. There are plenty of musicians who play better than us. We can only surprise with our music and arrangements. Of course we need fame. If an artist has no ambition, it's strange. For some, singing once a week is enough for their relatives. But if you get on stage, you have to go to the end: the larger the audience, the better!

The group "Black Obelisk" was formed in Moscow in 1986. The leader, author of lyrics and most of the compositions was bass guitarist Anatoly Krupnov. Under his leadership, the group changed its sound and composition of musicians several times, and in 1988 it disbanded. Two years later, Krupnov revived the group. In the period from 1990 to 1997, the signature, unique sound of “Black Obelisk” was formed, the landmark albums “The Wall”, “Another Day”, “I Stay” were released. Anatoly Krupnov died on February 27, 1997 from a heart attack while working in the studio on his fourth album. In 1999, former members recreated the group, with Dmitry Borisenkov becoming the vocalist and songwriter.

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Dmitry Borisenkov (vocals/guitar) answered questions Hello! I’ll start from afar, from those ancient Soviet times. You took part in the musical life when there was still the Soviet Union, right?

Dmitry: Yes, there was still the Soviet Union. We knew all the musicians from Black Obelisk long before I got there. And I got there in 1991... In what form did music exist during the Soviet Union? After all, there was no such openness as there is now - there are a lot of concerts, events, etc.

Dmitry: On the one hand, there was some kind of curtain, there was no such obvious freedom as there is now. But in perestroika times there were already all sorts of rock laboratories, and there were no problems with concerts at all. Everyone did what they wanted. Before perestroika, yes, you couldn’t play much, everything was semi-official. But it is impossible to say that they did not allow him to live at all. Naturally, if you start singing anti-Soviet things, you’ll ask for it, there’s no need to get into trouble, but this is how, in principle, people made money from music. In general, everything was fine. The only thing is that in order to study music, you had to study somewhere, finish something, you couldn’t just study music and earn money. Anatoly Krupnov died in 1997. In 1995 you broke up...

Dmitry: Basically, it all ended in 1995. This happened with both Aria and the Black Obelisk.... There were no large venues, and clubs had not yet appeared. And those that appeared were not needed by anyone. For 2-3 years this topic was generally closed, then another default occurred in 1998; from 1995 to 2000, the situation for music was quite gloomy. What was the reason for the reunion of the Black Obelisk band and the continuation of creative activity?

Dmitry: Yes, we once met backstage at a concert in Gorbushka, there was some kind of festival. We listened to what people were playing there and thought, maybe we should play too. That is, it spontaneously happened: “Let’s play!” You can’t call it an obelisk anymore. There wasn't even a name. And then - what happened, happened. How did such a desire arise in the Soviet Union - to play rock music?

Dmitry: I just wanted to. It’s all about youth, it’s interesting to do what you’re interested in doing. So at first it was fun, then something started to work out. How did you start making music?

Dmitry: I had a friend, he studied piano at a music school. Then he and I became interested in music and listened to everything. He started replaying the Beatles, Queen... He asked me to play the guitar. Then I got a bass guitar and I liked playing it. It’s simpler than on a regular guitar, it still has 4 strings. I liked it, in general. I understand what I hear, it turns out. I got the hang of it all pretty quickly and instantly mastered the game. Then they played at some school party, some crazy themes of their own, maybe they inserted one song by famous authors into the program. And I didn’t give up on this anymore. Fortunately, there were also acquaintances with musical education who did internships in housing offices, red corners, worked with young people, and we hung around them there. We rehearsed what we wanted and how we wanted. Queen, Beatles - the work of these bands was not so easy to get in Soviet times. Where did you get them from?

Dmitry: At one time there was such a scheme: a man lived on Frunzenskaya, we called each other, you come to him, give him a “reel”, in the sense of a “reel”, money, and wait an hour or two until he writes it all down for you. I also knew some collectors; one lived in a neighboring house. In principle, for little money you could write it off or buy it. We can say that, in principle, everything was available. Reprints were sold, collections that included one or two Soviet songs, and they could be sold without a license. All the same, they went abroad, it was easier with the socialist countries, they brought them from there. Whoever wanted it got it. The first rock band I heard, funny as it may seem, was Pink Floyd - in the village on a cassette player. And then also Queen. Liked. At first I didn't know what it was. Then I found what it was. Before Black Obelisk, what projects were you involved in?

Dmitry: There was such a project, they played hard rock. Before that I played with them. But there people were addicted to marijuana and vodka, and I had to part with them. You will soon be releasing an anniversary album "A Tribute to the Black Obelisk. XXV". Will it include re-covers and rearrangements of old songs, or will new things also be included?

Dmitry: People take what they want for cover. Even we don’t really steer there. But it’s not a fact that the circulation of this publication will be large; I think we will make it limited. It will be expensive and will be available only to those who really need it. So there will be some kind of colorful booklet there? A collector, in general?

Dmitry: Yes, we will make it beautiful, expensive, good, and of high quality. There will be no cheap editions. Accordingly, it will be impossible to simply buy it in stores. Only by order or at concerts. Did you make this collection in order to consolidate this “25 years” point?

Dmitry: The tribute is not our idea at all. In principle, we have nothing to do with it. That is, this is the personal initiative of certain people. We are not producing it in any way, we have nothing to do with it, except for the authorship of the songs. 25 years is such a long time. How many years did you spend in this team?

Dmitry: Almost 12 years. Something like this. The group is considered the history of Russian rock music and metal. Such, one might say, a living legend. What do you think about this?

Dmitry: Who thinks so? It’s all in our heads, no one included us in any annals or gave us any medals. Accordingly, someone considers us to be old farts and a worthless group, not fashionable, but they still think differently. The younger a person is, the more categorical he is and the less understanding he has of what is happening around him. Nowadays you rarely give concerts. Why?

Dmitry: There is no point in giving them in Moscow. Do you mostly tour? Successfully?

Dmitry: Yes. We'll go to Sochi on the 14th. But I can’t say that it’s been successful everywhere. Where it is successful, where it is not. After all, success or failure depends not entirely on the group, but also on the organizers. Everything has moved to such a level that concerts are given by completely incomprehensible people who are trying to make money from their name. What festivals have you taken part in recently? Why weren't you at the Invasion?

Dmitry: There is no point in performing at Nashestvo. Information support - zero. And there is no desire to play somewhere on the outskirts of all this. There have been few festivals this year, and apparently there won’t be any big ones anymore. Last year we went to Yevpatoria. There was a big interesting festival there. And what about the motofest in Lipetsk?

Dmitry: I don’t consider this a festival. Bike rallies happen several times during the summer. We went to the opening of the season, closing, and just for a rally. It’s cool to play at a party, chat with people you know and not so well. Are the members of Black Obelisk involved in any other musical projects?

Dmitry: Markych (Daniil Zakharenkov - bass guitar Black Obelisk - author's note) - participates in Artery, helps. As they say, there are few good musicians and everything is in great demand. The rest are not. So for the rest of the participants, music is just a hobby?

Dmitry: For me, this is my profession, at least. We still have a studio. I personally don’t have a job unrelated to music. Do others have them?

Dmitry: How to say - our drummer, for example, kind of left and kind of didn’t leave. I went to work. We are playing with others now, but it seems like we still have him. Are any Black Obelisk concerts planned in Moscow in the near future?

Dmitry: There will be an anniversary concert in Moscow, dedicated to the 25th anniversary. It will take place in B2. How do you feel about the band's existence for such a long time? This is a long time!

Dmitry: It’s like life - you live and live, drink and drink, whether you go to work or not - it doesn’t matter. It’s the same here - you study music and practice. Of course, there are feelings. Still 25 years old. Well, I have experience, but no prospects (laughs). Do you think that you have achieved something?

Dmitry: No. Absolutely nothing. But the name Black Obelisk plays some meaning among metal fans...

Dmitry: If a person has achieved something, he has some kind of arrangement, a certain status. And what have I achieved? Well, they recognize me on the streets, so what. Well, we wrote some songs, well, well, probably some people like it, some don’t. There are many of them, let's say. What are your plans for the near future? New album, maybe a video? What will you please your fans with?

Dmitry: We don’t shoot videos because there is nowhere to place them. If only on the Internet. There is a good concert from Dnepropetrovsk, well mounted. It has been posted, you can download it and watch it. As for “delighting the fans” - the album needs to be released! What else can make them happy (laughs). We need to finish writing, there are three songs left. In principle, they are written down, you just need to sing them, the lyrics and sing them. Well, we need to move on.

Dmitry: Do we have a choice? There is a choice when you are 20, well, 25. But at 30 it’s too late to choose...

(July, 2011) expresses gratitude to Dmitry Borisenkov and Alexey Chudinov
for the interview provided

Dmitry Borisenkov (March 8, 1968, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian rock musician, singer, guitarist and composer.

In 1992-1995 – guitarist of the group “Black Obelisk”. Soon after Anatoly’s death, he created a group called “Black Obelisk” with other former members (Vladimir Ermakov and Mikhail Svetlov).

“I started out as a bass player. At first I played with the group “Contraband”. These were still very childish times. Then I ended up in some other group... And when I was kicked out of the technical school, I entered the school. There was a local group there that I met. They invited me to join their team. At this time, I just “switched” from bass to guitar... And I “climbed” onto the professional stage with the group “Troll”. It was in 1987... Rock Laboratory was holding the next “Festival of Hopes”, and two bands were missing for the metal day. Anatoly Krupnov, who was a member of the jury, recommended listening to “E.S.T.” and "Troll"

Thus, Dmitry Borisenkov ended up on the stage of “Nadezhd”.

“As always, at the most necessary moment, one of us’s “gadget” failed,” recalls Mitya. “We shook our heads wildly, shouted something... In short, we didn’t really play anything, but we made some good noise...”

Shortly after this event, Borisenkov left Troll due to problems within the group. Then he tried to work with Mafia, Stainless, and other teams, but this did not lead to a positive result. Disappointed, Mitya decided to give up trying to get on the big stage and even retired from music for a while.

At the beginning of 1992, Mitya has a chance to join the Black Obelisk group. After a long and exhausting tour of Ukraine, guitarist Vasily Biloshitsky leaves the group. This happens on the eve of a trip to Saratov.

“I then called all my friends,” says Krupnov, “and could not find anyone suitable. During that period, Mishka Svetlov (guitarist of the band in 1987-88) “surfaced” again. We listened to him, but it didn’t work... We listened to others - the same result.”

And then one day Volodya Ermakov (the band’s drummer) brought his friend Dmitry Borisenkov (nicknamed “Mitya”), whom he met in the bunker at Proletarka, to a rehearsal. And, since there was no time left to search for a guitarist, “Mitya”, after rehearsing for a week, went to Saratov as part of the group.
Returning to Moscow, Krupnov continued his search for a guitarist, and soon, on the advice of Vasily Biloshitsky, he accepted “Egor” (Igor Zhirnov) from the group “Joker” into the group.

Krupnov came to Zhirnov’s studio and played him a demo tape of new material. "Egor" agreed to join "Obelisk".

“I gave him a kind of “metalhead,” says Borisenkov. “Too hard, too fast... In short, Krupnov then needed a more rock and roll guitarist...”

Despite the unsuccessful debut in the spring of 1992, Borisenkov was not forgotten at Obelisk. When in the summer of 1992 “CHO” was again left without a lead guitarist, they remembered “Mita”. Since then we have had the happiness of seeing him on stage.

And what does Borisenkov himself think, why was he hired at Obelisk?

“Probably, this is the merit of Sasha Yurasov (then he was a CHO technician),” says “Mitya.” “I helped him record a phonogram for someone, and then he gave this “plywood” to Krupnov to listen to. Tolik listened to my solo parts on it and decided to take me to his group..."

“We did not immediately approve Mitya completely. We decided: we’ll take it, and then we’ll see. But he somehow “stuck” and played better and better each time. I understood: he is what we need.”

In addition to the guitarist in the person of Borisenkov, “CHO” found a good opponent for Krupnov. Now Tolik’s monologues from the stage have turned into dialogues between him and “Mitya”. And the stage performance was decorated with solo duels between Krupnov’s bass and Borisenkov’s guitar. The first tour of “Mitya,” who was finally accepted into the group, was an autumn trip to the city of Tula.

Since then, during the three and a half years of his stay at the Black Obelisk, Mitya was lucky enough to participate in the recording of the entire ten-year “golden fund” of Krupnovsky classics. We can say that he went through the entire history of the group, filming, reworking and reproducing the parts of his predecessors. His guitar sounds on the magnetic album “86-88” (MS – Elias Records, 1995), The Wall (CD – BSA Records, 1994), demo recordings “96+415”, “I Stay” (CD – BSA Records, 1994).

On May 10, 1993, “Black Obelisk” consisting of Anatoly Krupnov, Yuri Alekseev, Vladimir Ermakov and Dmitry Borisenkov opened the concert of the group “Accept”, and on June 14 they performed in front of “Faith No More”.

On December 1, 1995, in the legendary Gorbushka, Dmitry Borisenkov appeared on stage for the last time with Anatoly Krupnov as part of the Black Obelisk.

(Fragments of “The History of the Black Obelisk Group”, written by Maxim Titov in 1994)

Today we will talk about who Dmitry Borisenkov is. His personal life and the features of his creative path will be discussed further. We are talking about a Russian and Soviet rock musician, singer, composer and guitarist. He is the leader of a rock band called Black Obelisk.


Borisenkov Dmitry Alexandrovich was born in 1968, March 8, in Moscow. He played in the groups: “Mafia”, “Troll”, “Contraband”. This is how Dmitry Borisenkov began his creative activity. “Black Obelisk” - which our hero entered in 1992 as the lead guitarist. By 1995 the team had disbanded. In 1996, our hero joins a group called Trizna. At first he was assigned the role of guitarist, later he also became a vocalist. In 1999, the musician created the album “Eclipse” as part of the Trizna project. The work was never published. That same year, the vocalist announced that he was leaving the group. In 1997, on February 27, Anatoly Germanovich Krupnov, the founder and leader of the Black Obelisk, dies of a sudden heart attack. Two years later, Mikhail Svetlov, Vladimir Ermakov and our today's hero decide to recreate the group. Note that the musician is also a sound engineer at a studio called “Black Obelisk”.

Theater of war

In 2004, Dmitry Borisenkov participated in the “Elven Manuscript” - a metal opera by the group “Epidemic”. There he plays the role of Deimos. In 2005, our hero takes part in the creation of the “Theater of Military Actions” - a joint project of Kirill Nemolyaev and the Trizna group. In 2006, the musician worked on the second part of this album. In 2007, he was invited to participate in the continuation of the Elvish Manuscript. He plays the same role. In 2007, Dmitry Borisenkov recorded, mastered and mixed the album of the group “Gran-Courage” - “The Light of New Hope” in his own studio. In addition, in the song “Seekers of Peace” our hero performed as a vocalist. He sang a fragment with Sergei Sergeev and Mikhail Zhitnyakov, and also played a solo.

In 2009, Dmitry Borisenkov was invited to participate in the project “Dynasty of the Initiates” by Margarita Pushkina. Later the band’s single “Black Obelisk” was released. In 2011, our hero took part in the recording of vocal parts for Konstantin Seleznev’s album “Territory X”. The musician performed two songs, “Each for Himself” and “Saint.” In 2012, on January 21, the new eighth album of the Black Obelisk project, entitled “Dead Season,” was released. In 2012, on February 20, the CD-Maximum label released the first tribute. It was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the group. In 2012, our hero performed as a vocalist on the album “Confrontation” by Sergei Mavrin. He performed a fragment from the song “Epilogue”.

The best

In 2013, the album “My World” by the group “Black Obelisk” was presented. It included the best songs of the group created over the last 14 years. All material was completely re-recorded and received new arrangements. Representatives of completely different musical styles took part in the work. On April 6, 2013, the work of the Margenta project was released. On it, our hero performed the songs “Pied Piper” and “Renaissance”. And on October 1 of the same year, “Black Obelisk” released its maxi-single “Up”. The album includes five new songs. There is also a re-recorded composition from the “Ashes” album and an acoustic version of one of the new compositions. The musicians themselves note that the new record is a continuation of the movement forward, however, it does not involve the search for new ideas, but the development of those that were found during the work on the “My World” collection. The authors emphasize that in this case we are talking about real, honest rock music dedicated to people. On May 20, 2014, the single “March of the Revolution” by the Black Obelisk project was released.

Personal life of Dmitry Borisenkov

The idol practically does not talk on topics not related to music. Fans often ask Dmitry about his family, but in response he claims that it is very difficult to combine a brilliant career with his personal life. When moving to the professional level, you have to make a choice: music or the girl you love. Fans believe that the idol failed to maintain family happiness. He often says that for music you need to learn to sacrifice. If you value many things in life except creativity, then it is best to leave your hobby as a hobby. Otherwise you will have to make a choice. Dmitry shared in an interview the reasons for the impossibility of a personal life: “Most women will not tolerate constant absence from home and small, unstable earnings. Usually family life ends after 5-10 years.”


Dmitry Borisenkov with the Denikin Spirit group created the record “Bringing TCK Live”. Acted as a sound engineer.

  • Together with the group “Black Obelisk” he worked on the following studio albums: “I Stay”, “Revolution”. The team recorded the following maxi-singles: “Songs for Radio”, “Angels”, “Someday”, “Up”. The live album "Friday the 13th" was released. A number of singles were created: “Black / White”, “March of the Revolution”, “Soul”, “Ira”. Among the collections, the following works should be noted: “The Wall”, “86-88”. Video albums of the group were published, in particular, “CDK MAI” and “20 years and one more day...”.
  • Our hero worked with the group “Epidemic” on the project “Elven Manuscript” (as a vocalist he performed in the songs “Magic”, “Blood”, “Sunlight”, “Legend”, “Threads of Fate”).
  • Together with the project “Fear Factor” he recorded two parts of the album “Theater of Military Actions”. He acted in this work as a sound engineer and guitarist, his playing can be heard in the composition “Soldier”.
  • The album “Sea of ​​Vanishing Times” was created with the group “Arda”.
  • Together with the Gran-Courage project, our hero recorded the album “The Light of New Hope.” With the project “Viscount” he released the collections “On the approaches to the sky”, “Do not submit to fate” and “Aryan Rus'”.
  • As part of the project, Margenta worked on the album “Children of Savonarola”. Participated in the recording of Konstantin Seleznev’s records “Territory... X”, “Confrontation”, “Altair”.

AND "Catharsis" The group also visited St. Petersburg "Black obelisk", preparing to release her new album. We talked to Dmitry Borisenkov about the future album, about creativity, about sources of inspiration and about many other interesting things.

At the group "Black obelisk" a new album is coming out soon. Tell us a little about this album. Will it be stylistically different from your previous works?

Dmitry Borisenkov: It’s difficult to describe music like a painting. You need to listen to music. The picture will show the sea, mountains, something else. It's the same in music. There will be fast stuff, heavy stuff, lighter stuff, and ballads. That is, a diverse album.

Will the album have any general concept?

Dmitriy: The album is called "Revolution", and there will be many songs around this theme. But not only about the revolution, as a popular or anti-national phenomenon, but also about the revolution of consciousness and worldview.

Are the lyrics planned to be written only by you or did you involve other lyricists in the work?

Dmitriy: So far it turns out that the texts are only mine. But the album is not finished yet, so maybe we’ll work with other poets.

"Black obelisk" back in the days Anatoly Krupnova was distinguished by a rather gloomy, depressive orientation of the lyrics of his songs. Will similar themes continue in the new album?

Dmitriy: Unfortunately, this focus has largely remained. Although on the future album we are trying to get away from this as much as possible. I want something positive.

What is the reason for the fact that the very specific mood of the songs did not change even after you joined the group? Was it necessary to maintain the same, established style of the group, or was this mood also close to your personal worldview?

Dmitriy: My attitude is quite positive. Most likely, this is a reflection of some internal fears. Internal complexes! ( laughs) Probably, they are almost all out now, I am no longer afraid of anything and can finally create positive songs.

When you were composing songs for your future album, what came easier to you: music or lyrics?

Dmitriy: We never have any problems with music. If it was just a matter of music, we would have released a lot more albums. It always comes down to the lyrics.

So, is it always easier for you to write music than lyrics?

Dmitriy: Absolutely. I can write music at any time, in any quantity.

What inspires you to create?

Dmitriy: Probably like everyone else - listening to your favorite bands. Someone is inspired by love... or anti-love ( laughs). And I always have some kind of melodies spinning in my head, since childhood. This is probably why I started playing music and writing songs. Although, as a child they tried unsuccessfully to get me to sit at the piano.

Whose work inspires you the most? Do you have any idols?

Dmitriy: The first thing I listened to from the present, at that moment, rock was Pink Floyd. My parents sent me on vacation to the village to visit my grandmother, and one of my friends had a stereo tape recorder Sony and a band cassette Pink Floyd. That's where I heard them for the first time. This happened in my fairly early childhood. I also remember that someone from our house had a tape recorder and several reels. I really liked one song, and later it turned out that it was a song by the group Queen. And at some point I realized that I like rock. This happened much later, and I came to this unconsciously, simply by drawing conclusions from the music I was listening to. At the same time, no one passed me by ABBA, nor Boney M. And I probably don’t have any idols. There are people whom I can focus on and look up to, who for me are authorities in one area or another. And it doesn't have to be music. But it is impossible to remain committed to one group or one musician all the time. A person changes, everything changes around him, and in him too.

Perhaps your favorite bands also change over time?

Dmitriy: Certainly! Despite his love for Pink Floy d, it is impossible to listen to them for forty years in a row, and nothing more.

Do you have a song or maybe an album from an early time? "Black Obelisk" which one is closest to you, love?

Dmitriy: I always like the later works more than the early ones, because it seems to me that they get better and better. Although I also like many old songs, I like to play them at concerts. I don’t divide albums into bad and good, but it happens that some songs get boring to play.

When you work on new material, do you write only as much as is needed to create an album, or, as they say, as it goes, and it turns out with a margin?

Dmitriy: When some material accumulates, we decide that it’s time to think about a new album. Then rehearsals begin in our free time, and when we have enough material to record an album, we record it. We've been making music for a very short time.

Dmitriy: Yes, at first some idea is brought, but often it changes in the process of work. We all make amendments together, finish something... Everyone brings their own idea, and people are already catching up and getting involved in the work. Composing material can be an individual task, but it is better to work as a whole group.

Songs "Black Obelisk" At one time they were heard on Our Radio. "Some day", For example. Do you plan to continue collaborating with them with the release of the new album?

Dmitriy: The question is whether they plan to cooperate with us. It's not about us, it's about them. We are always ready to cooperate.

Why aren't you invited to "Invasion"? After all, it seems that this is one of the largest Russian rock festivals.

Dmitriy: Because Invasion- This is largely a commercial event.

In the collection recording "My world" A lot of quite diverse vocalists took part. For example, Lusine Gevorkyan, Daria Stavrovich (Nuki), Alexey Gorshenev, Alexey Yuzlenko, Oleg Zhilyakov, Dmitry Spirin... Why did you invite these particular people?

Dmitriy: Because these people are popular. We need popularity, we need these people. Many of them are our friends, and they did not refuse us. We need to support each other. I also never refuse when I am invited to sing something. There is such an exchange of public: perhaps we were able to attract their public with this project, and they attracted ours. After all, the more audiences, the better. In addition, I personally was interested in listening to our songs as if from the outside, as someone else performed them.

Did everyone choose the song themselves or did you distribute them?

Dmitriy: Everyone chose for themselves. We invited the person to participate, and if he agreed, we offered to choose any song from those that we have. And we have a lot of songs. And everyone found something for themselves. Dmitry Spirin, for example, at first I wanted to sing another song, but in the end I sang "Songs about...".

You actively participated in projects as a guest vocalist Margarita Pushkina"Dynasty of Initiates". You could also be heard on the album "Children of Savonarola" And "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi". And to the new project Margarita Anatolyevna did she invite you?

Dmitriy: I haven’t invited you yet. But I cannot refuse such a respected woman. If she asks me to sing, then of course I will sing. Even if I maybe don’t really like something or don’t like it very much, I’ll still try. I don't give up on meaningful and interesting things.

This is not the first time you have participated in crowdfunding projects. Do you think there is a future for crowdfunding?

Dmitriy: As long as it works, then, in my opinion, there is a future. Crowdfunding is probably now the only way to attract some kind of financial investment in your work.

And it is possible to attract fans who can learn about you from the site

Dmitriy: Perhaps yes, although to a lesser extent. Still, this is more for people who already know our group and want it to continue to exist, and therefore they help us. Yes, not free of charge, that is, first they pay, and then we get to work. And you, in general, really understand what you can count on.

Some time ago, a rather unpleasant situation arose in your group regarding the creative heritage Anatoly Krupnova. Has the conflict been resolved now?

Dmitriy: No. An appeal was filed, they wanted to take away our logo, but we decided it through the court. And I believe that if in the future there are any claims against us again, we will again go to court, because communication simply does not work in words, and there is no point in trying to continue it.

Is a memorial concert possible? Anatoly Krupnova at least for his 50th birthday?

Dmitriy: No, there will be no more such concerts. At least for our group, because we don't want trouble. If people don't want us to do these kinds of concerts, we won't do it. Maybe they themselves are planning to organize some kind of memorial evenings. We won't bother them. And if they call, we, of course, will take part. There is no confrontation on our part. If they want to cooperate with us, we will respond. Well, if not, then no.

Let's talk a little about your fans. How do you think the image of a fan of your particular band has changed over time?

Dmitriy: If we take, say, our concert 15 years ago and our current concert, then the difference is visible to the naked eye. If earlier these were mostly rabid, drunken metalheads, then recently, it seems to me, the public has become more sane. And this only makes us happy. I am for healthy people.

That is, you are more pleased when there are people in the first row...

Dmitriy: Beautiful girls! Of course, they make us happier than unwashed, unshaven metalheads ( laughs).

This is not the first time you have played with the band. Catharsis and with other groups. Which of your colleagues is more interesting and easier for you to play on the same stage with?

Dmitriy: Actually, there are not very many groups. But Catharsis- This is one of the friendliest teams. We communicate off stage, we know these people for a long time and well. And we please each other with all sorts of drinks ( laughs).

Last year at a Moscow club Gogol your acoustic concert took place, and in February of this year you and your acoustics went to St. Petersburg. Are you planning any more similar experiments?

Dmitriy: Why not? There would be a desire. Now we’ll do this program, a presentation of the album, and then maybe we’ll play an acoustic concert.

Thank you Dmitry Borisenkov for a fascinating conversation and Alexey Chudinov for assistance in organizing the interview.

Material prepared by Olga “Reina” Vasilenko